IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Band 9 Interaction

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hi everyone and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a great start to their week and is looking forward to a fantastic remainder of the weekend hi georgie and good to see your members in the class are ready hi tanush and good to see many other students hai sanvi le kweng here good to see many students in our general english help channel as well chinese gaming all right everyone uh in this class we are looking um at ielts speaking part one so uh the speaking interview it's 12 minutes it has three parts and part one is the beginning it includes the introductions some questions on a general topic and we're going to get into that today while we wait for a few more of your classmates this lesson is presented to you by that's and gee that's general on both of our websites we have lots and lots of content practice exams lesson videos and hd uh interactive tests to help you improve this is our academic ielts website here at you can uh get our premium ielts course by clicking that red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an ielts test registration center and certified agents when you get your my student account you will have access to all of these goodies uh computer-based practice tests online course a mobile app of course workbooks lesson videos and for speaking you have student partners speaking and you have speaking interview practice options as well the general ielts is the same idea with the green background again click that big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access if you have any questions just send me an email um adrian and myself or one of my colleagues will get back to you in short notice uh welcome carolina our moderator nice to have you on board that's great uh we've got lots of classes this week everyone you can check out the schedule on our youtube community board also on our instagram um so we've got speaking right now and then we've got uh reading classes for members tomorrow we'll have listening this week more reading more listening we'll have a q a session more speaking so lots of focus on listening and reading today all right everyone without further ado we'll get into the speaking uh so this is a speaking class and it's great that many of you are interacting and communicating in the chat just make sure to also speak so speak use your words and repeat we just released recently a couple of videos where i am having a discussion with a very famous speech therapist so somebody who is a doctor in um speaking and being able to speak and communicate clearly maybe some of you saw that um interview on the channel and there is one really important point that she makes a couple of times in both parts which is in order to speak well speak clearly you really have to just speak and move the muscles of your face your mouth your tongue and enunciate your words okay so uh speaking is very strongly uh connected and related to the physiology so your actual physical being and that means the movement of your mouth your tongue your lungs your face your eyes and it's very important to not be shy and to focus on the physical movement of speech okay so that's kind of my first tip for today uh getting started all right um and um you know students have a lot of questions like i'm you know they'll say i'm really nervous for my own speaking interview what should i do well that's a great tip by this speech therapist that you really have to enunciate and use the facial muscles okay so my first tip of the day is while you practice during this lesson make sure to speak and that means move the jaw the tongue um your lungs okay uh breath is very important when you're speaking in and out as you speak okay so move those uh move the air in your body so move the tongue your lungs your face okay um the physiology of speech is very important for fluent and clear communication okay so remember that in um your uh ielts speaking okay go in there and move your face and practice that before your exam so really get those facial muscles moving okay uh tanusha if you're having difficulties in writing send me an email i love answering questions everyone in these live classes make sure to keep your questions focused on the topic specifically what i'm talking about and if you have questions on other topics just send me an email like on writing and such okay all right um so without further ado then let's get into some of the questions that you will be asked so go to your ielts exam an hour one hour before the test starts you have to register 20 minutes before and it's a good idea to have 40 minutes to get comfortable with the place the location find out where the washroom is and talk to some other ielts candidates in english so that you get really confident by the time you walk in for your interview okay and then you register and then 20 minutes after you register you will be called in for your interview and you will be met by an ielts examiner kind of like me especially if you're in canada or along the west coast of u.s canada and then the first question they will ask you is may i see your identification okay it's always the first question because they match your identification with your registration and you so um give me a nice full sentence answer again start your fluency right away and articulate so really move your mouth it's okay to be melodramatic okay so it's better to be melodramatic than to be soft-spoken so it's better to be like yes you may here is my id that i used to register for this test please have a look okay it's better to do that than go yes sure here it is all right um so if you're going to be one or the other be melodramatic okay don't be shy don't be soft-spoken okay nigma john says yes certainly please give me a moment