I Tried Working In A Japanese Gay Bar

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It's inferno from fire force for anyone who is wondering, took me a while to find out

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Vilferoy 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
japan is famous for so many amazing things i'm sure you can think of tens of thousands of things on top of your head but one thing that you probably didn't think about was its nightlife and more specifically it's gay nightlife and here in shinjuku today i'm visiting a gay bar but of course i'm not doing it alone what are we doing today so we're in shinjuku specifically it's very lgbtq friendly and this is the gay bar that we're working at today i'm visiting and they have anime are they doing a gamer for attackers all right we'll water rainfall let's get in okay oh my gosh this is emma guri a gay bar located in shinjuku nicholme and it specializes in being an otaku friendly gay bar and the theming of this bar as you can see is green it's extremely green the walls are green the bottles are green the shorts are green but for now let's begin my adventure into japan's gay bars temperatures he's also what's known as the mama who is the main bartender of the bar um [Music] if you've watched my previous video on a girls bar you'll kind of know what it's about a snack bar in japan is where you can go to quite a small bar normally no more than eight seeds the whole draw of these types of bars in japan is that you can socialize and get to talk with the bar staff normally you're charged per hour or per 30 minutes and you're normally expecting to buy drinks for the bar staff so a lot of customers traditionally come here to sing their favorite anime song with no shame which i certainly will attempt later oh [ __ ] oh that's pretty good what did he say by the way oh come by sorry come by i'm so rude oh my god and like the name suggests snack bars often serve snacks of some variety this time we get some good old-fashioned crisps the japanese sauce flavor what that's so good i want more of those i'm taking these oh my god he's like monster munch and in no less than five minutes i already felt shy [Laughter] i should probably explain very quickly what furitsca is it's typically a type of choreographed dance that goes along with visual k songs so think of the dances that the crowd does to their favorite band there is so when did you open this box dancer and you have so many other things going on what made you want to open a bar as well you heard that correctly yui is amazing at dancing and has probably done some of the choreography your favorite dance scenes in anime and games but of course it wasn't enough for me to just sit at the bar and enjoy the amazing atmosphere tahoe had other plans for me why not yeah it's so delicious these are amazing but obviously i couldn't just jump right into it so yui had to show me the dance that i was going to be doing and honestly it didn't help at all i i i really was too nervous sure that's easy enough right how can i mess this up of course i was a natural one two three four four then five two one two three four four five it's so intense so it's like looking at my eyes that's lesson i have the dense moves equivalent to that of a bag of milk i'm sorry views now that you've done some exercise yeah are you ready to also work like behind the counter so i wanted to come here so i could work at the bar so can i work at the bar a little bit can you show me the way this is so before i could just jump right into being a bartender i had to learn some of the basics okay i don't know actually maybe maybe i'll i'll see the customers and i'll be able to figure that out today what do you think my type is what do you think yeah but before i had any time to prepare our first customer has already walked in no never oh nailed it [Laughter] whenever you go to a bar or restaurant in japan you're always giving an aushie body which is to just clean [Music] so this bar specifically has a bit of a unique draw the customers can buy their own bottle at a cheaper price than buying per drink and whenever they return to the bar later on they can just keep drinking from the same bottle so every single bottle is numbered so it gives you a reason to keep coming back but knowing barely anything it was time for me to make my first cocktail and hopefully not mess it up many many yo many many many many many many [Applause] and we were fortunate enough this time that the customers wanted to buy drinks for us so you know what that means time to drink salt [Music] but suddenly disaster struck i made my first crucial error as a bartender spilling the drink all over the table i've had too many i've had too many already i'm sorry i'm sorry aki oh like death note yeah yeah oh it's been 10 minutes and i'm already getting overwhelmed you guys look so young too you all look like 20 30. you guys look so young it's also very often that you'll find small bars like this that are normally run by one person will kind of make their own signature dish and yui prepared a chicken salad which i must say was quite delicious and this is given to the customers for free but it seems like things were going great but of course we got on to my favorite topic very quickly but some of the patrons had a brilliant idea why don't we do the nico nico knee together to get hyped i never want to do that ever again [Applause] i'm gonna need more alcohol but like any good bar in no time we'll be talking about the important topics how do you deal with rude customers if you ever get them i look so more okay at the board you only get like gay customers or do you get like a bunch of very like variation of people um if you didn't know in any song bar is where believe it or not you can sing anime songs okay wow [Music] these are just some of the cosplays that al has done and yui has done some sailor moon they're going there quite well everyone is a good cosplayer here except for me i'm not good at that i'm not very good at that one day one day i'm gonna warn you guys i'm very [ __ ] at this very bad unfortunately the boys were very insistent that i should sing a song and of course i only had one choice [Music] turns out you need to be able to read japanese to sing japanese oh god this is true pain this is true pain no the only bit that matters i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so [ __ ] pick a song you made me suffer i think it's only fair that you sing a song i was gonna ask is it hard is it a hard job working in this bar i think it is from there tomorrow you know outside of shinjuku is there much to do uh in terms of gay bars and anything like that you know in japan it feels sometimes like you know they just don't want to talk about things that are a bit uncomfortable internet um [Music] yeah it's definitely something that i feel like isn't talked about because i have a lot of friends here who are japanese and if you