IELTS Live - Speaking Part 3 Band 9 Answers Analysis

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and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a fantastic week so far and i hope you're all looking forward to a great weekend i know i am in this class everyone we are looking at ielts speaking part three that's the third and final part of the speaking and we're going to be practicing some band nine answers and analyzing some students responses that's right in this class we're going to try something brand new we will have some students who will answer some questions hopefully for speaking part three we'll be able to hear this conversation and then we're going to discuss these responses welcome muhammad welcome aman good to see many students in the class already hi omu welcome to our moderator karolina hi arda nice to see all of you in this class this lesson everyone is brought to you by and we're going to use in a little bit here for academic ielts help visit us there and for the general aisles check us out at g you can also download our apps academic ielts help from your app store that links to or you can download general ielts help um also in your app store or apple or android and you can link that to g follow us on instagram we've got lots of new posts uh these days uh for the speaking sections as well like practice uh speaking part two cue cards so uh our instagram profiles are ielts underscore a help and gl's help and if you have questions you can always just send me an email to adrian we've got plenty more classes this week so we've got the speaking part 3 right now then we will have listening part 1 and 2 after this class tomorrow we're going to do some reading for members some more listening with everyone and then we'll have a q a session and we'll have uh speaking uh part two as well so uh now let's get into our ielts uh speaking part three so this is a speaking class everyone so everybody should be speaking as much as possible make sure to speak and repeat so copy my intonation copy my pronunciation my fluency as much as you can all right everyone so you're in the ielts speaking and you are in the interview you've completed speaking part one and uh now you're going on to uh speaking part two and you've completed speaking part two you're feeling great and now the examiner says okay uh that's the end of your two minutes i'll take back the questions and now we'll continue with speaking part three for this part i will ask you a question or two related to your cue card response and some questions connected to this topic and then they're going to ask you some more detailed questions okay speaking part three they're detailed questions on the topic of the cue card so here the examiner says let's talk about seeking help okay let's talk about seeking help welcome jyoti hi john hi sami hi rashika hi paulo all right um so they'll continue right away uh first let's practice this uh question and then uh members so i see we've got a good number of members in here um which member would like to actually practice some of these questions with me speaking in this live class here now remember of course everybody will hear your responses we're going to use the website so i will guide you on how to do this okay and i need some volunteers so while i get some volunteers for now everybody can just type your answer for this question why is it important to help people in times of need so answer this question for me and meanwhile i'll look for some volunteer to have a bit of a conversation with me in this live class so give me some answers students while i get this volunteer yeah carolina so right now um i know this is kind of spontaneous but does anybody have the courage to just do a question and answer with me and then we'll talk about you know what you're doing well how you can improve so i will analyze your speaking i'll even give you a sample band a score for um your response okay uh sammy says i'm in okay um so um artist says no thanks i'm nervous okay sammy that's great sammy um what you want to do okay is uh go to the website okay so uh go to ae let me show you where here okay so go to okay this website here um so the url is ae i'll put that into the chat okay so here we go sami we'll set this up everybody be patient it's going to be fun you're going to see so sammy uh go to okay just do what i'm doing right now all right i can actually send you the link here in the chat to be more specific okay and this is something new so let's try it let's see if it works it should should work just fine okay so go to and i'm pretty sure sammy that you have a student account right sami um okay sammy so are you telling me you're not in right now because sammy's saying sorry i don't give the arrangements um i'll we can set it up sammy so are you at a computer i need somebody who's at a computer okay so amu john rashica um anybody using a computer you definitely want to use a computer for this this would be too difficult on a mobile phone okay let's see if anybody has it if not that's fine okay meanwhile john has given us a response to this question john's saying humans are naturally created to support each other especially when someone um is in an advantageous situation and lending a hand to someone else is necessary hi husna okay any of our members using um a computer because i'm trying to get you to go to and in your my student account you have this student partner speaking and in the student partner speaking we can actually practice the speaking in