Does Chris REALLY Know Japan?? (ft. @AbroadinJapan) | MAN vs. WEEB

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yo what up it's your boy joey and i'm here to tell you about a special message trash taste as you guys may know or may not know is going on tour in the usa that's right as you can see right here the boys are going on tour we've been spamming the hell out of you guys over on trash taste but for my audience in case you don't know about our show trash taste podcast it's a podcast show that me gant and connor have been doing together for over two years now we are going on our first ever tour to the united states and tickets are still on sale i wanted to just come out on here and uh just promote it on this channel as well and to just let you know before this man vs web episode starts because you know this is something that's really really important to us and we really want to put on a great show for you guys we're going to have all sorts of games happening on stage lots of audience interaction it's like you guys will be part of trash taste you guys get to roast us in real life and as i mentioned tickets are still on sale by going to links in the description but be quick because the tickets are going fast also not to mention that we are selling tour official merchandise this is some t-shirts and other cool dope stuff that you can only get on tour we will not be selling them online and you will never see them again so if you would like some super exclusive trash taste merch as well as hopefully a great fun experience with the boys then uh check on over to links in the description anyways let's start man vs wii i mean there's no punishment or anything there is connor's bullying likewise if i succeed and i win i will bully the [ __ ] out good morning good day good evening ladies and gentlemen wherever you are in the world my name is joey bisinger and this is man versus we let's bring on our guest for today our contestant for today and it is none other than mr chris broad from abroad in japan welcome here hello joey hi i am so disorientated right now you were like oh yeah mate i've got a little quiz show come on down i thought it was going to be like a shed in akihabara and you've brought me into a massive you're not known for like spending money on things this is this is absurdly elaborate like what the actual [ __ ] he's got like a whole crew of like 20 people yeah right yeah this is it's his bonkers what were you thinking no you can't say i don't spend money on my videos yeah joey put his money where his mouth is yeah but uh yeah this is man versus weeb right i'm the anime man you're the anime we and we're going to be going head to head to see if you can answer the questions i've provided for you easy no problem i uh you famously did a quiz last year and i got full score became the so-called king of japan the japan queen didn't get any reward for it though i hope there's actually a physical tangible way oh what do you mean you got a reward you became the king of japan i didn't get any like money or any like statues or anything don't worry chris because in man versus we're a little different here because you can win some money does somebody save money but before we move on to the actual show i'd like to thank today's sponsors for making this show possible take a look this episode of man vs weeb is made possible thanks to today's sponsor tara fantasy tarot fantasy is a shared open world mmo rpg available on pc and mobile it's an anime-infused post-apocalyptic sci-fi world that crams all the best parts of the genre into the wonderful world of ada where there are many small fun experiences to distract players from their adventure plus since it is an mmo multiplayer mode allows players to join together to fight boss battles and explore the world together plus tara fantasy allows you to pull for all sorts of different characters and weapons which i'm about to do right now all right purple means that we've got a guaranteed sr so let's see who we got oh nice we got peppa yo nice n a this is actually a really really good character oh hilda hell yeah i love her that's pogba's [ __ ] that's three oh echo i love her she's so cute yes meryl i love merle ssr ssr give me the ssr ssr let's go and it's zero as well hell yeah i love this guy as you just saw tower fantasy can get super super hype especially when you're trying to pull for characters and just for you guys watching this video right now if you go down to the link in the description below and so check out the downl for yourself by clicking the link down in the description below and let me know in the comments who your favorite tara fantasy character is and thank you to tarot fantasy for sponsoring this episode of man vs weave hope you enjoy well welcome to the show chris yes i i i [ __ ] being interrogated the lights are so powerful this is like joey joey the man's guantanamo bay experience there's like a there's a really bright light behind us and it's just going directly into each other's eyes it's interesting and i'm actually deaf in one ear at the moment oh yeah we didn't talk about that filming with joey recently i fell off a boat at high speed and it destroyed perforated my right eardrum so i can only hear out this year i've been blinded with lights this feels like torture it's an assault of the sentence i don't win a substantial amount of money i'm gonna be pretty angry but i guess uh to start off with uh for people who don't know you you'll have a youtube channel abroad in japan yeah how long have you been doing that for now this is my 10 year anniversary for abroad in japan oh yeah 10 years 2012. we even born when i started abroad in japan you were you were really young weren't you you'd been like no i i started 2013. 