IELTS Listening Part 1 & 2 - Band 9 Goal

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and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a lovely week so far i hope you're all healthy strong optimistic and i hope you're enjoying life uh welcome aryan hi amu hi bakrat hi abby booyev good to see many students joining in on this ielts listening class that's right everyone uh today we are doing ielts listening part one and two for that band nine goal that's our aim absolutely uh this lesson is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success join us there for the general ielts check us out at um both of those websites have lots and lots of materials we're going to be using these today for our listening audio this is our academic alex website here you can click this big red button to join the premium package when you do you will have a my student account where you will have computer-based practice exams you will have a full online course lesson videos exams study plans and audio cds we're going to use these audio cds in a moment to get going on the listening general ielts it's the same idea it's the green background you can click this big red button to join us there hi paulo hi laura uh good to see everyone hi hui lee kim nice to see many students joining in on this listening session for the ielts exam all right going back to our syllabus for the day um use our apps academic ielts help and our general ielts help app from your android and apple app stores you can also uh follow us on instagram for our live class schedules and lots of help we've been putting practice cue card uh for speaking part two cue cards up there ielts underscore ae help for instagram and g isles help for instagram okay one's for academic the others for general if you have questions comments concerns just send me an email my email is adrian at okay so you can email me there uh we will be doing more of those speaking sessions that some of you just saw 30 40 minutes ago where we're actually talking to our students and you're hearing them and if you want to participate in that send me an email so if you want to participate in live speaking sessions in these classes send me an email to adrian and i will send you instructions on what you need to do so you can participate and speak with me in these live classes okay all right everyone so uh we've got more classes this week tomorrow we'll have more listening as well we'll have reading for members and then we'll have um some q a and uh speaking part two on saturday as well okay all right everyone uh so uh today we are looking at our third test uh for listening um and uh you'll see that in your curriculum book this is labeled as test two but in fact it's test three it's on uh cd three track one if you have access to our course and i'm going to play the audio for this in just a moment so use a headset like what i'm doing right now to listen to the audio it works best and and then we will answer the questions together after okay so uh here we go everyone we're going to start with section one in fact these days it's called part one okay so they've changed this recently to part one uh students don't put your answers into the chat because then other students will get confused especially if you're giving wrong answers so save your answers till the end now at the beginning you're going to hear some instructions and that's what happens in the real isles too okay so in the beginning you hear about one minute of instructions and let me give you some really good advice or strategy there okay so this is a really really good uh strategy okay so during the one minute instruction time look at the topic of all or that the topics of all all four speaking parts so that your brain can start thinking about these okay all right so that's what we're going to do okay so during the one minute instruction time and then as soon as the instructions are over you want to come back and start reviewing the questions for part one so that you can really get going on it okay all right now um if you're having trouble with the audio let me know in the chat um if it's working on my end it should work on your end just fine but do let me know so that i can take a look at that okay all right everyone so let me hop back here to um our website and we're going to get into our listening i'm going to start the audio right now so start listening and then just follow with me we will go through the answers together at the end okay all right here we go everyone with uh listening part one this recording is copyrighted by two think one solutions inc and world esl tutors you will hear several different recordings and you will answer questions on what you hear there will be time given to read the instructions and questions and you will be given a chance to check your work the recordings will be played only once the test is made up of four sections at the end of the test you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet now turn to section 1. listening section one you will hear a conversation between two women as one of the women registers her daughter for nursery school first you have some time to look at questions one to five you will see that there is an example this time only the conversation relating to this question will be played good afternoon monterey primary jane speaking hello my name is diane johnson i was hoping to register my daughter for nursery school at monterey primary of course miss johnson would you like to register your daughter for full day nursery school or half day or full day plus after school care oh just the half day i don't think matilda could handle a full day away from home just yet the