I Tried Becoming A Pro Cosplayer In Japan

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- Over my many years on YouTube, wearing all of the worst possible cosplays one can imagine, one thing that has been requested over and over again is for me to try an actual good cosplay. In this video, I'll be going behind the scenes at one of Japan's top costume making stores, to get a professional cosplay made from scratch. But making a cosplay like this isn't done overnight. It requires months of planning and meetings, to make sure the cosplay fits just right. So I'll be taking you guys on that journey with me. And when we finally have our cosplay, we'll be doing a professional photo shoot, with professional makeup artists, and professional photographers. And in the end, will it really be worth it? Let's find out. So we start our journey way back in February of 2021 outside of a little unassuming store in the back alleys of Shinjuku. - Hey guys, so this is a cosplay maker. - Ro Shay? - Row-shh. - Row-shh, oh wow. Ooh la la, very fancy and they make cosplay? - Custom made cosplays. So you can request not just the size, you're gonna get your own measurements, and you're gonna have the cosplay, like, very fitting. Like, literally fitting. - [Connor] So if Kaho normally needs a professional cosplay made by hand to perfection, Kaho will come here to Roche. - And also you can make a request on materials too. If you want latex, you know, why not? - I'm normally used to the worst kind of materials ever. So I'm very excited to get something done very professionally. - That's you. - Without further ado, let's go inside and see how the whole process is done. - Yes. - So typically when you go to get your professionally handcrafted cosplay made at Roche, there are quite a few steps that take many months. Step one, which you'll be seeing today is the planning. It's a very simple meeting where they just ask you what character do you want to cosplay? They'll ask you a bit about it. Is there any material preference you might have beforehand? And then they'll take your measurements. The point of this meeting is that they'll go off and do a lot of research in between this and the next meeting so they can come to you with a plan. Something that was really interesting about this photography studio is that this is just in the apartment building. Like, like somebody is their neighbor. This whole area had been turned from a normal apartment into this weird spaceship-esque just for photos. It's really insane. You wouldn't see this outside of Japan. It's just not a normal thing. Guys, I have to stop telling you about this cosplay drip for a moment to tell you about this drip, Alien, which is the sponsor of this video. Alien is an indie street wear clothing company started in early 2017 by YouTube creator, Elvis Delia, with the support and love from the YouTube community has grown beyond his wildest dreams. Elvis created Alien for people like him who loved games, anime movies, and anything science fiction. Impress your grandma by wearing one of these beautiful shirts that sometimes include monsters, aliens, or nice smiley faces. Alien helps people who wished to embrace the bold and strange through clothing expression. Alien is designed to very carefully created by some of the best artists from around the world. The items are printed, shipped and handled with care from that team in Canada. And get what you can before they're sold out. As they're often always sold out. Even when choosing the clothes I wanted for this video, there was some items I couldn't get because they were sold out. And even if they all sold out, don't worry because they constantly restocking and always bringing out new designs. Alien uses the best quality fabrics that are available in the market, but they still try to keep their prices fair. Some of the items are sold at popular skate shop Zumiez in Canada, and hope to expand more in future. So, if you want to get 20% off your order, use coupon code Seadog and if you spend over $100, you'll get free shipping. But enough about this clean drip that I've got going on here, ooh, let's get back to the video. Thank you to Alien for sponsoring. It's very busy, very busy. look at all the stuff and they make stuff for like professionals like idle. - [Kaho] Yes yes, for idles. - That's forming Budweiser on it. So I think now we're waiting for them and then we'd get our measurements first. We're gonna be waiting here. - [Kaho] Have a meeting. - Have a meeting. Wow. This is very extra. Just for like a costume, right? This is so professional. - Yes yes yes - The reason this video is happening is because I asked her, could you help me make a cosplay? And then we can do like a cosplay shoot together. Now Kaho was actually finished her cosplay. - Yes. - So she's gonna get to try it on today and what are you cosplaying? - You know what, you are gonna see. - Okay. It's a little bit of a surprise. Okay. - Pink hair? - That doesn't help. - Okay, there is too many pink here in characters - And then I guess I'm going to pick a matching character to go along with your outfit. - Today we happened to be here coincidentally. Like totally coincident. - This was not planned at all. So we're just going to figure out what's going to happen. - Today's going to be the finalized date for my cosplay.. So you're going to be, you're going to see the whole thing you're going to witness, what kind of cosplay they be are capable of making. - So I guess let's see. - Yeah. I'm going to go change. - All right. I'll sit and wait. Eagerly. - Sip those coffee. - Oh boy. I'm so excited. I can't wait. So Kaho is there. I can't see her