THE ULTIMATE START - Oxygen Not Included: Ep. #1 - Building The Ultimate Base

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hello everyone my name is nathan and today it's time to dive back into oxygen not included a game all about managing liquids gases heat and awesome contraptions this mini series is intended for beginners and advanced players alike as i will explain everything about the game give you great tips but also edit everything together in a way so you don't get bored i'll have the map seat and the mods i'm using in the description without any further ado let's get started and have a look at our first three duplicates we're going to start on terra with this map seat i'm not so much interested in survival rather i want to make fast progress and build awesome contraptions and i'm just playing around with game chemistry and physics a little bit here we are our first three duplicants we have one researcher and two builder slash diggers i have installed a mod that allows me to set up the trades i'm only gonna do that for the first three starting duplicants and after that i'm gonna do it for the interests only so the traits are gonna remain whatever the game throws at me but i'm gonna change the interests according to what i need this is gonna allow me to progress faster since i can accept the duplicates faster and i don't have to wait for the correct duplicate to show up in order to progress the game and show you more of it we've awoken at the target location and the very first thing we want to do is pause the game to manage this first day properly is very important at the bottom left we have the build menu and on the right side there are all the tools that you can utilize i'm going to use the shortcut so i'm not going to explain too much about it before we start digging let's have a look at the schedule this is the default schedule and i think in the very first day we can actually shave off one hour of sleep two spots are enough they actually sleep until their stamina is full as long as they make it to bed in those two time slots there are 24 time slots and therefore we just gained an hour of extra work now it's time to start digging in order for me to plan out anything i need a couple of materials so i can utilize the build menu so i'm just gonna let these guys dig a little bit until i have access to most of the materials that i'm gonna place i'm also gonna speed up the game generally this all right here we don't wanna dig up the oxalite if you actually dig oars you lose half of the mass oxide is emitting oxygen according to its mass so you want to let nature handle this issue now i feel like we have enough materials to plan everything out we are going to need a bathroom that i'm gonna place right here and we're also going to need a bedroom those are the two most important rooms so they don't pee on the floor and they get a good night's sleep what you see right here is everything planned out as we need it for the first day we have our bedroom with three beds it's important that it's actually closed off so it counts as a room we are then going to ladder down into the bathroom where we have two outhouses and two sinks every time they utilize an outhouse or interact with the polluted dirt it produces the duplicates will need to wash themselves to get rid of the germs last but not least we lather down even more in order to build a pitcher pump this is gonna allow us to collect the water in order to put into the sinks and whatever else we are gonna need in the future with that out of the way let's unpause and get this built and will you look at that or not even through the day so we can keep on building a little bit i need to be careful at some point this ox light is gonna disappear and we're gonna lose the room so maybe i'm just gonna set up a tile right here just to be sure i would say we even have enough time to do the proper flooring in both rooms we're also gonna do that and dig away a little bit make this room a nice standard for tile height for the wash basins we only want them to wash their hands on their way out so let's make sure we set this up another thing i'm going to do is set the ration box to priority 9 and accept all edibles i'm doing that just in case we have some mock roots hanging around in the bathroom and that was actually the case this is preventing them from actually eating tonight with germy hands that's what i like to see almost done with all the building commands i'm just gonna set up a couple more that are not gonna hurt me because soon enough the schedule is over yeah they're gonna go into downtime very shortly and there we go it's time to eat they are going to prioritize the bathroom so whenever there is a stall free they're gonna take it otherwise they're gonna first eat so in our case someone had to wait a little bit now all of them go to sleep it's time to pause the game again now we have the opportunity to change their schedules pull up that schedule gonna set everything to work we're gonna rename that to shift one and we're also gonna disable the alarm in total i want three shifts with five downtime slots however we're gonna start with two right now the base is so small they are back immediately can do their eating and pooping but as time progresses and the base gets bigger we will need more downtime slots so they can make their way back so right here that would be the second shift and then the third shift right there otto is gonna