Why I Moved his Entire House

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what would you do if you woke up one morning to find your entire house floating in the sky well houses in the air what well that's exactly what I did to this player's storage room only for him to have no reaction he simply built a staircase up to it and acted as if nothing had ever happened I wasn't satisfied so two days later I deconstructed his main house and rebuilt it Smackdown in the middle of the server's spawn even leaving signs to taunt him dear Peggy thank you so much for liking my renovation I am responsible for removing it bigger feet yeah I don't know how they did this is crazy this time pangy was Furious and began searching the entire world to track me down out of fear I ran to a base far from Spawn to take refuge but pangi was already one step ahead he's on the water I don't know we're here I don't know I don't know I'm just here yeah you took too long bro they're already gone they're they're heading to that raid area I see their little ice path are you on the ice thing do you have icebergs yeah I am on the guys so does that mean they're back here so I don't have a card or anything I can't kill them no I can't kill him oh shoot he sees me he sees me he sees me and just as I was about to run away for good I turned around deep down I knew that Peggy didn't have the heart to kill me recently this server has been split into two sides players like Panky who wear leggings and players like me who don't so I walked up to him and did the only thing I could think of hello hi Panky I'm just curious where you want to end this with when are you satisfied I'm continuing this until the day when you stop wearing pants you don't have to be worried about getting killed a Peggy you are already a ragdoll wrapped around our fingers and it's only a few moments before we start toying with you minutes later pangy headed to spawn and took down the no pants people flag which had been waving proudly in the sky for weeks as he hid it deep underground with no intentions of giving it back I knew I would have to hit him where it hurt the most I would have to catch him without his leggings on which even pangy said I'm gonna take them off right now and probably not anytime soon this would not only be an embarrassment to the pants wearers but also impossible to do without killing him that night I devised an elaborate plan to take him down and to do so I needed to find his most prized possession rumor was that pangy had a secret base only known to his select few players all belonging to the pants wearers I needed to steal this base and move it to the end for a greater purpose but as of right now there was no way for me to find it so I took the next best thing we are going to take this entire Bridge break it down block for block and then rebuild it this is no simple task not only are we stealing something that takes up nearly three shulker boxes worth of space when mined but we're also moving it to the middle of Spawn this is easily the server's most active region so I picked a window late at night to make my move as pangy would likely be asleep however I couldn't say the same for the rest of his teammates wait it was the Crouch there was that wait somebody's crouching up the hill spoke like literally right behind Vortex right Beyond Vortex right now it's a boogie he's crouching to me he he's crouched on the hill behind vortex someone's shooting someone's shooting at us oh what is actually going on I don't think he's confident enough to fight with me here no no he's running I saw him running it seemed like we had stood our ground because pangy's teammate soon logged off and we suddenly had the server all to ourselves it was quite the spectacle four players rebuilding an enormous structure high in the sky that would inevitably serve no purpose and after the bridge had been fully rebuilt all we had to do was wait for pangy to log on and make his next move oh I think we found a chat I think we found it what a lovely new flag just like the first time pangy tried to show no signs of weakness instead of seeking Revenge he simply replaced his Bridge with a pathway of blocks and decided to go into hiding leaving everything he cared about behind the only thing left for me to take now was his base and I knew how to find it it was a complicated method and the only way it would work was if I somehow got pinky to come out of hiding and fight us so I decided that it would be necessary to attack his closest teammates but with four Hearts I was in no condition to fight so with the help of two other players I tracked down Peggy's allies and set up an ender pearl stasis chamber in case of an emergency my friend's lives were being placed in my hands and if I teleported them too late Not only would I lose their trust but I wouldn't be able to pull off the next part of my plan all right try not to log as much as possible yeah I only have one Pearl I have two turn it down get ready to pull get ready okay I'm ready I don't think anyone else rex on me rex on me he's in complex let me know when you want to stay safe if we run out of materials and stuff then then we stasis zam's low zam's low hello I'm just gonna run they're hard targeting me right now yeah yeah keep them keep on you I'm on Jerry if somebody else pull I'm pulling this uh I have five gaps bro I'm kind of just chugging right now I use my last Pearl if they get me in a bad Stitch parrot has to pull yeah I'm on four gaps now I uh go ahead and pull pull no no okay that's okay I needed it sorry it seemed like everything had been executed to Perfection because three days later pengy agreed to have an organized fight at spawn this was my only chance to find his base all by using an arrow arrows retain data from the person who shoots them meaning they can be used to find a player's position if Peggy shoots an arrow and I use that Arrow to light a piece of TNT the explosion will launch me directly opposite from where he is then by creating a line through my initial coordinate and the second coordinate I can narrow down pangi's bass to a straight line bro it's two of you how are you gonna win this there's like so many people just leave losing dude I am not feeling confident about this stuff wait Oh I thought that was that's Sam typing there it was the arrow lying only 30 blocks in front of me all I had to do now was retrieve it low bro you think I'm gapping I'm gapping [Music] spoke please hop down oh my God Harry why are you here don't fight red red red red red red did you get it did it land no it was Subs on me [Music] direct poison him he's low oh why is killing me but why are they killing me bro and right as I was about to give up for good and throw this entire project out the window everything all started to make sense go down here okay oh gosh when you get down there push the button and then hide in the wood uh hide in the room next to it okay okay please don't grief base you can use it don't breathe thank you thank you penny is not gonna be happy with what we just did it's fine you guys didn't grief my base right so that's actually his main base down there yeah that's actually his main base down there perhaps the death was meant to be as it only revealed that pangi's secret base had been right under us the whole time to kill pengy I needed to move his base to the end so that night I sat down to pick a date in time to move it it was enormous and therefore would take hours upon hours to break down and transport this meant that we had a higher chance