and she's going to come out in he Zero two cosplay, and I'll give him my genuine reaction. So I guess I'll close my eyes and you can walk in. - Of Course this is without make up, like you know cos-. - All right, all right. Lowering my expectations. - Oh please - This is the cosplay part. - All right. Okay. Oh, wow. Damn. Damn, indeed. This is Kaho's Zero two beautiful white variation, custom made cosplay. And to get something like this made from scratch, it'll cost you $2,000. And I know that seems high, but you will get to see the whole process of why it costs that much. And to make sure that we can do a dual photo shoot together, I'll be cosplaying Hero, Zero two's, counterpart in Darling In The Franxx. Now my body is quite different to that of a teenage boy in an anime, but I'm convinced with the expertise on handed Roche, I think we'll be able to make a cosplay that looks amazing with a little bit of photo editing. - I always wanted Zero two white costume. - I totally forgot the Zero two wears a red costume. - Yeah. There are a lot of, like, a red, kind of like not a good quality cosplay, but there are a lot of red ones out there, but not the white ones. - That looks really good, really fancy. That looks really high quality. I'm excited to get mine. - You wanna touch them? - You want me to touch? - Not my body, but you know this- - I know what you meant Kaho, Don't worry. Oh wow. That's like solid. Yeah. There's lots of detail here. And there's lots of detail down here. It was crazy how well done it is. Like all the details of that, even with the vertebrae. So cool. - This is the most important part obviously. And it was still hard to get the shape. - I was going to say, like, yeah it's a very unique - They have to look separate, right? That's the whole point. - So I guess I need to get measured now. - Yes. - For my cosplay right. - Lets get yourself measured. So after being extremely impressed by Kaho's costume, it was time for me to get myself measured up. And when I say measure, they want to know every single measurement on your body. From your shoe size to your ego size, they'll know it all. And if you have a large behind like myself, they'll want to measure that too. See this is big buck confirmed. I've never actually done a serious cosplay in my life. So I'm going to see how it goes. So they went out and bought a figure just for a reference for Kaho's cosplay. So that's a sort of investment already. It's really cool. Oh, wow. Flaps on the back, come out as well. And the bottom. You see that, all one-to-one perfect. So yeah, just like I said, they'll go through that book of extensive list of materials and they'll just discuss. Every single member of a different team will be here. And they all coordinate with each other to decide which materials are best for which aspects. For Hero in Darling In The Franxx, there's quite a lot going on, even though it doesn't look like it. First of all, we need to make a full body suit, which is normally out of one type of material. And then on top of that, he's wearing some armor. So that needs to be made as well. So these different artists talk to each other and discuss which materials and what type of colors would work best. Well, that was what an hour and a half - You're in good hands. - I thought it was going to be something along the lines of- Come in, Okay, cool we'll make that, Good, Bye-bye. Come back at a month and come get it. But no, that is a lot of detail. - It's not just like "Hey, send me a paycheck." - But it makes sense, right? Because, if you came here, you'd probably be someone who really wants to know about every single detail and have a say in it. Cause I mean, it's not cheap. The quote that we were given was around $1,500 maximum. Can we get a sponsor. We'll come back and around April. - Yes. - And we'll see how stuff goes. So I guess we'll be back in a month. Bye And after two months have passed, I head back to Roche to talk to them more about the cosplay making experience. Before they actually make a cosplay. They'll typically buy figures of any kind if they can get them. Alongside watching the anime multiple times and taking screenshots, and looking at pictures on the web and looking at fan art to see what exactly the characters details are. And so today, a few months later we'll be discussing the cosplay making experience with them a little bit more. So these are the reference photos that they've used to make the cosplay. This is one. - So, and this like a full figure. - Like a full design. Like the shoes as well. Oh, and then that's a previous cosplay by someone else has made. Oh. Wow. - Do you want to make these parts more realistic? - Yeah, it looks quite like here doesn't look very good. So hopefully the final one will look much better than this. Oh (laughing) This is like, from my cosplay videos like this, isn't like a good cosplay. More pictures of the character, just these reference so they can make a design. They also ask me the customer, which material I like the most and which one I think is the best representation of the character. So maybe a certain color is more faithful to the actual character, but maybe I just prefer a slightly different color. They also ask me to feel the cosplay, to see if I liked the feel of the material. So there's, there's detail on the belt here, that's orange, but in some shots it's a white- out there. So then I wasn't sure exactly which color to go for with it because it just changes. You'd think the anime would be the consistent source, but apparently that's just a lie. This is where you would scream, read the manga. But there is no manga, so. - This is like it, an