this live class okay and i see we have ananta in here but i don't think i think ananta would be a little bit surprised to know that she's live with 102 people watching her so i don't want to do that okay all right our mender you're very welcome hiya manvali all right so um do you want to practice some live speaking are you at a computer right now so again i'm looking for one of our members who has the courage to do a little bit of live speaking in this class but you need to have a computer for this okay all right meanwhile we've got some more answers to this question jaineel says the answer should be okay and again the question that we're answering for speaking part three is why is it important to help people in times of need and jai neil says it is vital to give a hand to people when um uh someone is in need because it's uh one of the kinds of aids that people provide to maintain social equality through either financial physical or other support well i'm always ready to help the needy and last sunday i arranged warm blankets for a construction worker okay janil says i'm using a mobile anybody using a computer a pc artist says helping people who seek some aid is important because when someone gives a hand to the person who needs help the person can help them as well in the future so i mean by this helping people builds and then arda i'm guessing that you've got more coming here okay again i'm gonna keep i'm gonna keep this option open so if some um member during this speaking class has the courage to practice a little bit of actual live speaking then um then we can do that okay uh gineal yeah i think you might be able to connect through a mobile but it it would be tricky okay um do you want to try it daniel we can give we can give it a shot are you in a relatively quiet place okay artist says i don't have the courage that's okay ardo when you build up the courage maybe when you hear some other students do it um janil we can try it on the mobile i'm not sure how your mobile is set up but we can yeah we can do it i mean you can go to the website you should be able to and use the function through your mobile as well so we can give it a shot you want to give it a try [Music] let me know meanwhile amman villa says it is very significant to assist individuals whenever they are required as uh we can also take help from them in a difficult situation okay all right so daniel yeah let's give it a shot okay i'm curious actually how well it will work through a mobile connection here with us so um in your mobile gyneal again go to okay i can see that carolina is actually uh logged in here so uh let me show you where we're going with this okay okay so go to click on that link and then jenny i'm pretty sure you have a student account right even a free account will work go into your my student account and then click on student partner speaking and i should see you come up in the users online like how ananta and carolina are in here right now okay all right i can see harwinders in here now as well which is good okay so we're going to uh start speaking with one of our students here hopefully fairly soon i'm not sure if it's hardwinder our member because i know we have a member or window as well okay so janel are you in oh there you are okay um perfect so janelle now here's the trick okay i'm going to call you um but uh we are only going to do audio so no video okay so we're only going to do an audio call and then and then i'll ask you a question or two and you're just going to give me a response and we'll discuss it so that's all we're going uh to do so i'll call you in a second here i'm just going to enable the computer audio uh in the live stream so give me uh one moment here okay so or the desktop audio okay just give me two shakes of a lamb's tail it means give me just a moment here and then um we should be good to go okay janil so i'm going to call you and just pick up and then we'll go over the questions there's harwinder as well okay here we go janil okay so i'm trying to call you i haven't tried this with mobile through pc through a live stream so i'm calling you right now can you hear me that's okay if you're not in a quiet place jenny okay so jaimeel is not picking up are you able to get the phone jainal it might not work on your p on your phone because you might have too many audio coming with the youtube working as well okay i don't know if you can run youtube and a chat program at the same time through your phone okay i'm gonna hang up can everybody hear the call by the way so um just uh you know this is a very new uh function that we're using here was everybody able to hear that call okay carolina says yes i can hear the call um okay i don't know what happened to janil yeah sammy says as well harwinder is that you in the chat also and are you using a pc okay it sounds like all of you can hear okay all of you can hear the ring which is good that means that we're going to hear the conversation um cool um harwinder do you mind if i give you a call okay harwinder wants to talk all right harwinder let me try you okay i'm going to call you and then try to pick it up here all right all right hopefully we'll be able to connect with someone here okay her window so i'm giving you a call right now janelle i saw that you messaged a little bit i'm not sure what's going on there but all right okay harwinder can you hear me oh great hard winter i can hear you as well quick question harwinder can you use a headset because i can hear myself talking it's coming