of being discovered by Peggy's teammates before we finished I knew I couldn't do it all alone so I went around and recruited a select group of people to help me you know how I just like found pangy's base yesterday correct we're deconstructing his entire secret base would you like to join yeah okay parrot I think nothing has meaning if it isn't interesting and my goodness this as well Mr subs and here I was about to take the biggest risk of the whole plan Subs was technically teamed with Panky he fought against my teammates in the battle but he had access to beacons and tools that would double the speed of the process if I told him my whole plan and he revealed it to pengy I would have lost everything so I had no other choice but to tell Subs who he was truly teaming up with a player with 18 Hearts felt inclined to kill a player with four Hearts I do see your point here would you be willing to help some of us and he somehow agreed yep works for me I'm down so at 7 pm that night the team I had assembled logged on to complete arguably the hardest task of this entire project oh my God [Music] besides us there was only one other player online and unfortunately he was teamed with pangy if he somehow discovered what we were doing it would take only one phone call and our plan would be ruined okay we actually bro he's gonna catch on so fast if we're not careful we gotta go are we starting there's a lot of them I'm on my way I'm on my way start building the beacon I'll be there in a half a second our only option left was to get a team member to distract Zam and take him as far away as possible from the base we would be losing efficiency but this was the only way to ensure we wouldn't be discovered um hello no wait what if Zam realized what if Zam catches on instead of spoke instead oh they are they must be so far out dude what are they doing nah bro it's like a straight here it comes got him soon we turn panky's base into just a couple of shulker boxes two team members stayed behind to make sure nobody stumbled across the remnants of the base the rest of us prepared to enter the end but there was a slight issue I had never gone there before meaning if I went through the portal an achievement would be broadcasted to the whole server I had no choice but to sit by the portal waiting for everybody else to log off so I waited and waited until finally I hope you guys enjoyed today's stream it's been very very fun uh I got it all out you're good let's go whoa and here we were the only thing left between me and killing pangy was building a structure one final time we needed to be careful because one small slip up could send any of us into the below and it wasn't long before mapic had made his first mistake bro you actually he fell I dropped like a bunch of extra water you put it in the right spot you should be good look me dude I can't I'm in the zone how did you how did you fall all the way over there as we continued rebuilding pangi's base my only other teammate besides Subs made a fatal mistake as well no so what happened bro is it took a fire take midair and teleported behind you oh and Rose look at this guy bro hey let me just shift in this okay bro if you log on you should be 100 fine he should be fine Vlog what it's taken he's taking he's taking it was just subs and I left and if he were to turn on me at any point there was no one left to save me I kept my eye on him as we got closer and closer to finishing the entire base because there was something that I hadn't told him yet we weren't just stealing panky's base I would be rigging the bottom of it with stacks of TNT and then blowing it up when pangy arrived the next day is that all of it well we just need the dark oak logs some trap doors and stone bricks I now had only a few things left to do first leave a few Clues around pangea's base so that he would understand where to go then I recorded a message and sent a texture back to Peggy that had the message hard coded onto a music disc finally the next morning I rigged the bottom of the base with TNT and prepared for Penny to walk on after weeks of hard work this was my only chance to do what I'd wanted to do all along kill wait what oh they took my entire base what literally everything is gone no Shelly build it somewhere else all right let's see what's behind here there's a book what do you what does the sign say that's out of space it says Dear pangy first and foremost I'd like to say that this is it our journey is over I hope you have a fun time finding where we put it the end okay so they put it in the end well let's go to the end I guess but what pangy doesn't know is that at the end of the year I'm throwing the largest fireworks show in Minecraft and for every person that subscribes before then I'll be launching another firework so claim one this is gonna be a huge celebration where I open up a server so you all can join and currently we're launching 1.19 million fireworks which is a lot but I'm sure you all can make that a lot larger so click the red button it's free and you can claim a firework for the end of the year this is my stuff that they are did they rebuild my house in the end there's a disc they rebuilt my entire house in the end pangy do what I say or your frog is dead do not break place or interact with any blocks inside of the base besides the Jukebox take the disc out of the item frame walk into the base and insert the disc into a floating jukebox this is it Penny we appreciate your sportsmanship but this is unfortunately our win they really just built my entire house they even rebuilt this whole thing all right hello smallpy over the past couple of weeks you've probably noticed that we have deconstructed reconstruction oh my gosh many of your prized buildings I have you know we've ratioed you severely on Twitter and we've also created the greatest team that lifesteal has ever seen I doubt that what do we call ourselves the no pants people party okay but simply pangies it's all gonna be fine don't wear pockets and that's all we stand for it's a simple concept on the outside but it is very deceiving to those who don't pay close attention right you see pangy we can't use combat like you we use our wits our intelligence and our knowledge to not just win but to put on a show for the greater no pants people party audience right you will never be able to top what we can pull off you can kill us however many times you want but killing someone that has no pants on is embarrassing yeah it shows nothing but your desire to only fight the weak on the other hand us recreating a 23 000 Block Base in another dimension is spectacular it is quite literally sure is US hosting an elegant magic show and you are the Ragdoll that's being toyed around our fingers I hope this proves to you that we are not heartthirsty beings like you small p as many times as you kill a player with four hearts and no pants just want to let you know that we will always have the last laugh what I'm dead I'm dead let's go oh my gosh that went perfectly oh boy that went exactly to plan and if you enjoyed this video I've got a bunch more for you I've made a playlist of my other favorite videos that I think you'll really like so you should totally check them out see you soon
Channel: Parrot
Views: 2,356,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, how i ended an entire minecraft smp, Technoblade, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3
Id: HTqFVLzk528
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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