I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE]

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i have no life but who needs one when you can play minecraft all day yeah i'm 25 years old but that's right gamers i finally hit day 1 000 in my hardcore world and i had this totally original and never before done idea to make one long epic movie for you all to watch hopefully this goes well i'm kind of thinking about trademarking the idea so fingers crossed buckle up folks grab your popcorn and get ready for this journey as always full world download is on my patreon if you want to support me also if you're putting this on to sleep or while you study may god have mercy on your soul enjoy the video you know while i'm here i might as well kill some of these sheep i mean they're just here you know yeah it needs to happen i'm sorry i'm sorry there we go make a bed you know what we'll even dye it blue i've never had a blue bed before yeah that's good that'll be perfect to sleep in tonight holy cow i am hungry already good thing i'm near this village though which looks like it's actually nestled right in near this mountain oh my god they already have cows put away from me this is actually perfect wow go ahead and steal some of these hay bales for an easy early game food source and i can't sprint okay gotta eat now oh they have carrots here and potatoes let's go that's perfect oh my goodness and beetroots don't need those though i suppose while we're here we might as well breed the cows up this is this is like the fastest i've ever had animals breeding in minecraft oh god this not this gotta watch out for that powdered snow that'll get you this is actually a pretty thriving community what do we got here we got a farmer we got a okay good old librarian got a cleric a bunch of babies running around now this i will take never gonna complain about finding free bookshelves you know i think what we're gonna do is actually lock in all the villagers in their houses for now because there's a lot of them here and i'm gonna keep these for later here we go first day complete i did see some iron and cold yes right here perfect [Music] oh my goodness this is a huge fan of coal 35 pieces already still going on and it looks like this actually opens up into this massive cave that goes way down into the earth oh yeah i see like deep slate already before i go down there i'm gonna make myself a furnace and smelt up all this iron chop down this tree grab the rest of this coal which is only two pieces that's unfortunate chop down another tree oh my god i want that cat i need that cat in my life oh that's a beautiful cat and then make myself a chess player i think that's gonna be the best use of that eight iron right there so i think we can work our way around this way and have a nice smooth entrance yeah we get the rest of this coal while we're up here too now it's really important that i get all the coal that i can while i'm up here because coal doesn't really generate down deep in the mines anymore and that's gonna be hard to come by in the late game if i don't have any right now how can i best get down here you know we're gonna go for it we're gonna go for it oh that was so terrifying why did i do that don't ever do that again oh my goodness this goes way down there now i gotta be careful but i am seeing some pockets of iron over here which i definitely am gonna need to finish off the rest of my armor and also make a shield the shield is gonna be very important right now and i guess while i'm here i will grab this copper i mean i will use it to build with eventually day number two complete please don't get die bombed right now that would not be good oh i see more iron hang on can't forget the copper either oh and some lapis i can't get that yet but we'll be back for that it's so weird that lapis actually spawns like pretty high up in the world now they must have raised it now this is a little bit spooky gotta be careful here uh yeah you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna not go in there for right now we're gonna avoid that hey some more iron oh that's skeleton yep i'm out of here i'm out of here i'm out of here i am out of here just kidding i can kill this guy what am i playing hardcore for if i can't kill a single skeleton come on now i'm bad but i'm not that bad i don't think holy this opens up into a massive cave yeah that's dangerous wow that's really cool though that's so cool but i'm out of here that should be enough iron to make a full set as well as a shield as much fun as the new caves are i wouldn't exactly call them very friendly not at all friendly oh my cows i've missed you all right i'm gonna get settled down in this house just for a bit while we're in the early game here to help us organize our inventory and get set up well there we go the rest of the iron has smelted i now have full iron armor and a shield i am unstoppable not really but i feel like it right now so just let me ride with it okay and while we're here we might as well make ourselves the first iron pickaxe of the season and i will use this new pickaxe to get all the lapis i just found now it looks to me like we have quite a beautiful seed here i mean we better i picked it out myself but i want to go ahead and explore around this area i want to walk all the way around the other edge of this mountain maybe see what's on the other side i want to find some sugar cane maybe just see what this world has to offer because i am so excited also gonna chop some trees down on the way because wood