IELTS Listening Part 3 & 4 - Band 9 Achievement

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welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a great week and is looking forward to a fantastic weekend if your weekend's already started i hope it's going really well i hope you're staying healthy happy and strong today students in this class we are looking at an ielts listening section specifically parts three and parts four of the listening section these are the more challenging parts definitely more difficult than part one or part two but that doesn't mean that you cannot get a band 9 achievement and we are going to be looking at that welcome to our channel moderator carolina welcome members hi amuhai husna welcome students gilbert blueberry patel good to see many of our regular students in this class i'm happy to have you all on board in this class we are uh going to be using our which helps you with academic ielts and which helps you with general ielts also you can download our apps from your app store academic ielts help get it from google play or apple app store general ielts help same thing get it from your app stores link it to the web accounts there's a lot of free material you get a lot of learning it's really a great way to improve for your ielts and it's worth the investment you can also follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help we have lots of great tips and tricks and strategies for the ielts also for general ielts so we have specific materials for academic outs and specific materials for general ielts as well if you have questions just send me an email to adrian i will gladly answer your questions so we have listening right now tomorrow we'll have a question and answer session for our members of course everybody should join so that you can get some good information and we'll have speaking part two class for everyone as well okay so yesterday uh we did speaking part or sorry listening part one and listening part two okay and um uh i told you about the strategy the first strategy when the listening section starts is during this one minute instruction time you want to look at the topics of all of the listening parts in the computer-based exam it's really easy to do that because you can click at the bottom of the screen and you can literally just jump to each part and you can see the topic super fast and that will help you to predict and to visualize and to gain vocabulary in your thoughts in your mind for those parts of the listening okay jung tu jian there's some pretty important differences between academic and general reading i do see your question send me an email and you can check that out also one way to check that out is visit our websites and look at the sample materials okay all right so yesterday we looked at this listening exam and we did part one which was registering for a nursery school then we did part two which was a university tour and now we know that we have part three coming which is taxes and part four which is going to be isaac newton okay so that's what's going to be happening here um all right uh so i'm going to play the listening audio here in a moment and uh what i would like you to do is i would like you to listen carefully answer the questions visualize do not so don't put your answer into the chat wait till the end that way everybody has a chance to answer on their own albert i'm going to go so albert's saying could you please uh send some listening tips and tricks albert i'm going to do that after we do the listening so keep paying attention we'll do the exercise together we'll go through the answers together and i will talk strategy tips tricks for the listening section and these questions that you can use in your exam okay and sarah says i want to get bad nine and six months is that enough for that sarah it depends on your level of english how much time you have how good you are with languages but nothing is impossible so the best advice i can give you is to keep going okay everyone so i'm going to switch over now to our listening exam here as you can all see this is a section three it's actually called part three now since uh 2020 they've changed this to part three um and this is a track three uh maybe i can make this even bigger for us so you can really see these questions clearly okay how's that how's that everyone is that even here let me let me really just uh there we go all right okay really get everything big get the words big get me big get everybody uh big okay all right uh deepak if you can't if you still can't see the questions clearly make sure that you set your youtube to 720p okay and this is ultra low latency stream so that we can do this really quickly so everybody set it to 720p if you can't see something clearly okay and then it'll definitely be clearer okay all right so again i'm jumping over to our websites here this is our academic ielts website here at in order to get our premium package you just click this big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and you can use it even after you finish your alex exam to continue learning english and vocabulary and practice we have new materials posted on our websites all the time you can see here we help hundreds of students like here's all their success stories so these are all real students from many different parts of the world i encourage you to read their testimonials we've helped so so many students over the years and we're very very proud of that so definitely check that out once you register your account you'll have a my student