while i get it out and flip to the page with my credentials okay here it is please take a look nick john that's great nice fluency shaheed says yes sure here's my national id that i used last month for exam registration please have a look very nice shaheed okay nice fluent so again lots of ways to answer this uh vg says yes of course um here it is uh the one that i used for registration a couple of weeks ago uh please allow me a sec to flip to the page with my credentials yeah because we're often flipping our passport to the page with credentials gineal says yes of course this is my national id that i have used to register for this exam a couple of weeks back yep please have a look very nice daniel amu says yes give me a moment please here's my passport which i had used for registration uh for this exam very good amount yeah um yeshu says yes of course here's my passport that i used for registration please have a look and i like that use of present perfect that gineal threw in there why not show that you have grammar range right away okay so yes by all means um here is my passport that i've used for registration please take a look okay and so again repeat after me may i see your identification yes by all means here's my passport that i've used for registration please take a look this is a good one because you have natural language and expression right away by all means okay by all means is like sure or certainly and then um here you have the i have used so you're using the present perfect and make sure to put a really nice strong stress on that okay so stress that present perfect so don't be like i've used so it's like oh did you just use present perfect uh no um really emphasize it so yes by all means here's my passport that i've used for registration please take a look what i would do to make sure that the examiner catches my present perfect right away is just do a quarter second stop okay so if you're contracting i have to i've then really stress that v okay and uh take even a little short like snap of a break right after that ve before used to emphasize it so yes by all means here's my passport that i've used for registration please take a look and it's still natural as long as you carry that intonation into the rest of the sentence okay so that's one way it's kind of a trick so that the examiner goes oh that's great the student's using present perfect how super okay all right uh muhammad um you have to so muhammad is asking what if i don't have a passport muhammad you have to have the same id for the examiner that you used for your test registration if you don't have it then you won't be able to sit the exam so students make sure that you have a valid passport and you don't have to renew the passport between your registration and your actual exam date okay all right um so careful with that all right i have seen it a couple times where students register with their passport then they realize their passport is expiring they send it away and they don't have it for their ielts exam that's a big problem so make sure you don't have that situation okay so have a valid passport make sure it's not expiring right before your test that's bad okay um so while the examiner has your passport they're going to ask you another question they will ask you what is your full name so they want to know who you are they want to match it with the information in your uh passport and um they're going to look at you carefully don't be freaked out by that they're going to be like are you really you um so don't don't be weirded out by that that's totally normal again answer in a full sentence so alexander says my full name is alexander johnson uh but please call me alex yeah and alexander you can even say just call me alex for short okay uh united kerala says my given names are as in my passport muhammad ansar and my surname is uh cholael if you don't mind please call me ansar i'm comfortable with that okay ansar is not short for ansar muhammad so don't say for short okay for short is when it's just a short version of your name okay enigma john says my given name is nuridin and my family name is iris bayev as you can also see in my passport please just call me by my nickname nurik it's quick and easy and i'm used to it i like it that's great arda says my given name is arda and my surname is gerbaz please just call me arda that works yeah so you don't have to speak long long long long long but you do have to be fluent okay you want to be fluent mrs cargio says my given names are josny and hannah my family name is george please call me as uh josh knee that's what i'm most comfortable with yeah that works okay um the examiner's question is often what should i call you okay if you don't answer that question so include that answer okay um so my first name is iris and my middle name is um [Music] well let's give a middle name here is jenny and my family name is uh well let's go with um johansen uh please refer to me by my middle name jenny this is what i go by these days okay so i i'm always trying to give you a little bit of a unique twist so here's another one if you've got three names again repeat after me and remember that nice articulation so move the muscles of your face and mouth what is your full name my first name is iris and my middle name is jenny my family name is johansen uh please refer to me by my middle name jenny this is what i go by these days okay jenny alright so whatever works for you all right um and then the examiner will say okay now i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic do you work or study a very common question okay so make sure that you practice this uh do you work or study okay abdul salam don't go off topic so don't start talking about where you live um if they don't ask you that okay your guest says my full name is yoga sharma however i do not make use of my