Speedbridging 1,000 blocks to win a bet

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so this is me attempting to speed bridge a thousand blocks while getting shot at all to get my friend to take off his pants and i'm not even kidding see it started two weeks back when i needed a team to join the only one i could find though was the no pants people party their whole mo is to get a screenshot of everyone on the server with their pants down weird i know but i'm desperate i set up a meeting with their leader but i'm gonna be honest guys i forgot to take off my pants if a person caught wearing pants wants to join the no pants pp it's a pretty rigorous process specifically i have to complete five challenges to join the last of which is a thousand blocks beat bridging duel against somebody who wears pants if i win my opponent takes off their pants but if i lose i put my pants back on and i got a warning that if at any point during these five challenges i got caught wearing my pants you will become a mortal enemy of the no pants peepee for the rest of the season your first task is to bring me back a disc any kind and for this you can actually wear pants because it's going to be pretty difficult so you can put them on okay wreck wrap you already messed up what is the first rule of the no pants feepy after that i promised myself i wouldn't mess up with the pants again like i i already showed up to the meeting wearing pants what am i doing ask number two in a 100x100 area around spawn i've hidden three shelter boxes bring them back to me as fast as possible i found the first two just fine but i couldn't find the third one for the life if you ever want to give up you can oh no no no i'm not i'm not one to give up pair if you want to give me hints it is in a 80 by 80 center around another portal 60 by 60 area 50 by 50 40 by 40 30 by 30 20 20 14 by 14. dude what the actual how is it here i'm not gonna lie bro my entire chat is spamming you are like you can't find this yeah um all right ready i'll shrink it even more from here okay it's a one by one on this block wrap i just tested your patience because there was no third choker let's go two out of five done but the next one was a little sketch for me this torch right here is a torch key i break the torch key and you fall 40 blocks onto drip stuff i want you to repeat after me i love pants i love pants let's go you can't say i love pants you're trying to be in the no fans peepee wreck rap oh my gosh i'm actually getting rid of this uh the dirt this time okay okay frick what if you say the same thing then i don't repeat after you exactly if it goes against the morals of the no pants pee-pee you don't repeat it okay okay gotcha i gotcha hate wearing pants i hate wearing pants i love wearing pants yeah you see it now now i've learned i've learned from the good just that i was getting ready to press that torch key i wear pants in real life that's just ridiculous i can't believe you would assume i'd do such a thing right crap the number one rule of the no pants creepy is that you do not incriminate yourself outside of the game this is strike three i'm not gonna go down there to save you anymore paper paper paper paper now say paper 20 times fast say paper 20 times fast okay you got that one you got that one let's go let's go three out of five done how many hearts are you on wreck rob uh ten toss me three you're going to have to beat me in a duel best out of three ah frickity frick i'm gonna give you two minutes to check your surroundings okay because that's the most important thing actually set your spawn first here one of us is gonna die i'll give you a hint look that way okay i see something what do you see it looks to be like a raid farm almost really yeah all right that's enough time that's enough time we just duke it out right crap where are you right now on the end screen respawn right crap yeah you did not pay attention to the one thing that made you the most vulnerable what's that respawn right now okay you ready you ready to go again parrot wait where'd you respawn where did you respawn wait how did you do that intelligence i think wait what i actually did not expect you to figure out the bed trap all right you passed though four out of five all that's left is the thousand block speed virgin duel which means i need somebody to race that person's you i have to take my pants off forever yeah pretty much i'll take it i'll take it okay well i'll see you friday then it's thursday afternoon and the speed bridging duel is friday less than 24 hours now look i feel like a hundred percent confident i can speed bridge a thousand blocks but i'm also going to be getting shot by arrows maybe tnt so i would like some slow falling potions just in case you know i fall off boom i get hit with an arrow oh no oh no let me just place some wat okay then i think i just need to be a little bit quicker with it like boom oh i fell off oh oh and we're in the water we're safe we're fine problem with slow falling you need phantom membrane life still has a plug-in so that phantoms do not spawn which means the only way to get phantom membranes is with a cat first though i need some fish to tame a cat yes perfect perfect now unfortunately i'm not sure how you get phantom membranes from cats but i'm pretty sure it has to do with like sleeping so maybe if i wait until night the cat will bring me something please please give me a venti membrane give me it please i didn't get anything so i did some googling to see if i was doing it right 10 cats have a 70 chance to bring the player a gift when they wake up from a bed and the gift is a 3.2 chance to be a phantom membrane well what if theoretically i had more than one cat please please please please nothing happened so i slept again and again and again and i got a grand total of eight cat gifts from like 50 cats well i think we can safely conclude that multiple cats doesn't get me any closer with no leads to get phantom membranes in the bridge fight less than a day away it got even worse because parrot called me and i had to drop everything yo what's up would you mind logging on lifesteal uh yeah sure what's up we found a secret base i don't know where peggy is but just follow me yeah look he's literally he just exposed it he did not expect us to catch him right here dude this is a secret elevator wait what this is so sick this was pangy's base one of the main targets of the no pp squad i can't say exactly what parrot invited me to do but it was a secret operation for the no pants pp you'll have to wait for his next video but the no pants pp was starting to trust me and i used this as an opportunity to recruit somebody if you're down i i'm inviting you to be on my team