We Drove 3,274km Across ALL of Japan | Trash Taste Special

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unfortunately on Brand's corner has broken another thing on a trash tea special I kind of feel like I'm in a clown car right now this is not going to be from my dick it's going to be for my tears I just want to watch anime titties I don't want to be here I'm guessing it's quite painful oh you're approaching I'm going to take this home ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to another trash taste special we're back baby I know it's been a while and you know what we've been stuck in the studio during the pandemic so we thought why not just get out all of the traveling we've wanted to do in one go so why not have a bit of a boys trip across all of Japan and since this trip was so excruciating long and we filmed a lot of stuff we obviously can't show you everything we filmed but for you guys supporting us over on patreon because you guys also help us support these specials then you can get a full extended version of this special and if you're interested in that and want to support the show as well then go to our patreon patreon.com trash taste links in the description but enough teasing on with the special welcome to the start of the trash taste road trip we are at the southernmost point of Mainland Japan SATA misaki ignore the lighthouse back there but this is our starting point I'm going to be going all the way to the northernmost point in Hokkaido nearly 3 000 kilometers about 50 plus I don't know hours of driving way too long a lot of driving and hopefully along the way we'll be finding some fun stuff just show you guys without further Ado let's start this guy against you in road trip across all of Mainland Japan let's go so beautiful three thousand kilometers and nine days to pack in as much of Japan as possible over that time we will be doing various activities encountering every climate from Sun to snow along with a lot of driving Welcome to the trash taste road trip [Music] well we're about to stop question is who's driving well me I literally just got my license two days ago so um I'm I'm still fresh in uh Japanese driving laws I get it I get it made the youngest one do all the work are you going to be doing any driving this this journey Joe I'm gonna be in the passenger seat making sure we don't get lost what the [ __ ] he gets to sit in the nice comfy passage you'll see this entire time this is the only day you get to ride a shotgun no other time no other day no other day you don't deserve it shotguns for winners all right let's go seat belts on gentlemen I've already got it on I've already got it on this is a safe road trip I'm not going to crash the car I mean yeah no way has he broken two cars let's go come true even though we shared a common goal of reaching the most northern part of Japan that didn't mean there wouldn't be some classic trash taste challenges along the way we have a couple of like pit stops of some interesting activities that we find depending on the challenge there's a little rewards you get to live the life of a king or the life of a peasant maybe I always live the life of a king we'll see about that bad Beach things so our first stop is Oita prefecture it's going to take us about six and a half hours to get there and uh Oita or rather bepu is a big city it's known as a big onset City stop we'll be going to is hopefully a nice relaxing Onsen after a six and a half hour it's kind of where are you going so Google Maps is conflicting with the information the the cars at Aristotle [ __ ] sake agree just blaming it on the map I am do it's not my fault we've literally been driving for 11 minutes and we're already lost good content [Music] and there it is what a [ __ ] [ __ ] tunnel oh my God what a [ __ ] tunnel one car tunnel how many times had have you guys had to pee on a road trip in your lives in a bottle yeah I've never done that I did it on my boss once you have so many [ __ ] weird pistols like you're always piss in your parents room once you piss on a bus in public apparently I'm not like not in the bus I mean like in a bottle on a bus I don't know if that's better though no so like she had a she had like a bottle of like peach juice and I was like down it down and now I need that bottle thankfully our producers didn't plan challenges for us on the first day as we could just relax at our first destination in Pepper well we have reached our first destination of the day my God Conor is already dead I mean I drove for four hours I'm tired but this is our first day of driving and uh pretty pretty good so we're in Oita Factor right now we're going to stay at this uh San tsikan right here 111 years old this real kind apparently are you the one who booked this one Connor no what no yes yes I am yes I am yes I am I was like uh no no I have the booking.com reservation this is my one it's famous for its nonsense and I need a bath because I stink so uh let's go check out the room though all right all right let's see our first room for the trip [Music] oh this is this is a road trip room this is the Rio card experience where you just get a but like your view releases oh look at that Sakura look at that Sakura that's pretty amazing just like took the room like five levels up basically right now I'm about to have a high school romance on this [ __ ] business [Music] our relaxation would be short-lived however as our destination was Fukuoka where apparently a secret activity was waiting for us Gamers it is day two of the trash taste road trip it's 7 30 in the morning we woke up at 5 30. let's [ __ ] go we are being fueled purely by The Cow by the power of the cow hey you'll get this boy some milk by the power of caffeine but anyway today uh we're on our way to Fukuoka which is the North East prefecture in Kyushu we have just been told to go to a certain point we don't know what we're going to be doing yet apparently some kind of challenge I don't know if we're gonna be suffering or having fun I'm pretty scared honestly gone this is trash taste we're going to be suffering which one is it gone was there more doors or Wheels gone is this an actual question yeah genuinely what is there more wheels or dots there's more doors but like your office like uh chair has like six wheels I don't know why but whenever con asked me question now I'm just like is this a Deez Nuts joke I was like silent because I'm just like there's no way this can lead to a Deez Nuts joke of my answer right that's like Doctor Strange the meme calculating every possibility it's like there's no way Connor's trying to like initiate a genuine conversation I was thinking we all these nuts in your mouth door these nuts no that doesn't work either soon though our destination came into view all right well we're three minutes away from wherever the [ __ ] we're going wherever the producers have decided it's pretty Barren right now it's not a whole lot going on I mean is anything famous in this region that we could be doing not that I know of maybe something traditional farming is it famous for farming a traditional Japanese experience I'm happy to play what was it Harvest Moon that's that's the game I don't want a [ __ ] Farm the first one to grow carrots wins apparently it's just around here oh [ __ ] there's horses at the front what the [ __ ] are we horse printing are we riding horses what is this Canadian Camp Horse Club making experience we would be doing Yaba Summit a traditional Japanese sport based around archery on Horseback this was something straight out of Princess Mononoke so those are horses those are live animals uh that we are going to be riding as we've just found out right now really don't want this to be the thing that I break I don't want to break a horse I really don't want to break a wall well the thing is either you break a horse or you break yourself just don't break anything today but either way we need to get changed before we start and get all the protective gear on so I guess so let's let's do that yeah cultural appropriation speed run I'll be gold I'll be blue all right all right if Joey still had his long hair he'd literally just look like a samurai right now with the bun yeah with the bun yeah I look like every tourist to Japan area I feel very Tom Cruise Last Samurai is kind of vibe right now our first task would be learning archery which was tricky enough on Solid Ground so first and foremost we're gonna get used to using the actual bow I mean look at this super traditional ones yeah I agree if I remember correctly yeah you put it in between here you wrap your thumb around it so that it kind of covers it you've got to use your index finger and your thumb to kind of grab it like this and then you twist it a little pull it back [ __ ] okay that was that was awful and I'm gonna watch Connor alone it's Connor's getting the full-on tutorial no I don't want to move yeah I'm scared ah so okay okay let me try this okay what about this I think I got it how are you guys doing I think I got it really yeah oh okay today I will prove the Archer class is really made up of archers you should be banned we're literally just gonna have to do what we're doing but while we're doing this yeah that sounds easy that sounds easy enough like doing it watching PornHub shooting a bow while watching porn let's go let's go let's get out of here let's get the [ __ ] out of here a good baby oh good oh I see a pain in the ass to keep take care of shoveling the poop all day it's like following a trash taste episode shoveling all the [ __ ] takes for two hours it was time to get on the horse and it was only then we were informed that of course we were gonna be competing for a prize of course we can't just have fun here on trash taste on a special we can't have it no it's never allowed we're here to make winners or losers apparently the winners get to get to stay at the Sheraton tonight it's the only five-star hotel in Hiroshima and apparently the loser stays in a manga Cafe I've already done that is it a nice experience no it's not you're sleeping on a yoga mat basically and uh yeah there's going to be a Target that we have to hit on horsepower and I guess