actually seems kind of scarce there's not very many trees in this area oh some pumpkins up here that's good oh my god this keeps getting better and better look at this mountain range and we have another village just over this hill i have got to go check this out but first coal day number four is complete i'm gonna stop announcing that soon that'll get old really fast now already i'm noticing this village has a bunch more hay bales which i'm gonna happily take for my personal gain now what i really want is a blacksmith oh some more bread that's good since when do villages have animals already in a pen for you is that a new thing or am i just living in the past because i have never seen that before i'm gonna kill their animals though so just hopefully they don't mind here you go pal how about have a pork chop for the for my my wrong doings oh oh my god that scared me so badly i need to be careful oh my goodness no blacksmith which is unfortunate but we did get a bunch more hey enough food for a while now while i'm out i do need to look and find where i can get some sugarcane because i have not found any yet and i want to get going on an enchanting setup as soon as possible but first i'm gonna grab all this coal the name of the game today is grab as much coal as possible and we'll grab this iron while we're here to go ahead and drop everything back off at home and we will continue around the mountain this might take a while i have no idea how big this thing is oh i see it there it is sugar cane although i feel like i can find something closer without having to go all the way down there all right i had to go down here it looks like this is my best bet there we go thank you i'll take all of this no need to keep any here we'll take it all back home with us is this a tall birch forest i think it is i feel like those are rare but maybe not i don't even know anymore and here is the back side of this mountain let's see if there's anything cool on this side so far i'm liking the other side better i will take this emerald though and this coal looks like this cave has a bunch more iron in it this is good it seems like you have to either go way up or way down iron is kind of hard to find at like sea level nowadays but if you're at the right level it's everywhere oh my goodness i mean look at this the higher i go into this mountain cave the more iron i find it's everywhere up here no no no no no no no no you need to stay away from me this is mike okay you had to go and explode didn't you you know what there's so much iron here i'm going to actually smelt this down and make more iron tools while i'm here he just 360. what the heck did you see that that was crazy that was like me back in 2010 there we go two more iron pickaxes also i would have gave any of you the smoke back in the day on rust any of you what are you guys up to over here just hanging out sorry to uh ruin your party but uh not on my watch oh there we go look at the way this snow is generated with all these little cracks and crackles in it into the mountain oh it's so neat and random i don't know i love it what is that sound is that like the water dripping through the drip stone i think it is level 20 from just mining coal that is impressive that is amazing that's outstanding you got to be careful here skelly boys over here oh yeah at least three of them there's only so much i can say to describe how much iron is in these caves but there is so much iron in these caves it is ridiculous i have never seen anything like this before there we go two more iron pickaxes i am finding so many resources here this is unbelievable and there we have it 25 levels in episode one so far oh my goodness what a start well once again the plan to explore around the mountain got cut short because i got so much coal and iron i got like six stacks of coal and four stacks of iron just from inside of this mountain but now we will continue along and see what else there is over here assuming i don't get sidetracked again which i very well might this side's very pretty i like this a lot and that is a big cave oh my goodness then coming around this way it looks like it just opens up into this long winding section of these tall mountain peaks and this looks very cool and you know what i just realized i should probably make a bucket of water just to be safe if i do fall in somewhere there we go and it looks like this side opens up to where i spawn somewhere around these spruce trees is where i first took my first steps of this world but as the sun sets upon us it is time that we return back to the village and drop off all of our goodies we got a lot of them i'm also going to go ahead and get smelting up some blast furnaces because we need a lot of iron to be smelted also bedtime and the cow population is growing very nicely i must say couldn't help but notice it looks like we have some more crop fields up here i might as well use them to my advantage and start a little early game farming operation here and the same thing goes for over here although it looks like this one is already melted we'll put the torches down just to be safe you know i'm realizing that in this early game i'm gonna run out of food really soon even having all this wheat so we're gonna expand the wheat field here and get a better food source going for ourselves here so i think we'll go ahead and just tuck some water sources back behind here just like this and then we can go ahead and start tilling all of the soil okay my head is broken you know what i have so much iron i'm making