I Try EVERY Japanese Alcohol Ft. @Abroad in Japan

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That has got to be the most drunk Chris we've ever seen on screen. He just kept spilling all the sake all over Connor's table. LMAO

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/rynnikelddi 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

This video was too hilarious

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/lunahreddit 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Drunk chris is a blessing

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/mxthrandir 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Lmao Chris was absolutely hammered by the end. If Natsuki was there too it would’ve been even funnier

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/EastCoastTone96 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
so yes this is a very concerning looking video fear not i won't be drinking alone today i am here with chris broad welcome chris hi hiding behind a mountains of sake alcohol beer wine literally every form of alcohol named to man i thought this would be a fun video and i thought the only person i could bring the only person i could bring is chris i thought maybe i'll come down to connor's house we'll talk about culture have a nice dinner no he wants to drink every single sake in the world in japan no one's making a video about all the really strange types of alcohol that you've had has to offer and you are a little bit of a of a [ __ ] when it comes to sucking it's on trash taste a few months back i brought connor some really nice socks that was not nice do you want to see the receipt chris for all of this oh my god yeah all of this was a hundred and fifty dollars isn't that just abs boringly absurd but i think we should start with maybe the the fake beers just wanna make a note to please be sensible when you drink i would highly recommend not doing this and not mixing alcohol in general it's only a bad idea so just gonna mention that if you are gonna taste a bunch of different alcohols please make sure to do what we did for most of this video and just have small sips of the drinks there is something very interesting that japan has which the uk does not now i think to any british person who hears this or any person who just drinks a lot anyway this is going to sound like a mythical dream something that can only exist in in magic but this is actually a drink called ukonochika and it's turmeric and ginger right yes they're non-alcoholic and they're supposed to help you not get a hangover i'd never find it works though maybe i drink too much but i i've had these a fair amount and normally what i end up happening is that i don't actually get drunk but when i do get drunk it happens immediately oh cracky it's really bad don't drink this i don't think it tastes that bad i think it tastes alright it's like red bull that's expired or something what is your go-to canned beer in japan my go-to beer is the support i thought you thought it might be a rich flavor to it it's really nice i will admit that it's better than asahi is like the basic one but this is a sakura edition which i don't think it tastes any different though the cherry blossom season right yeah special one-off but my favorite is this one yep this is haposhu it's technically not beer and in fact there's one here that says uh lokai it's called burial or is it or is it bar real you decide in the conference it says here in english low low-carb beer-like alcoholic beverage quite concerning when you eat something that's supposed to be like the thing that you're you know you want i have been drinking this for a good part of a year thinking that man yeah i'm drinking like low-calorie low-carb beer which is like why would you even do that in the first place and then i moved on to this one oh which is even worse where it's got like zero calories zero carbs zero anything beer with zero calories zero sugar nothing it's literally nothing i mean it looks like this that's the thing right you pour it and you think well there's beer isn't it check that out cheers cheers chris and so it begins 6 p.m our night out it is like if you watered down a carlsberg well i've got like tonic water in front of me here and it's like that's probably more flavorful than this this is kind of cool actually this is uh asahi clear and it's just beer but it's clear does it breathe you're kidding me there's a reason it's cool clear hit me up chris okay it's literally just here clear asahi is alive all right let's give it a shot jerry cheers well this is the atrashino what is that nice on your throat or something it looks very similar to the other two i think i think it's going to taste exactly the same these are the three main beer companies right so you've got asahi kieran and sapporo and they make most of the variations that we'll probably try right and the suntory as well oh no i don't know why it tastes really bad does it it's supposed to go down smoothly oh that's the worst one yet paint stripper cows that's that's a zero my favorite the worst tasting drink in japan normally it's gonna be up there it's not terrible it is okay there's no flavor to go from something like sapporo which is like a steamed well-brewed beer to this that's awful sorry 70 off 70 [ __ ] 70 [ __ ] only the finest of linguistics if this regular-sized beer can is too much for you why not choose the miniature portable asahi beer well