If you like pancakes, you die

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there is a division in this world one that i cannot ignore a question so powerful civilizations have been torn apart but i am here to answer it once and for all do you like pancakes or waffles better dude waffles are better than pancakes you're not changing my mind they're basically pancakes with abs anyone who disagrees with me i will kill i am taking this very seriously i have a pancake hit list it is everyone on the server but i haven't had the chance to sort them into people i need to murder and actually respectable human beings so as my old grandpappy used to say i'm going to do some polling and what is your fault get away from me what are you going to do i just want to ask you okay why are you going near me do you like pancakes or waffles better wobbles waffles waffles waffles waffles dang it i can't find anybody who likes pancakes better next time i'm gonna trick them into saying pancakes and then kill them yeah i don't say waffles anymore sure [Music] this is really scary man you like pancakes planet yeah that's my answer nice i gotta get planet now i'm sorry planet i'm sorry it's because he said pancakes man get back here get back here planet you're gonna run out of hunger soon planet get back here i'm so sorry planet i have to stick to my morals he's out of hunger i'm sorry planet now you might have noticed that i gained a heart when killing planets that's because this is lifesteal that's just what happens but wreck you were already on seven hearts did you die three times listen my monitor wasn't like plugged in and my mouse too my mouse wasn't plugged in really so whose fault really is it let me direct your attention to the pancake it list i've sorted about 10 people pretty much everybody's liking waffles i've already killed planets so i'd really like to kill pengy as pengy is one of the people who's already killed me except that that is a lot of people you know what we'll just find somebody else to ask in the meantime i heard there's people up in this village i have a question for you oh oh kill vip telsty kill vitality what is he doing oh my god again bro oh my gosh i got it my god oh my god i i have a question for you though i know your name is waffles in the name but i just need to check yeah and i'm personally more of a wobbles fan all right good i think word of my waffle interrogation spread because shortly after this happened [Music] okay i gotta go i gotta go i just gotta go oh my gosh they're attacking they're killing my dogs [Applause] after narrowly escaping i found clutch which was a huge relief because i knew that he loved waffles strangest thing though it took him like five minutes to join my discord call which i didn't think much of until this happened yo what's up yo what's up uh how how have you been on whoa i'm so sorry i'm not gonna lie things weren't going super well even though out of the 26 members of lifesteal 22 of them like waffles and yet i'm still dying left and right maybe this whole going alone isn't the greatest this might be a stupid idea i'm i'm gonna go ask parrot if i can join his team even though there's pancake lovers there no oh oh hey i didn't realize it when i walked up to the village but peggy and radoon's both pancake lovers were on this team winning pose at me so it's not like i asked to join their team because they're pancake lovers and i can't be with that i actually just got rejected i need to find a team man killing pancake lovers on your own is so hard behind you i don't know if i've already asked you this but it's kind of been how i've been greeting everybody you're a waffles man i'm a big waffles man definitely waffles pancakes every day no no no no fancy none of them listen listen i had pancakes it was like biased i mean i've never had waffles hey hey brandon you can like pancakes it's totally fine i'll just have to murder you at some point bit unfortunate branzy likes pancakes i really want to join a team you know what that's fine that's fine i'll just make a team of my own yes the army grows [Music] i was truly alone at this point but it wasn't all bad i think i sorted most of people into their respective categories which means first on the list it's once again pangy rumor has it he's over this direction and an acacia biome they must be this way if i were a pangolin where would i be oh there's a workbench up there wait did i just find it now i just gotta find a good spot to hide honestly i think i'm just gonna hide like this simpler the better i don't think they'll notice this there used to be two blocks there hanging [Music] he's coming let's freaking go let's go thank you so much subs okay okay i haven't pulled it off yet though i have not pulled it off yet gonna do a bit of commentary here because this fight is a bit scuffed and it needs some explaining so i first lava bucket him right i hit him a couple times he's probably down a couple hearts then i throw a poison potion oh no this is the worst thing i could have done you see my health he has not hit me once yet i am past half health what am i doing dude oh my gosh no bit of a setback to the whole pancake hit list but i had a plan you see i'm gonna keep attacking him messing up his stream until i kill him so i went to spawn and offered him a deal even fight here at spawn right now same amount of hearts same gear and i won't attack you for the rest of the day yeah sure [Music] oh i am down a heart but that's okay upon further consideration no no nine hearts is not nearly enough one of the guys on the list reduns has 20 hearts i'm just not going to be able to kill him like this my current game plan is to kill everybody else first that way i'll have the maximum amount of hearts to confront her dunes branzy what's up last time i hopped on i wandered about 5 000 blocks away so uh oh that's not like not that far so i didn't walk any further yeah one more block and i would have just left anyways i'm gonna put this real simple for you branzie you like pancakes you have five seconds to run three no no hold on no no i'm coming frenzy i'm coming i have to stick to my morals friends no come here come here i i'm 5 000 blocks away again you're killing branzi in lifesteal is like kicking a toddler in walmart like what are you gonna get out of this experience if if that toddler likes pancakes then it's absolutely justified you take a toddler freaking liking but then he started convincing woogie that pancakes were better it's not too late to like pancakes for the gray hair and the beard woogie oh no shot if