I Built a Colony Designed for Perpetual Suffering - Surviving the Aftermath - Ad

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hey there's Josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out surviving the aftermath today a post-apocalyptic colony game where we got a rebuild civilization like in that picture and because it's us we're gonna try and do in the dumbest way possible also I want to thank Paradox Interactive for sponsoring this video the game is in early access right now and it receives regular updates every month at the time of this video update number six just dropped the game is out right now on the epic game store as well as on xbox and then later this year for its full release it'll also be available on Steam so if you see what you like and you want to learn more the link you need is in the description so paradox again thank you for uh for trusting me with showing off your game first things first the game wants us to make our colony banner well that looks way too hopeful first let's switch this to a nice vibrant pink and then let's select an icon that feels befitting of ya alright there we go put this in a high school gym and call it a day call any name hopeless topia enter a motto how much space do I have to work with here oh hey that's not bad I can work with that bro did you know that Raptors are real no seriously look at and that's as much space as I have it's like I died by a raptor trying to type this oh yeah welcome to hopeless topia where our colony motto is to just yell at you okay here we are in our fresh colony everyone's milling around properly hopeless except this guy he seems to really want you to look at this photograph well let's try clicking on him see what that gets us oh he really is some old guy named Mishka oh my god we can rename people I'm gonna call you photo guy much better in the meantime let's get these people going all this despair isn't gonna build itself the game is letting me know that I have 12 colonists that are homeless so let's go ahead and build them the crappiest homes we can oh now we're talking true comfort sheep short-term emergency solution well I hope you're ready for this to be a long-term permanent solution okay great that's one house built that's what we're calling them houses how far away can I build these things oh yeah that's the good housing right far away from all those people that's where tent number two is going for our cohesive village Wow look at this dedication this guy doesn't care where it is he has a job to do and then he drops off his one package and he's done for the day activity sleeping in the change here named a sleepyhead see that's much better he's sleeping at are you actually gonna finish this or no strike that one of your buddies has come to help and also apparently do a quick squat over your body before gleefully running off what the hell did we just watch okay I think I can safely say I don't need to defend the name I gave him anymore as these two guys do all the work and who's still sleeping look at that he just slept the entirety of the construction yeah just step all over him he's earned it do you think sleep heads ever gonna Oh something spooked him I'm not gonna lie I think this guy's my new favorite let's check out his detailed info ok I'm not believing a lot of what I see here almost never gets tired has learned how to work in a post-apocalyptic world efficiently these are not traits I saw today oh and also under happiness he's got a negative 16 because he slept outdoors well whose fault was that okay anyway let's make all the rest of you a little less homeless wait what was that noise oh hello there well let's hope you two are friendly cuz here comes a dose of civilization up nope not friendly not friendly at all no sleepyhead fight back be more like that guy that's protecting himself with the box and using it as a weapon oh yeah my guys are victorious you just earned yourself a new name Fox guy Solid Snake okay that doesn't fit so we're going with solid snack solid snack you seem so happy for having eleven health left well seeing how everyone is grievously injured now probably the next thing we should make is something in the medical space oh wow look at these wild health and safety options we've got a medical tent a burial pit in an outhouse all the cornerstones of modern medicine ok well let's set up a medical tent we'll just put it in the back here have it face this radiation pile well this is getting built we need to worry about getting our food and supplies up so I believe if we just click on this thing our Batman detective vision goes off and we can see all the stuff we can scavenge so let's go ahead and move our scavenging area over here get us a bunch of planks and concrete oh and what's this nature's candy quickly forage all these - what the hell what is this innocence lost a small girl approaches you like that maiming a 45 year old I can't find my cat please she must have run away I can't sleep with that or she keeps me safe you could send someone to comb the nearby woods but is it really worth it let's do some quick math here one someone on my team might die and it's settled we're sending a search party ok that's a lot of text just take my word for it we got the cab but more importantly to colonists were injured and I'm gonna Photoshop this girl to look like she's smiling just by flipping her lips upside down now everybody's happy Hey look here comes one of our injured people right now you know for showing a broken bone icon they are remarkably fast well thank your lucky stars the healing tent is right here is that what getting treated looks like I'm gonna call this getting drunk on health Oh Bad News Bears looks like we lost someone oh no Ellie died a mysterious death but I'm glad you can change their name after the fact oh I think I know a good way we can remember her forever let's build another tent right on top of Ellie's body here oh my god as soon as I click the button to put it down it just outlined her corpse this is all good whoa we got another death and another okay look I don't think it's a mysterious death anymore I think I figured it out it's called rat beetles and don't worry and true let's game it out style our colonists got it stuck on the landscape and victory is theirs so now we're at nine colonists down from 12 Silver Lining that's less housing we need to make once this amazing corpse 10 is finally