I Tried Becoming A Pro Japanese Wrestler

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now we just need Chris Broad in Chocopro somehow and my life is complete.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 113 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hikingbeginner πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Top 10 Anime Crossovers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DemonSweat_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Connor and Joey have been chopped by pros now, Garnt is next. And Chris.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DoILookUnsureToYou πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

need ironmouse to interview maki itoh next

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kick_heart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

For a first match, Connor sold better than some wrestlers in the big leagues.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigDrew923 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Over/under on Brookes being on Trash Taste?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was a really fun video. I know Chris is a CDawgVA fan and has been trying to get something going for a while. You can see the happiness on his face at the start of the video. So pleased for him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sycamoredrive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

cdawg should go to chocopro and have ironmouse manage him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/godleftmefinished πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello and welcome it's that series again where I do dumb things across Japan and today of course it has to be a slightly dangerous activity because I'm going to be learning how to wrestle I've never done wrestling I don't watch wrestling I don't know anything about wrestling but we can fix that because I'm at the korokan hall today where there is a wrestling match by DDT which is one of Japan's strangest wrestling companies you might have seen some of their Clips go viral [Music] but anyway enough about that some of the wrestlers are going to teach me but before I can go and learn I need to experience it so that's why I'm here today I'm going to be going in watching a match learning everything there is to learn about it and hopefully I'll pick up some tips along the way so that I don't die later in the dojo but for now wish me luck this video is sponsored by boxu box use a monthly subscription service that delivers Japanese snacks and tea pairings right from Japan to your door each box you hear features a new theme every month providing a gourmet snack experience of Japan and this month is the pink Valentine boxer is the only company that partners with over 100 year old family snack makers for genuine and authentic selections as you know I live in Japan and even a lot of this stuff I've never seen it seems so specialized every single boxer comes with this cultural guide and it shows you like a nice map of where every single snack comes from in Japan so you can learn every single prefectures specialty and as a big Sunday guy there's a bunch of senbay in here that I am definitely going to be destroying later today and other than that there's just a bunch of other stuff that I've never even tried in here so it'll be nice to give these a shot and of course a tea pairing so if you want to grab some of your very own Japanese snacks and support the channel here go over to boxview by using the link in the description down below and make sure to use my code cdog 10 to get temp set off your very first box suit but of course I can't teach my myself how to wrestle lucky for me there is a British man Chris Brooks who wrestles professionally in Japan for this crazy agency and he's offered to teach me the ways of wrestling you know there's two Chris's that we don't know that are brilliant are you also sarcastic all the time I try to be less than your other friend Chris I'm hoping to become your new best Chris you've probably already won the audience over with that brilliant naturally I don't really know that much about wrestling but obviously I think the audience will be like quite confused as to why there might be a British guy wrestling in Japan so how did all that come about that came about by a fortunate or very unfortunate timing depending on how you look at it I was coming over and doing tours regularly for DDT here in Japan every sort of three months or so I'd come for like 10 weeks they wanted me to come and stay for a whole year just so happened that the week after I flew here the global pandemic really kicked off all borders closed so I had the two choices of uh okay well you're in this for the Long Haul now stay here as long as you need to or go home and have no job so I decided to stay and I also really like it here I was gonna say because you just mentioned that you're doing tours with gdt how did you even come about getting tours for a Japanese referencing company I'm sure there are a lot of people watching from the UK that are like I don't know yeah I mean there's no set way to sign up for it or go about like following that certain pathic wrestling I imagine it's much like your job like YouTube is like all these weird parts that you take and until you know not what you know and uh just through doing the independent circuit in England I ended up wrestling in America a few times and they got the connection to go do it in like Mexico and Germany and then ended up in Japan and then the company in Japan was big enough that they could offer me a place to live and stuff so it all just like it's who you know and like steamrolls and things like that how big is wrestling in Japan because obviously you know like you said you've mentioned it's in America it's in the UK obviously it's very big in America in the UK I would I would say not so much is that fair insane it's uh very much regarded as a sport it's very popular just in general public opinion uh you'll see