2013. so i only started a year after okay when you describe yourself right do you like using the term youtuber no what do you refer to yourself as filmmaker filmmaker but i'm not i don't know really i've i've embraced i i think i just don't the word youtuber i'd say i'm a youtube creator i create a very i don't know what about what about content creators you know i don't mind youtuber i just don't like the word vlogger i might be like vloggers sort of hold the camera yeah well obviously you're a bit of a movie buff as well you like your movies uh what would you say is like your top movies like if you had to if someone asked you like what are your favorite movies chris just off the top of your head good god uh blade runner good fellas casino basically anything martin scorsese i don't know who your favorite director is i hope this quiz isn't about films this first question might be question one i'm glad you mentioned the uh one of the movies oh flipper nick it's probably blade running it who wrote the original book that the story of blade runner was based on is it a oh it's multiple choice is it a arthur c clarke b philip k dick c harlan p ellison or d isaac asimov b philip k dick and the book was called do androids dream of electric sheep well very confident final answer you want to go into that quickly no you've maybe doubt everything yeah you should probably doubt everything yeah yeah yeah do it is that your terminated solution terminated solution yeah that sounds really sensitive so is yours going to come in like shoot me in the back of the head and drag me off you've been terminated so the uh so your answer for who wrote the original story of blade runner philip k dick is that your terminated solution yeah come on come on okay well i mean you're very you're very confident right off the bat yeah i was so now i've made me doubt it i don't want to get terminated i don't want a terminated solution i don't think that's how i don't think that's what it means but chris for question one your answer is correct oh my god if i'd got that wrong given the amount of times i preached about blade brother then the humiliation would have been unbearable well you got the first question right so far thank god clap clap one down nine to go are you getting nervous or uh you're a nailer you're on the right as long as i beat connor the moment i get past four or five people yeah whatever i don't really mind i will you know if i you know that's the main fair enough fair enough all right well i mean i guess uh you know you i feel like amongst you know we were talking about the jblogging community earlier yeah how it's very tight-knit and because you know admittedly there isn't a whole lot of us sure living here um but i would say one thing that really sets you apart at least physically from a lot of physics physically it's your physical location oh right yeah because i feel you're one of the few like you know apart your physical location is quite unique in that i feel you're one of the few j bloggers if not you know league j vlogger who lives in sendai right who lives in the tohoku area uh why did you want to move to the tour gary why did you want to stay in the talk here well when i first moved to japan i got placed in yamagata in tohoku and i fell in love with the region so much that i knew i kind of wanted to stay there and what was it about it that you well i had lots of friends there i had a community the scenery is some of the best in japan i agree my image of japan it wasn't tokyo coming here my image was you know i want to drive to the mountains and sort of experience the the landscape and the scenery i'm sort of an outdoor country person even if i don't do much exercise outdoors if we've established but i was about to say point me to the direction well part of the cycling and i guess like uh you were saying that you uh you know were placed in a school in yamagata you taught kids right did you know a lot about like i guess you know like the history of japan or like did you ever learn about japan in school or did you kind of just like is this a set up for another question no i'm just asking i feel like this is a setup for another question i'm asking did you did you ever learn about japanese history in school or they pushed the meiji history pretty hard and the restoration and the edo era in every class though like the edo area is good in it yeah it was kind of like a cultural explosion it was like it was like the japanese renaissance period basically yes and a lot of the textbooks we had there's nothing about 20th century history but everything before that fair game yeah the textbooks we we did of english japanese english classes whatever they they had a lot of stuff about the edit era yeah okay well then let's see how much you know i'll come off here about japanese history this is question two this is not gonna work this is this is my downfall it's not only just general japanese history though maybe it might be in your favor am i gonna get terminated if i fail again i'll about to find out who is the famous historical figure that founded sendai is it a tokugawa yoshi the guy that you associate with sendai and they argue but i don't know if it's a trick question i don't know if it's like oh it was masterminded that is mate barry the last one what is the heart i i don't come here trick question right but my knee joke reaction is it's massive very famous figure iconic sort of hat right yeah and he's got a statue overlooking sendai so if it's not him i don't know who the hell it could be you know so yeah masterminded okay so you were saying si da te ma samune is that your terminated my terminated solution yeah okay definitely solution let me just uh make a quick little note here what is this this is so dramatic i feel like i'm a border patrol to get into america you've failed the tests back on the planet why do you want to come here back back to the back to england go on then put me out my misery all right i'll appreciate solution all right chris that answer is correct one step closer to beating sea dog voice actor yes yeah so it wasn't a true question at all uh he was also famous for his one missing eye and they also called him the one-eyed dragon of allshu it was a very powerful daniel it's got a great tv show he made as well in the 80s ken watanabe oh yeah yeah yeah that's also how i know it because when i met ken watanabe i talked to him about his show on nhk and that is the show that almost made him famous in japan yeah yeah i'm glad you brought up uh ken watanabe actually because i knew you were gonna bring it up eventually because you never stopped [ __ ] talking about it you're like did you know what i mentioned what's enough never i've never brought up with anyone oh really i mean because like you like that was kind of like your big goal right to one day meet ken watanabe it was it was a bit of a joke goal right because i thought oh never happened right you know and even when you know when when the situation when the situation arose that i got to meet him i thought it'd be like a quick interview at a coffee shop or something right but i got to spend sort of a whole week with him and that was really trippy and surreal there's just sitting on some grass and kept martina yeah i love that image yeah where you just like you guys are just having like a sunday picnic together and i because i was really nervous the the night before i met him i