I Built A NUCLEAR MISSILE in Mr. Prepper

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hello my friends i'm blitz and i have the ultimate plan i actually do my plan is to flip this we're going to turn it because today wait what that's actually not supposed to say the final plan okay because the bad guy oh an artificial horizon i don't even know what that is but we have to build that rocket today that is the goal i'm pretty sure i'm out of quest why is there a man in my backyard wait what this better be a bug oh god okay it's not it's it's bob or jim or something forget his name all right let's go talk to him this is weird what's up brother what are you talking about good day i hope your little excursion went well yes because in the last video we went to fort observer and we got like the ai chip or something oh bob i didn't expect your visit the trip was enlightening indeed but bob how do you look so serious has something happened i i there's a miss i have serious proposition for you is it proposition h i always like proposition h it helps with rashes after know that coming back from the military base you are now close to reaching your goal we know you are almost done with the rocket you have to announce those so you're watching my progress closely i guess i should be proud this is bothering me uh getting your small vehicle but we want to use the moment of launch to conduct our action we have named operation awakening do we get to blow up the satellite that's what we're going to do aren't you when you launch your rocket it'll surely catch everyone's attention agents will be running around like crazy regular folk americaville will probably just watch amazement i feel like he's got a southern accent here's where we step in use the chaos to distribute leaflets put some graffiti together to mix your anti-sleep mixture does that work good oh you got it right way now so we have long suspected the jewels weaker than you experience strong emotions or razor shoulders whatever happens blah blah we need your help okay cool can you be done talking now bob prefer resistance to escape you need is a sign when you're ready to rush raunch the locket let's raunch the locket uh okay we just need to we need to trust him oh what did i get a red light got it just needed to tie up some loose ends before i go because we have to get the offensive illegal item for the guy and we have to finish building the locket we can do that rocket rocker rocket what did he give me though i really want to know what he gave me the signal switch oh activated on the first floor to give the sleepless the final signal there's no turning back now speaking of the sleepless there it's a place in seattle no it's not in seattle uh that's that's moving uh but we do need to go back to there because they have an illegal item now i need to figure out what i need for the ultimate plan there's a lot of things here that we have to read we have to look at this we need 60 metal 20 plastic and an artificial horizon which i don't know if i have so i feel like our first step is to look into here see how much metal i don't have any metal wow okay then yeah we have to start buying a buttload of metal this is going to be interesting we're gonna have to trade for everything metal and then just rip it apart textile that has metal that's really expensive though you know what we're probably gonna need a lot of electronics too so i might as well just buy everything that has electronics in it and then there's a lot of metal things that i can metalfi might need more plastic i don't know my money's going away fast though i don't like that so i guess i'll sell my newspaper for six dollars and all of the cucumbers i have on me too oh i had extra guns did i not because i brought some firearms back which i think are pretty expensive oh yeah i have one i got the backpacks though can i trade anyone backpacks why did i not bring guns back i wonder if i can go back to ford observer and grab it all right time to grab all that trash oh it's too heavy so we'll just melt it down and then we'll go to bed for the night okay so we gotta go down deep into the old creek mine way down to the question mark level where the people live plot twist it's on level five and now there's supposed to be something in here i can steal i think yes right there this thing i'm gonna inspect this i wish i could steal more yes bless the president caricature of the president looks like uh i'm gonna just yoink that uh bob one more thing this bobblehead figurine around there bless the president you have this one what about it can i have it can i can i take it you're really a weird person you know that i do but sure you don't remember who brought it to here okay i'm gonna take that sleepless everyone's just kind of passed out okay i need that you just called me prep which is weird little sus i just want to steal everything i can't now if i remember correctly i have to go back home and then talk with the mailman if he ever shows up i need to maybe buy something cheap i need to get this computer because that's four electronics for that much money is this two that might be better deal 26 times two is 52. okay i'm gonna buy that and then i probably should take a nap before i fire the missiles there we go hello mr postman i have a small request for you yes please stand in the rain uh i've heard you've had some issues with the agency it's dangerous to say it out loud but yes they harass me for a long time why do you ask i need your help in taking down a particularly vicious agent the plan is i give you an