i'm more of a middle kind of miniature i want not the normal one look at the three the three levels of beer look at that can you think of a scenario where you would want this much beer if you work in an office and you're having a bad day at work you just sneak off to the toilet pull it out your little i can see that actually down it crush it crush it crush it and put it in your sock we're finally getting to a level that's that's that's fun it's the most five out of ten beer ever isn't it so five out of ten i can't say i like asahi again sapro it's the case does taste better this is a nice beer i feel like i should almost clean my glass for this one if you want the king of canned beer premium yeah this is probably the best one look at the color of that that's just golden golden hue this i did my visual case shoot i remember this video and afterwards when i was done i was so naked from like wearing all the makeup i remember had this beer and it was like the most refreshing thing ever that's really nice i mean in terms of japan beer it's probably my favorite canned one you know it's a solid eight i'd say that's definitely an eight yeah it's good come on not another one let's have another burial right does actually say barley this should taste good oh that does smell that does not smell but that does not smell good that's no difference from the carb one they both just taste awful thoughts out of ten chris thoughts out of ten [ __ ] out of ten i can't wait to leave the beer category all right let's go to the asahi dry black now i hope this one is black curry so we're going to have a reminder of what happened earlier i don't normally like these type of drinks in japan i feel like they don't really do them very well oh actually i don't think i've ever had this one either it tastes like asahi with another hint like you know what am i going crazy probably probably drunk a lot of weird [ __ ] it doesn't taste that much different i'll give that a sixth actually i i would i've always been drunk so suntory the lager this is a very nice looking can and it should be quite flavourful it just smells like a lager beer i bet this is gonna taste of nothing this is gonna be a very generic beer it's just a lager that's six percent though i actually quite like it i'd drink that i'd give that a five or six yeah we have five beers left here and i won't lie only one of them looks garbage so i think we should start with a bad one we already drank that one no we have to we oh god he's going insane why did i agree to come here because you get free alcohol chris an abundance it sounded good on paper spend it spend an afternoon with connor have some free alcohol [ __ ] off it's not bad but it's just like four three maybe that's enough four i bought a six pack of acai of course and it comes with a free bag this is like what you know when the the father would drink the six pack he's like what's going on son is the happy meal toy that's a very stylish bag you've got there chris it looks like a vest we've earned a good drink hokkaido there's the sapporo hokkaido only variation yes i do think tastes better than normal it's a little bit richer a little bit more bitter a little bit more flavorful yeah when i was in hokkaido i just saw people drinking it at the train station like 11 like just every every type of like demographic except for kids unfortunately oh it's it's so good my mouth feels refreshed after all the stuff we've drunk that's like revitalizing medicine it's like medicine my mouth is recovered from the crap i think that's how alcohol is from starts chris is good yeah that's a nine out of ten that's fine i would put those six a six i think the embassy is creamier you can literally taste the craftsmanship from the automated factory it's how dare you i've been to the safari factory so i feel an affinity with this drink but it tastes great i paid you off chris it all makes sense now right we'll disagree chris gives it a nine i'll give it a six the sapphire can says it the perfect balance between molten hops gives you a great drinking experience from the first sip to the last yeah i can write a bunch of nonsense on my youtube channel the perfect youtube video is c don't forget rich malt very flavorful what does a rich mold mean it's just maltese rich what does that mean is cherry blossom season coming up there's lots of fill everything everything in japan right now well cherry blossoms there we go of uh featured sakura yeah it's quite good i mean jokes aside on the rich malt it actually does taste like something i'll give that an eight out of ten yeah give that a sound my taste buds are crying out for a different flavor do you like it when the art gets kind of wacky with the beer i'm enticed i mean this woman this got a quote from the woman here dancing says let's be romantic act on stage i think my main problem with japanese beer is that like they all look so similar they all just look like a mess of text and just shove together so it's nice to actually see something that's like all right well i mean that's why safra always stands out to me look it's not clean it is clean compared to like these two it's like it's just chaos oh it's very oh whoa well that smells good that's quite good better that would go great with like the biggest pile of crisps it's nice to have a flavor that's actually different for once right i'd drink that again look at that seven yeah i'll give it seven as well what's been the best beer then