for the speed bridging duel i mean okay that's terrifying the bridge fight was going to be a 3v3 so i needed one more person but i couldn't invite parrot because he was gonna be gone so i thought who better to invite than the second general of the no pants pb ah what's up dude um are you in yeah okay let's go even with a full roster i had the looming problem of phantom membranes i still had no way to get them so i did some more research and let me show you what the farm looks like potentially cutest farm ever but uh there did you see it did you see what happened according to this goated youtuber all you have to do is put cats in boats and then minecraft can't figure out that there's multiple cats but you still get all the profit so i have i have a few cats now hopefully this is enough to get us maybe three phantom membranes yes yes it worked it works but we only got one i mean it's not ideal but we have two now so for the next couple hours i set a timer on my phone for 10 minutes every 10 minutes i would log on live steal sleep and try to get another phantom membrane until we had around 12. i can make slow falling potions the thing i'm missing though is armor but wreck you have diamond armor what more could you need well i assume most the pvp is gonna be bow-based so i'd like some projectile protection see that's what i'm looking for that's actually really good i'll take three of those [Applause] wait oh my gosh i'm i'm an idiot after that i did find other armor with projectile protection as well as some other tricks dude this is actually so perfect i can buy knockback shorts and after an entire hour we have so much gear i had armor covered and after a few short minutes i had potions covered it was game day we are actually starting this very soon i'm kind of nervous mostly excited and before i knew it i was meeting up with my teammates heading to the end what a win we are going to win we are going to there's jumbo games what's up let's go i need to take off my pants uh you can if you want it doesn't matter actually yeah it'd probably be more appropriate uh you want to punch me a couple times are they are they cursed no we're getting these off wreck they're cursive oh that's it like four yeah oh okay i can't wait well at least we got the pants off guys hey there he is there he is alrighty gents welcome to the base this is sick i i haven't been able to clean it up a ton but this is all the gear we have what this is paradise oh my gosh i'm glad you guys like i'm kind of hiding alrighty boys are we ready okay i was really confident but now with the voice oh yeah let's take one look over it no dude i have a fear of heights are you oh i'm ready okay all right pants are on the line good sir let's uh separate for group calls and then i'll give us a countdown and chat and we'll just go three go two go go one go go go go boys shields they're using boats wait that's so smart the heck no all right just keep going keep going right it's actually genius yeah they brought up one of them are we ahead oh we're so ahead of our head right now fall back come up just come up to the bridge guys come up to the bridge let's go let's go bacon's bacon's pushing again they're trying to hold him back oh shoot like oh arrows they definitely have the better bows i think is bacon still behind us i don't know i don't know he is he is too much why is there a random bridge out here guys he's off he's off he's off nice nice [Music] going go higher go higher right okay okay i'm going up i'm going up all of these bedwars practice is coming in class how was your guys how's it doing good i'm good i'm good i'm almost out i'm almost out uh okay let's build a new corner let's build it into the corner [Music] get out of there plan it lord dude they're going too high we got to go higher yes good smoke good good good good good good bridging [Music] they're going so high wait they're jumping down to our bridge no no shot wait what is he doing wait what's the plan what is [Music] we do not have the gear adventure to keep him low no no no we need to come here leo just hit him once just hit him once yep yep yep just once i did it you stopped keep away keep it away with the pose i'll have arrows arrows okay let's just keep going let's just keep bridging that's the main thing do you have anything you've got blocks i'm running out yeah i got blocks i have blocks i can bridge i can bridge hey he's engaging me he's engaging me okay i'm coming back he's got it he's got answer men on him all right just run just run she's coming [Music] go go go go go go go go go go go run did he go up even more spoke yeah he is so high up right now oh my gosh holy crap he's so high what the heck how's it looking is he still chasing us um he's he's just stationary right now i'm not sure what he's doing okay oh he's still falling over to me he is oh my gosh that was his plan run smoke yo we're 800. we're 800. i think i hit him with slowness i think i hit him i think i hit him nice i think i got him where is he dead is he dead here wait wait i'm going i'm coming i'm going oh i want to see this i need to see this i see him oh my god put this glass shot on him get the last shot up one day join the vc we're gonna make try to make a deal maybe like a heart hey leo [Music] that's a bit of an awkward situation you found yourself in now isn't it shoot me kill me already all right i don't know we can make a deal here oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] a little bit slow keep going you guys go just go just go just go it's just well you can't smoke don't break oh you're right oh gosh that would have been funny no oh right crap you're gonna mess up you're gonna mess up right crap we have 200 bucks to go we only have 200 blocks what happened you're good it's fine i see the end i see the islands all right leo there's a slowness potion for you i'm out of here okay i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going leo's chasing me he's going i'm going i'm going oh gosh shoot him start shooting him just hold him off for a little longer shield i don't shoot him no no no no no do no pants on top isn't that right spoke isn't that right a deal's a deal let's see those pants oh god that's the weirdest thing i've said in a long time oh my gosh three two one oh my gosh i no longer wear pants let's go does that mean i'm officially a n triple p member recruit you are now a member of the no pants people party congratulations thank you thank you oh that's so hyped
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 3,983,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Season 4 Ep.2
Id: vv0qwNUMC5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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