IELTS Live Band 9 Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the north pacific west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a super weekend so far i hope you're all healthy happy strong and i hope you're being productive welcome to this class everyone welcome ahmed hi nazanin in this class we are looking at an ielts band 9 speaking part 2 sample response we're going to be doing this together um everyone so get ready uh for that um and as usual this lesson is presented to you by ae for academic ielts that's where you want to go and for general ielts you want to go to on both of those websites we have tons of help to improve your speaking your language and your communication hi rumi kanwal welcome to our members hi husna ankush good to see so many students in the class ready to learn and learn you shall on our websites you can find help to speak with other students as well and practice this is our academic ielts website here at you just click this big red button to join our premium package once you join this website you will be able to go to your my student account in your my student account you will have lots of goodies computer based outs practice exams and so on general out same idea green background click the big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it is well worth it all right uh check us out there when you have a moment okay everyone so um we've got uh lots of classes for you this week coming up with a little bit of a break on sunday monday and um tuesday so today right now speaking part two and then um on wednesday we'll continue with speaking part one and then we'll have a full week of classes and we'll be doing some interview sessions with some of our students in these live classes so you'll be able to check those out that's exciting so definitely be sure to subscribe to the channel and keep up with these live classes to improve your english also get our apps academic ielts help and general ielts help from your google play apple app stores use those follow us on instagram if you have questions uh adrian just send me an email okay everyone let's get into today's speaking so this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and uh speak let's use this symbol and repeat okay so copy my intonation um copy my pronunciation as much as possible and uh if you're having difficulties don't worry about it just keep practicing the video is recorded and you will be able to practice again later the video will be on the channel um okay all right everyone so speaking part two here we go okay speaking part two is a cue card all right so you get a card with questions like this okay uh let me try to shorten this up a little bit so you can see it more of in an eye shot here let me just meanwhile you can read the questions get a little bit of a head start and start thinking about it okay so your cue card looks like this they actually show you a little booklet like they'll slide your booklet and because of covid your examiner is going to ask you not to touch the booklet okay so speaking has three parts the first part you will sit down the examiner will introduce this this part of the test and they will then ask you some questions about you and some general topics like your hobbies your favorite color sports that you play movies that you like and then when they they will only do one of those general topics okay so if they talk about movies they'll ask you like three or four questions about movies that you like where you watch movies and so on and then when you're done that part one they will say okay that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two i will show you a card with some questions on it you will have one minute to read these questions you have some note paper beside you you have your pen you can take notes in the one minute if you wish then you will have two minutes to speak i will tell you when to start when to stop talk about the perfect house for you to live in okay so they will then read this statement and they will say okay your one minute preparation time begins now so from this time you have exactly 60 seconds to uh read these questions think about your answers we'll talk about why that's a plural your answer is uh choose one answer or one topic to think about and then take some notes some useful notes and then speak for two minutes anywhere from one to two minutes okay and this three minute part two is the most important for your speaking band score why [Music] anybody know why so here's a question before we get a little bit deeper into this so why is the one minute preparation time and then the two minutes speaking the most important part of your overall ielts speaking band score so why is the three minute part two of speaking the most important for your overall band score what do you think okay so there is a good answer to this and it's not like a maybe or no it's only adrian that says this no no it's definitely the most important no questions there for sure it's the most important okay why why why is this going to decide your mark so if you're a band 8 this is where the examiner knows that you're a band-aid and not a band six if you're a band six this is where that's decided okay uh chardo says it's because you're not stopped in the second part so you have to build a lot of fluency um yeah chardo that's part of it absolutely uh nazanin says because it's a monologue so you're speaking by yourself uh bakrat says because you're summarizing information you're coming uh and you're coming up with good ideas yes you're getting into more detail as well pardee says because you use a wide range of tenses and grammar to express yourself fluently yeah so there's a lot in this part absolutely so in this part the examiner can get a really good idea of your fluency coherence grammar range vocabulary and pronunciation because you are speaking about a specific idea uninterrupt uh for two minutes and there's a big end coming here let's make that a big and and um this response will also greatly impact your part three because part three is related to part two so your part two ideas and speech are reflected in part three so for all of those reasons um the one minute