tell them you know someone's gay they're like oh he doesn't act gay and i guess it's yeah it's kind of strange but we quickly changed the subject to talking about confessing the differences between japan and i guess while me the uk just a moment [Laughter] and then it kind of goes from there you kind of feel it you don't you you never really ask are we dating that's kind of rare now normally you kind of just ask hey you want to go out for like drink or eat and then you kind of feel the room you know you kind of understand [Applause] foreign but enough of those serious topics let's listen to sing a song that she doesn't want to sing [Music] thank you [Applause] and now it was yui's turn to prove themselves [Music] [Applause] who asks you hey you want to choreograph my and of course it was time for aki to show off his moves [Applause] foreign but the customers weren't just content with your standard drinks it was time for some bizarre contraption of hard liquor and red bull and of course i had to be the one to prepare it but let's see how the pros do it first that this looks like the most unhealthy thing i've ever put in my body [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that's one week of my liver i'm never getting back i might a manual yeah it's very sweet i'm going to be on the ceiling after this video and of course it is no coincidence that after we took a shot of hard liquor it is time to start talking about the lengths of you know what i know [Laughter] foreign we love dirty jokes it's so much fun especially in japan you never hear dirty jokes it's so fun [Laughter] it's so fun coming here because i feel like in japan you kind of hear the same things because i'm a foreigner right so i feel like they don't really know how to talk to a foreigner so it's so nice getting to meet you guys and you guys are just talking like you know like i'm anyone else only first world problems for me every time i tell someone i'm british the first thing japanese people say like oh you like fish and chips and you guys haven't asked me that one time so you guys great amazing thank you [Applause] i don't get asked my size every time but but you know what you know what i'll take it this time this is good i'm happy you know these are the types of questions i've missed in japan you know even even if they are slightly uncomfortable and finally it was elle's time to show off their skills and of course they were amazing [Applause] so in this tournament arc of sinking that we had at the bar i was certainly the worst [Music] wasted no time explaining his love for long boys [Music] what if you like the guy right you know you take him home and then you find out he has a small dick what do you do unfortunately the current pandemic has been affecting an awful lot of businesses especially in japan and i wanted to ask yui specifically if it had been affecting his business in his bar soon [Applause] we're very quick to open up and you know be really open with people and it feels like in japan like people don't really open up to anyone and it feels like it takes a very long time to get there you know foreign i'm trying to learn japanese i i don't expect japanese people to speak english to me but yeah sometimes i feel like japanese people are really scared of foreigners i think but yeah no i love japan i i really do think you know japan has such an amazing culture you know and japanese food is the best i think [Music] i think everyone's so scared to hurt everyone that no one has a personality sometimes you know whereas i feel like in europe people can kind of express themselves and not worry too much about whatever what everyone else is thinking i've been living in japan for over two years now and one thing that i've noticed is that people care so much about not burdening others it often feels like people are limiting their own ability to express themselves and might result in them being a lot more unhappy and i wanted to know if the customers agreed with me on that point is it something that most gay japanese men don't talk to about with their parents is it something that they generally just hide yeah that's so many extra worries as opposed to in western countries normally it's more about me and what consequences might come to me that's really sad to hear that you have to worry about how it might burden others right that's you know it's just it's who you are but many alcoholic beverages later it is unfortunately my time to leave this bar it was an absolute pleasure getting to work with yui and getting to chat with the customers and i'm so sad that i have to leave but it's been a lot of fun ignore the new setting my room is not complete yeah but this video is sponsored by boxu box who's a hand-picked sort of snacks and candies along with a tea pairing curated around cultural themes and seasonal flavors that give you an authentic taste of japan in every box is a cultural guide that details each product's origin ingredients and in common allergens and baksu is easy you can order only every month or cancel whatever you want your first box will ship out within one to two weeks and it ships straight from japan and there's free shipping on us orders if you want a fun gourmet snack adventure through japan boxxu is the place to go use my code cdo 10 to get 10 up to 47 off your own authentic japanese subscription box from voxu thank you so much but if you want to go visit maguru yourself you can do so by clicking the link in the description i highly recommend going there when the world opens back up and of course don't forget to follow yui on twitter instagram and youtube and of course emma guri also has his own twitter instagram and youtube so check that out all these links are in the description down below and a massive thank you to yui for letting me work in this bar see you tomorrow i'll be back i'll be back i'll see you guys bye i wait for you i'll see you guys how welcoming they were i feel like i just turned up and they were just like yeah we love it it's great and if we could talk about something you know culture and society in japan and that was very profound it was a very rare situation where i felt like we would just talk about anything yes like we even talk about big dicks but thank you i hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you do want to come here yourself the link is in the description down below obviously when the world returns to normal but in the meantime don't forget to like comment subscribe and check out shibuyuka stuff on twitter instagram and i think youtube as well right oh thank you i hope you enjoyed the video in the meantime bye guys [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,813,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Gay Bar, Anisong, Japanese Bar, Snack Bar, CDawg, Connor, ConnorDawg, CDawgVA, Kaho, Kaho Shibuya
Id: bhHLIB-yqZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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