whoever gets the least amount of points or least closest to the Target is the loser let's just say the manga Cafe I love the fact we woke up at 5 30 in the goddamn morning only for me to end up on a yoga mat in Among Us listen are you admitting defeat already no I'm obviously staying at the show I want tonight is a good night's sleep all right I'm just excited to see uh Connor lose for once yeah it's about time I win something I mean I'm half Japanese so I basically win by default in this traditional sport so uh yeah easy diet comes back to bite you easy diet but I guess for now we'll uh start riding the horses hey oh easy look at them shoes damn dude look at those Converses Ray J Dude Ray William Johnson I will call you cafe damn these are good boys man yeah I know yeah what a good boy how God feels when he's telling me he's a pigeon I feel powerful get off your high horse God you guys think you're better than me whenever Connor has an opinion I swear I'm right POV you're six foot looking down on Connor how convenient the white guy goes on the White Horse we were nervous to start with but excited to feel the power of shooting arrows from horseback it's nerve-wracking I gotta we gotta steer the horse and shoot the bow it's kind of weird it's kind of daunting so we're just practicing to see how what it would be like I was trying my best to fire my arrows but God's horse seemed a bit too Keen to get friendly with mine Jesus Christ is right in your ass too I know like he's like what the [ __ ] he said oh you're overtaking me what the [ __ ] London why are they doing this are they kissing stop kissing why are my butt cheeks gone get your horse away sniffing the [ __ ] dude my horse however much like me had his own pace he was going on you can get a little bit closer Joey yeah I'm trying mate Ray J's just hanging out dude Russia's just chilling man there we go don't raise it you got it mate no no come on you've got me ready I like to stop man you've got to make it easier on me [Music] Joey's got the easy horse he literally stops in front of the target yeah he's giving Joey an advantage what the [ __ ] it's not my fault he's like bro bro you got this you got this bro I literally got the like the stoner of horses ha ha I missed oh no he missed oh he's choking he's choking dude you got a joy oh he choked he choked chokes I'm the only one who hasn't missed yet that's how every every trash day special goes and then I miss how did Joey Miss with like the slowest of horses he basically missed standing still I'm focusing too hard on like form that I'm not aiming properly I think that's why I missed that last one yeah excuses Jake pressure zero miles an hour there we go on just choked on one of his shots I don't know how you did that I did how did you do that I just looked I got a misfire classic Gun Man Ray J really needs some [ __ ] reinforcement to get going dude I'm kicking the [ __ ] out of this horse and I feel so bad don't say that but then practice was over and it was time to play for real the two Targets were placed further away and we'd have three rotations for a total of six shots whoever gets the most shots on target wins ready boys all right good luck good luck Gentlemen let's go my grip's week arms are sweaty come on oh my God that's so far yes oh that's so far away dude what the [ __ ] okay got it no one of you please joke come on Ray J we got this bro we got this yes oh come on Jerry choke this one choke choke choke my ancestors are looking watching upon me right now got it that was so hard to hear this is nerve-wracking that was close I nearly missed that I I was before dude I'm nervous I really want to stay at this hotel we're going super hard mode we're going even Beyond they have no idea that a five-star hotel is on the line right now holy [ __ ] miss it yes yes oh my [ __ ] god choke Joey please please I'm begging you the ancestors got my back I was the first to miss a shot things weren't looking good oh did I go in oh does that count I did it bounce out oh of course in true trash tastes fashion there was a bit of controversy regarding Connor's points I feel like Connor's missed the edge he hit the edge there no no no I definitely got it in I definitely got it in I definitely went in I missed the second one I missed both I feel like Conor missed the second one as well he definitely knows he missed so that means in that last one Connor hit one God hit one I hit zero and we make it even harder now making it even harder great this is really hard now my heart is pounding so much I was in the lead and ready to grab Victory all I needed to do was to not choke [Music] good luck Jerry oh did I go in oh did that hit going I didn't see I honestly didn't see that I don't think it went in oh no [Music] Joey Joey Joey's staying in the manga yeah yes I get the nice hotel oh I'm so happy I'm so happy wait why are there two winners what the [ __ ] the winner the winner sorry Ray J we did our best man who would have thought that the person who plays the least FPS games would lose don't play with that your ancestors where were they your ancestors were your answers I was German today dude for the first time in trash taste history I didn't choke so of course I took my victory extremely gracefully well well well choke dog V8 doesn't strike today that was a first wasn't it yeah I know no kidding Brad damn that was really fun thank you very much to Canadian Club in Fukuoka the staff are also amazing and really welcoming and just really a great time overall honestly that was one of the finest activities I've done here in Japan wearing this feels badass you like channeled your Tom Cruise energy because you were like Last Samurai in the [ __ ] I did dude I saw the Gatling gun I thought I got to get one shot I gotta kill the guy and also I'm the winner which is also great did we determine how many any winners that we're going to be yeah two well we changed it to one though yeah we can definitely change it to one no no no no no what's in the what's in the rules what's in the rules well he technically got the most scores so he has the most scene oh I guess I'll [ __ ] why would you give it to Connor either way I'm [ __ ] staying so if anything I want a robe gone in to be honest we can read some manga together get away get away unfortunately it was decided by Mr humble winner over here that there would be two losers from The Challenge staying in a manga hotel at our next destination Hiroshima it is my turn in the driver's seat now I'm scared I will try not to crash the car I've never driven a vehicle this big before so this should be an interesting experience I just want to get to this hotel in one piece I mean of course it's the one time I win can't will sabotage it yeah this should be easy like I I feel okay I feel anyone who's learned how to drive in Southeast Asia can like survive if you can drive in Southeast Asia you can drive anywhere I might piss people off but I don't think I'll crash all right don't never never see you again I'll break a few laws I'll kill a few civilians but you know as long as I don't know we're safe guys that's the important thing the kids on the side of the road you know that's their problem you know they need to look right and left what did you say again [ __ ] them kids finally we had arrived in Hiroshima and it was time for Connor to enjoy his prize well we're at the Sheraton Hilton in Hiroshima boys which should be on our accommodation our accommodation I can't wait to stay here tonight I love five-star hotel so who doesn't I I'm gonna go in the hotel hope you boys enjoy your monkey Cafe don't touch me don't touch me hi guys I'm gonna go die now come on Manuel let's go while I would have enjoyed a nice comfy hotel room this didn't even seem like a forfeit for Joey all right so uh this is our accommodation for tonight lost Cafe I'm not content with spending what is it like 5700 hours in a manga Cafe Joey's now dragged me along and dragged me down with him to spend the night in a manga Cafe this is going to be like what day four of staying in a manga Cafe on camera I must say uh it should be called the lad Cafe because that's the lads are coming in I'm parked oh God being a little more enthusiastic I cannot let's see what is let's go oh oh oh this is how a winner should be greeted with doors that open not sliding ones that I have to open myself [Applause] I loved how much space I'm getting you know is uh like I'm I'm a bit sad that this is not ensuite you know like I like I thought it was going to be we actually kind of got a deal because at least this one has a ceiling what do you mean a lot of longer Cafe rooms don't have ceilings and they just like oh Joey why didn't you tell me we were living in luxury Joey oh my God we get we get a ceiling thank God I got a seat dude this is the five star of manga cafes I'm telling you we get our own [ __ ] room we get a door not just like a flap yeah that's pretty good not only are like the individual beds not single beds they're like kind of a twin ones are a bit bigger than normal but like you actually have room a desk as well a nice desk you never get desks in Japanese hotels it like just doesn't happen I mean if you're American watching this maybe this room is like not that big but in Japan this is big not as big as you yeah yeah we've got two screens right here instead of one look at the TV here I bet you Connor doesn't have two TVs in the Sheridan a really big TV for a Japanese Hotel look at those view oh okay is it good not bad not bad yeah there's not really a view I can see here I don't know what con is doing right now it's probably being smug as [ __ ] laughing his ass off I can just imagine his face I can just imagine his smug face we all agreed that the top two winners were going to get to stay in the Sheraton and only the loser was going to stay here in this manga Cafe but no Joey had to drag me down with him but nice that we have a bathroom right in the room basically it's crazy it's like I can brush my teeth while looking at the staff's sleep oh dude we can do our makeup here as well yeah that's pretty poke actually that's dude that's so good it sucks that this is like the best lip part of the entire