IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Band 9 Practice

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days alive IELTS class my name is Adrian and I am streaming to you from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe capital city of Hungary hi everyone welcome to the class hi Pat you I put on a suit on a shoe mock mock get to see many students in class today we are focusing on IELTS speaking part 1 the speaking section as three parts part one is the first part and we're going to take a look at that and practice hi Raghu I saw put on Jay as another one of our members in the class that's great this lesson is brought to you by our world-class online IELTS study courses check us out at AE help calm that's academic English help calm for your academic IELTS needs and for the general check us out at G IELTS help calm on both of those websites we have lots of great materials I'll show you what they look like while we wait for some more students to join in this is our academic web portal here AE help calm with the blue background click that big red button to join and get a my student account and your my student account you will find computer-based IELTS practice exams are fully interactive course paper-based exam books study plans lesson videos over 100 hours over 10 hours of audio CDs and lots of additional services so make sure to check us out there for the general exam same idea green background G IELTS help calm click that red button to join us there high sign up high Danish I'm doing great thanks for asking Danish alright I see some of you saw that Justin Trudeau's re-elected in Canada of course I don't go into politics or into religious topics in live classes because this is for the world not just for those who are excited about Canada so that's my thought on that let's get back to the topic here if you have some questions that you want to ask about our products or the IELTS exam you can send me an email Adrienne ADR I am at AE you can also install our app for the academic IELTS just search for academic IELTS help and the general app will be available next month so that's exciting okay everyone so today speaking part one live classes are according to Central European Time CET classes are usually 30 34 members and 15 o'clock where everybody can chat of course everybody can watch those members chat classes our schedule is also on our YouTube community board we have 5 days of classes coming up all the way until the 26th so this is a speaking class let's do some speaking together ok make sure to speak and repeat nice and loud don't be shy ok success in speaking section depends much on your confidence speaking loudly clearly and believe in what you say alright I Karolina good to see you in class thanks for the waves alright everyone so let's start with some warm-up questions these are also called icebreaker questions when you go into your exam the examiner will ask you firstly may I see your identification please they don't know if it's your passport so usually they'll say may I see your ID and what's a good answer for that first question and there are different ways to answer this yeah well Mar I'm sure our course will help you to get the score that you need okay Bona Conti who - 3 says certainly please take a look good dana says yes certainly here you are Sudan Xu says yes here it is there it is yeah ok Vanessa says sure here it is please take a look ok Karolina definitely here you are please take a look can make sure you're repeating me uh Neil says yes here is my passport sir and he'll make sure you remember the be verb is yes here is my passport sir Preeti says yes of course here it is please have a look yeah if you know what or I did the kitchen it oh you can say yes of course here is my national ID card please have a look okay sure repeat after me may I see your identification please yes of course here is my national ID card please have a look okay excellent good practice different ways to say that sound natural sound original it's very important okay next question where do you work or go to school so at this point the examiner will say I'd like to ask you a couple questions to get to know you better some questions on a general topic for part one where do you work or go to school okay Dana says I'm an Android developer by profession and I start up company apps thrift technologies I'm working here for the past two years Danish careful that's there answer okay that's not the question it's not what do you do it's where do you work or go to school so where is it you need the location so you said the name Danish which is okay but you want to include the location all right so in your case Danish it should sound like I'm an Android developer at AB app Shrieve which is located on this street in this part of the city okay so that's what you need Danish location pay really close attention always to the question markers so here it's where and it's a location okay satisfying times chubby says I work in the public library of Sao Carlos which is situated in the downtown core next to a big park I work as an IT technician okay a little bit more clarity there Vanessa says currently I go to college for nutrition since 2017 at the University of South Paulo and Brazil I've been studying there for almost three years now okay Vanessa said where's the University of South Paulo Brazil located especially in the department where you study okay so look at the question marker students be specific when it's where we need the address okay Preeti says I work at geethanjali Medical College as a gynecologist lecturer in the nursing