account you can use this on your phone by the way as well and you have computer-based practice exams you have a full online course you have workbooks that you can download and pdf then you have lesson videos as well and what we're looking for right now is this right here the ielts audio cds so these are the cds that go with the exam and i'm going to um play the audio here so um as soon as i start playing the audio get ready to answer questions okay so this is cd three track three here we go everyone with uh listening exam part three okay everybody's ready now turn to section three take some time to look at questions 21-26 listening section three you will hear a public forum discussion between the moderator and two contributors dr philip mcphee and dr ron tatum both political scientists at the local university talking about the nature of taxes in society now listen carefully and answer questions 21-26 first of all i would like to thank dr mcphee and dr tatum for taking time out of their busy lives to spend this evening with us thank you for having us dr mcphee could you give us a little bit of the history of taxation certainly taxes have been around almost as long as civilization itself there are records of taxes being collected by egyptian pharaohs approximately 5 000 years ago it was customary to give 20 of your production to the pharaoh and those who evaded taxes were severely punished dr tatum what are the reasons for taxes well there are essentially three major reasons for taxes the first and most obvious reason is revenue governments need money and taxes fulfill this need the government then spends this tax revenue on investments that are good for society such as health care schools and roads funding the army would fall under this category as well the second reason for taxation is for the redistribution of wealth in simpler terms this means taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor many societies do this out of a belief that it is the responsibility of the government to look after the poor people in society i'll let dr mcphee talk about the final reason for taxation called repricing thank you dr tatum yes the third main reason for taxation is called repricing and by this we mean changing the price of a product to a different generally higher price this may sound quite strange but if you bear with me you'll see that it makes perfect sense in general products are allowed to be priced in a free market that is to say whoever can provide goods for the lowest price is the most successful however there are certain types of goods that we don't allow to go to the free market in many countries these are goods like tobacco and alcohol these goods are subject to a repricing tax which is used to discourage people from using the product also these repricing taxes help offset the future medical costs associated with the people who use tobacco and alcohol excessively you now have some time to look at questions 27 to 30. now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 27 to 30. very well do you favor higher or lower taxes i am a strong proponent of higher taxes the reason for this is simply that it is easier to make money when you already have money this gives a massive advantage to those people who may have inherited money or come from rich families because money is so much easier to gain for these people if used wisely taxing them seems only fair and for the greater good this compensates the poorer sections of society who really have little or no hope to gain financial success i understand dr tatum's position but one has to be wary of the fact that if taxes are too high for businesses then those businesses will leave the country in favor of countries with lower taxes of course it would be nice if we could legislate a worldwide tax structure but this is simply not attainable and i'm sure by the time it becomes attainable companies will likely have opportunities to leave for another planet with more favorable tax structure yes you're right dr mcphee we must always be mindful of staying competitive it is like a tightrope we must walk between compensating those less fortunate and being able to stay competitive in the market because if we fail to be competitive then tax revenue will dry up resulting in no money at all for the lower economic classes so this is an extremely difficult balancing act which leads to my next question what is the future of taxation i believe you will see higher taxes in 50 years than there are today just as we have higher taxes today than 50 years ago we will need even more money for projects like high-speed transit new roads new technologies also with an aging population medical costs could soar in the near future resulting in higher taxes to support this health care system i think the future will be a lot like the present walking the tight rope as dr tatum mentioned where that takes us i'm not sure if i had to guess i'd say higher taxes for the reasons dr tatum outlined however another important variable to consider is where the free markets can really be allowed that is the end of section three you will now have half a minute to check your answers and in that half minute students definitely check your answers i'm just going to stop the audio on our website at here and then we'll go back and we'll look at the answers and i'll talk some strategy and give you some tips and you probably saw me do a couple of interesting uh steps uh to help me figure out the right answers so as we go through this i'll explain those to you okay um all right so