I SLEPT in Britain's Most Haunted Prison Vs. Church | Feat. @CDawgVA & @TheAnimeMan

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this is one of those situations where it's just like oh do i want to do this it's not making you feel safe i'd rather not be here i'm not enjoying this god this is going to be terrifying that's scary well it's been two and a half long years guys but i'm finally back in the uk back where things make sense i love japan it's the sort of country you need to get out of once in a while you know the places the familiar faces here i can forget about all that here i can relax here i can finally be with your favorite wacky weekend host cwa wacky weekend uk edition god's sake [Music] well the good news is we're actually escaping london today for what i've got lined up a little bit later on wales it's not well it's not that bad though let me finish my fish but let's go and see luckily it's about an hour outside london so we can escape the crowds and uh do something better than this so given it's my first time back in the uk for three years we've got an extra special wacky weekend this time around because not only are we joined by connor but also joey the anime man and being the generous host that i am i've decided to treat them to the finest accommodation in all of the uk for joey i wanted him to get in touch with his australian roots and so i've arranged for us to stay inside britain's most haunted prison sleeping in the most degraded cell possible and you can see how we get on in jail with a somewhat displeased joey later on in the episode meanwhile i've got something completely different lined up for connor for years now he's been pestering me to go camping and so i finally caved in and what better place to camp than inside an unsettling 700 year old church lucky connor but before revealing tonight's venue while on route to the countryside from london connor forces us to stop at tesco for dinner so he can buy the godforsaken tesco meal deal that he's been craving so relentlessly since he left japan oh god all right let's find the meal deals then where would they be we're gonna go to the sandwiches is the only thing that matters this is the only reason we're doing this video about to discover what this meal deal is all about i don't think i've ever had it i don't ever had a meal deal it better live up to the reputation that you've given it over the last two years of trash taste what's good oh it's good there's a deal that's so good it can't be missed i don't know where it is where is it this is [ __ ] oh no this is a small selection oh don't don't try and pretend like this isn't the normal meal deal okay we got some good choices we are missing my favorite and they're grinding a toddler in the back so i still don't get why this is so special like what is good no they have one left they have one left and the crevice this this is the chicken bacon stuffing this is the best one right it's the best one without doubt i feel like this has all been rather like anticlimactic and a half three years i've known connor and every day he's been like the meal the meal deal the meal i had one it's just like oh it's some crap sandwiches and a an empty rack of crisps like do you like this one it's got mayonnaise right it looks it looks it looks frantic look at that that's not that's the sorriest looking ham and cheese sandwich i've ever seen [Music] well we've got our meal deal and uh i can't say i'm overly excited to eat this meal deal now we have been to some wonderful places over the years we've been to the best hotel in tokyo we've stayed at the worst hotel in japan but we've never gone camping [Music] and you've always wanted to go camping i've always thought that we should do it you know prepared i'm not prepared i've got a sleeping bag right as you know the uk is one of the most haunted countries on earth we're going to test you today we're going to see okay how good you are really with the dark with the horrors with the terrors of ghosts because we are staying at one of england's most haunted churches inside the church oh how can you stop there's a building there's rooms and stuff what well it's still camping in it because there's no bedroom in the chair it's going to be sleeping on the floor of a church there's no pets there's no beds it's a church what's the point of this there's a chair no one's gonna watch this would anyone want to watch us sleep on the floor of a church this is a holy church there's gonna be like ghosts and [ __ ] said mary's church dates back to the 13th century and is most famous for being featured in a charles dickens novel great expectations where he describes the eerie tombs of the 10 children buried out front as little stone lozenges while the church formally closed 30 years ago for just 100 pounds a night it's yours to camp in and freely explore who wouldn't want to stay here what do you think i don't want to stay here but i guess i have no choice why don't you want to stay here i you know i had a five-star hotel book for tonight and then chris dragged me off to film a video i paid money for a hotel room that i'm not using tonight and is chris going to reimburse me [ __ ] no he's not going to don't be sleeping the world's shittiest champion i think we need a key i [Music] this is the church toilet that you'll be feeling very much dark souls ask i had to put a code in to get into the toilet now to get the keys to get inside we need another combination so you type in the code right for the second entrance and look