take shift one then we have ellie as a builder shift two and hassan is gonna be shift three we're not yet done it's now time to get into the priorities this is one of the most important screens in order to manage your colony and i think the configuration i want to go for works pretty well there are a few highly specialized jobs that i wanna disallow for everyone except for the ones i wanna dedicate to this task let's see farming and ranching is also gonna be highly specialized and everything else is gonna be up for another priority ali and hassan as our diggers and builders are obviously gonna have a very high priority on building and digging and they're also gonna have a high priority on attacking since this is related to the excavation stat otto on the other hand is gonna do researching as his top priority then he's gonna do building and digging so whenever he's not researching he's gonna be just like a builder this also means attacking needs to be the third priority and that means we want to set everything else one lower so researching building digging then attacking then everything else as we get more duplicants we'll have to make some adjustments but one very important setting i think you should enable immediately is the proximity so they are gonna tend to do things that are closer to them and not things that you planned out earlier if they have the same priority they're still gonna run across the entire map if something needs doing that has a higher priority we have sorted out everything we need for the next day it is now time to get back into planning let me quickly plan out a couple of rooms and i'm gonna run you through them outhouses sometimes require maintenance so if both of these outhouses are in maintenance i wanna make sure i have a third one so it is very unlikely no outhouse is gonna be ready i also added two additional rooms on top the first one here is gonna be the kitchen the second one is gonna be my centralized storage system in the center here i'm gonna collect all the materials and right here we're going to have our food storages and i want to build this room as soon as possible so carbon dioxide can settle down which is going to provide a sterile environment for the food boxes however ultimately we want to get to the top room right here in order to set up some power this is a simple hamster wheel generating power we have a battery and last but not least we have the very important research station finally we have to hook up everything with a cable you need to be careful even the standard cables decrease a decor so whenever you can run them through your floors of course they're going to require access so let's make sure we put a dig command and i also want to leave one column free right here for a future fire pole this looks like enough work for one day to me the most important part is we get this thing ready before the next duplicate comes in on cycle three this corner piece right here is very important i'm gonna set this to a higher priority oh actually they are now digging away that stuff so let's get rid of that i want to make sure we keep as much carbon dioxide in this place as possible and since carbon dioxide is the heaviest gas it's always gonna try to find the bottom as you plan out your base make sure you're focusing on small parts or prioritize small parts over others otherwise you get nothing done if you just plan out everything in one go they're gonna be all over the place finishing nothing i adore this so much you can actually see in the background this is the oxygen you can see how ellie inhales it and exhales carbon dioxide instead absolutely lovely my intention is to fill up this gap with water this will help to distribute the heat of the items we're placing in there so everything kind of evens out in terms of temperature for this pump we want to set this to water priority of 9 enable auto bottle so duplicants will use the pitcher pump down there in order to provide the water now until we get the next duplicant nobody is gonna do that because of our priorities this is actually a storing task and as you can see as long as we have stuff to build nobody is gonna take care of storing our research station is ready and hooked up which means we unlocked the research and this is the entire tree there is lots of stuff to research but it's not as intimidating as you might think in the food category i want to go for the mess table but there are going to be other things we can utilize as we research basic farming and meal preparation we also want to keep on digging and building i don't want anybody to become idle just in time on cycle 3 we have a new dupe ready i'm going to choose ash can with the tag life support let's go ahead and print this guy out interest in tidying and supplying whenever we print a new duplicate we want to make sure they are in the correct schedule at the moment all the schedules have one person so it doesn't really matter where he goes since shift 2 currently is in bedtime and their shift is gonna start i think this is the shift i'm choosing for him next up in terms of priorities and this is going to be a very important character just running all over the place supplying materials tidying stuff ashkan is going to be a crazy bastard first things first everything that needs topping off in terms of life support that has to do with oxygen is going to be his main priority next up if we want to tidy up something he's gonna do that too