okay we haven't decided have we sephora he's paid off it's now seven p.m we've had our first drink our beers our staggering amount of beers 7pm alcopops as we call them in the uk if you go like shibuya which is like kind of like a party place for like i don't know anyone like quite young people you could see you will just see people just drinking these everywhere on the side of the street now i mean it's nine percent even though they do taste strong it doesn't taste nine percent strong it doesn't but it's very deceptive i don't think there's any drink in the world that i've had that gets you as drunk quickly as this i mean it's called the gaijin killer right it is um because it catches foreigners off guard who think they can handle you know because you know japanese aren't known for being able to handle that lick of the best so you know like an aussie or a brick comes here thinks oh this would be easy to drink uh and then you get caught off guard and you die because these things are so strong i mean i love it i do drink i drink this quite often i really love this one it's the hollyoak barely alcoholic three percent it tastes like a coke or a juice or whatever you get it's like an apple thai cream soda oh that's once it's been like yeah it's like calculus famous japanese drink with an awkward name it's kind of like milky kind of texture to it you can't taste the alcohol no you can't taste anything it's interesting this category right as you said you can't get drunk on this but yeah as we work our way up the line it's going to get bad what are we going to be by the end of this video well would you give that one out of 10.9 if you're taking it in terms of like i don't know just a drink that i would purchase yeah 100 i'd buy this so what's this one this is a peach it's like uh it's asahi's brand of this essentially premium chew high with rich and fruity taste enjoy the happy and luxurious moment with your favorite people progress favorite people yeah that's nice this is good this is like a nice this is the nice part of the video i'm enjoying it just take a chill i'm glad i came in this is where i get some um a little worried by the time we get here i don't think i'm going to remember my name youtube we are drinking responsibly um i think i think oh my gosh that's not much that's a lot because if you do that for every drink i'm gonna be [ __ ] chris you're gonna be fine yeah that's right shower that's like sparkling water and then they've just added a bunch of extract i'm gonna give it a six six i'll give that a five honestly i'll give this a six or seven that's a seven oh yeah so delicious all right next well fun fact about our strong serum a lot of people have been like protesting or complaining that should be banned in japan doctors as well because of how bad this drink is it's so cheap it's about a dollar a can and obviously it's very strong it's super easy to drink so you know something like wine you know if you don't like wine it's hard to drink but if you know if you don't really like alcohol you can you can drink this it's a little worrying the flavor you have really changes the experience this is very nice for cherry top flavor when i've lemon bit too i don't like that one's the default right yeah this is the bitter lemon it is yeah grape is one of my favorite flavors so i hope that it's it's good that's worrying you can barely taste the alcohol in that you can't taste that well at all so bitter lemon strong zero nine percent i don't like lemon flavored drinks no do i what would you give the grape one out of ten six i would give that a four that smells like aftershave lemon it tastes like um extreme lemonade it's not as bad as you think it's gonna be come on it's just like someone has just like grated the zest of a lemon into a drink well isn't that good though it's gonna have a refreshing taste that's a one out of ten good news we've finally got a flavor to get excited about cherry yeah and then we've got two more [ __ ] lemons let's focus on the now focus on the present if you're going to get through a difficult situation there that smells like a like a starburst you know it's nice yeah that's nice actually yeah i'll give that that's like an eight honestly that's an a but that's the problem isn't it because they make so many flavors there's bound to be a flavor that you're going to like this is what the zero flavor drink i don't think i've never had this so this is strong zero this is how you know someone is an alcoholic if they're drinking this i think pretty much because there's no enjoyment to be had from there i'll come off it chris i'm not drinking all that i'm curious do your parents ever watch your videos i'm not why does it smell like like paint alcohol sanitizer i'm pretty sure it's a little bit oh god oh this is gonna be a tough one do we have to drink the drink you're done with my first why am i drinking wait what are we giving we've already rated the cherry right cherries sorry terrible this is going to be less less than like it's like tonic water it's like totally sad that's sad with alcohol that is just very sad i legit think i can't do it all right good news good lemon sour who makes this one there you go this is this is from coca-cola i never do that i've always wondered i've never had this what i like about this video that we're doing now is [Music] but the fact i've looked at a lot of these drinks over the years like this one yeah i've never had them so by the