an iron hoe why not we need it anyways and then we'll go through here with all the wheat seeds we have not gonna be quite enough to fill up the whole farm yet but we will be there soon there we go that is much better and with that we have just passed day number 10 in this world oh we're going to be on day 1000 in no time okay not really now the next thing i need is a proper sugar cane farm at least as far as the early game is concerned so i figure we'll go ahead and just plop in some water on this side here just like that there we go they're all water sources now fill this back in with dirt and then fill this all in with the sugar cane i don't know how long we're going to be living in this village probably not very long but i figured we might as well make it look good while we're here do the same thing up here a layer oh no my we i washed all my weed away oh no why did i do that oh that was so dumb that was so dumb of me i think we'll plop a barrel right there and that's where we'll store all of our farming items it was time for some exploration because you see i really like my mountain and it's going to be hard for me to leave this mountain so i wanted to find each of the wood types before i started building i already had oak and spruce and right away i found a burst tree which soon led me to another village i stole all their wheat and continued exploring where i eventually found this azalea tree in the middle of a tiger biome and thought to myself hold on i know what this means lush caves are beautiful and i love them so i started digging down and following the rooted dirt all the way down until i tumbled into this massive cave which was very dangerous i saw this witch and decided you know what no i'm good gonna get the heck out of here back in the service i found another village and took all of their bread which was good because i was running out of food but my inventory was full so i stopped back home to drop things off and kill my cows before continuing to explore the other way and this was a good idea because i found a massive frozen river which i immediately went skating at these new 118 rivers are massive and so much fun especially when they're frozen but then the river melted and i was sad so i kept exploring where i found another village hey look more bread after stealing there we i ran into this shipwreck which had my first diamond in it which made me very happy as well as a buried treasure map i immediately looted this but found no diamonds and now i was sad again there was a jungle though so i collected some saplings bamboo cocoa beans and melons which i'm sure will come in handy at some point the biomes in 118 blend together based on temperature and since jungles are kind of warm i soon found acacia wood a desert and even this massive mesa biome i had to stop and admire this insane view for a bit before continuing on to find another village but this one just had dead people in it so i stole their bookshelves and found a saddle which i will use on my future horse i was happy again because i found another shipwreck which had moss in it which was a good thing and continuing along i found another villa why are there so many villages in this world i don't understand and then finally after more than an hour of searching i found the dark oak forest which was the final wood type that i needed i gather up some saplings and then made my way back home i am finally back home oh my goodness that was a journey it appears as so we have a visitor what do you have for me anything good oh glowstone puffer fish i spent a long time gathering a bunch of wood until i realized something i feel bad that we are just leaving the villagers stuck in their homes like this i mean i need them to be safe but i think we can do that in a better way and i've realized as i go up and down this little staircase i built that i like these little details like this and i want to go ahead and redecorate the whole village and make it safe for the villagers it just feels right because we don't know how long we're going to be here but i want to make this place something special starting with these pathways which are pretty beaten up and torn down i think we can at least go through here just like this and at a bare minimum re-establish this grass path that they have already here for us i just want this area to feel connected because right now it feels very disjointed and i don't like that for example areas like this where the path wraps around then just stops i want to continue it on all the way over kind of make it fit with the rest of the area so this tells a bit more of a story and makes more sense there we go that's looking nice and as far as this area goes this path honestly shouldn't be here so we're just gonna go ahead and get rid of this and the same thing goes for over here i honestly don't know why the village felt the need to even go over here there's nothing here so we're just gonna go ahead and like cut it off i don't know right here near this house that should be good moving along i decided to keep the theme of oak logs with spruce slabs on top to outline the path as well as serve as a wall to keep the villagers contained i kept this block palette pretty simple because i still wanted this to feel like something minecraft could have generated on its own think of this as my take on what i feel villages should look like out of the box anyways from there i decided to also extend the path up to the top section of the village because quite honestly i forgot it was there at this point over