and i'm actually gonna make him my doctor the doctor role isn't that important especially on the map we're playing but still it's good to have one and eventually we're gonna have too many skill points for ash can his third priorities are gonna be operating and also supplying supplying is just hauling the building materials to the building sites stuff like that and operating of course is just operating any given machine including the hamster wheel this also means we want to lower everything else so storing i wanna keep supplying up digging building is gonna be lowered as well as toggling and of course attacking now i want this guy to have nothing to do with building and digging or attacking at all so i'm gonna lower these three categories even more every new duplicant also comes with a skill point whenever you assign skill points you need to make sure it stays within their morale potential so at the moment ashkan can only have one tier one skill point except we choose something he's interested in so because he's interested in supplying he's gonna gain one moral slot and we'll only use up one so we still have one to go however this is much less important than actually being interested in the skill because they're gonna learn it much quicker in terms of morals they're gonna be a whole bunch of things we can do we already did actually if we have a look at the room overlay we have a latrine and barracks the lateran right here at the bottom you can see effects moral plus one as well as the barracks giving us moral plus one you can also see all the possibilities of the rooms and what they actually required to be said room good with that out of the way we have someone who is going to charge up the generator then we can do research that means we should maybe take care of the actual bedroom situation we're gonna add a whole bunch of glorious single bedrooms right here there's actually one more i want to attach and hopefully we can do that looking at the temperature overlay it looks as though this forest biome is continuing a little bit i need to be careful on the top if i dig too close to the hot area i'm gonna have to do temperature management too early i'm also already gonna prepare the room that is gonna be on the bottom here and it looks as though this area is gonna be perfect for a nature reserve in the rooms overlay you can see nature reserve is giving us plus six morals so that's something we definitely want and need ashkan is now taking care of all the jobs the builders and diggers are not so he's gonna carry stuff around he's gonna deliver it to the ration box is gonna clean the toilet etc etc and he can do that extremely quickly because of the skill point we gave him in order to have a nature reserve we need a room that is at least 34 tiles in size and also we need four plants now these oxides are gonna disappear so these two plants are gonna be no more all the others seem to be staying so we're gonna go up here at the door right there and this is gonna be our farm area at least in the beginning we need to get into farming as quickly as the next duplicant arrives there we go as predicted ashkan is now actually charging up the generator and we can finally do some research as this happens i'm also gonna excavate the kitchen and there's gonna be another bedroom section on top of this and then finally right here we're gonna have our mess hall to eat which is gonna boost their morale even more let's also make sure everyone has a proper door including the future nature reserve we have our first research completed algae terrarium is something we're probably not going to use at least not in the beginning but it is useful in order to remove carbon dioxide in certain maps more importantly we have the planter box and the ration box we want to set up a ration box right here and we're also going to do the same thing on the opposite side our two food sources at the moment are mukrut which you can find in these little cracks as you dig up the terrain and nutrient bars which i believe you can only get through the printing pot and maybe some points of interest you find throughout the map those two foods actually cannot go bad so i'm just gonna leave them in this ration box but everything that can go bad i'm gonna utilize the carbon dioxide to slow that process down so all the cooking ingredients and all the edible stuff but at the moment nutrient bars and mukrud we want to exclude from that let's also set this to a high priority so the food is being brought directly to the chest decaying as little as possible another research is completed that means we can start and set up the egg cracker i believe let's actually do the microbe musher as well even though we're probably not going to make use of that as much but it is good in terms of getting over certain emergencies that might occur if you take on too many duplicates in a short time which we're going to do we're then also going to set up the electric grill that goes right there and i believe right now it is time to include some oxygen generation so let's set up a oxygen diffuser here at the bottom we also need to hook everything up with the appropriate power so there you go and i actually need to connect this to my current power generation setup oxygen diffusers count as life support so these guys are going to be topped up all the time i want to become more efficient with my power setup so the next thing i want to unlock is the jumbo battery oh