back into your microphone yeah and carolina says or mute your youtube okay um yeah harwinder you can't you can't use video in two places at one time so don't try to use the video okay just use the audio phone call all right we'll get the hang of this okay hi harwinder can you hear me okay i can hear you too we can't use video because we can't be using our camera in two places at the same time okay um so that's great and now you're nice and quiet can everybody else hear her winder as well okay so harwinder um are you ready to practice just a couple of uh speaking questions here for part three [Music] of course awesome thank you for doing that cool okay so we're going to jump to these questions again so i'll ask you the question that we just started with okay and give me a nice answer don't worry about it you're being brave that's super awesome and then i'll tell you how you're doing okay all right so uh here we go why is it important to help people in times of need well i think it's quite important that we [Music] uh someone in the time of crisis uh because whenever you get in trouble in any time of your life you get a paperback from him okay harwinder thank you for that answer okay i'm going to analyze it a little bit okay so um basically what harwinder says uh is that i think it's important uh to let me bring up what harwinder said so how our window just hang on okay don't hang up i'm going to really just get into your answer here and analyze it okay um and we're going to jump back here to uh the lessons so i'm going to repeat what you just said okay or more or less so i think it's important to help um a person in a time of crisis uh because um a person might need a favor in return and you don't uh know when you may need it or when he may need it i think it was something like that is that correct harwinder yes so okay so um i think that first of all i'll give you a band score okay so uh if i'm your examiner i would give you comfortably a band score of 6.5 maybe even as high as a seven for that okay and i'll explain why so harwinder did a couple of points really well first of all harwinder answered that in a nice full sentence um because he used the question in his answer and he used some good uh paraphrasing and vocabulary like help a person in time of crisis so time of crisis is definitely a nice expression to tell someone that it's a time of need so instead of saying time of need it's time of crisis okay and then another part that you did really well harwinder is that you immediately explained your answers so he said because a person might need a favor in return which is a good logical answer it was very clear okay now um you did use the word you okay so uh in the ielts exam harwinder you want to avoid this word you as much as possible okay it's really easy to say you and we say it all the time in natural conversation but it makes comprehension a little bit awkward because suddenly you're talking to your examiner like you're saying you to the examiner so in the ielts exam and when you're practicing for the ielts exam definitely avoid that okay awesome yeah so i'm just giving you some pointers here harwinder and take them as you want okay um the other um point harwinder that i would have added because i think your fluency was quite good so i think you can work a little bit on your fluency your fluency score there would have been i'd say about a six just because you're a little bit on the slow side for natural language but it's okay it's better to be accurate and a bit slower then speak really fast and be incoherent okay so you only want to speak faster if you can speak with the same quality okay quality is more important than speed now one more point harwinder that you could have added to this is an example right like you could have said something like uh like i helped my sister yesterday um with her homework um so today uh she helped me uh with um the laundry okay for example so that kind of smooth example uh harwinder can help to increase your score does that make sense yes it makes sense perfect okay harwinder let's try it one more time and this is what you want to do everyone when you're practicing speaking in partners or at home is you want to talk about the question the answer you want to identify the mistakes where to improve and then you want to try it again so harwinder you want to try this one more time with me the same question no sir please no okay do you want to try another question all right yeah let's do it all right okay all right so again no pressure and again i'm really appreciating that you're being brave and doing this okay um here we go so here's a follow-up question harwinder what may be the consequences of not helping well the first consequences come to my mind is that uh you can lose your friendship if that is your friend or an important relation and it can also affect your full front circle in the long term process why because [Music] people always want themselves to be seen as if they are proud of someone i think okay good all right um can you give me an example uh my friend akash he always needs my help and the last month i said no to him then he didn't talk me anymore and my other friends also uh started uh giving up on me okay good all right perfect harwinder so that's what you want to put together in your answer right so you always want to think about that why the response and then the example and that was very good so you said my friend akash asked me for help you can think about what kind of help like changing