Becoming a WWE Superstar for 24 Hours! (ft. Dominik Mysterio)

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He did a rko to dominik and dominik do a 619 to faze rug

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kylleweaken 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bruh Dominic seems like such a chill guy can’t wait for him to win the IC title I feel like he could take that belt and make it relevant again

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BigAgamin729 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
what is going on guys faze rug here and today i'm bringing you all a brand new video and this is a dream come true for me i am going to be attempting to become a wwe wrestler for 24 hours trained by none other than dominic mysterio rey mysterio's son i met dominic mysterio in a vlog of mine a few weeks ago and we wanted to make something happen and the crazy part is you guys knew who he was so i'm here today he's gonna show me what it takes to be a wwe star and i am so excited because i used to be a huge wwe fan back in the day as a kid and as you can see this is dominic mysterio's car he actually bought it off of his father rey mysterio but look at this the r8 that's not the point of this video ten-year-old me would literally cry if i knew this was going to happen i've always wanted to step into a wwe ring guys drop a like right now if you guys watch the wwe because i want to know if my fans know what that is guys wish me luck yo dominic how are you man good to see you i'm good hey you already know we had to make something happen bro ever since i met you at the mall we finally planned the video and you got to show me what it takes to become a wwe star right i got you but first you need the gear that's what i'm saying where's the gear i have gear i have some gear for you okay you need to earn it i can't just give it to you oh okay okay i respect that and reason being it's my royal rumble gear can i see it you gotta earn it what i can't even touch it i can't just hand this to you okay okay come on all right so what are we gonna be doing today you're gonna show me like the basics of being a wrestler i got one of the head trainers here to help us out too mr hopps hey what's good my guy we're gonna be doing probably just some fundamentals okay some rolls running the ropes maybe some bumping how am i going to do this how do i step in there's ring etiquette we wipe our feet once so right here then we just climb up and wipe them again all right all right okay so i go like from the bottom rope or the top it's preference my dad tends to do the bottom sometimes you'll play around with it and he'll bounce into it but you got to earn the bounce there you go oh yo we're in the ring what this feels insane this is actually a dream come true for me it may be the goal one day is like i could be a part of the wwe for one episode friday night smackdown that's a gold mine vince if you're watching this let me in the ring okay so you gotta wear knee pads we got some knee pads for you all right this is just for your protection got it man so what are we starting with here we're gonna start off with some front rolls the easiest way i think you should do it is i tuck and roll so i'll grab my knees as i'm going okay i'm gonna push off my toes go tuck my head forward okay make sure you tuck your hip hey okay yo let me do this one towards the camera real quick well i was born for this i don't think you guys understand i'm tweeting youtube afterwards we can do back rolls there's different ways that you can do a back roll i like to do it with my legs spread as weird as it sounds okay but just so i'm sure you focus i come in from my back and you got to kind of push yourself out oh okay that's how you get the momentum if not you're not gonna rotate all got it oh that's gonna be tough for me right there but there's also just the normal back rolls you kind of just toss yourself back i might try that one push yourself like throw your your butt out a little bit you got to come in and go now momentum is what's throwing you back so wow nice natural baby was that good yeah that was it now that you got that one down if you want to try the leg spread so you can feel the difference oh yeah yeah like that yeah but when you get up you don't have to do it like light spread into the stem when you cook you look like such a natural well i was gonna say my favorite wrestlers growing up were rey mysterio and undertaker have they ever gone to a ring together yes funny story both times they've been in the ring together my dad's made him bleed twice oh that's that six one nine effect come on hey don't tell me you know how to do the 619 as well is that your special move i stole it from him it's his special move i mean it's in your genetics now it's our special move because we do like a double six one nine oh attack team i'll teach you how to do it but you gotta earn it what's up next next we're gonna try to run the ropes you have to throw yourself into the ropes because that's what shoots you off okay it's four steps so you'll take one two three and on your fourth step start tracking that's when you start turning and basically throwing yourself into the ropes okay this is the most important part in my opinion because if you miss it yeah slow jog into it like it's bad that's so hard it just takes time to like to get used to getting used to it and get comfortable hey i'm already out of breath this isn't normal what would you rate that out of 10 because like i'm trying to like get everything at least above like a five for my first time i think you've done over five really over everything i think for your first time doing all this i've watched wrestling like since i was a kid and i've never stepped foot in a ring so this is legit my first time what do you think you like it it's insane like i'm telling you i'm going to quit youtube i'm just kidding i noticed there's a bell right there is that the ring like the actual ringside belt yeah the ring though yeah can i please ring it i think you've earned the right to ring the ring are you serious oh my gosh you gotta wipe a few when you come back in okay definitely wiping the feet all right so we're gonna get out oh my god here we go [Music] we're ready let's get it obviously so what's next here maybe some headlocks for lockups it's called collar and elbow so i'm going for his collar and his elbow right here okay and we're just going to lock up right here i always wondered what they were doing like when i would watch him like what does this do like what is it exactly you're just making sure they don't hit you no it's trying to it's like almost like power like we're trying to see who wins who takes who's taking over because right there he can pull me in and work right here oh he's already taking me in [Music] you hey that was oh cool was that good yeah i feel amazing right now i don't know i feel this is sick hold on what's next next so you know that's that little course right there that was about a 708 let's go let's go okay so the universal spot is you want to run it real quick yeah you guys you guys show us how to do it i can do it after that was sick though seeing this like first