what you get come on come on this is this is a video okay this is this is literally silent hill this is the key item keys just got so boring when do we make keys so boring no it's just cards key cards right this is this is this is a statement that's got some serious weight there yeah you could kill someone with that [Music] wow i mean i knew it was gonna be a church but like [Music] oh my god no they have such little faith that you'll you'll be okay they gave you hot water bottles look it must get so [ __ ] cold in here it looks really nice i'm kind of creeped out by the fact we're about to sleep in this this doesn't feel like something that should be slept in a bit like conor's bed give your sermon to the people a sunday called the sunday called quinn quegisma this might be the worst sermon i've ever heard there's not really much to do just bask in the glory of god of the stuff here oh camping information this really is like we've started a quest like all this all the clues have been left for you is it just me or does this artwork look absolutely terrifying look at this does that does that it's good but it is it's not making you feel safe i found this door we don't know where it needs there's a few around here and it feels like we're playing dark souls let's see where it leads then what is that what is this the temperatures just dropped so much in here i'm not religious so i don't know what this is but it's really creepy that everything's in seashells this is one of those situations where it's just like oh do i want to do this do i want to sleep in a church that is as eerie as this there is a beauty to it but when the lights go out and the sun goes down yeah i'm going to feel a bit on edge to be honest with the creepy vibes in the vestry and the video game quest atmosphere the uncomfortable mood suddenly changes when we discover some actual real video games randomly placed within the church we're idiots why this is gonna be the best night of our lives what are you on about check this out dude check this out let's [ __ ] go dude oh yes tony hawks underground two rugby league oh my god chris chris chris chris i love this one this is my god is this a vh do you remember were you born when this was a thing i was i was i was oh my god the excitement is short-lived however when we fail to find a playstation a tv or a vhs player no bridget jones's diary for anyone and so we turn to making our beds wow look at this amazing bed i can't wait to make it let's make my bed voila i've never slept on one of these before though have you you haven't lived i i guess tonight i'm living and then tomorrow i can die in the graveyard so win-win this is awesome like all jokes aside about it being kind of like not the comfiest obviously it's a church it is still like an amazing place and i i could see why people would want to go and have an experience like this this is really cool and you get a free hot water bottle which is pretty damn nice what more could you want as night falls and the temperature drops inside the church we decide to head out into the eerie graveyard and take a look around all right now we're going to go outside into the graveyard so the dead of night it's what 11 o'clock it's pitch black now i don't think there is no find anything if i'm honest with you well if we're going to find anything it's going to be there so all right let's go check it out let's go now oh the cross is creepy i don't know why it's just it's unnerving isn't it oh that's really grim yeah i don't think it's haunted it's just you know i'd rather not be here i'm not enjoying this i'd like to go back inside isn't that every working weekend i'd like to not be doing what i'm doing right now i'm an [ __ ] in a graveyard i'm gonna join them at some point it's it's a really uh eerily silent place keep hearing like twigs breaking and things moving around the graveyard how you feeling how am i feeling well i just don't really want to sleep in the church you know where's the where's the premiere in where's the travel lodge where's the hotel motel holiday inn because i don't want to be here pitbull wouldn't stay here would he no it's becoming like painfully clear that this does nothing look at how quickly the light dims if you don't do it it's just like it's done you have to be like [ __ ] like this is the workout of the century yes it is really kind of crazy we're looking at the church right to think we have that entire building to ourselves and we're going to spend it on a very small bed i'm going to cry well don't cry just yet because i've got rice krispies squares oh yeah so i think both connor and i have got some kind of uncomfortable vibes from the vestry i don't know it's just because of the the seashells [Music] it's got like one of the coolest sounds i've ever heard this interior it's not nice and so we're gonna put this gopro here you know for a few hours overnight and see if anything pops up if we were clever we would have staged something but we're not clever you know i hate those horror channels where they like clearly stage it and yeah like that best of luck sounds like something's gonna happen i don't think anything's gonna happen nothing's gonna happen i kind of hope it doesn't because we're gonna be sleeping two meters from this place i'm sure not gonna happen shortly after the gopro begins recording the moments leading up to bed we have something of a weird moment when one of our fully charged portable lights randomly starts playing up without explanation i'm tired oh he's sleepy