it in the newspapers you'll see on TV regularly it's kind of accepted culturally as a it's a very big cultural part of Japan I think obviously we're gonna go and watch you wrestle later and that's going to be fun I'm very excited for that but what can the audiences expect to be different from say American wrestling to Japanese wrestling well I do say that in Japan it's very culturally significant it's got a lot of history and it's much more pretended to sport DDT does have that but also DDT is maybe more than any other company in Japan they like to call themselves the variety show pro wrestling and uh it's interesting there's a lot of Comedy sometimes we have a wrestling doll we have a wrestling robot sometimes like Idols Idols come and wrestle they've won belt oh and DDT is most famous possibly for Street wrestling Rojo programs you start wrestling in the streets streets we've done swimming pools elephant safaris I did one at Castle the other day oh we did Tokyo Dome with no fans like a few weeks ago I was trying to be professional here but you're telling me about the cultural significance and you tell me you're fighting in the street and fighting with elephants we respect the Traditions but we also don't mind bending the rules you know because I've seen a lot of clips from Japanese wrestling and I assume the ones that I've been shed are normally DDT ah yeah so if you've seen any viral video of Japanese professional wrestling whether that is like the blow up dolls or people getting naked sometimes like fireworks in in buttholes can you say buttholes on YouTube I don't even ask a question after that that's I didn't know you had fireworks in your butthole do you paid extra for that no no it's in the country you're fighting to be the one who gets the opportunity what a privilege you want to be in the club the one that blows up literally you want to go viral with a firework in your but I've not had the honor yet hopefully one day I guess that's the side of Japan that people normally like to to pin on Japan right the crazy the wacky side yeah and they kind of want to throw that on top and the wrestling definitely embodies that it seems like today you'll see some like really just amazing professional wrestling yeah but you'll also see some probably just pretty weird [Β __Β ] what's something I should look out for when I go and watch this match as somebody who doesn't really watch wrestling to kind of pick things up and kind of understand how how it all works and what kind of aspects take a lot of skill I think you've got this preconceived notion of professional wrestling in your head right now but I think the second you watch it today it will instantly change and you'll see it completely differently by the end or at least that's my hope and you aren't going to teach me after this after I watch the wrestling match and I'm gonna be doing a fight myself we're gonna try and get you fight ready I mean it usually takes people like a couple of years but in one afternoon we'll try and get you ready what's the hardest thing then about wrestling and then especially wrestling in Japan does a language barrier ever become a problem the language very not so much I think the hardest thing about wrestling is generally just the wear and tear it takes on your body it's a very physical sport and you pick up a lot of injuries constantly you mentioned earlier that someone broke their elbow oh yeah someone you'll be mean like he broke his elbow recently I broke my finger recently and it's still broken it can't go any more straight than that doesn't happen during training does it it could oh so I don't want to die I've done all kinds of weird stuff for YouTube and never put myself in any harms way I think what's the most physical thing you've done that is very physical surprisingly pole dancing is very physical and full respect to them but today might be a little bit more maybe a bit more so I pre-warned you I said you're going to feel really rough tomorrow it's okay we'll be fine I mean what's what's the best way to recover then as a wrestler what do you do yeah I was gonna say I knew it was going to appear I mean stretching stretching a regular massage therapy light sessions of yoga but mostly beer I mean okay that's fine I like beer I'm gonna pretend like I don't want to drink beer we'll beat you up and then we'll have a beer okay that sounds good to me yeah this is my first time ever watching wrestling in real life I've never gone to a wrestling show so I don't know what to expect I'm a little nervous it should be fun though I think you don't need to be nervous for the washing part that'll be fine I'm nervous about watching the watching part because then I know that's gonna that's gonna happen to me we'll take care of you no fireworks in my butthole no if I worked in your butthole okay well thank you good luck Chris not doing the training anyway no no maybe just for fun after but now that my blood pressure had been raised and my stress was at an all-time high it was time to sit back relax and enjoy some Insanity [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's so loud like they're always shouting all the time I didn't expect that but I mean I guess you would be if you're fighting and you're gonna destroy someone [Music] oh just one and it just end it oh my God that was crazy all right so we've just watched two matches of wrestling and now we're waiting for the third to start I don't know what to expect it's DDT and I've been told they have some really weird things either way I'm excited as we've watched some two really interesting matches so far and of course it didn't take long for things to get a little weird what started as a normal wrestling match quickly enveloped into something entirely different foreign this feels like a fever dream like this doesn't feel real at all what is happening [Applause] oh wow yo come on oh my God is he trying to get naked sexy [Music] [Applause] people pretty soon I can see what this man had for breakfast at this point Jesus Christ this is