IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 Band 9 Style Answers

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a fantastic start to their week i hope you're all healthy happy and enjoying the life uh welcome mal welcome ganjat hi jai neil i'm doing fantastic thank you for asking hi anita good to see many students in this class students we are going to be focusing on ielts speaking today specifically we are looking at ielts speaking part one so the first part of the speaking section hi carolina welcome to our moderator good to have many of you here again uh we are going to be focusing on band 9 style answers so what does it take to get a band 9 for your answer and this lesson is brought to you by for academic ielts success please visit us there this is our academic ielts website here with this blue background you can click this big red button to join our premium package we are an official british council ielts test registration center and uh you have a my student account when you join us and in your my student account you will have student partner speaking options and speaking interview practice options with computer-based practice exams and lots more so uh the general ielts green background same idea click this big red button again it's a one-time payment for lifetime access doesn't cost very much so it's really well worth it hi rashika okay yogesh i'm sorry to hear that you got 5.5 in speaking but worry not pay attention in this class practice the tips and strategies i give you today and i'm sure that you can improve that 5.5 to a much higher band score hi aman i'm doing great hi emily o'tebeck good to have many of you here right at the start of the class so you can really get a comprehensive idea of what to do and how to do it all right so again and for your ielts studies also get our apps academic ielts help and general ielts help from your app stores if you have questions students about ielts about speaking about english in general or about just life itself no don't ask me for life advice um but for anything i ielts related you can send me an email to uh adrian okay that's my email address and i'll get back to you in short notice um so we've got a full week of live ielts classes coming up um this is our schedule here uh because we have daylight savings here in canada the times may have changed a little bit for you um and uh we have live classes from 13 30 and 15 o'clock according to universal uh standard time so tomorrow we'll have uh speaking part three for members and that's gonna be kind of an exciting and new style class as you'll see and then we'll have some listening practice as well and some reading so lots and lots going on let's get into today's speaking session so again this is a speaking class so what's really really important is that you uh speak and repeat all right magic ftw good to see you back after four years what brought you back to these live classes all right okay so again speak and repeat now students if you miss what i say and you're not able to repeat as quickly that's okay because the class is being recorded so do your best and you can practice more once the video is up on our channel you can go back and re-repeat the answers so just do your best so speak and repeat copy my intonation okay so my up and my down copy my pronunciation for those of you who don't know i speak canadian english more specifically west coast english the english that's spoken in british columbia alaska california the state of washington oregon um it's all this style of english it's a very clean crisp style of english it's this style of english that you hear in a lot of movies because of course many movies are filmed in hollywood down in l.a and lots of movies are filmed in vancouver and victoria where i'm at so it's a very commonly recognized form of english and it works really well for the ielts to get a very nice score okay all right um tava rock thank you for the compliment keep on watching so ielts speaking part one everybody here we go uh first when you get into your interview the examiner is going to go through some standard administrative questions these questions are basically always the same okay so the first question that the examiner is going to ask you is this one here um can i see your identification okay so you have to show that you are who you say you are even though you've registered for the exam and you should give a nice full sentence answer for this so that you're showing fluency okay all right so um give me a nice full sentence answer all right okay all right i'm going to start this one off and then you give me an answer as well all right so here we go can i see your identification um yes certainly here is the page with my credentials uh please uh take a look so you're showing your passport here to the examiner it's obvious that it's your passport you can say here's my passport if you want i'm just going to say yes certainly here's the page with my credentials please take a look okay nice english nice fluent complete sentence speak in full sentences all right 31 la says yes of course here's my passport which i used for registration for this exam two weeks ago uh please have a look at this yeah instead of you may have a look at this i would say please have a look at this okay mourinho says yes sure here's my passport that i used to sign up for this test please have a look morna that works well amman says yes sir here it is um this is the id which i used for registration please take a look aman you have a missing subject there be careful muhammad eve ling says here's my passport that i used for registration finish that sentence muhammad please have a look okay rashika so again students make sure