a tire on his car but i said no so he hasn't talked to me for over two months right so that kind of an example will really help you to boost your uh score okay so you want to think about that answer explanation example okay um harwinder that was really great thank you for that again that score would be about a band um six to six point five so hard winter i think if you practice and you really pay attention to the points that i'm telling you i think you can get a score as high as a band seven in your ielts exam as long as you're paying attention to answer explain example and then just practice to build your fluency your grammar your pronunciation your lexical resource are all a band seven the only component that's pulling down your score right now is your fluency and to build that you want to focus on answer explain example and just lots of practice does that make sense yes sir okay awesome so thank you so much uh harwinder i'm going to hang up now and then we're going to go over some other questions uh for everyone in the class and we'll see in a bit if somebody else wants to volunteer okay [Music] okay thank you harwinder you're awesome thank you so much okay so um let's give a little applause to harwinder and you can do that by inserting an emoji um into the uh chat okay so that was very brave of harwinder i know it takes a lot to even just be audible and use your voice and show your english when it's not your own language to so many uh people so thank you again for that harwinder that was uh fantastic okay um all right paulo says clap clap clap muruga says clap clap clap okay so uh members this is something that we're going to do now in speaking classes and um we are going to make this available to other students as well so satisha's asking can i speak satish we're just doing this with members right now but we will be doing it with all uh students in the future we're just kind of testing out how the system works with the members uh first okay so okay i'm going to uh go back to uh this question here so what may be the consequences of not helping okay so here we want to give a nice full answer everybody can do this now again speak so just like harwinder you want to speak and voice yourself in these classes okay so the result of not giving a hand to a person who needs assistance uh maybe the loss of a friendship or it could result in problems for the person in the future what i mean is that the saying goes a friend in need is a friend indeed so those people who do not help their friends will end up alone and when they need assistance there will be no one to aid them okay and then a smooth example i didn't help my friend last month change the tire on his car so this month he didn't help me uh when i needed him to fix my pc okay so again nice smooth examples okay um so here we go uh let me just um yeah now i can see a lots of people in the chat again janil i see that you're still in there we'll try a question in a moment i just want to go over a nice smooth band 9 answer for this question okay so here we go everyone repeat after me what may be the consequences of not helping the result of not giving a hand to a person who needs assistance may be the loss of a friendship or it could result in problems for the person in the future what i mean is that the saying goes a friend in need is a friend indeed so those people who do not help their friends will end up alone and when they need assistance there will be no one to aid them i didn't help my friend last month change the tire on his car so this month he didn't help me when i needed him to fix my pc okay all right so that's how you can do it okay so uh janelle i see that you're still in the um in the chat on the website where you can practice with other students janil um do you want to practice again let me just check it out okay so i see your answer janil um janil let me know if you still want to practice you want to give it another shot okay and if anybody else wants to give it a shot like car winder then we can do that okay all right meanwhile danielle says last month one old man near me was had a hangover near the liquor shop and was begging for me when i not did not give him a hand okay danielle i'm guessing you have the rest of your answers somewhere else okay all right ruga wants to volunteer okay uh let me see another volunteer here so just give me a moment all right okay so let's look for another volunteer for the next question um here we go okay carolina i see you in here uh janil i see you in here let's see if i can call jaineel while muruga comes in here as well mruga you have to go to the website and then you have to have a student account and you have to click on student partner speaking okay so let me see if jynil can connect danielle i see you're sending me messages okay here we go danielle uh danielle you have to mute your audio on youtube so that we're not getting feedback okay oh i don't see janelle anymore all right there's sammy uh sammy you want to give it a shot here we go let me try to call sammy ooh that's pretty loud okay here's here's sammy let's see if we can connect i'm calling sammy um let's see so you can all hear me yeah sami i see that you're connected to the laptop i'm calling you right now sammy so hopefully you can hear and pick up yeah daniel for the next class try to be on a laptop and then we'll be able to connect it's probably pretty loud ringing for everybody uh you answered the call sammy but i don't hear you okay try calling me sammy let's try to do it