This Game Made Me Fear Warehouses Forever - Light the Way - Let's Game It Out (First Look Gameplay)

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everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh and we are checking out light the way a horror game clearly alright protip with the chains first of all you gotta keep going three isn't enough I could and will go right under that my name is Andrew I am an accountant it's that relevant my parents called me yesterday they said her family dog died he was an old buddy but no matter how much you expect it death of a loved one never comes easy my parents are devastated I am on my way to see them right now and to say goodbye to my buddy Oh run was just like dot clear I didn't do anything I mean I realize I said run and I didn't run what killed me did did the breathtaking vistas is that what killed me what is it what whoa what what oh wait wait wait am I being hunted Aragorn I don't this is a horror game I am running I'm trying to run anyway okay why it's fine I'll try to run this way I'm gonna head this way into the countryside running running running running running what the what well I'm two minutes into the game and I already I'm like well looks like Hawkeye got me again how about run and dodge cuz you can see in the distance you can see all these little white shooting stars coming for me let's looking at them more running it's sort of funny to have all this scariness and it's like a beautiful day outside oh I'm hearing more music Oh getting scary or is it so I'm still being shot at yep then I get shot sometime later forty miles of running later Crouch walking prevents monsters from hearing you so wait did I get knocked out was I hiding here oh I see everyone be cool I'm not sure why monsters have headlamps everybody I need to know now okay so they turned green and then they come up and they punch you from what I can tell they look like the tech crew from a stage play with a board sticking out of there wait a minute dude is that how you turn around you just turn into a black hole for a second that hardly seems fair let's review I'm on my way home I guess in the old country to go say goodbye to my dog and make sure my parents are okay but it looks like we've quite possibly got some bigger problems to deal with mainly probably the alien invasion happening right now okay I'm on my tippy-toes now that was a bad idea is that just the transition for everything like when I need to go to a new area do I just pass out did I just have the vapors what happened what find the exit the game has begun let's get out of here Oh sick is this a nerf gun thank God you guys left this lying around f4 flashlight what are these dimensional balls here sticky ammo acquired okay he find three keys do you see all the keys down there sticky light intensity ammo duration movement speed flashlights I'm not a pilot what is all this stuff we got to collect fragments destroy ornament find bodies and about 90 keys read okay well as you can see I'm not a bad guy who who are you why are you validating yourself to me you are next to the exit door find these three keys and you're free to go not a problem first of all I just shot my little nerf ball there it's nice and glowy I like that also seriously just go under it see that thing just open that door see look I can crouch look I am under these chains I can just go right under those chains can I have my ball back oh [ __ ] I just shot another one can I have it back damn it I just shot all three of my balls alright fine I'll go find the keys but I better be able to get my sticky balls back oh that's uh let's maybe they turn off our lights here I'm a safe power even though I don't think we need to so we saw a dude in the background there in the distance wait where is he let's go in this door who tell me my current objective find the exit pretty sure that's gonna be my only objective I want a piece of paper a hope you like your gun it's got a flashlight and everything but you have to search ammos for yourself I believe this place only has stickies and balls whoa hey hey we're gonna find some balls we're gonna find some stickies okay for now we're just gonna look around the warehouse who's this who can uh so we can sort of look around a little bit better it's this what did I pick up one total fragment oh wait two total fragments good thing I don't know what those are oh thank goodness more balls more fragments more reading don't be too scared of my creatures they are brainless after all a little tip try to make no sound while they're around the only mist they only messed hallways left places where we'll be important for you they at least deserve silence for that don't you think yeah I do think so let's review what we know this person abducted us and then they proceeded to tell us why they're not a bad guy that's what I'm getting out of this can't wait to use one of my sticky balls doors locked in the Crouch under here I can crouch under here good thing it's a lot what's this over here a one locked one who can I uh can I walk through this here like oh okay let's bless this mess trying to hide the rest of the warehouse for me huh Oh lights off stay away from it oh here take this sticky ball uh uh no oh okay I hope those guys stay away because there's a note right here this was walking her dog just a sweet little thing she keeps looking back to me I mean yes I was going to take her eventually but she made it herself right I don't like the type anyway don't ask me where the dog is look dude I don't appreciate you abducting me and then giving me riddles alright wait but I was high here take this oh he missed oh he missed again at what point is he gonna give up do you think oh he has a friend oh dang okay I'm gonna try a little harder this time it looks like there's blood all over the ground here if it weren't for these guys just think of all the antiquing we could do in here how do you even manage to kill someone this mesylate what if I shoot the ball at them let's try and shoot a ball at him what do you think of that what is the point of that besides looking real pretty okay well I sense a puzzle see what we got Oh doors upon doors