that you speak in full sentences okay that's the obviously a very important first tip here is uh always speak in full sentences during the interview i know that in real life um in casual conversations we often speak in broken sentences or half sentences to speed up communication but on the ielts it's a bad idea okay so especially in your ielts interview uh speak in full sentences okay always all right super super important okay all right um so uh good and then the next question of course will be what is your full name so while they're still looking at your id the examiner is going to say okay and what is your full name very natural very good speed here so they're not slowing down this is not an english is a second language exam it's an english proficiency exam okay so the next question they're going to ask you is what is your full name um okay so i'm going to give an answer for this all right uh so there's my answer and again repeat after me students so what is your full name as it is in my passport my given name is gregory and my family name is wallace please just call me greg for short all right greg okay so again full sentence answers nice and fluent the examiner's not going to interrupt you if you're fluent if you're not fluent if you're speaking in broken phrases or you're really slow it's like you're struggling for words they may interrupt you okay so you need to be fluent okay so again as it is in my passport my given name is gregory and my family name is wallace please just call me greg for short because greg that's the first four letters of gregory okay so you can say greg for short it's not a nickname it's the short version of gregory all right okay so arda says my given name is arda and my surname is garbazz please just call me arda okay arda now i'll ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better so that's how it goes by the way members tomorrow in your members chat class i will choose a couple of students and we will actually do live speaking practice with real audio and i'll show you that tomorrow so make sure that you're ready for that and i'll definitely check to make sure you're okay to have a live conversation with me but that's going to be exciting and that's coming up tomorrow bakra says my given name is bahrat and my family name is sharma please just call me bakrat okay amu says my first name is chandrika and my family name is mavila please address me as chandu all right um chandu would be a short form of chandrika i would say or you could say it's a nickname because you have a different letter there amu all right mumta says my full name is mumtarani as you can see in my passport my first name is mamta and my family name is rani okay that's good mamta and if i know that your first name is mumta i might ask you what would you like to be called or you can just tell me just call me mamta okay all right now the examiner is technically not marking you for these first few questions but in actuality and reality they are marking you so um remember this students that the examiner is judging your english level from the very first words that come out of your mouth okay so even from the word hi or hello um the examiner is marking uh your ability okay they they're human they're registering how well do you pronounce words how naturally do you speak okay so technically the examiner does not mark you for the introduction but but in actuality they are marking you or i could say judging your english ability from the first words that come out of your mouth or even the first sounds so if you're not forming words because you're so nervous and you're just going they're probably judging you even based on those sounds so be confident okay don't just go be confident you should be there your english is good be proud of yourself okay um so the examiner will try to make you feel more comfortable okay and they're going to ask you a couple of icebreaker questions and these should be something that you practice regularly leading up to your ielts exam so questions like what are your hobbies what are your favorite sports what's your favorite color these kinds of questions um you want to study every single time so that you can be really fluent um all right so here's one um where do you go for fun okay so it's a where question location uh give me a nice full sentence answer for this question okay one more time so imagine that i'm your examiner i'm looking at you and i go where do you go for fun okay where do you go for fun give me a nice full sentence answer for this one i'm going to do the same all right so there's my answer um okay uh bakrat says well in order to unwind i love to go to santa park no more than five minutes walk to get there there are a number of uh trees there's fresh air it's beautiful with lots of flowers i was just there yesterday okay bakrat i'm careful okay in order to unwind myself uh no you wouldn't say that you just say in order to unwind if you say in order to unwind myself it sounds like you're all kind of twisted up like twisted and you unwind yourself like a piece of string okay um it sounds awkward so you don't want to have awkward english um at the beginning especially okay because again the examiner is judging you all right so don't have that kind of awkward english all right okay um husna says um in order to relax i go to a mall where i can do some shopping and grab some food i i usually go on weekends with my mom and my grandmother in fact i was just there this last sunday and i bought a new dress it was lots of fun doing this shopping students make sure to emphasize the uh key uh object of the sentence here so here it's fun right so entertainment fun enjoy myself have some good laughs you really