end of today if i survive which is growing increasingly unlikely at least i'll know what they all taste like look at that seven because i don't think i'll give that something it tastes really good if you think you have the whole can it's a bit too sour i would like that with like a really healthy dish i think like some fish or like some chicken and broccoli broccoli i'm sorry to drop this episode because this video is sponsored by bogsu the premium japanese snack box that's a lot of snacks foxu is the only japanese snack box maker that partners with over 100 year old snack makers here in japan to deliver to you guys some of japan's best exclusive snacks they have the aomori apple soft cookie now aomori is a prefecture in japan that is very famous for its apples within japan so this is the finest apples in a cookie that you can get in japan and it comes with a cultural guide that details where all of these items are from in japan and why they're special so get temps and off your authentic japanese snack experience by using my coupon code on screen and clicking that link in the description down below and you'll see up to 47 and each box has a monthly theme and as you can tell this month it's sakura so what are you waiting for go and get these premium japanese snacks by smashing that link in the description down below and back to the video now we've got top value no it's 7 55 pm how are you feeling so far chris are you feeling okay really great i feel like the um i came here today i feel like i could feel the yukon blocking the like tipsiness that might might be here no okay i'm just talking about my ass chris i feel like i've been hit in the face with a baseball bat that's not bad i i've not as much as i want to like joke on the branding and the rip-off it's i think it's better than the bitterness it tastes like someone took this one and went let's make it 30 less good and then that's what it tastes better than this one what's the next phase chris of this punishment next phrase i've forgotten my name the next phrase is um this is that this is good i will say out of all the the super japanese drinks these are my favorite in the bottle there's the actual plums themselves whatever you guys can see that it's like a lava lamp of plums what did you say a lot of a lab of clubs this one it tastes so good as well it actually legitimately tastes amazing this is a a 2 million celebration so thank you so much for 2 million subscribers as you might remember if you follow chris um chris did do a two million celebration post with me i did a single photo for my two million subscribers and it's just connor eating a big mac some interesting english it says it's rich and fruit forward fruitful fruit forward with a a long and not too sweet finish enjoy it on the rocks or is the ingredient in creative cocktails fantastic cheers fantastic though unfortunately that's a two mil am i right boys two milligan finally chris call up to you it's 8 pm category three this is really good this is actually one of the nicest umeshi i've had in a long time yeah well i mean look at the difference so i'm gonna give that a nine out of ten yeah this is incredible that's probably the best thing we've drank tonight yeah like look at the difference in color this has been watered down perhaps with soda yeah it's bubbling it's carbonated it might be artificially flavored compared to the real thing cheers there's a thing in japan right where you have to put your glass higher or lower than the person right so i'm highland yeah yeah you you have more subs than me chris i'd say it's actually all right it's not too bad i thought it was going to taste worse i'll give that a seven actually i hate that i'm gonna give it a seven like it's actually pretty good i i didn't want to like it because i wanted to be like no the other one is much better the thing i miss the most i think from the uk apart from boris johnson is cider and they don't really do cider in japan apart from now more preferential which is famous for it but the cider here you can buy any convenience store this is the most popular and it is interesting point cider in japan means like lemonade right right right i was very confused when i saw i first came here right i saw a 10 year old drinking like cider and i was like oh my god he's going on turns out he's just drinking a soft drink but if you want cider real cider in japan it's called the french that's pretty bad what would you give the hard cider chris i'd give that a solid two i'd give it a four now we've had hard cider we haven't had this cider sweet asahi and it's quite good does it taste like cider not really is it your first time it's my first time having this so i'm very excited if you if it's chris's recommendation it's crazy i mean it must be good right smells weird is it as good as you remembered or does it need to be colder my taste buds have been destroyed i do think that some of the drinks could have fared better if they were chilled i don't own a fridge i you know third world country in all japan that's not bad yeah see i think what's happened is here traditional cider isn't as sweet as this yeah i'd say i'd say closer to champaign than it is maybe it's six maybe six it's miles ahead of this yeah that's much i like i you know but i feel like it's almost not cider soda does have a kind of like like heartiness to it not like a dessert you know you know what i mean though like the the when you eat like meat and potatoes