let's hop back to our question sheet here and uh again these exams are coming from our websites we have exams just like cambridge just like ielts they're exactly the same difficulty they're exactly the same format here we go everyone so uh this is part three uh questions 21-23 the topic is taxes we know that okay so the first question here was write no more than two words end or a number for each answer now here it's a hypothetical situation right you have to really pay attention to this if so if an egyptian's income was 10 000 whatever teals or whatever it would have been back then how much would be given to the pharaoh again we don't know if this is dollars or teals or silvers or whatever gold how much would be given to the pharaoh now here um the uh person or the speaker said 20 so i have to think a little bit here okay so i have to think uh what is 20 percent of uh ten thousand so you have to do a little bit of math here and again remember this is part three so sometimes the answers are not as easy as you think um if it seems too easy um think again okay there could be something wrong there it's not twenty percent you can't write twenty percent because it's ten thousand so they're looking for a number here and that number twenty percent of ten thousand is uh two thousand okay so two thousand is the correct answer if you write twenty percent they won't give you the mark for that that's the general truth but here they're asking how much not what percent okay so how much would be given 2 000 would be given all right so the correct answer is 2 000 okay be really careful pay attention to the question right this this is a key part here this ten thousand uh when you see something like that you have to think critically okay all right um let's take a look at question 22 so the first reason mentioned for taxes is and this is this shouldn't be too difficult they said it a couple of times um and uh it should be fairly easy blueberry mumta gilbert i'll say it's revenue yeah to make money right governments need to make money so rev the new and you should be able to spell a word like revenue all right so uh revenue uh it doesn't have to be a capital r can be a small r okay it's a common noun revenue making money earnings okay number 23 the second reason for taxes is known as takes money from the rich and gives it to the poor kind of like robin hood right um so what is the second reason amuse says it's redistribution bucket says it's redistribution yeah and if only that were true a lot of the time uh redistribution so re prefix distribute root shen suffix make sure to know your prefixes roots and suffixes for the most common uh forms in english okay so this is another tip here everyone to get answers correct and not just for the listening but for other sections of the ielts okay so it is a really good idea to learn um the most common especially prefixes and suffixes in english okay so you know what they mean and that will help you decipher words so figure out words as well okay all you have to do is just google them so google prefixes and suffixes in english and you're golden okay so just that's good um wealth redistribution adriani uh they might give it to you for that because it's no more than two words and it is wealth redistribution but you don't need the word wealth so if you wrote wealth redistribution you'll probably get the point still it makes sense it is good but you don't need wealth redistribution because it's simply redistribution okay all right and then here we had uh this uh flow chart where they were talking about the third uh reason for taxes uh which was repricing right so repricing okay so here you have the product okay and then here you have this division uh where you're going right and you're going left and on one arm you have one concept and the other arm you have the other concept so let's take a look at number 24. um 24 something is allowed to go to free market so when you have a flow chart look at this line here okay so look at the movement of the idea or the concept of this idea okay so here number 24 is a revenue allowed to go to the free market doesn't make sense alcohol allowed to go to free market me a lot of you are saying e harwinder and jack and bakrat say it's e which is general goods okay and that's correct so here you need the answer e okay e is the correct answer um yeah general goods all right don't write general goods because then you'll get it wrong but e is the correct answer and it's general goods that are allowed to go to the free market okay right so 24 is e right um 25 something is subject to a some kind of tax and mal says that's going to be b miyen agrees uh fatima agrees and i agree as well so this one is alcohol okay why because alcohol is subject to a um a what sarah says d and jack williams agrees it's subject to a repricing tax okay so d it wouldn't be redistribution because that was the second reason so here's redistribution now if you didn't know the spelling of redistribution if you're like oh what was the spelling then here's redistribution okay so uh you can use this for the spelling of spelling spelling of uh number uh 23 okay so pay attention to questions and answers helping you answer other questions correctly okay everybody get that so that's an important tip so if you miss the spelling don't panic because often you'll find that answer somewhere else okay all right um now uh yeah so this one cannot be c because this is that third type of um tax which is repricing tax okay um now here's a bonus question okay and i showed you this in