i am yeah how are you not tired i'm [ __ ] there just break my light why does it switch off well it's not cheap like it's bloody expensive like is it switched on uh yeah it was on it's blinking i think your light's broken man well well guys it's uh it's crunch time we're about to discover if you can sleep in a massive church on a pretty hard bed in a relatively cheap sleeping bag any final thoughts connor i'm not really looking forward to trying to sleep i feel like i'm already not the most comfortable i mean you know it's okay i just wish there was a a bed and a pillow are you glad you're on wacky weekend no no i don't know how chris is going to survive because i know chris wakes up at like one crumb of light so good luck chris we'll see you tomorrow yeah we'll see [Music] [Music] oh god good morning everyone good to see you it's uh pretty certain you know when you wake up and you sort of expect to be in your bed and then you open your eyes and there's this jarring sort of oh i'm not in my bed i'm in a church i mean it is a bit weird just waking up in front of a pulpit in front of the cross i i slept not too bad but i had about six hours sleep so i woke up a few times i woke up at about three o'clock and there's always like weird creaking going on around the church i don't know maybe because it's hot and it's cold and things are moving other than that though it's quite nice waking up with all the light coming in and i i don't don't think i want to do this again let's get some groundbreaking commentary connor c dog voice actors just woken up what's happened to your face awful sleeping why would you want to do this why would you pay money for this yeah time for breakfast no will you break bread with me this is what jesus intended if jesus were alive today he'd be like all right yeah give me the marshmallow rice krispies squares because we're in a church without realizing it i've uh i've not been swearing as much have you have you found that as well i've sworn probably 20 of what i would normally would in a wacky weekend video [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] shocking there's a place of god i think it's a really interesting experience and obviously the historical aspect of it is really interesting and if you're really a big history buff you love your churches in medieval history you'll love it but you don't just leave here that's my verdict well we may not have seen any ghosts despite the bizarre light incident but as conor grabs his bags and heads off to his native land of wales to look at her sheep i head five hours west to stonehenge to meet joey who's patiently waiting in front of the iconic british landmark here we are in the united kingdom next to the wonderful illustrious quintessential stonehenge the one and only problem is uh waiting for my driver i don't know where he is he should have been here quite a while ago oh there he is [Music] joey chris now i just see it was an opportunity too good to miss meeting up with the great animation man here in the uk and what a beautiful sight stonehenge i haven't been here since natsuki the movie i haven't been here at all so it's been great it's nice it's not as good as the hokkaido to scale replica i saw last year they did it how has the uk been so far yeah it's been great like very synonymous with australia lots of drinking lots of eating you know how it is shocking my diet's been in shambles i know exactly what you mean so you might be wondering why here in stonehenge right why not somewhere convenient and it ties him to you being australian i wanted to do something special for you today something okay this australian themed right what do you think australia and england what do you think of what comes to mind hobbs hubs sausage rolls trolls uh nice people prison convicts oh crime oh well that's how australia was formed yeah i mean you know the british love to remind us about that where we are now 40 minutes west of here is shepton mallet prison okay once the biggest prison in the uk the oldest prison in the uk and also the most haunted prison in the uk lovely and we're going to stay there i can't believe it we're going to stay overnight in a cell or in the most haunted prison in britain yeah why get in touch with your australian side enjoy prison life well if i say no you're still going to take me anyway so let's just go then let's go shep to mallet prison all right what the [ __ ] oh what a welcome sign it looks pretty eerie i'm not gonna lie oh my god i want to stay in there for the night yeah imagine all right let's go to our room shelf [ __ ] me shepton mallett prison has stood for almost 400 years opening in 1625 having something of a reputation throughout the 18th and 19th centuries for its brutal living conditions and as recently as 2010 188 prisoners called these walls home while the prison was officially decommissioned in 2013. today for anyone mad enough you can reserve a night in a cell for just 70 pounds what a bargain but given its troubled past the site is particularly famous for its paranormal activity with several notable spirits haunting the corridors which we'll get into shortly first things first though joey and i need to check into our luxurious quarters prisoners chris broad and joey bisenger that's us all right here we go off just i just realized there's like one bed yeah how does that work then um well you want the top bunk or the bottom bucket what do you want the top or the bottom what is it why is there only one bed well here we are this is our room for