building the orange juice apple juice kind of gonna be so jealous we've got a we've got an ice machine right outside the room t as well dude [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] look at this vintage like cigarette machine bro I might need one tonight man I might need one tonight I'm gonna start smoking tonight maybe tonight is the right night to start smoking how bad are you feeling that we don't have mangas here though that does kind of sound we don't have Manga Here which is like the one bad thing oh dude hentai here okay this has certainly got a lot better yeah oh my God they got all of bleach and all of Naruto I knew it but hey I guess this is kind of weird you can like see me foreign but only very gently only your head is the shower good oh I mean yeah it's it's nice I'm pretty happy at least I can finally get a good night's rest the last two places were like super cramped so to have like a room that is cozy oh although I will say they try to charge me 16 to use the pool what the [ __ ] what'd you do Joe so I just bought a shower coupon uh it's 300 Yen for a shower and 200 yen to Red bath towel so it's 500 yen for a shower how luxurious we've got some food here very nice cup Ramen I mean you've got to say it feels Gonna Be A Winner I guess for now I'll see you guys tomorrow I'm gonna rest out and I'm sure the boys are too so I guess we'll see you tomorrow in the car or we start our journey to okayama so uh we'll see you there bye guys well I've kind of just been chilling here for a little bit reading some manga and just you know wallowing in my self-pity but uh you know we've been up for so long and I've been with like a bunch of animals and stuff like that I kind of want to take a shower so I'm gonna go do that dude I must say out of all of the manga cafes that I've stayed in the one reason why this place is dope as [ __ ] this one's got a [ __ ] sauna in it that's actually kind of extra I guess without further ado let's get naked well you can play Grand Saga you can uh oh what's this what's this oh my God oh my God how many times do I want to [ __ ] shower Jesus Christ is this just gonna be the norm for me now where there's scenes of me bathing in a mama Cafe is that is that is that my entire career now [Music] to be fair I am kind of enjoying this a lot more thank God because uh I get to watch you can't Suffer Well if all else fails I can just catch up to my anime I still can't believe there's a goddamn sauna in a manga Cafe this is great the Sheraton I'm sure doesn't have a [ __ ] sauna suck a dick Connor I know how much you like saunas I don't even like saunas I'm literally going in just despite Connor not to mention I have it all to myself as well because uh God was like no I'm not gonna take a shower right now I'll I'll wait till the morning you're probably trying to read some goddamn manga in Japanese aren't you [Applause] I can't read this so I just finished having my shower it was actually pretty good I mean the sauna was a good uh stress reliever but I saw on their website that there was an interesting uh list entry of amenities that they have and it just said that they have rare amenities so I thought huh never seen that before went to the front desk and said may I peruse your rare amenities pulled this out um I hope you know what this is I'm going to take this home as a gift to myself and go to bed yes I'm not even going to pretend to like try to fully utilize this place I'm just tired now we've got so much more of the road trip to go so yeah I'm going to bed oh yes me and just like that day three was upon us [Music] our boys are on the next leg of the trip day four day is it day it's not day three [ __ ] it feels like day seven already yesterday felt like two days what day is it I don't know like sleeping in a manga Cafe I could have slept for two hours I could have slept for 25 I have no [ __ ] clue time passes differently in the manga Cafe the first word Joey said to me is he looks at me in the eye goes what time is it I gotta say boys it was luxury it was amazing the best hotel eyes now it was good it was uh I think for a five star I thought I think they're a bit over overreaching with that rating well I mean either way I'll take a four star over uh a manga Cafe I don't know man did you have a sauna in your room okay I had to pay 16 I'm never gonna forget this fifteen dollars for just the pool there wasn't even a sauna I feel really well rested the breakfast was good the only thing I want to say that sucked is that at about 8 A.M the alarm radio turned on and it started playing bomb sirens and screams like I'm like that's not a sound you want to be hearing in Hiroshima by the way yikes you know the room itself wasn't too bad but then like as soon as I try to get to sleep someone checked into the door next to me I'm hearing this eye like this squeak from I think it's a headphone and then I heard please no please and then gone turned on the TV and went which one is sync up we got to sing and then I didn't sleep for another I think 20 minutes or half an hour today we'd be driving to okayama where we would be stopping off at a rather unique place we are about four minutes away from our destination and finding out what we're going to be doing for the day I have no clue it literally looks like the middle of nowhere I'm seeing a lot of home making I saw a golf course are we playing golf Joey there's no way the producers would allow us to play golfer every day why because that's fun Joey we're not here to have fun Against All Odds though we might have actually been given something fun as somehow we had stumbled upon a German theme park in Japan dude exactly 25 of my body is quaking right now is it bad to think that I think this looks like every like Town Square in every jrpg this is just Final Fantasy this is just a final fantasy this is like ryzer we've just been informed by our producers what we're going to be doing today we are going to be making bread our own brand I am so excited Mr all bread tastes the same is gonna have his first bread making I'm so excited to taste this bread that's going to be the best bread I've ever tasted have you ever made bread before what do you think what do you think I have let's go inside let's go do it [Music] [Applause] I feel like the producers really knew what they were who they were aiming this towards so apparently we can uh make whatever shape we want of the bread we have our resident German staff here Manu who's going to dictate who has the best bread out of us three I can feel your judging eyes Manny I can feel your judging eyes God is here to atone his sins well they all did the hard part for us they like made the bread we're just making the shape of the bread as the only member of trash taste with actual German ancestors the pressure was on I like cute things and so I figured let's go with something cute I'm gonna make bread that's gonna make Manu go shiza oh my God okay it's my logo with a bow tie after channeling my European ancestors and figuring out what I needed to do it became clear that only one design would do it for me my strategy was simple among us all I'm saying is Beethoven didn't need to hear to make great music so do I need to taste to make great bread [Music] the next challenge was upon us make butter so JoJo found this is easy [Music] SMR you're making butter just take a shot of the back and it just like [Music] [Applause] oh it's so good what the [ __ ] first edition who do you think is going to have the best shape turned out mine's got a lot of loose pots as much as yours does so I'm a little worried yeah I'm a little I'm a little worried it's gonna be me of course I'm gonna be making the best bread yeah because it took you literally 20 seconds to make not all art has to be complex sometimes Simplicity is the key guys I bet you go to Contemporary Arts museums on weekends don't you no he does he does then it was time to see the fruits of our labor doesn't even look like it yes it does it does yes no it doesn't no it doesn't mine actually looks like Mike was out all I'm saying is mine definitely looks suss it does look sauce yeah it almost looks like a manga's but if you got bumped in there yeah dude you literally have one shape to do you can do it but this does look like Mike Wazowski he's got his eyes no no this is what is that that's his eye that looks like his anus too no no no that looks that looks like Microsoft I think it looks a lot better now like it looks more Among Us than before but I think like for Connor was like because you have the details the detail the detail yeah also Connor let me stay in the nice hotel so I'm gonna yeah this is literally bribery caught on camera how about we just agree that Joey loses I think that's fair I think that's fair all right I know I couldn't believe you've done that to me I'm so sorry what do you mean what do you mean it should have won I should have won no I'm sorry you're not Joey lost that's the most important thing but we get to make a tweet on Joey's account and don't write something that'll get me canceled well we had only been scheduled for bread making we found that the park was actually full of activities to do and we might have let out our inner child just a bit [Applause] [Applause] that was so fun that was really fun well the challenge wasn't as intense as yesterday's but I still think we had a great day today this was way more fun than I thought it was going to be right because we initially just came here for bread making and then uh we found out that there is a lot of things to do here I wasn't necessarily German no but was it fun absolutely did I nearly to kill Joey in a car crash yes I did it was nice just to have fun on a trash taste special and not get pressured into thinking I'm going to sleep in a shed tonight or something like that right we just had fun it was great we're gonna head to our next destination which is that's where we're going after the full day of fun and activities we would be staying the night in tottori where we would be visiting one of the most unique places in all of Japan the next morning oh there's nothing else to do today other than go to bed and then tomorrow we'll be going