here near the crop field i started digging up a staircase to the top through this rocky section of the hill i made this slanting roof which i think looks pretty good and also added some cobbly bits and spruce beams for some detail but this was turning into quite the undertaking as i was already on day 40 of this new journey and now i had to connect the upper area together except there was a problem and that problem was powdered snow it was everywhere and i hate it so i slowly removed it and one by one replaced it with dirt to continue the path and built up around it with the oak and spruce until everything was connected i have been hard at work getting this pathway complete and now that it's finally coming along the villagers have a safe way to traverse all around the village all while being safe and not dying hopefully that is and i have to say i am really liking the way this path is looking so far also this was a lot of oak wood like so much oak wood for some perspective i have broken 10 iron axes so far chopping down trees but we still have a lot of work to do so leave a like for this so far if you're enjoying it with the pathways complete it's now time to give these houses a bit of a makeover hmm [Music] there we go i really like how this turned out all i basically did was change the roof shape up and then add a few more blocks like some spruce and some snow to help uh change the pell up a little bit i think it looks really good and that's a good framework that we can use for the rest of these houses house number two is complete i gave this one a window i like it a lot now that i had a blocked pallet picked out it was pretty easy to get into a groove while building these houses and i wanted them to all have a similar feel but still have differences among each individual bill which luckily was pretty easy considering all the houses are actually different by default for instance this house was an even number which is kind of something i'm not used to building in but i was able to make this cool shaped roof which i quite like i also added in things like windows or even this overhang out front which i think is pretty cool there we go house number three is complete house number four is complete house number five is mostly complete but i want to go ahead and install some sort of a basement here because this links up right into the stairway up so if we dig that out a little bit put in some of these we'll get a door right there like that and if we go in here and dig right on up where do we end up there we go nice and subtle but i really like that detail it fits in nicely with the landscape and with that sleep we just passed day number 50. oh my goodness we are off to such a great start i do not like working with this guy around he is kind of scary not gonna lie one wrong swing of this axe and i am dead meat literally i am dead on an instant let's just hope that doesn't happen you know i think at this point we might as well upgrade our food source i'm tired of eating bread i need more snow the rest of the houses had a different shaped roof which i decided to lean into and go with an igloo style with a campfire on top i think it looks really good and then as far as this cobblestone castle goes i didn't want to change it up too much but i did want to add a lot more color and variation in it so i added a bunch of spruce and the whole thing looks so much better now now that all of the houses are in i want to go ahead and start adding in some detailed bits to this area and i think a great way to do it would be to go through over here kind of in the areas between behind the houses and start adding in these crop fields especially like carrots and potatoes because those are gonna allow us to use a lot of different colors and add just a lot of detail to this area that i really think will be good oh yeah this hasn't even grown in yet and i can already tell this is gonna be an awesome addition to the village look at me go already terraforming and not filling in the middle part couldn't be me honestly well i guess technically it is me but whatever who cares no i think we're gonna turn this big section in the middle here into a big potato farm i don't know i feel like it'll fit in nicely next to the carrot farm on that side now the question is do i have enough potatoes i don't think i do but i guess we'll see oh yeah not even close only like halfway but i have to say from this area i am loving the way this village looks oh my goodness all the houses redone looks so cool i love their chimneys with the campfires oh it's so nice but i have a lot more fields i want to plant and i am a lot of crops so it is time to wait for the crops to grow in and while i'm up here i realized i forgot to redo this house so that's gonna be a new project to work on while the crops grow in i just want to remind you that if you are enjoying the series go ahead and subscribe to the channel it means a lot to me oh yeah and i forgot i also redid the well here i think it looks pretty good finally i had to decide what i wanted to put in this large middle area and i thought it would be good to have a multi-crop section here i just love all the crap so much it would feel wrong to have it just be one in the middle so i got to work planning out where all the water sources would go and then i realized i needed a bunch of crops so i immediately started harvesting all of my fields that i just planted i think i went through like three or four iron hoes just to till all this land but it was worth it in the end because