My 600lb LIE: The Amberlynn Reid History/Documentary (REUPLOAD after fixed copyright issue)

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but exactly the ending of my starting weights because I will never weigh more than that I can promise you guys that [Music] you are [Music] welcome back to wish for death Island population me and you know how Islands movie theater just opened I'm very proud of this so much so that I made you a feature myself killed off your rage probably be sick and eat orange chicken in embarrassing amounts but me I did all those things except the chicken one along the way for you but I'll stop my rambling so let's begin welcome to ample and those of you who have been around the channel for a while will be like Vitara you talked about these before well yeah I did before I before I hadn't realised the rabbit hole that I had fallen into over the past couple months I found the hater community become one discovered much more in the realm of my Sherlock Holmes detective work that I will show you soon and you can think of this as a documentary of sorts one that shouldn't have been made am balloons origin story starts in 2013 with the start of her channel which had the original name of life with amberle in her first video was published on the 17th of November and it was called nervous + awkward plus weight loss vlog so she clearly says this is a weight loss channel and it's a venture into weight loss and I want you to remember that as well as I want her to but remember that because she forgets from time to time am I still on Weight Watchers why haven't you done away in video and this and that so I'm gonna update you guys on everything regarding what's been going on with my whole lifestyle change I do want to say something first this channel is not a weight-loss Channel so a couple things of note here you can see her snake bites and her eyebrows I know that's petty but really she looks notably smaller and she also brings up a thing to later be known as the famous 89 pounds this is something that she uses a lot nowadays as an excuse to make it sound like she knows what she's doing but in this video however she genuinely seems to use it for some productive motivation and that is something that I can very much get behind this is followed by the weigh-in day two out of 365 on January 2nd 2014 in terms of laughs I guess this could be her first highly requested weigh-in on her channel I think she was somewhere around 300 I think as well on April 5th of 2015 we get to know I'm 24 and over 400 pounds so I guess the 300 thing is a bit past now well that's unfortunate something else that I want to point out is that despite some of the weight gains that she has in this early stage there's clearly an effort to exercise and make up for it and she genuinely seems upset at the smallest gain there's a sort of attitude of I will not get heavier rather than the attitude that she has recently which is well if I get bigger way to let you know and it's said I'm going to refer to the past Amba as og Lin and present Hamas eeeh ambolyn and ALR to save us both the trouble once I truly lose a hundred pounds of course I'll celebrate it but as of right now I am starting a completely fresh with a whole new starting weight for this journey this will be weigh-in one completely fresh I'm honestly devastated I'm just gonna move on accept it let it kick me in the butt so a little motivating I'm gonna become dedicated I'm gonna become determined inspired I'm going to prove everybody wrong and myself for February 9th 2015 my starting weight is three oh that's cute oh my god you've hit your five pound miles / celery news from the Weight Watchers family well it's actually not Weight Watchers anymore it's called WW which actually stands for wellness wins and they're supposed to taking a long time to get here because I've been down this five pounds for a time I'm literally crying like look how are you are you literally crying so we will cut to our first eat with me I'm not calling it a mukbang just yet because it's more of a backseat to her vlog I think that the most banks in my opinion are when the food is something that is forefront and she takes a backseat to the food and this one she clearly trying to push herself to the front however with someone with her ego it's kind of funny to see her push the food to the forefront when she's the one who always wants to be on camera but I'm just getting petty in this one on the 25th of February 2016 we can see amber being very sensitive to destinies light-hearted joke destiny is the girl who's holding the camera it's like og Lin is a hero in a first part of our movie trilogy who's learning to use her powers and when she finally faces off against the big villain in the climax of the first act ALR looks down on her broken form and says we're not so different you and I you could join me and then og Lin gives up to the dark side and ends our story on a dark note and okay the really sad part is in this video they're actually not eating that much comparatively Oh on March 11 2016 in our weight loss vlog she now says that she is 461 pounds and she says that she now weighs more than the scale would handle so she needed to buy a new one that is much more heavy-duty incidentally this weight gain started and will continue around the time she started filming herself eating I have no idea how that's connected but it's kind of an interesting thing isn't it it's probably nothing but then we get a massive string of mukbangs each one with more food than before and one on almost every type of food she loves Who am I kidding she loves all types of food spicy highly requested mukbang on May 6 2016 bigger portioned Chinese food on June 5th of the same year then we get ramen on the 22nd of June the McDonald's infamous mukbang with the face that she makes on July 10th pepperoni pizza but I don't like pizza but I don't like pepperoni but I had to film a food video so I forced myself to eat but I'm also doing weight loss and I have an eating disorder July 15 pepperoni I'm not really a pepperoni girl but oh um so I don't know if I've told you guys yet or not but I'm on a pill to help me like curb my appetite or whatever and it's kind of helping it's to the point where I kind of have to like force myself to eat right now I really don't want to eat like I don't but I haven't eaten today at all and that's not good the cereal bowl that is so [ __ ] large in proportion that it's in a damn casserole dish she says she found this after all the other dishes were in the sink and clearly if you had a weight loss journey you don't need to make an effort or smaller dishes or anything on July 26th and some sushi on November 1st [Applause] I'm doing new buns wrong I don't even know anymore I just do it because I'm not there are people who enjoy these videos i for one enjoy these videos but finally after that we have another weigh-in on December 29th and she says that she lost some weight but she gains but she also weighs 467 pounds now so she clearly weighs more than before so how much did she gain from all of that food to only lose like 2 pounds or something I a tonne and she already started lying and stopped trying Jesus it doesn't get any better than this guys but on Jan 16th of the next year in 2017 she now weighs 418 9.2 so she just gave up she really doesn't seem to care she sure she's acting like she does but that's something that you'll become familiar with does she get a wake-up call from this does she exercise what do you think we get a string of mukbangs March 7th June 1st September 18th December 13th to round out the year and basically cement to her now rapidly decreasing loyal audience that she has no intention of sticking to her promises whether her promises to herself her loved ones oh you don't forget she started this channel specifically so people could give her stuff to keep her in check so she could get accountability for the stuff that she's doing and clearly she doesn't want to do that anymore yet she's still uploading content that's kind of interesting well we get our weigh-in on the 22nd of May as 508 point 6 why I thought you said you were never going to be 500 pounds oh you're joining Weight Watchers now that's kind of an MLM but that doesn't really matter because at least you're trying no but if you're trying why did you upload a mukbang on June 19th then but then you are trying because on August 28th you say you lost like a pound from 532 to 531 weight you gained 30 [ __ ] pounds from May she steps on the scale of November and is 551 pounds that's 50 away from 600 so we get three more mukbangs a subway one on November 6th a spaghetti one from November 17th and just four days later a burger came one on November 21st it looks like these are picking up like between November 6th and November 17th that was at least an 11 day gap but now it's just a four-day gap that's kind of strange the frequency is alarming and people are equally concerned because her weight gain means that she is also eating less off-camera as well like there's a common argument of well mukbang is can lose weight as well but the bass shouldn't be done by people at Western because only things that the viewers see that make sense at all but my whole thing is like this is for so long this is my life I'm an adult I can choose what I want to do versus what I don't want to do that's because there's a balance of eating very normally or at least very healthily off-camera while eating in maintaining a very strict way of eating on camera when she is clearly not doing that then we get her starting 2019 weight On January 6th a whopping 560 and it's heartbreaking but unfortunately expected January 2019 out of five hundred and sixty pounds I'm doing a front shot o Jam you must be wondering to yourself that's a [ __ ] roller coaster what happened to the rest of 2019 I feel like the world currently right now my world my little world is completely just like falling apart it's like wow maybe people don't want to see me better myself I don't really know the vlog that went up today a lot of people like really hated it and I just know that I promised that I would upload for a hundred days in a row and during that time there will be days where you know I go through really personal things and I just don't want a blog okay don't do it so that's why the video was like really bad no people were upset with you because you literally went on camera and talked about how it's okay for a 600-pound person to considered to continuously keep doing muck lungs on their channel in consistency of the dates see ambolyn raid takes bulk recordings and uses them afterwards like way after was like maybe will be in like the next year and she's still using them from last year one of the recent examples is it'll be like November like it is now but then she'll have it used on August thing and then she'll lie and say it's not from August I understand that once in a while that's all well and good to do a lot of people do that to schedule their videos and I think that's a very good practice however the problem with this is one she's a vlog Channel that's supposed to be up to date - this is 99% of the time where her uploads will either be very very recent and then she'll pretend that it's spaced out or she'll just have an upload from like last year and pretend that it's very current and it's just a straight-up lie this is also and this is more speculation but honestly I believe this through and through she stopped saying the dates in her videos and she stopped being up to date because she's pissed off at how accurate the cycle is and how many people use the cycle to sort of measure what she's gonna say next so she gets pissed off at that and just decides to scramble the dates for us so we don't know so if I say that this video is uploaded in a specific date then yes it's updated for us on a specific date but it was made some other time and I don't know what that is but was filmed at the beginning of June and the end of May and then you quit weeks later so all of this was pre-recorded so how could people have voiced their concerns so the first thing I want to say is that in the middle of my weigh ins I actually do start saying the dates because I feel like it's important but you guys know well now it's in what this is being filmed I am still majorly behind on videos and I do apologize about that I use only an example of this isn't one of her recent weight loss doc distance where on July 14th and 15th of this year she acts like she's gonna follow the weight loss doctor that she finds but then on the 20th she says that she doesn't want to anymore and that the last videos were months ago even though these were only uploaded for us days apart that means that the July 14th and 15th one were some other one entirely but we don't really know what they were and it seems very accelerated to us but we don't actually know where she is at all what she's doing what she has been doing during those months that she gave us so what they even shot in July then we get geared up for this one with the truth about how I lost 89 pounds she also talks about being a Weight Watchers kid he then followed this up with I went to a weight-loss doctor where amber shows a few clips of her at the actual doctors office tells us that her earrings are heck and heavy Ghost grocery shopping and then comes home we leave on the note that all is well and we're going to give this a good old try you could tell that he has just done this for a long time he lost weight himself four years from now he thinks I can weigh 310 early a professional weight loss doctor told me to do this so as you guys know a couple of weeks ago I went to a weight loss doctor it's so obvious what works for me I