I tested ALL BOOSTERS in HELLDIVERS 2 so you don't have to

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boosters what are they how do they work what value do they bring I have tested every single one that is currently available in Hell divers 2 and I can answer these questions so let's get into [Music] it [Music] boosters are reusable items that you bring with you on a dive and they provide additional team-wide Buffs these are unlockable with metals and war bonds there are currently seven in the game six are in the hell divers mobilized war bond and the steeled Veterans war bond contains one HELLP pod space optimization grants fully stocked ammo grenades and Stems upon exiting the hell pod this does not affect your support weapon your support weapon if you bring one is called in separately it will not be called in with maximum ammo unless you have the ship module that allows this now the ammo count for secondary weapons is not so clear-cut if you run the p19 Redeemer it always has maximum ammo available all other secondary weapons will have reduced ammo without this booster the P2 pacemaker starts with four of five magazines available and the P4 Senator has 32 of 40 rounds this is 80% of their maximum ammo capacity grenades will be reduced by one and Stems will be reduced by two the amount of ammo available for your primary weapon can vary I didn't test every weapon for this but for the SG 225 breaker and the SMG 37 Defender the total number of magazines for your primary weapon is reduced by two or five of seven this is around 71% for the SG 8s Slugger you dive in with 24 of 40 rounds available or 60% of its maximum ammo capacity this one seems odd considering the P4 Senator has the same maximum ammo capacity but starts with 32 of 40 rounds pretty inconsistent to say the least this booster can be obtained from page three of the hell divers mobilized war bond it costs $15 medals but will require spending a minimum of 50 medals to own I feel this one shines in early game due to a lack of tools at your disposal and the extra ammo stems and grenades are pretty handy it kind of fell off in mid game for me the answer to every situation when leveling up was more bullets heals and explosions but in mid game I found myself leaning heavily on turret Eagle Strike and support weapon strategems to progress in late game pretty much anywhere you drop into on on suicide plus is going to have enemies present and a lot of them even when the map tells you there are none while at the same time I still lean heavily on strategems the hell pod space optimization booster is easy to get and gives each hell diver when reinforced more resources at their disposal this is definitely worth its cost and the value it adds is even higher if anyone on your squad is running the Slugger vital enhancement allows all hell divers to resist injury all right what does that even mean these little boxes that show up when you're in game mean that either one or more of your limbs is injured or your torso is injured an injured arm from what I've heard will reduce your ability to handle Weaponry I don't see much of a difference at all something I didn't test was operating a terminal or throwing in strategems if you know what complications arise from arm injuries please share it in the comments an injured leg will prevent you from sprinting and you will move much slower than you normally would an injured torso equates to a bleedout you will immediately lose all of your stamina and you'll die if you don't fix it with a stem using a stem will clear any of these effects that you have so how does the Vitality enhancement work cash well it's difficult for me to consistently test in combat there are entirely too many variables to account for however I can injure my legs by falling off Ledges falling off a ledge and landing on your feet can happen twice before you sustain two leg injuries if you aren't running the Vitality enhancement booster I haven't found that the height of a fall modifies this Behavior it could modify the amount of damage you sustain though also a single shot to any limb or the Torso from the p19 Redeemer will cause an injury with the vitality enhancement booster you will sustain leg injuries on your third fall and it takes two rounds from the Redeemer to become injured something that is interesting about this is that the servo assisted armor perk provides plus 50% limb Health this is your very own personal Vitality enhancement booster unfortunately the buff from the booster and the buff from the perk do not stack but the extra limb Health from Servo assisted allows you to not sustain an injury from fall falling you can land on your feet three times and not become injured if you want to avoid injury from dropping from a ledge dive you'll only receive a damage portion I have yet to sustain an injury from doing so consequently diving through fired rounds will not provide the same protection this booster is pretty nice considering a couple of things the recovery time from falling off of a ledge versus diving off of a ledge is considerable and and two in a game where Friendly Fire exists this can reduce the frequency of injuries sustained from other squadmates when things pop off thus potentially preserving your team's stems about the only thing that It suffers from is that anyone running Servo assisted armor will not benefit in the slightest from this booster at least in my testing the Vitality enhancement booster can be obtained from page four of the hell divers mobilized war bond it costs 20 Metals but what we're requires spending a minimum of 95 metals to own the UAV Recon booster increases all held divers effective radar range I can read Targets on the map out to 110 M with this without it I can only see to about 72 M I have purchased nuclear radar so I had some help from someone who doesn't have that unlocked he could see Targets on the radar 48 M away and with the UAV Recon booster could see enemies out to around 72 m highlighting the fact that the description for nuclear radar is incorrect without it my friend can see 48 M and with it I can see 72 M so it isn't an increase of 50 m but an increase of 50% I believe that the UAV Recon booster provides an additional 50% testing this is a bit wonky so it is likely that some of these numbers could be slightly off to get the Ping distance to appropriately display on your map you need to close it and reopen it again after moving even when you move the distance shown on the radar is set to where you were when you open the map I also don't know if the