i almost forgot we also unlocked the mess tables i'm actually gonna set down nine mess tables just for symmetry so this is gonna be my intended room but i'm gonna make this room a little bit smaller the thing is there are two types of dinner rooms we have the mess hall and the great hall eventually we do want a great haul but i don't have the means to build that yet so we're gonna go with a small mess hall here if i included this third set of tables the room would be too big for a mess hall and therefore i would be getting no benefits whatsoever sweet we got our first two skill points for our builders and diggers so that means we want to get into heart digging right away if you actually notice right here we do need hard digging in order to get through this material so this is like the perfect timing you also get a nice hat in return beautiful it actually helps a little bit if we toggle these doors to be open at all times it still counts as a room but they don't have to stop in order to get through i also put the hamster wheel generator to priority six this helps ash can prioritizing it over other things more frequently you can now also see the oxygen diffuser distributing the oxygen it was getting a little thin in certain areas anyways next research we want to do is the advanced research i need the super computer in order to research even greater things the jumbo battery has been researched this is just overall better stores more power overall less heat production for the same power storage it's great we're gonna build that right here hook it up we're also gonna up the priority for this build command to eight so they get to it first and then whenever this is done actually we can already deconstruct this because they're gonna do this first uh actually they are destructing it first okay yeah man you can do it thank you okay now ash can your efforts are actually not in vain we also have a skill point for auto which of course should go into advanced research otherwise he's not going to be capable of using the super computer everything you see on the floor we will have to sweep up at some point and put into the central storage area as it is hurting our decor a lot you can see all of this is demoralizing our dupes however right now we have more important things to do we researched the water cooler that is one important thing that might increase their morale also you want to make sure you build it out of the right material sandstone for instance only has a decor of plus 10 percent while granite over here has plus 20 so we definitely want to build it out of granite right there also we have another printable ready my next duplicant is gonna be liam dedicated as a farmer i actually didn't even have to change anything for him i would have chosen the duplicant with only one interest in farming because they wouldn't only learn the scale faster but they would also get more seeds for every harvest attempt however liam is gonna learn no problem let's print him out as per usual we're gonna have a look at the schedule he can actually stay in schedule one then priorities very important farmer you are gonna focus on farming liam top priority whenever you don't have anything to farm i want you to take care of storing and that is actually including bringing water to the bottle emptier storing stuff in chests it's just very important as well i'm gonna leave supplying and live support at default so it's gonna be the third priority for liam which also means i wanna lower down everything else so operating tidying toggling and attacking and i even want to lower building and digging to the lowest possible priority so recap first farming then storing then supplying and life support then toggling tidying operating and after that attacking as well and after that building and digging absolutely perfect let's also have a look at the skills liam you're gonna specialize into farming immediately i'm gonna dig out this section for all the precious copper but at the moment we don't really need the space what we need to focus on is the farm so let's grab some farm tiles and i'm actually gonna fill up this entire room leaving three spaces for a farm station and a storage the farm station is gonna go right here we haven't unlocked that yet but the storage we can already build i also want to make sure we actually up this to priority 6. this is the next thing that needs to be built we can see our farmer is now eagerly storing the water in the bottle emptier so as soon as this is full we need to be ready to stop it otherwise we're gonna have a mess in this storage bin i wanna collect all the seeds that i find i'm gonna keep it at priority five so whenever people have time they're gonna bring the seeds into this chest in the beginning the best seed you can go for is the mealwood of course the better the conditions are for the plant in terms of temperature and gas pressure the better the yield is we're gonna copy that setting across the board our farmer can get to it we should be seeing him shortly planting some seed yeah there we go there he already comes these farm tiles are the simple ones there are hydroponic farm tiles that you can use in order to automatically irrigate stuff and even get a better yield but in the beginning just having enough of these plans is gonna do the trick for us research is completed i almost missed that so let's set up this super computer station that's gonna go right there cable up i also wanna