just have to do it I know a lot of people are gonna be mad at me a lot of people gonna be upset with me but I'm not following my doctor's plan anymore why do you take so long to update weight loss on a weight loss Channel so here's a really dark thought and I do apologize if it does get too dark but really this is a very serious thing that I want to get across so that is if her videos are really that far back and she really does have such a backlog of videos to get through anyway if something happened to her like she either succumbed to her illness or unfortunately passed away we wouldn't know this we wouldn't know this until the videos were run out right because that is something that is a very very high possibility so we would be talking about this person like I am now and acting like she needs to take accountability and making jokes and doing all of these things when she isn't even with us anymore and then when we finally find out it's way too late I I'm just again I really don't mean to sound like I'm trying to push a specific thing or like make light of it but that is genuinely horrifying and I really wanted to bring it up because when it occurred to me when I was writing down my points for this video I really just sort of sat back for a minute and thought that that really could happen and I I don't think I've ever quite looked at a youtuber like this before I don't think I've ever been in the situation where that could be a possibility and that's very bizarre it's bizarre but it's very scary as well but pardon my digressions you must be wondering if you're saying some weight loss lies and old videos are enough to say boy people actively hater surely you must be nuts right and yeah I mean if I was mentioning stuff from the past that no longer applied then I totally get why I would be the bad guy here people changed and you should allow them to change but not constantly waving their past mistakes in their faces but if there wasn't some controversies to go along with it then maybe you'd be right but unfortunately that's not the case because there are some controversies and we're going to talk about them now I know the title card for the section of the video looks like some sort of HBO comedy but see one of the biggest insights into a LRS bad attitude an abusive personality is the stuff that we get when partners become ex partners and decide to talk about it the first one is very thematically confrontational and could upset you so if you're not really in the right headspace to listen to very serious abuse allegations and stuff like that then maybe skip a bit so this person called Casey and Casey is what I will be referring to him as as well as him because he has transitioned is the first known partner of ALR from before her channel started so he's not in any of her videos in 2016 on the 13th of September he made a rebuttal video to ALR and provided evidence for his grim claims on his channel Casey and Friends that you should check out for further information including the receipts of basically I think a relationship that they had about nine years ago now that spanned for like three years when Casey was 16 and underage by the way and ALR was 18 moved in with Casey and his mother and was a serial mucha as well as extremely violent to Casey and would be extremely bitter as well never doing any housework or lifting a finger to help sending Casey to school with bruises and one time stole his phone and took numbers from it she also made out with three other girls during their relationship and actively set up her next relationship with a woman named crystal while she was still with Casey so she was talking to crystal six or seven months before Casey's breakup she also made it seem like Casey was the abuser and used this to get sympathy gifts from their friends so Casey was basically being gaslighted blames and all the while being the one who was actually abused she even threw glass at Casey's mom once and after the relationship Casey had to spend a week in a mental hospital and had to get a psychologist ALR afterwards not only used abuse claims for views publicly in front of all of us as strangers not just her friends and also made a rape allegation against Casey and wrote this terrible slam poem about it but also deleted it and did not address it despite the backlash that she got for a false allegation who will survive will it be the false nightmare you spit or the reality I have tied tied to a place a place of sadness and now revealed an alter and Amanda's spidered a friend friend a spider enemy grudge and love loss using my name to put yours and lights what happened to all the fights all the times no I'm not perfect in any way inside the lines no glitter outside no gracefully warded rhymes like how she puts her heart into it she also frequently misgender as Casey as even though she made a video in the past getting mad about some waitress apparently calling her other girlfriend destiny and it or him which is something that people think might be a lie as well because at first she gets mad that the waitress called destiny a him but then later on she retails historian said no it was an it and it's it there's an inconsistency there but then again Ariel are lies about everything so whatever really sad that people think I'm transphobic llegado no actually where that ever came from because what am i very very very very very best friends is transgender so I don't know why anyone would ever say that when I have talked about my ex before I have slipped her it's because when you first find out that someone is transgender especially someone that you knew for years literally years as a hero she it is so hard it's so hard to change what you once knew and when I was dating my ex he was a sheep so I feel like there's two different I was so when I talk about my disagreed you guys know that like I am here and open like an open book but again my my favorite my favorite my best friend is transgender so I can't sit there and be best friends with someone if I was transphobic when there's clips to prove that she's transphobic very very depressed because I opened up about something that was a hundred percent true and I'm coming to tell you that she completely lied and so I sat there and made this whole other video on September 23rd 2016 that is how long is this wait 22 minutes and 29 seconds long talking about everything that Casey lied about when we first started dating the things that I went through while being with her Lord things I'm sorry when I when I was with her I was with her oh yeah I was with her as a girl so I'm talking about Casey the girl that I was with but that's how she was but they know so it's confusing it's confusing [Music] but the girl was up getting something mind you the waitress was super [ __ ] sweet I'm just gonna say that but all of a sudden my destiny got up she started calling destiny and it not a girl not a female not as she not even a [ __ ] he which happens sometimes and see out of the picture crystal became the next girlfriend now a common thing with ALR is that she always tries to get money or whatever and stays with the family so crystals family was apparently giving ALR an allowance like she was their kid and this led to people speculating that they were paying ALR to date Cristal no I mean I've talked about this in a video before I just I think it was I said it was a theory I don't know if it's true or false or whatever but I find it highly suspicious that two that two adults two parents would pay someone a twenty three-year-old mind you someone who's fully capable and able body to work fifteen hundred or seventeen hundred dollars a month to just exist in their house for nothing okay for years and they did that for [ __ ] years they supported her I mean first of all to be so [ __ ] low that you're willing to just take money from strangers like that not only are they [ __ ] sheltering you and feeding you but now they're giving you an allowance every month I think that there are more strings involved in that in that whole transaction than their she's willing to she's willing to be forthcoming about and you could also see such as on April 9th 2014 during their GF tag but al our forces crystals be on camera with her despite how uncomfortable crystal looks and she also mocks how quiet she is and talks over her basically bill every chance this is not something that is new or something that stops at all throughout her channel what's making fun of her for not talking is that it is that the only appearance of her in the video she knows we got the autism there's also a story from KC's accounts of Al are getting extremely angry at Krystle for getting her an iPod of only eight gigabytes instead of the gift that she actually wanted of 36 gigabytes yeah getting angry at someone for getting you a gift that's not an extravagant as the one that you wanted yeesh so after Krystle we get destiny who is the key player in this story as well she started talking to destiny way before breaking up with Krystal again see the pattern and they met online as she says in some of her videos about how they met again you'll see more belittling purposefully bad camera angles and comments like well you need to lose weight and stuff like that as well as after they broke up talking about how destiny gained a lot of weight and stuff like that that was kind of Becky's highest was 280 before she met me she reached to 97 while we were together it's very common for people to gain weight and new relationships I'm not saying it's justified but come on I haven't been with destiny in almost three years and she's still gaining weight that was there are also incredibly sexual moments between them on camera like touching each other making out talking about how they just had sex and there's a snapchat video of Al are basically fingering destiny on camera al are also seemed the happiest and most energetic at this point after this point apparently destiny made comment saying that al are as awful cooking but I can't find them archiving blues but things start to get rocky and we see that in order to buy back Destiny's love al are buyers and an inordinate amount of Christmas gifts in November and film's destiny opening them a lot of them look like dollar store junk I'm just saying she even follows this up with a video called buying my GF love and tries to debunk what we're saying but doesn't all you need to know is that she doesn't actually respond to anything that's something that you can say about basically any video that she has talking to people about things that they've accused her of but it was not to be as destiny broke up with her which ALR tearfully informs us about looking quite worse for wear and saying that due to her anxiety she made destiny sleep in the same bed with her for like months afterwards before they moved away from each other oh dude remember when amber was I don't know if she talks about in this video but remember when after they broke up how amber made destiny sleep with her in the bed every night because she was had anxiety so crazy Becky did seek her out Becky with like remember like but like amber was like Oh Becky was a fan and she messaged me on YouTube and blah blah blah oh she does talk about my depression she's so manipulative she's such garbage destiny now has a vlog channel with her current partner Dana and she states that in a video that while her and Al are could still be friends the amount of trauma that a lara tracks is unhealthy and too much to deal with it definitely is an drama-free okay that's one of the reasons I was so tired of amberlynn just it's just too much drama and I and I'm not a drama person it's not like I just didn't want to be any part of it I don't want to be any part of this I don't like I understand that hate comes with YouTube or whatever but amberlynn has nothing to do with my channel now my Dana's channel mine deal my Nana's channel no it has nothing to do with she has nothing to do with what me and Danna do in our lives she is it's her and Becky now and me and Dana now there's no me and Evelyn oh do you still talk to him really I mean I do talk to Evelyn every now and again I mean we're friends or whatever and we're civil with each other but you're always mentioning a Berlin and a Berlin and Berlin if you want to talk about her go to her page this is mine Danis so but also there's an allegation that ALR made about destiny apparently hooking up with Dana before breaking up with ALR so cheating and this is more suspicious with the fact that destiny started dating Dana the next day after the breakup however this snapchat came out of ALR saying that her accusation was a joke and Dana and destiny were in on it so she is pissed that none of her audience got the joke I guess so I guess when you're fine with the internet thinking that destiny is a cheater and don't want to clarify the joke beforehand it's your audience's faults plus in the comments of the day responses where it was brought up that she denies even making the allegation I'm like it's more than that I think that is part of it though I think people very clearly see how much you kind of mistreat and abuse Becky in the situation that you're in friends with a few of her exes and there are so many other people that we all look up to once again because other people do it amber must be able to do it I mean I don't understand that philosophy like if other people can say and do things why can't I say or do things if other people do shitty things the doesn't mean you should turn around and do it yourself but it's not you can be a better person how about you just be a better person than the people the examples you were given we all enjoy watching who also are friends with their exes so she has this thing