department where is it located Preeti everybody's missing this part Yvan says I work as a fire alarm system designer at a local company it's located in the city centre okay Yvan that's going in the right direction all right give the address right don't be shy okay Perron jay says well I've recently graduated from University and I'm currently looking to pursue my master's abroad so I don't have a location for my work or my studies if I had to say / NJ you can say I'm we're studying at home and my home is located in the suburbs of and then give the address okay so students be really careful with these question markers okay pay attention to question markers and be specific okay the more specific you are the more quantitative you are the better you'll do so pay attention pay careful attention to question markers okay in this case it's where it's location okay also be specific and quantitative okay so here we go I work as an online lecturer for a and the studio where I present is located at 1095 Mackenzie Street Avenue just outside of the downtown core okay so repeat after me where do you work or go to school I work as an online lecture for a help calm in the studio where I present is located at 1095 Mackenzie Avenue just outside of the downtown core that's specific that's clear that's band 9 okay so pay attention to these three points look at the questions carefully answer the specific question okay be specific and be quantitative that means numbers okay so be quantitative alright because of course questions are connected to other questions and the more specific the better you answer the better your connections will be as well so oh do you work or do you study or what do you work what do you study is not the same question as where do you work or go to school okay you have to be careful here's the next question what do you like about your workplace or your school so again give me a nice answer for this okay what do you like about your workplace or school alright happy Singh says I enjoy my work place because it is situated near my hometown which reduces travel time and cost and the environment of my workplace is excellent what do you mean happy Singh why is it excellent is a comfortable spacious bright sunny quiet modern clean what do you like about your workplace your colleagues our friendly talkative social okay David Valencia says what I like most about my university is the atmosphere is perfect since there is a lot of nature around the students so there's a lot of greenery or green space David and I can breathe clean air the facilities are modern and comfortable also yeah David what do you like about your university right so you have to say i I think we've already had this discussion one's try to focus on your own perceptions okay all right let's see some more Karolina says what I like about my workplace is the friendly environment in my office people are polite and we sometimes have relaxing activities last Friday we played mini golf in the office very good Karolina a really nice answer those are the band 9 answers it's clear accurate very visual I can see you and your colleagues playing mini golf to release some stress ok some offices have what's called breakout rooms where they have games and toys so that employees can release stress so that's really good those are called break out rooms all right ok so let's see one more arune mala says I prefer school more than my workplace because my classmate friends are very entertaining and also the crush of my life goes to that school so I hope to see her there ok everyone I think you're going off-topic careful with that all right ok so some good answers there again focus be specific be quantitative yeah so I really enjoy that my studio and office is bright with three big windows also it is very spacious and conveniently located a short 10-minute walk from my home all right specific quantitative so what do you like about your workplace school I really enjoy that my studio in office is bright with three big windows also it is very spacious and conveniently located a short 10-minute walk from my home I hope that students are repeating these questions and answers because the goal here is to get you talking in a similar way to get those high band scores alright students when the examiner finishes asking these icebreaker questions they're meant to make you feel comfortable okay confident relaxed so take a deep breath believe in yourself just keep going forward the next question or the next part here the examiner will introduce the topic so let's talk about daily routines daily routines are activities that you do regularly day after day okay so let's talk about daily routines when you hear the word routines what words pop to mind so what work pop into your mind when you hear this topic daily routines Kay roshni says Erin's very good roshni this is an excellent lexical resource done she says working out or actually many that often so work out Bruna says habits I'm not tasks yep those are great as well Esther cereal says chores Joby says commitments jogging or running absolutely habitual activities is a little bit awkward I'm going to work you laughs as always so adverbs of frequency like always usually often those are good words to pop in mind and that's exactly what should happen when you have the topic introduced so as soon as you hear the topic in part one and in part three your mind should quickly reflect on some words it's called word association that connect to that topic because you should use these words in your answers to get those better bands pores so let's talk about daily routines repeat