illegal item you plant it somewhere not instantly visible and then a friend of mine denounces him to the agency agency comes for a control and gotcha and here we have one problem less mr prepper this is a bit much and who even is that friend of yours do you trust them uh yes he knows a lot of stuff and i can vouch for him and what kind of item are we talking about hey it's a beautiful likeness of a beloved leader oh we gave it to him already oh very incriminating indeed all right then i'll take the risk any chance of harming the agency is good but you know if i get in trouble the whole postal system americanville collapses oh so if this is broken if if this doesn't work then we lose we lose all mail oh that's not good i need to destroy things since this game is extremely scripted i don't think i'm gonna lose out at all but i'm gonna disassemble that and yesterday's hall gave me plenty of that and i have oh hey you go in here and then you come back here and then we go up and we start blessing the rocket nope bless the rocket with uh metal i don't know how i'm putting metal in a poster but i like it okay artificial wait artificial horizon how do i get the artificial horizon do i have it do it do i have it i don't think so oh that's the uh that's the thing that was in the airplane i do have it i just have to figure out where i shoved it might be down here artificial horizon nice and then wait what please okay it's not god i thought it was gonna be gone and then i was gonna be sad inside all right we're gonna build that oh where are you going dude bros off broseph the barbarian where you run into i don't know if i like this we're building a rock i do like this anytime we can build a rocket i enjoy things this takes a buttload of time though and i like how he can build with his mind he's part jedi like you shall be built rocket friend it's taking a long long time it's gonna be done after midnight am i gonna die oh i see it look rock it you should go to sleep uh-oh um nice timing i did it beautiful okay you know what let's don't do this in real life but i'm gonna totally chug down an energy drink right before bedtime all right what does this say i'm kind of excited to see what this is oh oh pump house water supply in a room can be used for collecting water more effectively uh factory room upgrade crafting things oh faster and then this okay i don't know what that's from who gave me that i'm gonna go to bed before i die of lack of sleep if you can do that okay today is inspection day agent inspection day i don't know if i like that better hide subversive items hey i actually want to see what that says oh okay this thing it tells me to know oh 20 electronics 40 metal one hydrogen hydrogen hydrogen we have the hydrogen tank we have the hydrogen tank we do and i also got those factory upgrades the pump house i don't need the pump hose i want this i want to read that okay so i oh wow i don't know if i need this though i feel like i probably don't need that but we can put these in here anyway and it needs two perfect we'll just upgrade our we'll just upgrade our fact upgrade i didn't do anything whatever don't really care right now so i need another 40 metal and hydrogen i'm also dead broke so that sucks all right let's see if we frame that agent i'm going to try to sell my cucumbers i can beautiful cucumber day selling my rotten stuff day and few of those things that should work out nicely i totally need to pick up all of these things too i think i can have two outside isn't that right can i harvest my tomato i gotta grab that again we're gonna have to flip this guy over because it's illegal i guess i don't know why a poster is illegal take a nap for 18 seconds and then talk to the dude hello did you manage to put a small conversation piece in the right place yes i arranged it in a way that should really make an impression on the viewer and i suppose mr fitzpatrick won't find it before the agency does his name is agent fitzpatrick weird oh i didn't read that yeah it's not revolution or anything i just simply hate agents to the bone okay i think we all do oh he's got he's got stocks for me too okay and then if i read this oh i react to inform you that while our small sabotage has worked out brilliantly agent phil patrick will never bother any citizens again i'm in a dire situation now we took out the agent but the agency has noticed my special interest anyway i'm in hiding now i had to leave my job house and most of my things i am not as well prepared for such situations like you so i need to ask your help could you send me some food preferably canned and long lasting i also need to inform you something you won't read in the truth international situation is very tense currently it seems the foreign powers have serious concerns about the real purpose of the brazen serpent satellite it's hard to say it on ends take care and don't forget about me mr prepper all right so i can trade him food whoa wait i need 10 of those that's a lot of that's some big stonks right there i have a butt load of it i should go grab my butt load of food and that's not really a buttload but that's four i could go oh there i got a butt load there that's too heavy that's because i have so much water on me nope okay is it full it is full i'm just gonna i'm just gonna recycle water i don't even know what that does looks like there's no inspection today maybe the agency is busy or you know it was me i did it all right i got to give this guy long lasting food yeah we'll do all these i want to give them that super expensive one i got two