I Was Sponsored to Explore New Ways to Torment Colonists - Oxygen Not Included

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Didn't know about this guy or his channel before seeing this, so thanks for posting this!

This guy is hilarious. I don't subscribe to hardly any YT channels, but his I did. I saw another one he did about Founder's Fortune that had me falling out of my chair laughing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwTMYaeBPqM

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Pequod2016 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

or "exactly right"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ipooppixels 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Not a great representation of what the game is, but god damn I'm crying

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Prototype958 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey there this is Josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing oxygen not included today this video is actually sponsored by the creators of the game clay entertainment I've really enjoyed a lot of their games in the past like don't starve and this games coming out of early access on July 30th 2019 so if you like what you see and want to learn more there's a link in the description just head on down there and clicky click really excited I like clay and I like their game so being able to support them while they support me is pretty cool name the colony intentional disaster that's a good backup name for my channel actually so we start the game with three colonists or as this game calls them duplicants they all have strengths and weaknesses as well as what appears to be a stress reaction I kept pretty rolling until all three of my people were vomit errs I'm not taking any of their interest or traits into account I'm sure it'll just figure it out as they go along spend a bunch of time also trying to find grace in this game but she's not here so we're just gonna go ahead and invite her ourselves race is admired by all for her seemingly tireless work ethic little do people know she's dying on the inside oh we know we're gonna pull from the library of names I've used before so we're gonna call this guy JC super stud we've got Chad broski okay intentional disaster let's embark oh boy you three have no idea what you're in for oxygen not included is a little bit different than a survival game it's more like a space colony Sims I can't actually control these people they just kind of walk around and do their own thing we basically need to monitor all their conditions like lost children looking at you chat broski we're trapped underground we need to make sure that we build a beautiful civilization where they can live as you can see here there's all kinds of fun stuff we should do correctly food plumbing ventilation all the things to survive underground we also have a bunch of like overlays and stuff to help us along so if we click on like the oxygen overlay besides where our folks are breathing this little pocket here is very breathable and that can help dictate some of our decisions for the worst hopefully so the game's kind enough to let us know that the first thing we should do is build an outhouse and an oxygen diffuser so I want these dudes to dig so if I just oh yeah you guys are excited to work aren't you I just built like a stairway out of this madness dig my pretties dig a we've uncovered something grey skillet oh that's right she's a pacifist get in there kill that thing well grace has to stand there and watch yes we why you guys run it oh you're all hungry I see good nummy time go back to oh these two need a bathroom scale of 1 to 10 how much do you need a bathroom oh wow bladders at a hundred percent it's zero stress grace you monster outhouse here we go we're gonna build this up into a space up here and want them to live in fear knowing it's right above them look I know you guys need to you know do your business but just just hang in there okay yo super stud what are you doing there interesting how your bladder is now like 1% Chad what you doing there buddy okay well that looks perfect for a bathroom you give up so back finish this up and while we're at it let's see if we can do something about the mess we've created yes make a pit yeah drain drain in there okay let's put the bathroom right there we did it who wants first these I got everything is covered in piss luckily we can mop up liquid spills that's the face of some truly happy people well now that there's these urine bottles everywhere what can we do with these you know what I just realized - it's basically no oxygen in the bathroom I guess there's no better time worrying about oxygen than right now so we'll just take this oxygen diffuser in so we need metal or when use metal or I see some copper or I don't know if that's the right stuff but there's no reason not to try yep that about did it with this oxygen diffuser right here power well well what's happening in the portal it's making noise choose a blueprint oh look at this I can choose to bring a new person through or just straight up calories I mean those nutrient parts do look pretty good right give me the calories thank you tada sandwich cookies are here yeah suck up those nutrient bars put them away in the thing perfect I've decided the outhouses that happen in place to be we're building everything around the outhouse oh my god so while these crazies sleep one thing I really noticed that I kind of wish I hadn't if you click the germ overlay right here and you kind of expect Chad here to be infected because they're literally sleeping on the