What's the difference between SHOTGUNS in Helldivers 2?

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hell divers 2 has many shotguns but what are they all for zury's got you the standard Punisher so the first thing to note with the Punisher is the buck shot spread which tells us of course that we need to get up close and personal with this weapon to make the most of it otherwise a lot of your shot is going to be missing unless firing into a crowd so strap on your personal shield and get up close and personal with the bugs firing at a single Target from distance is really going to waste half of your shot one of the biggest selling points to the Punisher though is its ability to what we'll call stag enemies knock them back interrupt them keep them from getting anywhere near us it's a very powerful tool to have not just for you but for your team as well you see there stopping charging commanders interrupting his breaching call and with a Punisher in your hands you will never need to fear the goddamn stalkers again as you'll be able to stagger them into uselessness and take them out before they can get anywhere near you pretty much so while the rest of your team's getting slaughtered by the stalkers you can casually stroll into their lirer laughing heartily as you erase them from existence as for the downsides to The Punisher well of course it fire rate is much slower than other shotguns being pump action and reloading is also a single round at a time so that can be pretty slow although that does prevent you from wasting any ammo and so it's a kind of slow but quite reliable pace of damage output overall The Punisher is a great Close Quarter shotgun for the self-reliant hell diver it can deal with groups of smaller bugs okay it can deal with larger bugs okay if there's going to be a lot of longrange fighting then this weapon is going to be less effective which is why I typically wouldn't bring this for Bots but that's also because the next gun is my favorite and is damn good for Bots it's the Slugger first of all let me clear up that a shotgun slug is a single projectile if I hear another person say the Slugger has a tighter spread than the Punisher I'm going to eat my own [ __ ] beard so this thing fires a single very powerful shot that effectively makes it like a bolt action rifle you don't need to be close to your target like The Punisher you can pop heads from a bit of range but there is a bit of weirdness when it comes to the armor piercing of this gun as the description reads perfect for punching big holes in big targets and then you look in the traits and it say only light armor penetrating but let me tell you it can go through medium armor like the head of spewers like Hive guard heads as an example here shooting it with a stwart you see it bounces off and then Slugger boom straight through dead which makes this shotgun fantastic against bots especially Devastators as they have medium armor around their chest weak point so you can blast them in the chest if you miss the head you'll hit the chest anyway so I really like this one for Bots it's powerful up close it's powerful over a bit of range and for the most part it does fit its description really well of punching big holes and big things that's what it's for whether it's bugs or Bots it's great for taking out the larger tougher enemies with the downside that it's not so good against hordes of little enemies like scavengers and Hunters as the fire rate and reload is slow like The Punisher you might want a support weapon to clear the chaff or a reliable teammate to do it for you it's also got pretty good stagger against both bugs and bots so you can push them back or interrupt their attacks I'm not entirely sure how stagger works it seems like the Punisher is better at that job but this can do it too and it can open shipping containers handy now for the standard breaker so the breaker similar to The Punisher in that it's Buckshot but as you can see the spread is a bit tighter so you don't need to be as close to make every shot land but where it differs from The Punisher is of course in the fire rate it's very quick it's an auto shotgun it's got mag reloading so reloading doesn't take too long so overall just much faster damage output great for clearing enemies quickly especially lots of small light ones or if things go bad all of a sudden and you're covered in enemies the breaker is the shotgun that will clear the away most effectively most quickly much better than a Punisher or Slugger although you might find you burn through ammo really quickly with this gun if you're too spammy with it so that's a bit of a downside although you could negate that by bringing a supply pack so you got loads of ammo but a bigger downside is that it doesn't have the Stagger and push back of something like the Punisher so you won't have as much crowd control you will get stalkers all up in your face if you're not careful but of course you could mow them down with the fire rate again for me personally I prefer this as a bug shotgun I don't really use it for Bots just because of the requirement of needing to be close to your targets but again if you bring a support weapon for the longrange fights and then you can use this for the up close fights it can certainly work out so the breaker is for those who like to get stuck in head first kill things quickly and for those who are perhaps a little less concerned with their own safety it can be very powerful with the right play style and a personal Shield very different from the other two shotguns so far which brings us to the next one theay and pray breaker so this thing basically the same as the previous weapon the standard breaker except it does about 30% less damage per shot but has twice the ammo capacity so you don't need to reload for 26 shots now while 30% less damage might sound bad it's actually good because it's designed for taking out loads of light things all the chaff all the Scavengers all the hunters you can gun those down without it being Overkill of causing more damage than is needed to a Target but if it is a larger Target you can pump a few shots out to make up the extra damage and of course you can absolutely unload and spray and prey into a crowd so I'd say this shotgun is for those who want to be the master of clearing away the hordes and crowds if you want to take on bigger things then you might be better off with just the standard breaker and again probably not really a bot weapon this one as it is designed for taking out all the little things and the Bots don't really have those but really nice if you have a teammate who wants to take out the larger stuff and you can take out the lighter stuff it'll work well and now on to another breaker variant the incendiary breaker now this one is a little more interesting from the others and requires a bit of a different play style I think and a lot of people that I see using this weapon and seem to use