uh doing the sand dunes yeah we don't know what we're going to be doing there but we'll see you there bye daughtery is home to the biggest sand dunes in Japan and while we knew that was on the itinerary nothing could prepare us to find a site like this oh what the [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] weird where the [ __ ] are we this is Australia yeah dude I I was about to say like driving down here it looks and feels like Australia what the [ __ ] that's so weird looking like the change in vegetation look at that I feel like I'm gonna step on the stands and find a snake or something the shore is so far away so who's going to start singing the Dune song everybody it would be a waste not to do anything here but luckily our producers had something planned for us you guys are segwaying who gets the best Segway because apparently in this desert someone thought it would be a great idea to drive a Segway it's sand Segways I guess sunsets where were they in Dune man they could have easily outrun the sandwork if they were just on a Segway you know all right well I guess uh let's see who's the best in Segway yeah we'd all be riding Segways and honestly we might have been enjoying them a bit too much very easy that's pretty intuitive you just lean where you want to go what you say to me a little [ __ ] let me get let me turn around there hold on but hold on let me let me face you real quick what the [ __ ] you say to me what the [ __ ] did you say [ __ ] did you say to my cameraman remember the 360. oh my God oh God oh [ __ ] it's a long camera baby no kind of being a monkey as usual all right let's do it let's go let's go baby they see me rolling oh nice ass Joey nice ass show me those buns oh god oh the double bun yeah oh yeah baby that's what I'm talking about this is so fun that's so fun this is great holy [ __ ] kind of feels like what I think skiing would be like you know yeah on a flat surface yeah [Music] I love this we should buy these I should Traverse like this all the time mailing can you invest in some Segways please thank you may Lynn please please we want some Segways [Applause] yo that's so cool come on oh look at the view holy hell dude we already like elevated about like [ __ ] 20 centimeters but I feel so powerful you know it's like the modern day Austin that's probably one of the coolest things I've done I thought this sounds so lame segwaying on Sand but no dude this is so fun foreign [Music] [Music] let me see that dummy thick ass my booty bouncing oh [ __ ] I nearly fell I saw that the clap of your ass cheeks is getting in the way Joey oh you're approaching oh I went to said that is over this damn gone you're gone how's that having a bit too much fun there so one of us had to it's okay guys I took the Elvis oh you got it man it's a dominance this uh dominance well the guided tour was nice it wouldn't be trash taste without a good old-fashioned race a time trial baby this time our producers have not taught us what we're going to win but I'm hoping it's going to be a Michelin star meal or another five-star hotel I need it it's gonna be worth the struggle of putting my life on the line yeah and speeding I've already fallen off once I don't want to do it another time that was like in the practice mode to decide who goes first let's see walking with scissors yeah [Music] wait how does this work well we do it again say sure good I can put [ __ ] ing such a jury goes first oh I got a second okay we're gonna be doing a time trial over a course first we would need to accelerate round the corner and into the tricky bumpy segment where God had a bit of a tumble earlier turn around into the Gated path and finally finishing things off perfectly between the two trees through to the Finish Line all while avoiding traffic and potential kids in the way easy I was the first up and I was certainly nervous starting things off go no you know that's not the acceleration you want when you are doing a race there's people oh God there's people it seems to be going like max speed and I think he just went the wrong way I went the wrong way he's meant to go around Joey oh is he must be disqualified already right you might have did the coursing correctly though and also you missed one of the bumps yeah you missed one of the bumps up there do you want to do it again maybe yeah let me do it again let me do it again three two one go and there he goes amazing posture off the start there really good stuff you like to see it okay so he's gone up now he's doing it right this time it's good to see you actually going the right way oh it's so hard to accelerate [ __ ] kind of keep up the speed though on the bumps that's the real Time Saver all right if you really want to go crazy with it you can you can just full speed it and there is kids running along his path Bend at the knees baby Bend at the knees you got it all right here we go all right pedestrian's in the way okay looks like it's not going to be an issue he's going for it though coming on the turn this is the he's successfully avoided the kids come on accelerate it's pretty scary to be fair you don't want to hit the trees oh okay and it's true he's just made it and his final time yes one minute 15 seconds dude it's so hard to accelerate off that Hill not a bad attempt Jay that's faster like I call [ __ ] because you had a practice run he basically had a practice run people don't know that with my previous Victory I felt a change in the air I could win this the era of Choke dog VA is no more good luck gamer oh he's really going for that acceleration there oh no there's somebody in my way no oh this guy's got some trouble that's good oh [ __ ] my ass oh yeah I'm good you're right you're right oh that hurt my ass a lot I think it's just his pride that's hurt I knew that was gonna happen well then I I guess I got us at least a solid second place so you must say all right let's finish this this is a drinking special all over here over again can't believe I choked joke dog strikes again well I don't think Connor won this one and I guess it's on me now with Connor out the running it was my time to shine oh [ __ ] a bit of a slow start but so far it's not the fastest start I think yours are a little faster I think so he's taking it quite precariously but he's managed to get up there at a decent time now he's okay now he's going to be scared now he's going to be scared I'll be all right let's go take it slow yeah and he's slowing down quite a lot okay can you get back up and save this though he can save it he can save it he can save it he's got it no it's not on it's not on he's gonna turn it back on oh no it's all going wrong for God oh my God oh and he's driving like a pensioner now he's going really slow and he's coming this is a slow time so sad I'm so sad oh he's taking it like a grandma now he's slowly getting there the trees are [ __ ] back a little bit is he gonna hit the tree oh just misses it and he's coming in and will he be able to beat Joey's time in the time the time is one minute 40 seconds which means your boy gets the door too you think's going oh [ __ ] oh my God your boy had got the dub but there was no time for rest as we were straight off to our next destination so we just finished coming out of totori sand dunes legit so fun like it feels weird leaving here at lunch time when it looks like I just want to stay here all day yeah right oh my God I could have easily done that for like another couple of hours at least of course it would not be a trash taste special without a Sea Dog VA choke um I'm like but like I knew it was coming like I knew Connor would choke so I was like oh I won't leave my boy hanging I'll I'll do it too I'll do it too it's happened so many times people are going to start thinking it's scripted but it's not we swear it's not scripted I guess no one could have predicted the thing I'd break this time with my ass oh my ass hurts so much so like how bad was the fall it really hurted actually it's like a breather but also I was worried that the guy would be like all right no more no more Segways the challenge is over if he saw that I was in too much pain yeah so I was like [ __ ] just get back up so go on here go and do it so you got this job you got this I was like the only thing that powered me and kept me going was the chance that God might also fall and [ __ ] up which he did thank God it's not about how many times you get down boys it's for how many times you get back up and I got back up oh you got back up oh he did get back up all right I want to try sand surfing paragliding there was a lot of activities there that like you could spend a day or two here and we had half a day to ride some Segways which was already fun as [ __ ] we've been told that we're going to be finding out what Joey won and where we're staying all at once let me just say what you're going to win is gonna absolutely change the game oh well don't hype me up like that I'm like sad now I'm sad that I didn't win oh my god dude I'm excited I wonder is there what's special about this place we're going to Joe do you know anything about it an inside sugar prefecture there is a massive Lake it's the biggest Inland Lake in Japan called biwako it's a lake not a sea right when we get to it it looks like an ocean because it covers I think a third of the prefecture or something like that it's huge as we got closer it became clear where we would be staying so it looks like we're just about to arrive at our next place and we are staring at an absolute Mega Chad of a lake this is not a lake this is a [ __ ] ocean this is so cool it's got waves dude how is this a lake and the [ __ ] you know [ __ ] Red Sea or like the [ __ ] [ __ ] British people British people be like [ __ ] you would you [ __ ] Lakers you [ __ ] going up so I'm seeing a sign there that says b walked our campsite you know what you know normally I would be excited for camping but I just want a good night's sleep so cold as well here dude there was snow I didn't pack anything wait how are we gonna count we've got no equipment trash teeth try not to die challenge give me capitalism you know what give me civilization I I love civilizations what was I