woman says she would like to register her daughter for half day nursery school so a has been indicated for you now we begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five good afternoon monterey primary jane speaking hello my name is diane johnson i was hoping to register my daughter for nursery school at monterey primary of course miss johnson would you like to register your daughter for full day nursery school or half day or full day plus after school care oh just the half day i don't think matilda could handle a full day away from home just yet so your daughter's name is matilda johnson yes let me spell it for you the first name is matilda m-a-t-i-l-d-a and the last name is johnson but it's not the common spelling it's spelt j o n double s o n my husband is swedish which explains the different spelling right and what is matilda's date of birth she was born december 25th 2006. so she was born at christmas that is incredible yes she was an incredible present to get for christmas it certainly was the most memorable christmas i've had yes i would imagine okay so now i need matilda's personal education number which she should have received in the post recently i don't remember receiving such a letter in the post it would have come from the department of education and they always post things in yellow envelopes you don't remember seeing a yellow envelope in the post in fact i do but i didn't open it my husband did he didn't mention anything about a personal education number now he's away with work and i won't be able to reach him well we can retrieve the number i'm going to need your national insurance number as well as your husband i'm going to need your husband's name as well my husband's name is eric with a k instead of a c on the end his last name is johnson of course his national insurance number is df987745w and mine is kl409115n you now have some time to look at questions six to ten okay students let's review these questions we've got a little bit of time now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions six to ten right okay let me see here all right here is a personal education number i'll give it to you now so that you can write it down for future reference it is t zero 563 nine two just to make sure the first character is t as in thomas yes and this letter in front of the number shows what region the child is originally from the t in this case refers to tine and weir that would be correct i'd imagine matilda was born in newcastle which of course is in tyne and weir okay so we have all the information about matilda that we need she is now registered for half day nursery school in september do you have any questions yes i do i was wondering what sort of training your nursery school teachers have that is a very good question each of our teachers has at a minimum a two-year diploma in early childhood education many of our senior staff have bachelor's degrees in education in addition to the two-year diploma and our departmental head ms janet roth has a postgraduate certificate bachelor's degree and diploma do not worry ms johnson your daughter matilda is in very good hands that makes me feel a lot better can you tell me when the first day of school is and also will there be an orientation day for new students and parents the first day of class is the 5th of september and yes we do have an orientation day it takes place on the 3rd of september from 9 to midday parents and children are strongly encouraged to attend that is the end of section 1. you will now have half a minute to check your answers all right students and in that half minute you want to check your answers let me just stop the audio here on our website um we'll do part two in a little bit but first we'll go through part one the answers together okay so hopefully everybody was able to hear that nice and clear if not let me know we'll look at the answers together and we'll discuss them before we look at all of the answers in great detail let me ask you what the topics were for these different parts so remember what i said at the beginning you have this one minute instruction time and during this one minute instruction time you want to look at all the topics of part four so your brain can get going on these okay so part one which we just did clearly that was registering for nursery school okay um what is part two going to be about so i guess guess that some of you probably looked at that and you're like okay yeah i saw what that was um okay so what will part two be about amu and jack says it will be something about a university yeah absolutely so um yeah you're allowed to look at the other parts topics when the instructions are going okay i did the computer-based styles practice exam not so long ago and i did that it was really helpful so part two will be about a university tour okay part three uh will be um about aku hamad if you can't see the writing change to 720p okay uh carolina says maybe egyptians um yeah it will be more about taxes that's why i was highlighting that so that's right arda that's right me and it will be about taxes okay very good andre i am okay um and then part four will be about isaac newton yeah the famous scientist isaac newton very good okay so we have an idea now um that we're going to be talking you know about a university tour taxes isaac newton my brain is starting to visualize this starting to formulate some ideas okay so my brain is now able to predict visualize and come up with english words around these topics okay great that's why you want to do that all right that's the idea behind that strategy okay so let's look at the questions uh together now all right um here we go so uh you had