BEARS vs ZOMBIES | Mist Survival

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here this this is miss survival I saw it on Steam it had good reviews for it it's like a single-player Zombie Survival kind of thing so I'm gonna try it out and do that thing ooh who do you get Sam at a shelter management based shelter shelter command you can manage the shelter by observing the house symbol the dwelling will have the symbol on the front door when you enter the shelter's command mode you can choose to change the base shelter and manage to the survivors in your camp survivors are only active in 50 meters around the base mister vent the appearance of each fog is company by some events players must be prepared infectious can come out outdoors only at night or when there's no Sun that means they can also hunt while the fog is covered traveling in fog is quite dangerous but in the mean time and this was at the village ability of bandits worsened as well bow and arrow high-performance equipment can be used without noise suitable for hunting or assassination you have to install the quiver that contains the arrows already before you can use it the higher quit you can switch arrows while using the bow pressing our longbow can be used to kill bandits and single shots when use with hunting arrows fatigue and stamina press 7 to sleep on the ground good to know all right so this is mist survival I think it was miss survival which I think just means that we got to survive in the mist so I guess it's kind of like a forest style survival thing but give give give to me give ok we got that I could sleep shelter command well this is a shelter manager room by clicking the green space we don't even have rooms it's just 2 sticks but Bear Grylls would be pissed off at me small house that says this isn't a house it's very clearly not houses just a pile of sticks and leaves with like some kind of a tarp a carpet this isn't even like an animal skin this is literally a carpet that it turned upside down why did I turn a carpet upside down why didn't I sleep on the shag side what if this even mean this is us yeah whatever oh well I'm a rest destroy it no I'm gonna break it you can't destroy base shelter well why the not sleepy peepee just away dat baby bed hope northern attacks me while I'm sleeping ok whatever come back and destroy that once I find a better shelter okay well I'll pick up a lot of sticks and stones and the such as got that if I know anything from the forest so I got I got blueberry I don't know why that was on the ground well they're blueberry who is who's skipping through the forest just shoveling a basket of blueberries into their mouths missing haphazardly like and ruining it about all over the ground can I quit my saw a few months to winter that sounds pretty good okay I'm gonna quit my saw here we go and blueberry okay here we go I must saw I'm a saw I'm gonna saw Oh minecraft stop baby I'm gonna punch the out of this tree oh I'm so angry give me your wood I saw you see in a video game once please help I hear the couch yowsa couch ouch whoo yeah ouch whoa hee-hee-hee ouchies oh okay whatever I guess I can't do that yet so I need to go find just some basic logs maybe and then I can do something I'm just gonna go I'm gonna assume that rocks aren't exactly uncommon so maybe I don't need to pick them all up let's go see what the rest of this world is about before I start doing that stuff oh it's a power line I'm gonna lead me towards civilization of some sort maybe I can get like a better better home base something like that anybody hello got leaf got blue bear hey there's some hello hello over there I thought that was a person does this work Oh Oh fill the tank I don't have gas yes I do low-grade fuel animal oil great for fuel fire nah can't do it this isn't a biodiesel what thing hello open shelter command who set his base yeah I can go get destroyed the other one wait can I make this my base no I can go destroy the other one all right the day of reckoning is at hand oh you stupid stick shelter you're gonna get it oh you're gonna get a face full of punch you thought you'd get away from living no not today also I was like I was like 10 feet away from all right anyway that was weird all right you're getting rekt all right destroy ya take ten minutes ten minutes of beer walloping anger won't take this yes please can I have this can I have this can I have this leaf I have this rope all right we're good well let's get you a tea it's like I don't know where you're falling from but I don't like it but it's like some kind of survival game kind of reminds me of rust and the way original dayz lately whoa whoa whoa bear bear bear where's your bear hey my leg why why would you why there bear what's the scariest thing I've ever seen ah well alright then that's new I don't know that was gonna be a thing but I got a knife now and an axe inventory upgrade Oh a Cola a bandage I probably need that yes please can fruit I'll take the cola I know I should take the canned fruit but I'm not gonna oh boy okay let me let me eat let me bandage that was