prioritize that one over the dig commands for instance we also don't have a cook so i don't want them to build the electric grill this is the important thing and since we have proximity they would actually ignore this for a long time there we go our farm is done we don't have quite enough seeds but it's gonna help us tremendously we also need to make sure as soon as we have the meal lights actually we already do we want to store those in our ration boxes i'm also going to include the mushroom in this copy setting over here and actually thinking about it we could harvest a couple of plants in order to get even more food so until we destroy these plants we can also harvest them i don't want to harvest anything in the nature reserve i'm kind of afraid we're gonna lose plants we need to keep at least four the next research we need to get into is brute force refinement we need the rock crusher and the kiln is nice to have as well for that i'm actually gonna set up an extra room on the top here so as soon as my duplicants can they should get to this as well this now has priority five so it's not going to be done before anything i prioritized setting the priorities for individual tasks only has an effect if they have the sign priority in this system right here so for instance we have building and digging at the same priority so if i set a building command to a higher priority than everything else they're gonna take care of that however i can set operating to the highest priority these guys are never gonna operate as long as there's something to build and dig soon enough we'll have to clean our first toilets and wash basins i wanna be ready for that the toilets are gonna output polluted dirt which is gonna result in polluted oxygen with germs the wash basins on the other side are gonna end up with polluted water which has the same effect but we cannot store water the same way we can store polluted dirt in order to take care of that problem we're gonna need yet another room and i'm gonna set that up right here we're gonna do something like that with some storage we're also going to have a bottle emptier on top of here we're going to fill this up with a little bit of liquid and this is actually going to prevent anything from producing gas that usually would do so therefore we'll have no issues with polluted oxygen accumulating i also want to leave one space free here actually we're gonna dig down here in order to set up the waste room when duplicants pick up the polluted dirts they are actually getting germs all over the place so what we want to set up is another wash basin here at the very exit i'm actually gonna set up two just to be sure in case two duplicates enter at the same time we then wanna dig out the rest of this area and i think that should be good at least this way we already have the possibility to get rid of the polluted dirt and the water and store it away until we have the possibility to process it we also unlocked the kiln i'm actually gonna set up two of them and i'm also gonna set up a rock crusher which apparently needs power the kilns are gonna get very hot so in the future i would like to have a plant that actually helps with cooling down more to that later in our efforts to automate the power we want to unlock smart home which will give us access to the automation wire looks like we could use another oxygen generator these diffusers i think support five duplicants and since we exceeded this number we'll have to build another one there are now 300 kilograms of liquid in the upper portion there is space for 1 000 kilograms usually in one tile so this should be enough to keep things evened out which means i can deconstruct the bottle emptier there we go we actually have our first polluted dirt and we are not quite ready for that so what i'm gonna do is set up something temporary and let me actually go ahead and build this with a high priority i want to go down here set up a storage inside of the water we don't want this dirt hanging around here if we have a look at the gas overlay we can already see some polluted oxygen is forming and this is containing germs we don't want that there we go storage bin organics we want to store egg shells and polluted dirt let's actually skip the egg shells for this one this is just temporary until we have the other room ready but we want to set it to a high priority so now the polluted dirt should be picked up the farmer took care of that and they are going to put it in here now the thing is whenever they interact with the polluted dirt even though they just wash their hands they're gonna be germy again so let's check this out there we go they just went to me and that's why i set up these wash basins usually they place the dirt in the chest and then as they get out they're gonna wash off the germs i have a mod installed for the kiln that allows me to convert seeds into small amounts of coal in vanilla you usually end up with thousands of seeds i felt like i needed this mod to get rid of them in the second kiln i'm gonna queue up a ceramic which requires clay and they're gonna be means to get that the automation wire has been researched so what we wanna go for now is the coal generator but more importantly well equally as important the smart battery there it is the rock crusher has been built what we want to do is set this to priority 8 which is one higher than the manual generator and what we want to do is refine some copper ore this