another way try to call me and i'll try to pick up should work okay hi sammy can you call me all right let's see if this works okay i don't see you calling me that's really strange and you're saying it's ringing for you let me try to refresh that hmm that's strange sammy i don't know are you in general ielts or academic aisles here let me okay there's lots of people in here right now um all right uh let's see uh can you see my chat sammy so if i'm chatting to you can you see my chat all right i'm hoping we can get one more person on here with us today okay all right let me try something here sammy and then we'll we'll try again here in two seconds okay so give me one moment meanwhile you can answer the next question everyone okay um try this one because we'll do this one with sammy here in a second i'm just going to change the settings sami and then we'll try again okay so this is the question we're going to answer with uh sammy and meanwhile everybody can try this question here so what are some common situations where people seek help from others okay so try to answer this question what are some common situations where people seek help from others and then meanwhile i'm going to try something here at sami so hang on um and then we'll see how well we can connect okay all right so give me one moment here okay all right so sammy can you try to connect one more time okay all right so connect one more time sammy and then uh we'll try to call each other again here okay while everybody is answering this question okay um and uh sammy go to if you can not so let's try to connect through the same uh website okay so if you can go to a help dot com not okay because i don't i don't actually see you in there you're gonna have to reload the page okay so go to or reload the page and then we'll try to call each other okay awesome okay meanwhile everybody else can try to answer this question okay so arda says hmm in my opinion a common situation where people seek aid from others is an earthquake when an earthquake happens lots of citizens need help because their homes are not safe so they need items to survive arda that's good it's asking you for situations so earthquake would be one situation you want more situations okay so you want to have um at least two situations so like a natural disaster or with homework right so some common situations where people ask for help are during natural disasters such as an earthquake or a flood or in everyday life with their schoolwork or their office work last week i asked my friend to help me with some difficult math questions okay so that's what you want to do arda you want to answer explain example and when it's plural you want to give at least two or three okay all right so sami i still don't see you in the list of users i see umrit paul as a hello okay um all right and we have nina and ananta in here as well so we've got lots of people in here um if you're open to members we can try with someone else uh carolina do you want to try to do a speaking question i see that you keep popping up into the chat here so uh carolina if you want to give it a shot i'm happy to um ask you this question as well okay so i'm i'm gonna give some other people a a chance here sammy while you're figuring out what's going on i can see that there's a message from carolina okay carolina says okay all right carolina then i'm gonna try to call you and we'll try to connect okay hello carolina can you hear me hi carolina can you hear me okay hi adrian i can't hear you can you hear me yeah i can hear you loud and clear that's awesome okay perfect so we've got carolina in the call right now all right sami can everybody else hear carolina okay loud and clear on your end as well okay um perfect so thank you carolina that's awesome um okay carolina i'm going to ask you this question that we just covered and then just give me an answer okay all right so here we go um what are some common situations where people seek help from others well there are common events where people seek help from others and like moving or when are when there are natural natural disasters so people need help from others like i can think about fixing their car when they have an accident on the road maybe i remember last weekend when i have to move to my apartment my new apartment so a friend of mine helped me with that so that was great okay awesome carolina thank you so much so uh just to reiterate carolina said that people need help in certain events uh when they're moving or during a natural disaster and then you continued carolina by explaining that they might also need help fixing their car when they have an accident and then you told me that you got help from some friends when you moved to a new apartment last week i believe um okay that was pretty good so again your band score level carolina do you want to know it do you want me to share it yeah yeah okay um so your band score level there is around a six to a 6.5 maybe a seven it's a little bit tricky at times because you had some really good elements but also you got kind of stuck a couple of times okay and i think you can easily be a band seven okay as long as again you create a bit more fluency and a bit more clarity uh just out of curiosity does anybody know so i would take one part of your answer out okay to make your answer better i would actually remove one part of your answer uh does any can anybody guess what part of the answer i would take out to make carolina's answer better carolina you can think about that