have to use words that show that you understand that the question is asking about fun okay um punjabi gaming says well there are a plethora of places where i usually go for fun however the top of them is the park is the most famous place where i feel relaxed punjabi that's a memorized template answer you're not going to get a good mark with that okay as i've said often students you must not use these kinds of template answers i asked you where do you go for fun i didn't ask for you to tell me of all the places that can be fun in the world okay so focus on the question and target the question uh object or subject specifically okay it's super super important okay so again i'm gonna repeat myself here uh make sure to focus on the question specifically and target the subject and object of the questions okay if you use templates so like [Music] there are a plethora of places i go to have fun the examiner may interrupt you it is much more likely that the examiner will interrupt your answers okay so that's another reason to avoid those kinds of templates so focus on strategy rather than templates templates will not get you a great score okay keep that in mind students all right okay um so here is my answer this is considered a band nine answer all right um it has an answer an explanation an example here we go repeat after me where do you go for fun in order to relax and for some entertainment i go to the recreation center that's about a kilometer from my home it has a swimming pool a gym billiard tables and even a small theater i was there last saturday with two of my friends okay so nice fluent language it reflects the word fun so fun and entertainment they're good synonyms right here i have some unique vocabulary so recreation center okay and i have a quantitative vocabulary a kilometer from my home okay so that's nice clear communication then i give details swimming pool gym billiard tables and even a small theater right and then here comes an example so a very smooth clear example uh to the answer as well okay so these are the elements that you want to focus on including in your communication in order to get those higher band scores all right okay next question um who do you like to spend time with give me a nice full sentence answer for this one students mohammed you have a good answer as well for the previous with soccer and boxing just make sure that you reflect the question in order to have fun okay all right i see it at the end of your response but it's better to put it at the beginning of your response okay so um who do you like to spend time with okay um give me a nice full sentence answer all right um template means that um you read from the internet or you saw a video on the internet that says okay you should say this like you should say there are because i see a couple of people asking what's a template um template means that um you're using like a um kind of a structure that is given to you like say okay there are many places where i go to do this but the place that i like the most is so that would be your template okay all right um so mathis says i like to spend time with my uncle um he's from another province and i go to his house on holidays like christmas and new year's he's my best friend mathis that's a really good answer okay it's original it's clear it's got some good flow mamta says i like to spend time with my family because i learn a lot with them and i also enjoy their company for example last weekend my family and i spent four hours together having dinner and playing some board games okay um don't say for example the examiners get kind of uh scared when they hear for example because often times in their experience when a student says for example or for instance they tend to talk talk talk talk talk and go off topic so just say the example don't say for example okay so um i know we have a full video about that on our channel it's called don't say for example okay and it's true you don't need to say for example in natural everyday conversation we don't actually say for example when we're giving examples in most situations okay so do not say uh for example okay instead just say the example it's more fluent and the examiner is less likely to interrupt your answers okay so don't say for example all right just say the example okay all right um so uh who do you like to spend time with i enjoy the company of my friends and family i have an older and a younger brother who i spend much time with especially on the weekends or in the evenings we play sports together i shot some hoops with my younger brother last evening okay all right um so i'm just making this up and it's okay to make up your answers uh in fact i probably spend much more time with my kids and my wife than i do with my brothers but here i just made up an answer okay uh so here we go repeat after me who do you like to spend time with i enjoy the company of my friends and family i have an older and a younger brother whom i spend much time with especially on the weekends or in the evenings we play sports together i shot some hoops with my younger brother last evening okay i'll show you why this is a band nine answer okay so who do you like to spend time with all right so here what i'm doing is i'm paraphrasing the question paraphrase the question in your answer it means um say it in a different way okay so paraphrase the question in your answer this is an extremely important skill that you should be practicing all the time so i like to spend my time with instead here i say i enjoy the company of okay so enjoying the company of means liking to spend time with my friends and family and then i go into detail so this is the global it's the kind of big picture