done I think we're only gonna need one more witch I'll go ahead and just put over another body just to keep it warm oh you know what I just realized photo man here has some hidden talents I didn't realize this but if I click on him I can actually tell them where to move oh when photo man also appears to have a gun now well this gives me an idea come with me sir we have much to do see if we can't take care of this huge threat oh here it comes here comes photo guy nope there he goes I didn't know you had it in you all in a day's work for photo guy and his photo guy walks off just want to highlight how beautiful this little setup is you got your trash can you've got your laundry and you've got your dead body falling out of a tent and it turns out a kid lives in there this just gets better and better Wow I really can't just run around the map and just shoot a bunch of stuff and I can avoid damage just by joking around things as long as I move in they can't hit me oh yeah this is what I call surviving the aftermath oh and also we've been more amazing photo guys health just regenerates on its own so we really can't just have him go all over the map and just kill everything for us and hey let's not limit ourselves plenty of wildlife here that's not even hostile doesn't mean we can't shoot it yeah take them all look what I just stumbled across randomly a sand worm can I shoot it I think that's a yes it's hard to say he's just kind of shooting at the ground Oh nope you definitely can look at he's too cool to even watch it die well one more thing to take down all over the map and now that I've slain the last of a wild life pretty sure we now have total map supremacy well done photo guy oh what's this meteor shower quite the colorful description here when we see a shooting star we always hope to live through the day but it never works I'll be the judge of that you know this doesn't seem so bad oh well that's an unfortunate blemish Oh no problem it just goes away okay that could probably be better hey kid do something about it yeah that's what I meant what a little trooper it's okay he's fine so all we had to do was endure a little bit more of this wait for the sky to clear and all is well okay let's walk that back - some things are okay sometimes really though that wasn't that bad someone got injured but they're getting their happy medicine but nothing that can't be rebuilt technically you can get rid of the ashes of your old building but I would rather the new residents got to stare at the old burnt down building you know just to keep them on their toes now that the entire playing field is ours we need to get our resource management under control for which we have a bunch of fun things to play with we're gonna start with the recycler and we just have to put this in the vicinity of plastic trash we'll just put that down right there and we sort of have to build these one at a time because we don't really have that many people available we'd probably be able to get all this work done faster if we didn't have a bunch of quitters in our colony well it looks like one of my colonists has something to say we have a baby that can happen well that's good to know it's really helping their happiness - I'm glad to see that a human life being created is still not as detrimental to these people as a disagreement they have and the next thing we're gonna build is a scrapper which helps us get metal and we're gonna skip the forester because that's about growing new trees but we only have time to cut them down with the lumberyard okay and next we need to handle food needs for that we're gonna build a trapper basically you just build these things in the woods and when your colonists magically finds and prepares food for you okay so far so good our supplies are looking nice and healthy now it's time to turn our attention to stage two rebuilding this thing this here is the gate now that we have resources we can actually build it back up so besides being beautiful the gate unlocks a couple of things one of which is new survivors might show up where we get to decide if we want to let these people in I do have some questions though you say there's two adults here and no children and yet I see four of you may the two in the back are just escorts this is also how we get other specialists they're offering us a scavenger specialist named Lancaster so of course we're gonna accept come on in fellas or just one of you is hanging out outside more your thing oh I see you just don't want to take the door well you do you and off it goes into the forest but that is gonna earn you a new nickname too cool for gate or too cool for gee yeah as you can see we also have another option here we can send them to the world map maybe he'll take the front door this time nope okay so here we are in the world map there's us good ol hopeless topia you can tell based on the beautiful banner so this whole thing operates kind of like a board game I take to cool here and I kind of tell them where to walk the whole goal of course is to scavenge and explore if we walk him over to this he'll take himself a gander unlock the next area usually there's gonna be some kind of landmark in this case it's a museum and we get science points which I'll explain in a second let's also have photo guy make his way out here who uses the front door like a gentleman let's have him go to this farm and he can scavenge whatever that is oh it's jerky so basically he runs on over tramples over with his giant mite turns his back on the farm and takes a knee my understanding is they're kneeling cuz they're all tuckered out as indicated by the zero again like a board game they have to wait until they have their turn again so we pretty much just have to let time pass by going back to the colony and then eventually we'll get a little notification and that's when it's go time again those are science points he's collecting you can do some fun stuff with those over at the tech tree this is where we do all our upgrades separated into four glorious categories so for now we're gonna start with getting up to basic farming so that we don't starve to death meanwhile more people arrive at the gate a guy on the left always looking like homeless Assassin's Creed bringing us another specialist so of course we're gonna say yes meanwhile our specialists go around the map trying to collect as many research points as they can while also