horrifying eat that man the temperatures going up way fast the temperatures forty four point five degrees Celsius that's why 45 degrees cells how much weight way forty-five that's a hundred and thirteen degrees 46 because I'm in this building what's the deal what the hell all right treatment my leg leg treatment go all right okay let's put the axe there no let's take this okay okay I can't I guess I can never move that ever again this is just permanent okay all right well mm-hmm okay all right that's just the way that is okay oh I can make stuff but let me go out at least let me make sure the coast is clear from no bears I see you bear I see you over there all right listen bear I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna go chop oh the tree the Christmas tree all right you okay mr. bear all right if you come over here I got a knife almost stab you I got a hole ninja-style you ain't gonna do nothing to me stupid bear or hang on let's go whompin that's not I had on this side [Music] oh yeah I'm just turning my back to this bear that was over there who knows if it's still there mmm I don't know oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah okay well it was falling realistically right up in there until the end okay log log log log log I got log so was it that bear that was making the rocks all fall down something like that maybe I don't know seems like it might have been something was going off there no no what but it wasn't fun and nope right at the end there gets all kind of against physics okay so I got some logs I don't have any gas but now I've got a home base so oh I'm full up apparently so I can make firewood I can make regular wood which is probably good let me do some regular wood standing out in the open there's a bear over wait is that for wait whoa they said something about fog wait a minute wait a minute they said something about fog I remember the name of this game might be mist survival maybe I could beef up the other defenses here but maybe I could there's like a hammer a sleeping bag I don't have any oh how do I make up mm can I make a bowl just gonna grab these hope nothing bad happens okay miss gone apparently I guess the mist is gone it's gonna get night here soon and that's probably not good why does it keep saying I have so many logs I don't have that many logs logs okay now I'm apparently out of logs but just hasn't updated okay so I'm slightly wounded I don't know I don't know when that happened I thought I thought I was fully unmuted but apparently not I'm just gonna create keep making these cuz I don't know when and where I'm supposed to not do this alright that's good I'm out of bandages too so I guess I'm just I'm gonna leave here I'm gonna go somewhere else I don't know where that bear would the Bears right there okay I'm gonna go in the opposite direction of where the bear was and hopefully not run into another bear hey here's something well that looks fun I like to look at this I don't know who built a house in the middle of nothing not even a road leading up to it but I like it oh there is a road I'm just an idiot okay so does this one have any gas in it I bet not no no gas okay I bet doesn't even work all right hello anybody home I got an axe just so you know whoo knock knock knock knock can't unlock it I don't have a crowbar okay wood wood wood duh what is this it I can't get to the other area I guess okay I don't have a lockpick and I don't have a crowbar they got a lot of firewood though so that's nice for them but not much else of anything else I just bash open one of these yeah yeah why not right right right right Oh what broke right just break what adds break what did I break not what I wanted to break well what did I break I don't know whatever okay that didn't work let's move on it's gonna be night soon ooh there's another bear I don't want to get in a fight with a bear what is that what are those Oh wind turbines is this a farm man I know nothing about this game but there's a barn over there so I'm assuming that there's gonna be stuff towards the buildings I mean that's just my general instinct on anything this one's got gas but this one's got no oh but wait maybe I can fill the can no but maybe if I find a can I can fill I get this one has gas in it so yeah oh oh the trunk oh da the trunk okay I'm gonna put beef kick me again it could be kept for a long time without spoil let me put my rocks in here I'm gonna take the components match is probably important sticks not as much but I'm not gonna just anything in the Aaron's gonna put the rocks in there I should have checked the trunks on the other one then but I'm done can can can oa4 gasps oh okay so can put this here fill the can now we got gas all right cool we got two point eight five liters of gas cool so now I can go over to the other car that I saw and I should definitely be checking the trunks of these bad boys but there was another car over here so let me just go over here and check the trunk first and then I can use this is like my storage vehicle and always keep stuff in it and it'll be good to go