it's got that like fullness that kind of like wholeness chip that has that flavor whereas sorry that doesn't have that flavor whereas the normal side i think would kind of have that almost kind of like puppy kind of flavor to it you know i i'm going insane trying to explain this this is the truly appalling part of the video so when i first arrived in japan in my second year i got a little bit depressed i'm not really sure why in hindsight i think i was wondering why i mean the white schedule was very yeah there were scheduled teaching and i know i went through a weird time and i bought this now this is white wine but it's in a plastic bottle i think you've just killed a french person this was i think 3.50 i think as well oh no oh no dude how much are you pouring but it says on the on the bottle here it kind of tells you what it's got like the flavors yeah but they say this it doesn't matter because it's like battery acid anyway can you read this it means delicious that's just oh that's nostalgic this is the one that's gonna upset my stomach though good i will reserve the right to use the ball for this one that's [ __ ] dreadful that's acid that's acid that's acid chris look at the presentation difference isn't that a [ __ ] beautiful one up to france and then you compare it to this car cleaning bottle product squeezy bottle jesus christ that's dreadful i love them one to ten minus five minus five that is by far the worst drink we've had yet yeah i'm 9pm you're getting to the last bar now this is where you're gonna settle down what have we got next we've got some tory whiskey we've got the mummy whiskey uh highborough everywhere whiskey with a bit of tonic water really our stomach's gonna be [ __ ] after this that's right i can't drink now i genuinely chris i can't connor i'm sorry chris i'm sorry i'm sorry i caught it together together i'm gonna go to the tour real quick i'm just gonna just [Music] i will gladly be a [ __ ] two-year-old it means i don't have to drink that there's 25 right 24. i'm being a little [ __ ] i'm being a little [ __ ] first what a [ __ ] i'm sorry chris i failed some tory whiskey chris just destroyed my room shame we didn't get that in 4k but you know what can you do all right here we go so some toy whiskey what is it [ __ ] off give it here next time you come over to my house chris this will be here right just for you cheers you're drinking it i will throw if i drink that why do you want me to die so much if you're not going to commit to a video don't do it that's what i'm going to say it's pretty strong jesus stop punishing yourself chris why do you hate yourself this is a video called i tried every alcohol we're supposed to try around well so it's 10 p.m you've had your beer your alcopops your message your whiskey and now it's it's about to get serious you've had your argument about whether you're gonna drink the high ball or the whiskey that was disgusting that was vile what would you give that out of 10 uh who am i what's my name you okay chris sucker time one fun thing is that we got these glasses for free we bought the sake at the shop for 700 yen which is like what six dollars maybe 6.50 and they gave us four of these for free which i feel like these are worth more than the drinks it's very they are very thin and i think the slightest movement would shatter it but uh we're gonna be good we're gonna be fine let's save the best one for last the chris the pier the resistance the thing is if you're a foreigner and you go to a japanese work party they'll often throw your honshu at you because uh yeah how much can you drink way because they think as a foreigner you better drink a lot uh but nihon shoe is incredibly deceptive it tastes quite good you get the right one and it will destroy you very quickly it will give you the world's worst hangover look at this this is sake this was this was nine dollars this is this this is absurd how can they sell this i mean it looks like mineral water i'm gonna taste it but i'm not drinking it no you're boring one cup sucker if you come to japan any convenience store sells one cup socket it's about 100 yen one dollar a little bit pour it in the bowl the hell crew you got half of that on the table we're not shotting all of these are we so sucky yes but we we're gonna be [ __ ] this is just packaging it's not pain you get the right sucker we've had one cup socket now let's have one cup suck it premium it tastes like paint stripper but there is some sake that isn't good um wait i thought i was pouring these ones well we've got to pull the whole piece off chris half of that's on me and the table smells like a dog it smells like don't mean it smells like a dog one two three you didn't like that did you you didn't like that at all it's disgusting someone got sucky we gave a three or four out of ten what would you give premium one cup stuff the more of the store is avoid one cup socket there's different ways you can enjoy sake um in the winter time you have atakan which is but what we've got here is nigorizaki which is cloudy sake as you can see here sak is typically this glitch is much more concerning when we bought it because it was separated like this part was clear and then the bottom was just all cloudy and very thick but it looks like it mixed i think when we were bringing it so nikolazaki it's about 14 percent oh very flavourful cheers i can't hit you because it's going to spill just yeah there we go like that oh where's