I trapped this streamer with invisible blocks…

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like that's the issue here I just made the streamer fall through the world and the rest are about to meet the same fate in a trap that appears to be breaking the laws of Minecraft but it's not what it seems you see whatever I build shows up here on a map but if each block represents one pixel I could create whatever I want so to abuse this to its full potential I'm doing this on a YouTuber SMP however I have seven lives left make that six so to obtain the six stacks of paper without having to grind for it we stole from a few players bases evangelize them which will hopefully not backfire later but for now we would have all the materials by tomorrow except one issue I assumed I could disguise the full trap of grass however that appeared to be impossible bro what even is this dude oh yeah this this doesn't look suspicious at all not only were the textures completely different but something else was weird I wanted to know why so I made a rainbow and it appeared every color was off but couldn't find a way to disguise this trap I might as well ask someone to jump in but finding the right block to replicate was going to be a lot harder than I thought oh what the what the F this was no accident and it was clear the other streamers were behind this the only question was what they would do next So to avoid that question me and parrots went out a few thousand to find the most dangerous Block in the game that's it oh we found one hey oh my God I assume skulk would be an easy block to replicate however that didn't matter since we forgot to bring silk touch to even pick it up so now we needed to escape without losing any lives which was a lot easier said than done what are you doing bro dude dude I'm actually low I'm actually low you said the warden was hard bro the real John just gave spiders in defeat we ran back to spawn to find a new block but we had forgotten that we were still a Target hey yo bro he's shooting at you pick up at this we're jumping Woofy right now nope we did not do that right now yes we are jumping this is the stupidest thing ever I don't even have no no no leave me oh I grabbed my items but it was already too late we were stopped on the bridge of another player coming to probably finish us but then oh hey yo oh no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm bro he did five and a half hearts no he did you see how he just hard targeted me yeah bro he can't take on ashwag ash promised to protect us from the group of streamers trying to kill us so to celebrate our Victory I made a snow house but wait a minute if snow is almost all white how hard would it be to replicate it still doesn't look promising the color is still just completely off but why wear this line form why is there just a random white line on these yeah wait you I can see it at the top there's no extra snow it's just the same wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I think I'm a genius hold on oh oh look at that look at that look at that okay I have a brighter white now that can work so if I just copy and paste this entire thing now look at that okay that is a completely white map bro that looks so much better Perfect all I need now is sixteen thousand snow blocks and I don't even have a shovel so I had to log on the server to make one little did I know this would happen that's a good amount of thank you oh my God I got a shovel but this showed how fragile it was but if I wore pants I'd be kicked out of my team so I pushed forward grab some pumpkins and constructed a snowfall this took hours but after breaking 500 shovels I finally obtained all the snow but by the time parent logged on I wanted to test the Trap here I just want you to try to kill me all right just try to kill me I have no pants on all right Barrett bro I need fire rest bro bro I'm so low bro I'm so low bro what is this okay so maybe it was a bit obvious but what if I rebuild on the ledge [Music] bro I've been working on this for the longest time okay third time's the charge [Music] dude you're not supposed to okay did you actually see that bro or do you just walk in I just walk dude no let's go let's go let's go let's go bro I could see that so easily I began to question whether or not it was worth breaking 500 shovels for a trap that didn't even work but parrots had an idea have you seen the fruit berries trap it's the head hitter if you had it right here then you then you're fine oh wait hold on hold on hold on I think you're on to something like here here let's do a little Chase let's do a little Chase so I'm just like yo get out of here bro nah bro they don't say the chance as long as they don't know about this now with a clear plan it was time to place the 16 000 snow blocks except bro we've been building this the wrong way North East yeah bro I even went over this this made me realize it was going to be much harder than anticipated so if the trust I had left I reached out to the other players online and one responded I'm epics on now may picks a player have had an interesting history with but I believed he turned a new leaf and was willing to help a fellow player little did I know this would happen oh my God are you ready for this dude are you ready it's gonna go a little hard oh bro that doesn't go on the beat drop bro while I finish the staircase I'm also building the longest bridge in Minecraft but the only way I can place a block is if you subscribe and last video we almost placed 30 000 blocks so let's see how many we can place this time but after many hours and clutches the staircase was complete and the map looked perfect except this is one map out of six Stacks well you can duplicate maps with paper right wait what the I do not think this is what I intended oh so that's how I duplicate it I need another map not just paper all right well now we need a compass I now needed stacks of redstone and iron which none of that I had so I went Mining and this would be my greatest mistake I don't know if that's possible though nor I don't think Barrett would want that to happen bro