yesterday's class that you should be able to ask and answer questions so uh why does why is alcohol subject to a repricing tax okay so this third type of tax where governments say uh-uh you can't just sell alcohol for five bucks a bottle it's going to be ten bucks a bottle or ten dollars a bottle and five dollars goes to the government so why is why does the government do that or with tobacco with cigarettes as well okay so lottery it might do that as well so why why does the government do this repricing tax gilbert says cause people get addicted to it um kind of harwinder says to increase their revenue but why is that okay yeah apollo very good so paulo says the government needs money to deal with the bad effects of alcohol okay so for example uh driving accidents when somebody is drinking and driving and they cause damage okay or uh they damage their body their liver for example takes damage from continued alcohol abuse um it costs more for the hospitals it costs more for the medical system so that's why okay so you should be able to when you're doing active listening um ask and answer extra questions about the listening audio yeah so farid says to provide money for health insurance absolutely like here in british columbia in canada the repricing tax for alcohol and tobacco is very very expensive anybody know what a pack of cigarettes costs in the province of british columbia where i live maybe some of you know this maybe you live here so a pack of uh cigarettes in bc canada costs yeah art a very good guess 20 it's basically a dollar a cigarette because um bc has universal health care so um it can be uh hundreds of thousands of dollars to treat uh lung cancer for one smoker okay so if you think about it this way if you're like thinking oh wow 20 that's so expensive but yeah if you think about it in bc we have universal health care which that means that everybody gets health care for free it's not really for free because we pay with our taxes but that's why they say hey if you want to smoke and if the society has to pay a hundred thousand dollars for lung cancer treatment then you should be paying for that when you're buying cigarettes right um so that's the that's the concept of repricing tax when you're doing your listening section students it's a good idea to kind of really understand what you're listening to okay all right tqd says it's five dollars in vietnam yeah so maybe in vietnam that's expensive too because of health care there right okay all right um so let's move on to questions 27 and 29 uh which three of the following are arguments in favor of lower taxes so here you had to really pay sorry really pay attention to lower taxes because they were talking about higher taxes first okay so make sure you catch the object of the sentence and then here um you had questions 27 28 29 and you had all of this uh content here right so it's so much to read um you can't really read this uh when you're um when you're listening it's it's really really hard okay so even for a uh native uh english speaker uh with um high school education it would be really really hard to read and answer while reading so i did something else here okay so you notice what i did here while um while uh i was listening instead of um looking at these or instead of staring at these i took some notes okay so um did everybody catch that okay so did everybody see that uh here i took some notes and this is what i took for notes so uh when there are lower taxes uh then the um [Music] then maybe businesses will stay in the same country right if taxes are too high then they'll go to another country no world tax so now i can look at these and see which ones kind of match my notes okay paulo and wanna max and mom to say yeah i saw you do that okay so here i can see businesses will leave the country if taxed uh too harshly okay all right so um that would be uh one there okay for lower taxes that matches with leave the country okay um i wrote the word stay competitive right and here it is a country must stay competitive in the global market so that one matches right i don't have i can't read all of that but i have that in my stay competitive okay and then there's no money for the poor if there are really high taxes right so lower taxes in the end uh benefit everyone um uh including the poor right so that was f there okay all right so uh if you got that so if you got um uh so a little worldwide tax structure can be implemented that's not true mian they said that's not possible so it was these so it was uh b d and f okay all right those were the correct answers that's the uh favor of uh lower taxes okay so bdf so for questions 27 28 29 in any order you could have given uh bdf okay bdf all right those were the right answers all right um and then we had one more question here that kind of jumped to the next page because i was doing my notes so choose the letters a b or c number 30 what do the speakers believe about taxes in the future i think this is logical it's your own logic okay ielts tries to tell the truth as well and many of you are saying c so they will be higher um yeah that was the correct answer there c for sure i think most of us agree that taxes just seem to go up and up and there's newer and newer taxes and this tax and that tax and yeah so new taxes and they will be higher taxes okay all right how did you do what did you get out of 10 so what did you get from 10 not 19 10 there we go so what did you get from 10 um ideally you should get six or more correct okay if you want to get a band 6.5 to seven you should get