too but let's see if we get some ideas from others so what part of the answer could carolina take out to make it to make that response more fluent and to get a higher band score maybe to say the options in order first and the example be related with the last option i said yeah i think you're on the right track so um what i would have taken out is the part about the car accidents i thought that was kind of awkward in the situation the helping with the car in the car accident because then after you went back to talking about um some friends who helped you with your move okay and you really only need to say two points so if you say when someone needs help with a move or during a natural disaster okay so you should have just kind of stuck with those two ideas and not involved the third idea um and instead of involving the third idea so talking about car accidents giving a clear explanation about why people need help when they're moving okay so let me ask you this carolina why do people need help when they're moving well individuals need to look for help when they are moving because there are a lot of stuff that they need to pack and they need to move a lot of heavy items in their home so it's really important that they look for help it's very difficult to do it by itself but by yourself on myself sorry okay so carolina that's a band 7.5 so that's how quickly you can jump from a band 665 to a band 7.5 so i'm sure everybody that was listening there realized that carolina was really fluent there there was a lot of great detailed information so when we are moving it's a lot of work there are a lot of boxes to pack so don't say a lot of stuff to pack right so a lot of boxes or a lot of belongings always avoid the word stuff and things so there are a lot of boxes to pack and often those boxes can be heavy or heavy objects like couches that need more than one person to lift so you had a really good explanation there okay so rather than the car accident giving that explanation and then giving your example that would get you a band nine okay carolina so if you would say let's try it one more time so i'm not going to give this to you i think you can do this carolina so i'm going to ask you the question again so put this together okay so say the move say the natural disaster give an explanation for the move give a short explanation for the natural disaster and then give that same example do you want to try it one more time putting those all together yeah so put them put them all together okay so here we go what are some common situations where people seek help from others well there are common situations where individuals look for it i sorry um when there are natural disasters or when people are moving because there are a lot of um my individuals cannot do it by themselves because there are a lot of heavy objects that they need to move from their place they they live so people always look for help in those situations uh like last month when i need to move from a new apartment i have to look for help with my friend and she helped me out to lift my couch very good okay all right um good that was good so yeah that's much more uh closer to a band seven all right so that's what you want to practice thank you so much carolina for volunteering and for sharing your english with us i really appreciate it and thank you for helping your peers as well i think i'm sure they're learning lots from this example and this correction okay so i'm sure i'll have you in here for some other questions in the future um that was perfect okay so again everybody we're using our website for this um speaking and uh the website uh let me see where we're at with this uh here we are okay caroline i'm just gonna hang up thank you bye okay um so in the website now we've got lots of students in here i see that sami is in here again okay um so that's where you can practice this uh this kind of speaking with other students okay you can do that at a or you can do it at as well all right um okay students let's practice a couple more questions okay so um here we go uh so these you're just going to write but i hope that you're also speaking on your end when we're practicing these questions okay so uh let's um let's try this question here so have the ways people sought help these days uh changed compared to a generation before give me a nice uh full sentence answer for this question okay so have the ways people sought help these days changed compared to a generation uh before okay so again we're looking for what we've been practicing with harwinder and carolina oh by the way everybody should give a nice applause to carolina and i i see amu and paulo um and muruga congratulating carolina so thank you for that yeah she deserves that praise absolutely okay everyone so let's try this one more question here so have the ways people sought help these days changed compared to a generation before um sammy i'm it's fantastic that you're logged into academics sami i'm not sure if we're going to be able to do it today but we're going to do more of this kind of practice in uh classes coming up so i'll definitely choose you first next time okay while we're just waiting for some student responses here so definitely students let me know if you like this kind of um live speaking practice with analysis and feedback okay if you like it then we're going to keep doing it especially in these members chat classes if you don't like it let me know and if you don't like it but you're shy to tell me why or in the live chat you