IELTS Live - Listening Section - Part 3 and 4 Strategy and Practice

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe hi she was ill as her who Dean Ankit Singh nice to have many students in the class already this session will focus on listening section part three and part four continuing from our first exam that we started yesterday high floor Sun cool deep and many of those who are just joining in this lesson is presented to you by and the materials from AE help calm for the academic version of the IELTS exam check us out there and for the general version check us out at G IELTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm on both of our websites we have loads and loads of great materials for you to prepare for the exam and get those high band scores our academic website looks like this with the blue background click that big red button to join get all of our practice exams the lesson videos over a hundred hours of HD videos and also a fully interactive course and an app for your phone as well of course the site is fully responsive hi Hina nice to see our members in the class as well this is the general version of our website here for general out students again to get access to all of our great materials click that big red button to join and of course on these websites you can get help with your writing and speaking also and you can speak to other students as well for free so check these out if you have questions don't be shy just send me an email adrian at AE help calm and i will do my best to answer hello again dr. krishna nice to have you in the class students if you like our exams and you would like them in hard copy you can order them from Amazon to follow these classes with paperback books just look for a helps academic IELTS or the title GE helps general IELTS students today listening part three and four tomorrow with members will finish the task to that we just started in the last class and then we'll have some speaking part two for everyone so that's the schedule for tomorrow and of course then we'll have more live classes in the following week for now let's start some listening so this is section 3 and section three and four are the more challenging parts of the IELTS exam hi ujin love those emojis every time so make sure that you are really focusing on the questions thinking about paraphrasing and to warm up our English mind and train our ears we'll just get right into this listening audio and so I'm going to hop over to our website here log in at the top into my student account where we have all of our goodies computer-based exams and lesson videos audio CDs and so forth and I'm gonna just hop over to cd1 track number three now students this audio please write the answers into a separate document okay so please put your answers into a separate document and then we'll go through the answers together don't put the answers in the chat give everybody a chance to answer on their own okay now if it's quiet for you please use a headset and turn up the volume on your end here we go everyone I'm just gonna double check my audio make sure it's max it is so here we go with listening part three take some time to look at questions 21 to 26 listening section 3 you will hear three students organizing a class project now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 26 I just got an email from the professor saying the due date for our European history group project has been pushed back to Monday great that means we'll have the weekend to work on it I suppose that's good news but I don't really want to do any homework on my weekend I have plans to go over my girlfriend for some relaxation this weekend I suppose that's understandable maybe we should just have it done by Friday the original due date that gives us today and Thursday to finish it we can do that I think I'm available tomorrow how about we spent today planning it a scientist to take home with us and do tonight and then meet tomorrow and put it all together does that sound right that works for me that doesn't work too well for me my afternoon is very busy I guess I'll just have to burn the midnight oil tonight what has you so tied up Evan I have a basketball game after school today and they're my favorite football team plays this evening at 7:00 it's okay though I'll get the work done let's get started on the planning all right so we have to come up with a three-panel poster about a topic in European history I already bought the material for the poster so we don't have to worry about that how much was it it was three pounds okay we'll each give you one pound for the poster board no don't worry about it my dad paid for it anyway sounds good to me right then since there's three of us my idea was that two of us could take care of the writing part of the project while one of us could look after the artwork making the poster look smart I'll do the artwork I think I'm a pretty good artist I'll be happy to do half the writing what topics are we going to choose well the professor said the topic has to be an event that took place somewhere between 1400 and 1800 so we can't do either of the world wars that's too bad my ties an expert on the Second World War and he could have helped me with my part what are we going to do instead you now have some time to look at questions twenty-seven thirty now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 27 to 30 I was reading my textbook the other day and I read some really interesting information on the French Revolution that's a really good idea I know how about instead of doing a summary of the French Revolution we arise about some of the people involved instead I like the idea so who are some of the important people well there's the king louis xvi rose fear was important I think yes he was and of course Napoleon Bonaparte we should have four people so you can each write about two people how about Marie Antoinette okay so we have four historical figures each of you are going to write about two now we have to decide how much we're going to write remember we have to fill up a three board poster that's a good point about the three board poster maybe we should do a fifth person then we can