hadn't slept i had about one hour's sleep and i when he walked in the shop at his restaurant we interviewed him i thought it was a dream i thought it was inception i thought i was like dreaming he just heard like the door it was very different to how i met hyde the rock star there was he had like an entourage ken just walks in orders a pizza sits down he's like want some pizza i'm like yeah right well then with that out of the way let's move on to question three let's see how much you're paying attention to is the lead singer of larkin's here like ncl which of these is not a lock ncl song a drive is high b ready steady go c twinkle twinkle or d black cherry [ __ ] so i know that's the first two are there's drivers high theme troopers gta love that song ready steady gay probably the most famous song now i'm [ __ ] is there any hinge well your hint is you know two of them that doesn't help can i ask the phone a friend is just more copyright infringement yeah it's more about the audience yeah there's no audience here today it's just you and me twinkle twinkle if that is a song that sounds [ __ ] okay but now the way you just reacted makes me think maybe it is a song black cherry blachery how do you react to that black cherry rubbish song i mean i like both the songs to be honest also the actual song they're actual songs yeah i didn't just make one up they're actual songs it's a complete show in the dark the black cherry sounds like a song they would write trying to read joey's i'll face i'll just do this twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle comma twinkle all right twinkle twinkle's not their song that sounds rubbish so the song that is not a lark ncl song is c twinkle twinkle is that your terminated yeah right then yeah that's my terminated solution whatever come on okay why are you looking down chris maybe it'll be correct if i look down is that how it works come on chris your answer incorrect oh you're so close god i heard it the right way around at first the answer is d black cherry that is a that is an acid black cherry song who calls a song twinkle twinkle i don't goddamn it hide you've let me down took us a good song yeah i'm sure it is i mean you know again title bit questionable but you know a lot of j-rock songs the titles are a little questionable to be honest damn i kind of wanted a perfect score that's not going to happen now that's not going to happen now so let's hope you're going to the quiz just quite interesting yeah exactly now it's everything to play for um but yeah uh i guess we're going back to the whole cinder thing right um and the first time you moved to japan right uh how difficult was it to i guess get to know like the locals and stuff like that because like you're kind of in a part of japan i feel that isn't too used to like foreigners being there and stuff yeah the people in tohoku are quite shy famously they're a little bit more reserved i wonder why that is maybe something with the colder weather people are indoors a lot more for half the year could be when you get somewhere like osaka or hiroshima or kagoshima people are way more like approachable they'll come up to you and talk a lot more sendai like nobody's ever come up to me and said hello i feel the farther south you go the more friendly they get yeah i think it is something to do with where they're being outdoors more the one time i got like approached by a stranger in sendai i was like wow this is amazing like where are you from is that osaka i was like oh of course of course yeah so it is rare you know i've got a good few friends um i wish i had more i can't have it all well i mean you know i feel a lot of your friends uh local friends you know you've introduced in your videos like that's right yeah and ascii you're also they've kind of become like characters yeah in your show right and i have you know i've had a couple of uh times the pleasure of meeting natsuki and hanging out with him for joining across japan which is great i every time i mean natsuki i'm just like i can't believe you're a real human being sometimes i think yeah a lot of people think he's exaggerating right he's like acting yeah he's legit like that he's literally off his rockers that's the real man by himself because that's what i thought when i first met him i was like oh this must be like an act and what's the like the moment the camera turns off he's like fluent in english yeah you know but no he's he's legitimately like that yeah he's he's a legend that's crazy i love him though can't be a bit too much at times but a really great guy well i guess while we're on that topic let's move on to the question four is it natsuki if i get this wrong i could look really bad it's everyone's favorite question about natsuki but this for me was a bit of a gamble because it could be really easy or it could be really hard i don't know the question is very simple chris when is natsuki's birthday oh [ __ ] is it a 9th of august b the 8th of september c the 12th of august or d the 20th of april there's one useful thing for knowing natsuki's birthday okay it's the same day that the nagasaki bomb was dropped because he always brings that up he's like my birthday nagasaki what so if you know the day the dropped really bizarre link there he okay bomb was made it up not me then then you know natsuki's birthday so do you know when the bomb was dropped august 9th 945 thick okay isn't it joey yeah not sure either way what were the other options there was another one in august 12th of august yeah i think well what's happening wrapped up by then um we're trying to figure out natsuki's birthday not when the bomb dropped first bomb was august six ah sonic all right i think it was august 9th there's no dates before that on your there is the 20th of april and the 8th of september no no no no okay so you're saying natsuki's birthday is the 9th of august is that your terminator solution is my terminated solution okay okay well i really want to show this let's just nasty if i've got this right it's pretty awkward if i've got it wrong i just made up this entire story you could have said that was actually in april no i'm fairly confident okay well chris i hope natsuki is watching this by the way if you are hello nasty chris that answer is correct yes thank god for that otherwise i would have looked mental with that he was proud yes you remembered i i think i remember because one year ago we were in nagasaki filming a video and he was like oh nagasaki my birthday i was like what i was like oh yeah august night yeah so there you go with that easy way to remember