after me ends workout habits tasks MIT mins chores jogging always usually often some time great okay all right so the question is coming up what is the first thing you do after waking up okay so the examiner will say okay let's talk about daily routines what's the first thing that you do after waking up okay the day says I wake up early at 6:00 a.m. so after I finish my daily activity like brushing and bathing and then do 15 minutes light jogging before breakfast okay nits hey just the first thing the first thing focus on that okay it's too much information you're going off-topic alright job' says when I opened my eyes I pick up my iPad open up BBC news to get the latest update about the world and check my emails before I roll out of bed okay so when I my eyes or okay good so I took Chhaya be satisfying times answer there and I tweaked it a little bit so I gave it a little bit of a boost to get that bad 9 level response alright so here again the focus is not what you do in the morning before you go to work or school it's what is the first thing that you do the first activity so repeat after me when I open my eyes at around 6:00 a.m. my habit is to reach for my phone and see if any pertinent emails or information came in during the night before I roll out of bed and head to the washroom ok some nice natural expression there open my eyes at 6 a.m. it means you're waking up and rolling out of bed means that you are about to get up and start your day alright good good let's see what else other students have okay so Lonnie Tom bond says when I wake up in the morning from my sleep the first thing I do is say a short prayer kailani very good alright good good a little bit more information a little bit more information usually I thank the Lord for giving me life and hope for a great day ahead ok so Lonnie a little bit more information to get it into a higher band score all right ruff neat color says I usually make my bed not dress up my sheets Rebney i make my bed so i usually make my bed before leaving my bedroom to start my daily chores like brushing my teeth and taking a shower so rub me careful with your missing words you can't say like brushing and taking a shower brushing what brushing my teeth and taking a shower okay Sarah Papa says when I wake up at 6 o'clock I quickly take a shower in order to relax and start my day fresh and clean all right how long do you shower Sarah add that in okay so a little bit more quantitative information when I wake up at 6 o'clock I quickly take a five minute shower in order to relax and wake up and start my day clean and fresh all right Danish specifically on the weekdays my first routine after I wake up is to get ready and prepare breakfast quickly however on the weekends I start my mornings by reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee okay very good Danish try to throw some quantitative information in there all right a deal says I usually wake up in the morning with a prayer call for what okay what's the purpose all right some good answers there all right students so one more time repeat after me when I opened my eyes at around 6:00 a.m. my habit is to reach for my phone see if any pertinent emails or information came in during the night before I roll out of bed and head to the washroom the next question where do you usually go for lunch it's a great question something we might ask from our friend or acquaintance especially if we're curious about good places to eat around the office okay where do you usually go for lunch happy sing I rarely go to the restaurant that is located nearby my hometown happy sing that's not good because you're seeing rarely and here the question is usually so you have to answer where you usually go for lunch if you say rarely that will not help your band score because it's not answering the question the question says where do you usually go came all right let's see some more answers charlie-san well most of the time I bring lunch from home because homemade food is always hygienic and nutritious it's better than street food but if I didn't bring a lunch then I usually go to the office canteen and try some different kinds of foods all right atif con says I usually wake up early and have a prayer okay that's for the previous question murasa says frequently I take my lunch at home with my mom and siblings at 2 p.m. when I come back from college ok good yeah you can answer that so why not you can say that you usually go for lunch to your home ok so I usually return for a lunch at around 2 p.m. to my home and eat a healthy home-cooked meal yesterday it was quesadillas with some fresh vegetables tomatoes and asparagus all right good let's see some more answers Mac wish alley I often go for lunch to a nearby restaurant called manal as I like their food it's delicious and reasonably priced also I love the ambient environment okay good yeah so most of the time I return home for my one hour lunch break because my wife often prepares a healthy and delicious meal like yesterday I had home cooked cream of cauliflower soup and a delicious turkey it's not repeat delicious tasty turkey sandwich all right so get those nice smooth flowing examples quantitative language and you can connect idea close my it said about my office is it's a short 10-minute walk from my home so I make tens so I can connect there I can say since my studio it's close to my home as I had mentioned most of the time I returned home for my one-hour lunch break because my wife often prepared a healthy and delicious meal like yesterday I had a home-cooked cream of cauliflower soup and a tasty turkey sandwich