happening foreign so we just finished the third match of the main show and uh it should be coming up right now [Music] oh wow oh there are a lot of people fighting in this match somebody dies [Applause] oh Chris is going in let's go let's see what he's up to and it didn't take long for Chris to show off some of his moves to us [Applause] oh my God snap his whole body oh he's going for a finisher all right now it's slapping contest oh nice yes [Applause] oh my God what oh [Applause] foreign ly today Chris didn't win his match ouch [Applause] unfortunately even though Chris put on a great performance I think he lost this one but the main fight for today was a rather interesting one the one who's going to be teaching me how to wrestle later is fighting versus his childhood rival Yukio and this was the final match of the DDT Grand Prix so the winner of this takes it all and needless to say my teacher was looking terrifying no no [Music] [Applause] what everyone tells you to give up you never give up of course you won't give up oh he gave up and I wish you could have been there to watch this live because this 30 minute long fight was insane but of course there had to be a winner eventually and even though today he had been put through hell and won a gigantic badass looking trophy he was gonna be teaching me later and after getting to watch a thrilling performance I was able to get a word with the man himself senshiro Takagi yes he was fighting earlier he was that guy who smashed the giant Ikea box over somebody's head that looked really painful and he was a wrestler but he's also the president of DDT and I wanted to ask him more questions about DDT to learn why that was an incredible show I I've never watched any wrestling before and I've never watched any Japanese wrestling but that was that was really something crazy I want to know what makes DDT so special in Japan yeah definitely I think that wrestling from what I understand just comes down to all the characters and DDT definitely has that I'm wondering how did this aspect of going for the more crazy stuff begin like when did you realize that going for more of these outlandish stuff and like pheromones would work yeah sports sports I'm also curious because I know a lot of foreign fans really love DDT what do you think makes DDT stand out compared to foreign you know fighting the door is I'm also wondering you know with uh unfortunately because of Corona and stuff like that what do you think the wrestling and more specifically wrestling in Japan will will be in the next five to ten years [Music] well I think you've definitely gained another fan today I I'm I've been very impressed with what I've seen and I hope that a lot of my viewers at home also enjoy what they see today and uh hopefully they want to check out DDT because this was a show and I really mean this was a show so thank you so much he's got a tight schedule he has to go to an auto oh of course of course it's been a pleasure really it's been a pleasure I hope you have a great day I I look forward to seeing you perform [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was that was crazy I did not expect that I knew I knew the wrestling was really physical it took a lot of physical strength but seeing those dudes thrown around slapped some of the people bleeding and then on top of that some of the crazy shows with ashes being put in people's faces I I didn't expect that but I have to say I think they're getting to do fat that was certainly something to behold I definitely want to go and see another show and see what other crazy things they have to offer enough of me being amazed and being just absolutely all struck by all of the wrestling it's time for me to go and learn how to do it myself and takashita who we saw win the last match right at the end is going to be training with us alongside with Chris and they're pretty big I'm I'm a little scared that I will die but let's hope that it all goes well and after finding the perfect wrestling outfit I went to the dojo to meet takesha where he tells us a little bit more about himself I'm from Osaka Japan now yes so I'm tough boat I think I think it's an understatement yes before very hard much 27 minutes then backstage very tired so next uh shooting yeah training together [Music] I drink protein and eat rice okay nice that's a good way to turn it around is wrestling is it easy for beginners to do or is it hard I I mean I imagine that Chris is laughing at the back because he knows it's very different my training is very hot are you okay I don't know if I'll be okay I'll find out I'll tell you after because I'm a champion champion training wheel fast and basic training okay okay you get scared and I hope I get scared finally match who am I wrestling in the match how much uh of course me and you oh we're gonna tag you yeah yeah that's okay I'm in good handset okay Chris Brooks okay [Music] boy okay so it's kind of sounds even yeah champion and nobody yes are you ready I'm ready I'm ready okay let's go yeah let's do it let's do it our first lesson was to learn how to fall safely as takeshita demonstrated if you fall on your knees that's not good fall on your neck and that's broken fall on your ass and your back or ass is broken too when you fall it's important to slam your arms out just as you make contact with the floor this means that hopefully some of that force will go to your arms as well and not all on your back in one go so I'll try the baby version in for now pause [Β __Β ] style as the question informed me it's important to make sure that you slam your arms out and keep your chin up so that your head isn't smacking the floor we want as much of the force to go across our body as possible and I suck at it like this and then just oh yeah uh this side oh this okay all right yes yes yeah I thought okay I mean I guess I'm shutting down it's a bit different the big phone okay this side okay um I feel like my ears are going to be the most damage do you ever like leave and then you go home and you