of those okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten i mean i can just trade all of my food and get big stonks okay 400 money yes oh and i can sell the gun for even bigger stunks he might want that later now what am i gonna eat though i guess i could slam in orange or sell them because selling oranges is better because i get more money haha i need food how do i get food just eat the rotten stuff in my fridge or straight up cucumbers down my gizzard no i'll just tell the cucumbers too all right dude remember they used to enjoy a gundola ride no you know what or just not talk to you yes 600 money and i got another note from the bro where is it this one gotta be thank you very much for the food you sent to me you are my inspiration and guardian angel mr prepper this might be the last letter i'm sending and i have one final request they are coming for me to my hideout and i need to be prepped either for forcing my way through them or making my last stand for that i need a sufficient firepower a regular handgun will not do mr prepper give me an automatic rifle and 100 rounds of ammo if i survive the battle i promise to answer a lot of questions they're bugging you if i do not remember me dearly all right sounds fun oh i got plenty of ammo ha dang i'm doing it i'll trade him that one ammo i need to give him a hundred how do i do i have to literally click this thing a hundred times yeah there's no shortcut and it's clipping yay times 10 x 10 0. i got a i got an achievement called the best pen pal if you were wondering all right i just take another nap i don't know what this guy wants of me but i'm gonna be super prepped you know what i should do hold up before that we need to buy metal and junk these are good metal no he's here trade quick yay he brought it to me that's good all right just assemble all this we need 40 metal okay what did i need again 20 electronics 40 metal and one hydrogen i'm going to sleep for the night and in the morning we'll do it except i only have 12 and 31. all right so wait a second now the agent's not coming anymore does that mean i can just go upstairs and grab my computer grab it i guess i can't i can grab that i can't grab my computer though oh i can nice i didn't ever use those so i'll just strip them down into electronics and you strip down into electronics not that wait what those have electronics in them i didn't know that well that's a good idea we'll get rid of the computer and that my friends should be just enough of everything 22 here we got plenty of metal i need to grab the hydrogen that's in this one like such as and we'll go upstairs and oh i need food i haven't eaten for like three days uh emo just shove those in your mouth good and then eat this and drink that there you go and eat that and good uh now let's put this in here 20 electronics 48 metal and one hydrogen one hydrogen one hydrogen build time go pepper go build me a rocket yes yes this is great it takes four hours to build a rocket hot ding and it's done not quite 50 plastic 20 electronics headache there's so much more but i have it all wait is was he he's doing squats is he slavic now do it buddy all right whatever let's go get this oh i like that a freezer okay that's weird i don't care really i don't care about any of that but i do care about sleeping i also care about eating cucumbers which are disgusting in real life if you like cucumbers i don't even know like every time you eat a cucumber a cute puppy dies that's how bad cucumbers are okay 50 plastic 20 electronics 10 textiles and a rocket control module yikes that's good though we got uh four six out of that and i can disassemble these things that i'll never use never mind can't disassemble them just kidding i can actually oh this one's nice the freezer yeah thanks game for just giving me the stuff my heart desires i also realize that i have a phone and a fridge i can't i can't steal my i can grab that though so much for needing that thing it's really gonna be bad if the bad guy comes i just i'm just gonna part out everything scrap it down get all the money i need okay yep oh that's not that's not really worth it maybe i'll just go ahead and put that back where it's supposed to go i'm sorry never do that again yeah then you can just put my tea back and we'll make some eggs too thankfully i did bring these backpacks to so i can strip all these down but i already have a ton of textiles so i don't know why i'm doing this i should ask the mailman friend if he has a phone i don't see any other electronics anywhere that i can destroy yeah it's not electronic i don't think any this might be refinery nope that was metal and plastic oh oh that's the agent sound or not weird it sounded like asian sound no we're good everything's good oh 18 so close one more day can't even nap all day long like wouldn't that be horrible you wanna you wanna just waste time and you can't sleep like i physically can't sleep anymore it's just you lay down and you toss and turn and then you try to try to get more work done and he's like i'll just use this knife as a pillow i literally have to waste all day long story of my life wasted an entire day oh no water's been cut off whatever should i do it's not like i already have 700 gallons of water in my basement i'm a real prepper got my jetsons yes i need that one oh a couch oh wait that's only okay it's two electronics that's all we need that's all we need i'm also gonna buy the one that's over here somewhere yes there it is let's buy that one too and i feel like i'm just gonna walk back and forth waiting for