called comment of the day recently where she looks at the stupid [ __ ] a website with terrible [ __ ] CSS and picks a random comment and their response to it they usually hate her comments but she tells it anyway because of views there now also very close friends and they're all in her vlogs again despite the fact that destiny said before that she didn't really want to be in the vlogs before I don't get it our current girlfriend is Becky who I think has been around since late 2017 or just 2018 I'm not sure but because of destiny being back in a laurs of logs and the fact that she seems to just straight-up ignore Becky and lights up whenever destiny is in the room there's the sort of backlash that wielded a response video of being friends with my ex about a lack of affection towards Becky and a lot of affection towards destiny where she tries to defend herself by saying that other youtubers are friends with their exes so that means that I can and ignoring the circumstantial things that make people mad at her but not matter doubt the youtubers this is again something that she does a lot other Mac bangers can lose weight of the youtubers are friends with their exes other youtubers hoard makeup that means that I can do it too Becky met ALR by sending a message to her on Facebook after coming across her videos and the message basically reads like one of those creepy p.m. things Booma dudes and Instagram thought plus there's a rumor going around that this message might be fake but I don't actually know that rumor or what didn't tail so I'm just gonna skip over it for now it was kind of confusing to keep up with Becky says the her justification was that this girl is so beautiful and getting so much hateful literally no reason I must white knight for the poon and they eventually meet up at a Casa Grande I think that's what that's called we don't have them here and it is incredibly awkward so as you can see they basically have zero chemistry and Becky seems to really be irritated at times that the camera is shoved into her face as she should be Becky is literally turning into destiny so good so I get that question a lot and people always tell me you know you look really good with your hair but I feel like I disagree if only people with rounder fatter faces look bad but short hair because it makes their face look rounder and fatter than titties I forget about anything else I used to hate Amir Amir whatever Amir but I like them now she always brings food to AOR and has to try and sleep at like 2:00 a.m. while ALR is recording videos from their bed with a really harsh lighting and gets really bad angles of herself for us to do mukbangs and tell stories while ALR looks really bored at her and doesn't hide the fact that she doesn't care about what Becky saying in front of all of us before you say hashtag free Becky from this situation Becky ain't no [ __ ] saint either because a little while ago this year in fact something from a now disassociated former partner from someone in Becky's family states that Becky would incessantly message their daughter saying hey we should hook up despite getting the answer of no and harassing them basically his messages apparently went on while she was in a relationship with Amber so huh so now we get to Rafe raphe is not a girlfriend but a friend someone that Becky had actually dated and known as a close person to her for most of her life they're very very good friends however despite Rafe trying her best to be friends with Amber as well she one day gets high with Eric and talks about how she just doesn't really like amber because amber seems so fake that there's no real version of amber amber constantly switches from thing to thing personality point to personality point and he can't really keep up with it but then Eric decides to snitch and Rafe tries to explain herself but amber is having none of it and doesn't want to talk to her anymore and now Becky doesn't want to either so she basically lost her best friend and someone that she tried really hard to work with her life revolves around food that's either Becky or food or YouTube I don't know Oh can someone tell me what's going on between amberlynn and race NPCs I talked to Eric which if you guys watch the videos amberlynn was playing the aliens with him and I was high I was tripping pretty hard and I I talked about her because I didn't feel like I knew her even though I had spent so much time with her I didn't feel like I honestly knew amberlynn the real amberlynn and that's what we were talking about and he went and ran as well it's just sad because now me and Becky and Hannah well Percy and Hannah are fine but he's not talking to us um let's see Miss Holly said do you think that you two could rekindle your friendship or is it too far gone but she forgot at this point it's already here Becky as I said I get it yeah I tried to talk to Emeril and I tried to you know explain to her that was just stuff that I was venting I thought it was in confidence and everyone wants it to be about her give-give you have a nothing you're a jerk yeah yeah when we went to pride all she from our house all the way to Lexington and back she only gave us like ten bucks for gas and we bought her water and snacks and stuff and she's like extend enough and I just looked at me and I was like yeah that's fine and then the next time we stopped forgot Becky filled up the tank no I don't really think that we are friends I apologize I told her why I said those things and what happened she just was really angry and pissy sounding over via text and she just kept going over and over and over about it and I said I'm sorry I'm sorry you know I can't take back things that I said but I wish I could what was said like what happened can you explain yeah I can explain I said that I didn't know her I thought I didn't like her because I didn't feel like she was a real person like I didn't actually get to talk to the real amberle and I was talking to some sort of facade I said that I didn't like her she was annoying that she had things that I didn't like about her I may have said some names but I didn't I didn't mean of time I was inebriated I was high yeah it's really dumb I wish you wouldn't I just ran and tell told you know amberlynn was like oh my god I think he was purposely driving a wedge amberlynn is here Amby Amby you want to talk seriously if you want to talk I don't care I'm sorry about the stuff that I said so with all of this I think the turning points personally in my opinion was the Casey thing because and in terms of her audience moving away from her because I think that beforehand her subscribers were becoming slowly disillusioned from her like fandom I guess there was this sort of thought that was forming like I don't think this chick is taking weight loss seriously so I just don't want to follow this channel anymore but I wish you the best of luck attitude but then the Casey thing comes out with the false rape allegations and the abuse claims and then everyone starts going holy [ __ ] you were actually terrible as well you're not just a weight loss scam you're like a [ __ ] horrible person that accuses people of rape and that's when people started like trying to find out what was going on with her and digging and archiving and doing all the stuff that's going on now plus there's a tweet from when amber still had Twitter of her saying that she deleted hundreds of videos as well so other stuff that was going on then I actually have no idea if it was worse than what we know so that's my opinion on the tipping point of our subscribers however we are not done yet so she has a couple of pets as you can see and she is not the best carer for them despite having their fur baby interests in her heart at all times as she claims as a video with destiny of them throwing kittens around amber has a couple moments where she throws her pets and shoves them aside and her main dog Twinkie is overweight and her nails are extremely horrible they're just poor thing there's also a video of amber forcing a screaming Twinkie into the lake with her the lake that is really [ __ ] disgusting as well [Music] [Music] there's also a video of her talking about a vet visit and she basically films the vet without knowledge so she seems to do everything she can to make us think that she is a good pet owner besides taking care of her pets so this is gonna be a weird one and I'll direct you to a video called catfished by ambolyn read by Michael B petty for more information including screenshots but basically amber has a history of pretending to be other people so she can defend herself by infiltrating petah groups on a 24-hour gay op so the accounts confirmed so far that she has done this with olap Lozinski and hannah Baxter of course Damon white on Facebook and discord there was a Facebook group I think it's still around called al-ardi which is the ambolyn read discussion group and this was key because around the Casey thing Amber shut down her comments as I mentioned before and people had to talk about it somewhere so they made a Facebook and then this guy called Damon white enters around the start of 2017 there's a screenshot that Ahmad got from someone of basically them offering amber this fake account and amber saying that she wants the account to infiltrate the groups she seems to obsessively stalk the group to like defending herself after the smallest things like someone saying that amber acts like she's living the high life and flexing when she really doesn't make that much Damon jumps in saying that she made 4k and that's actually a huge amount oh my god I'm so proud of her and then amber on her own Instagram brags about money suspiciously soon after this comment was made it seems the damn number always changes to like I don't know fine you can flex but I'm sorry you don't flex I mean you hate flexing of course you don't flex I'm not trying to flex I'm just kind of like proud to own more me so on discord as well as she would constantly Gaslight and ask people for proof that she is lying even when the proof is given to her Damon would go well I don't see actual proof and stuff like that and he also fetched huh by saying stuff like the scale is screaming and stuff like that when she steps on it and he also repeats other people's criticisms to blend in but doesn't really listen to the criticisms like says stuff like she needs to do something about her weight soon otherwise she'll die and stuff like that so she clearly she knows this and she has like a bit of self-awareness but she doesn't actually want to use that and further develop it so you can see the things that like sort of bug her or trigger her this way as well like money icing lying contradictions and sob stories she always refers to herself as al-ardi in these chats because she thought that her name in the chat was a lrg when obviously that's the name of the group like how do you [ __ ] up the name of your own name it's your own name Damon also says that you should smack a dog in the mouth if it misbehaves please don't do that that's abuse she also says stuff like we live in a society where we don't believe people unless we have proof oh jeez the judicial system fair testing and scientific proof never defer she also defends herself on the rape allegations and still alleges that kaci abused her so even if she deletes all of the stuff and says that it never happened when it does come up she still thinks she should have the right to abuse Casey further by spreading rumors Casey you just can't [ __ ] escape this and I I personally think that he is very strong for dealing with this and I definitely think you should check out what he has to say one of the ways that people got suspicious of Damon was the weird amount of personal screenshots that he would have from Amba's messages as well he would have screenshots of his computer screen with these messages displayed in people who were like where did you get these from then Damon white shows us the pictures of him taking pictures with a phone on a Windows computer which even made it more suspect it was like where are you getting these from like what I I don't know like it was [ __ ] so weird I remember watching us all go down and during this time I was pretty I was active on the group or whatever but I didn't really respond it in terms of friends as well I mentioned grief but there are some other random people like Shana or whatever before they suspiciously disappeared so you might see them around like 2013 but you wouldn't see them afterward and basically the idea behind this is people think that because she is so controlling and so like specific and things that you are allowed to do around her and she's so demanding that these people just kind of wanted to leave and you can also see this as well with her roommates Eric and Ricki Becky and then Dana and destiny now and also Becky's family in the way that they treat her they seem to have been much more together before and now they're very distant so it's like they're getting sick of her as well but again these are all like speculations I guess but it's very important to point out a lot of the stuff that we have to go off of is just speculation unfortunately because of the amount of lying and scrubbing that she tries to do of all of her content another quick thing is aunt Tammy this is too much to throw up on the channel now but she has a verified Kiwi farms account and routinely corrects Amber's lies so you can also see how much amber really lies about and as I said there's way too much to go into about that so I'm just going to leave that out in the open that is something that is very real um and she she's posted a hundred times on the Kiwi farms and she still apparently reads it she was last