hear that I've heard it so many times today I'm gonna be like a cat oh my God that's how I hear it okay yes yes I think I do my hands too late let me try again that didn't hurt though so that's good so cool that kind of her it very much hurts I think takeshita saw that I hurt myself a little bit and decided to bring out the nice cushion mattress for me to learn on but he also wanted to up the difficulty a little bit he wanted me to stand up and squat and then jump into the fall so just kind of like kick into it after not having much luck doing it properly I was told that I want to land exactly where I was standing so just scoop my legs up and then land perfectly on my back so I gave it another shot okay I think I put my arms out too early right yeah more jump please all right okay ready oh oh yeah yeah okay more chin up okay let me try it again all right [Music] oh good nice it's tiring this just jumping around big time and I was finally starting to get the hang of it so I was ready for my final form after very scuffly learning how to fall it was time to learn how to use the ropes you've seen it in every single wrestling match those fun bouncy looking things that we fly off of into other wrestlers well there is actually a bit more technique that it seems to mastering these ropes and I was gonna learn how so I had to copy takeshita and do three steps bounce into the Rope three steps back bounce into the row three steps gives you a good Rhythm into making sure that you bounce into the Rope at the same place every time so it's important to make sure that you get this stride memorized in your head when you're wrestling one misconception that I had was that these ropes felt good I thought they would be nice rubbery ropes that would just bounce you off it turns out no no they're really really hard and metal and they're wound up so they just really hurt your back actually and they're not followed all the bounce into them is very important yeah I'm jumping into it but I'll hit the concrete wall it'll be great oh great better yeah you can see because people have fallen yeah this wall gets fixed like every week is it actually yeah that's so good more after killing my camera and it was time to learn a basic of wrestling the chop you've seen it a ton in wrestling and if you're like me you probably thought this was fake as I'm going to learn today it is not it is not fake at all it hurts very much a chop is where you basically have your whole entire arm slap the other person's chest it's dramatic it hurts it makes a loud noise and it's visually striking so as you can see takesh's hand is kind of across my chest and you want to make the slap go from the fingertips to the arm area across the chest and takeshita offered to chop me at 30 of his power so here's how that went okay okay and although slightly winding me it didn't actually hurt as much as you might think but Chris wanted him to use even more of his power on me which I would have not liked no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that was okay okay the next uh you you you do to you yeah me if this side finger broken and across the show yes yes okay so like here okay ready I have to say it is very nerve-wracking slapping a man who is five times your size important is oh swing back and hit and follow through I'll follow through yeah uh stop no heat and Frozen Okay a big swing yes okay I'm gonna try again okay okay okay ready ready however I didn't quite chop takeshita correctly and he wanted to demonstrate one more time on me how to do it correctly no push all right oh off yes it was time for me to get one back on him I wasn't holding back this time one more one more more all right okay ready yeah yeah some more more no more no more next wanted to know if I was okay no I was not and for the next lesson takesha brought in one of his fellow DDT wrestlers to teach me so let's get to know him my name is and kojimo is gonna help me learn how to body slam [Music] I'm next I throw you okay okay yeah sure just yeah kill me all right in this moment I remembered what it felt like to be two years old again and your dad picking you up although I don't remember him throwing me to the ground violently that's quite fun though after being thrown around it was my turn to try a body slam okay okay so just try and lift him like this yes okay okay okay okay more energy however I didn't quite put enough energy into it let's try again that's hard good scream scream is important okay and honestly I was kind of tired from the previous though but takesha insisted I try and throw him and somehow I did it so what point in the throw do I let you just like that yes yes oh sorry I'm not gonna lie it's just looking pretty painful I was trying to be caring to Kojima and carefully deliver him to the floor but I I was instructed to just throw him to the floor I'm not sure you're gonna throw you okay all right I'm sorry come on I like your games come on three two one oh I'm so sorry Kojima and now that I've somehow managed to do a body slam very fast it was time to learn a finishing move my image okay yeah that sounds good that sounds easy put your hand up um yeah chest chest yes this side okay learning no [Β __Β ] one two hit important is same keep going and Frozen yes even watching this back my God I'm so sorry Kojima this is your finisher this is my finisher yeah it's gonna be a big deal so when I go up I go one two like this yes yes okay okay whilst I was too busy wondering if I could even do it Kojima wanted to rile me up all right oh yeah and again I had to hurt Kojima all right ready all right okay okay and after heading Kojima over and over again I offered to let him hit me back as I felt it was only fair I would quickly come to regret this don't kill me though go foreign [Music] okay that was all right actually that was all right yeah [Applause] yeah next is much now obviously in wrestling they all wear their own wrestling outfit and DDT is known for being out there extra and crazy so I brought one of the strangest outfits I