mailman to show up just kidding i'm gonna take a nap and while i'm sleeping i'm gonna shove a bunch of cucumbers in my mouth you know what eat them all yolo is that what the kids say these days don't you even dare come ask me karen i don't even have a cell for you what i have is freedom because i have a feeling we're gonna use the rocket to blow up stuff uh yes we're gonna take that and that and hopefully a rocket control module if i know what that looks like yes and we're going to assemble this rocket oh this is so satisf i didn't bring textile as i was saying i'm gonna assemble this rocket and it'll be glorious shove that textile in put in that rocket control module and away we go if only it was this easy to build a nuclear missile in your basement i would have like seven of them think of all of the computers and radios that i would find at best buy and be like hey i'm gonna borrow this you have a seven day return period right it's done oh what do i do now i'm so excited my little shiny thing is complete the last part of my ultimate escape plan the launch procedure can be started any moment now i just need to think if there's something left to do americaville there'll be no going back not this time i did it a rocket man doing all the things like a rocket man can okay i have to do this activate it on the first floor to give the sleepless the final signal okay i have to go up and i think i'm gonna put the switch like on the wall and then gotta power it on oh it should be placed in the upper floor no one will see it from down okay i said the first floor not the upper floor you dork we'll just shove it up here then yes power it on did i do it oh it's okay the light has been set up now let's wait for the sleepless go to your backyard oh i'm so i'm so scared about that i don't want a bunch of like sleepless zombies to show up that's weird are they just going to come out of the ground oh there they are where hello sleepless yes that's a dog oh that's that's uh chuckacabra chupaca whatever his name is and my friend joe and bob hey everyone woof oh he's a good boy oh he's a good boy yeah bark bark oh there's wait where's the other sleepless spark park hello mr prepper hello bob you're here to start your operation yeah we agreed i'm glad you kept your part of the deal okay sure kept my word even i'm not exactly enthusiastic about something i have a feeling you don't really believe in the case of the sleepless it doesn't matter it's just more of a solo player and i'm not seeing myself marching behind banners and i just prefer to leave it all behind rather than fight i respect that i hope you find peace you seek thanks good luck with your subversive activities goodbye prepper okay we're supposed to talk to every one of these yeah i have to that's the quest hi prepper hi hey hey joe and chukapacabra in the town i didn't expect you here so you're among the sleepless now i always have been meme with a like you're in the sleep the the meme with the astronaut yeah not sure if you consider me a regular member but i'm not i'm helping them out yes all these years reading all the conspiracies and secret organizations i didn't want to miss the chance to take a closer look at one and have a bit of illuminati vibe with all those eyes don't you say at least there is best you can get in markville country and you think it happens afterwards after the awakening funny thing is i don't really know you exception is awakening enough people to self-organize well and resist our local agents and then we'll see but you still have the satellite in the dish i'm afraid the awakening triggers something else a reaction a deep state a massive release of chemtrails ionosphere activation and bigfoot of course whatever happens i just wanted to see it up close it gets boring at the junkyard sometimes you know and to watch i know you're leaving i wanted to say goodbye i think we'll get along well prepper i think the same joe really enjoyed your help and company yes chupacabra i love you too i found you because you got stuck in a trap tell me one thing you had to share a work for a secret organization am i right oh the word god oh i worked for the agency it turns out but this was another life a previous life oh i don't know okay so it wasn't about the militiamen it was about being in the plane okay back when ford observer was still active i used to have one of my antennas directed towards the base but sometimes pick up military chatter mostly nothing important or just some codes i couldn't understand one day the radio got off like it was fireworks on 4th of july when we still celebrated it that is they were yelling something about the well-being department i thought somebody broke their sauna or something but then they cried in horror that somebody let the dogs out who let the dog okay uh-huh it's right it sounded like there's a really big deal i guess there were no regular goodbyes good boys then they were telling somebody else wrote freedom on the glass somewhere like it was a curse word for them and there's an official announcement it was forbidden to repeat the written word there's also shocked it for finding out who the saboteur was i didn't pick up the name at the moment but the reaction was like president himself had defected and then came the alert to build unauthorized takeoff from the airfield everyone on the radio went nuts and they had then shortly announced they were going to cut the radio communication everything went silence did you figure out it was me yeah oh after the crash in the forest it was just connecting the dots really