have two figures on each side with one in the middle good idea we can make the middle one really important we'll make that one Napoleon that's for fifth person how about Voltaire good so how about I do the important one on Napoleon and a smaller one on rope spear okay and I'll do the other three how long should each topic be I'd say 200 words each for the small ones and 450 for the big one on Napoleon I think that sounds about right what do you think about meeting up that is the end of section 3 you will now have half a minute to check your answers and always use that half a minute wisely to check your answers make sure that you haven't made any silly mistakes with your answers that are the questions now let's look at these questions together students and then we'll give the answers and talk a little bit of strategy at the same time so here we go with questions twenty-one right no more than one word for each answer number 21 what day of the week does the discussion take place so when are these students sitting down talking to each other Charlie says Wednesday okay anybody have a different opinion who just says Wednesday a lot of students are saying Wednesday seems to be the right answer now students you can use the abbreviation as well so you can write Wed like that okay into the answer key as well of course the word Wednesday it's a little bit of a tricky spelling it's got that semi silent n in there they will accept this answer and eyelid so even if you write this in the answer key for the question booklet right this just because it's faster okay so you can catch the following answers more easily all right okay now let's pretend like you are practicing with another student and you want to check their active listening what's a good question that you could ask what could be a good extra question to ask from your fellow student about this part of the discussion to make sure that you're both really listening to what's going on this is a strategy we talked about yesterday so many students that watched part 1 and 2 know what I'm talking about where you can test your active listening by asking extra questions what could be a good extra question at this part in the audio that you just listened to yeah boo me very good so what day is the due date the submission day better way boo me is the due date so what is the due date yeah and what is the due date so what is the new due date for this project anybody catch that answer so the original date of submission is Friday and the new due date is Monday very good yeah that was Monday okay the original is Friday okay and the students say let's finish it for the original due date which gives us today and tomorrow to work on it what does that mean it means that they are having their discussion on Wednesday right that's how we know so this is active listening and it definitely makes studying for the IELTS more interesting and more fun than just looking at the questions on the paper and by doing this kind of practice regularly you will increase and your score and improve your active listening okay yeah that's right boo me so says the professor pushed back the date from Friday to Monday right and then they say well let's finish it for the original date Friday which gives us today and tomorrow to work on it okay so here you had to fill out this table I got to it a little bit late sorry about that but I think you should still have gotten this if you're actively listening for it so here we have the group task and then when the task is done by this group so they said okay let's do this today so what are they planning to do today number 22 they're planning to do the planning that's right puja Bumi dr. Krishna very good yeah they're planning planning the project that's right run vir Shiro Janine very nice flower son they're planning the project make sure you have good spelling with the double n planning they're doing the project tonight these said that they'll say okay we'll do the work at home so the writing the art so they're going to do that tonight and then they're putting the project together when putting the project together number 23 and it makes sense I mean they're finishing the project for Friday so when are they hoping to have the project finished that is correct yeah very good students tomorrow tomorrow now of course students for the IELTS exam know the spelling of these key words so tomorrow is a double R if you spell it with just one R of course they'll get that wrong okay so be really careful to make sure and dr. Krista says tomorrow or Thursday Thursday is okay as well Thursday is abbreviated as th you are okay so Thursday would be acceptable tomorrow makes a little bit more sense because today tonight tomorrow it's a little bit more sensible but you could have today tonight Thursday okay definitely not next year ciao lubed um all right so tomorrow but that looks up Thursday because Thursday would be a correct answer okay all right and it's one word for each answer of course pay attention to that now multiple-choice we talked about this yesterday so I won't repeat myself who paid the cost of the poster board you have to think about it as well this paid for the poster board and is the answer one of the women one of the woman's dad's or fathers or the man's father yeah the correct answer is B anybody catch what the speaker says exactly to know this so here's a little bonus question what does the one actually say anybody catch the exact words it's some very nice natural English what does she say so again take it one step further that's right pooja yeah she says my dad paid for it anyway right yeah my dad paid for it anyway cuz they say we'll give you one pound each and then she's like nah don't worry about it my dad paid for it anyway right so father is paraphrased as dad of course alright so watch for that paraphrasing very good Natalie you caught that as well okay good all right a poster project it's quite common in US Canada I know in these countries I've participated in poster presentations myself poster projects are quite popular there are these poster boards called a three board poster they kind of look like this and they have three sides to them okay and