someone's birthday god damn nasty you made that really easy for him aj historic event yeah my birthday april 21st is like the queen's birthday what's on your birthday i was born did anything happen on your birthday september 28th nothing really yeah yeah there's nothing really no royalty or bombs on that day yeah maybe there was like in the 1300s or something but i don't know nothing that i know of if if anyone knows please let me know in the comments but uh speaking of right this show we're on right now there's a man versus weakness versus weeb yeah i'm the man you're the weird very good right and uh you know not many people associate you with liking anime oh don't do a question about anime chris do you know what channel you're on you're on the animator i don't know any anime well that's not true we've talked about anime in the past right and you know of a very well-known director satoshi khan satoshi is that satoshi kong question well let's talk about why you love satoshi khan at first what is it about so first of all what's your favorite satoshi khan movie what would you say is up there i'm sure people always say paprika i don't this paprika is fun they're all amazing they're all very good probably the first one of his that i watched perfect blue he's made four films i think isn't he and a tv series yeah he's made perfect blue paprika godfather's millennium actress and he did uh a paranoia agent which is the tv show i think it's because a lot of his his films are grounded in reality the way he portrays things are sort of shots that you could do with a camera but you need to be a true master yeah i uh i remember a very very long time ago there was this youtube channel called every frame of painting yeah and i think that might be how i really learned to appreciate stories and uh in that video they explain uh you know the reason why satoshi khan decided to be an anime director instead of a film director is because all of the kind of groundbreaking cuts and transitions that he wanted to do in film were not really possible in film but was a lot more possible in animation so satoshi khan is very famous for you know using like a lot of subliminal like frames yeah very very fast transitions very weird transitions especially movies like paprika right which is just like inception on crack well yeah and there's no doubt like certain directors have pinched point like oh absolutely christopher nolan yeah and you know recruiting for a dream took a lot from perfect blue and stuff the shots in yeah yeah exactly so it's a very very he's very very influential director but yeah let's see how much you like satoshi gomez oh god question five i don't know i haven't really i haven't watched his films in a few years the last time i watched perfect blue was two years ago i think well this might come as a surprise for you chris satoshi khan is an uncredited artist for which of the following series a ninja scroll b akira c princess mononoke or d fist of the north star it can't i don't think it's acura or princess mourinho that'd be cool if he did that well done but it's one of the other two well first of all do you do you know all four i know you obviously know princess monumental princess monkey acura of course the other two ninja scroll i feel it could be that one fist of the north star sounds familiar it's very influential like dude really jack dude who does like that so these all came out roughly from between the mid 80s to the mid 90s and satoshi khan is an uncredited artist for one of these series when was ninja squirrel ninja scroll was i believe the early 90s i'm gonna have to double check i'll go ninja scroll you're a ninja scroll yeah if i'm trying to think of his career that's when he'd been up and coming right i don't think it's princess mononokio acura right if when i was reading about him i would have that would have stuck in my mind i think it's ninja scroll okay so you are saying that satoshi khan's uncredited artistic influence or input was to a ninja scroll is that your terminated solution that is my terminated solution come on come on come on i'm doing well come on keep it up keep going keep it again keep together keep together let me just get my handy dandy pen ready for a second i'm just also we haven't had an answer that's a so that's making me feel more optimistic even though the last question's answer was a [ __ ] oh no oh chris your answer is incorrect oh the red light just made it it's like the blood i feel like i've just been shot and there's like blood everywhere you've been terminated i've been terminated the correct answer was b akira no yes how do i not know that uh satoshi khan before becoming a director or working on anime at all was an assistant for automotive hero so he is an uncredited assistant artwork for the manga for akira oh right yeah or legend yeah makes a lot of sense because i feel like he's uh kind of artistic touch in a lot of his like films and character designs and stuff like that it definitely takes inspiration from ultima if you've read akiro you've seen like images of akira it's very like i feel they kind of belong in like the same you know group went in in terms of art style in my opinion but we are halfway through right now how are you feeling so far nervous there's no punishment or anything there is connor's bullying brilliantly yeah way more smarter that is the greatest punishment anyone could ever have being bullied by connor likewise if i succeed and i win i will bully the [ __ ] out of him uh as he expects and anticipates i'm sure but yes there i don't want to lose for that reason that's like more value if you were like the punishment was we're going to take off one of your legs that would still be better than having we're going to perforate the other room yeah okay i can't hear that's why i failed the last question oh yeah he just remembered the excuse the questions right yeah well chris you are known as abroad in japan right that's what they considering you are in japan and you are abroad and it's a pun on your surname which i found out until much later really yeah because when you because you know when you first introduced yourself to me you were just like i'm chris right and i was like chris yeah you weren't like bro but then when i found out but then when i found out that your surname was broad yeah it pumped that's when it clicked i was like oh my god very clever genius yeah so you moved to japan uh when was it 2012 2012 and before that you were living in england right yeah whereabouts in england where you live in uh it's kent or about southeast indians just so 40 