surname on my documents like my passport so you'll only see your gesh yogesh for the previous one that works and if you don't have your surname in your passport it's still okay to mention it like that and it's good to explain it yogesh saying that however you won't see my surname in some of my official documents okay arda says for this question i have been studying maths and science at cartal anatolian high school for the past three years and since 2020 i have been burying myself in the ielts test so that i can continue my education abroad um arda nice uh instead of saying school school school paraphrase so school education studies okay right away get into that paraphrasing of main ideas okay all right space odd job says i'm currently working for a family-owned business which specializes in garden and pottery products my primary tasks are design and consultancy of our annual merchandise okay so instead of items space odd jobs i would say uh annual merchandise okay amman valley says currently i'm a student i have passed senior secondary education and now i'm planning to go abroad for higher education very nice amman okay good medina yeah go for it answer the question absolutely all right um eric says well um i'm a lecturer presently at indonesia in indonesia and i have a plan to complete my phd um to improve my knowledge in the netherlands okay eric what do you plan to do your phd in okay and don't say phd degree because the d in phd refers to the fact that it's degree okay so you don't need to say phd degree it's understood it's uh we usually omit degree when we say phd okay all right um let's see uh quinn says well currently i'm a fresher at bk university my major is computer science and i have to work part time to earn some more money from my studies as well i burn the midnight oil to make sure that i do well on my exams quinn i changed the end there as well as my study because that was a bit awkward okay so careful with that all right let's see uh i'm right i neither work nor study because i've just passed bca and now i've been looking uh to study abroad all right so do you work or study i've been both working and studying these past few years i'm a cashier at my local grocery store and i've been working hard or studying hard or learning to become a registered nurse of course i'm also hitting the books so that i can get a good band score on this ielts exam all right i wanted to throw in another nice natural expression uh idiomatic expression for you so that you can use that in the future um aisles uh speaking you're marked on coherence on fluency grammatical range and accuracy pronunciation uh lexical resource or your vocabulary now within that you're marked on the complexity of your language the coherence so how clearly you answer the questions and how natural you are okay so that's the communication uh component of it so you want to use some simple kind of idioms nothing too fancy like hitting the books means studying hard or learning um a lot all right and again notice um the present perfect progressive in this case all right so repeat after me do you work or study i've been both working and studying these past few years i'm a cashier at my local grocery store and i've been learning to become a registered nurse of course i'm also hitting the books so that i can get a good band score on this ielts exam all right um so next question what do you do at the weekends it's kind of like what do you do in your free time or do you have any hobbies it's a very very common question okay so again again give me a nice full uh sentence answer you're always striving to give full sentence answers clear coherent complete full sentence answers it's very very important tien says i spent my weekend for my friend gathering um and chatting with you with each other and also socializing with them last weekend um we met at a coffee shop um for about an hour okay tien you've got some grammatical mistakes in there so you're going to have to uh correct that okay uh vikki yogesh go ahead answer this question i'm also looking at the general english help chat don't worry i see it there also so i'm going to be switching back and forth here a yell says i'm from ethiopia i'm a lecturer at a public university and now i plan to move abroad like to the us uk canada or germany to study my phd is it really mandatory to take ielts i l yes it is ielts is the international english language testing system it's a benchmark for universities professors employers to make sure that you can complete your studies and that you can understand the culture and the people around you so ielts is very very important yes okay uh students what do you do at the weekends is a general question it means like regularly each weekend not last weekend not this weekend not next weekend but generally speaking so you need to use the present simple or the present perfect tense i see some students answering like last weekend or this weekend that would be a mistake okay akshay says well on saturdays i like to spend my free time with my friends generally we visit a park in my near vicinity um and chat with each other um on sundays i like to be with my immediate family listen to their triumphs and tribulations and make some plans to have fun okay akshay you have a few mistakes in there don't say i would like to spend my free time it's awkward okay honey patel says on the weekend i do lots of activities like listening to music watching uh adventure films with my family apart from that i also help my mother with household chores just last saturday we vacuumed uh washed the windows and did laundry okay honey throw an example in there when you say chores that's great name a couple of chores that you did on the weekend with your mom so that i can give you more band scores okay yogesh says i like to spend my time with my family on the weekends we often go