preparation time and the two minute speaking time of part two is the most important okay uh vocabulary is extremely important for a band six hormone okay um does everybody clearly understand this right now so part two is very very important so let's go through this step by step okay so our speaking part to this time is talk about the perfect house for you to live in okay now you should say where is this house what it looks like what do you need to buy or build this home why do you think this is the perfect home for you so we've got a good number of questions here okay and when you're preparing for task two you have to go through some important steps so step number one is to identify what you're talking about okay so part two will be one of uh five different kinds of categories okay so part two in the ielts speaking will either be an object a person a place an event or an idea and at times it could be a kind of a combination with one being more important okay so um welcome jai neil hi os good to see more members in the class so in this uh cue card uh talk about the perfect house for you to live in um what are we talking about are we talking about an object are we talking about a person a place an event or an idea what are we really talking about here okay background says we're talking about a place okay are we talking about anything else here other than a place okay we're definitely talking about a place but we're talking about something else as well here in my opinion jyoti says he thinks it's a place and an idea a lot of you are thinking it's an idea um yeah i don't know i would actually say it's an object excuse me so it's a place in an object yeah bakrat says it's more of an object right um the idea not so much this isn't really a concept as much as it is a place and an object okay so my perfect house would be more of a place and an object the house itself is an object and it's a place okay and i would say it's more of an object than a place even okay so when you talk about an object what should you include okay when you talk about an object what should you include well you should talk about its appearance okay what it looks like you should talk about its origin where it comes from all right you should talk about its function how it works and then you should talk about its um importance so why is it important okay so when we talk about an object you talk about these elements and you talk about them in this order okay for it to make a lot of sense all right so that's what we want to do and when you talk about a place you talk about its appearance okay uh when you talk about it's a place you talk about the attendees okay you talk about the actions or the events that happen there okay and you talk about its importance so why is it important for you all right you have to learn these students so when you're really giving a band 9 answer to a question on a cue card in the ielts okay you need to remember these very important points when you're talking about an object and when you're talking about a place in this order all right um does everybody clearly understand the importance of this all right okay now step two yeah um that's right uh who said that oh it said location yeah location absolutely is also very important okay all right um so good uh yes arda we will do voice calls on from our website but not for speaking part two we'll do it for speaking part one and for speaking uh part three maybe later we'll do it for part two as well and we'll do more of those next week so thanks for that question okay all right um so now step two okay for your cue card is to identify the topic and the controlling ideas okay so the topic is kind of like what are we talking about here okay we're talking about dream house okay and the controlling ideas are um where why and what i need okay so instead of where let's say location uh appearance reasons and needs okay so that's what we need to talk about okay so again here's our cue card so there's a lot of new people joining in and when you're practicing at home it's a good idea to look at the cue card again and again even in your real ielts you want to look at the cue card at least a couple of times okay so you want to read it twice right away when you get it just so you make sure that you see all the questions and then during your speaking after about 40 seconds you want to look at this again to make sure you're answering all the questions and you're staying on topic okay so here's the cue card again for speaking part two talk about the perfect house for you to live in you should say where is this house what it looks like what do you need to buy or build this home why do you think this is the perfect home for you okay all right so all of these questions first you understand that okay well i'm talking about an object here at home so i'm going to have to talk about its appearance i'm going to have to talk about its function and its importance it's also a place so i have to talk about its location and the appearance of the location the attendees who might go there the actions and the events and its importance okay so all of these elements have to be included the topic is a dream house and these are the controlling ideas now for the next step i have to come up with some good ideas so come up with two to three ideas one of the biggest mistakes that a lot of students make is they think of one answer and they go okay that's what i'm going to talk about and then they realize ooh that was a bad idea it's a difficult idea i don't actually know much about it i don't know how to talk about it um this is going to be an issue okay all right um so let's come up with two to three ideas all right okay uh so give me some ideas what is your dream house don't just think of one dream house think about several different dream homes so paulo recess a big house in the countryside okay a big house in the countryside paulo might be like a rancher okay a big ranch house okay a ranch house in the countryside uh me and it's not hard to come up with two to three ideas just visualize it so mia and think about a house that's in downtown somewhere or a home right it's probably not going to be a house think about the suburbs