minutes outside of london and you were born and raised yeah they call it the garden of england england it doesn't look like a garden especially when i was brought up but like they've got like a lot of hops they grow hops and things they have lots of beer it's the sort of gateway into europe we have the channel tunnel and the ferries if you want to go to france uh you can you can do that from ken how how was it like uh kind of growing up there all right easy access to london oh yeah true true yeah you said what you're only like 40 minutes away from us yeah so i spent a lot of time in london growing up yeah okay well then let's go on to question six oh god what is it london kent england hops the one thing the one thing i didn't know about just the gross tonnage of kent's hops 4 billion kilograms all right which town in kent is also famous for being the smallest town in the united kingdom a maidstone b painswick c ford witch or d broadstairs this is very lucky i went to university in canterbury yeah and the pub my favorite pub in the uk one of the georgian dragon is in fordich which builds itself as the smallest town in the uk now what i assume that was bollocks there's lots of players in the uk like oh yeah we've got the smallest xyz why why did you see those because it's so because it's so easy to call it a town it's a joke in a village it's a great public it's just one part i feel like the fact if that hadn't come up then i would have been stuffed right i thought you know there's all sorts of ways you can classify a town or a city uh yeah it's gotta be forditch okay so you think that the smallest town in all of the uk i never thought foolish would come off on a game show in japan which is so weird like this i i have a great pub there i always go there it's from you gotta take me to there come on foldage pay off let me get this all right so so you said the answer is c footage is that your terminated solution it's my terminated solution yeah i thought i'd have to use this phrase ever again after today terminated solution you're gonna put me down well if you come back onto the show you might have to have you heard of any of the other places by the way no never you never heard of broad stairs i love walt says we've got a good beach that's got my name it's got your name in it i thought that's how you're going to connect it well there's a little town a little bit downstairs all right go on put me up my bloody misery terminate my solution all right well chris for this question you are correct yay come on foolish come on george and dragon get in amazing pub you've got to go there at christmas i did not think you were going to get that one to be honest i was like who the [ __ ] knows that's really cool my favorite pubs there yeah do you know it's got a very nice little pub little rustic kind of interior oh i have i have the numbers uh according to a 2021 survey must be like 100 people the population of forditch is 381 it's tiny that's tiny hey thanks for enjoying man vs weeb so far if you want to see some behind the scenes of this episode plus a bunch of deleted segments that just couldn't make it into the final episode then i've uploaded a behind the scenes video over on my patreon i have a bunch of other tiers and rewards so if you could support the patreon it really helps out especially in making big shows like this so again if you like to support the show and check out some behind the scenes go to my patreon links in the description below back to your channel again because of course you are a are you a youtuber you are youtuber sorry sorry filmmaker yeah i am filmmaker maker uh but uh okay phil yeah but one film i've been in with you is a journey across japan yeah lots of different uh like we've had uh three so far and uh the first time i ever collabed on your channel was on june across japan one right yeah yeah and i think i was like one of the first like youtubers you collabed with like proper proper yeah yeah so journey across japan was the cycle across japan from yamagata to kagoshima it took 46 days i don't know how the hell you i was so damaged afterwards that i had to take like a year off and 2019 after the year after it was like my last year i didn't do anything right right i think you uploaded like four years yeah i was quite depressed that yeah actually i had to escape and to get away but uh not because you were there of course i was only there for four days you were there four days we did dr jelly we had to make a commercial in a day we pimped our bikes out for another day that was a really fun house that we do oh we spent a day just talking in movie quads and i i'm imagining the next questions about this going to catch me out somewhere on journey across japan during crosstalk yeah no never why would i do that question seven oh bloody hell all right let's see how much you remember about journey across japan loads everything in journey across japan one ah the worst one which flavor of energy jelly did dr jelly give you in the commercial is it a [ __ ] white grape b yogurt c orange or d grapefruit i think it was the my favorite flavor of energy jelly is the bog standard blue one white grape okay and i'm fairly confident that one should we by the way explain to the audience what the hell we're talking about so one of our challenges on journey across japan because there was nothing there on later episodes of journey across japan on the cycle we went through osaka kyoto colbert could do lots of interesting things that part of niigata toyama there was nothing yeah and we got a challenge every day i did challenges one of the challenge on this day was to create a commercial for energy jelly the energy jelly that kept me alive like some reanimated corpse on the first leg of the trip that you mistakingly didn't decide to like try and get a sponsorship for you should have got a sponsor yeah but someone was like you've drunk a lot of that jelly amazing do a commercial about that in a day we looked around and we found like a a museum where you could go inside a train yeah i believe in the campus yeah yeah it's probably a guy in new gutter you went in the train did the commercial it looked like a real train and you create a character doctor jelly yeah with some cheap clothes which is just something wearing a really cheap doctor's cloak and a pair of sunglasses and that and i scream in just shouting doctor jelly and uh for some reason that character is really popular and he hasn't died since and he hasn't died since he's been electrocuted many times but has yet to die all right final answer what was that what was