out to enjoy our time um like dining at a good restaurant and sometimes we'll watch a movie together last weekend we watched that extreme series called squid game that everybody's talking about okay so you'll gesh again very good just throw in that smooth example so students here's my answer well on saturdays i like to be physically active so i either go to the pool with my family for a swim or go out for a hike however on sundays i like to have a bit of downtime and just relax so i usually watch a flick and read a book just last week i started to read the hobbit which is a fantasy novel okay uh so the tip here is include examples very important okay and include them smoothly like don't say for example just say the example okay um that's really nice and natural and it will help you uh to get a better band score okay so again repeat after me what do you do at the weekends well on saturdays i like to be physically active so i either go to the pool with my family for a swim or go out for a hike however on sundays i like to have a bit of down time and just relax so i usually watch a flick and read a book just last week i started to read the hobbit which is a fantasy novel okay all right so uh notice the ether or uh that's a correlative conjunction correlative conjunctions are paired conjunctions neither nor whether or not only but also both and uh use those those make your speech more fluent and they sound great they're definitely going to help you bump up your score okay and again notice that that nice natural example at the end just last week i started to read the hobbit okay whatever comes to mind right um so again uh when you're seeing new words like here downtime downtime means time to relax okay make sure you make a note of that in your vocabulary book so down time okay all right okay students so you're picking up lots of tips and of course uh the key here is practice so when you're picking up these tips make sure to practice these in your speaking okay really enunciate now the examiner will introduce uh the general kind of topic of uh the part one in the interview so they'll say something like let's talk about transportation transportation so using technology and tools and vehicles to go from a to b visualize it see yourself riding a bike riding the bus riding the train driving a car riding a motorbike i don't know maybe even riding a horse all right so let's talk about transportation first question do you know how to drive a car it's a yes or no question make sure that you expand don't just say yes i do no i don't all right so go into details do you know how to drive a car janil says well currently i don't know how to drive a car but now i'm planning to take lessons um now i'm planning to take driving lessons um and luckily there's a driving school near my home because this will help me to be more efficient picking up groceries getting to work in school okay also i might get a job as a pizza delivery man in canada where i'm planning to go for further education all right dulce says yes i do pretty well i've already uh taken my license a few months back and i'm ready um i'm really into cars i have a comfortable vehicle and my dad always lets me drive when we uh jet out somewhere okay uh toolsie good some awkward use of language so i made some real-time corrections there uh pay attention to that okay honey patel says to be honest i didn't know anything about driving a car so i'm not fond of operating a vehicle it's a difficult task for me to learn last sunday my dad helped me a bit so i have the basics okay honey patel again i made some corrections there in real time um [Music] medina says i don't know how to drive a car because i'm a teenager maybe that's what you're saying medina i'm not sure what the rules are in your country but guess what in canada each province has its own rules for driving and in british columbia where i live you can get your driver's license as early as 16. of course in canada we have huge distances so it's important for even young young adults or teenagers to be able to drive so they can get to school soccer practice and so on because just the great big distances in some of the prairie provinces you see people driving as early as like 12 years old even though they don't have a license just because they live on a farm and they have to go so far all right vg says yes i know how to drive a car but these days i'm not using uh my car much so i've kind of lost my skill however soon i'll refresh my driving skills because i will need to get back to commuting to work okay all right um do you know how to drive a car uh yes i do now when you have a question like this answer very directly yes i do no i don't i've had my license for over a decade and i've been driving or commuting to and from work with my uh little honda hatchback um for the past six years um [Music] all right we'll stop there uh so here we go again don't overspeak so as long as you've answered you've given an explanation maybe an example then just stop okay you don't have to speak long you just have to speak clear and complete okay eric welcome to our group of members eric send me an email so i can hook you up with those perks those videos and exams okay all right so here we go do you know how to drive a car yes i do i've had my license for over a decade and i've been commuting to and from work with my little honda hatchback for the past six years okay again use your vocabulary use your grammar you need to do that for the band nine i've been commuting showing that present perfect progressive i've had present perfect directly answering the question commute to commute means regular travel okay so we usually um commute uh to school to work all right uh some more vocabulary honda hatchback here i really wanted to get that hatchback um hatchback is the type of vehicle where it's whoa um it's like this