outhouse this is like one of those things like I'm glad we don't have a view like this for our toilets thankfully they have a disinfectant gun but chad has taken advantage of okay we're running out of oxygen let's see if we can finally fix this problem power manual generator there we go now we just grab us some wire just straight across can I go straight across okay cool now we've got it connected I know you can't breathe but I need you to run and this thing requires algae to run so quickly grab all this algae come on guys let's turn this barely breathable atmosphere into very breathable just like a crab creature it went into our P let's walking around like a battery like yeah so the oxygen diffusers doing its thing the batteries collecting power this is more bass than I thought I would have have to resist my urge to make this just one giant room ooh bottle emptier I'm just gonna put it right here what could possibly go wrong here yes hiccup all the piss water shoving into that thing and Oh God did you pop that bubble why wait a minute did that thing just send a bubble of urine into the okay hold on hold on we're gonna make this right oh boy it's that time again what do you got for me Camille vomiting you're in hi Camille sorry you have to be here don't mind us we're just building a like like a piss fall it should work as intended now they should be able to pick up the polluted water just put it right in there and the bubble should keep it down all right perfect look at this super inefficient system we've made I just highlight and just disinfect everything just disinfect it all disinfect each other if you can too dare I say we've got this under control ish these psychos need a food source now whoo what is this microbe mushers gonna put it up here cuz that seems both convenient and not convenient it'll be bill deep bill dee da da ya guys I'm intrigued by it - how many mush bars do I want I mean forever obviously not crap we need water for this thing thankfully well these jackasses chow down we've got our water source right over here this is gonna be perfect there we go we got water yes disinfected forever please super stud is now adding that water over to the thing that makes mush bars which I can only assume are power bars oh god this is so weird to watch my dudes are watching a machine poop out food I think this machine needs more fiber you know I actually think things are looking pretty good right now that is you know it's not enough to survive you have to thrive and that's why they're getting a washbasin our brand new wash basin will give you plenty of privacy so for the part we're right above it is urine that's threatening to you know oh thank god the portal is calling again person person person Arbor acorn we're gonna go with that because they can't starve to death or run out of oxygen bone Appetit guys can't wait to squander whatever this thing is I just noticed over here that grace is dead tired probably because they sleep on the ground so let's give the people what they want would have cut their and a cut here actually you know what let's not put that one right there let's put it further back you can even see the gas in the background of a place where you can't necessarily breathe this could be Grace's bed let's just put it right on the cusp right here kind a breathable sometimes how you doing grace is this working better for you well she seems happier out of order damnit Oh Camille is coming to take care of it okay Chad's proud of ya wait a minute what the hell happened over here guys oh geez let's mop up these little accidents please okay the germs are going down close call guys captain's log cycle 11 this appears to be Grace's favorite machine she doesn't even want the food she just likes to watch the action something tells me the key to success is this research station oh yeah look at that if I put that right there just connects it through the power anyway okay research time let's see the options upon options what kind of stuff do we if we have food stuff we have power stuff Colin a development at long last we can develop employment let's start small let's try to get to gourmet meal which means all we have to do is basic farming meal preparation agriculture ranching Animal Control and then finally we can turn that into a happy meal thanks guys just keep researching that if we're gonna add another person Torvald Oh vomiter you'll fit right in well good news we've already unlocked basic farming and meal preparation compost reduces polluted dirt another compost down into dirt let's start with that and let's put this right next to Grace's bed everyone comes running like yes we have to do this it's perfect only 2.6 million germs of food poisoning disinfected all you want grace that's not gonna fix it or no why this makes me so happy it probably shouldn't see she's fine well this is looking worse and worse which makes me you know happier and happier shockingly everything is still functional here as crappy as it looks let's go over to this quiet corner look at our new food items electric grill boom grill me up whoo in a planter box we can use our Arbor seat on that thing a harbor acorn excuse me yeah that doesn't look confined and horrible okay which one of you peed in the washroom I see it going into the water supply again you want another restroom fine talk to grace about it I guess that's kind of a double-edged sword huh because before she was the farthest one away from the bathroom wow look at my arbor tree really coming together so these next two tiers we can't unlock yet we also have to do advanced research which takes a supercomputer if we go on down here to