think about the countryside so think about different locations for homes and what those dream homes look like harwinder says a mansion but where is that mansion um so let's say a mansion in the uh suburbs of vancouver okay you always want to be specific with your ideas all right okay so blueberry good a mansion massive garden be specific where is that mansion so be real right don't just be like fantasy world where it's like oh a big mansion that's made of gold um no be real world right um douche says falling water in the usa you're going to have to explain what falling water is i'm not sure what that is arda says a villa with three stories in the us which has a football pitch and a garden okay we're in the u.s u.s is a big place it's like saying asia it's like saying europe right it's a huge country uh queen anne yuen says a penthouse in new york city yeah okay okay um all right so we've got three choices here we're going to stick with one of them all right um and we'll take some votes um let's see so dream big right uh let's say that the ranch house uh in let's say the ranch house in the countryside in texas is choice number one um mansion in the suburbs of vancouver is number two and penthouse overlooking uh central park in new york city is number three um i'll take a vote on this so vote one two or three so ranch house in the countryside in texas a mansion in the suburbs of vancouver canada that's kind of close to me um or penthouse in new york city overlooking central park let's see who's got what kevin says let's do number three we've got a lot of number threes we've got a lot of number twos as well i would say number two um seems to have the win so we're gonna go with number two but i encourage you when you have some time after this class to practice number one and three so it looks like three and three and two seem to be some pretty pretty popular votes here okay um i would probably choose a mansion in the suburbs of vancouver okay just because it might be the easiest choice to talk about if you don't know much about new york city or central park it could be difficult but if you know a lot about it then yeah that could be a good choice as well okay all right so uh let's do a number uh two uh for today okay we'll do the mansion in the suburbs of vancouver and so now for step four we want to make some useful notes okay and by useful notes i mean don't write down ideas that you will say for sure okay so for example uh don't write down uh vancouver mansion you know that you're going to say that okay you don't need to write it down so don't waste that precious valuable one minute uh preparation time by writing down ideas that you already know so don't write down the word canada you know that vancouver is in canada okay all right uh so let's take some notes here all right first of all uh the appearance of the house okay um give me some notes for the appearance okay and students use english only in the chat right don't uh so respect other people in the chat um use english only shardor vancouver is a big city of about two million people in british columbia canada it's where the 2010 winter olympics were held and it's considered the best quality of life for any big city in the world so it's definitely a good choice to live in vancouver even with all the rain that happened in the last few days it's still a great choice okay um so uh let's uh let's take some notes here okay and uh okay so apollo says it's a wood house um what do you mean by woodhouse uh like is it a log house okay um if make sure you know the correct vocabulary so don't write down the word appearance okay obviously you're not you're going to know the word appearance so um okay uh harwinder don't write down massive house you're going to know those words okay okay anita says large windows okay good so wood to ceiling windows yeah very good okay um it would have an attic okay paulo all right uh husna says 500 square meters very good so yeah the size of it okay 500 square meters uh vialetta don't write down conveniently located because you're going to say that anyway all right ali askar mohammed amir get in there all right okay swimming pool in and out so meaning indoor and outdoor right artist says balcony ocean view right uh two-story very good farhan okay harwinder says luxury luxurious carpets it would be persian carpets all right quinn wants a tennis court very good okay um and you might think of something like 10 bed uh five bath games room okay so you've got good ideas you can actually write down a lot right because these ideas should be coming uh quickly okay all right um so it's origin here uh where does it come from okay so where does your house come from um the origin of your house okay so here first we're thinking about the parameters for an object okay object means um that you're thinking about the appearance the origin the function and the importance okay so uh what would be the origin of this house okay where does the house come from now you're probably thinking like where does a house come from right well you might still need to explain this there is an answer for this okay yeah exactly so um dutch says architecture so custom architecture yep absolutely it would you would maybe have a custom design it would be built okay so instead of buying it pre-made maybe you're going to build it right okay so that's the origin of the house um what's the function of the house so um what would you use your house for okay again think about ideas that might not come naturally that will help you to be more fluent and give more detail during your part two speaking so that you can get those higher band scores so vera says for dwelling or living but don't yeah you wouldn't say that or write that down you can say it but don't write it down because you know that hasn't says family gatherings and parties yeah absolutely uh chardo are very good um for a business as well maybe you're you know a lot of us are working from home these days with covet and such so maybe you'll have an incredible office in your house as well okay yeah there you go now you're thinking smart okay so gathering parties office work relaxing as well i'm sure right in sports because it