this example here but be careful because since um 2020 you do not have examples okay so since 2020 you do not have examples for the listening section so if you're using materials that are before 2020 and lots of them are very good just keep in mind that you don't have this example going forward okay that's important to keep that in mind okay so um here we go the first question what is the woman's husband's nationality okay so they talk a little bit about names they talk a little bit about spelling of names what's the nationality miyen says uh the man is swedish a lot of people agree part one should be fairly easy indeed the man is swedish that's the correct answer so yes b okay so in your answer sheet make sure that you're putting b okay b as the answer that's all you need to put is the big b all right in the computer-based exam it's just going to be a little check box and just click on it and it'll go boop and i'll check that off okay all right um next question how is a child's personal education number normally received now you don't hear questions right you hear the people say answers so you're always listening for statements okay so in this case the woman says i usually send the uh education number by yeah and a lot of you are saying apollo very good habibul yeah very good um justin yeah post you have to make sure that you put the letter so she says post yeah i usually send it by post and they kind of repeat it a couple times so if you miss it the first time don't freak out don't be like i missed it um just be patient okay they repeat it uh and i think she says it like three times she's like you didn't see a letter in the post by the way did you i usually post a little yellow envelope that's like post post post um so listen for that repetitive information and don't freak out okay okay so if you think you missed hearing it the first time don't don't have a freak out all right they often repeat the answer especially for part one and even in part two not so much in part three and part four those are more challenging but part one and part two for sure okay so the correct answer here is by post all right and so you put the letter a into your answer sheet okay all right happy birth um yeah it's just i have an eccentric uh attitude i like to be dynamic i'm all right so the next question question three uh choose the correct letter we're still on to multiple choice you're always listening for the answer okay don't just stare at the answers so uh don't uh stare at the answers hoping the right one jumps out instead focus on the question and listen for the answer okay so why is the husband out of town this one comes a little bit faster and the answer is b so really good paulo really good hoing you in thai very nice habibu yev fatima you have the right answer just make sure that you put the letter not the word right don't make silly mistakes so just make sure in the answer key if you're doing the paper base you put b uh work okay so the answer there is work all right um and then here for number four it's only one question so you're only getting one point but you have to choose three pieces okay so really pay attention to those uppercase letters they're emphasizing it's three pieces of information so what three pieces of information are required to retrieve the child's personal number for this type of question take notes and you can do this uh in the computer-based exam because you have a piece of paper so you can take notes okay and you can you should take notes like man's woman's national insurance number uh which one is that one nope nope nope uh that one so use symbols notice how i didn't write the word number this is the symbol for number when you're taking notes try to use symbols whenever you can so the woman's and the man's national insurance number okay and the names right um so the correct answer here uh would be c d and f okay uh why not e so why not this one okay and i see that a lot of you got that so a lot of you got c d and f okay um so why not e why why wouldn't why wouldn't this administrator need the woman's name yeah fatima very good so fatima says because it's already given yeah because she already gave this that's right fatima very good um nicely done okay um why not a and b yeah gilbert if you get one of the three wrong you'll lose the whole mark absolutely okay um why not this one so why not um why not the woman's personal insurance number why not the husband's personal insurance number uh here of course you have to think about what is the personal insurance number so what is a personal insurance number why why would a school not need your personal insurance number okay nifski it's not included in the national insurance number your personal insurance is different yeah andrei says because it's personal yeah that's probably a good answer andre absolutely because it's personal and uh nobody other than your insurance company okay needs your personal insurance number okay so only only your insurance company personal insurance means like it's like your health or life insurance or house insurance okay that's what a personal insurance number is the school's not going to ask you for your house insurance number to register your child so of course um the other important strategy for this type of multiple choice question where you have several answers is use logic okay just think logically and you will realize that several options are not possible do not make sense okay so in this case if you really think logically then you can actually figure out that the only right answers here are the woman's the husband's national insurance number and the husband's name okay all right um okay so let's go to the next