active less than a week ago so she joins the the site touch [ __ ] about amber Lin and I guess to call her a liar just a lot of lies that amber told about her childhood basically I mean amber lies about everything so it's not that hard to call her out on [ __ ] this is a little intermission I don't think I've ever done this before but this video was really long so I know that this video is a lot to digest as well so I put a quick minute intermission in here just allowing information to sink in before we get going basically amber is a couple years of intense controversy an oddity that I'm trying to condense into this video and it's kind of a mess but I do want to say if you're enjoying this video so far and you want to see what else I have I'm not really a drama channel but I do just talk about stuff that I find interesting which includes like we had reviews and everything so I'll direct you to my my favorite videos that I've done personally that I'm really proud of so if you like what you see from there then I really appreciate it maybe you leave a comment for this point in the video to see how you're going so far and what you think and then maybe compare it to when you finish the video I'm really curious to see what you think I don't know I'm kind of recording this beforehand as well I don't really know what's going on and I have no idea where I put this intermission but boy be prepared for what's gonna happen next because ambolyn is one [ __ ] shop roller coaster anyways I'll stop rambling and continue oh boy bet you didn't think Oh from new be a part of this but here we are this one is a [ __ ] roller coaster huge credits ooh Aphrodite speech who did a bunch of videos on the topic that I honestly could not have managed to pieces together without so this is very important also this is very confusing but it is extremely interesting when looking at Ambulance character and also everyone else around her so just bear with me it starts off with someone named Annie commenting on one of Amber's videos about how she is a best friend of Becky's mom Norma and how Norma has had breast cancer for a little while now but amber is not really helping and only gave $100 to help out when she clearly makes much more money and much more money is needed to help out and also amber is apparently mad at Becky for the whole situation annie also brings up the GoFundMe that Norma has created amber this is Annie why are you getting upset with Becky just because of everything going on right now it is not about you honey boo boo don't act as if you don't know me I watched your channel for way too long Virginia days but anyways that's not important at this point Becky needs you just like my best friend needs me my best friend is fighting breast cancer and I love her so much and I'm in this fight with her so I don't know why you're not supporting Becky and a better way you're too worried about what I putting out into the computer YouTube this is really sad how you're acting and yes we did make a GoFundMe and yes I'm going to ask other youtubers to share Becky does not need to have no stress she has a lot going on with her mama if you have a problem with me get my phone number from Becky's family have a nice night playing games so then we get someone who is in the sort of archiving sort of hater community named to miss future Becky Williams on Twitter and YouTube who contacted misty on Twitter misty is Becky's sister misty confirms this is the actual GoFundMe and confirms who annie is says that the GoFundMe is called Norma is kicking Kansas us conversation with Becky's sister regarding Annie a friend of Becky's mother's comment on Michael B putty and a few other reaction channels no and was going to make it but then asked me to I have made a GoFundMe for my mom it's Norma is kicking cancers butt that's the real one please spread the word for me but Annie is my mom's best friend and she was just trying to help but thank you for being concerned we truly appreciate y'all and everyone wanting to help and for the prayers and then at future Becky replied thank you so much and I will let everyone know so you know is that profile from YouTube is ends if not I'd like to report it and make sure everyone is aware on Michael B Petty's channel Annie left a weird comment saying that Amber is making the situation all about herself and isn't helping misty said that Amber was helping money-wise quite a bit and Annie is wrong hi Michael my name is Annie I'm Becky's mom's very best friends I want to make something very clear she's trying to bring all the attention to herself as always as we all should know already Becky's mother has breast cancer and no she does not help at all we are making a GoFundMe page for Becky's mom to help her with her journey with breast cancer to Amber to ask for help amber lynn gave a hundred dollars to help with the stay of a hotel room but the drive to the hospital for surgery was a seven hour drive Leslie had to stay two nights and no Amber did not go and now she has to have another surgery this week because they did not get all the cancer and Amber is worried about loading some dumb videos just because she's money hungry but myself I live in Maryland and you know they live in Kentucky but I have I'm so sorry I don't know how to pronounce this disease and I just don't want to sit on here and butcher it but Becky's one sister said she will try to come get me once I see my doctor to get an approval because I would love to be there unlike amber if people only knew the real amber they would not watch her at all she's a very cold hearted person very money-hungry and Becky's sister replied yes that's the real Anne but I will say this amber 'land and Becky have helped a lot more it's just not spread around of how much I know a lot of people hate her everyone has an opinion but I can say that through this she has helped money-wise quite a bit and amberlynn has to upload videos to make money to help my mom lol it was just Annie ranting about amberlynn and that's ok I personally get along with amberlynn right now she has made some big changes and I am very proud of her but thank you so much for bringing this to my attention and making sure that this is legit but I made the GoFundMe this evening for mommy thanks darling I hope you have a great night heart everyone at this point was extremely confused but then people went through Annie's accounts and found a two-year-old comments of her basically making fun of amber and saying the destiny should get away from her on an extremely old video and this was before amber even knew Becky so it was really strange how the so-called friend of normal is involved in the channel from way before she also posts a Facebook comment clarifying that she is in fact friends with Becky's mom but it's a weird because she makes the comment in the ambolyn read discussion group that I talked about before why would she be a part of the hater group on Facebook this is just really confusing and people were still very very confused on the 13th of September 2019 amber releases a video called the truth with four dots instead of three and I want to die and she hands off to Becky to explain noma is getting seven-day treatment and radiation therapy and for some reason it says that the GoFundMe is listed on behalf of Jerry who is Norma's partner even though it's should really be listed to go to Norma herself it's just strange that it's listed for someone else and people pointed out that you can't really get seven-day treatment like that per week so that was another strange thing nevertheless amber pins a comment of Norma's on her channel with Norma saying that amber really is helping and you shouldn't be thinking otherwise amber then makes a community post clarifying all of the situations Becky is not getting a job because she needs to take care of Norma and they're not begging for not money etc it's a very long post but Aphrodite's peach breaks it down and I will play that now too to all of the people asking why by torrid when you can help Becky's mother amber says why not bold she says that she can decide what she does with her money and it goes to bills Becky her pets once means and a whole bunch of other things three amber says that her and Becky aren't not begging for money for two everyone asking why amber was in this video with Becky she says that it is her YouTube channel Becky is her girlfriend she cares about Becky's mother she talks about how the video was hard for her and that she was choking back tears and had to edit a significant portion of it five the money from the campaign will be used for treatments which is not a hundred percent covered by insurance which is important later gas for treatments because she is going every single day and hotels surgery etc six amber says that Becky makes money by being in Amber's videos what is hers is Becky's Becky is not Amber's caregiver seven she apologizes for what Andy has said and that she titled her video the truth dot because they were clarifying things and also wanted more views so they could give more money to Becky's mother I did forget to mention above that all ads played in the truth video will be given to Becky's mother for treatment eight amber says that there are people saying asking for money is too much and she says that is why GoFundMe exists and she feels happy to be able to share this campaign among her following nine Becky did not originally want to talk about what was happening but since there was speculation Becky's mother suggested that they make a video ten amber thanks everyone for their support around what's been happening finally Norma left a now-deleted comment I think on one of Eric's videos ambulance roommate as I mentioned before saying that she should be ashamed because he is not spreading the word if the GoFundMe I think that's a little unfair because he's not really part of the whole family affair but whatever then Jerry's ex-wife jumps in on Kiwi farms in a verified account saying that when she was with him he kicked out their daughter for being gay and has this whole thing about withholding the daughters belongings and trying to make her pay for a car and all the stupid [ __ ] are you still with me then on September 16th amber releases a video called update and privates the truth Dada video and makes a further community post about the certain protocols regarding donations that made her private the previous video video about Becky's mom's cancer has been deleted by me because I had no idea about certain protocols when it came to talking about donations ads proceeds monies charities etc if I did I would have never spoken upon it I've contacted YouTube and spoke with them and they suggested to take down the video I explained to them that other channels might have already uploaded it and they said that would be their channels problem and no longer mine my advice delete the video to also Becky's mom will be making a video for my youtube channel about the false rumors that have been floating around to the best of her ability she's hoping to clear some things up regarding the slander and accusations meanwhile on Twitter misty sought scolding people named and start saying that she hopes that they get cancer lovely she also then says that Annie is now a liar even though they seemed hunky-dory before someone contacted her on Facebook saying that she should really confirm if the Twitter account is actually hers to stand by what she says and every single question that she is asked she says that you should ask Annie instead like Annie is a [ __ ] lawyer or something when she clearly says before that Annie is not to be trusted and it's very confusing then a youtuber called Charlie Gold who does reactions in that sort of community makes a live stream talking about the GoFundMe and trying to find out what's going on and Norma's spams that comment section basically saying that she is telling the truth but everyone is telling lies and we should all be the ones who prove that she's telling the truth instead of her just giving us proof herself not only that but speaking of the marriage apparently misty and Norma were involved in a staged fake wedding specifically designed to get back at the ex mention on QE forms yes I'm serious they made a fake wedding I have no idea what's going on it also comes out that there will be a hotel and gas money budget for what the GoFundMe money is used for when this clearly wasn't mentioned in the original post so that's an issue so finally people start saying that amber might be scamming them and asking her about it for answers another Haitian mock manga in the same vein called Fupa booty that's not her real name but there's something that I want to because she seems to really want to strike every single thing that has her face or name in it so I'm trying to avoid that post on her Instagram desperately trying to get in on the drama to get attention saying that if Amber kills herself as a result of all the accusations it's our fault misty then privates had Twitter and rearranges all of her profile pictures and everything to make it look like someone else and it doesn't really work because she doesn't know how to it works and Amber's update video is just more gaslighting and it breaks my heart that like people want to believe things that fit the entertainment that they want I just want to apologize to anyone who has felt offended during this and to the people who have donated and they feel like they shouldn't have do not believe rumors that is honestly the only thing I can tell you guys and now it comes out the noma will not be making a update video herself or saying anything else on the matter and amber just shuts down all mention of the GoFundMe and we have not heard of it since