expecting this is a trash taste special we can't have good things luckily though it seemed like the producers for once had poured through for us this place looks pretty damn good this is this is the premium Lodge as well we didn't just get the regular ones we've got the premium [ __ ] this is like the aesthetic Lodge that you see in every movie like I'm just happy that uh we don't need to touch grass today right right we don't need to touch it we are elevated above the grass today so I need to sleep inside so uh someone's looking twice oh my oh boy oh sheesh so this is amazing oh my God this is Vibes man don't we have a big fridge here as well we got a big sink this is a coal powered oven isn't it I don't know I think this is actually I don't know that clock is older than probably my grandparents and then we got a fridge it's it's nice to have it's nice to have modern amenities you know I mean like uh let's see where else we got big ass fireplace over there as well oh every room is an AC as well oh my God we won't freeze today thank you cozy boys keeping cozy this is too fancy for a cabin in the woods this is like copper I love this room this is my favorite room welcome to the room Joey's like I need to find words there's no specific room this is just space right now but we have a nice little balcony it looks like got a nice view of the mega Chad right there as well I would love to have something like this like for myself just to like get Out and Touch grass no no this you're getting out but you don't need to touch grass that's the beauty yeah you're raised upon the grass but of course it was never gonna be that simple but wait there's more of course there is I knew it um actually only one person will be staying here this is the one Joey's getting isn't it maybe well actually no [ __ ] no you'll be getting something very special to help him a large what can be more special what could be very special about a large oh oh you'll find out he like pulls out the deed it's like the rights to the launch congratulations on your win on the Segway challenge Joey thank you this is your prize [Music] not this price he already has a Tango he doesn't need this yeah what is this a jack off challenge wait Connor gets a five-star hotel I get a [ __ ] box of fat tissues Joey good to know that item you just received will be helping you in our next challenge is it a fap challenge it is a fire making challenge u3 will be making a fire what do we get for making the fire you will be getting a stay at this wonderful cabin outside the woods so what you're saying is the first person to make a fire gets to stay in the log cabin and the two people who don't start the fire stay in a tent yes they will be staying in a wonderful tent for one night well this sounds [ __ ] well Joey's gonna win this well yeah that's what I get for winning the Segway challenge obviously I don't know Matt I gotta redeem myself from the camping trip that we took last time when I was enabled to make a fire for 30 minutes so this is my Redemption this man literally had like store-bought Flint I was trying for like two hours I couldn't start one all right well uh it's uh getting really close to sundown so we should probably get started soon let's go make the fire before we die the challenge was easy make a fire with a flame that would last at least 10 seconds we would be given 10 minutes to start off with and if none of us were even close we would be given flints to give us a little bit of a help well time to successfully make a fire how the [ __ ] I can't we have nothing how are we supposed to do anything well I mean I got the tissue this is true what are you gonna lie to you guys ready to go as ready as I'll ever be I guess my knee also hurts and I gotta bend down about oh here we go here we go it's really oh we were off and it was quite clear from the start that all of us had absolutely no idea what we were doing oh [ __ ] I don't know the [ __ ] I'm doing what the f I'm gonna die in this forest all right so my first okay you gotta just get a bunch of uh I think most of this Dead Leaves Dead Leaves Dead Leaves Good Start uh maybe some Twigs in there as well every single Survival Game I know they make a little fire pit it seems like the textbook thing to do I don't know if it helps if you can't make a fire but I'll figure that part out okay now that I think about it how the [ __ ] am I supposed to use this Kleenex dude like I actually I actually don't know like is is are tissues not just like cleaner Dead Leaves like how's this going to help me oh [ __ ] dude I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing I just want to watch anime titties I don't want to be here wait maybe I can like Bank two rocks together will that create a spark oh Jerry's using his [ __ ] Kleenex I'm just getting rocks in the kleenex [ __ ] I've got a yeah I actually need uh I need trees let me try the Joey method and just bang two rocks together don't take my style dude I heard you Joey look all I need to do is get a little bit of this list dude this is not [ __ ] working what am I doing there's a lot of rock banging happening around me oh my hands are just filthy seven minutes left my hands are just [ __ ] filthy this is this is useless this is useless what am I gonna do think think what the [ __ ] can I do I can't do this I can't do this the right way [Music] everything before me ah okay I have an idea I got a team this is how Tom Hanks did it I made a poo stick foreign I mean I don't want to say but I got some got some dry grass here I think this is going to be better to use I gotta believe Joey your tissues flying away no come back no why is it in fire the only useful thing that this Kleenex has done is made my hands clean that's gross strategy it's uh it's a secret technique that no weave knows at all and that's why that's why it's going to bring you to victory what's Joey doing I'm banging two pieces of metal together don't get in my way if I just slam my [ __ ] on it with a light on fire because that's probably more likely than doing that pretty soon we were begging for the Flint but even then not all of us even knew how to use them how do you use this oh when is POV come on come on when is POV when is POV come on come on you got this guy okay hold on hold on I can I can read the instructions you hit it Joey hit it nothing's [ __ ] coming out are you serious oh oh something's burning no way no the t-shirts yes feed it more tissues I guess the tissues more tissues [Music] Kleenex came in clutch baby I finally learned oh it's going out a box of tissues that I had received had clutched my win which was a relief after seeing where the boys would be staying tonight the [ __ ] is this what is this I mean at least it's not on the ground yeah you guys you guys get a little uh wooden deck are you [ __ ] shooting me I've slept in like a manga Cafe and I like somehow we've downgraded from that I'm just there's no problem I can't even jack off here at least had privacy in the market do you want the kleenex this is not gonna be from my dick it's gonna be for my tears that I cry sleeping next to the car oh this is the best feeling ever on a trash day special dude this is the biggest dub ever I've already cuddled Connor once off camera why do I why do you why are you guys making me doing on camera now Joey was kind enough for us to uh stay in his Abode while we eat before we go to the camping sites unfortunately you kind of can't drink right now I'm taking pain meds for my knee which we looked at the footage and uh yeah it turns out I twisted it a lot yeah so we probably gotta get Connor to our doctor tomorrow but uh we'll figure that out played once again played it play it one more time Play One More Time oh ah the long day was finally over and it was time for us to go to bed it's pretty late oh [ __ ] I can hardly see our way this is [ __ ] found footage this is the Blair way this is literally the Bel Air Witch Project all right well at least we've we've got mattresses wow oh my God that's tiny that is not gonna fit me that is it's honest they are freezing hurry up dude why couldn't my protagonist Powers kick in on this trip where it actually matters like you've lost everything I've lost everything what happened in like the [ __ ] drifting special oh you get dinner you gotta pay for dinner no no now I get to sleep on the in the [ __ ] streets literally oh oh my God it's so hard oh my God man bruh oh it doesn't do anything oh it's so thin oh dude I thought I did my time when I chose to be a monk like how am I still sleeping on the floor it's good for your back though right that's what they say copium that's like pure topium hey the last time we went camping and we didn't film it was way worse than this yeah I mean last time it was almost life-threatening and this time it's just really [ __ ] uncomfortable I really really want to sleep on a bed I really hope we don't have any more challenges what are you using for a pillar just use my coat we don't even have a pillow fight we don't have a pillow right you think they were going to give us a pillow oh this is what else are we gonna [ __ ] film I was just like wanking each other I don't know like Joe JoJo fans right well I guess this is us [ __ ] signing off now [ __ ] you Joey we'll update you tomorrow morning boys see ya bye meanwhile I was enjoying my win so much I just needed to remind the boys one more time what time is 1209 right now the boys are asleep I'm gonna go harass them foreign [Music] [Music] and we have to leave we gotta make it to the next trip but uh I gotta go wake up we'll pick up the boys over there so let's go uh give up a little drive-by foreign are you [ __ ] kidding me come on let's go I don't want to go now oh they're alive thank God all right was upon us and our plans had to be slightly adjusted because once again Connor had broken something else on a trash taste special yeah so the thing is uh we had some extra travel plans for Tokyo today uh but unfortunately on Brands Connor has broken another thing on a trash tea special his leg he's broken himself my money is a bit [ __ ] which is not ideal so we thought that we'd allow him to go home and get checked off at the