the answers again so a white grape b yogurt c orange or d grapefruit white grape okay the blue one so you're i've got this wrong oh [ __ ] i thought oh no i don't know yeah blue blue white grapes okay so the flavor of energy jelly that dr jelly gave you in the commercial when you're flat on your ass he opens it up he pulls one out and he shoves it in your mouth very graphic that doesn't get demonetized that is a white grape is that your terminated solution that's my terminated solution all right for the seventh terminated solution seventh terminator solution there's three more to go so you're gonna get used to all right so white grape's your favorite flavor uh yeah i really like the yogurt one the protein wasn't that what was it no no i'm just saying what my favorite flavor all right yeah you can like well in fact all of these the tension is so high now in fact all of these are actual flavors yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah they're all really real rubbish the only good ones what no they're all good give me put me out my misery jared that's right we have a heart attack well attention chris you got that correct i know my own commercial there's no red colors coming up i live i've been terminated you haven't been telling me you live another day that means i've been corner that means so far you've gone five out of ah ten so now you have absolute bragging rights too just gotta make sure the next guest i have a high enough score the next guest can't beat me exactly exactly yes at the moment this is over i'm gonna text connor be like ha ha ha i beat you you suck you suck me i've been at poker i've been beating him with this i hate just everything just everything yeah trump and me everything well i guess like uh speaking of junior cross across japan one though uh one of my favorite episodes other than dr jelly of course was the one where i mentioned earlier you and i had to spend an entire day saying 80s and 90s movie quotes yeah and i guess like in that one as well we went to like uh what was it called again it was like lover's peak or something right but this better not be a question about that titanic quote because i know i screwed it up no well i think he's talking where did you yeah titanic quote we're like i thought they said that wrong as well yeah but uh yeah so we went to this place called lover's peak which uh basically they're like gimmick i guess is that you can buy like a padlock and you can write like a message on it and then you can lock it lock it onto the fence and then throw the key into the ocean or something like that pollution yeah pollution or i mean you're not supposed to fill it but it's more romantic when you do that yeah yeah and uh and chris and i do you remember what we uh locked the thing with no i think because i don't mean a question well no no nobody's gonna remember that no because we i remember it no you don't yeah what was it it was our love for the 80s i loved the 80s yeah it was like chris and joey loved the 80s or something because during that time as well we were listening to like a lot of 80s music because i found out that you're like heavily into like 80s and 90s music and stuff like that and like even 70s music right yeah yeah anything else because i think we never really talked about like you like especially your interest in music right because you know my three or four favorite bands are the doors the smiths the peshmerge david bowie you like the doors i love the doors really had a phase right that's like all i listen to for half a year well i i have i had that exact same phase yeah when i was like excited for my life i listened to the doors when i was depressed i listened to the smiths that was about right when i was excited for the future i listened to depeche mode right different artists different times okay well then in saying that let's move on to question eight this is an 80s music question or something let's see how much you know about the 80s i'll flip it egg well it wasn't there was it alive what not fair oh i wasn't there either this isn't fair well the 80s had a lot of distinct sounds that really made it sound like 80s music yeah but none is more iconic than what is called the gated reverb do you know what that is no it's the very harsh drum snare sound but we got it now like the path like that sound that's very like echoey and like when you hear like an 80s drum set you're like oh yeah that sounds very very 80s like there's kind of a resource some example of some take on me like literally everything like the entire drum part let's check it now yeah the past sound is what is called gated reverb gate raver but who knew i'd learn interesting things on this quiz shake man versus weave it's brilliant there you go well you're going to leave there yeah okay cool your question is who pioneered it how am i supposed to know that barry reverb a peter gabriel b david bowie c michael jackson or d andy i'm taylor out of my depth on this one i know all the artists i don't who's andy taylor andy taylor is the lead songwriter for duran duran huh this is a really hard question this is like we've gone from zero to 100 in one step all these questions like spell the word cat now it's like who created a reverb sound 400 years ago 400 years ago i'd like to think it's peter gabriel because i like peter gabriel i'm a complete shot in the dark here well you know everyone right you know all these people we're practically friends i don't mean like that you know all of them down the top of every cheese like you know peter gabriel is the drama for genesis yeah i feel like peter gabriel i feel like genesis which was sort of at his peak in the 70s when he was in it it's probably likely he might have done it michael jackson not really he's just more of a singer not a drummer right okay so you think that the person who created the iconic 80s drum sound was drummer for genesis peter gabriel is that your terminated solution making me feel stupid the way you read that out like you think it's peter gabriel i'm just making sure i'm just making sure she gave you a real genesis put me out my misery tell me solutions sledgehammer big time which song was it go on genesis all right well do you like genesis no you don't not really oh really i like pity gabriel oh you like your solo stuff genesis music's a bit it doesn't it doesn't really it is quite the test of time very well yeah i don't know man i think some of the earlier genesis stuff like land lies down on broadway and stuff well they admitted the snare reverb drum didn't they what's it called again david river gated okay