colony developments you can get the blessed employment which will then allow us to build some stuff including the supercomputer researching employment it is my god you guys are just peeing everywhere I've got the water again everything's falling apart I thought everything was so good and now everything's not so good okay this is the good stuff guys don't pee in this okay just try mail day what do we got folks shell spawn okay she'll stay P a little polka she'll spawn hello my new friend I love how everyone's asleep and this thing just shows up he just kind of here diet polluted dirt and rock pile excretion sand I think we've all had days like that something I've been ignoring entirely as skills but here we are we're gonna go ahead and make JC superstud our grill master and also give him improved cooking because why not he's gonna wear right now is grilling there he goes look at that just deep-fry a brick of ramen throw it on the ground stuff for grabs for anyone yeah just yeah that's gonna make it taste a lot better the most delicious spices we also finished making the super computer so let's go ahead and just put that in here right now this guy's getting huge I'm surprised he's not gonna eat grace in the night other skills can you give people we're gonna go ahead and pack grace full of useless skills like art fundamentals and ascetic design and master work school we gave her a whole skill tree full of stuff she's not gonna be able to use after college we did it it's that time again no hello a purring pipsqueak I think that's a big yes where is it going what's it doing this is what you do eats arbor tree so god what have I done well maybe it won't eat that arbitrary little guy you're adorable but I swear to God if you pee in our water supply okay you know this is great and all people are really thriving okay may be thriving isn't the right word but they're alive still what's it take to kill one of these people let's see if we can destroy our own water supply here we need to give someone a reason to come down here and then we need to give them a reason to be trapped in the water supply first we're going to clear this space out my god what's happening to this thing does it figure out how to feed itself it's like a saber tooth plant cat are you guys gonna fight or like become friends strangers in the night got it here's what I'm gonna need from you guys I need someone to go down there and build one of those I'm gonna take away these two blocks so that they can't climb back up that's the plan Oh JC superstud I'm so sorry now let's get rid of these blocks and then Liam jumped over for some reason or they could just fall asleep right then and there or they have no oxygen well I guess that's a much more simple way to kill people I would have preferred you to have died in the water but this will do there they go okay ones in the water now so while I was waiting to see if my guys would I don't know deal with this situation at all I wouldn't researched plumbing so if we take this liquid pump here we slap that right here in the dirty water and then we take our pipe and I just light a kit and and all the way across down this way hand up right into Grace's bed man look at this all hands on deck wanting to build this stuff it's like they understand what's happening meanwhile grace is over here just chowing down grace what the hell's happen to you oh you're stressed Oh does this mean the barfing begins is you're not looking so hot here Oh God yes oh yeah yeah now we're talking it's as stupid but amazing okay now we got to redesign our base here so that no matter what happens we can always make sure that this thing sort of pumps back to itself she could look more miserable she is sleeping and holding her breath sopping wet holding breath just the way we all like to sleep comfortably okay so water's coming out here coming back around perfect this is exactly as life was supposed to go I love it well at this point we have to see what happens when grace gets to 100% stress right it's happening it's happening stress vomiting Wow all right grace wow that's really bad are you done well now we know what happens when you get to 100% stress I'm already used to grace throwing up now not even bothering me captain slug psycho 50 stress levels are down but it's still flooded with sewage water nobody knows why we're trying to contain this to celebrate we're gonna go to Grace's schedule I'll select bedtime now it's all bedtime have fun grace good night God so sad well I think we're off to a great start here everything is organized nothing's a huge mess no really this is a lot of fun so I think that's gonna do it for now I might come back to this game you never know I want to thank clay Entertainment again for sponsoring this video again if you liked what you saw or this pained you so much and you want to play the game for real head on down to the link in the description comes out of early access on July 30th 2019 I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,284,655
Rating: 4.9432197 out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, oxygen not included game, oxygen not included gameplay, oxygen not included experiment, oni gameplay, oni, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, colony simulator, space colony, space colony simulator, klei entertainment, oxygen not included funny, oxygen not included pc, oxygen not included early access, oxygen not included playthrough, oxygen not included plumbing, oxygen not included water, oxygen not included food
Id: qIuRghe1EZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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