I Built an Unethical Zoo Where You Make Your Own Unethical Zoo - Planet Zoo

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out are you ready for some Planet zoo because that's what we're doing because you can do this and some of this and a little bit of this what I'm trying to say is the possibilities are endless oh and also this video is sponsored by Empires and puzzles but more on that in a little bit for now let's start our brand new park starting of course with this thing this is the default entrance to our Park which comes with all the essentials you know like this thing a little ticket thing that lets people into the park and not to mention these magical teleporter pads which is where the people actually come from and an overall cheerful atmosphere but you know what that's definitely not what we're here for so you know this time around we're gonna do something a little bit different first off we're gonna take this entire building and get rid of it oh god I've hurt your eyes the teleporter pads are naked now now there's all kinds of parts that would be perfect for building a normal Park who wouldn't want cool architecture like this I mean besides us of course because we're gonna take this park in a different direction so let's go ahead and create something kind of beautiful and by beautiful I mean terrible terribly ugly okay that's more like it now this might look a little familiar because I made something like this in my very first planet zoo video but I only did a little bit there and I did a whole lot more here so much more how long is it gonna take to get through this mess well we're gonna know soon enough but first there's a couple of things we need to address one I didn't mean to hollow out the dirt around all the paths it's mostly that when I was setting everything up I accidentally left this setting on for tunneling so I kind of made the walkway off the ground but you know that's probably okay they would just have more time to check out the game from today's sponsor Empires and puzzles this is an award-winning Match 3 puzzle RPG that's free to play on Android and iOS and the great thing about Empires and puzzles is it's super easy to pick up but hard to master all you're really doing is matching Shields of the same color to attack and then the rest is strategy and you get to match through your way through a whole storyline featuring a kingdom that needs saving traveling to far away lands like Atlantis and Valhalla and even do some tomb raiding it's so quiet classic U there's also over 450 Heroes you can collect and train not to mention Base building player versus player combat and alliances and right now is a great time to get involved because Empires and puzzles is running some seasonal content called the season of Love where you can get five New Cupid inspired Heroes and 20 sages across three difficulty modes I think this game just matched to read my heartstrings so if this sounds good to you check out the game right now using my linky in the description below or you can use this QR code that's just sitting here on the screen and thanks again to Empires and puzzles for sponsoring anyway this is just step one of our master plan because we really want them to experience each and every walkway they have to go through I like to think of it as walkable art you know how some aren't supposed to make you angry hopefully that's what this does for some people or all people but we have a couple of steps we're still gonna need to do for one we gotta move the park entrance basically they teleport in here and then they officially enter the park here and this is way too short a distance for them to have to walk for that this feels way more appropriate so we're gonna take these things and move them like all the way at the other end of this thing and there we go ready for prime time now they have to walk through all this just to get to the entrance okay we're making progress but there's a couple more things we have to do you see people won't come into our Zoo unless we have Zoo like things and by that I mean they're expecting us to have animals well we're not gonna put any animals right at the beginning because then what would be the point so instead let's give them a little bit of a teaser of things to come so first let's start with a custom sign and to decorate this out I think we're gonna use an old friend there you are our old giraffe friend we're just gonna put you kind of like this yeah there we go that's a good start and to accompany that we're gonna use this speech bubble yep that makes sense and on that we're gonna put some lettering totally a real Fiddlesticks I've run out of space that's okay though we've got another helping head oh joy it's our lion friend possibly eating the giraffe but who's to say for sure either way there's your speech bubble there we go nailed it totally a real oh you can trust them right oh wait I'm forgetting something I almost forgot your googly eyes how rude of me oh and I haven't forgotten about you I've got a special effect with your name on it ah here we go water jet large guess what we're looking for let's see How's that gonna look oh I feel like that's shooting farther than I intended time for a second one and let's just take this one and let's just go ahead and rotate it over this way let's see how did I do oh wow that was perfect well now we've got to do that on all four okay there we go nice complimentary tears to welcome you to the park okay so I think that this is a solid start as mentioned No One's Gonna Come to our Zoo if there's no animals so don't worry we're gonna add some all the way over here on the other side of the park and don't you worry we're gonna make really good use of this space and by that I mean one really really big giant enclosure just think of how many animals we can fit in this thing can't wait to find out first things first though we're gonna need to staff up a building which is this animal Trade Center we're gonna go with this basic crappy one and then next we add an employee entrance to the habitat followed by a pathway to connect the two together and now it's time to staff up specifically caretakers so we'll just put one and two and three they can only transport one animal at a time and I don't want this to take forever so let's just staff up quickly yeah there we go