go on all right this is not a fair question it's you know it doesn't matter i don't care about your feelings chris all i care about it's like me going do you like 70s music and you go oh yeah i'm like do you like david bowie oh yeah what was david bowie's mum's [ __ ] catcall like this is ridiculous this is iconic music history all right this literally this sound literally shaped you could have done like can you spell duran duran oh yeah can you spoil your rendering yeah but like come on put up my misery all right terminate my solution well chris for this 80s themed question your answer is correct no really yes yes peter gabriel was the one he actually accidentally found it down the back of the drum kit it was actually uh so how they found it there's a really good uh vox documentary on it uh so peter gabriel was recording his one of his solo albums and during a recording session there was a microphone that was hanging from the ceiling of the studio that he was recording it and there was a really really high gate on it like an audio gate on it yeah to the point where when he hit the drum it would play the high peaks but it would immediately cut all the low peaks oh right and they actually recorded one song or he recorded a song he actually recorded in the air tonight did he that was the first song that used the gated reverb in the ear in the air tonight by phil collins yeah well chris so far you have gotten six out of eight a respectable six very respectable six i'd love to get seven i'd love to get a seven or an eight well let's see if you can because these last two questions now are no longer multiple choice that's not fair rather you will be given a 60-second time limit to answer the question it will appear right there don't worry stress levels rising you know how many youtube videos you made 230 i think right and they've all been like you know passion problems they've all been [ __ ] they've all been all they've all been passionate projects that you you know you found something really cool you wanted to make like not just like a vlog right you want to make like kind of a documentary style well i've always presentation historically when i was a teacher when i started youtube i didn't have much time to make videos so i set out to make just one a month right and that sort of quality over quantity approach i kept that for the first five years and then that's just quantity and it's rubbish okay well then let's see how much you actually know about the abroad and japan channel with questions i don't know that much about broad japan i get people what do you mean well i get people send me messages like oh chris i love the video i did with the tree i'm like i don't know what that is i get that quite a lot people send me moments so they say they like that right and i've forgotten it because there's 230 videos over 10 years i mean i've made 1200 videos so how do you feel insane have you done that okay you have chris you have 60 seconds to answer this question you can answer as many times as you would like in that time frame your question is name your five most viewed videos on the abroad in japan channel your time starts how how do i get points for this by giving me the title do i have to get all of them all five that's not fair your time starts now inside japan's most expensive bullet train keep going japan's japan's biggest game explained pachinko 12 things not to do in japan uh now i'm [ __ ] uh uh 12 reasons not to move to japan okay inside a tokyo capsule hotel why i don't watch japanese tv you're naming off a lot of videos at least that's good you have 10 seconds inside japanese sleeper train private sleeper train all right time's up train videos easy views uh i i don't think i've done there was a lot yeah i don't i don't think i've got it there i've never thought really how many do you think you've got three three three well chris i can tell you right now your answer was not correct incorrect godzilla how many did i get oh no not the blood red i haven't seen that in a while terminated it would have been a fun way to elevate man versus weep well you just get shot shot and dragged off i should do that for season two do that do it for the next guest yeah all right next again you actually got four of them i'll come off it that's not fair was it how expensive is it to travel japan than what i got wrong or didn't include yes i'll come off it that's not fair can i get like a bonus point i would say i will tell you as of us recording this episode your most viewed video is 12 things not to do in japan with 16 million views your second most viewed is japan's biggest gaming obsession explained pachinko 9 million views your third is how expensive how expensive is it to travel japan budget travel tips 7 million views fourth inside japan sleeper train 160 dollar first class room 5.8 million and your fifth most viewed was staying at a tokyo capsule hotel five point seven oh so um you were so close that sucks man i was so close i wish i'd got it even more wrong be so close to victory right now i know i thought like when you got the fourth one i was like he's gonna get it the final question right is of course based around where this show is set where your channel is set where my channel is all right i thought it meant literally where we are it's district to tokyo yeah uh which is japan you've been there let's see then how much you know about your japanese geography with the final question is that another real off lots of stuff one you have 60 seconds to answer very simple question chris name the top 10 most populated cities in japan your time starts now tokyo yokohama sapporo fukuoka hiroshima kyoto osaka kobe nagasaki nagoya that's 10 in it can i keep going you can keep going will you name off as many cities okay shendai of course uh i said for corker right okay it's a big city this is all the cities of japan obviously yeah you can keep listening you might have already gotten at this point awesome uh naha okinawa okay kagoshima okay matsuyama time's up okay i think that's like every city in japan i missed a handful chris just rapid fire all the cities how confident are you eighty percent i feel like i've probably missed at least one or two big cities or chris terminate my answer for your final question your answer is incorrect no how's that possible well one thing you got for certain is uh you got eight out of ten what the hell did i miss so you missed number nine and number ten oh [ __ ] so in order you got toka yeah yokohama osaka nagoya sapporo kobe kyoto number nine is kawasaki and number 10 kawasaki's like a district