tonight so we have one single bed here steel frame yeah some sturdy boy right there jesus uh we got a cabinet just store things i guess looking lovely in there looking lovely in there uh we have one tiny window last glimpse of hope we have a sink and a busted toilet fantastic apparently we're not allowed to use this toilet we have to use i don't i don't want to use the toilet we have to use the communal toilet oh no uh and uh yeah that's about it this is our room here's where we're sleeping tonight thank you chris such an amazing weekend shotgun that where were you staying last night uh at the hilton now i'm here baby for one person this is pretty unpleasant for two people i'm surprised they've even marketed this as like a two-person room i i guess maybe to get like the authentic experience right because i guess prisoners then shot two of them in here would they they probably where's the double bed where's the bunk bed what's that i mean jesus even the inmates in shawshank redemption didn't have to put up with beds like this when i met andy dufresne he was a broken man with a very broken face what i love is in the corridors since there's a few other people staying here tonight basically and they've all got like blow-up beds you can hear them going blowing the beds up right but we don't have that i'm going hardcore tonight joey's joe wants the real authentic experience i have the thinnest piece of fabric in existence in prison [Music] when i booked this right i did it on a bit of a whim i didn't think it'd actually be like a real experience with real like wolves covered in crap a floor one bed made of like just pure rust it's a it's an authentic experience and i'm glad we're only doing it for one night all right let's try a bit [Music] so many choices which way to put the sleeping bag on this is a new sleeping bag it's going to be comforting like rust [Music] this is amazon basics big money was spent here all right oh my lord no this is probably worse than the floor do you know why you feel every like whole parts of your body go into the holes it's like like the terminator when he goes through the door like you can go yeah it's like that the floor is better than this you know some people have bought like a [ __ ] king-size bed with them we've got nothing like a rag covered in rust but like look look at this right you're laying on it and you just sort of go through the holes and like it's just pure pain even the prisoners didn't have to put up with this because they had at least had a [ __ ] mattress right having embraced our uh interesting accommodation joey and i venture out of the cell to get our bearings as a warm-up for tonight when inmates are encouraged to go out and explore the prison freely and we quickly find ourselves overwhelmed at the sheer scale of the prison and its four cavernous wings my [ __ ] god dude we have to come back here later what the [ __ ] tonight that are you [ __ ] kidding listen to the noise what is that this is insane it's still kind of like daytime it's what 8 p.m so it's still a little bit bright and i'm already terrified and it's not even dark and this is the wing that's supposed to be the most haunted as well brilliant well you'll be coming back here later joe hello why me i'll be in the cell playing tetris or something there's something about this prison that feels very off and um just there's so many empty cells oh why didn't we get this room there's two beds in here double the uncomfort [Music] as we wander around we run into a member of staff who maintains the prison and while they give us a tour when they discover which cell we're staying in they inform us of some pretty disturbing news so we just had a tour around the entire prison it lasted about an hour it was really interesting learning the history of this place and at one point in the tour we were quite near this cell with everyone and the guy told a story about somebody who took their own life tragically in their cell yeah and then they went oh by the way that was cell number eight who's in sauna bay on the second and we were like no that's us of all the rooms of all the cells on this bloody floor we got the one where someone unfortunately apparently right there yeah right here they put a rope around their neck very sad very tragic we've got a torch right here and now we're going to go around the prison and reluctantly see what we can find so this is the a-wing so apparently there's a guy you might see sometimes walking around here what creeps me out is that you can go in most of these cells [ __ ] what [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you with that i am cornelius minty you have an alarm i was born in clutton workhouse in 1850 to my mother sarah minty cornelius you have a right old time in there this room is three stories so there are oh my god oh my god remember in that abandoned love hotel i was like i feel like i'm in a first person horror game that i don't want to be in this is this is like actually next level [ __ ] terror i'm really glad of you right now oh yeah not be able to come in here by myself [ __ ] that this is going to be one of those videos where like a viewer's going to be looking through it on youtube and they'll be like oh look there's a face behind you yeah paws are 24 76 it's gonna happen it happens every time we do like one of these like scary videos and it creeps me out every time and i know it's going to happen on this one more than any other every like tiny little sound is just putting me on edge while ghostly sightings