clinic just to make sure everything's all right and it will be a great time to take a day off because I need a good night's sleep as well I mean day of we're still driving six hours to talk this is great I'm doing nothing but driving you know that's to me that's a day off you know that's the day off we'd lost a full day but thankfully Conor hadn't completely messed up his knee so on the dawn of day six he prepared to drive up north it feels like day 31 right now uh welcome to day six sorry we didn't film a lot yesterday but honestly there wasn't much to film unless you wanted to see us be stuck in traffic for about four hours that high octane traffic cam today we are going to be driving to where we drop a Duplo again we're driving to Yamagata Prefecture Onsen which I've been to before it's a pretty nice place I've skied there before it's got one of like the most acidic Onsen bats in Japan is that a good thing or it like makes your skin feel like super peeled that doesn't feel like a good thing when you come out of the bath if you try and like rub against your skin your hand like won't move because you just tore off like your whole life again that doesn't sound like a good thing you're making it sound like a good it's a good thing I believe that was a form of torture dude everyone knows anything that is mildly uncomfortable has to be good for you the drive to Zao would be one of the most scenic ones so far and that includes the beautiful place where we were staying tonight this is the fanciest onset in this area apparently and this already is way more fancy than the previous ryokano oh is that a private that's a private bath over there check let's check that out in the meantime God and I are gonna chill out on these lovely couches while we pervertedly stare at the bar this is your like bathroom sink just for the back and there's also a nice shower area oh my God that's loud foreign why would you choose to go in this bathtub when you have your own private onset I mean sure it's better than the uh old trash taste Studio oh we we just remade the meme dude wait wait we could fit two of us in there Joe come in here all right well this is how JoJo fans communicate bye bye bye our day was about to get even more interesting though as a special guest had just arrived but he needs like another 20 minutes or something what what he said he was at the car park oh no he's right there have no surprise guest everyone it's Mr affable is it male to just get 40 more out of own hair I'm gonna be only 40 I've stayed in here before oh this one oh wait this exact room yeah yeah how like is everyone going to sleep we have two rooms you can see you can see the little panic in his eyes there for us peasants yes of course Chris would join us for this part of the journey and he would start things off by giving us a very affable challenge so we're in the mountains of Yamagata and I have a question for you three Do You Want to Build a Snowman oh my God I want to see who could build the snowman that is only the best but the most like me in appearance most like you are you sure are you sure are you sure I won the most drip-filled Slow Hands ever committed to YouTube right you've got 15 minutes to build the greatest Snowman the world has ever seen that looks as good as this that's it I've also just found out that my shoes aren't waterproof so right these three they're just like like [ __ ] Jesus on water going across the ice did I come on and I'm going straight [ __ ] through because I'm like 10 kilograms more than all three of them combine but you've got 15 minutes and uh that's it all right what's the loser oh he's off he doesn't even started the timer the Leisure has to take their clothes off the top half anyway we don't want to do that and roll around in the snow for 30 seconds we're not trying to get hypothermia here 20 seconds beat me halfway 15 15. 15 minutes to build the snowman 15 seconds to roll in the snow here we go go [ __ ] hell [ __ ] it up I'm guessing it's quite painful we were off and it looked like we all had our own approach to making the perfect snowman all right roll it roll it rolling technique rolling technique rolling technique [ __ ] my [ __ ] Joey's doing a really good job over there and my hand hurts my hand oh my God they're much bigger than mine already [ __ ] it's not about size it's about quality God the strongest of all the biggest bull oh my God I heard so much fantastic I mean Joey and God doing great the other one no not so good all right come on fly there the jacket is off oh my God is using Knowledge and Skills he's using his coat you know what my hands warm up this is just a block of ice now getting a bit warm in my ass cheeks God has built like a [ __ ] monolith over there though I gotta win this one I haven't won a challenge yeah have you not don't be giving your [ __ ] backstory don't fix something that isn't broken as they as they say so I stopped stock strategy of making the classic snowman ah Joe's made a little penguin look at that my hand is so purple That's not healthy Chris that's you right that's you that's that's your right shape right it looks uh I'm not going to say anything till later but we've got 10 minutes 40 seconds Joey's just Joey's just run off he's gone he's disappeared here he comes running across the ice like a rabid dog you gotta make a face [ __ ] okay that's not gonna work all right [ __ ] the eyebrows that's his hair let me clap that down because I lost his head of hair right there [Music] shape it out this is this is good I would have liked another layer of what of snow like a snowman it's usually three layers isn't it is it yeah in Animal Crossing it's two layers we don't play by edible Crossing rules oh it gave you a smile too look how affable he looks I however was sculpting a masterpiece Michelangelo could only dream of doing all right now to make it to shape this is a I've got the basic shape down and now I just got to shape it to Chris's Immaculate form what is that come on I'm going to shave him that a lot just just you want for it it's going to be a masterpiece the craftsmanship The Carving it's gonna be like the David Statue right this is going to be like the second Renaissance right here the second reincarnated in the Snowman uh yeah I think the key word here is optimism my fingers are absolutely numb holy [ __ ] oh my God look it's taking shape I've got he's got arms now he's got arms hold on let me warm my hands off and I'll finish this masterpiece I got a got a shape out Chris's drip right here yeah yeah of course look here I've given him a bow tie okay I've given him a bow tie what can I say I'm trying to give Chris the drip here okay it looks like a map for Treasure what is that it's gonna be Mike and Angelo's statue right if Michelangelo had no fingers Chris told us to make a snowman that represents him so of course I made the biggest snowman I could meanwhile Connor just trying to make the biggest snowman clearly [ __ ] my hands my ass cheeks are the only thing that's giving me some Grace here I got one more pushing me the scene on Attack on Titan where they're moving the [ __ ] balls that have blocked the wall dude oh Connor's got the biggest the most impressive like snowman Grant's got like a he's crafting a masterpiece for the ages and Joey's got some Twigs it's impossible to say who who's in the lead of this but if it doesn't look like a snowman like you can't win it needs to look like a snowman it's gonna look like one it's not like the most beautiful one I've ever seen you better get rolling the top one oh I'm knackers man I'm actually no come on you can ride a horse you can almost ride a Segway I can't feel my fingers [Music] all right let's do this last one [Music] [ __ ] it's so cold six minutes Connor you're gonna run so I know and there's Connor's turn to just just disappear he's going really far afield I don't I don't think he's gonna get back in time before the timer runs out I'm naked I'm so tired is that Mr Penguin what is that God and what is that that's just the most generic snowman I've ever seen in my life you'll see you'll all see foreign hairstyle looks like a [ __ ] palm tree on the top what's going on here they just snapped The Twig just snapped in his hand and with time up it was time for the judges oh I start with Jerry let's hear the concept for Joey's snowman first this is uh that's a bit of a small small snowman I like the little baby snowman well the concept is if you actually look in the shadows it says Mr raffle right there uh Chris doesn't wear a shirt that's affable though does he well I mean it's a nice strip right also I was the first one who gave him hair and then Connor totally copied me so yeah but it's not a competition for who's the first one is it it's the best what's that a hat looks like socks oh well socks how big are your feet why do I look so fat I look like a gimpy short [ __ ] [ __ ] what is this well you said to make you to look like slim and tall and handsome and rugged what is this [ __ ] come on man all right let's go look at uh let's go look at Carl's one what is that it looks like you've shut up at the heart it looks like I've just melted in an acid bath look at my face okay I tried to do a little bit something different with the face because I saw those guys using Twigs on whatever I'm like I can carve it like marble out of marble but like I tried to go for brought a different kind of body type for everyone and everyone else you see everyone went for a round shape this is round you're having a laugh dude I can clearly make a sphere I was like Chris is Chris is built like a brick [ __ ] house all right that's how that's that's how that's how I see Chris all right and [ __ ] of the week goes to extra point to flattery Chris obviously the drip King I gave him like a dinner jacket with a bow tie as well well it just looks like Penguin from Batman got lost in a mountain because his face so droopy where's my smile like whiskers I was like I could put him I couldn't give Chris a smile but uh that would be out of character how dare you it's interesting isn't it all right let's go the statue of the Statue of David's got nothing that's all I'm saying closest to real