then you have some information and maybe some pictures on each side of the poster so basically a poster project or a poster board project this is called a three fold poster if you're wondering and you're going to be in university these are used often for presentations at seminars and workshops and such so that's what this is about that's what these students are working on is this threefold poster why threefold makes sense of folds in three places and it's able to stand up on a table so that's the logic of that kind of poster presentation has anybody ever done poster presentation using a three fold poster a three board poster it's another way that we say it anybody do that brochure cow would be a small version the poster presentation they're big okay they're three big sides and then you put it on a table and usually one or two of the researchers stand beside the poster and then talk about what is seen on the poster when people see it okay so I can see a couple people have they're like yeah I've done that okay no boo me people will do that even in high school okay poster presentations all right okay cool so just kind of giving you some cultural and academic insight into that as well all right it's not quite a PowerPoint Alex not the same idea this is actually actually a physical poster okay that you can carry with you and you stand beside it and then you talk about it okay all right so here we go 25 26 right no more than three words pay attention to that and or a number for each answer the topic must be an event that occurred sometime between the years something and something so here you basically need two numbers you need one number comma followed by another number so what are the years yeah 14 and 1800 that's right so the correct answer for 25 is 14 and 1800 okay and you don't need the word and because you have the word end and the question so you just need a comma now this all goes into box 25 on your answer sheet because both of those blanks belong to 25 be really careful students one of the mistakes that I've seen students make in the past is what they tend to do with these questions sometimes is they'll make a mistake in the sheet so they'll put in 425 they'll put in 1,400 and then for 26 they'll put in 1800 so be really careful with that kind of mistake it's a good idea to check the numbers when you're transferring the answers to the answer sheet that's of course for the paper-based exam okay so take a look at these numbers okay take a look at those numbers okay it's important advice so sometimes have a peek at the numbers make sure you're still matching the right number all right okay so let's keep going you had a little bit of break at this point to review the following questions and then you have to complete this where you're matching these letters to the actual people okay so this is matching information to people and this is where again you had that three board poster and then the students said okay we'll put one really important person in the middle and of course you should be visualizing here and we'll put two of the lesser important but also important people on the sides of the poster with some information for each of them okay and you have to listen for who goes where on this poster so a on the side of the poster B in the middle of the poster C they do not include this historical figure all right now number twenty six did I miss that let's go back to it okay sure yeah twenty-six let's jump back to it thanks for reminding me about that's a 26 what topic would the male student like to write on but cannot do to the assignment restrictions so number twenty-six sure let's do that real quick I bet quite a few of you got that one yeah very good Second World War or World War two cool deep good answer but just keep so here students the easiest answer the fastest answer and you should always go for the easiest fastest answer is World War 2 this is okay as well and of course it has to be capital letters so if you write small letters like this this is wrong okay because these have to be big the reason being is that it's the name of the war okay so capital letters shake and of neat be careful the name of any event person place object that's fits specific it has to be capital Karen if you write only World War you will get it wrong because there's two of them there's World War one there's World War two so you have to write World War two the student says my dad is an expert on World War two okay so he wants to write not on World War one but World War two if you only write World War it's wrong you need the two as well okay all right so any special place person object or event if it's a name you need capital letters okay so getting back to 27 28 29 30 you have to figure this out 27 robe Speer do they talk about it yes when you hear it you should definitely underline it that you heard it rob spear goes into the middle of the poster on the sides or not on the poster so a B or C a lock hider and cool deep agree that rope spear is going on the side of the poster so a is correct absolutely Rousseau did we hear Rousseau did anybody hear about Rousseau 428 where the students talking about him no the students weren't talking about Rousseau so if you were underlining who they were talking about you would have underlined these three okay but you would not have underlined Rousseau because they don't talk about Rousseau that's right Hamza they didn't talk about Rousseau so Rousseau is not included Russo's not on the poster all right and then Louie the sixteenth the King at that time during the French Revolution [Music] anybody anybody know where that's going Louis the sixteenth yeah also on the side of the the poster so the King Louis goes on the side of the poster and Napoleon Bonaparte number thirty Natalie says that's going to be be in the middle of the poster he's the only one that goes there right so Napoleon in the middle he's very important so he is B okay good um what would be a good question to ask your fellow student or teammate if you were doing some active listening practice for this one what would be a good question for those of you that have heard the audio maybe even more than once by the way students