this should be plenty of people wow I hope you enjoy the people you work with because there certainly isn't much walking around space just look at their polite Little Steps oh don't mind me I'll get where I'm going eventually even if I have to moonwalk my way there and now that this is under a sort of control it's time for animal trading and that's when we sit here and buy every single thing we can it doesn't matter what you are there's a place for you in my Zoo but we can only store 200 animals at a time so let's clear up this inventory and send them to the zoo okay they're all going into the trading center together uh yes and this is how all the animals come out they were all hiding from us in that one little room and here we go ah Yep this is how animals are made one glorious nightmare at a time don't worry all you eyeballs and faces we see you now I'm not sure what's going on back here except for this Merry-Go-Round nightmare either way I'm happy you're happy I'm not happy about much else at this placing but hey at least a chunk you broke off I like how this big pile of creatures is still here and meanwhile there's one creature out there running away this cat is like no thank you anyway there are 200 animals oh I'm sorry excuse me this is what 199 animals look like in one spot okay now they're starting to separate here we go go everyone's starting to find their place ah the way nature wanted it this penguin being trampled by a seal and then potentially crushed by everything else I know this is the look this guy would normally have but it doesn't change the fact that this guy looks completely over this anyway this is what 200 animals in one pen looks like time to go for 200 more yes everybody grouped together to shove yourselves orderly through that one door what a ritual you've developed for yourselves surprise see this is what I like to see old draft Hydra happily hanging out but this time with the body of you know all this look how horrified this poor creature looks it just doesn't know what to make of this and who can blame it really when oh boy here we go time for everything to flee as fast as it can now we can say we know what 400 animals looks like time to add some more so hold please while we find out and see what this can end up looking like I know buddy I'm sure you're sick of this okay so this is what a thousand animals looks like what a menagerie I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I think that's gonna be enough animals for now because we've already butchered the frame rate and there's so much more to do still oh no all of you thank you for your service you're all fired anyway we now have the prerequisites for an amazing zoo and now at long last our park is ready to open come on in please enjoy my Zoo oh boy look and our first guests are already here immediately getting drenched in tears before their Journey now of course we have to wonder how long is it going to take these people to get through this whole thing right now in game after all the building I did it is year 16 July 18th which should give us a pretty good idea for how long this is gonna take and they're so proactive too look at their synchronized running oh my God this is gonna take a while you see these people down here I've already been following them for two real-time minutes and they've basically gone nowhere so hold please while we wait oh my God they're finally almost here I've been watching these fine focus they walked across this entire thing and my God it's been excruciating also kudos to all of these people actually they've been running this entire time speaking of how long has it been anyway uh it is now year 23 September 15. so that means if they started back in year 16. that means that they've been running for a solid seven years oh my goodness this is turning into something of a race at the end with this guy now leading the pack oh wow very impressive victory dance I wish I could go for a seven year run looking this maniacal the whole time not only is he almost there but there's all those animals to look at finally the journey will have been worth it welcome to the park sir on sister oh huh wait why did you turn around and how on Earth are you still happy about this in fact why is everybody turning around oh I think I know what I did wrong you see those arrows there they're supposed to be facing the other direction whoops silly me that's caused everybody that was on their way here to turn around and leave just think by the time you get home it's gonna have been 14 years but even more people are coming back into the park oh now that we know it's gonna take so long we should probably warn them huh hold your horses I can fix this there we go problem solved thank God some people are finally here oh boy get ready for some amazing animals or maybe not oh you were so close well at least you got to see them from afar don't worry I'm sure that path will take you somewhere awesome and I'm sure the animals will still be there I definitely didn't put something in the water to make them sleep like the forever kind I mean we had to get our frame rate back somehow I'm gonna go ahead and say it was worth it look at that smooth frame rate don't worry about all those animals you missed you can just live out their Glory Days right here oh you yes so handsome anyway after a long long long flight of stairs there's plenty to see over here at our brand new train station look at that we've got it all googly eyes weirdly Sinister lighting a sign that would never lie to you about how much fun you're gonna have yes that's right line up don't everybody crowd at once oh boy and here comes the train now all aboard the Fun Train I like the part where this family doesn't even stick together alright everybody get ready for the fun of a lifetime let's see what our passengers see oh good it's like a horror movie how abstract and frightful don't worry we've taken your safety into consideration which is why our train goes a blistering three miles per hour but it is in all darkness and mystery look at that I see something in the distance oh no what's this there's a car on the tracks this is gonna take some time to clear never fear everybody I've got some entertainment that's going to be perfect for you during your formative years behold look a television screen All For You hey