height it's nearly one to one that's just a boring snowman you've taken very artistic my arms are right there my arms are right there dude Chris has like child bearing hips like I don't have like a breast here so you'll notice right there's there's carvings on the floor you might think there's accident for me actually like shoving it in that's actually the the you know when you eat crisps you normally make a mess so I kind of included that and it's like right on his stomach yeah yeah it's just someone's stomach you know they missed some of the sides you know and it's just big if you've gone for like the most boring snowman of all time a child could make that dude if he took off the drip jacket it's just the snow not a smile not a friend just a Snowman no it's not take off the drip jacket it's a Snowman I hate to say it this is actually quite visually striking and good more than I do but I have to give it to him that's quite good it's tall it's handsome it's it's visually striking right I can't believe this all right I've gone to my decision I think right gone is without question the worst the shittest unspeakably awful but it is original yes yes you've done nothing original it's just a bland vanilla shite snowman take your top off roll around in the snow you're the loser I am actually about to unsubscribe oh my God it's done it anyway to time for my morning ball three two one good good oh my God [Music] oh he's having a great time you you were five seconds short but we'll let it go oh after successfully battling hypothermia it was finally time to rest and prepare for tomorrow's activities today we thought it'd be a shame if we didn't take advantage of the beautiful snow around us so we went skiing [Music] get to join the big boys today so I feel honored and humbled delighted excited but also quite nervous we haven't warmed up we haven't been down a nice easy slope we're going right to the top I came here a year ago and I actually fell over and really hurt my legs so it was very funny yeah Connor didn't really do much to help the situation I did I I had the bottom I was like to do carry me there how can one man carry such a colossal meme this is the iciest skiing through Connor's fridge what's he talking about I haven't skied in about 10 years so it's going to be fine even a good snowboarder snowboarding oh my God is this ice this was it the start of the epic journey down the mountain oh I haven't skied in so long well for most of us at least I'm going I'm going I'm going you are watch me watch me go watching foreign [Music] mountains very cold oh God he fell we fell thankfully it looks like I wasn't the only one having a hard time this is going down on his ass there's no greater feeling than tearing it down a mountain especially when you're with some good friends foreign 's getting warmed up now let's go yeah with only three days of previous snowboarding experience however the only thing I was tearing was my ligaments oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] thankfully the boys knew I wasn't experienced and were kind enough to wait [Music] look at Matthew flexing right in front of me [Music] how did this happen all of us got decapitated this who decapitated all of them what let's go home I'm done I'm done well I don't want to ski anymore now let's ruined my day my baby's been soiled [ __ ] steaks we lost Chris you've just been skiing I didn't die what was on my mind is that I got like two months before my wedding it'd be funny if I sure got the cast wouldn't it it's like a broken window [Laughter] skiing down the mountain was tons of fun but unfortunately it came Time to Say Goodbye to Mr Alpha boy it's been a privilege to show you around the alligator yeah yeah it was really good you guys off to Hokkaido now of course yeah yeah I guess yeah we'll see you we'll see you around we'll see we'll see you around it's a big car right yeah bastard [Music] our next stop would be almori where we would have to catch a nighttime ferry to take us to Japan's final main island Hokkaido now that we've managed to successfully get rid of Chris uh thank God onwards to Elmore yay yes the last leg of the journey right last leg of uh tohoku at least so we're on our way to aomori which is the north most prefecture in honcho so it's for apples famous for apples I've never been to Omari I've always wanted to go there beautiful yeah I've heard it's really really nice what makes our Morty apples so famous why is it really good I think it's the uh thank you for that Manu really insightful piece of information I think it's the weather is like perfectly suited for apple orchards or something like that I guess well the only thing we have left to do now is to make it to the end point let's go let's go [Music] foreign we are just about to reach Narnia as you can see uh we're about 20 minutes away looks like I'm going through a wormhole dude that's crazy it's like Star Wars generally this this is like the hyper speed scene in Star Wars right where they go to Hyper Speed we were in a desert like two days ago what is this this is insane this this can't be safe it's relatively it's not even that cold either it's only one degree outside why are the individual snowflakes so big yeah right they're massive it almost look like hail you know it only took like I think like two like an hour to cover the street yeah anyway we're about uh 15 minutes and I guess we'll see you guys when we get to the restaurant if we survive through the snow which looks like it's gonna kill everything foreign [Music] I've been on some pretty shitty ferries before especially from like Island to Island if we get our own private rooms that's more than I expect I guess we'll see [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry what is this it's a double bed hotel room what the [ __ ] yeah I mean this is really nice I mean look at this this is this crazy we've got a dining table I love you I mean I still got it's still got a window see my God this is a million times better than the young sugar one not even close dude we got our own private TV as well to myself also a bathroom with a bath which the Holy Ship is really rare oh my God oh my God oh my God that's a big day this is more spacious than most of the rooms we've stayed in so far so the time right now is uh 10 20 or so and we're set to learn in chocolate around 2 A.M so at least two or three hours sleep hopefully anyway I am going to take advantage of this comfy bed and awesome room see you tomorrow we're going to go to our next hotel I'm going to get as much sleep as possible so I will see you all in a few hours time to get some sleep last week all right so I know you can't see anything GoPro but the ship is vibrating so [ __ ] loudly I don't know if you can see this because stabilization is on but it's vibrating so loud and the tunnel just shut up about for like 50 minutes it wouldn't shut the [ __ ] up but finally I hopefully I can get some sleep even though everything's [ __ ] shaking Jesus Christ this was it the final day we would be covering all of Hokkaido almost a third of our entire route in one day and we had just one goal finishing the trip [Music] thank you [Music] we were making some pretty good ground then suddenly something very strange caught our eyes where the [ __ ] are we there's a lot of questions I have I have some what look at the Easter eggs what is this we just uh turned in somewhere in Hokkaido and we've got a bunch of Easter Islands brought Emoji into a real thing what the [ __ ] bro bro bro what is this where have we come where did we go where have we come from cotton Asia so it's a day in which is like a like a cemetery spiritual ground what why do they have Stonehenge there that just makes me even more curious what the [ __ ] hot in the middle of that bone I was about to ask is that is that does the real Stone Age have that makes it a lot less impressive when you think about someone just made this in an afternoon with a big crate kind of loses all the charm and the history oh yeah cricket yeah exactly they just use this [ __ ] thing to make this 20 minutes before we got here my uncle Steve could make this in an hour imagine if you got to the Great Pyramids of Giza and then you just see like a massive plane just like lifting the blocks and you're like oh it doesn't seem as impressive now yeah probably that tall is it compared to like the Burj Khalifa we figured out how the Egyptians did it massive crying for some reason in the middle of Hokkaido there was a replica of Stonehenge the Easter Island statues and the great statue of Buddha oh it's 100 yen for an inside stick oh sure let's do it I'm guessing incense up yes otherwise there'll be not much point of you putting it on fire man just making sure it'd be really awkward if I put it in the modify so then you're supposed to cleanse yourself with the smoke it smells amazing Thai building's a little different from the Buddhism we find here in Japan not too knowledgeable about it I know that uh it's just a different sect of Buddhism so let's have a look at the Buddha statue we are cleansed and we are ready to go see gone thank God I had 100 yen otherwise you wouldn't be cleansed that is not that's so incredibly cool whoa that's so bizarre holy [ __ ] and overreacting three two one YouTube a thumbnail oh this is incredible this is awesome okay won't kill you so by ringing this we basically are communicating with Buddha and like kind of giving him our blessing or asking for his Blessing don't do it do the honors Joey this is the biggest [ __ ] camel kill you I've ever done usually it's like this size or like a little bit smaller even that one's big so I just knock this yeah sure all right let me let's let's have the little little Golden Oak oh my God that was loud oh this one's gonna be a little bit louder wait this is a Gong yep don't knock it over that's such a nice sound that's very nice come on smack the gong Corner smack the gun I know you want to so it's hit on the top uh here on the side just like look like tap yeah they've done like foreign constant ringing of the sound that just doesn't fade it's just really calming I think I've played too much album ring it just feels