I definitely recommend listening to these IELTS audios several times over and catching more and more information train your ears so do not just listen one time only to an IELTS audio instead of listening to lots of different audio listen to less audio but more times okay so Eric says how many characters were talked about okay yeah Charlie not what else but who else who else will they write about right that would be a good question asking questions is arguably a more important skill than giving answers so who else well they write about when you learn to ask great questions you will have no problem giving great answers so who else will they write about who else who are the other two people in discussion here yeah that's right Voltaire very famous writer right I believe like that Voltaire yeah and Natalie nikiforov a-- is a very famous woman in history absolutely Voltaire and Mary one net I believe her name something like that so Mary Antoinette who popularized the potato right in the world potato Mary Antoinette yeah she's a very famous and controversial figure a lot of people believe she should not have been killed during the French Revolution so Voltaire and Mary Antoinette absolutely bonus question for those of you who are interested in France French Revolution the start of modern-day democracy when is this day celebrated in France just for fun before we get into listening part four it's a good little piece of information to add to your knowledge of world history so french revolution that's what this poster is obviously dealing with the French Revolution which is regarded as the start of modern democracy that many of us are enjoying today this is a big celebration in France arguably the biggest celebration in France when is it celebrated so French Revolution sort of modern democracy definitely good to add this to your knowledge and what day okay so you're saying it's not 1892 what day is this celebrated it's it's the celebration called Bastille Day in France okay and it is so it's I'm kind of it's for me it's easy yeah that's right Chea and tying it's July 14th so July 14th it's bus teal day it's a huge celebration in France and for all of those of you who are curious it's also my birthday that's why it's easy for me to remember this day because it's also my birthday July my fourteenth so start of modern-day democracy French Revolution and my birthday so there's a little bit of information for world history and a little bit about me all right so I mean here we go although I've never been in France on that day I've been to France but not on that day I should go on that day sometime join the celebration all right okay um thank you viewers thanks students okay let's get into part four so part four of the listening it's a little bit more challenging it's very fluid there's no breaks no pauses we'll add up the marks after so for these parts you definitely want to do as well as possible okay we'll add we'll add up the marks at the end we'll do part four first students let's get ready to listen okay Alex Joseph said it's the revolution of modern aisles yes Alex all right so part four here we go get ready get focused we're going to listen and then go through the answers together again I'm asking all of you nicely please do not write your answers into the chat wait for the end of the audio and then we'll look at the answers together okay we'll look at the answers together so here we go everyone let's take a look at our website here and then let's get into this so max volume omyeon use a headset turn up the volume if it's quiet here we go now turn to section four take some time to look at questions 31 to 40 listening section 4 you'll hear a professor discussing climate change now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40 hello class hope you all had a good weekend today we will be talking about climate change life on Earth is going to have some adapting to do if climate scientists are correct with regard to their predictions of the Earth's rising atmospheric temperature humans and animals alike may have to change both their habits and habitats the average temperature on the Earth's surface has risen by an estimated one degree centigrade in the last hundred years and this trend is continuing at an ever-increasing speed until now it seems that business and the environment of Mehta's adversaries but with the growing profitability of green products perhaps business can play a positive role in the fight to save the environment there is an ever growing consensus that the cause of climate change can be linked to human action to be more specific environmental change is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases carbon dioxide is chief among these so what's so bad about things getting a little warmer you may wonder weather patterns could become more extreme the polar ice caps could melt sea levels could rise and instances of famine due to droughts could also increase on the other hand places such as northern Canada will likely become more productive for farming and mineral and crude oil extraction what isn't positive about the permafrost melting is that the ice is a carbon sink and when it melts it releases even more carbon into the atmosphere it's clear that humans will have to change their relationship with the earth and its resources but the debate remains over who should be leading that change advocates of personal responsibility claim that small personal measures such as changing light bulbs or riding a bike can make a significant difference on the other hand governments from developing countries are calling for economic reparations to be paid by developed nations because after all it is the rich who caused most of the environment damaged and made money from it the other major group that is profited from our increasing environmental degradation are corporations business has always been about production and consumption the invisible hand of supply and demand has long run a economic system and now there is an ever-growing demand for conservation the question is when will consumer demand be commensurate with green technological advances that allow for environmentally friendly products to