big oof I just don't [ __ ] know what to say afterwards the daughter shared texts between her and Becky Becky talked about how norma threw her out of the house at 15 because she was gay and apparently tried to ask the daughter out a few times know if amber knew about Becky hitting on my daughter but she does now somebody asked have you ever met Becky could you maybe describe in your own words who she is and she replies I've only seen her once in the parking lot at Walmart my info is from the many texts that were sent to my daughter which I read and my daughter's interactions at work as described by my daughter I hope this answers your questions somebody asks and just to confirm Becky is hitting on your daughter while Becky was already shackled up with Amber Lynn and she replies yes Becky texted which I read that someone in her family suggested that Becky should be in a couple with my daughter and Becky really liked the idea that they could be one big happy family and she followed this up with also this happened after Becky returned to work from hurting her leg after being with Amber my daughter turned her down and Becky's whole attitude changed towards my daughter and Becky started the harassment of my daughter at work so then we get to shrimp gate 2019 so during Amba's channel's lifetime as you can tell a lot of people have slowly been mounting criticism on her about the fact that mukbangs really do not help her with the weight loss and she chooses to do them anyway so all of these comments keep adding up as her channel grows and notoriety and it eventually gets to her to the point where she gets extremely fed up and makes a video on it on the 3rd of April 2019 she sits down with a shrimp mukbang which includes a potty pack of shrimp the suspicious thing about this to me is that the shape of the potty pack dish looks like it was already full before like the inner ring was also full of shrimp but it looks like she ate some of the shrimp and then arranged the last two to make it look like it came like that instead of it just looking like I missed a whole bunch and she eats as much as she can of it and then says that she won't eat any more when she clearly eats a lot of it off camera we know her by now we know she does this and in the video she also talks about how a mukbang is can lose weight at the same time as eating mukbangs she's sick of her audience telling her and Fupa booty that they should do what we say when they're adults and they should do what they want and we're only seeing half of what they do in real life on camera she's clearly advertise herself as someone who wants to eat on camera at all times to record herself for accountability but apparently she doesn't do that anymore and she also ignores any of the actual criticism and says that either you with her or without her this all tracks is all started when obesity beefs released a video pretty much pleading to amberlynn to let him help her lose this weight and to actually be successful on her weight quote/unquote weight-loss journey so when he when he reached out to her I was like no my only criticism to him was then I even wrote it on if I can find the comment I'll find it but I even said just be careful with her because not everything that you think she is is that there's more that meets the eye with her and there's a reason why people disliked her there's a reason why people do not like Emily Reid and it's not because she's fat now amberlynn was so hyped so excited about obesity's and what did amberlynn do none of it she didn't she didn't keep the old oh there's the only information that she retained or used was information that would help her continue doing the behavior that led her to become almost 600 pounds so when that happened and I think what when obesity saw this he was like damn she can't do this by herself as soon as he started spinning logic as soon as he started spinning facts I knew it was a rat for him that but I think I've started to notice that I think what's might be more important or at least just as important is making money on YouTube that she is ambolyn you are you are very close to dying and that sounds like dramatic but I truly truly believe that and that is very very real another person that did try to reach out to M Berlin to help her with her weight loss too was everyday damn Fitness in his mind he thought well if I plead to the sensibilities of amber Lynn's family members then maybe they can step in and help save this girl's life the sad thing is that he doesn't understand that amber lynn doesn't really have a family over 500 pounds at 5-3 everything is going to be very very very hard I can hear how hard it is for you to breathes I can hear you having a hard time breathing through the camera you need help woman like that if you actually care about this woman if you say you care about her actually show it and beg her to get help because she is she is in very serious danger right now has honestly has anyone super close to you sat down and had the talk about your way and she replies no never mcbomb shouldn't be done by people on a weight-loss journey because that's the only things that the viewers see that makes sense at all but my whole thing is like this is for soul this is my life I'm an adult I can choose what I want to do versus what I don't want to do after this there's a nexus of about 8,000 subscribers or more and she quickly uses the damage control by posting a series of snapchats compiled in a video of her simply saying that she's apologizing it's more of a non apology and she says the reason that she uploaded that video was because she put effort into it anyway so she might as well upload something that she puts effort into because that's justification and then puts the entire thing behind her so that's all of the major controversies out of the way but I've specifically left a lot of the other ones for further into the video because I think that I don't know there's a specific way that I'm trying to structure this but there's so much wrong with what she's doing in her life that I I might make another video after this specifically talking about stuff that people think I missed that I need to address as well because otherwise this video itself would be like five hours long but now we're gonna talk about the main thing on the channel weight loss eating and pyramid schemes yes you heard that right pyramid schemes the essential oils have found you and there is no escape one of the things that you'll be able to take note of here is the famous 89 pounds which is where she wants to lost 89 pounds before she started the channel and uses this for motivation long story short I believe it was when she was on Weight Watchers and she has a bunch of feelings about Weight Watchers now basically saying that she thinks it helps her and saying that she thinks it doesn't help her and then she does and she doesn't hate it just sits back and forth with this one Weight Watchers it was allowing me to eat very unhealthy it was allowing me to weasel in a pint of ice cream I had McDonald's 20 piece nuggets twice and five days so many people were inspired with me doing the Weight Watchers Weight Watchers program is amazing and I feel like I let a lot of people down by quitting I haven't cancelled at all so since I haven't cancelled I am going to keep trying on Weight Watchers and then she gets back on it again and eats a bunch of their products on camera and there's this weird thing where she like vacuums a chip into her mouth she's also aware of the state that she's in at least in a way I think because she goes back and forth with like trying to preen herself on camera to improve her appearance when she thinks she looks gross and stuff like that but it ends up just coming across as really narcissistic and annoying I know that what I'm about to say sounds extremely nitpicky but if you put it in the context of everything else that we've talked about you can see why it's so infuriating for people there are full compilations of people showing her looking in the viewfinder to look at her own appearance making jaw clips in the camera dwelling her sideburns and her greasy strings of hair and trying to make herself look pretty and dainty I don't know it's just it's really gross it also shows that she doesn't really care what she's talking about because in serious conversations that she has on camera you can see in the middle of what she's talking about that apparently affects her so much she is swelling her sideburns and like making jaw clips in the camera and looking at herself and it's just weird when you get distracted by your own appearance when you're trying to talk about something serious when confronted with this in the comments she then responds saying that she is always looking in the viewfinder because she's ugly and when you think you're ugly you can't be narcissistic or something like that you guys know that I'm not someone sent me this on Twitter it's like people every time I like look in the viewfinder people think I'm vain for it I'm not being person like I don't I think I'm ugly so it's like I really think I'm ugly person so you can't be vain if you think you're ugly publicly as well one time she was walking out of a Chinese restaurant and rudely pushed past all of these people who were coming in and one of the people says she looks like a bean bag in a hurry [Music] Amba didn't actually know that this was said to her and only later on someone told her on its on I think snapchat and then she made a video responding to it and watching it through and realizing what was said to her she then uses this in a video that she uploads talking about fat shaming and discrimination that she's going through now I understand that people go through stuff like this I understand that discrimination is very real and people are very discriminatory against someone else for their shape size color agenda whatever else and it could give you a very uncomfortable feeling in public I know that that's a thing and I acknowledge that but hambo makes it sound like she cannot help the situation that she's in someone in a wheelchair or someone whose skin color is the direct central focus of their discrimination cannot help the situation they're in but she clearly made herself this way and she's acting like it's everyone else's fault that she's fat one of the main things that she talks about in terms of discrimination is just the criticism that she gets she is criticized because of things like making it sound like kaci raped her and doing all of these other things yet she acts like the only reason that people don't like her is because of her weight and it's just it's extremely insulting to people who actually go through discrimination who talk about stuff like this and then she comes along just like steamrolling all over them amber stop acting like you are being persecuted against when you've other one to blame for these things I understand that this is hard for you but you also refused to do the only things that will help you in these situations so you can't exactly act like you're powerless this isn't the first time that she has responded to people who give her criticism by cherry-picking and misleading one of the other people in the reaction commentary community Zachary Michael responded to one of her videos she actually made a video responding to what he said in this video she purposely cut up what he's saying to make it sound like he's being an [ __ ] too and we're raising all of the nice things that he said about her every time he says something genuinely supportive she cuts it out at the video or acts like it's him being sarcastic and claims that this is bullying even admits to this but then also says that it's okay when she does it so [ __ ] insensitive lmao and the cat's pajamas answered argue talking about yourself amber said nope talking about people who read into everything I say and twist it and make it bad the cat's pajamas right back goes oh really is that why you have to edit videos to make others look bad when really you just can't handle someone telling you the truth an Amber quote retweeted the cat's pajamas and said hahahahahaha but yet most of the reaction channels do that very thing to me but it's totally fine right what a hypocrite lol there's a consensus that I personally agree with that Amber chose to react to Zackary instead of anyone else in the community because Zachary is one of the nicest people in this community you have people like Michael B petty who I've mentioned earlier who are nice in my opinion but they also can be really sassy to her when it needs to be Zac chooses to be a bit more casual I think with the response and he does come across to someone who wants to be as supportive as possible so she goes off to the nicer people on purpose to try and see if she can guilt them into taking back what they said or just walking all over them or manipulating them because she thinks that it's easier to do that with someone who's nice than to do that to someone who's a bit more sassy and this really just shows what her agenda is she's really not someone who tries to fight back against victimhood she's someone who wants to manipulate others into giving her things she even on Twitter when people asked her about it accused them of harassing her and claimed that the abuse that she goes through online is the same thing as someone in a nightclub who got raped and people blamed the rape on what they were wearing I am not kidding she actually says this the key word is choose kids don't have a choice they go to school by law you're joking right so if a girl chooses to wear something sexy that means it's okay for her to be harassed since in your opinion if it's a choice it's totally fine oh my gosh