okay so when it's got this kind of round back part they're little cars okay then usually you have um this kind of rounded so it doesn't have this part here it's called a hatchback okay it's because the back of the car is a hatch so it's a hatchback vehicle okay this is the front of the car here and this is the back of the car here that's a hatchback so using that kind of specific vocabulary that's where you really pick up those points for lexical resource that's where the examiner is like okay this person obviously has a wide range of vocabulary because they can express hatchback okay if it's uh got the trunk and it's a full-sized car then it's a sedan okay so keep that in mind all right uh next question how often do you ride the bus all right um ielts task one they love asking these questions of frequency okay so adverbs of frequency like always sometimes rarely never um all right so how often do you ride the bus and new in hatchback right it's uh the car that i explained there okay all right so when you're thinking about adverbs of frequency like always often sometimes rarely never uh always always explain it with numbers as well so always every day to and from school for 30 minutes okay often three four times a week whenever i have to go visit my parents or my grandparents okay seldom once every two months okay so include that quantitative that numbered measure okay danielle says well as i can't drive a car i'm often using public transportation like the bus to and from work i probably take the i probably ride the bus 10 to 12 times each week in fact today i um use the brts bus to get to this exam center general mostly correct couple of slight grammatical mistakes there aman villa says usually i don't ride the bus because i don't have much knowledge about how to drive it um aman it's not driving the bus it's riding the bus if you don't have much knowledge about the bus system or the bus routes in your city then you need to say i don't know much about the bus system in my city so i prefer to avoid it okay all right artist says i never commute by bus because of covid i really don't want to get into crowded situations and also um i have my own car so or my family has a car so my dad picks me up from school every day it's more comfortable than the bus okay arta good um that's good yeah nice explanation so now kapoor says well i rarely uh use the bus as a way to commute although i've been uh quite i have i had been not i've been i had been quite a bus um traveler during my school days back until 2015. okay yeah so no not bad just remember that if the event has finished and you no longer ride the bus then you have to use past perfect i had been a regular commuter on the bus until 2015 at which time i graduated university and got my own car okay so past perfect right right this question is not asking if you drive the bus it's if you ride the bus the bus has a bus driver okay i uh seldom take the city bus anywhere because as i'd just mentioned i've been driving [Music] my own car for some years now i would say that i've taken the bus about once or twice in the last five years the most recent was when my car was in for service and i needed to get to work on a rainy day okay so here we go again repeat after me so nice and fluent okay visualizes students i'm just making this up as i go along and it's absolutely good to practice that all right so it's raining my car's in the shop getting some tires changed or rotated and i need to get to work so i hop on the city bus and take it to work but it's seldom that i do that okay visual communication here we go from the top so how often do you ride the bus i seldom take the city bus anywhere because as i mentioned i've been driving my own car for some years now i would say that i've taken the bus about once or twice in the last five years the most recent was when my car was in for servicing and i needed to get work or i needed to get to work on a rainy day okay so answer explain example next question which is your favorite type of transportation why okay they might not ask you why they might only ask you the why if they don't hear you explain the reason so if you say oh i just love trains and then you stop talking the examiner will say okay why um why do you love um trains or why do you love planes so include the reason okay always include the reason for your answer um vg says that's an interesting question cars are my favorite type of transport as i can start and stop and go anywhere i like to besides that i enjoy my music while i drive my car okay veggie good i made it a little bit more natural so pay attention to that 43 minutes 44 minutes in the video you can check back uh janil says well the railway is my favorite mode of traveling from one place to another because it's safe and cheap last time when i visited mumbai for my medical test i went by train uh for a five hour journey yeah daniel good rail is okay um you actually enjoy the train right so the train that travels on the rail or by railway tanoo says my favorite type of transportation is air transport because it helps me a lot if i need to go somewhere outside the country airplanes especially because they're the fastest mode of transportation yeah so um tanoosh i would just say my favorite type of transportation are planes okay i wouldn't say air transport because there you have helicopters hot air balloons uh hand gliders okay so you've got lots of types of air transport um so just say planes because they're quick and i can go long distances and visit magical places far away last year i took a five hour plane ride to visit beautiful florida okay so uh be specific uh bernard says well i suppose that public transportation is the best for me because it's convenient um and cheap not only is the bus regarded as one of the more uh safe types of transports for all people but also as one of