like it's going to come out and hit me but this is where you pray and then you activate the grace and it's like make me feel things you know it's just like damn okay I'm getting a little spiritual okay again real spiritually [ __ ] what an amazing piece how is this in the middle of Hokkaido under what purpose did they build a giant Buddha statue right next to a replica of the Stonehenge and the Easter Island statues if it says very good luck go to the Rotunda Cafe and store you get a free party don't buy if you're not very lucky you've got to spend your money in liquor store it's like free latte what are you doing doing a fortune oh you're doing just a fortune yeah all three of us one free drink wow you literally I was just joking well well well boys I was literally joking when he said free drink the gods have shine down on me today that's the best Fortune you're gonna get like all year now I got I got 60 not so good luck oh my God I got one free drink at the cafe as well I'm gonna go to the cafe and get my free drink and pee well it says I'm gonna come across some unexpected income so if you want to go to patreon.com we're in a place of God's gone not a place of Shilling I can't believe this man is Shilling in a sacred Place POV you're a winner with drip this is genius you know I I wasn't really into religion until there was gambling involved and then now I'm quite interested after our spiritual awakening we had some bruh moments waiting for us I just kind of like don't know what to say when I look at these Easter Islands it's like why why is the first thing I say I know what to say bro bro so people used to start saying bruh about three or four years ago online I thought you're gonna say people started saying bro about 300 years ago and it was adopted by the internet so wait there's there's stairs there which means we could probably go up there we don't have to stairs are for us yeah I mean there's no sign anywhere that says don't go up there bruh Joey is actually going up there I'm clearly a child that I keep thinking this is funny ah this is kind of crazy that these are here like when you just like look behind me like this and I'm just like hey guys so I'm here at the East Islands today from this angle it doesn't doesn't they kind of look like the Giga chachin like that that one in the middle especially it's interesting I just want to know like when they were placing the order to like the Mason they were like so let me get this straight you want you want like 30 giant stuff okay okay yeah we can do it but like why why like okay okay fine you're paying after that small detour we had one job left getting to our destination before Sundown so we could get an epic shot of the sunset this is like been like simultaneously the fastest and the longest trip I've ever taken it kind of feels like a month I feel yeah it feels like a month but it's only been eight days yeah I can't believe like looking back how much I've done in this past week I can't believe I fixed my sleeping schedule I've been working over like seven every day for this road trip I'm waking up like a normal human being for once this is what it feels like to be 60. what it feels like to be a functioning member of society seasons have changed on this trip yeah dude we've literally gone through all four seasons and we've covered I think what is it maybe 15 prefectures yeah almost 20 prefectures yeah it's weird because you know how like in a video game you get to travel the entire open world in like one sitting that's like we've just done that in IRL you know we've seen every biome there is to see in Japan why do you have to call it a bio that's what it feels like right we've gone from London South we've gone to the desert we've gone to the snowy mountains we've skied are you are you secretly a Minecraft player yeah I mean like I'm ready for this journey to be over are you telling me that you don't want to spend more time with me guys I'm telling you that I've seen enough of your face for a lifetime listen gone is easily the messiest person in this car and not only that he never [ __ ] closes his door always forget [ __ ] can never bring a mask so it's like taking a toddler around with you well just like I I don't know what to say am I just like you don't know what to say because it's all true God it's all true and I'm sick and tired of it maybe Conor just likes to complain and follows something you know I do just find something to complain every time you know you're both a bunch of babies sorry Mr I'm old enough for a driving license oh I don't know not really I think the final challenge is to just try and make it to wakano before the sun goes down obviously we'll still be driving responsibly though good luck to us but we want to try and get a good shot of the sunset if we can we had failed but sunsets are overrated anyway well guys I don't know if you can see but the sun has set it's about to get dark that was just uh that was just Chewbacca back there apparently ready to head for the last the Final Destination I'm ready I'm ready never been more already well gentlemen we are 30 minutes away from the most northern point of Japan like I threw up my eardrum why do you sound like a locomotive trainer trying to conjure up energy you know I'm just like yeah let's Get Hype before this final leg of the journey guys it's nine in the morning right now uh our original plan uh as you guys know was trying to get there at Sunset yesterday that uh turned out pretty horrible and I need to know that we can we can cut that we can cut that the important point is we made it yeah we made it but uh yeah how did you boys feel tired tired I also just can't believe we actually did it it feels like to me that I haven't had time to really like reflect and soak in everything that I've done and just process everything because like I do something and then by the time I get a bit of rest I'm doing the next thing so I'm probably gonna look back at this in like a week or something and just like [ __ ] fall on the floor because I can't believe how much we've actually done I'm gonna look back and be like I should never tell Don what time to get ready because he's never going to do it on time gone get ready by 8 30. I'll go in the shower at 8 30. what gone operating on his own time zone I was waiting for everyone else to take their [ __ ] shower I'm sorry I didn't tell you a shower did you take a shower this morning Connor yes you did before 8 30. all right boys when we're near the most northern point oh my God finally the goal is just there we are so close let's see if the manga will be gonna be like a small Spire with circle around it I guess that's what I remember from loving you know I really heard this is not what it looks like just uh just a laugh I hope it's just like a [ __ ] sign that says like you're here well there's just nothing there's just nothing there it's like believe us you're here needless to say I think the southernmost point was a bit more Scenic I gotta say this this is has been a depressing looking Coastline most of the way here our boys all right we are 500 meters away and I don't see anything oh yeah no yeah there it is oh wait no I have seen that before love heena didn't lie to me thank you aquabops Ken this is it this is the most northern point in Japan I'm going to take a [ __ ] in the most northern toilet in Japan oh yeah I was looking on Google Maps Apparently that is the north most public toilet dude [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the Spy I want to go to the north most public toil in Japan all right boys it's the most northern point oh my God we're here we're about to hit it guys and I love how they made it so obvious that we're here this one was actually way more obvious than the southern Point like this one has a dedicated Monument I'm glad this Monument exists because now we can't [ __ ] it even says the most northern it says in English so we can't [ __ ] our audience we're actually here they literally we've actually made it they literally subbed it just for us the north most point in Japan we did it like Thanos with The Infinity Gauntlet ready all right ready three two one let's [ __ ] go let's go oh my God [ __ ] hell it's so [ __ ] cold well there isn't much to do here I can't take a dump in the most northern toilet and also visit the most northern restaurant and the most northern uh public brothel or something I don't know one of the most northern soap land but I guess we're done with this road trip we did it that's it well I hope you guys enjoyed the journeys after that we just went on yeah thank you for watching the trash taste road trip we'll see you guys in the studio bye I need to take a [ __ ] as well actually we had done it 3 000 kilometers spanning all of Japan getting to experience some of the most amazing things this country had to offer after all that there was just one thing left to do and there you have it guys that was the trash taste road trip special to the boys we did it we did it yeah as we mentioned before that was a cut version because we had to cut so much banter in the car so if you want to see an extended director's cut let's call it a director's character yeah then just go over to a patreon at patreon.com trashtaste we really hope you enjoyed this trash day special it took a ton of work and New Legends over at the patreon helped make this happen so give it a consideration well thank you so much for watching this trash day special we'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] don't like change but I'm not afraid I can't keep it together thank you [Music] foreign entire [ __ ] cow that Stoney come to me help me help holy [ __ ] I'm a little worried I'm a little scared as to how fast this thing's gonna go especially because again I've driven manual once in my life let's go for America baby [Applause] clutch in
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 3,447,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, We, Drove, 3274km, Across, ALL, of, Japan, Special
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 16sec (5716 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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