hand is insane what's the best way to land you know like or do you just land on your back i would say that's the part that takes the hardest and the longest to learn like when you're falling this is what you want and we can even see if you can oh i've always wanted to do that like right here okay and then you throw yourself okay we can even do it with some momentum so if you cut if you front row okay [Music] [Applause] all right so we're about to do the lock up again and just take it from there this is gonna be your first official test to earn first piece of gear oh okay so i'm earning it piece by piece piece by piece all right i got this i think i'm ready for like the first steps here can someone ring the bell please [Music] uh i can't i can't go any further than that hey but you earned it oh i got it no way yo i'm surprised i actually did that first piece all right let me put this thing on yeah i can't believe i'm actually wearing this rug mysterio rug mysterio let's go all right dom quick little mid video interview because i'm really curious about a wwe superstar on what they go through in a day so my first question to you is what do you eat throughout the day is there a specific diet you have to be on to be a wwe superstar so the key is in and out no no i'm just playing i try to eat at least five times a day not including a protein shake rice and steak or rice and chicken i'm really bad at eating vegetables i have a like a pre green like a green shake like an opti greens that i just take in the morning okay so i don't have to worry about eating better so you get all your greens out of the way in the morning in the morning okay i don't have to deal with it a gallon of water that's key oh 100 i i drink water all day every day water is the key to life honestly what is the most painful thing you've endured in a wwe match it wasn't an official match i got my feet with oh one of these bad boys i thought none other than the messiah seth rollins this is a kendo stick made out of pure bamboo wait you got hit with this 30 times yeah and my last question is is there any opponents out there that you would like to fight in the future right now i would love to get my hands on dolph ziggler and bobby roode who are the tag team champions right now on smackdown who would be your partner though [Music] ah come on man no come on you i mean rey mysterio right would you be interested dude there's absolutely no way i'm getting in the ring with dolph ziggler and bobby roode are you kidding me they're tag team champs they're tag team champs yeah so it probably would be my dad rey mysterio oh yo we gotta see that match happen for sure all right should we get back to more training let's do it we're gonna earn it let's get it now we brought in a little crash pad because we're taking things to the next level we just want to say that everything we're doing right now is 100 safe we're being supervised by two professionals we're gonna make sure nobody gets hurt what are we doing right now hops will demonstrate how to give a suplex wrap around the neck here okay i'm gonna wrap his arm around my neck i'm gonna grab his waistline too as well shoot down shoot my hips we're landing right here we're all safe his neck isn't hitting and my neck my neck isn't hitting because we're protecting each other so we're using a crash pad for the suplex but obviously if it wasn't for this it would hurt extremely badly you've been suplex before right yes i've been suplexed by a guy that's six seven king corbin oh cool well luckily for me we have this to help it hurt a little bit less and i'm not six seven i'm gonna give you the suplex onto this crash pad it'll hurt not as much but you'll earn the pants with it soup likes me baby come on i don't care ready one two oh gosh please tell me i earned the pants for that one are you serious i feel like i need them after that one come on hey let's go so next is for the kick pads next for the kick pad okay yo i'm about to i'm about to rko him i don't know how you can do it you know randy out of nowhere don't turn your back on me you just don't you look at me bro yeah you can watch wait i got the kick pads and kick pads let's go hey this is so lit so all i need now is the hood all right what do i got to do to earn that thing six one nine times oh one come on i'm gonna learn out of six one nine well you to take it first guys if you don't know what a 619 is you're about to learn today hey yo um i actually have a dentist appointment right now it's like in like 10 minutes do you think we're gonna make it i don't think let's just go right now if you can so rug is in the perfect position right now for a 619 and i have to get him back for when he rko'ed me oh you got it you have to what was that for you can't come in here and rko me without taking a 619. oh no way what you're in the hood i earned the hood from that completed your training brother are you serious are you okay yeah i'm good i was just caught off guard what you got to put this on me man please this was one of the best days of my life i look like a real wwe star right now look like dominic mysterio hey let's go except like five inches shorter but that's fine the name is phase rug weighing in at 120 pounds and i think i now have what it takes to actually wrestle dominic mysterio i've trained for the last hour and i've earned my gear fair and square i don't think he knows this but i'm a wrestler at heart so he's gonna be shocked when i pin him down everyone drop a like for me right now to give me that good luck let's do this i'm here getting ready to wrestle rug honestly man i don't know what this kid's thinking coming in here with a professional but hey he wants to learn let's teach him what what was that i didn't get taught that you're not ready yet yo what the i thought i was ready man that was the fastest wwe match of all time huh youtube edition alright guys thank you so much for watching today's video i want to give a huge shout out to level up wrestling for letting us use their gym and another huge shout out to dominic mysterio if you guys want to see him on friday night smackdown every friday on fox i'm gonna be supporting him for sure and check out his instagram the link will be in the description if you guys want to see more videos with dom maybe you could be a part of a phase rug challenge oh hey be an honor come on let's do it and honestly how did i do today if we're being completely honest no joking no nothing how did i do as my first time in the ring as your first time for someone that's never stepped in the ring before out of 10 i'd give you a solid eight no that's too high that is way too high no bs because you took it like that let's go thank you i got suplex do you got rko'd and i got 619. honestly that's an honor but yeah guys thank you so much for watching hope you have a great rest of your day other than that it's been rug down mysterio and we are out pulled up in that lambo i'm so hot i need a fan in diego in the sand oh
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 8,086,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: osbhROuzXsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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