right oh it's got no tires oh that's that would be a problem okay yeah this says okay this this is more problem than just no gas okay I bet the other one had tires though because it had an option to actually drive it right why what happened was weird okay whatever Zef tires no tires okay that's a problem okay well I'm gonna fill the tank up ah tires need to go get tires okay problem all right what if I just here we go okay close I don't think it's going nowhere okay so that's going nowhere but but but but what but big but let me let me fill the can take this with me but now I think I got an idea of what I'm gonna do so oh I need to grab that can so I think I'm gonna use this as my home base I'm gonna fill the locker with stuff that things I don't need like this extra wood I don't need yet this stick these sticks I can get that anywhere I'm gonna take the rope the fuel the matches some food and some water that's why I'm gonna take with me I'm gonna go over to that barn I'm gonna see what's up it's cool like this is a surprisingly well-made game I mean this is an early access one so I just saw it randomly on Steam but I was like hey what seems like it's got some potential here oh cool I'll take that hammer that seems useful I don't know why but it seems useful does Ainley ooh give me your give me your give me your give me R fuel this is cool does it have a motor I have no idea don't ask me I don't know I don't know why the hay is glowing slightly irradiated Hey well whatever Oh another car this one's got tires Oh God Oh get in the car bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear but get in the car Oh God bear bears are now officially the scariest thing in this game it's gonna sneak Chabad that bear is terrifying that bears were goddamn terrifying that bears terrifying what is this a blueberry perfect I'm just gonna gun it to forget the forget the car for now I'll get it later when I could actually see what's going on around me but um it was the Bears car anything at the top of the water tower oh this looks this looks safe okay alright sure oh hey tractor are you drivable chicken mmm okay alright tire cool the other tire wait I've got matches let me see if those can provide a little light for me all right six tonight I'm holding a match two handed it's a very big match okay components rag that's useful good motor rag I can make a sleeping bag out of a rag as far as I know crafting components whatever that means combat knife just bare I guess doesn't seem like much is there an actual like farmhouse can I kill these chicken okay kill the chicken oh you better run over buck buck buck buck I guess I can't catch the chicken so yeah this is my question okay but if I get four tires and then I can get like an engine I can salvage enough stuff out of this I just wish I could see it is really dark oh I don't like the way you just saved like that ominously so what's why he's glowing okay there's a barn up there so that's probably something a little bit better for me to be see coal oh I'm full already geez okay I'll drink something drink okay lug eat uh yeah let me eat this brightness I'm not gonna cheat what cheating in my farm cheating I thought I told you about cheating I warned you once and I won't warn you twice no ain't gonna be no cheating here turn up my brightness oh yeah I'll remember that the next time I go camping I'll just pray to God be like please sir turn up the brightness in the night no no no no no cheating happening here you cheating cheater Junior we got a cheater here or somebody call 1-800 sheeter what I made myself clear know how I feel about cheatin and the dirty rotten cheaters that want to cheat in this beautiful sky a big moon on this beautiful night you want me to cheat ooh that one looks in pretty good shape not gonna lie I want to he's both looking pretty good shape I think I might have found the mother lode and well this is not in good shape cuz I can't even interact with it okay maybe not that one now it's not in good shape this one's in probably shape it's got nothing all right whatever but it's by a river it's a big house big house I like this oh hi zombie hello oh hey listen it's your house I see that now the error of my ways um okay oh it's a train it's a conga it's a conga line of zombies is it that time already oh that oh they're gone okay I'm gonna go over here it looks like I may be able to build a fire here I mean that'd be nice Melman - what what the affords a large candidate Act wait oh they're still there okay let it be known that they're still there but i see something across the pond I'm gonna go swimming boy a bad idea but I'm gonna go I see you lit so maybe there's some friendly people over there I want to give me a good time hello please help me I'm Oh No is that a bear my matter stamina please help me help me help me oh god help me help me oh that guy's got a gun um he doesn't look friendly um what if I sneak up on him he's probably friendly let's just get let's just say that I'd like to assume the best out of people and this guy's probably friendly alright cuz I'm gonna go