he converts right here i'm gonna murder him no yes he actually did it what did you do did you black no that's that's the gray hair in the beard oh i see him frenzy i see him go go i'm going get back here woogie get back here no i don't have any arrows let's go get back here mono amano like a man woogie woogie i'm right here you are so dead you are so dead are you taking the heart unless you have a really good argument franzi forced me to he tricked me i i need a full-on repentance i need like down on the knees begging for forgiveness what's better than pancakes woogie waffles every day of the week they got like little topping holes yeah yeah you know what's up man next up mr cube so i'll put this like real simple for you you like pancakes you have five seconds to run before i start killing okay okay it's i'm sorry if the situation is a bit awkward um i just kind of gotta do what i gotta do you like pancakes i don't like pancakes is that on ground for for killing people like i don't know oh no definitely yeah you know so i i like cars and then you if you like trucks i mean that's not that's not on the ground for killing somebody you know well no because that's cars and trucks this is pancakes and waffles totally different stores i don't i don't get what's confusing so i was gonna move on to my next target but cube cube really wanted his heart back if i eat waffles for the next two months and in the morning can i get my heart back wow sure i mean i have no way to prove that yes oh my god got one person left on the list but it's also the person i'm most scared of you know he has 20 hearts and is good at pvp i am very nervous going into this i'll put this real simple for you red you like pancakes i challenge you to a fishing duel pick your rod radoons no shot no no i'm serious wreck you've gone crazy why are you challenging him to a fishing duel are you do you have a trap planned or something no what i do have though is comprehensive knowledge of minecraft's fishing mechanics and since i challenge radoons to a fishing duel where the person with the most fish wins did you know that if you have a block above your bobber you have a 50 reduction in the amount of fish you'll catch please don't kill me wouldn't it be crazy if you had some patterns in the sky so that you could fish in the right spot but radoons wouldn't and wouldn't it be even crazier if you turned on moody brightness you could see these patterns wouldn't it be crazy if i built some patterns at the build limit of minecraft so that nobody could tell all i need to do is fish in the light spots and i will get double the amount of fish why don't we just do an actual fight so uh i did what engineers like to call a critical oversight i didn't consider he wouldn't want to fish and the situation really didn't get better right you like waffles yeah you have 10 seconds to run buddy yeah that would be that would be funny but here's the fishing rod no no i'm not being serious i i pretty much ran away as fast as i could but i still gotta kill raduz he's the last one on the list i will not stop until every pancake lover has been murdered what if we do my thing and then we can do your thing how about that then we both get our things what we duel each other and then we fish yeah but hold on you have like twice as many hearts as me i haven't practiced pvp red wasn't changing his mind i don't see any way out of it though i have to have this fishing so very reluctantly i accepted the duel go go go go go go go go go go go go oh where can you go [Music] what how that hit me i like backed off and everything that didn't hit you okay [Music] you ever heard of this thing called cheating are you actually serious no that's just like that's just not fair i was actually feeling so good and then you're like you know what invisible person come out here ruin his day i i apologize for doing that but i knew that beyonce would definitely be in your favor for the fight yeah wait wait wait you have 20 hearts you cannot argue that now if you thought we weren't going to do the fishing thing because he scammed me you're wrong although i did half expect him to start murdering me again there was one problem with fishing though did you want to meet at the fishing village i mean not the fishing village spawn how about the village near the spot problem we have the patterns over here but not over by the fishing place so i had two options act real sus and say i need to do it over here or not have that advantage and fish over here i took the least suspicious option i mean this is lifesteal people see right through sus things but if you thought i was gonna lose because i didn't have that specific fishing advantage well you're wrong there is not a person on this planet who knows fishing more than me i dove deep into the minecraft wiki basically when you fish in minecraft you get items from three different categories fish junk and treasure the more i can reuse the junk and treasure items the more fish i'll get you can already reduce the amount of junk items with luck of the c3 but red ones is gonna have the same fishing rod so that's not gonna help what i can do is reduce the amount of treasure items i get to do this i'm gonna take advantage of the treasure bounding box essentially a five by five by four bounding box that's required to get treasure item but if even one stone block covers that up the entire area is invalid meaning if i can get red to fish in deep water i'll get more fish with him by default because i'll be fishing in shallow water three two one and you wanna know where radoon started fishing in the deep water i just realized something what [Music] no i i specifically said that was against the rules radoons oh i was listening when you said the rules as soon as it times you have to realize come on no i i really didn't know so i didn't get it frick if i lose by one i'm gonna be so sad three three one one bang [Music] salmon oh my gosh what's up no no i held back some of my winnings oh did you it's a bit of a shame isn't it oh wow oh you really played dirty like that huh hey right with me yeah are you serious i won the competition fair and square i barely did that's a joke i'm fine with you yeah okay okay let's go well good game that was that was a good hat that was a pretty interesting fishing match wow you have a lot of hearts oh yeah [Music]
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 3,199,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Season 4 Ep.1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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