okay one more time notice how it's very specific unique competent since my studio cause my wife giving reasons for my answers one more time repeat after me where do you usually go for lunch since my studio is close to my home as I had mentioned most of the time I returned home for my one-hour lunch break because my wife often prepares a healthy and delicious meal like yesterday I had home cooked cream of cauliflower soup and a tasty turkey sandwich alright sign up says well I usually bring my lunch with me from home because homemade food is healthier however if I do not have much time to make my own lunch then I go to cafeteria in the company and grab some pizza very good sign up a couple of improvements with some colloquial language here we go next question who are people that you meet with each week ok give me a nice full answer for that one who are people you meet with each week ok face little facial says I'm a married woman so every weekend I try to try my best to meet my parents that live in another city as I just did this past weekend I went to my parents home and had a great time Abhishek says I meet multiple people in the week because my job routine gives me a chance to meet a variety of clients also I meet my neighbor in the elevator when I dropped my daughter off at the school bus stop okay I'll be Shep that's good yeah again quantitative language students quantitative language Birendra says since I have left my previous company HCL Technologies I meet one of my colleagues from there each week her name is Ashima and we spend about an hour together catching up on our tasks or our workplace events so Birendra try to tell me why do you meet Ashima right so what's the reason okay dinners and bukka I usually go for lunch at panties which is located at the canal walk I like the week they may wake way they make their pizza that's for the previous question okay Anita says each week I surely meet my colleagues and friends at various places in times to discuss new ideas and current affairs NIT hey very good so each week I meet with at least half a dozen of my colleagues at work to discuss a variety of projects such as the new app that we are launching next month for GL's help calm as well I meet with two to three of my friends especially on Saturdays and Sundays to have a chat or watch a flick all right pretty good here we go repeat after me who are people that you meet with each week each week I meet with at least half a dozen of my colleagues at work to discuss a variety of projects such as the new app that we are launching next month for GL comm as well I meet with two or three of my friends especially on Saturdays and Sundays to have a chat or watch a flick all right if there are new words in these answers sure students to write them down in your vocabulary book so you can practice and learn them later all right here we go Partha Sarathi you were are says every weekend on Sundays I go to the meat shop and meet the butcher where I buy meat for lunch like last week I bought chicken and prepared a delicious mouth-watering Brioni for lunch okay good now careful who are people so this is plural so careful students when you see that it's a plural in the question your answer should include at least a couple different people like your parents and friends your colleagues so it can't just be one person that you're talking about okay the meaning of flick Preeti is movie it's a synonym for movie to watch a movie it's a flick okay the meaning of flick by the way is also this so this is a flick if I do that if I hit something I'm flicking it's a verb to flick okay but as a noun means mu movie okay in colloquial the verb to flick is flick alright flick does not mean beating a room okay flick is not a beating all right we don't use it in that context all right uh next question here we go why is it important to have some routines in life so why is it important to have some routines in life that's a good question and it is I think arguably it's a very important part of life to have routines so Donnie says something to do with discipline put that into a full sentence okay Bruno says is it a problem if I don't understand the meaning of a word during the interview yes if you don't understand a word in the interview and you cannot answer correctly it's a problem but if you can still get the idea of the question Bruno and still give an answer that's coherent nobody will be the wiser so you can get away with it okay Vanessa s says I'm convinced that following routines helps us to be focused and disciplined these are two important points for people who want to reach bigger goals in life this is why I have daily routines and I realize that as a result I'm much more efficient okay good if Ron says well to have some routines is very beneficial because it can help people with their daily work and their schedule to finish on time and complete projects moreover it can save time and show that people are punctual okay alright a friend I think you need to clean it up a little bit I helped a bit there if you're on the right track alright Raghu ROM or member says it creates discipline to do daily activities and makes it easier to achieve goals all right Anil says not robot not sure Anil what you mean by not robot routines actually make us somewhat robotic if anything okay dinner soon Bukka says I think it helps to keep the momentum of some habits such as waking up at seven o'clock making coffee at certain times sure okay so I believe that habitual behaviors are necessary for individuals to stay focused and disciplined in order to achieve greater goals in life I study