is by all means not the best way to do it you are going to lose half of the mass let's use up two of our four tons and get into production we already unlocked the coal generator let's go ahead and actually build this thing we might need it in order to get things moving these two spaces right here i to utilize in order to set up composts however they are going to produce a lot of heat and i don't want that before we have the insulated tiles the thing is the mealwood is a little bit delicate it can go up to 30 degrees but the ideal temperature is between 18 to 22 degrees if we raise this too high we don't get a good yield now have you noticed that nobody is actually toggling these doors we're gonna change that with the new duplicant that just arrived meep right here is gonna be our new operator he's got interest in operating and supplying and actually the grease monkey trade was already there decreased trim resistance is a little bit bad but we can deal with it so meep come to papa schedule you're gonna go into the third schedule so we have two people in each in terms of priorities you're gonna be the guy that is toggling everything and after that you're gonna be the guy that is operating machine so whenever there's a machine to operate you're gonna do that whenever i set a toggle command you're gonna do that immediately i don't want you to attack so much i also don't want you to build or dig you're gonna be my main operator guy for machines get with that out of the way we can also assign skill points we want to do the improved tinkering right away so he does everything better with the machines hello welcome aboard and there he is meep operating the rock crusher this is absolutely perfect we're gonna need that in order to build the smart battery well let's not get ahead of ourselves we need the research first the coal generator is built this is gonna help us however this guy is just gonna keep on producing energy even if we are at full capacity therefore wasting coal however ashken can then do something more meaningful i'm just gonna deconstruct this and we're gonna let the coal generator take over alright everything is ready here we just need a little bit of water maybe let's do two bottles or so by the way soon enough we'll be doing some ranching so i'm just gonna leave all these hatches wandering about i don't want to kill them off so i have them available once we have the ranch established the priority system is extremely reliable as long as we have something to farm liam is going to do just that now that he took care of the last mealwood what we should be seeing is him going to the pitcher pump and actually getting the water for our bottle emptier i love it once you understand the priority system you have the power i'm gonna let him add one more bottle to this and after that we're gonna deconstruct this i wanna rebuild the bottle emptier right away but facing into the other direction and we're gonna use it in order to get rid of the polluted water that evidently soon is gonna come out of this wash basin right now we haven't discovered this yet so i cannot set it however we have completed the smart battery research and this is absolutely perfect to wrap up this video because we want to place the battery using the refined metal right there i'm gonna connect this and now what we want to do very important is hook up automation wire this is going to tell the cool generator to stop producing as soon as the battery is full in terms of research we don't want to stop we want to go for the park sign this is going to allow us to make the actual nature reserve but there's also the farm station and the refrigerator oh hold on now that we actually have this set up let's copy the settings over here and i'm additionally gonna accept exiles they can actually be composted they also can be put into the rock crusher to get lime and that also means we can deconstruct this storage bin again i don't really want the polluted dirt in my fresh water there we go it just turned cycle 11 and we have our smart battery setup ready in the smart battery itself i wanna set the high threshold to 95 and you want to do that because the cool generator always finishes the animation which could already waste a little bit of coal at least that's what they say the low threshold for now we're gonna set to 60 but essentially you can hook up an entire centralized power system with different smart batteries and depending on the power of the overall system different power generators are gonna activate so you can for instance use the less resource intensive generators first great thanks for watching if you made it to this point i hope you enjoyed it have a great time and hopefully i'm going to catch you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Nathan's Sandbox
Views: 319,992
Rating: 4.902112 out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, oni, oxygen not included tutorial, oni tutorial, oxygen not included review, oni review, oxygen not included mods, oni mods, oxygen not included cooling, oni cooling, oxygen not included guide, oni guide, oxygen not included gameplay, oni gameplay, oxygen not included speedrun, oni speedrun, oxygen not included automation, oni automation, oxygen not included priorities, oni priorities, oxygen not included base setup, oni base setup, oni base design
Id: vHaPIU_CdTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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