original. - Yeah, exactly. So it's like, who are you going to blame anime fans? And whilst we were discussing the intricate aspects of making this cosplay, there was a bit of a disturbance outside. (sounds from the street) - Nice, Potato. - What is that? - Japanese potato, outside. Sweet potato. - Its just a potato. - It is sweet potato - Yeah. So today we're done, we've chosen the materials we wanted. We've discussed the design and the next time we'll be trying on the actual outfit or the first draft, if you will. So I guess for today we can go home. Nice. We're done. - Let's get some potatoes. - Yes, some sweet potatoes. All right, Bye. - Hello! I'm with Kaho once again. And it's the part of the series where I guess we get to finally see something and to wear something. - Yeah. They made something. - Yes. Well I wonder what are they made today, Kaho? Do you know by any chance? - I heard they gave me some parts. - Oh, not the costume yet. We're going for the plastic first, I guess, to make sure that fits. - And then they said to balance. You're like a Camen rider now. It is like a neat patch. It just reminds me of Batman and Robin. - Like this? - They have a neat patch. - They had like nipples and their costume didn't they? I look like I actually work out now. - They actually seem higher than your actual nipple area, with the soft fabric. - Yeah. It's really soft, actually. - Oh, cool - I don't know how to- it's like a phone room, right? That's really cool. For a first draft though, It's still pretty crazy though. - Yeah, Cosplay in the making. - Yeah, I really like these, I don't know why. Maybe I should just wear these like a fashion statement. You know? Just like a- - Just on your T-shirt. - Yeah. just running in the gym with these. Feel like a science experiment. Oh. Sorry, if my armpits smell. - Don't hydrate too much, but you know hydrated enough. Then you can survive. - Yeah. I will do. Will do. I can't hydrate too much or I'm about to piss. - They're going to prepare a tight body suit for you. They might have third cutting while you're wearing it. - Wow, Okay, that sounds scary. So after checking the, the arm of fitted me correctly, it is now time to wait and wait, until they finally make the first draft of the actual costume. I'm excited. It feels like next time we'll probably have like nearly the finished thing, we were really close. I'm getting excited now before I was just like, Oh, I don't know about the materials now you see it. You're like, oh my God. That's so cool, so excited. All right, cool. I guess we'll see you the next step. Bye. And after drinking a ton of coffee and destroying my body, a month had passed and it was time to go and try on the costume. All right. So, It's been a few weeks since we were last here. And today we're going to be doing the final fitting. Am I correct? - Yes, and you have to get all the adjustments and then final products. - So Next time we get the final thing. This is just the, just getting everything perfect, so that next time I can go out of here and do a photo shoot. So let's get into it, let's go do the fitting. - I got the camera. - Oh, okay, we're going in. This is very small room. Yeah. So we're standing in this, okay. Oh wow. It feels super stretchy too. This a hand tie angle, what is this? All right. I guess... How do I, how do you get, Oh my God, I feel like a condom. This is the body suit. I think the back is a little tight. Maybe a little bit. No? - Yeah,hey have to adjust that. - I look like I'm being, wedgied. Look at that. Oh my God. My ass looks like it's being destroyed by this thing. It'll just be the like porno version, right? It's like a massive butt or something. I don't know. Oh my God! - Your lower body is like more exposed than I- - What are you doing? What are you getting shots of? What are you getting shot of? So once I'm wearing the first draft of the costume, they'll actually measure it again and make adjustments based on how I'm kind of feeling in it. Even though I was joking that the ass was tight, it was actually extremely tight. To the point where if I sat down, I'm pretty sure it would've ripped in half. So they'll go and adjust that setting, they'll also measure my legs. They can put more detail on the costume, but also measure the armor again to make sure that it fits before they start finally making it fully. I'm going to get more material samples to compare to the suit I'm wearing for the other details on the suit. So it's a very intricate process. Okay, so the body is going to be one way material, and the gloves are going to be two way material. and it goes over here and tucks in. Isn't that cool? Very cool, very smart. Right, so now that we have our attempt one costume, we're going to come back in a few weeks and get the final costume. So I'm going to go home now. It's really hot and I'm sweating, bye. So I actually did go back a few weeks later and I got the costume and it did fit. I just forgot to film this part, I'm dumb. Very dumb, but anyway, now that we finally have been through the whole process and we have our costume, it is time for the photo shoot where we've hired a professional photographer and makeup artist to make me look amazing. Oh, well attempt to. All right, today is finally the day we're going to be recording and shooting the cosplay shoot. How many months is it we have been- - Oh no, four? - Yeah, like half a year. It feels like a very long time. As today we're going to be doing the shoot. So you'll be able to see all the behind the scenes of everything and the whole process, I suppose. And how that is. - Isn't that beautiful studio. Yeah. This is kind of crazy. It looks like a space