what's the matter haven't you ever read an end user license agreement before well don't you worry creepy kid you've got plenty of time to read it I haven't forgot about the rest of you just sit back and try and read what you can of this flashbang in the darkness well maybe this girl is like I still can't see I've got you covered and not just you but everybody oh boy am I excited to learn about disclaimers of warranties and limitation of liability oh and you never know there might be a test at the end so study up oh my goodness wouldn't you know now that everyone's read that cover to cover the car is gone we're saved I sure hope you signed at the bottom and before you know it we've gotten to our special laboratory which is where we're going next this weird futuristic looking Place choo choo the fun train is pulling into the station all right everybody off or I guess just some people get off oh I see you want more documents to read huh well don't worry I'll get you on the next go around all right come on in well I don't know about you but this feels like a good sign to me well let's check it out and see first thing we have to do is walk down this death star-like hallway and this takes us to a nice exciting viewing area and hey don't forget if you need to review the end user license agreement you totally can oh no is it ending oh thank goodness it's starting over again so I should probably explain to you exactly what you're looking at this is our special Zoo creation laboratory you wanted a zoo right well now you can make your own after all why should we save all the fun for ourselves when I'm sure the parkours have plenty to contribute so here's basically how it works you gotta use the animal generator 9000 here and let's say you want to pick an animal like this giraffe here great now that we've selected it let's go ahead and let it get dispensed which is gonna happen right from a hole up here ah good there we go and here it comes wow what a landing my goodness it's so Majestic and surprisingly okay with all of this but that was just a first test who wants the honor of getting this out of the way and trying it themselves oh it looks like we have a contender yeah you did that they're gone forever okay now that the platform is clear well mostly clear who wants to give it a go oh looks like we have a volunteer oh polar bear a good choice foreign well this could be traumatic but I'm glad this lady's having a good time I know what happened here okay basically nobody's ordered a polar bear in a while so like a vending machine they just sat in there and expired well don't push it again oh good now you've done it now you've done it look I was trying to tell you they're all probably dead up there oh Jesus oh my God you little Psychopaths stop pushing the button [Music] anyway yes thank you for testing the button thanks for making such a horrible mess you Creedence all right well I'm gonna let this next generation of psychopaths get acclimated to this button and my god there sure are a lot of you now anyway we're gonna head on over here to the next leg of our journey now that we're figuring out what animals we're gonna have in our Zoo we're gonna generate the scenery using our state-of-the-art facility here oh pardon me let me turn the lights on avert your eyes flashbang out behold in this facility we can generate any scenery we want basically it'll create it holographically for us to look at I feel like there's an existing name for this but I can't really remember what it is anyway you see this display here this is where we tell this facility what we would like to see so for example let's say we want to see a lush landscape like this no problem we can generate that see watch activate sort of tropical scenery-ish [Music] Tada and here we are a fresh new world that we can explore to put down a horrible zoo or I don't know maybe you wanted a different environment computer and program like watch we can try a new environment for example maybe you're in the mood for some holiday looking stuff a computer please load snow something I can't remember what I called it Tada how festive there's like people in buildings and stuff and most of all everybody looks miserable I might like this place oh but the fun doesn't stop there computer entrance please we can always do something more exotic like the moon you remember the moon don't you of course you do pristine beautiful and waiting for a new zoo at least that's how I remember it before the bad stuff happened okay you know what I think I'll leave it up to the people for the next location I'm sorry you want to make a Mars base of all things Mars well who am I to deny all of you excited soccer moms all right fine computer Mars or whatever okay I hope you're all happy and actually you know what now that we've got our Mars setting here let's combine everything we've done let's take whatever they've chosen for our animals and let's add it to our simulation computer at animals from the other thing I'm above uh I see you guys just kept pushing the polar bear button nice of you to free up the inventory in there so let me make sure I understand this your idea of the zoo you want to make is on Mars with all the these polar bears excuse me I mean polar bear husks well so be it it's the zoo you wanted now everybody stay right here for a second I need to go do something real quick and I think you're gonna like it okay here we are so here's the final step of the zoo creation process and launch what did you think everything was just gonna be virtual nonsense you picked out the zoo now we gotta go build it you know that lab you're standing in it's actually a shuttle so I hope you brought snacks because it's a pretty long way to Mars I want to thank Empires and puzzles again for sponsoring this video linky in the description if you want to check it out for yourself so I hope you had fun I know I did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 6,926,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, planet zoo, planet coaster, zoo tycoon, zoo game, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo game, planet zoo let's game it out, let's game it out planet zoo, unethical zoo, i built an unethical zoo
Id: pPPp9umYZFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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