distance shown on the radar is ignoring Z values for me and the enemy obviously on the map we're working with X and Y but in the calculation for distance between me and the target if zv values or elevation are included this could cause some error in the values I'm representing here as I've progressed in difficulty and have discovered that you don't necessarily want to engage every enemy on the map I've become heavily reliant on my radar when navigating around the Zone I highly recommend both the nuclear radar upgrade and the UAV Recon booster this booster can be obtained from page six of the hell divers mobilized war bond it costs 40 medals but will requires spending a minimum of 300 metals to own the stamina enhancement booster increases hell diver's stamina capacity and Recovery this is pretty easy to test run around record throw a timer on and do some math it takes just under 30 seconds to deplete my stamina when sprinting without using the stamina enhancement booster with the stamina enhancement booster my stamina is depleted in just over 38 seconds this equates to an increase of roughly 30% Sprint time for stamina recovery it takes just just under 9 seconds to recuperate my stamina without using the stamina enhancement booster with the stamina enhancement booster my stamina recovers in just under 7 Seconds this equates to a decrease in stamina recovery time by roughly 23% I play a lot of dark tide and in this game like dark tide stamina is life if someone else doesn't pick this booster in The Crew I'm Running With I always take it every single time it's arguably the best Booster of them all the stamina enhancement booster can be obtained from page seven of the hell divers mobilized war bond it costs 75 Metals but will require spending a minimum of 495 metals to [Music] own the muscle enhancement booster allows hell divers to Traverse difficult terrain with ease pretty unclear description I'd say here is a side by-side comparison of running through the snow with and without this booster equip the difference is pretty evident to me this will help your team ignore much of the traversal hindrances accompanying different environments like snow sand mud Etc my results for running uphill are inconclusive as it's difficult to find two identical slopes with randomization of maps being what it is if you have any insight into this please share it in the comments this booster has a very particular use and it really does shine when used appropriately you'll need to pay attention to active effects for the mission if rain is present there will be mud and this will come in handy if you're going to a Sandy planet with Dunes everywhere it will also be helpful I discovered my appreciation for this booster when running a mission in snow trying to outrun a bunch of machines while high stepping through knee high snow certainly induces the pucker Factor the muscle enhancement booster can be obtained from page nine of the hell divers mobilized war bond it cost 70 medals but will require spending a minimum of 920 medals to own it's a pretty Niche booster but I find it to be worth it if you have the scratch to spare The increased reinforcement budget booster increases the number of available reinforcements Arrowhead could have simply added some text at the end this booster increases the total number of reinforcements available to your team by one per hell diver pretty simple for a full team this increases your reinforcement budget from 20 to 24 I did test to see if this affects the number of rechargeable reinforcements I found that it does not increase this number you will still only have one reinforcement charge that can be recuperated after a 2-minute charge time this booster in my opinion is incredibly expensive and if you're in the position that you need four more reinforcements any of the Lesser expensive boosters you've hopefully picked up on the way to this one could have helped your team survive fine with 20 reinforcements The increased reinforcement budget booster can be obtained from page 10 of the hell divers mobilized war bond it costs 150 Metals but will require spending a minimum of 1,350 metals to own the flexible reinforcement budget booster reduces time until New reinforcements are granted once they've been depleted all this does is decrease the time required for recuperating a sing SLE reinforcement after you've depleted your reinforcement budget we're talking 12 seconds a 10% reduction in time this also does not modify the number of reinforcements that can be recharged I would argue that this is the worst booster of them all if this increased the total number of reinforcements you could recuperate once they've been depleted it would have a better use case if that were the case it would put it in direct competition with the 1,350 metal met increased reinforcement budget booster and this one is much less expensive if you are a bit of a collector like me then pick it up if you're not save your Metals hell treat yourself to a few capes instead the flexible reinforcement budget booster can be obtained from page three of the steeled Veterans war bond it costs 75 medals but will require spending a minimum of 275 medals to own for a team of four I'd say always takes stamina enhancement Vitality enhancement and Hell pod space optimization on missions where you aren't going to incur a movement penalty due to environmental conditions take the UAV Recon booster for the fourth slot on missions where you're going to move slower due to snow sand and mud take muscle enhancement I never take increased reinforcement budget or flexible reinforcement budget in my Loadout they're just not worth it thank you for taking the time out of your day to explore the boosters with m if you enjoyed this video give it a like and if you want to see more content like this please subscribe either or both of these would help me out a lot and with that I'm [Music] out [Music]
Channel: cashcrop_
Views: 463,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, basics, how to, how to play, playing, strategy, strategies, best, guide, walkthrough, guides, strat, beginner, beginners guide, beginner's guide, help, tip, trick, tricks, cashcrop, cashcrop_, start, starter, new, player, build, solo, helldivers, boosters, hellpod, space, optimization, vitality, enhancement, uav, recon, booster, stamina, muscle, increased, reinforcement, budget, flexible, redeemer, breaker, defender, peacemaker, senator, slugger
Id: PJnXFNEc-dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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