so why are you willing to help a former agent oh come on prepper me a collaborator of a secret rebel organization and effector from the government agency it's the stuff of my dreams right i was so happy to do some of the conspiring with you have a good fight flight prepper just one thing i'm not one of those types but a worse in case remember to look out of the window to see if earth is really round be funny if it's not yeah you'd fall off the edge uh yeah all right now we gotta talk i just want to talk to bob can we just talk to bob i just want to talk to bob not her she's creepy hey buttercup finally cut short hey jenny do you always speak to platinum metaphors okay i'm just you know what cool yeah thanks i'm sorry i took part in this the brazen serpent program some of the memories got back to me oh i know buttercup they're a different person now this is what matters after all it was your decision to escape them i remember the search for you after the crash i've been observing it from my small hideouts in the forest they have played a great force and they wanted your blood but they didn't expect to find you completely lost not remembering anything apparently already the influence of the satellite you've seen that with my old eyes yes and then for some reason they decided to let you go perhaps they wanted to observe you and well not only had they had the same idea i know the sleepless had been watching me too have you gotten any of the conclusions from the observation you're the most peculiar person around at first you seem completely brainwashed like the most americanville but it didn't last long your determination is fascinating you quickly started doing your own things agency hadn't noticed soon enough finally you attempted to escape with a car and i think i you remember the rest oh i know jenny i'm very glad i got this letter from you you're my favorite granny from the woods and bob is pretty cool too my favorite youngster godspeed buttercup and good luck finding the greener pastures remember to eat well and drink tea it's been an honor jenny good luck with the awakening so is this where i launched the rocket at the satellite i want to godspeed prepper goodbye buttercup out there good look for the fair wheel woof woof all right yeah we we already did the goodbyes okay and now what do i do who's that the agent uh oh oh balls oh not good hi i mean if i get busted it's game over hello mr prepper you're not allowed in here you're not allowed in hello i didn't expect inspection right now i thought they were no longer needed you recognize me without my glasses you're very perceptive mr prepper oh i thought my disguise would last for long won't be able to surprise you oh it's the it's got to be the guy from the militiamen right middle minutemen it's not the lack of glasses that gave it away it's just you i know your voice very well this is standard procedure you know i must admit mr agent that i'm very confused i don't know the purpose of your visit oh mr prepper please call me a minuteman from now on i knew it i knew it [Music] oh i thought you'd have this figured out already yes i'm the one who is sending you all the items and information and thank you for answering my request mr pepper so you want to tell me what all those inspections reports were just for show you had fun harassing me but mr prepper i had to keep up my appearances i had to work for the agency to be able to help you and even resisted the urge to look under your rug the lights pulsing through his head following the orders do you manage to escape the agency's ambush i was expecting to die valently but it it wasn't that bad i got a tip off about the ambush and it turned out it was actually just one older agent he retreated after my warning shot possibly to get reinforcements i used the occasion to run away from my hideout and here i am couldn't resist introduce myself with their truer identity okay i'm honored but you still owe me some explanations why did you choose me as your pen pal you caught my eye a long time ago when we were still working together what yeah you probably wouldn't remember even without your amnesia it was just a regular agent assigned to the ford observer and you were a superstar there oh cool i'll stop with the false modesty mr prepper you were a top class engineer your solutions were absolutely vital to getting the brazen serpent to orbit and keeping it there you loved the job you were dedicated hard working and very sociable on top of that whenever i saw you at the base i thought oh i want to be like that guy and i'm not sure if i'm flattered really but what happened then how did i stop working for the government put that concisely after successful launch of the brazen servant and you got bored supervision of the satellite was just too easy everything worked as planned you started visiting other teams in the base socializing getting to know their work and seeing if you can help one day you visited the inspiration and well-being department got one of those military names these days what were they doing well they were testing technology that installed on the brazen serpent the waves you know they were testing them on dogs as usual i'll stop you right there i remember this i wish i didn't sure the next days you weren't yourself not very sociable anymore then one morning i woke up to the alarm of the base everyone was running around and screaming turned out somebody broke into inspirational well-being let the dogs out and painted the word freedom in big letters on one-way mirror in the test room and then