up and almost say hi I'm gonna go say hi I'm just just gonna say hi I don't know what happened to my axe but it's gone let's go say hi no no no I didn't know there was an execute button I didn't know that all right fine revive ow I'm tired they take my turn my turn okay we can we can come back from this we're very bleedy we're very extremely bleeding it's still only day one life is not going well but we've got a hammer we're all good we can still make this work I'm gonna go back we're gonna execute him properly take his and then we're gonna get gone and everything is gonna be hunky Dickie and I'm gonna be happy and you're gonna be happy we're all gonna be happy I don't trust any noise that's coming out of this forest I don't like any noise I don't wanna Nina please no nothing ow why am i bleeding why am i bleeding Oh cuz my leg is wounded severely shouldn't be sprinting on this wounded bullet-ridden leg-oh well I don't know this game very goodly yeah what's the worst thing gonna happen was where I could keep running on this bad boy apparently not I have no stamina but you know I could keep running on this bad boy wait wait seven to sleep on the ground right in the safety of a bell here we go just a nice nap oh I'm dead I was just napping I was gonna be nappy bye-bye okay start over please no bears zombies aren't even the main problem I'm [Laughter] we're gonna start over forget all of that we're gonna forget all of it forget all of that forget it wow you just go lie down and relax that why would I want to do that that sounds dumb I'm gonna charge into this game well you think I can't do it oh you think I can't do it [Music] [Applause] starting over is cheating in what world it's starting over cheating does that Jamie you're starting over alright okay I got this yeah we're good we're good I'm not gonna put that in my inventory or my quick bark cuz I know that's not gonna work out for me alright we're gonna go for this we got all the all the life or love in our heart we got who we feel it will feel good we feel like who the world's our oyster we feel like the whole world's ahead of us there's no bears there's no zombies there's no bandits there's no stupid they put that bear there for a reason I stuck on a tree stupid bear that's what you get that's what you get okay so I gotta go find the gasps can I believe the gas can that I first found if this is all the same was over there so I'm gonna loot the things here my scrap metal here a hammer I didn't see that before that's good okay no bears ah now we're getting into business okay painkillers toss those back down my gob right now get fruit and a cold ah sure okay I'm addicted gasps out of this one alright that's a lot of gas that's okay alright so now we're gonna go with Dhamma forget that base I don't want anything to do with anything that was over there I want to go straight for what I wanted there's a there's a bandit base over there probably I don't know I tried to stab that guy but you know that's probably my fault he was probably gonna be totally friendly Oh like the way look at this look at the shimmering huh look at that I don't usually comment on graphics too much but that's a nice detail let's talk about amber waves of grain if you don't know about America and how America is amber waves of grain this is what we're talking about here just beauty mmm all right I love American so do we all so oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hail'd did I forget my gas can add the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous barn we're gonna get some stuff we're gonna go to the house we're gonna kill a bunch of zombies wombo combo and we're done okay I can't pick up the tire that's alright I probably can't pick up anything because I'm full of okay I'm gonna dig the fruit Ashish of that inside me oh how I just ripped that open I think I just bit into it and like ripped it open with my teeth and let's see if I can carry this tire now I'm gonna drop this bottle the tire okay we're good to go alright let's go in here we're gonna stab some zombies hey hey [ __ ] holes hey [ __ ] dicks hey titty sprinkles hello oh oh oh you're faster than I thought you'd be whoa hey okay you didn't tell me that you could run hey whoa whoa whoa if I can execute a person maybe I can execute it Zombo this might be more challenging than I thought Oh someone's grumpy can no backdoor okay so I gotta go straight up in there I see you oh I see you alright the benefit is they despawn after a certain distance which is awfully nice of them oh this is weird oh it's creepy here I can use any gun this is a farm in America so they should have some guns whoa hello you look sad okay why are you so sad he's looking away come on just gonna try try to get up here get up in get up in there get up in there oh okay use use that don't mind if I do oh oh man they're all over the place but uh please don't please oh there ain't ain't oh they okay okay they they've lost I've lost my scent oh oh they found much scent they found my scent they found my said uh oh god oh god oh god oh god he's not going away