sounds like many of you want tennis courts and swimming pools so that's the function and the importance why is it an important house for you okay again don't think about words that you would automatically say like quality of life okay all right so parties don't write down living in your notes because you know that right so what's the importance of this home why would this home be important okay yeah arda says it's huge enough for the family so big family okay maybe it's a sustainable home yeah absolutely okay for avoiding bad weather vera very good maybe like floods right um also uh the importance of this home might be for a long happy life right all right now this is also a place uh because you're in vancouver okay so why vancouver okay so vancouver is uh green okay it's rich quality of life it's very safe all right the climate is good okay all right um so those are some ideas about why okay um the people that are there uh culture uh multicultural so you have people from your own culture as well as other cultures right um maybe it's also easy travel and there's lots to do right it's a big city so big city so it's got theaters it's got parks it's got lots to do hiking and nature okay all right so yes you can do this in one minute so in the one minute preparation time that's why i did the place uh without looking too much at the chat i just wanted to show you that you can take notes very very quickly uh when you know what you're doing and when you're visualizing okay so muhammad if you don't have any ideas about vancouver don't worry just make it up right raman preet says there are lots of beaches yeah absolutely very good and lots of restaurants os as well in many kinds of world famous restaurants because of all those different cultures right so now we've got tons of ideas to answer our cue card and again here's our cue card okay so talk about the perfect house for you to live in okay kuch newan says that's a lot of details to talk about absolutely kuch because in part two speaking you do not want to repeat yourself you want to give new information with every sentence that's how you get that high band eight band nine uh score okay apollo says it's crazy to think about talking about all that in one minute it's one to two minutes paulo and if you're not repeating information paulo then they will give you more than one minute to talk they'll give you at least 90 seconds especially if you're fluent okay so the next step here um is to come up with your first sentence okay so think of your first sentence before before your uh two minute speaking time uh this is so you can start right away and be accurate to the topic and you have to yeah equal sign is good here uh you must uh use the uh topic in this sentence okay um no paulo you can apollo if you practice what i'm showing you in the class you can do this in one minute one minute is actually a lot of time so 60 seconds students is a lot of time if you're counting one 1 thousand two one thousand three one thousand four one thousand five one thousand that's how we count seconds in english um then by the time you get to sixty one thousand it's a lot of time so you have a lot of time to think about all of this as long as you're thinking okay if you're staring at the stars and you're just kind of stuck and you're super nervous and you're holding your pen and you're like you're like basically like um well when these live classes freeze or something like that then yeah that's not then one minute is very short but when your brain is going going going then one minute is a lot of time okay so think about your first sentence uh before the person says uh your one minute preparation time is up okay so um let's see all right shardore says the house i imagine i get on well with in my inspirations that's only a half sentence shardor finish that sentence paulo says a dream house uh for me let me um let me do something here just give me a second so you can see these first sentences okay all right just give me a moment while you're thinking about these uh first sentences i'm going to show you what your fellow classmates are saying here so that you can see your fellow classmates along with me okay [Music] all right let's see if i can show this to you uh maybe not this time all right um okay no worries then um okay so uh let's see all right well you can see it in the chat i'm sure anyway okay so apollo says a dream house for me is a mansion in the suburbs of beautiful vancouver paulo that is a perfect first sentence wonderful okay uh jainil says my dream house is a gigantic mansion in the suburb of vancouver bc in fact i think its name as well um it it's called gabbani the gabbani mansion yeah why not janelle use your family name people love doing that here by the way when they have a huge house they'll call it the gabbani mansion okay good arda says the perfect house for me to live in is a huge white mansion with five stories which has a football pitch in its garden in vancouver very nice um os says the dream house i have been thinking of is a mansion in the suburbs of vancouver um that will cost about 20 million dollars okay one million dollars students will buy you an average house in vancouver not even actually uh you need about two million dollars for an average house so a big mansion in vancouver will cost you about 20 million dollars okay all right dixa says a dream house for me would probably be in the suburbs of vancouver since it's a lovely city to live in okay don't really talk about vancouver until the end so about the neighborhood talk more about the house because the question is focusing on the house so careful about that dixa don't sidetrack to vancouver just yet okay meen says for me the house that i've always dreamt of is a two-story mansion located in the suburbs of vancouver okay very good yeah so for me the house that i've always dreamt of is a two-story uh mansion in the suburbs of vancouver specifically in north vancouver sure okay um so there we go that's our first sentence and many of you got it so many of you realize that that's kind of what you need to do okay now uh let's continue so all that you're really doing here is continuing using your notes okay so here we