owned for my wrestling match so in the spirit of DDT I wanted to wear an outfit that would uh match the craziness so I brought my very own swimsuit from my Personal Collection so I'll show you guys you guys want to see yeah okay okay what is that let's Kermit the Frog his butthole you know the puppets uh what dgt your costume yeah oh my god do you like it um looks looks good am I ready to wrestle ah as ready as you're gonna be let's do it yeah uh yeah that sounds good yes let's do it okay okay let's win yes let's do it the reigning champion of DDT konosuke takesha weighing in at 99 kilograms they say his arm could stop a truck and with him the wrestling rookie the downright ugly Sea Dog weighing in it more than he'd like to admit versus the best Chris in Japan weighing in at 85 kilograms and alongside him his toy Kojima before every wrestling match in Japan it's accustomed to check the pants in the shoes for any weapons that might be used lucky for me I had the best weapon known to men the gesture foreign disrespect from Kojima not shaking an opponent's hand Connor will surely want blood for this okay okay [Music] as you can see it looks like the cast will be going up against Chris first they're just sizing each other up and oh they're going for a grapple all and Chris falls down just trying to get the first initial grapple Into Cash to get out of this it's a tight spot oh and he throws to catcher on the floor and grabs Chris and he gets out of it come on we'll Chris tag in with Kojima always letting him in because he wants to go in it looks like he hurt himself on that high five oh and to Kesha immediately grabs him [Music] he probably makes addendum to keshter he's too big he's going for it again he can't do anything to cash her it's just pure hunk he screams in his face but will this come back to buy him oh Lord to the ground like a piece of butter and it looks like to catch the tags in Sea Dog what a mistake this will prove to be oh God they're double teaming him surely this isn't legal oh no what are they doing they're throwing against the ropes all the way over the double chopped clothesline oh my God what are they doing oh god oh his balls his children are gone for sure and she don't grabs him throw his head into the pole nice damage oh oh I want another one oh oh god oh Jesus it looks like he's slapping a salad this is Sea Dog and returns blows oh God oh God we know he has a low pain tolerance this can't be good oh he's getting him back up and he's going in for another one is he oh my god oh Jesus oh no he's grabbing him by the head surely this is going to inflict a lot of pain s the remaining two IQ points are gone oh no he's putting him against the ropes three multiple times it's not doing anything though his straps are too weak and she don't block the shop he's gonna regret that because Chris wants more oh no foreign his chest is red and he's about to get destroyed and he's in the pen can he get out of this oh and he just gets out of it on the last moment oh but it's not done oh already gets out of it again oh my God look at those pale legs it's like uncooked chicken what's he gonna do to them oh no no oh God his legs are being destroyed I'm gonna get to the rope and get out of this he's crawling to the rub slowly will he get there can he do it [Applause] he's on the Rope he has to let go of him see dogs trying to break out of it but Chris is just too big he's too strong the traps aren't doing anything oh and he hits him in the nuts oh no hold up foreign [Music] his head [Music] oh and it's so close but takasha doesn't need to worry about this he's got fish in the bag no no he had him they're stuck in a deadlocked oh God to catch the lines of Queen kick on the face God they look at each other somehow they're both on the ground whether their partners are calling for help oh Kojima gets tagged in oh God to catch the Miss he misses again oh but he loves it cleaner gets him with a kickback can Kojima end it right now no no not quite down [Music] oh he slams him in the face is just basking in it and he slams into Connor letting him back in will he be able to finish him [Music] [Music] some sort surely this will be enough [Music] absolutely gargantuan [Music] and finally peace was made so that was Japanese wrestling it was my first time ever trying to wrestle and I gotta say it was a ton of fun when I went into filming this video I genuinely had no idea about wrestling I always thought it was a fake thing where nobody got hurt and it was just muscular men throwing each other around but today I have to say I've learned a lot wrestling is extremely athletic it's tough and you get injured a lot even just through one of my basic training sessions I was beaten up quite badly and not only is wrestling an extremely athletic demanding sport it is also one that's amazing and gets to show some really creative ideas and I've Come Away with a massive appreciation of wrestling and especially these wrestlers who show off these amazing feats of athleticism and performance it's truly amazing but anyway back to me all right I hope you enjoyed that uh video and my exercise for the month I am dead I don't know about you guys but that was a real workout thank you so much for having me the DTD boys I really do appreciate it and if you haven't already please go and check out DDT and of course go and find these guys on social media starting with Chris yes obey Brooks on Twitter Crystal Farr on Instagram please follow me links in the description and of course hell yeah yeah uh today Champion yes Champion yeah but don't forget okay I'm real Champion okay [Music] [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,230,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DDT, JAPAN DDT, JYP, Japan Wrestling, Japanese Wrestling, Takeshita, Connor, Chris, Chris Brookes, DDT Wrestling, Japanese, Japan, WWE, Wrestling In Japan, Learning Wrestling, CDawg, CDawgVA
Id: OvjZd4ZuwRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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