no way that just happened I just got completely outplayed I had a lot on me actually okay hold on a sec this is an issue I ran back to retrieve the last of my progress however there was no hope I didn't even bring food oh geez I'm an idiot no no no no I meant bro I'm done no I'm going back but my stuff is gone after realizing I had nothing left I entered the nether to go to spawn because if I wanted to make these streamers stop the only option I had left was to surrender except then I found a miracle there's a staircase down there though what's that over there am I gonna die I want to go through here I have no idea oh no no no no no no oh let me go it's following me dude bro what is this what did I find but by looking at F3 I was able to see how many entities were rendered and I realized that there was much more that this place was hiding oh yeah yeah there is not a base oh wait wait wait did we find it what even is this random mind out chunks what if it is this dude oh what is oh oh no this space had everything I needed but after going AFK at the farm it was too late to realize that I wasn't alone the owners of the base found me and left a single sign reading if you are here by tomorrow morning you will be dead I looked at the iron collected and calculated it would take exactly six hours to get the rest all right it's the next morning I got all the iron but I think with this new gear I'm finally ready to finish mine it and this time it was going to be different they have no idea why I'm mining oh that is doubly oh my what the W what the bro bro bro what what is this those 18 diamonds what was that but after mining everything I would ever need I realized I didn't have a fortune Pig ax to mine it so I had to return to their base and look through their chest for diamonds wait I have diamonds I am just so stupid bro I have 23. the next day I had obtained all of the leather and paper and was ready to duplicate the rest of the maps please work this looks like it shouldn't expand it it should duplicate I mean I spent so long trying to get these so just hoping I don't mess this up but I needed to find the location specifically one with a lot of snow and trees and after some time of searching the perfect spot was found okay this is very rough we're gonna need some snow to cover up some of this you can't you can't craft it dude dude come on man so this is our first time building this on lifesteal yeah okay oh my goodness I have to look down bro it looks like I'm in just a void world right now dude this is the trap that's going to show that I'm nothing to be messed with the white void was created and just as I finished my first Target logged on all right follow me down this passage all right I want you to go through first are you gonna trap me bro nope all right going in where are we there's nothing on the other side bro okay actually I want to show you something all right I made the crazy on the server I'm just gonna have to check it out all right what the bro what are you doing where am I do you like it it killed me I'm tickling your feet what is this if you made that like six blocks deeper I would have been dead so I decided to gear up my friend because if a streamer survived my trap parrot would be the first to go oh Max's Bex isn't coming Bex isn't coming oh oh no oh bro I'm out bro I'm on four Hearts now but finally The Raid had been completed and with parrots New Gear I decided to test the trap on maintenance actually wait May pick on your stream can I show you something I don't know can you expect that one I'm gonna go through this portal and just instantly die aren't I no yeah this is like bacon land all over again there's one thousand Ender dragons on the other side all right it's right through this portal I'm dead wait this is my slime farm wait this is your slime farm oh yeah yeah I use this portal to get back and forth okay follow me like when you see it you're gonna see it and then be like what the bird not really that is legitimately gonna be your reaction dude that's crazy wait I'm waiting yeah that was awesome I'm a little bit awesome like that's the issue here oh my God you like it dude that's Rippy let me let me let you out uh come this way okay look behind you oh hey dude we're literally you've done it no you were right this is heaven this way this is how you get out of Heaven epic loved it so much that he believes that we could even trap the richest player now we thought drip Stone would be enough to kill him but what we didn't realize was that he was at 15 lives hey guys [Applause] the craziest thing ever made was just built okay and you're going to be the first person to see it that's no that's exciting I'm gonna be honest this way gentlemen no you go first please my book Thank you so like where can you describe the location a little more because well he decided to make it right next to my slime farm which I'm a little annoyed about now everyone has no no I'm here [Music] thank you thank you you gotta try it you got it you gotta go I want you to go first please you got this dude we're gonna giggle when you do it go go go go go go go oh there's nothing on the other side there's nothing on the other side the first step of it is all right Second Step completed the other thing is at the base at the base right okay where'd you go it's right here oh bro oh what's good oh foreign the recording of this video I had lost a total of two lives meaning we had lost right of course not because we showed that even stupid players like us who wore no pants could put the richest player in their most vulnerable state and not only that but we had made friends enemies graffiti and even memories so if you want to watch me play more on This Server go follow my twitch because I'm streaming right now and if not just follow I'll be live the next day anyways watch this video where I teleport players without commands and
Channel: Spoke
Views: 2,684,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spoke, spokeishere, lifesteal, minecraft
Id: K0WEkjrnJww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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