at least six of these cracks jack got nine month got six new and got seven amu got nine those are all some pretty good numbers students so you're doing good there you go thumbs up actually you know what i'm feeling positive today two thumbs up um so you've you've been doing pretty good okay all right cd us lee dean how did you do let me know okay all right uh four is a little bit low yeah careful with that you got to keep going okay um not to worry we've got another chance at uh doing a great job here we're going to go on to section four everybody so get ready to listen i recommend using a headset like what i'm doing um it's just going to sound that much better and it's going to be more like the real ielts exam if you're doing the real outs exam especially the computer-based you will be using a headset most test centers these days are using headsets for the listening section so let's do this listening together so i'm going to just uh hop back to the website here and i'm going to play the audio from the audio cds this is cd3 track four uh students again this is ae help dot com okay and um don't put your answers in the chat wait until the end we will share the answers together at the end okay so this is listening part four there's no breaks okay it's just all one audio there's no breaks like in one two or three so here we go everyone now turn to section four take some time to look at questions 31-40 listening section four you will hear a lecture about english scientist isaac newton now listen carefully and answer questions 31-40 today we are going to discuss the life and achievements of the famous english scientist sir isaac newton many consider newton to be the most brilliant man to have ever lived and many consider his achievements the greatest ever achieved by one man newton himself was not so sure as he famously told his followers if i have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants while it may be true that he built upon the foundation of scientists before him he still managed to see further than anyone else had and to this day his accomplishments stand the test of time isaac newton was born in england in 1643 he studied at the king's school in grantham from age 12 to 17. after leaving school his mother tried to make him into a farmer but that was not going to be sufficient for young isaac a year later in 1661 on the recommendation of one of his teachers at the king's school in grantham newton was admitted to trinity college in cambridge where he eventually became a teacher six years later newton is perhaps most famous for his work on gravity a well-known story says that newton realized the nature of gravity while he was sitting under a tree and an apple fell on his head this story may or may not be true but the underlying principle is valuable newton made the astonishing discovery that the same force that makes an apple fall to the earth also makes the earth revolve around the sun and the moon revolve around the earth until this time scientists such as rene descartes and gottfried leibniz had believed that the planets moved in some sort of matter something they called an ether newton demonstrated that no such ether was required descartes and leibniz also had little explanation for why apples fall to the earth newton's theory accounted for this almost perfectly [Music] during the 20th century newton's theory came under attack by the german physicist albert einstein whose theory of relativity was said to replace newton's theory of gravitation this is simply not true einstein's theory is a landmark achievement in science but it did not replace newton's theory it merely improved it to picture this think of a smooth ball perhaps a billiard ball in this experiment of the mind newton tells us that the ball is smooth however einstein says that the ball has small imperfections dents cuts and scrapes who is right the answer is both of them newton is correct on a macroscopic scale when we look at the ball from the distance the ball is smooth however einstein is correct as well the ball does have imperfections he is correct on a macroscopic and microscopic scale another of newton's important achievements is the reflecting telescope previously galileo had used lenses to construct his telescope but newton was the first to use mirrors in a telescope today's telescopes are almost all made of mirrors as opposed to lenses which again speaks to newton's brilliance there are a number of reasons the mirror is an improvement over the lens in telescopes first mirrors do not warp as easily as lenses do and by that i mean that lenses can lose their shape in hot or cold weather quite easily second telescopes with mirrors take up less space because of their shorter focal distance third telescopes with mirrors can be built far larger because the mirrors themselves can be built larger [Music] an achievement of newtons that must not be overlooked is newton's discovery of calculus although the discovery was not without controversy gottfried leibniz also claims to have invented calculus at approximately the same time nobody really knows the truth but it is accepted that they discovered it separately in any case it was a brilliant achievement by both scientists [Music] newton died in march 1727 and his body was later rest at westminster abbey in london in a famous above ground too he was 84. that is the end of section 4. you will now have half a minute to check your answers all right students and check your answers in that half minute um we're going to go through the answers together here now um