ship, it's really interesting. Right, so I guess without further ado, we'll just get started. We'll get changed and then we'll start taking photos. It takes a long time to do this stuff. - Yes, So.. All right, okay, let's get going. All right, we're fine. I'm not in much of a talking mood. I just woke up at 7:30 AM to do the shoot. Unfortunately I have to say goodbye to my beard and a bit like a child again, which is just what I have to do whenever I hang out with Kaho. Kaho always finds a way to make me shave. This time I came prepared. Last time I had to like buy a shady razor, I got all my stuff this time. Okay, I'm just. oh, bye-bye hair oh God, (Screaming) It's crazy, how much younger you look in like 10 seconds. Kaho is gonna be like 50 and then like, 20 still. I'm gonna to be so jealous. I'm going to age like, like milk and I reach 30, I'm just gonna look old as shit. And so as tired and angry Corner from waking up far too early, shaves his beard bye-bye, I contemplate in dread about what I'm going to have to look like. Oh God, I remember being like this. This is like, when I was like 19, oh, I cut myself off. And now that I'm looking like a human baby one, it is time for me to get my makeup done. I'm also trying not to laugh cause it's ticklish as... Comment down below. Don't call me drag queen only. I have no idea. One thing that cosplay makers told me not to do during this process what's to not gain or lose any significant amount of weight. Well, I went back to the UK about a month ago and I was there for three weeks and I drank a lot of beer and eat a lot of crisps. So I may have gained a little bit of weight. So let's hope that doesn't affect how I look in the costume. Now that my golf GF inspired make-over is completed. It's time to get my cosplay on and ready for the shoot. It's really the change now, cool. I look so visual K. - Oh my God. You're a boy, not a man. - I'm not a boy, I know, I know I've come back. Okay, I guess I'll change now. Sorry, Cameraman. This is a one time getting her wearing a cosplay and it's not going to be caught on camera. Voila! I can't bend over much, or I rip it. It's very difficult to get the boots on as the cosplay. Isn't that stretchy and this is the final completed armor. It looks like I can do this on my own, that's good. I definitely don't look like the MC if we can just do like video editing and just composite his face over mine. And then maybe I'll look like him. I look like my junk stick's out, that's great though. Kaho looks exactly like Zero two. And I looked like Netflix adaptation. This is a shame, I feel like I look terrible, but the costume looks amazing, if you know what I mean. But that's just because my face is like not built to be an anime boy, a 10 year old anime boy. Maybe I could be a depressed, ugly bastard or something in future. That's my true calling. Past I was busy feeling sorry for myself and complained to the camera, Kaho was busy killing it. I'm sorry about the audio now. All right, now that I am fully dressed in my cosplay, - Yes - What do you think Kaho? - Incredibly different. - Yeah different is the right word, though, I wouldn't say I look exactly like the character but I guess that's cosplay right? Now we need to start taking the photos with you, and what is this process normally like? - Right, so the either check the color do light tests and since we are in this particular room, we can try with different lights and it can be bright blue, brown or anything I think it's going to take a while, which light and which color we go with - Right right, I guess we will just do it. I don't know what else there is to do. Lets just do it, lets take some photos and hopefully they look good, but I don't look down. Don't worry, looks amazing. It's already easy. All right, let's go ahead. Let's do it, I'm gonna waddle over to the photo... And after complaining a little bit more as any good British man would it was time to start posing. Gonna be honest with you guys. Posing is not really my thing. I do really know where to look or what to stand like. How does, how does one look hot? I really would like to know, but after doing a bunch of group photos with Kaho, I think I was starting to get the hang of things a little bit. Definitely got a lot easier as the shoot went on and I got more comfortable, but, damn is it still unnatural for me. Don't rip don't rip don't rip the pants gone up, please. That's a thousand dollars. I have to say, I was really shocked when I saw the photos because there was no editing being done on the photos live. It was just the camera and to see how different it looked for me in the mirror versus it on the camera, it was really shocking. So I guess this video is just more about promoting the benefits of good lighting and why good lighting will make you look good, because you will be shocked at the difference between me on my camera, versus the photographer's camera. Every few photos or so, the makeup artists would come over and just fix my hair to make sure that I had perfect hat, which I, as an unexperienced model did not appreciate at the time. It was a lovely finishing touch. And as you can see, Kaho is an absolute natural at this. Me, well, not so much. After doing group photos of me and Kaho, It was my turn to get my solo shoots done. And I have to say, I felt like a lost child. I didn't know who to bounce off of. I didn't know who to look at or what to do or how to pout how to smile, but I think it came out okay in the end. I've learnt today that I'm a terrible at posing myself, and I don't know what to do when that like, look here, look there. Where? I look ugly in every single direction. I