question so then of course the uh woman starts to spell the husband's name and so how is the husband's name spelt is it spelt eric e-r-i-c-k is it spelled eric er i see or eric e-r-i-k okay mal sakshi arta um are all saying it's spelt eric with the k and that is correct okay so the woman actually says this she says um it is spelled uh e uh it is spelled eric with a k [Music] at the end instead of a c because he is uh s swedish okay yeah so that's what she says uh the key word here was instead okay you really had to kind of uh pay attention to that word instead to get it right [Music] i don't think you can read that too well let's choose a different color um so yeah so there we go instead so k instead of a c so you have to really pay attention to these kinds of words like instead okay all right dictation super important um question number six uh what is matilda so you had a little break here of course and then you had this question what is matilda's personal education number a t56340192 b p five six three four zero one nine two or c t five six p four zero one nine two and i've got a lot of a's uh coming up paulo leila very good happy bully f six is a if i'm not mistaken habibullia be confident especially a multiple choice um yeah t five six three four zero one nine two there's no letter okay and it's a t and not a p so for all of you who answered a give yourselves a pad on the shoulder you've done a good job listen to dictation okay all right um on our website students um so let me just show you this super fast okay before we look at some of these other uh questions so on our website in the audio so this is at a you've got lots of help for this so you've got like um uh the alphabet and you've got numbers here let me play this for you so you can listen this is a british person because of course the test is british so this is ae help calm okay and listen to these kinds of audios they're at the end so here's numbers zero one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 one thousand one thousand ten thousand ten thousand one hundred thousand one hundred thousand one million one million one billion one billion okay so practice like that students okay so practice those uh numbers uh when you have a chance again those are on the website there's also metric system days of the week days of the month so there's lots and lots of help there for your listening and for your speaking uh to learn the correct pronunciation for those numbers and kind of sharpen your ears to get those correct okay all right let's go back to these last couple questions here and do them together okay so uh where was the child born was it a newcastle b london or c monterey i see that a lot of people were already giving some answers for that amu says seven was a leila says that was a um yeah so it was newcastle and uh it's even related to the question six where um the uh woman says uh tyne and weir i believe so newcastle yeah um a um and she says that this first letter in the uh education number the t denotes the location tynan weir which is in newcastle okay so that is explained okay um and then we have again this multi multiple choice so the question here was what two qualifications do many of the nursery school senior staff have so you had to figure that out again taking notes using logic right what were the correct answers so you had six choices you needed just two apollo says they were b and e a two-year uh diploma and a bachelor's degree uh very good yeah so that that's what it was it's a two-year diploma and a bachelor's degree so that's what they talk about a bonus question bonus question time um bonus question um [Music] what um education level does the uh school director have okay and when you're doing listening at home uh you should practice this kind of bonus question time especially with partners it's a really good way to improve your active reading so what kind of qualification does the director is it a master's degree or is it a um yeah no it's a jyoti says it's f it's a doctorate degree yeah it's a doctorate degree so the uh the director has a phd in education if i'm not mistaken okay some of them has a master's degree but i believe she has a doctorate degree okay if i remember correctly if i'm mistaken i'll have to check okay all right so um somebody's asking can you replay that part yeah so i can when you go to the website you can replay uh chunks of uh the audio here let's let's listen to it because maybe i'm wrong maybe it's not a masters maybe it's a doctorate degree this recording is copyr okay so we have one your daughter matilda is in very good hands that makes me feel a lot tilder that we need she is now registered for half day nursery school in september do you have any questions yes i do i was wondering what sort of training your nursery school teachers have that is a very good question each of our teachers has at a minimum a two-year diploma in early childhood education many of our senior staff have bachelor's degrees in education in addition to the two-year diploma and our departmental head miss janet roth has a postgraduate certificate bachelor's degree and diploma do not worry ms johnson your daughter matilda is in very good hands that makes me feel a lot better can you tell me when the first day of school all right so we don't actually we find out it could be the first day of class is the fifth of september and yes we do have an orientation it takes place on the third okay yeah so she has a uh post-graduate degree so the best answer here would have been a post-graduate degree okay so it could be a master's degree it could be a doctorate degree we don't know that but she has a post-graduate degree which