it very inefficiently or just downright wrong to be honest the incendiary part of the weapon obviously means fire damage over time which I'm sure everybody knows but for the fire damage to do damage over time you need to give it time that means not spamming shots as fast as possible which is what I see most people doing with this weapon for example I can go up to this Warrior bug shoot it once let it burn a bit okay it's still alive I'll shoot it a second time and it's going to die from the fire damage of that shot so two shots to kill it as a opposed to this where I just Spam killing it with the physical damage using twice the ammunition and not letting the fire damage do anything as such I've come to find that this works well with a kind of runand gun play style strap on your light armor your stamina boost and a jetpack and just keep moving never letting the enemies get close because of course if something's close to you you don't want to wait and see if the fire damage is going to kill it because they might hit you it also seems to have a hideously widespread that just goes all over the place which is actually great for this weapon cuz every enemy you touch with one of those pellets is going to light them on fire so that's big damage if you hit a crowd and the nice thing about fire damage as well is that it doesn't care about armor so whether it's a hive guard a charger a Devastator even if the physical damage doesn't do a lot the fire damage still should at least I assume anyway who knows how it actually works so just slow down a little bit [ __ ] obviously you don't want to shoot something once every 3 seconds but if there is a big crowd you can still kind of spam away just do it a bit more slowly and give that fire time to work it's also going to make you not burn through the ammo in 1 minute if you're going to spam it like the standard breaker then you might as well just use the standard breaker now to something even more Niche the plasma Punisher so this is a bit of a weird one but it does have some unique selling points like being the only shotgun that can really reliably take out a charger quite quickly and that's because of its explosive damage you see the squishy butt end of a charger reduces all normal weapon damage by 90% un less that weapon has explosive damage like this one so after seven or eight well-placed shots on the charger butt with this weapon weapon you can blow its ass off and it'll bleed out and it's the same thing with the bile spewers the bright green side of them isn't a weak spot to normal weapons but it kind of becomes one if you use an explosive weapon and isn't as fast to take it out as its actual weak spot its head but you need the right tools for that but shooting the Sid with explosive damage is a great secondary option now aside from that the weapon fires in a kind of low trajectory Arc like a grenade launcher which does have the benefit of being able to shoot over things to perhaps shoot bugs behind it like a mortaring bile spew as you can see in the back ground I could shoot over these bugs in front of me to try and hit that instead that would be a useful use of this weapon albeit quite Niche and the plasma ball itself is pretty strong but it can be quite hard to hit a single Target with especially if they're small you either shoot the ground and try to hit it that way although you won't do as much damage or you try and hit it bang on and do full damage but you might miss it is an AOE attack as well so you can hit multiple Targets in one shot but honestly it's such a niche Weapon It's hard to find good usage for it especially against the Bots as they don't have squishy bits to blow up I've heard it said that explosive damage is strong against bot vents like on the tank or the Hulk but I'm not convinced that's true as they don't have a 90% resistance or anything I don't think anyway so it doesn't quite work in the same way so not 100% on that one at the moment I'll pin a comment if I find out if we ever get a Dev confirming anything really the only selling point is being able to take out charges with your Primary Weapons which means you could get a support weapon and use it like your primary weapon only pulling this thing out to take out charges and spewers and whatever but if you think this weapon kind of sucks let's talk about the AR Blitz sir so the community seems to be divided into two camps with this weapon either the it sucks camp or the it's great Camp personally I'm in the it sucks Camp I cannot find a practical use for this weapon which isn't better done by another shotgun so it's an ark lightning weapon it hits one Target and then change to a bunch of others but sometimes it just doesn't sometimes it only hits like one Target in a crowd sometimes it'll hit two 3 four it seems to arbitrarily choose a number rather than having predictable performance its fire rate is also abysmally slow so it has slow damage output and I thought this here would be a good test for basic [ __ ] Bots takes down two with the first shot the second shot misses for some reason the third shot kills another one hurts the other one but I still have to take four shots to take out four Bots here I could have done this quicker with my godamn pistol so yeah I'm not really sure what this weapon has to offer other than maybe it ignores armor of charges and stuff so it can potentially deal with any enemy I guess although as you can see here I'm trying to kill this charger trying to shoot it in its exposed leg which should be incredibly weak but it's just struggling to even do that I've also heard the argument made that hey it has infinite ammunition but honestly I don't really put that as a big point you get a resupply every 2 minutes as ammo will over the map how often do you really run out of ammo for your primary weapon unless you're using a breaker of course so yeah I'm not sure if this thing's just broken and maybe not working as intended or maybe there's something I'm missing and some usage of it that I haven't thought of if you got any ideas let me know in the comments I'll also give an honorary mention to the break action shotgun this is a support weapon you find around the map and it's basically a good old double barrel farmer shotgun gun great single Target damage especially as you can put it to burst fire which means you fire both shots in one go which can be pretty nasty and make you a good single Target killer otherwise there we go you can find me over on Twitch streaming some hell divers if you found this video useful please consider liking it really does help this small Channel out and also subscribe if you want more of this all right stay liberated my friends I'm off for some Liberty
Channel: Zerk
Views: 251,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, pro, tip, trick, guide, shotguns, weapon
Id: t3c5US-uI4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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