upon doors upon doors guess we'll just start on the far right won't open won't open won't open won't opens and none of those doors opened how do I get up here climb dude I'm climbing like your life actually depends on it well you got to be like this dude you know you got the you got the arms just go up right there just right there just right there come on go up there oh I can carry this here we go there we go let's just go through this human size air duct I guess still looking first one is over well done Congrats on their first key to to go chop chop did I get a key oh no did I miss a key oh crap I don't see a key oh there it is I just had to keep walking can't do that to me dude key for a once takes us so now we have to head back over to a1 that was a door I do remember seeing all right I'm gonna shoot a sticky thing watch what do you think of that wow you don't care at all what was the point of the sticky thing everybody be quiet no here gettin tired of these guys crap oh really you're just already there like at this point when he misses like a couple of times don't you think I should just be able to like punch him in the face it'll give you some help let me get closer to you maybe if I back up will that help you okay well looks like I made a friend I'm gonna keep sneaking like it matters oh now you can hit me there it is all a one uh-huh a blue key the B key now I have one of the three keys to open those completely ineffective locks I guess as stupid as it is we're gonna go unlock it all right stupid door here you go Wow so much closer to my freedom now am I gonna unchain all of these and like the whole door frames gonna open up is that the door did I miss like a prompt for what these sticky sphere things are supposed to be for like I I get the idea that they're supposed to light the way but oh oh the B key that's C so if I find B oh there's the B door don't you hide from me I like how the B door is blue and the actual floor in here is blue what the hell is this oh thank god more tennis balls rakes thin boxes and ornaments really oh oh I got a switch okay now I'm using let's try it hold on all right let's go try this on something works on like cardboard boxes and stuff is how you said well there's a cardboard box let's try it here we go I don't think that thing does anything we're gonna trip we're just gonna keep wasting them I mean it's really funny hey come back here come here your reusable right really there's like a maze right there on the ball but I can't reuse you each one of these balls looks like they're about like 20 bucks apiece can I please just reuse it okay cool well I've wasted all of those so hopefully they're not important just like this no quick tips for the system here one does not work before other is finished and two both don't work when hungry I'm getting real tired of your riddles push it's working when he says hungry does he mean empty I think he meant empty come on back all right fine you just stay right there I'm gonna go look around okay okay so we got this guy here he's not hungry the other guy is hungry that's what I'm getting out of this so here's the deal we're gonna ride this guy to victory oh I moved the other one thanks buddy stay hungry I guess okay what do we got here flashlight off seriously why can't I just pick up this fire extinguisher and just bash him oh wow something not good happened in this hallway light off light on sorry to interrupt artistic corner over there haha whiff whiff sorry guys I didn't bring enough beat poetry to do this oh I can't like get away from them can I I don't know what these light balls are supposed to be used for but I'm just gonna start using them just put one there like that and I'll shoot when they're like that they make such a pleasing noise too oh I hit that guy in the ass he didn't seem to mind okay don't turn around okay what did I just say this gun is legit a nerf gun you shoot giant foam balls at stuff and they shrug their shoulders like what were you trying to do here's the door your story let's get in there yeah get in closer okay let's pretend for a second this was a murder here right like this was like oh it wasn't murder it was a slaying am i led to believe that the person got slashed and then they did some like interpretive dance slapping all over the wall this one was smoking when I saw him he didn't see me or my creatures he kept checking his phone then BAM one of my babies got him these are the weirdest notes to leave for a stranger but it helps to explain all the wall high-five snack to the snake in oh I'm gonna back up oh god that's a close call let's go you go your way I'm gonna go my way which is over here I have a key for bo1 I gotta find the key wait for them to pass come on you didn't see me this is some [ __ ] you can't sneak by these guys they turn around too fast and then they can't hit you which one of these doors opens any of them that one opens okay you're stay out of the way real quick just go check those hair okay there's a note here let me read the note well you got this far impressive how do you like them you're hearing their footsteps right now fantastic no that's not exactly what's happening ones right behind me while I stop time to read this note see you there we go I honestly don't know what the sticky balls are for I don't know what either of the balls are for actually like I don't think it attracts anyone's attention I think I just shoot the ball and they're like oh sweet someone wants to do some nerf fighting oh god what am I supposed to do they're both coming for me you guys have weird patterns in this door please let me open this door thank you Oh blessed day more of these they do make a pretty creepy noise though I gotta say we got here what's this I found key b1 I know where that goes if I can get the hell out of here it's wait for this to pass now go no no chase them all the way to the checkpoint that's the plan now is just run from him so you get to the checkpoint hi everybody I'm just gonna keep on running it's cool guys it's fine be ones right here watch I'll just open the door and run right through we I ran right through let's just keep going Oh got some more friends here well