running around it unlocking spots on the grid Oh what might you be this icon though lets you know he's evil and disposable cuz he doesn't have a sick portrait floating over his head so it looks like we can fight them they have an attack of five and a defense of one I don't know what any of that means we're gonna go ahead and attack him anyway yeah I symbolically killed their entire gang and now all these tools we probably didn't need her ours for the taking what the hell is going on over here why does everyone have like a dirty sad face okay guys we need to talk about your priorities they're extremely mild leaks did that a child was born equally unexcited that they're starving and they're really unhappy that they're dirty are you telling me that being dirty is a hundred and thirty-five times worse than starving and do you all really think this is gonna motivate me to do something about it for you because if so you're sadly mistaken seeing all these beat-up dirty sad faces makes me feel like we're doing something right Oh what might this be call it a hunch but I think they want to fight is this what everyone else sees when I go and beat him up in the world map I mean obviously we're gonna insult them up they didn't like that very much did they luckily we've got a whole one person defending the gate with a crossbow all I can say is these guys don't seem all that impressed oh I guess we won that was some fancy shootin well that was relatively consequence-free I might try a little less hard next time just to see what happens okay here we go another group of bandits this time around I'm having nobody defended now let's see what happens when they win also what happened to that guy what happened to any of these wait what how did I win victory yes this year intimidation of my wall just did him in well that was unexpected you know what the wall wants me to repair it but we're not going to let's make our place as inviting a target as possible well look who's back this time around I've intentionally left my gate all screwed up in hopes that they successfully break in oh that looks promising you know they seem more prepared than last time don't they gates been breached oh boy I can't wait to see how this goes oh it's going real well as how it's going yeah use that box that's the tactic wait what are they doing uh so I guess we lost it looks like we admit defeat and then they just leave they didn't even take any resources so they just came here to do some wrastlin and then once they broke a bunch of stuff they're like okay carry on well as far as raids go that one was pretty Pleasant and really as long as the banners still stand hopeless topia will always be free okay so I have a theory I kind of wonder if they only fight you if they can find you so if we keep all of our people away from the gate I wonder if they'll do anything different so we're gonna run a little experiment first we're gonna finally bulk up the front gate I don't want them getting in here before I'm done so we're gonna upgrade it not just to tear - which does look nice but we're gonna go all the way to tier 3 tada what a fortress that's not all we're doing though we're gonna relocate all of this farther away like a lot farther away like to the other side of the map our way so goodbye all you houses its demolished time I like it too because after you set it to demolish after a couple of moments it just turns into boxes so these people don't even have any say in this just one moment they're sleeping and the next they're suddenly homeless wow look at the priorities of these people they're definitely the most upset about being homeless second only to being dirty and at the very bottom of that list is starving shouldn't that be it like the top of the list whatever fine have some housing and look at that they went back to their biggest issue being dirty interesting crapoly look as long as you cry baby stay over here and tend to the crops I don't care what you feel and just to make it feel more official let's add some decorations let's give them a nice sort of border so that they know the new city limits of hopeless topia oh my god it's so little now everybody played by the honor system pretend it's actually a really tall wall but at least it's giving these two a sense of privacy to fight in front of their kid I even built a little entrance and even more funny than that people actually use it I love it everyone's playing by the rules oh my god I just discovered something else this flower bush no construction resources required are you telling me that I can just put down as many of these as I want oh my god I can and building these on top of a tree makes the tree disappear and they're like as tall as people ok bandits don't come in yet I got some work to do first and here we are so I went ahead and tried to add flowers everywhere that the game will let you at least I did this to a point as it turns out that if you keep adding all of these funny things happen to the framerate it gets a little bit better if you don't face the flowers at least when the game is paused but if you unpause it seems to have kind of a freezing stuttering issue it's almost like the game doesn't want to turn hopeless topia into a beautiful flower wonderland even more disconcerting as I haven't seen any bandits for a long time and it's day 252 now where are you guys I need someone to end our misery ok or we can have this this seems like an appropriately catastrophic end I want to thank Paradox Interactive again for sponsoring this video if you liked what you saw and wanted to learn more check out the link in the description so I hope you had fun I know I did I'm gonna lay down in these bushes now roll the dice and see if a meteor hits me and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 4,596,635
Rating: 4.9334998 out of 5
Keywords: surviving the aftermath, surviving the aftermath gameplay, surviving the aftermath game, surviving the aftermath colony, surviving the aftermath bandit attack, surviving the aftermath meteor shower, apocalypse survival game, post apocalyptic game, let's game it out, lgio, let's game it out josh, let's game it out tycoon, let's game it out survival, colony survival let's game it out, colony let's game it out, funny moments, surviving the aftermath walkthrough
Id: o07O5lTkai0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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