okay you way I don't like that the fog we're doing on the roof Lelaina what are you doing you don't even have a fiddle what are you doing on the roof oh no oh no oh that's ominous okay how's my health doing okay not too bad not surprisingly not bad oh wow it's gonna be worse right God just give me a chance look ah come here you I'm gonna get you oh oh oh you see you I don't know how Oh [Music] no you go mono you get mono we're one mono to mono I'm gonna mono you you wanna me you go mono mono one two three we mono each other call it a mono 69 I'm a mono while you wanna me mano a mano 1 in 1 2 plus 2y don't make it 3 Three's Company two's a crowd mono mono who you wanna mono hey come here I've got mono for you mono mono mono yeah you thought you could me turns out you got mono it back no mono it's gonna last enough I've got the mono Y mono to hear mano a mano in Spanish is bono I'm gonna mono til you Mon Ami hey how you doing what's going on a pretty thing thank you thank you I'm over there you're wrong those mono mono here mono up right behind you alright well glad that's over I'll take your rags and hope you learned your lesson glad wood cleared up that and now we can carry on oh that's alright you know you win some you lose some and he lost some but I'm gonna win some now I'm gonna go over here and just uh I'm gonna take care of the rest of the zombo's and house that's all gonna be is to it my dying I'm dying aren't I huh I need let's take some painkillers I guess my lag my oh my ouchie leg what I can't take some painkiller there's a big killer pig who needs painkiller right all right I got a hurry and take care of this or else I'm gonna die no matter what I do so I just got to go in here and I've gotta stab some [ __ ] and hopefully everything will turn out fine how do you get into this garage Zera there's a door over here maybe there's a gun in the garage or something I don't hear zombies anymore ah all right hey zombies in here no really I don't hear anything maybe maybe they took pity on me well let's under the kitchen sink yeah sure what better place for bullets to be right sugar sugar could I make a sugar bomb or something I really want a gun and some medicine I will need some medicine eventually I am gonna keep bleeding if I if I don't take care of it I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna die you've gone that side gun that gun no bathroom gun mirror gun no dammit well I don't have a crowbar with which to break into any of this I'm probably not gonna luck out am I probably not little scraps I just need to get rid of the see that I don't need sugar until I know it yeah I'm gonna get rid of a raw potato I've got enough matches I'm gonna die only two bullets yeah maybe one hammer okay metal scrap seems important because then I could make stuff out of it right crafting is probably gonna be pretty big in this sewing kit can I so up my wounds looks like a big nope on the gun kid's room kids room gun maybe no it's like a big negative on that one all right no gun in the earth yeah a lot of good stuff but no gun maybe there's something in the barn that I could use if I don't get a med kit soon I'm gonna be very in trouble or at least some bandages if I hadn't lost him when I died which was totally I'm still swinging my arms okay all right see if there's anything in here there's another house over there or a building of some sort nope let me go over to this building maybe I can make it my home base and then go for the bandit place I didn't see this before because obviously it was too dark yeah let's make this my base all right new base sad-ass base perfect thank you lockar perfect the sugar I'll put in there these bullets until I know what bullets I'm gonna need no point the rags ooh I know I need booze okay some extra rags the this the tire and I'll keep the sewing kit on me just in case okay cool let's go see what's out of this camp and then I'm gonna go say hi to the people in the band of base and maybe go up to that tower there's probably something good up there hola and some fruits that's it man I wish I could open these up these look like good cars why can't I open them please tell me I'm not just gonna get shot straight up as soon as I get close to this thing I'm hoping I might be able to sneak in grab some bandages and get out but probably not gonna be that easy [Music] okay um poof whoa okay that guy patrols over here want to wait behind this dumpster oh I just need to take one of them if I can give one of their guns wouldn't get out oh no no it's okay god damn it it wouldn't get out of the loot menu wouldn't get out I'm okay I got my tongue I got that guy's chocolate so I really I'm the winner here and stupid idiot I got the chocolate dumb who thinks he won no dumb my god I got the chocolate you think he you think it and then I'll be like and I'ma be like yes cuz I got the chocolate I got that chocolate so really I'm the winner here I'm the winner I'm a winner I win things a lot I like to win I win at a great deal of things and pretty goddamn good at my winning I just want to see if there's like