have the appearance foot to ceiling windows attic swimming pool balcony so start describing the look of this house okay so describe the look of this house and combine ideas like if you say that it would have foot to ceiling windows um then it might be a good idea to combine that with ocean view because if i have beautiful windows the reason that i would have those big beautiful windows is to have an ocean view and to have lots of sunlight come into the uh building okay so start describing it give me some sentences i'll look at your sentences and then we'll expand on the uh response on the uh part two response so again the cue card question here is all the way up here talk about the perfect house for you to live in you should say where is this house what it looks like what do you need to buy or build this home why do you think it is the perfect home for you and then you think for one minute and the examiner says okay your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking and right away you say for me the house that i've always dreamt of is a two-story mansion in the suburbs of vancouver specifically in north vancouver this house would have lots of models lots of conditionals here right because it's your dream house okay all right um so keep talking and add information so this is where you add the details okay shardour says turning to the details my dream house is comprised of uh large glass windows from foot to ceiling so that i could look out at the amazing ocean view of downtown vancouver and the inner harbor okay arda says my perfect house has large windows so i can watch the ocean from my balcony or on the roof while chilling in my jacuzzi with a beer arda very nice just don't repeat uh watch ocean view it's watch the ocean or have an ocean view okay uh nita uh says uh it would have foot to ceiling windows with a mesmerizing view of the clear blue ocean besides this the interior would have persian carpet carpets laid over very nice nita okay that's exactly what we're looking for is the good connected detail here okay all right uh dutch says the house has a cubic form and has a neo-classical style okay yeah all right sure this house would have at least 10 bedrooms and five uh bathrooms uh to provide lots of space for my wife and three children it would have a modern design with foot to ceiling windows so that we can enjoy the ocean view while filling our home with precious sunlight okay certainly there would be lots of amenities both indoors and outdoors including a games room tennis courts and a swimming pool both in and out of the home okay so just putting together those notes all right and this is what i'm asking you to do now notice how i'm building lots of fluency and i'm connecting my ideas so i'm saying this house would have at least ten bedrooms and five bathrooms and here's the connective word to provide okay so you want to use these kinds of words to provide lots of space for my wife and three children it would have um a modern design with foot to ceiling windows so that we can okay that's my connection there and that's my use of coordinating conjunction so so that we can enjoy the ocean view and then here's another connective word while filling our home with precious sunlight certainly there would be lots of amenities both indoors and outdoors so here i'm using a co-related conjunction to make the connection and then here i'm using another joining element to keep my fluency okay including a game room tennis courts and swimming pool both in and out of the home so again i'm using that both and okay so know your conjunctions to create fluency all right those are my joining words there all right um so if i need some more ideas hey look at the notes right um so the function and the importance okay all right um so i would love to host big family gatherings for special events for instance on new year's so i would definitely have a massive uh state of the art uh kitchen with a gas stove so that i can cook delicious food this mansion can give lots of comfort to my life so i can live a rich and happy uh life to the age of 100 okay i'm using quantitative language as well so i'm using numbers all right always think of numbers always keep numbers in your head so my three children i don't just say big family but three children and if i say i have lots of family i might say something like 20 cousins okay so keep numbers in your head all the time numbers will help your fluency and will help your speech be more accurate okay so keep that in mind okay let's see what's going on in the chat let's see if students have added these kinds of details okay so kevin bowie says i want to spend my life here because the house is bursting with excitement it has wall-to-wall floor to ceiling large windows which enable the interior to be flooded with light all day as well as a state-of-the-art ac system for around-the-clock air ventilation and comfort beautiful description kevin make sure you're copying what i'm saying here students okay laura says can you uh provide a synonym for amenities yeah another way you could say amenities because i know a lot of you like amenities amenities luxuries okay would be another way to say amenities or another way to say amenities there's a couple ways that you can paraphrase this um utilities okay utilities refer to things like electricity and so forth but it all could also refer to amenities as well okay so there are a couple ways all right let's see what else do we have here all right uh bakrat says it's a spread from attached roshan hotel to the entrance gate of juhu beach with 800 meters with 800 square meters the outside architecture is built of quartz and it would have six rooms you have some good ideas you need to join your ideas a bit clearer it's like you're kind of listing but not really joining okay narendra modi says this house would definitely be my dream home where i want to live with all my close and loved ones in the future okay we said that in the beginning so make sure you're not repeating yourself narendra all right okay so we've got some good thoughts some good uh responses there all right and i've answered a lot of the questions here about the object now um i still need