IELTS at least two hours a day and I have done this for the past four months in order to eventually reach an overall band score of 8 and I simply couldn't do this if it weren't a part of my daily schedule all right good bring it home here we go repeat after me why is it important to have some routines in life I believe that habitual behaviors are necessary for individuals to stay focused and discipline in order to achieve greater goals in life I study IELTS at least two hours a day and I have done this for the past four months in order to eventually reach an overall band score of eight and I simply couldn't do this if I weren't if this weren't a part of my daily schedule again notice that I'm paraphrasing so some routines in life habitual behaviors routines habitual behaviors notice using habit as an adjective here habitual behaviors hey I borrowed these two words those were some vocabulary by some of our students focused and disciplined and then notice the e quantitative at least two hours a day for the past four right to reach a band score of eight so very nice quantitative information and notice students that I'm not using for example or for instance I just go right into my example when your example is clear and accurate you don't need to say for example or for instance in fact native speakers usually don't say for example they just give the example alright so keep that in mind okay here we go next question how have your daily routines changed over the past five years now again if I don't catch all of your comments don't worry I'll get to different people at different times so I have your daily routines changed over the past five years pay careful attention to the grammar of this question here okay so give me some good answers job' says with the advancements of technology over the years my daily habits have become easier especially with Google personal assistant which can notify me of my important commitments and meetings I don't have to regularly check my day planner cha be good okay if Ron says well my daily routines have changed in my life dramatically I now use every hour of my day very productively and it's energy-saving as well I can keep track of time and use it wisely give me an example e fun what do you mean by that okay be a little bit more accurate zeniff says the importance of organizing daily tasks is useful to maintain the schedule and energy furthermore being punctual is helpful in order to complete chores I think the design of that's for the previous question sue 41:21 o says there has been a dramatic change in my life with past half decade as I have transformed from a teenager to an adult and then got married as well which makes my life busier than ever before and sooo how does that change your daily routines okay you still haven't answered that question clearly so you're on the right track sue but you need to make sure that you focus on the specific question daily routines and I love students by the way how many of you realized a hot this is present perfect how have so you need to answer present perfect okay I'll be check Pachauri says ah this is something I need to think of yes it has changed for me in the last five years my morning runs have been more recent I've added these to my daily routines which helped me not only to improve my fitness but also keep my mind sharp okay good so some Corrections there I'll be check take note of those certainly there have been many changes in my every day routines over the past half decade a love how somebody paraphrased that because five years is half a decade I now wake up an hour earlier 6 a.m. as opposed to 7:00 I exercise more frequently and I spend more time staring at my mobile phone it's throwing one more present perfect just to make the examiner realize very clearly that we've identified this as a present perfect question that needs a present perfect answer so or time repeat after me how have your daily routines changed over the past five years certainly there have been many changes in my everyday routines over the past half decade I now wake up an hour earlier 6 a.m. as opposed to 7:00 I exercise more frequently and I have been spending more time staring at my mobile phone okay all right so that's it for today I'll leave the last question to you if you could change one of your daily routine what would it be okay you can answer that last question on your own and send it to me by email to Adrienne at AE help calm just remember students record that as an mp3 and send it to me okay for lots more help with the IELTS exam and a truly student oriented language learning for English so that you can master communication while you master English join our Premium Package at AE help calm for the academic for the general check us out at G IELTS help calm students that look those websites look like this this is with the green background G IELTS help calm click that red button to join get the premium course and for the academic the website looks like the with the blue background and again click that big red button to join us there spend a couple dollars and get on the right path to learn powerful accurate communication which gets you high band scores that's it for me for Dave we had some lovely interaction in the class some beautiful answers by many students you're very very welcome have a great rest of your Tuesday and hopefully everybody is off to a good start this week see y'all tomorrow much love from Budapest bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: C-mCthdiIjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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