stole one of the planes took off without authorization and who didn't show up for work but our perfect mr prepper it seems it's all coming together right unfortunately for you a double a missile caught you right before you went on a range and never got to the wreckage they found you wandering endlessly in the forest they were ready to make an example of you so why didn't they because i was brainwashed realize your perfect test case what are you talking about we just we already learned that observing the effects of the brazen serpent lost your memory you are a clean slate for the mind controlling waves you're known to have strong personality perfect situation for testing the strength of the satellite right so they assign the agent to observe and let you free well free ah it was you observing me the agent's our friend oh that agent got fired after they tried to escape the car crash and i convinced him to continue the experiment but i suggested the regular controls they agreed and besides i wanted to take a closer look at you that's weird minute man no i admired you i was fascinated you were always different why are there so many words hot dang the dogs of the writing beautiful mirror was beautiful at that time i already boarded the dullness of the agency so i decided to help you out needed to keep appearances and performed all the controls dutifully i also set up minutemen alter ego to help you out so it's all for show what's in it for you apart from that i sincerely wanted to help the most interesting person in markerville yes apart from that mr prepper you need to know the agency had access to sources more reliable than our own bless the president and the international situation is really really tense see the brazen serpent doesn't affect only our great country i'm afraid a foreign attack is imminent and so you want of my way so many times to the point please i want to get away with you in your rocket ah so that's a concrete answer nope not going to happen but mr pepper no it's impossible there's only one place inside and i'm pretty sure you can't control a rocket we are in grave danger i cannot know how much longer america will and the whole country will survive that was so many words you just gonna leave now okay you can use my bunker after i fly away i won't need it anymore the equipment is not compatible with the security and well-being act i hope you don't mind thank you this will help a lot good luck with your flight wherever you are going admit that i imagine our meeting would be a bit warmer because it is night time it gets cold standard procedure minute man okay are you gonna go launch now i'm gonna i should go to sleep i can't how do i launch oh i press the button oh i can't believe this it's almost all done i'm kind of excited right now and launch the rocket here we go let's launch it up and there we go at last this is where it ends in a short moment i'll be speeding away in a giant metal bullet and from there to the dullest place on earth but by americanville i won't miss you i'm so excited wow you don't really fit in there bud you're totally gonna change it and take out the brazen serpent aren't you i know it okay this thing's amazing this is amazing i'm so excited it's like playing kerbal doing it fire it's not gonna explode oh my word one little bottle of hydrogen allows them to break through that's pretty cool nice right over the house those people would be incinerated there's the brazen serpent satellite wow that was impressive uh-huh yeah he's got his tinfoil cowboy hat on finally come to start operation awakening aye aye captain ah ready let's sew the seeds of descent i really wish we would just blow up the satellite with a rocket that we made now bob meets the agent what are you doing here i can explain this long story we need plenty of time but i'm on your side okay they met the satellite's going crazy and then a new kits wait what why is there a nuke i made a nuke missile oh no these are bad guys i've been right about it i didn't sign up for that you don't even know what's out there look bob well get in the bunker guys i made one for you we were not not prepared not prepared not prepared for this or were we you get in the bunker take bob lady go inside it'll be safe there's uh some cucumbers you can eat and plenty of water that's probably radiated now okay rumble of engines oh wow overwhelming i don't have to talk this is what everything has led to i went through a plane crash memory loss government surveillance i dug myself a second home underground and then i fought farmed explored and built my way out of that town in my previous life i worked for the regime in this one i've helped some weird dreamers like me fight it onward to new beginnings where does he go though freedom and then it gets nuked i'm not following the ending here oh wait what um okay i get points i do have to say this is a pretty cool credit screen you can fly the missile around huh interesting thank you for playing do i not get to blow up the satellite i don't weird so i guess guys that'll do it for mr prepper oh maybe not we have an indie cutscene he's landing all right we made it we didn't have a splashdown which would have been fun oh and then and then just it just does that so okay well then um no resolution of the brazen serpent and everything got nuked so what a weird ending um thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 237,604
Rating: 4.950037 out of 5
Keywords: blitz
Id: kZ0fSSaDH7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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