okay and then i go into the specific the older and the younger brother whom i spend much of my time with okay now if you don't know these adjective or adverbial clauses then just say that okay especially on the weekends or in the evenings so again i go into more detail of when i like to spend time with them and then what we do we play sports together okay i shot some hoops means i played basketball okay it's an idiomatic expression it's a simple idiomatic expression if you know it it means to play basketball okay uh use simple idiomatic language not complex but just simple idiomatic language when you can okay so like shooting hoops okay aditia yeah i mean you can give examples of cigarettes and alcohol if that's natural or okay for you obviously if you live in a country where alcohol is prohibited it might be awkward so i might avoid that right but yeah you can be open and honest you shouldn't curse you shouldn't say offensive ideas or use offensive words but it's okay to be realistic so um if you like to go have a drink or a glass of wine with your friends on the weekend and it's culturally acceptable in your part of the world you can talk about that absolutely okay all right okay um so uh when you're speaking you want to again practice this uh paraphrasing okay paraphrasing is a very very important skill for speaking so before we go on to this part of our speaking which is let's talk about your traveling okay that's what we're going to talk about here we're going to talk about how you can paraphrase very important skill okay para fur raise okay means uh to say the same idea in a different way okay so of course one of the ways to paraphrase are synonyms okay so you can paraphrase the examiner's question using uh synonyms okay so here we have the word in this question so in this question the examiner is going to say let's talk about your traveling how often do you travel away from your city okay um so here for example you have the word uh city okay or let's take the word travel okay um so what's another um word for travel how can you say travel in a different way okay so this is one way to paraphrase and this is really a very important skill if you want to go for a band 8 or a band 9. okay so just sour says adventure yeah all right uh journey yeah trip okay so lots of them all right okay another way to paraphrase are antonym plus negative now of course you're not going to use every strategy of paraphrasing or every method of paraphrasing in your answer but you need to know these so that you can use them for different questions at different times so antonin plus negative okay it's kind of like minus one multiplied by minus one is positive one so um if i say stay another way i can say that is don't go okay so antonym negative is another really good way to paraphrase okay stay don't go all right um and another way that you can paraphrase really well is with description description means you basically describe the word okay so uh city what would be descriptive paraphrasing for city okay so here i'm taking the word city and you can describe the word city in many different ways how can you describe the word city an urban area a metropolitan area just here says a place where i live yes so if you're talking about your city just your absolutely it's the place where you live okay yeah it's an urban area with dense population right would be a way to uh do that all right another way to paraphrase is with expressions okay all right so um you can use expressions um and i just gave you an expression here like shoot some hoops okay so shoot some hoops means play basketball so when you think about expressions you can think about idioms phrasal verbs and all the like okay okay and then there's a fifth way to paraphrase anybody know what the fifth way is to paraphrase just out of curiosity many of you that have our courses at or will know this because you learn these kinds of strategies in our course so there's synonyms there's antonym negatives there's descriptions there's expressions and there's another way to paraphrase as well so there's another way to say the same idea but using kind of different words and english does anybody know and then of course sometimes you combine this paraphrasing okay so what would be another way to paraphrase can anybody guess gaming says synonyms positive no that's just still the same it's still synonyms uh salish uh prajapati is on the right track so you're saying passive voice but it's a bit more actually general than that grammar okay so you can paraphrase using different grammar forms um so here you have this question like how often do you travel away from your city right okay um and here i might say something like okay um so how often do you travel away i haven't adventured much from my hometown these past two years okay so this is um present simple and my response to this question [Music] is as you probably have noticed uh present perfect in the negative right so i'm actually paraphrasing this general uh type of simple tense with a present perfect tense because both of them are adequate or both of them are fitting in this situation right they're both expressing my experience and the context so grammar can be used to paraphrase as well and oftentimes we'll combine different types of paraphrasing okay so keep in mind that in order to get a band 9 to get a band i wouldn't even say band 9 band 7 or more in your ielts speaking you have to show several forms of paraphrasing to the examiner okay um paraphrasing helps communication it helps clarity it helps coherence it also shows fluency and understanding so paraphrasing is key we do it naturally in our own language okay so again remember students that you have to use