the most efficient um bernard yeah it's your what is your favorite type um it doesn't mean public transportation it means the actual transportation type like the bus for example okay all right maria johanna says my favorite type of transportation is a car because i feel comfortable and safe uh moreover i don't get wet when it's raining outside okay good i like it yeah sure why not right we stay dry and warm safe from the elements it's called safe from the elements all right so um if i had to choose i would say that my favorite way to commute is on a bike and i mean a a pedal bike not a motorbike the reason for this is i can not only get to many places quickly in my city via the bike paths but i also improve my health while protecting the environment and i'm not dependent on any kind of fuel other than my physical strength in fact i bike to work every chance i get all right there's a little bit of a different one why not bikes are great in fact the city of victoria where i live the city has invested millions and millions of dollars on all of these amazing bike paths so in in victoria it's sometimes faster to bike to some place than to drive not to mention you don't have to pay for parking and such as parking is becoming very expensive okay um so here we go repeat after me which is your favorite type of transportation if i had to choose i would say that my favorite way to commute is on bike and i mean a pedal bike not a motorbike the reason for this is that i can not only get to many places quickly in my city via bike paths but i also improve my health while protecting the environment and i'm not dependent on any kind of fuel other than my physical strength in fact i bike to work every chance i get yeah and i recommend doing the same so bike bike bike why not right get out there get healthy all right um let's jump to this last question since we're on the topic of bikes okay when you ride a bicycle what should you do to stay safe and i think more and more people are riding bicycles these days so it's a good question to end with uh when you ride a bicycle what should you do to stay safe okay uh yeah sakara absolutely you can learn to speak the same way as how i speak um i wasn't born speaking this way i learned it as well just like many of you are learning right now okay so just follow the tips in the videos copy my communication um and you'll get there absolutely okay so here we go uh answer this question when you ride a bike what should you do to stay safe it's a conditional reflect the condition okay so kien don't just say wear a helmet but use the condition if a person is riding a bicycle they should always wear a helmet to protect them from head injury okay yeah um what else anything else that people should do when riding a bicycle vigil says while wearing a helmet is the first and foremost in order to protect the head from injury yeah sure space odd job says i would always wear a helmet as well as sticking to the right lane and making sure that i look both ways before i turn i never share the road with heavy forms of transport such as semi-trucks yeah very good okay amanpreet says i think drivers need to wear a helmet not drivers i'm on but riders i think riders need to wear a helmet also they should follow the protocols while riding a bike every time i go on a bicycle i always wear a helmet to protect myself vinay says as more and more people are using bicycle these days for their daily activities they should wear a helmet they should use uh bicycle paths and follow traffic rules yeah that's a very good one okay so if a person is riding a bike they should always wear a helmet to protect them from head injury as well they should follow the rules of the road make sure to signal other drivers when they turn or stop and finally if people ride their bikes during um darker hours of the day they should make sure to have a reflective gear and lights so that other vehicles can clearly see them all right very true actually just yesterday i was driving my car home and there was a young gentleman riding his bike in the dark on the road and luckily i saw him but i was thinking to myself oh boy this person is going to get into trouble eventually they were wearing darker clothes as well they just looked like an invisible ghost in the night so you got to be careful everyone all right here we go so repeat after me when you ride a bicycle what should you do to stay safe if a person is riding a bike they should always wear a helmet to protect themselves from head injury as well they should follow the rules of the road make sure to signal other drivers when they turn or stop and finally if people ride their bikes during darker hours of the day they should make sure to have reflective gear and lights so that other vehicles can clearly see them and i'll leave you with those wisdoms for life as well as english vocabulary for the day tomorrow i will be back at the same time with listening part 1 and 2 coming out of our exams that you can find on our websites and we'll also have a reading session for members at an earlier time thank you carolina for moderating this class thank you members for your support and thank you everyone for watching i hope you've learned lots be sure to practice your speaking remember clear strong pronunciation uh visit us at for academic ielts for general outs we've got lots and lots of great content for you the websites look like this big red button join that premium package you won't regret it we help thousands of students daily uh to improve their communication and their english for the exam uh that's it for me for now ladies and gentlemen but i will be back tomorrow have a great rest of your day and much love to all of you wherever you are in this beautiful world bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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