a gun on the ground because it wasn't on his body but maybe it's one of those things where it's not geared it's it's that weird game mechanic where he has a gun very clearly has gun but he's not guaranteed to drop the gun like that's the thing that's the discrepancy I'm gonna soup you should oh there's a building over there too maybe there's something in there I like I want I'm sneaking I get quieter cuz I'm like a little Jewish don't wanna spook him okay doesn't look like anything that was their sewing kit wait is that my wait is that the I dropped wait if I go back no please okay is it is it like that where if I go back to where I was I might be able to get my stuff again maybe no you don't see nothing I don't know you talkin bout Meester imma steal your soda why can I steal this ooh I thought I saw somebody you compare Li can't steal things when you're crouched didn't know that a gun I see you got in there I want that this is probably like the hardest way you could possibly play this game trying to assault like this bass with nothing but a knife and some blueberries but I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm gonna do it I'm doing it oh I am doing currently am do okay so it seems like it's just these two guys that guy don't even have a gun stupid idiot and this guy off to the right picking him off yeah that guy so this guy patrols back and forth II all back he forth he like but none of them seem to look over this way so maybe if the front doors unlock oh that there was another guy there was another guy I thought there was I don't know where he was where did he go where'd he go where'd he go Oh Darius oh ah into the sunday okay here's how I'm gonna play this because I killed that guy off to the left first last time and that didn't go good for me so I'm trying to kill the guy off to the right this time and that'll probably also not go good for me but I'll feel good about it you know I'm gonna put a toe and broccoli this guy grabbed this body okay let's grab it T I'm grabbing it grabbing I'm grabbing the body I'm I'm grabbing TT tea okay that's good there that's good I guess yeah see no gun or that dumb or that big dumb or that big dumb why no gun his gun fake it not real it it's fake okay so I got that guy I don't know why that guy's patrol is so weird but it's okay because what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna get this guy when he's away oh there it is a okay I'm not gonna be able to get that but oh Oh what are you doing what are you doing can I go get you should I go get you right no okay no good good call good call on the no maybe I should go for the guy in red huh what do you think guys we think you think I should huh now you're right stupid move still the move super move go for this guy don't turn around what do nothing happened some bullets no more broccoli okay just one more guy that's it oh my webcam why'd my webcam dead hello okay whatever I got him here we go here we go here we go here we go yeah and so photos blink and beef head beef okay well still no gun if I can't even open this door after all that I'm gonna be so pissed okay good good good shot gun yes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah you got crowbar in there you guys got a crowbar guys got some lockers ones open oh yeah this is the good stuff oh this is what they call some good stuff okay so inventory rifle I don't have any rifle bullets I don't think I got rifle now I just need some bullets okay whoo that was tough but we made it wonder if I can bash down this door or something no Oh get out get out get open oh oh oh oh oh oh oh there was another all your friends are dead sorry about that I don't know where he is you must have gone back maybe I could maybe I can use that to my advantage and try to distract people oh no no no oh okay where are you going yeah well he's on alert but I don't know if it's a good idea to try to sneak up on that guy but I want to try I'm gonna lose my gun we're gonna lose my hard-fought gun but I want to try this oh god damn it the camera again oh oh please zip tag no please please please zarbor Dean in the woods there beneath serpentine serpentine Oh hem serpent oh oh oh my leg my leg all right so things didn't go I I gotta I gotta get the camera I don't know why it's all like that Oh No please no I just wanted some duct tape I know I know you're missing the face cam do you think I'm dumb I know it you think I'm done you see what I'm doing huh you trying to deal with it ow my leg oh okay that's gonna be it for now thank you everybody so much for watching I didn't do well but I did something so that's something thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I'll see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,624,268
Rating: 4.9457903 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, mist survival, indie horror, zombie game, zombies, survival game, the forest, day z, scum, bears, bear attack, funny gameplay, markiplier funny
Id: TTX31s_exsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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