actually be more profitable than those that pollute one option to speed up this process is to have governments impose true cost taxes on every product that is sold this would force prices to include an economic pressure to purchase or use products that will not cause further environmental degradation or carbon emissions there is little doubt that climate change is going to cause a drastic difference to our environment and way of life the questions that remain to be asked revolve around how to solve the climate crisis and who will pay for the restructuring of our patterns of consumption that have led to these problems with the ever growing desire for green consumer goods perhaps businesses can answer some of these questions by producing environmentally sound products even if business has a role to play in saving the environment it is clear that we all need to do our part section 4 you will now have half a minute to check your answers so here you have half a minute to check your answers and then you have another 10 minutes to transfer your answers to your answer sheet in the paper-based exam and the computer-based exam it's not quite the same because your question sheet is your answer sheet so you're writing directly into your answer sheet so that's kind of one of the advantages of the paper-based exam structure okay for now although you never know that could change in the future as well all right so well let's go through this together give the answers now you can see that there's a lot of paraphrasing here so you really had to pay attention to the information and a few key words especially the topic words okay so background information talking about climate change and of course for part four of the listening it's also testing your reading fluency so there's no break there's no pause you have to not only listen quickly but read quickly so that's what makes part for challenging is you have to listen well you have to read well and you have to think in English okay everybody catch that that's the challenging part of part four is listen well read well and think in English without translating that's what you really need to do to get a great score on part four okay all right so humanity as well as other species may have to drastically alter their habits and habitats and I can see a lot of people writing that okay so habits plural and habitats and interestingly of course now with the the pandemic situation around the world we're seeing that there's even more to it than meets the eye we might have to change our habits and habitats because climate change is of course changing nature as well and that brings about situations like pandemics also so more than meets the eye more than meets the eye indeed okay so habits habitats both of those go into space 31 on your answer sheet the Earth's surface temperature has risen an estimated one degree centigrade this type of information can help you locate yourself in the audio one degree centigrate numbers although you see words here this is a number and numbers can really help you to locate the information yeah puja habits and habitats the plural is required in that case yeah habits habitats okay all right business and environmentalists have been at odds they don't say odds in the audio they say adversaries with one another but the emergence of something may change this anybody catch that yeah Sammy says it's green products nickname agrees yeah green products simply it's goods and merchandise that are environmentally friendly so it's green products if you found this a little bit fast and a little bit challenging no worries it's part 4 it's testing for high bands band 7 8 9 okay so green products is the correct answer there I definitely recommend writing lowercase for the audio here just so you can be faster okay so save the uppercase for your answer sheet all right and then causes an implication so climate change is caused by greenhouse gases specifically what so what kind of greenhouse gas causes a lot of this change co2 yes so the professor says carbon dioxide and they will accept that answer okay co2 so carbon dioxide co2 is the easiest answer to give here and they'll take the they'll take the chemical abbreviation for sure okay that is carbon dioxide according to chemistry so keep it simple okay avoid spelling mistakes whenever possible warmer weather can cause extreme lab weather patterns ice caps could melt and famine could occur northern Canada may become a beneficiary beneficiary means person or entity that benefits as far as good as far as food production is concerned it could become a more productive place for farming very good she Patel puja it's just one word here farming farming okay productive place for farming a big negative is that the melting permafrost contains a lot of carbon which will be released if the ice caps melt of course and as we know now it can also lead to a lot of other problems who is going to change people who think each person is responsible for themselves believe that small steps such as using energy-efficient something or riding a bike can help anybody catch number 35 energy-efficient that's right light bulbs light bulbs a bulb light bulb of course is this object here that we screw in to the electrical outlet so that we have lights it's called a light bulb light bulb okay light bulb all right very good students very good for those of you who are catching these governments from developing nations want develop nations to pay them for causing such environmental damage the economics okay so the economics behind it the something of supply and demand this was quite a challenging question it's two words it's the something of supply and demand and Alex very nice Charlie I think that would take light bulb not plural there okay so that's a good question they would take light bulb this was invisible hand that's right in visible hand yet to actually catch the word there the invisible hand of supply and demand right people want it so we make it so people buy it more people want it we make more of it so more people buy it in English that's called supply and demand in economics economists wonder when consumer demand for environmental products will surpass