can always tell me in an email as well okay all right sammy says it's fantastic okay that's good yeah so if you like it let me know if you don't like it let me know as well okay meanwhile do try to answer this question have the ways people sought help these days changed compared to a generation before so here we're talking about the method the way of asking for help okay all right janil likes it sammy likes it okay that's great okay vivek likes it too good so it seems like a lot of you're liking this type of interaction which is great because we can do more of it and the better we get the smoother it's going to be and the more people we're going to be able to ask questions from right so i'm sure next time we'll be able to do like four or five uh different uh uh interactions uh abr um we're going to do it for the general english hub channel as well and for the general public as well so we're just testing it now okay okay so hasn't says yes mostly i find it with helping school assignments people before used to seek knowledge face to face while nowadays technology advancements can help people ask questions through whatsapp and other social media good has now that's a good answer you've got a couple of um grammatical mistakes or word use mistakes there but overall it's the right approach okay all right sami says yes nowadays uh people mostly depend on gadgets and google rather than depending on other individuals like my brother he doesn't seek help from me for his homework he just simply googles all the answers okay sammy that's great that's a beautiful response all right and we'll hopefully have some of those verbally from you next time okay arda says yes i think so the ways people sought help these days have changed compared to a generation before two decades ago people sought some help with uh ingredients for meals but now people seek help with their social media devices like fixing a computer arda that's fantastic and i think your idea is creative and it works well and i hope arda that you build up the courage to verbally uh ask and answer some questions in class that's awesome okay um yeah so using the present perfect here is very important so yes the ways uh people look for assistance uh has changed uh dramatically over the past couple of decades primarily because of the internet nowadays people often search for help online rather than in person from friends or family they often use digital tools rather than conventional tools to fix problems last week when i had a flat tire i looked on youtube for a video to change it instead of asking my neighbor who is a mechanic okay so here we go this would be your high band answer let's try this together one last question and response repeat after me have the ways people sought help these days changed compared to a generation before yes the ways people look for assistance has changed dramatically over the past couple of decades primarily because of the internet nowadays people often search for help online rather than in person from friends or family they often use digital tools rather than conventional tools to fix problems last week when i had a flat tire i looked on youtube for a video to change it instead of asking my neighbor who is a mechanic okay so that's how it works all right students so that was a pretty exciting class and it was exciting for me as well it was really fun to hear your voices some of your voices for the first time and i look forward to doing some more of these classes i think it will be very helpful so keep in mind next time members and viewers that when you're watching the class sign up for a free account or if you really like our products you can also sign up for a paid account on our website and so the websites look like this this is uh general ielts help and uh at g or and you can click this big join now button to get our premium ielts or the green button to get it for free and then or get the free version and then for academic ielts it's the same idea and you click this big red button to join the premium package and then you have this my student account and in your my student account you have the student partner speaking and this is what we were using here today and there's tons of people in here now i see that want to interact so you can interact with each other and in these live classes you'll be able to interact with me and practice your speaking so i can give you feedback analysis and a band score estimate okay all right so that's how we will be doing it in the future so muhammad thomas venaud we will be doing it for general english help channel as well and for non-members as well so make sure to sign up okay all right so again uh that's at and that's it for this class everyone but i will be back um in 30 minutes with a listening class and we're going to be able to listen to the audio from our website uh as well it'll be very clear this time and we'll be able to work through the answers so it's going to be a little bit of a different format for the listening also okay all right um so that's it for now everyone uh keep up the good work come back in 30 minutes for some listening practice and strategy okay hasn't i'm glad you had fun and sammy i promise you are at the top of my list uh next time okay all right everyone much love see you soon in 30 minutes i'm adrienne i'm signing out from victoria for now but i'll be back soon with some listening bye
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 36sec (3456 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.