that's four we have on us oh yeah oh yeah it's like I played football what oh you can't what the hell you just stay right there okay no funny business whoa what was like Dolf god I walked right into that one I can't help but feel like the guy that captured me just saw the movie saw and was like I can do that I can be jigsaw and then how did you even see me have I mentioned my disdain for sneaking sequences so if I like hide behind this thing uh let's pick up all mice come on why I just there we go I got the checkpoint that's how we're gonna do it I got the checkpoint by running all the way over there ah here we are i bypassed that sequence by just running past everything and I got a checkpoint by coming into this room we got the C key now we just seen what what happened yeah tell me more I have a special ammo for your gun just for this place it does three things yellow turns the nightmare on and off orange opens racks green moves racks if nightmares off creatures become active they don't move or attack otherwise choose carefully when to activate or deactivate the nightmare to find the exit you need to open your way through four exit rooms shoot the ammo into the nest to activate it what are these little tool belt things you can't die in nightmare in game doesn't save if you leave before finishing the game starts from beginning of the nightmare well I can safely say none of that made sense so I guess let's just go and see what happens let's pick these things up at these my nightmare balls we have 18 we're gonna fire one so it pretty much does what they did last time which is absolutely nothing I'm gonna need you to calm down here we playing laser tag what is this I'll just Juke you watch this haha okay easy enough oh wait check it out I think I need to shoot up there watch this yeah alright not sure why I need limited ammo to do this but what the hell's that noise what is that noise what's howling at me gonna be okay here we go so what happens if I run out of balls that's just it who set oh I can just walk past I'm okay what you doing down here buddy um do i crawl in there's supposed to be more balls here that just aren't here ah the exit finally let's do this I am starting to think this is not the exit you guys have any more ammo I could really use some ammo so let's shoot this thing can I have more ammo please oh can i why not just make the gun unlimited others more of these what do these all do oh good well whatever sure cool now I have the strength to go on don't really understand what you're supposed to do here I do see this though why would I activate these guys just want to leave this too I have to go through the mist is this a to my out am I just back where I started I solved the madman's mystery and now we get to move on we're just back here with my crappy light balls that don't do anything at least in that other place I didn't have to sneak although I'm starting to think I don't need to sneak here did everyone just leave I'm cool with that oh yeah looks like all the creatures have left there's a piece me that's really terrified that the game glitched and if I die all the creatures will come back it's time to go into the see door this is actually much more enjoyable with the monsters gone because now I can just light things and feel kind of good about it just like look around god no why maybe he won't see me hey let's get out of here let's get out of here nothing what oh my god oh god that's not what I wanted to see I was like wow this got real easy then I turn around and this is here oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god just Dolphus I need all this stuff out of the way please thank you oh good more balls well far be it for me to Oh God look at gift horse in the mouth oh god oh god why is there so many obstacles in the way run oh come on God okay here we go here comes when is he gonna pop through yep there he is hey move move move oh oh oh right these things can break thingamajigs that's Oh God okay that's at that door didn't work what about this door police left the store work nope nope that door doesn't work either I guess let's go back this way what about this door none of these doors work okay what if I just leave would that be acceptable to you oh push the rack push the rack push oh this rack this rack this rack where's the rack push it push it push it I totally don't think I've pushed that after dying enough times I can basically speedrun this now push it push it did I push it how on earth am I supposed to push that in time yeah I know you're there okay open this close this now push the rack I'm pushing it look at this you see it moving slowly but sure what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] seriously how the [ __ ] am I supposed to do that oh oh mom's Mavs Brendan Brendan Brendan Brendan swish the Nerf ball shoot it was try this again I'm gonna turn off my light this time okay I'm pushing the rack I'm pushing it I'm pushing as hard as I can do you see this I'm pushing push the rack was in front of the door the rag was in front of a door oh you know you're here push push push push push push push did I do it dude dude what [ __ ] pushing that rack I'm just gonna keep running just gonna have to keep but run and run and run and run and run and run yeah it's actually way better yeah I get to you up wait if you just keep running you die you try to run from this thing watch this okay hey come through the door you want to see it uh-oh and then I just run so I have to pull the rack over but this thing is always gonna be right behind me no matter how fast I get through this sequence cuz like watch okay so now I just dodged that and I ducked down and I shoot that and I jump over here and now I run over here and I duck and I go past that and then I run all the way over here and I turn off my life for fun and I'm gonna go over here and I'm start to push the rack I'm pushing it I'm pushing it do you see that I'm pushing it I am pushing the rack oh oh thank god okay the game's saved I keep getting to that moment where I'm like about to throw in the towel and then I finally figure out a sequence and I'm like okay fine game fine a lot of sticky balls right