hopefully you got a lot of these i was really assisting you there as well just by kind of showing you how my eyes and my mind are going through the reading and the audio the key words that i'm selecting from the audio kind of the progression the timing okay was everybody able to kind of see that so um an island of remote curiosity this is our next one here there we go um okay so uh let's get back to this yeah stop the audio um so uh was everybody kind of um able to see what i was doing there as i was following through the reading and highlighting so that wasn't just kind of random highlighting that i was doing there so did everybody catch that okay before we look at the answers so moonlight says yes hasn't carolina says yes did you find that useful so did you kind of find that effective or valuable for you to feel the pacing and the kind of the key words that i was looking at okay chinery says for me it was faint okay chinery i'll think about how to fix that blueberry says that was very useful for me uh chang yeah says that was really hard gilbert found that useful has not too okay kabir said too okay so let's go through these so first of all uh we had this um flow chart okay and notice how i highlighted this part as i was doing this here now you can't do that in the real exam because you don't have highlight options i think in the computer based um but um uh the only i so i don't recommend underlining or highlighting um because you're going to pay attention to this anyway um i just wanted to show you that i'm paying attention here to uh this um this number because as soon as i hear this number 1643 i know that the answers are coming so then after the speaker says oh isaac newton was born i can't remember where um in 1643 and then he studied at king's school in grantham from the age of and you only need two numbers here so what were the two numbers okay blueberry says it was 12 to 17 yeah so all you need are 12 you don't need the two because it's given okay so 12 to 17. all right yeah absolutely okay and then he leaves school and his mother attempts to make him uh something so not a scientist not a teacher but his mom wanted him to be a farmer get out their son and plow the land reap the harvest and take it to market and isaac said mama these hands were not meant for farming they're too soft i want to do something different um so in 1661 by the way that kind of said like some of you might be like that's kind of funny but um you want to be visual okay so when i'm doing this listening like i kind of become isaac newton and let me tell you my hands are pretty soft from sitting and typing at the keyboard so i would not do well with a shovel or rake okay so he leaves school and then okay in 1661 okay that was another date where you could identify your location in the audio on the recommendation of his teachers admitted to trinidad college in cambridge six years after starting and they kind of reverse this here newton becomes a something there so what does newton become newton becomes a teacher that's right tqd jack mamta moonlight arda so many of you have gotten this answer correct he becomes a teacher yeah so newton is teaching awesome um and now we had this matching the person with what they did okay so you hear the speaker mostly talking about newton but the speaker also mentions descartes and leibniz galileo and einstein very very very very famous scientists from different parts of the world and their discoveries and science has basically shaped the world that we live in so um here this person or these people believe in hint uh believed uh that planets move in an ether so a b c or d and you kind of saw me play around with the word ether here ether here you can kind of picture just kind of like a liquid okay and i see that paulo harwinder gilbert and many of our members and non-members as well said that's c it is c so descartes and leibniz they all thought it's some kind of liquid we're all just swimming around in some kind of a jelly um and then someone developed a theory which was thought to replace the earlier theory of gravity now of course we all know that newton has the famous theory of gravity and there's only one scientist here who came after newton that we would say might have you know replaced his theory so paulo says that for 35 it's d it's einstein it is einstein uh yeah so some people like the theory anybody by the way um anybody know what einstein's theory is called einstein's famous theory so newton's theory is the theory of gravity how about einstein what is einstein famous for just a bonus question just for fun yeah very good paulo relativity theory buckaroot 2 the theory of relativity yeah it's good to know these kinds of concepts sabrina actually gave it to us e equals m c squared that's right it is energy equals mass times the speed of light squared we've got some nerds out there good for you good for liking knowledge very good buckrut too all right yeah it is energy equals mass times the speed of light squared okay uh number 36 in the experiment of the mind and notice the quotation marks here that means that they're going to use this exact phrase in the audio that's really good to pay attention to those quotation marks so the experiment of the mind tells us the billiard ball is smooth and again the quotation marks so when you see those you know that you're going to hear that okay meen says that's b it was newton so newton said the ball is smooth yeah but it's only smooth if we look at it from far away right einstein said if we look at it from close it's got scratches