that chalky flavor that hits you after oh ah oh that's painful now what though don't get cheap sucking that hurts like my insides that was like a five until like one second after i swallowed and it's like it's like an eight look at that four i actually refused chris i'm not drinking the whole oh you've got it oh the shot sixteen percent socket kumoto prefecture in kyushu jumped up this character and he's he's generated like a billion dollars of economic benefits for kumotek what percentages is this 25 25 percent uh imochu which is potato sake two one negative coin right there that's the worst thing we've ever drank it's pretty hardcore who would drink that i don't know why he's got a kid's character on it this is i think sixty-five percent so it's quite polished rice it should be quite pure and i'll call that for a second my heart dropped i was like 65. so the ideal serving temperature is about that's about room at room temperature 40 degrees celsius what room are you living in the percentage is about 15 percent wow same as wine just a shot of wine you just spilled some no you just spilled some on yourself let's go three two one down to one that's quite nice quite nice that's all right compared to the immortal the the potato stuff here that's pretty good how is it 15 whilst tasting like 50. what would you give that one i'd give that as five okay see this is like a children's picnic non-alcoholic great i can't [ __ ] wait in a children's it looks like pure milk yeah take a look at that oh [ __ ] collar's computer king king here we go on the floor again come on connor dog va here we go that one's really oh that one doesn't taste nice compared to last time japan is very of course environmentally smart and uh they don't want to waste packaging like cob god forbid so in case you want to refill your cardboard box of sake uh you can just buy the refillable bag of sako they like soap right yeah normally in japan this is reserved for shampoo body wash they're 24 years old a whole life heavy drink yeah i won't if i can drink this guy why are you praying to god 25 years okay that's good to know 100 now okay can i spit it in my mouth and back in drink the whole thing for trash taste for trash toast right right in one three drink some water zero out of ten the whole selling point of sake is that it's easier to drink than vodka and that was ten times worse than any budget vodka i've ever drank in my life okay i don't know what this is this is like sucky in a drum oh my name's chris i have a youtube channel no so the percentage of this is 25 chris shut up you're getting my is the cheapest table in all of tokyo that doesn't mean you can spill [ __ ] on it yes it does that is the worst thing is that worse than the last one that is the worst thing i've ever drawn i killed chris brown we've drunk about 40 drinks tonight and that is the worst drink i've ever put in my mouth pray to god three two one but chris there is one challenger left and it is the cheapest of the cheap we've got two drinks left we've got this and we've got an actually good socket one of the most popular cocktails in japan is red eye that's tomato juice with short shoot now we're going to die i [ __ ] hate tomato juice sure three two one go oh my god that's disgusting chris finally this is the bad boy it's the big boy this is the how much is this chris i don't know it's so much that chris doesn't even know he just pays whatever they ask last month i went to my preferred children's about two hours outside tokyo i went to a spring and a sake brewery have this beautiful spring in the mountains they get there this is from your video yeah i did watch this and this guy was very charismatic really cool explaining it a really cool guy this country allows this to exist this is the the champagne of the sucker you can't close this after you're done sorry chris thank you whoa that had a pop what though that's good the champagne of the sucker one i've been to the very spring in the mountains of goomba prefecture where this comes from it's fantastic i'm just dying right now i mean i think my palette is [ __ ] no how are you feeling chris i should have stuck with joey i like jeremy no joey's good joe wouldn't make you suffer the way i would well that's been this episode of i try every something in japan and uh my mouth is burning a lot right now but we tried every single alcohol in japan so that you don't have to we're british so it's fine i think we're doing okay chris is struggling a little bit i'm good we'll look up the word fun in the dictionary i'll just be a hyperlink to this video thank you so much for joining me if you're gonna check chris's chat channel out go and do so by clicking the link in description or clicking his name in the title and if you want more of me and chris on his channel there'll be a video of us eating every single fried chicken in japan and rating it so if you want more of that go and smash the link in the description or hit that card up top it's gonna be really good forget to like comment and subscribe from one chip just gonna casually mention this those are ghost pepper chips right there end video and video [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 893,956
Rating: 4.9879827 out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Drink, CDawg, CDawgVA, Abroad In Japan, Japanese Alcohol
Id: obng-x8oAk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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