there's this app that she uses called MyFitnessPal that she has always used across different areas of the channel and it basically counts calories as far as I'm aware I looked it up a little bit but I didn't use it so I don't really know entirely what it does but it gives you stats on what you ate when you log yu8 per meal so it like groups a bunch of stuff that you ate and then during the day it will give you like the overall contents of what's in your body this would be all well and good and a lot of people use it to lose weight but she rather than used to this to eat less uses this to defend why she eats more for example she'll say that the reason that she [ __ ] ate like a man who is starving in an all-you-can-eat buffet is because she is a bigger person and needs much more nutrients when the nutrients she's having is really just a bunch of Reese's Cups girl dot-dot-dot you're eating a salad for five people if you want to lose weight you need to cut your portion sizes down agreed okay so I disagree first why am I surprised at the 600 pound woman who hasn't left her bedroom in the day is disagreeing with some sound advice on how to lose weight why am I not surprised I do disagree when you're on my size and you're counting calories you do get a little bit more calories than the average person no like like if you're 190 pounds near tries trying to lose weight like obviously you're gonna get less calories than me it's all about the portions to me it's about the calories this is also used as a way to say that the doctor that she goes to to try and get her weight loss on track is wrong for example she'll say that there's too much sodium or she can't do this diet because 1,000 calories a day is way too little for her and she needs to eat 6,000 or something like that like one of them says that counting calories is bad for her because she'll get overwhelmed so he doesn't want to do it then she agrees with him initially but makes a video saying that counting calories is actually good for and it's helped her all this time even though all she's done on this channel is gain weight that's what he's talking about because he's made tons of people lose weight I don't have to count calories I am so excited for that I can't even he told me this one he doesn't want me to count calories because he doesn't want me to get overwhelmed and stop he says a lot of people who count calories fail so I was like that's true I've been counting try to cut calories my whole life and look at where I'm at it was really excited not to have to count calories because I was like my least favorite thing to do in like the whole world it's so overwhelming but it does the job I'm gonna be honest counting calories is like the number one way of losing but she used as MyFitnessPal as a way to kind of create an excuse for that she goes back and forth constantly with weight loss surgery as well she either doesn't want it or she does want it but she doesn't want it and then she does want it she also acts like it's a very easy thing to do like you can just get it when you want to and when people say that she can't she gets really angry so I have no idea what's going on with that it's like a [ __ ] ping pong game inside a head she wants it or she doesn't in particular this is really strange trend where if she'll get a pyramid scheme diet like Weight Watchers or up TV Oh a bunch of like Jenny Craig and a bunch of those ones she'll say that the diet is amazing and even when she gives up on the diet she will say that the diet itself is really good and you should still use it and it's amazing and basically suck the dick of the corporation she is a part of even if she doesn't want to be a part of the menu anymore like when she was on this diet called Octavia which is clearly a marketing scheme she says that even though she doesn't want to do it anymore on the food tastes gross she says that's not the fault of Octavia that's her fault well when she goes to visit weight loss doctors she says to the doctor the terrible person oh she says that the doctor is recommending her stuff that will make her sick or like all these terrible things about these professionals yet when it comes to a marketing scheme that just wants to make money off of them and I don't really know why people do but I just so you guys need to look of people who are doing the program okay yeah I will be making more videos about this and how many guys follow my journey I am so excited I just have no words I'm also very nervous so on history and you can follow transforming and Noelle her highest weight was 414 pounds and her current weight at 180 take a minute take a minute absorb the conspiracy theory part of me thinks that maybe she is also like part of the scheme as well like she's buying products from them specifically to try and get people to join and like get money from them joining but she doesn't have any affiliate links or anything like that so I have no proof for this I'm just sort of talking right now but it just seems suspicious to me I thought that oh she's really stupid for Octavia and Weight Watchers bought $400 worth of food that's like an entire pantry worth of food start off with when she hasn't even tried them yet and her research is just looking at their website but it's okay because the Octavia one came with a shitty cookbook so I guess $400 is a good price so she tried this up TV Octavia whatever thing for like a couple days and then says that she tried to eat some of the soups and the soups were so disgusting that she could barely keep them down but she forced ourselves to you and then she talked to her seller I mean her fitness coach and says that she's gonna try not to do up Tavia anymore because it's not for her Michael be petty decided to do a research for her and found some very interesting things about Octavia but I did a little searching and I found out that Octavia is essentially just a subsidiary of meta fest and meta facts is an American nutrition and weight loss company that's based in Maryland and it has five Subsidy subsidiaries one of them is take shape for life and up until July of 2017 it had been known as Take Shape for Life and it is now known as Octavia so Octavia is essentially just a subsidiary of Medifast so if you've done meta facts you've essentially pretty much done Octavia now this is where it gets interesting it gets it gets uh it gets very interesting to me in September of 2012 meta fest subsidary paid a three point seven million you know a three point seven million civil penalty for false advertising and this is by the Federal Trade Commission and the United States Department of Justice and this had to do with this advertisement the advertisement for the meta Fast Five and one plan low calorie diet told consumers that they can lose up to two to five pounds per week and that these weight loss claims lacked a reasonable scientific basis and were up substantiate 'add under the settlement any further claims where the company must be backed by at least one human clinical study right if you've watched ambulance video you know that's the plan she's talking about and she's talking about doing the five and one the five and one I'm gonna be doing the five and one plan so what that means is I'm gonna be eating six times a day it's gonna be all very very very small portions five and one means I'm gonna eat five of their whew a day and the other meal is called Valene and green she also won't wear seatbelts doesn't really address why she just says that the they take into her or something I was gonna say something oh yeah you guys are probably wondering why I'm not wearing a seatbelt that's because we're in a parking lot and the seatbelt like thing is like digging into my leg she used to say that she if she only lost five pounds when she weighs in she will consider that a failure and will not be proud of herself until she loses a hundred pounds and that was something that drove her to keep going but now she says that she's proud of [ __ ] everything like she's proud of getting up in the morning she's proud of three pounds she's proud of like one pound she got this Weight Watchers achievement thing that looks like one of those form letters that you get from corporations like Adia named here you did really well and she cries over it and says how incredible it is when it's just a five pound like plastic thing even when she was more mobile she wasn't a saint either she videos herself and was preening herself while she was dancing to music a bunch but she also just trashes stores and blocks the aisles there was this one thing when she was bouncing a ball in Walmart and then she almost like not the sign she does the same thing now as well she's just a shitty butt in the scooter instead because she doesn't want to walk and she also doesn't need the scooter but she used it anyway so [ __ ] you if you needed that for your chronic pain or whatever she wants to use it instead so instead of following diets and start from actual weight-loss doctors when she's not in pyramid schemes she is in Lexington eating two rounds of orange chicken three packages the vegetables pasta rice then cut a deep throat that [ __ ] for the fetus oh yeah Indian food Ben and Jerry's jacqueline's jerky soda sushi and a tub of cookie dough that says cookie dough on the top of it but she mistakenly bought it saying that it was ice cream because she's an idiot even though the stores name is called no baked cookie dough she is also not the best cook either as you can see in the many spices and poor choices of processed meat she made aged a massive deal breaking eggs you are 28 years old you can really tell how much mobility she's losing as well throughout the years - but then she'll do stuff like go out and eat and claim that she's eating healthier when she's not she's going out and living her life when she's just eating food not only that but this is coupled with the intense food aggression and fat shaming of other people there's this one clip of her trying to basically bully Becky over a cereal like heaven forbid someone else eats food and then there's this one thing that she reacted to Eric came home and he said that he went possum food fast food places and she got really mad at him for not asking if she wanted food so no I thought she didn't go past fast food and there's this other clip of Eric just like doing some unboxings of stuff that he bought and you can hear amber in the background yelling that they should let her in so it's like they have to get their food and put it away in private before they let her in and then she'll scream at them for not giving her the food it's scary banana taffy and then we got some more these which is great because we already and then we got some more these which is great she'll be critiques on it and go on to make other videos like no more weight loss and stuff like that and wonder why people cared so much about her weight loss when she's the one who puts it out there in the first place to try and make people care but I honestly think at this point that we care about him more than you do maybe I should not be sharing my journey whatsoever with YouTube if that's all people are trying to look for home at like 6 2006 14 I look at her face in this video over to her body weight then afterwards she'll contradict herself again and do what she did around July 1415 and 20th as I mentioned before and where she went to the weight loss doctor and she says that she's got to follow it and then abandons it then she'll clickbait her emergency is like saying I went to the emergency room and then uploading two random videos then the explanation for the emergency room afterwards not before she hypes it up on Twitter as if it's some sort of diss track or something little problem was though in between these two videos was a video called the truth about how I lost 89 pounds and a video titled singing with James Charles so in the end we had a first emergency room flag a storytime about how she lost 89 pounds or a reflection whichever you want to say a video of her reacting and singing along to James Charles and then the next day vlog where she explains what is actually happening with her in the Jesus like wonder if we care more about your situation with mental health as well she once counted calories for 29 days straight and literally did nothing with this information it's a we had to because even when she years ago posted a video cutting her hair the thumbnail that she used was pre cooked bacon in such steam Tam's joke here put away summer clothes we're doing laundry there this is like the way that we do it I fold and put them on hangers and then she actually puts them in the closet so you do everything from a seated position while Becky actually runs around the house doing the chores she also tried to do 200 days of weighing in to try and incentivize her own weight loss but she didn't do a lot I think she made up to 30 days Zachary Michael talked about this and actually did a hundred days of weighing in of his own and actually made a lot of progress if you want to check that out it also shows that if your putting effort into other aspects of weight loss these 100 days will actually help but if you're like amber and really just want to weigh in for no reason it's not gonna help you at all to sum up all of those days she says that she does a little bit of dieting just loses like 5 pounds and then gains it all back and then gains more and then loses like 5 pounds again and then repeats again and again and again it's like one step forward who steps back with this one but don't forget guys the weight loss doctor says I'm healthy just big thinking I want a different doctor I don't know it kind of just rubbed me wrong when she said like oh you're you're