here they must really want me to use these things and I have no idea how they work look at that look how pretty that is okay where are we going now what's this just I get the feeling we got to find more green things to push which if there's a god they'll be in logical places where they would be in a warehouse and not like hidden away somewhere we got a bunch of green lights up here and there's one red light why do you suppose the light is red okay so pushing this button here makes that go red I'm gonna assume in a sane world you want them all to be green oh here check this out and it should all be green now does matter for anything I don't know why wait this hookah feels weirdly out of place with the rest of this industrial stuff can I just drink this please I was like oh maybe I can just climb up here but no there's like oh wait can I go over here no because there's like an invisible wall keeping me from going over here gets hit door back there sure would be nice if I could go over there oh the hell is this doing back here the whole time oh Christ so if I push these things these things move except when I push it I have no godly idea what's happening like I can hear it I mean that's cool that this thing moves but like what is that for well let's just hold down the button for a little while maybe it'll come closer we can I don't know okay it's it's here now I still can't see anything I can just hold down the button and look around alright let's bring the other one again why but here we'll figure that part out next is this all do you think to get over this thing that you could actually just climb is this like early Final Fantasy logic where was like oh that thing's like hip tall can't possibly get past it so let's pretend the logic is we need to use one on the far end to get past this nonsense even though we could just climb it would that mean that we need to start by having it over here which would mean there would need to be a way for us to climb up to that which there is not Oh God except I think there is look let me shoot another ball up there yep there's like an opening up there okay so I think what we need to do is line all these up and then find another way up there okay that looks pretty good next order of business is to get in there somehow I'm gonna be the idiot for feeling this way but I want to believe that the solution is in this room yeah I bet it's right in there so now we need to figure out how to get up there this is my life now we're in a three-dimensional environment with a guy who theoretically should be able to use his arms but he just refuses to so now I need to wander around this landscape looking for a box we have walked by like 10 million different crates and things that would totally work for climbing up and he just won't use any of them this is the other obstacle by the way empty cardboard boxes my god is this the box I had to leave the warehouse the warehouse full of things that I could have used for stacking or I could have just used my hands and I could have gotten up there but no I'd like go elsewhere in the warehouse to find this box now that we've found our magical mystical box we're gonna climb over all this junk we're gonna get up here if a monster shows up and chases me I'm just gonna let him take me how do I get up here god maybe the Oh God can I carry the box up here I can't deal with the idea that I need to find a second box there we go there we go I don't know if that's how you're supposed to do it but that's how we're doing it wait I can't I still can't make it up there what you want me to do dude there's no way is there it doesn't want me to find like five boxes does it cuz I need at least two more boxes for that to work there's just and also if I leave this space without this box I can't how I just push this just push this over there can I like cheat this and like somehow like jump on the box while I'm standing on the box oh I can't seem go with the Box problem danger Will Robinson so I broke the game okay this box is part of my view now so it turns out this was the original box I reset there's that and then there's these two boxes here Oh God because I reset the checkpoint do I have to put all that crap back to open open Jesus Christ all right box you stay right there I'll go we'll go let you in Oh No Oh No do I have to do the whole [ __ ] thing again it wouldn't make me do that would it no all right so here's the thing I tried to reset the game I even tried to restart the game because I loaded the checkpoint to get back to those boxes I need to do this whole sequence again where the where the monster chases you I'll show you what happens here so we do the whole sequence again right I can basically speedrun this now because I've done it about 20 times no joke and what happens is you're supposed to get past all of this you run over here you you do a bunch of action sliding stuff you get past this and you're supposed to open this door and then you go and you close the rack behind it right so I do this and I just push the rack I'm hitting II and nothing it's not moving the rack anymore the rack won't move the rack is supposed to be moving forward if I can't move the rack I can't close the door and if I can't close the door I can't get through this sequence so unfortunately I think that's gonna have to end our journey here studying with that box I think I just glitched out the game too bad to continue so I'm sorry to say but I don't think we're gonna be able to unlock those three padlocks but hey we gave it our best shot right and now I can go cry into a pillow that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out as always I am Josh thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,370,965
Rating: 4.9441471 out of 5
Keywords: light the way, light the way game, light the way gameplay, light the way steam, light the way lets play, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lgio josh, josh lgio, this game made me fear warehouses forever, horror games, indie horror, indie horror games, indie games, light the way horror
Id: Vb_OqSdHbNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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