of tokyo and number 10 is saitama oh [ __ ] it [ __ ] god damn it unfortunately why didn't i realize that i knew i'd forgotten all the annoying little cities can't i mean tokyo itself if we're going to be pedantic here the tokyo metropolitan area is a city until it's like a mega city it feels unfair to pull it apart and just like chop off bits and pieces of it and call that more cities well i mean it's kind of like london right there's lots of areas of london yeah you know there's no we just call it like just london really yeah tokyo is really complicated right right because of all these different parts like you've got chivas saitama kawasaki bollocks well i mean you know well you went out of the effort to separate yokohama with tokyo i'm really i was kind of confident i'd got that one and now i'm quite annoyed but chris you got six out of ten which means you do have a chance to win some money oh yes at last some good years some finally some good news right so much money well let's find out let's go over to the wheel the wheel what wheel well chris welcome to the final game of man versus lee what's in the box what is this what's in the box this is so ominous it's like it looks like a blender or something you just stuffed me in it a blender how big of a blend how big of a blender do you terminated solution this is the box where you get terminated foot first feet first into a blender it's like an iron maiden all right is it just a box full of money mr b style uh no i don't have the budget of mr beast so it's kind of like budget mr beast but i do have this oh wow that's uh bespoke that's uh so do you make it yourself chris this is the wheel of money the wheel of money why is the one yen so big well because you know again we're running on a budget here so the smallest amount's one yen the smallest amount is one yen you can win 10 yen 50 yen 500 yen 10 000 yen or the big fifty thousand yen well i get it would i literally walk out of here with five you will literally walk out with whatever you hit ah that's great i could get the bullet train back to sendai yeah honestly you've listened to peter gabriel but with the brilliant but uh with the rules of man vs weave right it all depended on how many questions you got right right right if you want a chance to win some money you had to have gotten at least four out of ten which which you did which means you can throw one dot at the start board is that it yes you could if you had gotten seven out of ten thrown two you've got four dance well these are all different colors yeah i feel like the scale here is pretty abrupt well i mean that's how it works on the show you know what i i'll even i did it with connor right right i feel because one of these was actually supposed to be 1 000 yen and one of these was supposed to be 5 000 yen what did conor get he got 10 yen that one what could he buy with 10 yen oh our ten years ago fast game show i feel like for all i've gone through this afternoon it should be like more money to play for what do you mean all you've gone through you've literally sat down hard work jerry all right so i'll tell you what i will change just for you because i did it with chronic roll i will change one of the ten yens to a thousand yen and i will change one of the 50 yen's to 5 000. fantastic that's a that's two portions of mcdonald's exactly that's two meals very glad i came here today all right so uh let's see let's make this big 10 yen let's make this a thousand so chris you have one shot you can choose which dart you want spider i spit i fear spiders you feel spiders you're gonna throw it at utmost speed if i get you in the face do i get any money well let me well no actually you have to pay for my hospital so you probably lose money health insurance joey here we go let's spin the wheel of money oh god oh this is this is really hard are you gonna count me in there three two one no no did i do it chris you just won fifty thousand yen yeah congratulations chris best game show ever i love this game show it's great i can't believe you actually got that that is such a fun that's crazy look at that oh my god you know it's amazing i built this show thinking i wasn't going to spend any more money but i just i just cost you 500 this is literally the second episode and you've like you created the peak already you can't get any bet well as promised i will be giving chris actually 50 000 yen where is it i don't have it on me right now but i promise you i i won't i won't cheat you i have it on you now what chris i didn't think anyone would actually win the 50 i thought you got to pull out your bloody shoot and just hand it to me i can get out of here no no no no i'll give you i'll give you see you later i'll go to the oh yeah sure you will yeah i'll go to the adm just for you well that was uh an incredible turn of events jesus christ i'm 500 short now well deserved i know i'm pretty happy about that yeah oh yeah i bet you are i'm really glad i came to tokyo now yeah jesus christ cost 200 to get here back so i basically gave you yeah i basically paid for your trip so uh yeah how was that chris that was my invisibility it's the best fun i've ever had since i perforated my eardrum so much fun that's been fun it's been fun thanks for having me on yeah of course thank you for coming on and get that money quickly yeah i'll get it to you i'll give it to you train leaves it now okay well of course uh make sure to go check out abroad in japan links or all of his stuff is in the description below and hey check out uh jenny across japan yeah it should be out now i hope so i'm sorry i'm sorry if not you just spoiled yourself i mean i think a ton of people already know anyway yeah yeah check it out so check it out we just we literally just finished filming it like two days ago and that's why my ear is broken and that's why i am very tired suffer from my art but thank you chris for coming on thank you so much and thank you everyone for watching man versus weeb and we will see you guys again in the next one bye-bye bye everyone i can't believe you [ __ ] talk where's my money where's my money i didn't think you were gonna do it like it feels weird to like be in flesh today in the play in the flesh your answer you don't have to drag it out i know it's incorrect
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,058,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Does, Chris, REALLY, Know, Abroad in Japan, MAN vs WEEB, quizshow, CDawgVA, talkshow
Id: TBu23uPeikY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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