could be either d or it could be f it could be both it's not neither mul it's actually one or the other or both okay so we don't know but it's a postgraduate degree postgraduate degree could be a master's or a doctorate okay all right let's take a look at the last couple of questions so these were questions nine and ten yeah jack it could be either or both right um so these were complete the notes below write no more than two words and or a number always really pay attention to that kind of instruction um when's the first day of class okay mamta says it's the 5th of september laila agrees and definitely don't misspell september because you have september right here okay um so all i would do for a correct answer here on the ielts is sept five like that okay that's your easiest and fastest correct answer okay so the easiest and fastest correct answer okay they'll take other answers so they'll take answers like september uh fifth okay or they'll take sept fifth or they'll take except uh five okay so they'll take all of those answers uh but the one where you're definitely going to get it correct and it's going to be quick is just like that step five okay yeah justin core abbreviations are absolutely allowed okay all right um so uh orientation day is a little bit before of course it's on the third of september orientation hours are nine to midday midday is uh either hyphenated or one word okay midday and uh number 10 we've got a missing word here someone and children should attend orientation so we've got children uh it makes sense that the answer here is parents very good mamta very good shakshi very good faith shul very nice all right uh ida marco what do you think um all right so parents okay i hear this s is super important okay so you have to have that s if you don't have that s there okay let's use a different color because you're gonna think i mean don't use it but no you need it okay so you need it let's use that okay so parents uh why because children is plural children's plural parents has to be plural as well and they say parents so um yeah moonlight if you have a capital p that's fine if you don't have a capital p you're still going to get that mark okay it's considered a common noun so if you put parents with a small p in the answer sheet it will still be accepted all right they're not going to ping you for that okay everyone so uh now we're going to go to uh speaking part two by the way for speaking part one your goal should always be a nine or a ten all right uh just because uh it's the easiest part so you don't wanna lose marks in part one okay you need to get a nine or a ten in part one absolutely all right um so now we're gonna go to part two and uh you wanna do exactly what you did for part one so listen carefully answer the questions while you listen don't put them in the chat we will share the answers together so let's hop back to the website here for a few more moments all right here we go and we are going on to cd3 track two for listening so everybody get ready for listening part two here we go now turn to section two take some time to look at questions eleven to sixteen listening section two you will hear a recording of a university campus tour first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16. now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11-16 good afternoon everyone if you're here for the university campus tour you're in the correct place there are two purposes for this tour for prospective students you get to see the campus where you may be studying in a few months and you get to learn some interesting information which may convince you to look favorably on our university for parents you get to learn what life is like at this university so you know where you are sending your kids off to this autumn before we start the tour i'd like to give you some background information this university was originally open in 1686 although from 1745 to 1805 it was shut down due to a lack of funding the university is composed of 23 buildings which were built in one of three periods there were four original buildings in 1686 a dozen more buildings were constructed in the period from 1805 to 1815 and the final seven buildings have been added in the past 10 years so there is a fascinating mix of 17th century 19th century and quite modern architecture the first building we are going to look at is called the prescott building named after the university's first chancellor william chester prescott as you can probably tell this is one of the university's original buildings completed in 1686. the building is actually quite unique in shape it is approximately 40 meters long while only 8 meters wide it also has these interesting circular areas attached to each corner four of them in all these four circular areas each house a large bell none of the bells work today however as we walk in the door i'd like to point out all of the beautiful persian carpets on the floor these carpets were donated to the university by a former student almost 150 years ago this is very common for former students who have done well in life to give back to the university some give money some give land some give gifts such as persian carpets one former student even gave the university his pub after he died by the way that pub which is located at the intersection of 3rd street and pine avenue gives students of the university a 30 discount now if that's not a selling point for this university i don't know what is on a serious note it is our outstanding education which makes our university a top competitor on the global front you now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20. always use that time to