products that pollute so it's actually a question in my mind right before the class started I changed the batteries in my microphone and I always use rechargeable batteries and in my mind this question came up why do we even have disposable batteries in the world still why don't we just have rechargeable batteries everybody should be forced to use rechargeable batteries I don't get why we even have disposable batteries anymore one solution is that the problem is to institute a true cost tax very good those my little anecdote about rechargeable batteries I never buy disposable batteries students don't buy disposable batteries it's more expensive and it hurts the environment it saves money to buy rechargeable batteries and the environment here we go this would provide an economic something to buy environmentally friendly products okay so thank you Alex he caught that okay like the feedback so this would provide an economic something economic pressure yeah because she shot yeah pressure pressure is good very good pressure so an economic pressure yeah if we say hey you want to buy a disposable battery no problem twenty bucks you want to buy a rechargeable battery five bucks it's pressure to buy the environmentally-friendly rechargeable battery absolutely okay and the conclusion climate change is going to change our way life who will pay for the necessary changes in our consumption patterns with the growing demand for environmentally-friendly goods it is arguably something which can best answer this ok so it is arguably hoo-yeah and they came very good businesses businesses now here again I think Charlie you might be thinking this can I use singular here yeah you can it makes sense so it is arguably business which can best answer this question so business and businesses are both okay for this because both of them are grammatically correct so what really matters with the plural and the singular is that the grammar has to fit the space okay so if it fits the space it's totally okay all right okay and then it is apparent however that something have a responsibility to look after the environment so this last one number forty anybody catch that one and you can kind of guess it even if you missed it there's two words yeah Sammy very good we all we all that we all have a responsibility okay you can't have everyone because everyone would be has okay so it has to be we all okay everyone have is grammatically incorrect everyone has would be correct but because of have you need we all okay we all write the grammar has to make sense otherwise it'll be marked wrong okay students now add up your score from 40 so for those of you who were here yesterday as well for Part one and Part two you'll be able to total your score out of 40 for this listening section and then let's take a look I'm going to darken up the screen here just for two minutes while I show you this okay so we'll hop over to the website here and on the bottom of the website you will find a link to our score calculator these are social media then you'll find the score calculator here okay so click on that score calculator that I just went to there's our score calculator and the top box is for listening you see that there's listening and academic reading so listening academic reading if you type in your raw score out of 40 then you'll get the actual band score so we'll go through a few of them here doctor Krishna says perfect score forty forty dr. Krishna have you seen this listening before was it the first time that's a question okay okay all right um so let's do a few of them so if you got thirty I see a couple people got thirty so if you got 30 out of 40 then you got I guess would be six point five no seven okay so if you got a raw score of 30 then you got a band score of seven in that listening section okay if you got 32 you go out a score of seven point five just for fun 31 still seven yeah so seven point five starts at 32 okay the field narrows as you go higher and higher if you got 34 it's still seven point five okay hit test 29 29 is six point five okay so 29 is six point five if you get one more if you get 30 you'll get seven okay so Nick Haines you would get seven by just one mark okay none says 22 22 is banned five point five all right and then the really high band score started way up there at 38 would be eight point five and then 39 is where you get the nine okay so you can only make one mistake to get a band 9 of course 40 is 9 as well so 39 40 that's a perfect score and then of course for the reading section it's different for academic in general so if you're doing your reading you can check your score on this website a help calm for academic but if you're doing it for general please go to the score calculator at GL to help calm because the calculation is different for general versus academic reading okay so it doesn't work the same way for academic as for general so please make sure you're on the right website otherwise you'll be surprised by the different results is everybody clear on that okay so listening section it's the same but the reading it's different okay the academic is marked more strictly than the general so make sure you're clear on that okay all right everyone if you want to get our other five full listening exams and reading exams and writing and speaking visit our websites you'll find an interactive course there with lots of strategies a lot of HD videos that are structured in a curriculum and of course you can also get our apps academic IELTS health and general IELTS help you can get those apps from our App Store's so link the app academic IELTS help to your website or general IELTS help to this website you can join the app and the website together that's it for today tomorrow I will be back to finish task 2 with our members that we started today and of course we'll do a speaking part too for everyone hopefully everybody is off to a good and healthy weekend and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow bye for now much love from Budapest
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Id: 8Idiw8z3hK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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