just big what you're healthy and something she said to me kind of stuck with me because I was bawling my eyes out and she was just like you're healthy like she had my charts under her hand she was like you're healthy but you are obese but we can fix that she said that she has heartburn not because of her weight and the amount of just fat and other things that are pressing onto her all aspects of her organs at all times but because of water water is the reason that you get heartburn water is the reason that you have diseases and other things water is just evil the answer stop I know everyone is different but this is important knowledge too have and it worked for me I have been getting mega heartburn for months now every single time I drink water it started getting worse and worse and worse like it's happened to me for years but in the last like five months or so it's been bad so I started doing a lot of research turns out that for me because I did test it and I really want to document this that water was lower pH balances is what is causing me to have heartburn at first I was like it can't be that simple so I thought something's wrong with me I have been drinking higher pH balanced waters this one on here says it 7.5 or higher which is good like probably the best you could have is like an eighth or like the nine the higher the pH the better for you as she states giving medical advice to her young audience that will probably start drinking dangerous fluids because of the fact that the pH is higher good job amber those five minutes of research that you did really paid off please don't please don't drink [ __ ] acid though it's like literally now I know higher the pH level better for you like it's awesome that's moronic and it's not just that as well she'll cognitively have this like dissonance where she'll be like no this food is actually healthy for you because it's not as on a healthy it's like a pound of lard it's like one of those things where like if I break my finger it's fine because I'm not stabbing myself in the kidney so it's healthy for me it's like I don't know so this it hasn't exactly been a smooth ride this hasn't been smooth sailing at all throughout her channel and the thing that we're gonna be talking about next isn't either amber spends a lot of money a lot of money on things that she doesn't need I mean sure it's money that she has to spend to dispose of but just there's a difference between buying stuff that you cherish and use every day and spending on things that you don't use and then throw away or give to people who don't use it either she has a perfume issue she has too much and she keeps adding to the clutter she says that they get so old that they only smell of alcohol because of how expired they are yet in a Walmart Hall where she buys things for her ex Stanny yes that one she says that she's gonna give some of the perfumes to Dana to donate them and throw the rest out to start a new collection but you just said that a lot of them uh smelling of alcohol so you're gonna give Dana expired alcohol liquid is this some sort of way to get back at the fact that she took destiny from you or something I'm confused I'm gonna be doing this I'm actually getting rid of all my perfume completely starting fresh I am keeping my body spray because those are new but I'm talking about all my perfume pretty sure I'm just gonna give them to Dana she wants them but then she also buys way more perfume in the same video a lot of ariana grande and maybe it just pisses me off because I really don't like ariana grande but I don't know she also buys a bunch of toiletries for destiny and Dana what they couldn't buy their own [ __ ] toothpaste they're adults I'm sure they know how to but I use so eager to spend money that they knew they could manipulate you into buying it for them are you are you really that desperate to get their friendship she also buys hundreds of toys for their niece and shows the child on camera to an audience that she knows is comprised mostly of people that not only hates her but hate the people that she is associated with on the channel so if I knew that I was in that situation would I really take a younger family member or a younger family friend and decide to show them one camera as well this child is like what nine or something she wants to show their face but I'm not gonna show their face I'm just gonna blow that [ __ ] out and I'm gonna beep out the name I just I just you don't respect that [ __ ] child but I will unhealthy treatment of children never heard of her she has a chronic addiction to buying from the plus-size fashion company torrid as well I'm not saying anything against horrid I personally don't really like the style but that's more of a just a personal thing and they do seem like they do offer a lot for plus-sized people so I'm not gonna argue against them itself it's just the way that she uses it it is what I'm talking about here that's the problem with a lot of stuff about amber as well she'll use the [ __ ] out of these things and it's like I'm not talking about these things in particular I really don't care about them if they work they work but the way that she uses them makes me sound like I'm being the bad guy by criticizing them and it's date so it's awkward just in August to November alone she spent $1,500 on torrid just horrid she complains about the fabric show she doesn't look at the fabric in any way I mean when we did see them they were iconic you'll also notice that there's a bra and a pair of black leggings that she wears all the time and she's been wearing both of these things for years to the point where they themselves are a meme she never changes it up according to my Sherlock Holmes investigation might Nancy Drew Judy investigation I think I found the origin of the tights actually I found a video called fun friend times and I'm pretty sure that the tights that she buys are the ones that she keeps wearing and if that's true I am a hero she has a huge issue with buying journals and has a huge stack of them she never uses them and she also has so many earrings that she made a video trying to organize them and it's mildly terrifying this is also kind of one of the things where I get a bit nitpicky because I'm very personal about this stuff I love journals I buy a lot of them I go to type all the [ __ ] time but the thing is I use them it's just really annoying to see someone mistreating journals the soy I feel the same way when I see people mistreating but books are one of the most precious things in the world maybe I'm just a [ __ ] dork and read too much but if you're gonna break a book I can't be your friend it's just really just depressing to see all of this stuff go to waste especially with the whole tree planting initiative nowadays like what are you doing with these this has not changed about her this has been one of the things that has just carried on and on and on as you can see in older videos as well like amazing shopping adventures but hey if you don't like that there's always her ASMR I already dislike this oh my god she's whispering oh my god oh I never thought I would ever hear like amberlynn read whisper I don't know why I didn't expect it she's like caressing the candy will with lollipop oh my god don't like put they put the lollipop down put the lollipop down please I've mentioned before I really don't like ASMR I don't like that and I don't like multiplying or eating noises I hate those things but I think with eating noises it's just disgusting with ASMR however I can see why people like it in the same way that I like listening to a storm will rain ambience sometimes when I'm trying to chill out I understand why it can be good but the one thing that I cannot do is like whispering breathing voices in ASMR and goddamn bestop please she also did do a hundred days of uploading which she did 94 days off before giving up which is kind of astounding to me considering you can't do 30 days of weight loss but you can do 94 days of uploading filler content that no one wants to see I guess as long as it's not an actual thing that helps you it's perfectly fine to put effort into Jesus Christ the more that I continue with this video the more [ __ ] I get with the help of aphrodite speeches videos once again I will summarize theirs amber versus the reaction channels trying Japanese food mystery box videos where she paid like fifty dollars for a box of junk that I could probably find in my garage somewhere super random mystery box Hall where amber does not know what a coaxial cable is a cable of some sort Oh the TLC story time where she never followed up with an interview with a show similar to my 600-pound life that wasn't my 600-pound life because reasons Mia's cream cheese and bacon on cucumbers and says it's a snack before stuffing it into her face the psychiatrist episode where she gets diagnosed with like 500 different things in the first session a belly button infection it was bleeding by the way and that was also the emergency quick bait thing the weight loss doctor Ark a tree fell in her yard and she didn't [ __ ] do anything about it she went to Lexington made a fat shaming video and did more shopping in Lexington again she clicked baited about her disgusting to the GoFundMe saga the ASMR and the leaving YouTube [ __ ] that didn't really last that long besides like two days where amber says things like I'm quickly in pain and I literally feel defeated like I no longer know what to do and peppers in a little bit of I don't want to do this right now in this video amber said some big things and ended on that she was leaving YouTube little did everybody know in less than 24 hours wha-bam amber was back with another video called I can't give up in this vlog she says that she is not leaving and it became abundantly clear in this moment in this video that this entire thing was just another part of a hundred days of uploading we have why eating on camera helps me breaking up with my girlfriends in love with my ex faking weigh-ins where she answers assumptions that people sent her on it's actually about why am i lying I'm lying where Amber references some assumptions out of a lot of assumptions that were sent to her on Instagram but it doesn't really answer anything and that is what you missed on Jojo pot five one of the many excuses for various things he does like this you don't know me that is the primary excuse you don't know me he is the thing we do you record literally everything and claim you're being a hundred percent honest and a hundred percent yourself so we do because if we don't then you've been lying about you recording a hundred percent honesty she even made a damage control video called hi I'm amber Lynn where she goes online for about seven minutes straight and as Zachary Michael pointed out in one of his reactions that it looks like it's a promo for something like she's secretly trying to get onto a show like 600-pound life or like a reaction reality TV show and this is highway of damage controlling herself in an intro video about herself like accosting Cole which is very interesting to me because I didn't really think of that before but now that I'm watching it again for the editing of this video it really seems like she is but of course this is not the first time she's thrown a pity party for herself then again even though she talks about how she feels she'll make videos like how I really feel so when you were talking about how you felt before were you not being honest I'm confused so she deleted Twitter earlier and she did not say a word about it so people were really confused and ended up making videos Nancy drawing their way into the conclusion that she deleted her social media as it happened one day people just noticed and it was gone she then went on a snapchat rant Instagram rant people think I'm lying about my weight even though I have no reason to I've always been super open about the number on the scale even when I hit 500 pounds people post crazy ass side by side photos saying I'm close to 700 pounds it's not true if it was true I'd show it in a video you have to realize that there are people online hoping I'm over 600 pounds I've never been 600 pounds my highest weight is still 5 72.4 people want me to lose weight so badly but the minute they get the chance to say I'm over 600 pounds they hop on it in January 2019 I was 560 here's a pic of that here's a pic of me from last month another pic I have maintained even though people don't want to believe that it's the truth here are the pics side by side side by side pics I don't like doing this it's seriously so unfair to me I put a lot of myself online I share things no one else would I continue to make videos even though 99.999% of my comments are horrible I stay strong for myself I stay strong for those who love me I stay strong for the people in my life being called a liar day in and day out when everything you hear is just a rumor is absolutely disheartening people have narrated my life into something it isn't the Internet is vicious but what I share about my life and what I go through is my story it's my story to tell if you're gullible enough to believe rumors take a hard look at yourself why do you love drama so much instead of spreading hate why don't you spread love anyways I'm done ranting dot-dot-dot I'll continue to share my story till I'm no longer strong enough till then stop taking me for granted in 2015 she was also found with a tumblr post where she used the n-word she lied about it and wasn't herb but a fake account like a deep fake that people were using to make her look like she said bad things but Michael be petty found that destiny's account at the time liked the post as well so it's kind of strange how it