have been seen throughout the prison's history there's a reason shep to mallet has a reputation for being haunted in the 1970s both prisoners and night officers working in the prison reported sightings of a ghostly woman passing through the corridors at night dressed in pure white so on edge were the guards many started to refuse working night shifts at all leading the british government to carry out an investigation what they did discover was that the white lady actually existed as an inmate over a century before this is where the white lady the white lady explain the story of the white lady so if i remember the story correctly it was a woman who i believe murdered her husband who cheated on her who cheated on her and her last wish before she got executed was for her to wear her wedding dress uh so they gave her the wedding dress she went to bed obviously the next morning they went into a cellar checkup on her and she had died in her wedding dress in the bed and since then there have been multiple sightings of a white lady in a white wedding dress roaming around the area and she's just down there this is apparently just down there what's in this room look at the ceiling [ __ ] hell and the mold oh that's a lot of water no we shouldn't be in here get me out now [Music] it's almost comical how loud that screams look at this joke someone stopped strawberry jam all over the bed oh look a lovely hole in the wall what's that the 1600 cell through the hole you will discover a small room believed to be an original cell 400 years old you actually want to go through that apparently you're allowed to there's space for up to four people inside [ __ ] is there there's only two of us in here oh what's that oh what is this all right you know oh oh yeah you have to hold this [Music] what that's scared the [ __ ] out of me what is it look it looks through that window there what's that oh [Music] my heart's racing after that some [ __ ] here has put a dummy hand there to scare the [ __ ] out of me thank you for that i think my main takeaway from this um this weekend so far is don't go to prison don't ever ever go to prison well with joey almost having a heart attack thanks to a plastic hand we finally retire to our haunted cell to attempt to sleep in some way shape or form great news guys i got a mattress i told the staff that uh i didn't bring one and they were like you're mental you're supposed to bring something for that and they this was the last one good news eh joey isn't that great yep now i'm on the floor yeah i've got a mattress yeah that's good in it yeah this is this mattress is pretty hard oh it's not hard to handle this yeah we better watch it back mate look at that look at that nice clean [Music] it looks like a prisoner has like soiled it it's 1 30 now and they wake everyone up at seven o'clock so five and a half hours sleep if i'm lucky before we get tossed out on the street let's be honest i think both of us want to get out of here as soon as possible anyway [Music] easily one of the worst nights of my life oh my god you didn't sleep see i went i couldn't sleep at first because you were snoring so loud what you were snoring so well nonsense i have here video evidence of you snoring really yeah i think i've got a little bit of oh now he's changed his chain doesn't he oh maybe we've got a little bit of sleep [Music] a little bit he's historically [Music] that's you i wouldn't sleep at all chris it's just not apart from this video like a vacuum cleaner honestly ejected tired and destroyed inmates are tossed out of the prison at eight o'clock in the morning and so having barely had any sleep between us joey and i finally leave our cell and vow never to go to prison again [Music] look at that beautiful british street vicar's clayton wells can you believe joey wanted to go to a little village called krapnel just because it sounded funny and i was like no jerry i'm overriding that decision we're going to end the video somewhere good there were so many good places there was crap no there was ham nut leaf he was having too much fun with these places but uh i thought ended somewhere good here we are in wells this is really nice i don't know why i did this but it's been kind of fun how did you sleep did you enjoy yourself i mean i had crap sleep but the prison was an experience definitely oh yeah it was [ __ ] terrifying it was if you want a good night's sleep stay in the church if you don't go to shep to mallet prison but for now guys thank you joey for joining me have a great time in the uk enjoy yourself actually go somewhere good yeah don't go to crowd and as always guys thank you for joining this very unique special edition of wacky weekend uk for more behind the scenes content check out the abroad japan patreon but for now we're off for some much needed breakfast because there wasn't any in the prison sausage brown sausage bat let's go sausages [Music] that's a good bath oh you know what it's been two and a half longer i can't [ __ ] talk to chip in my mouth all right it's time we went outside one of the uh the highlights of this hotel are the searches [Music] keeps on bringing people back [Music] when i met andy dufresne [Music] it was a [ __ ] idiot
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 2,135,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abroad in japan, cdawgva, trash traste, the anime man, wacky weekend, japan
Id: LNzosEKvl1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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