don't know what I'm doing, I can't get this off my hand. My head really, really hurts from this wig. I can't wait to take this off Now, my head really hurts. Kaho is so good though. I'm like terrible competitor. Kaho is like a natural, but yeah, I felt bad. I felt like I was letting her down. Definitely a lot more work goes into this than I originally thought, even just like posing. It's really difficult. And some of it, I feel like I need to learn. And I need to look at myself more, and figure out what looks good when I pose, I never look at myself. I hate looking at pictures of myself, so I dunno. I dunno how I look when I pose. In future, definitely would do not a shorter character. More of a older boy would be a lot more funny thing, but that was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed that. The like Casper, the ghost has had too much fun with me. The marks on my head, look at that. I was getting really bad headaches towards the end of that. Is that normal? I think it is when you're out works, Isn't it? My head was really starting to hurt. Cosplayers, I know you're struggle, just like one hour in that costume is quite, quite hard, really quite. I should just put my pants on, shouldn't I? I'm just standing around here, like a dick head, right? I was just so comfortable with it. I don't even question it when I'm on camera would like it. Oh God! My Calvin Klein is showing. And so after the shoot, it was time to pay the photographer and makeup artists. In Japan, when you pay someone for their work, you typically put it in an envelope and the notes can't be creased at all. They have to be perfectly flat notes. It is a respect aspect of the culture, and it's just something that you have to keep in mind. And you bet that I've forgotten and Kaho reminded me. We're obviously done now, right? That's it. All that's left to do now is to have sort of a touch up for the photos, and then upload them for Klaus, that's what we do. - Oh my God, you look so different. I'm just so distracted by how different... - I can feel every air molecule hitting my face. - Yeah, we were just talking about, I was talking with the photographer and makeup artists, you rock the gossip or the boy band. - Oh, maybe I feel like I look terrible in my scenes, but I need to find my niche. I heard from next time we can do some other cosplays and maybe try some other types of characters. Well write down below. Do you think that we should try this again with somebody more manly characters as well. But anyway, Thank you for watching, I'll throw you back to me at home, right? Bye. So yeah, that was my long overdue professional cosplay experience. Was I good? Maybe, maybe I'm too critical on myself. I think the photos actually turned out really good. So onscreen right now, I'm going to show you some of the photos that the photographer edited and I'm not gonna lie. Wow, it doesn't look like me, It's really weird. I don't know how to feel about it. It looks amazing and shocking actually, but really impressive. It really made me readjust my mind on how I see professional cosplays now. I feel like, oh, shit editing does help out, alot. But it's also really amazing seeing the lengths that people will go to, to bring these characters to life. And I have to say, I have way more respect for cosplayers and how much effort they put in. This took nearly a year to do. Admittedly, it was a lot slower because of how I did things and it would go a bit faster, but still it's not a fast process by any means much, much more difficult than simply going on a website and buying the cheapest thing that they have available and trying it on. but I'll be posting these to Twitter and Instagram. So please do consider going, liking them and stuff like that and links to the photographer and Roshe are in the description. And of course, Kaho, she has posted some of her Zero two pics already. So go make sure to like those on Instagram, but I want to know, what did you think? Did you enjoy this video first of all? And what did you think about my cosplay? And do you want me to do this again in future with a different character, perhaps one that is more fitting of me, maybe one that I can keep my beard preferably. That would be nice. But I got to say overall, I am really happy with this video. It was a bit different from my normal stuff, but I'm still really glad that we went out of the way to do something that just took forever and was fun and was interesting. And I feel like you don't really get to see these types of videos about Japan. So I really wanted to make something like this. And a massive thank you to you, the viewers for making it this far, without people like you, who watch all of the videos, I wouldn't be here today. And I wouldn't be able to make these videos that cost a lot of money with the cosplay, the studio, the photographer, the makeup artist, the video editing the cameramen, all of it costs a lot of money. And I'm really glad that we can invest in this and make this type of content, so thank you guys so much. I really do appreciate it. Oh, without further ado, I'm going to go and enjoy my beard and stroke it meticulously. Thank you so much for watching. I'm going to slide under my desk now. Bye! (bright upbeat music)
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 2,587,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cosplay, Japan, Darling In The Franxx, Connor, CDawg, CDawgVA, Japan Cosplay, Shibuya Kaho, Kaho, Kaho Shibuya, Cosplayer, Japanese Cosplayer, Professional Cosplay, Budget Cosplay
Id: 1ZUH9ebyiZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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