wouldn't be real she also knows how to ghana the views as well with the real clickbait with the destiny ones there are much more sexual clickbait tones like sexy photoshoot and sex on the beach by the way the sexy clickbait has children in it as well which i think is gross and when it came to the actual health issues of destinies she also click beta dose as well she made a destiny update and brushes off destinies issues with stuff that like she doesn't actually need to go to the doctor she's fine and stuff like that yet she constantly plays up her own issues she'll get like a pain in her leg and be like oh no I have cancer I'm gonna die I know I quickly mentioned the friends and the girlfriends and stuff like that before but I want to talk about specifically key players like Erik and Rikki they are a married couple who live with with Becky and amber and Rikki is the one who has a real job and Erik is a vlog channel guy so Rikki is like the most normal person here Rikki is also the one that the people in the reaction community have the most respectful because he seems like someone who just doesn't really care about Amber's drama and just does his own thing which I can get behind - there was a controversy of him like mistreating a baby or something on his channel and he did make a video saying that he is wrong for doing so and he apologized so I think that he does have integrity and I even though I don't personally enjoy the content or his association with Amber I think that that's fine however lately there seems to be a sort of shade and tension between Ricky and Erik and amber and Becky amber is also now that destiny is back in her life seeming to really put effort into her appearance and just make herself seem a lot different now a lot more energy she is present in a lot of the stuff that destiny does and tries her best to catch her out for wanting to secretly get back together to the point where it's very creepy I bet you if a guy who was doing the same thing to an ex-girlfriend people on Twitter would [ __ ] throw hands but the fact that it's it's amber and destiny people are fine with it it's just gross honestly I love hearing about destiny and Dana and I am so excited for them to move to Kentucky it's going to start this whole entire new arc and I'm very excited for it personally I feel like destiny is Amber's one who got away and I feel like we've seen it in clips or there's like been a little bit of tension and it's just been awkward I do remember in vlogs when they used to go on double dates and I remember this one time when amber was like grilling destiny and amber was like you almost said my name you almost said amber hey Becky hey Becky hey Becky hey Becky I bought that exact bear for you oh I know you almost said my name and then Becky on the other hand gets absolutely no affection whatsoever it's honestly really embarrassing she seems to be controlled a lot by amber and when she tries to give amber affection amber looks disgusted when recently Becky got a haircut she seemed to really done it with Amber's [ __ ] and amber was trying to control her and make a big fuss about the haircut and keeps asking over and over again are you sure you like your haircut it was gross but then she keeps going back to third wheeling destiny and Dana once again all right y'all thank you look miserable so this is before they move so slow look at this she was like healthy beautiful hair do I do you think it's better to zero through time how much do you like it Wow please okay let her live then there's the family situation in a video I can't actually find called explaining everything I think was deleted she talks about the fact that her parents were drug addicts and her foster parents abused her and her brother is in jail or was in jail she changes the story every now and again and aunt Tammy seems to think differently Becky's family however there was the GoFundMe thing as well and then some shady posts on Facebook that people think are about Amber but it's very confusing although she constantly changes the narrative she also made a video once called everything I've lied about where she doesn't really answer the most controversial lies but does at least admit that she does lie which is good I guess so with all of this what's going on now I think that her current weight is around 580 pounds so I think it fluctuates a bit but she's basically 600 pounds because of the weird angles in her weigh ins that are completely unnecessary in my opinion and the way that she acts around the scale some people think that she actually weighs more than 600 or around 600 and is faking the weigh-ins I'm more confused so you can be the judge of that but I think it's funny that I was a firm believer that she wasn't faking her weigh-ins because I just didn't know how I thought they were like suspicious but not fake and then as I researched with this video and now that I'm making it I'm starting to shift to maybe she does fake them I don't know what's going on the latest video I am stopping at for this video is the Halloween 2019 one on November 3rd and I am actively aware of the fact that other videos have come out and I have watched reactions to them I know what's happening I'm current on that but if I did not stop this video here it would never stop so I have to stop it here in this one she makes a big [ __ ] deal about squeezing into this Hawaii costume and says that everyone's setting up these pre-made party pack there's enough for like 20 people here but only like sick of them show up so yikes she goes through some really boring party games and shades Eric and Riki for having a couples costume and cuts away before the actual party so we don't see it her health is not that good either in another video she talks about how she has lymphedema that is pressing into her stomach her knuckles are brown as well and she has sleep apnea and it took her ages to admit it tooth bite everyone telling her that that's what that was she even puts concealer on her knuckles as well to hide the brown from time to time as well I'm not sure why she does that but she does and she also failed twice from getting off her bed her bed is also on the floor so it's unfortunately with all of these warning signs the only thing that she really seems to want to do is drink copious amounts of higher pH water but hey it's all of our fault another very quick thing that I actually find really funny is um the sort of language that people use especially in the Haida community that I'll just talk about now basically Haider's spelt this way is a sort of joke phrase that people use because she calls everyone that disagrees with a hater so then the way that she pronounces it is also really [ __ ] weird so that's how that came about but I also think that it's a definition as well I consider haters people who genuinely want to give her criticism and people they used to be fans of people that found her and quickly pointed out all the things that were wrong with her and it's more of a harmless entertainment thing that they do people that I've mentioned in this video that you can see other people that I consider in that category as well as the audience's so they clearly want to talk about this stuff but they do it in a way that does not cross a line to make it actually harmful in any way but genuine haters are just people that you know who I'm talking about people who just want her to fail and stuff like that a lot of these people don't want her to fail in the hater community they're clearly not that way so I think having that distinction even though it's a joke it genuinely is a distinction to me and I wanted to make that clear another thing that that is like I guess a meme of that as well as like the way that she mispronounced this a lot of things this is another personal thing for me because I want to be an author as well and when I'm not good at a certain grammatical aspect I will try my best to try and learn about that stuff because I know it's important to reflect in my writing and for her to just know do no research do none of the important things complain and just not do that at all it hurts my heart but what are you doing but she says stuff like in scruciating instead of excruciatingly she says situation and type a deal quite a lot she says things like sugar and this is what it looks like and I am living for this and like all these really basic [ __ ] tubs that make me want to throw up in my mouth as I'm saying them myself in a relationship if it doesn't work out in a romantic and intimate you'll notice a lot of stuff like that and it's like they're in the reaction videos and stuff people will say stuff like beanbag and hiring and L like orange chickens like reflect a bunch of the stuff that she talks about it's very easy to see once you get into these sorts of things as well but I just kind of as this is more of a documentary type of introduction to her I wanted to point them out prematurely so that you'll be able to see them and identify them a lot of people I think there's not an official name for what she says I think people just call a job but I would personally like to coin the phrase am bolognese because i just feel like that's something fun to refer to so but let's actually talk about the community as well you see when people started to get disillusioned from her channel they needed to be somewhere to go to discuss it all each of them did their own thing Zachary was kind of friends with her at first and even messaged her from time to time and he started with the after line' show on you nel from when she finished her streams then he got to where he is now Michael B petit used to record reactions privately for a few people before they said that he should start posting them publicly they talked about it in a discussion on 2018 and on 2019 called the amber con if you want to check that out she has never flagged them herself but she fluctuates between ignoring them and denying that they exist or trying to rant or roast them or discredit them while portraying herself as the victim so her own relationship with them is quite inconsistent it's like a relationship with her haters is its own cycle there's also pronouncing ly as la like she does a lot so you'll see it's spelt this way and you might see other things built that way but that's what they're referring to I am not really that experienced in the community I have never really made a reaction yet but it's funny because I've started off not knowing who she was trying to question why people just like falling down the rabbit hole of watching reaction channels of becoming a fan of them and now I'm making [ __ ] like this and I feel really tempted to do a reaction for her if I did I wouldn't do it on this channel but I just I don't know what's happening I am just like fully into it I am past the point of no return but as you can see there were a bunch of reaction channels that I've used footage from as well to give you the idea of it and plus I really do like them you can see a full list of them now on the screen and so I'm not that experienced in them a lot of people I might be missing out on so if you do think that there's someone that I would like let me know because I'm always open to finding more content like that so with all of that being said I honestly don't know what to say now it's just over the past while that I've been writing down notes about this it just seemed like the weirdest thing to me it's just the strangest part of the Internet there are things that I never thought that I would see a creator do and it's just you get reaction communities based around topics but I've never really seen one based around a specific person as heavily as I am but maybe the closest that you would get is like oh nice neon or something and it's it's crazy in terms of this content as you can tell with my h3h3 video I have been making some longer form documentaries of sorts and getting into the swing of that that's not what a lot of my content will be I still like making like stupid game videos and stuff like that so it's something that I'll pepper in here and there but I have been enjoying this a lot I hope that the video is not too long again if you made it through this video as long as it is I have no words that's incredible and I really appreciate that I was also thinking of some point as I mentioned on EC on before there's a lot of similarities between him and amber and there's a lot of controversies especially since Chris Hansen is getting involved and I was thinking of making more of a series where I cover every single controversy in the same vein but make it like a video part of the era to really get into that so let me know how you think about that I think that it's I really need like a comprehensive list of stuff as a history of that whole thing so if I'm the one to make it then I want to make it but next video I'm going to just do some like normal analysis of a thing that I wanted to talk about so it's like a game related thing so like I guess have fun with that but so yeah I'd really appreciate it if he could let me know what you think because I did put a ton of effort into this and I also had a lot of fun making it but yeah just let me know what you think and I don't really know what else to say is I'm just going to kind of leave it there
Channel: ProcrastiTara
Views: 1,107,535
Rating: 4.8149428 out of 5
Keywords: Amberlynn Reid, amberlynn reid food, amberlynn reid weigh in, amberlynn reid eras, amberlynn reid lies, ProcrastiTara, commentary, amberlynn reid, amberlynn reid controversy, amberlynn reid torrid, am
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 28sec (6868 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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