synonyms antonym negatives description expression and grammar to paraphrase the examiner's questions in your answers okay so focus on these while we practice the next sets of questions okay so here we go how often do you travel away from your city give me a nice full sentence answer for this one and use some of the paraphrasing that we just talked about okay all right so try this one okay arif iso muhammad sunu let's see it bakra it says i adventure about three to four times outside from my locality uh each year especially on [Music] some occasions like national holidays such as independence day and republic days last month i took a college trip where i went from delhi to ahmedabad crossing poon okay very good buckrad i made some corrections there uh jainil says let me think uh i'm just counting it up in my mind i'm just counting it up in my mind i kneel okay i think i travel at least 10 to 12 times each month away from my city sarat because i have a job that needs me to move to different cities to audit clients as i'm working as an accountant okay janelle so tell me what kind of auditing you're doing all right uh kevin bowie says i journey out of my town a few times per month to go on business trips or visit my relatives i just drove to hagyang the northernmost province of vietnam last month delivering my company's in-kind donations into the hands of the poor that live there okay um kevin i wouldn't say the poor i would say the impoverished impoverished is a better word than poor okay so kevin let me uh just uh reflect this word for you okay let me put it here so instead of poor i use the word impoverished okay so just some vocabulary there for you it sounds better than saying poor okay all right um so how often do you travel away from your city i frequently journey out of town away from victoria uh where i live i would say at least uh 5 to 10 times each month as i have friends and relatives living uh in many different uh places on vancouver island and i love to go uh visit them okay so there you'll see some paraphrasing some descriptive language uh some quantitative language again five to ten times right so what does it mean to travel away lots from your hometown for some people maybe that's like three times a month for some people who are doing auditing like gineal that might be like 20 or 30 times each month right so how often do you travel away from your city i frequently journey out of town away from victoria where i live i would say at least five to ten times each month as i have friends and relatives living in many different places on vancouver island and i love to go visit them okay let's get some speed and fluency going students so where do you like to go on vacation give me a nice full sentence answer for this one where do you like to go on vacation nice full sentence answer okay all right amu that's a bit too specific i'm not sure if that's answering the question maybe that's just your example okay i didn't see the rest of it yeah there it is and i see the rest of it all right that's good okay so uh kevin says if it's summer time i enjoy vacationing at beaches because i can both cool off by having a dip in the ocean and have fun catching some waves but if it's uh in the winter season um i prefer to be at home curling up with a blanket by the fireplace last christmas i chose a staycation in this way okay very good i love that use of modern slang kevin the staycation yep it's a new term students that's come into the english language over the past few years where people are staying at home for their vacation it's called a staycation so thank you for sharing that word with us kevin okay it's new slang uh staycation um equals a vacation where you stay at home okay means you're not working you're relaxing you're not going into your job but you're staying at home it's a staycation all right hasta says i love visiting arabic countries i love turkey for the fame of its food and architecture husna that's great that was a great answer you don't need to retract it okay so where do you like to go on vacation i like to go to arabic countries sure amu says i love going to um places with hills and mountains because of the climate and nature it's awesome there's less pollution and fewer people next month my colleagues and i had planned to go on a trip to munar at kerala okay good amu i made a few corrections there to make it sound more natural pay attention to that okay blueberry says i often go to different nations around the world since i am an open person and i love to learn more about cultures and food um and try the different kinds of drinks in different countries okay all right sarvesh says if i would get the opportunity to travel i'd go to africa being attracted to nature and wildlife i would love to go on a safari take pictures of lions and elephants okay so finish that idea very nice okay so where do you like to go on vacation i really enjoy taking time off and visiting places with a warm climate preferably on a beach such as costa rica or the spanish riviera um just because i really like swimming and surfing i actually have a trip planned uh for next summer to hang out on the mediterranean in portugal with my family okay all right so uh here we go students repeat after me where do you like to go on vacation um i like to uh i really enjoy taking time off and visiting places with a warm climate preferably on a beach such as costa rica or the spanish riviera just because i really like swimming and surfing i actually have a trip planned next summer to hang out on the mediterranean in portugal with my family okay all right details smooth examples i actually something okay so this is one way to introduce a smooth flowing example is to