to say origin or what i need okay so since vancouver is quite an expensive city i would need about 20 million dollars to construct such a home and i would hire some architects to design the home exactly the way i envision it okay so this is what i need all right so here we go everyone let's go from the top repeat after me and then we'll see how we do we see we'll see if we have more time i'm gonna time the response here so speak with me copy with me okay and we'll see if we still have some time left at the end so that we can add some information about the location of our home vancouver okay so again this speaking part two question is talk about the perfect house for you to live in you should say where is this house what it looks like what do you need to buy or build this home why do you think this is the perfect home for you now the examiner says okay your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking for me the house that i've always dreamt of is a two-story mansion in the suburbs of vancouver specifically in north vancouver this house would have at least 10 bedrooms in five bathrooms to provide lots of space for my wife and three children it would have a modern design with foot to ceiling windows so that we can enjoy the ocean view while filling our home with precious sunlight certainly there would be lots of amenities both indoors and outdoors including a games room tennis court swimming pool both in and out of the home i would love to host big family gathering for special events for instance on new year's so i would definitely have a massive state-of-the-art kitchen with a gas stove so that i can cook delicious food this mansion can give lots of comfort to my life so i can live a rich and happy existence to the age of a hundred since vancouver is quite an expensive city i would need roughly 20 million dollars to construct such a home and i would hire some architects to design the home exactly the way i envision it okay that's one minute 10 seconds so i probably still have some time okay i time that that was one minute 10 seconds so i still have some time so this is where i would add in a bit more information because the examiners may be still looking at me like okay good job keep talking okay um so the reason i would choose north vancouver as my neighborhood is because it has a lot of green spaces parks and big trees so when i'm not in my home i can enjoy long hikes with my family the area has fresh air and little traffic it is also very multi-uh cultural so i can meet a diversity of people with a variety of interests and i'm sure that i would have lovely neighbors okay now don't go off topic because you're starting to talk more about vancouver in the area now so definitely come back to the house so if you can see like the examiner's looking at you like okay you're talking about your neighborhood which is still related to your home um come back to the house okay so i would say something like this so i would probably have a low fence around my home only about a meter or so this way i can talk with my neighbors when i'm outside luckily vancouver is a very safe neighborhood so i don't have to worry about having a small fence okay and at this point the examiner will realize okay this guy's probably running out of ideas but they've said everything that they need to say i'm going to give them a bad nine and then we can move on all right okay so this would be considered your band 9 response and this would take me about 90 seconds to 2 minutes roughly to say comfortably without rushing using my notes and this is what you need to do to get that high band score okay all right um so yeah kuch newman for ben nine that is normal speed okay that would be considered a normal speed okay um arda the examiner would not cut you off if you're speaking at this speed and you're not repeating yourself and you keep coming back to your dream house where you want to live that idea so you don't start talking about the schools and the ocean and about taking boat rides they will not cut you off they will give you the time because they need to fill their space so um the examiner has 12 minutes for your interview and if you're speaking nice and fluently they're not going to cut you off because they know that then they have to ask you so many questions for part three so the examiner is always thinking about their time limit okay keep that in mind they're thinking about the time limit okay um os we are safe from the floods here in victoria thankfully um all right everyone so that's it for uh part two speaking and next week we're going to have part one speaking for everyone and part one speaking for our members and we'll actually talk to some students in the live class so we're going to be looking for volunteers um to talk with in the live class and then we'll analyze the answers of students and you'll be able to listen not just read but listen to the answers of students so make sure to subscribe to our channel uh pay attention to our schedule we're going to put this on our youtube comments and posts okay so you'll see it there um you can also see our schedule in our instagram we're going to have that there a little bit later today okay so check out ielts underscore a help or gl's help on instagram and definitely check out our websites okay our websites have lots and lots of help for you to improve your communication you can speak to other students this is our general ielts uh website here with the green background click that big red button to join and this is our academic ielts website here with the red background click that big red button to join um just fill out this information and you're good to go it's a one-time payment for lifetime access with lots of hd videos that's it for me for today everyone thank you so much for your comments and for joining this class i hope you enjoyed it i sure had a great week uh teaching you i wish you all an amazing rest of your weekend and i'm sending you happy vibes from victoria i'm adrian signing out for now bye everyone
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: vNuFQHnxtrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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