review these questions so let's look at 17 to 20. now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 17 to 20. before we go any further are there any questions no right then next we are going to visit the university library as you see in front of the library there is a beautiful fountain which shoots water high up in the air once again the funding for the fountain came from a former student in this case a well-known artist it was constructed just fifteen years ago at the cost of fifty thousand pounds as we step into the library i think what you'll notice at first is the fact there are no books indeed there are no books at all on the entire ground floor on the five upper floors however there are over three million books the library's collection has been built over time through private donations gifts from former students as well as university purchases there is also a special collections area where there are original works dating back to the year 1588. next on our itinerary is a visit to the sporting facilities here at the university we have over a dozen different facilities for almost any sport you can imagine ranging from football and rugby to tennis and squash to archery and cricket our rugby team has won the national championship three out of the last five years as you'll see on your left is a famous war where we put pictures of that is the end of section two you will now have half a minute to check your answers all right students and check your answers in that half minute now i did something a little bit special here um as many of you saw what i did is i highlighted uh parts of the question sheet to kind of show you the pacing of the information and how it is uh presented okay so of course you have you don't have that kind of help in the real ielts exam but that's good to do when you're listening so when you're doing listening practice at home you can do the same thing so go through the listening and kind of highlight the information as you hear it so that you can train your mind in your eye to coordinate and feel the pacing the timing of the answers okay did everybody catch that so that was another kind of strategy here let me write this strategy up for you okay so this is a second strategy for today that you can practice at home what i just did here for you okay and it's very helpful it will really help with your pacing so that you can feel how the answers are coming okay so when you practice your listening at home and you should be able to do this with pdfs using um adobe reader as well okay so when you practice your listening at home uh highlight the information in your um question booklet as you hear it so that you can train your eyes and brain to actively listen and get a feel for the pacing and style of the speaker and uh answers okay so do that all right everybody's got it navdeep says um right on okay so you definitely want to do that okay um let's uh go through the answers together for this listening all right okay excudi and ruth also are like all right okay um so let's um let's look at the answers together now uh here we go um back to the beginning of this part two uh here we go so it's a university campus tour everybody all right so again it's not section two you're going to hear it's part two they changed that last year okay um 11 to 13 yet to complete the table below write no more than two words and or number university opened uh they actually repeat this answer twice so they give this number twice uh facial uh shakshi fatima bakra rashika all agree that the university opened in 1686 1686. i don't know why i'm singing the answers just makes me feel good it's morning time for me and i guess i'm still in a great and happy mood my day has not been crushed by any negative events yet all right so university opened in 1686 very good notice how in english it's 1686 oftentimes years four digits we rarely will ever say a thousand six hundred and eighty six you just never hear people saying that you will always hear people saying 16 86 so first two digits last two digits okay all right and then uh in this table you should be really paying attention to the given information like 1745 to 1805 okay and then um the speaker says there's 23 buildings in all in eight from 1805 to 1815 there were something buildings constructed how many buildings were constructed in these 10 years so 1805 to 1815 23 buildings was the total number so that's wrong if you gave that answer our winner says it's 12. yeah so they say a dozen buildings were constructed dozen buildings is 12. so 12 is your easiest answer okay um dozen would be correct as well but dozens just a little bit slower to write more spelling mistake opportunities so 12 okay question 12 the answer is 12 okay and for that previous one it was 1686 so 12 was the right answer good for you nub deep for getting a dozen okay doesn't answers um in the past uh something seven buildings were constructed so here you had to listen for this seven buildings in the past very good jack very good uh jack use the number it's easier so in the listening section just use the number 10 okay in the last 10 years seven more buildings the university is booming that's a good sign if the university is creating new buildings it's probably doing well it's probably got some good programs and for those of you that are planning to study abroad by the way that's one aspect that i would look at is how much the university is investing in development it's a good sign of how good your school is okay um and then they talk about the prescott building and this is where you hear this 1686. so the guy says well in 1686 the first building was the prescott building named after the first