say i actually i actually do this okay i actually do that all right rami says i prefer to pass my vacation going on adventures in natural places um i went for a hike in the eastern himalayas uh last year and it was a blast okay rummy put in that smooth flowing example rina says i always love to explore new places as i'm so adventurous i'm intrigued to capture serene and natural beauty it fascinates me a lot i have quite the photo album i visited uh hawaii and took pictures of volcanoes last year okay all right nut bandich long time no see happy to have you back on board miyen says i like to go to dalat because there is almost no pollution therefore i can enjoy the fresh air there there are many breathtaking views where i can take so many stunning photos also because the weather is not too hot or cold it's definitely the best choice for me when i want to vacation all right very good okay um let's uh go to this next question when is the best time to travel for you and why okay so one more time when is the best time to travel for you and why so when is the best time to travel for you and why tubberock this video is being recorded and you will be able to see it on our youtube channel later so if you missed it make sure to subscribe to the channel go back check it out okay all right uh canoe priya says i cherish going to europe every year where i can explore history beaches and mountains all at the same time canoe you're not answering this question maybe you're answering the previous question but that's okay all right um so let me just oh did i okay just a second here okay there we go all right um let's see lechika says according to me the best time to travel is in the summer because one can escape the harsh weather and go to a hill station i actually have a trip planned this summer to alaska wow yeah it's a great place to visit um lichica um make sure you focus on you okay this is another important uh part of uh speaking part one especially that the questions focus on you so make sure that you focus on you in your answer okay um so you need to start with the best time now best time is not a paraphrase so i want to paraphrase this the most opportune time in the year for me to go on a trip is in the month of june when i have less work and the weather is quite good for most places it's not too hot uh nor too cold okay so the most opportune time in the year for me to go on a trip is in the month of june when i have less work and the weather is quite good for most places it's not too hot nor too cold my trip to portugal is planned for the 15th of june okay so reflecting back on this previous uh answer okay all right students so again repeat after me one more time so when is the best time to travel for you and of course why they don't always ask you that but they want you to answer that question here we go the most opportune time in the year for me to go on a trip is in the month of june when i have less work and the weather is quite good for most places it's not too hot nor too cold my trip to portugal is planned for the 15th of june okay so make sure to make these connections i spoke about portugal in the last question now i'm speaking about portugal again it's wishful thinking unfortunately i don't have a trip planned for portugal but i would love to go there i've heard a lot of amazing uh stories about the beaches and the people in portugal so and i do love surfing and i've heard portugal's got some pretty great surf so that would be fun and fantastic all right students so here are some more questions what is your favorite way to travel have you ever traveled to another country and if you could visit any place on earth where would you go you can practice these three questions on our uh website so if you go to our websites ae help dot com or you can click this big red button to join our premium package you have a my student account and then in your my student account you have student partner speaking you can click on that and then you'll find some other students like here we have md humming dual in here who is waiting for a speaking partner you can video an audio chat and tomorrow members in our members chat class we're going to use this interface and chat live you and me together in our live class so that should be pretty fun and then we're going to give some feedback on how to improve and some band scores so tomorrow will be a fun and exciting members chat class if you're doing academic outs please go to our academic ielts uh english help page okay it's at all right so check it out there it also has that student partner speaking service okay so uh these websites again just click these big red buttons to join them it's worth it doesn't cost a lot and we help thousands of students every day uh students that's it for today's live ielts class but i will be back tomorrow again we will have another speaking class that will be speaking part three for members okay tomorrow at a little bit earlier time and then um we're going to have a listening uh part one and part two practice for everybody using some of our uh practice exams so um that's it for today's class uh make sure to practice use our websites i will be back tomorrow great job everyone thank you for uh joining me today and uh i'll be back tomorrow we've got a full week of classes thank you carolina for moderating thank you members for your support much love to all of you i'm adrienne and i'm signing out from beautiful victoria for now take care see you tomorrow
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 13,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: vyYM0Z6Lwqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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