dents imperfections okay rahman i do provide uh speaking classes or speaking interviews to practice for the ielts speaking you can check that out on the website okay all right um this is just a little side note somebody was asking okay here we go 37 so used not mirrors but lenses in the construction of the telescope so 37 zukarim says that was galileo and it was galileo so galileo used lenses galileo the very famous italian astronomer always really pay attention to this knot okay so anytime you have a negative sometimes students get really tricked by that so when you catch the negative knot be really really really really careful okay galileo is very very important and famous in understanding the stars the planet and the universe the science of that okay um so questions 38 to 39 write no more than two words and or a number uh telescopes with lenses cannot be built as large as telescopes with mirrors because large lenses tend to lose shape how do you spell lose people l-o-s-e okay don't lose marks loose is the opposite of tight okay uh lose to misplace lose lose lose lose okay don't make that difference right you'll you'll get it wrong so careful with that kabir right um okay i saw a few people make that mistake so careful okay all right um telescopes with mirrors take up less space because of their reduced something so what was 39 they're reduced focal distance very good are the focal distance focal distance okay and if you're into photography uh you'll understand that so many people love taking selfies and they use tick tock and all this kind of you know digital media taking pictures and videos so you should learn words like uh focal distance you should know some of the basics of photography or videography like focal distance aperture um shutter speed shutter and so on okay so it's good to learn those um and uh we had one more question here which statement is true now you probably saw me as i was listening uh and thinking about this hey newton and lee has discovered calculus together they're friends they're like hey we did it um newton and leibniz discovered calculus separately during the same time period or noon and laden has discovered calculus separately while working at the same university the correct answer here was b okay so yeah they didn't do it together in fact they were rivals they had a competition going uh leibniz german newton british right so uh they're quite far apart especially at that time before planes and automobiles and even trains i think were scarce well no trains were around by their time i think um no no no wouldn't what am i talking about no trains wouldn't have been around so they would have had to be like riding horses to see it would have really taken a long time so anyway calculus separately during the same time period okay all right so a big question here students is how did you do uh what did you get from 40 and i'm asking 40 because i know that a lot of students uh were in the class yesterday as well for part one and part two so uh let's check your scores let's check your band score okay so this is our website here at ae help dot com again uh you can join the premium package on the website by clicking these big red buttons it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and then you get your my student account and there's a lot of tools here for you to improve ielts at the bottom there's a score calculator i'm going to make this like super huge so you can see this okay let's see if you can see that there's a score calculator right there okay and there's a qr code to get the app um you click on the score calculator and then you put in your listening score me and got 31 so me and you got an ielts band score seven okay uh let me you can message us with messenger so me and got band score seven uh let's see moonlight got 35 okay that's a band eight jack uh 32 7.5 liquing here 33 uh still a 7.5 uh arda got 39 that's gonna be a bad nine barta that's a great score okay all right let's see who else got what else um gilbert 29 from 40. yeah let's check that out 29 29 is a 6.5 gilbert i think you were just checking on the website right okay everyone so uh check that out um you also have the same tools but of course different reading and writing at general ielts help so you can click that big red button to join us there we are an official british council owls test registration center and certified agents so we know what we're doing um and again we've helped lots of students you can read their success stories these are our general ielts students success stories and we've got tons and tons of them that's it for today everyone thank you carolina for moderating thank you members for your support you can always be a member of our channel and if you don't feel like paying for materials but you do want to get help definitely subscribe to our channel and click for uh notifications all right i will be back tomorrow everyone um with questions and answers for members and speaking part two for everyone else okay so make sure to come back tomorrow um at this time and a little bit earlier uh that's it for now uh again i hope you have an awesome remainder of your day and a continued fantastic weekend we'll catch you soon i'm adrian i'm signing out from beautiful victoria much love to wherever you are in this fantastic world bye for now everyone
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice, listening english practice, part 2 kanye west
Id: sMEOmmyoudA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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