chancellor of the university william prescott i remember i think his name was and the correct answer here how does this building look is it a is it b is it c um fatima says it's b because they said there's circles in the corner yeah and they also said that it's really long and it's not very wide so they said it's like 50 feet by 8 feet so it's got this really long rectangular shape so if you got b you got it correct good for you good for everybody that chose b there yeah uh wonderlust lavish says um wonderlust just one time in the isles okay yeah amu you can absolutely write 12 instead of 12 instead of dozen for question 12 in fact i recommend it it's easier huang yuan says it's a 40 by 8 building these would not be correct that's right huang very nice all right everyone so now we hop on to question 15. uh question 15 write no more than two words and or a number for each answer how many years ago were the persian carpets donated me yen uh abdesh says 150 yeah it was 150 and all you need is the number okay because you have years ago in the question so all you need is one number okay it says no more than two but really you just need 150. all right uh next question what discount do students receive at the local pub so how much of a discount how much of a coupon if you will do they get um from their drinks thirty percent forty percent three percent a b or c paulo says it's a fatima says it's a everybody says it's a i agree it's a okay so the correct answer was 30 always put the letter don't put 30 in your answer sheet if you're doing the paper base because you'll get it wrong okay so it's a 30 discount that's pretty good it's pretty good okay uh 17 to 20 we had to complete the summary um write no more than two words and or a number for each answer in front of the library there is a beautiful what there's a beautiful what anjali says there's a beautiful fountain yep watch your spelling fountain is correct and again you probably saw that i helped you with the pacing here inside the library the ground floor has how many books ruth says no books yeah probably because of water damage and such right so they said no books you can use all capitals by the way as well if you're doing all capitals make sure all of your answers are all capitals okay the upper floors however house over 3 million books the collection was built by donations gifts and purchases additionally there is a something area with works dating back to 1588 always read in full sentences okay here you needed two words it was a tricky one it has to be plural it was special collections area you need all of this if you just wrote special collection with no s you would get it wrong so here you needed this uh s on the end to get it correct okay and then we had one more here so there are many sporting facilities including the rugby field which is home to the rugby team which has won three of the five what what has their rugby team won they haven't won the years that's for sure jack william and harman says national championships arda agrees yeah it's the uh national championships now this is where capitalization is tricky because we don't know if it's the name of the championships or if it's just simply national championships i would give it to you both ways uh in the ielts but to be sure i would probably go uh capitals on that one okay so national championships how did you do everybody so what did you get as your score hopefully you got at least 16 or more okay so part one uh plus uh part two uh should equal a score of 16 or uh more or greater okay to get a good band score all right okay so mumta 16 is pretty good thumbs up um buck wrap 15 you got to work a little bit got to work a little bit 16 is the minimum me yen 16 is the minimum hubby bullier yeah 18's on the right track absolutely gilbert yeah 14 sad face yep a little bit a little bit of studying okay kwan tran 13 yeah you don't want to be losing seven marks because guess what everyone we've got part three and part four tomorrow at this time and they're going to be a bit more challenging so it's easier to lose more scores there okay so we will uh do we will do uh part three part four uh tomorrow um and um and then we'll look at the the total score um together okay so that's it for listening part one and part two again you can find these on our website so our websites uh for listening there's six original practice exams it's ae help dot com and giles help dot okay um so make sure to check that out this was here our academic ielts help channel with all of our audio and everything else um to join here uh all you really need to do is click this ginormous red button the join now uh one-time payment lifetime access uh doesn't cost much at all we probably give the most help for the least amount of money for ielts in the world that's actual professional help and we're proud of that okay general ielts it's the same idea green background click that button of course you get apps and that too so you can use it on your mobile the page is super responsive so you can use the website on your mobile as well um that's it for today everyone i will be back tomorrow with um listening part three and four i hope you enjoyed this class i sure enjoyed hanging out with you uh you're very welcome saman you're very welcome everybody have a fantastic rest of your day i'm adrienne i'm signing out from beautiful victoria uh and i'll be back tomorrow bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice, listening english practice, part 2 kanye west
Id: 8MgdrquBrSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 20sec (3500 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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