i got this whole thing planted and it looks so nice it was just what this area needed at this point i wanted to add some detailed bits to the village because they were starting to look very samey particularly i wanted to add a bunch of greenery to the area to add a bit more life around the village so i started off here near my stutter house and just kind of went through with some cobblestone some moss mossy cobblestone and a bunch of leaves and made the whole thing look like an overgrown rock of some sort i think it looks really good and then moving along from there i went ahead and got rid of all of the snow on this middle section here and began to replace it with moss which was a good start but it needed some more detail so i went back through with some cobblestone multi cobblestone leaves and i even went through underneath the moss with some moss carpets to light the whole area up from below now i think this area is finally dummy proof enough for the villagers to roam free and i suppose there's no better way to find out than to just try come on out friends you're all good to go i made you a whole new village i hope you like it there we go okay nobody in there hey oh wow a whole bunch you guys made a baby in here didn't you yeah you guys had some fun during lockdown come on out okay you're empty as well hey there we go they were unemployed and now they're free hey we got our farmer back good for you now hopefully i did a good enough job of making this place safe for the villagers to coexist freely and also not go anywhere but only time will tell thank you all so much for watching the first episode of the new hardcore journey i am so excited this has been so much fun but i need diamond tools so let's do that next time what do you say in the last episode a couple of you left some comments saying that i can actually mine lapis with a stone pickaxe and uh you're definitely wrong but look i'll go ahead and prove it to you here we go this definitely won't work [Music] oh uh cool anyways now i'm really sad and embarrassed so you should subscribe to the channel to help me feel better and a lot of you guys have also been wondering what happened to the old hardcore world since i started this new series so i prepared this presentation to help clear things up a little bit [Music] yeah i hope that helped and since then i've also been admiring my new village but also realizing that uh yeah this took like way too long to complete you see iron tools they really suck but uh no offense dude i think that you're great and all and that's changing today because i'm gonna get a lot of diamonds but before i can do that i need a better spot to put all my stuff because yeah this disorganization is just like reminding me too much of real life so yeah and i'm thinking we're gonna carve into the side of this hill and make a proper storage system here wait a second shouldn't i be waiting until i have diamond tools to do this yeah probably [Music] so i don't know how big this needs to be but it needs to be like bigger than this but right now it's too square and i think it needs to be more like not square so it's good but i think it's missing something there we go stop howling like a wolf dude oh my god i'm trying to record so i think now we're going to place in some barrels because apparently i need more fishermen in this town now what side's better left or right yeah i think left sides better or we could do both yeah i think this looks pretty good so if we do just right here i think we need a support beam otherwise this will like fall over right and another one right here i think yeah this is good stuff so now i need to add in some leaves and mossy stone to make this brand new place seem like it's really old you know because minecraft oh look one of my cows escaped there we go i'm all moved in now so in the last episode i found one measly diamond in a shipwreck and in between episodes i dug out this strip mine and ended up finding two more diamonds along the way which is pretty good and now that means that i can make one of oh yeah i forgot i moved everything one of these a diamond pickaxe baby okay so first step to getting rich is to quit bumping my head and next i should probably finish digging out this mine shaft because i don't really think i'm ready for the caves yet and now that i'm down here i basically just have to mine i have no idea how long this will take but i just need two more diamonds which will be enough to make an enchantment table you know now that i'm here i'm also gonna need some of this as well so while i have a couple of years to chat let me talk about my discord server it's the coolest and you should definitely join it oh also follow me on twitch okay i got six pieces that should be enough now as much as this hurts i'm gonna leave this here basically i want to save everything until i have fortune three that's all i care about right now ah just kidding you thought i was gonna mind that didn't you what are you doing no why why are you here i went through all five of my iron pickaxes and still found no diamonds so at this point i had to commit the greatest thing ever and use my diamond pick before it was enchanted um okay that was good timing there we go so now i can make an enchantment table and where am i going to put this thing i think right here okay now hear me out actually no right here okay here what are we doing so this will go here i tried to light up the area with torches and carpets but that broke my bookshelf so i had to use these pumpkins and then put lights inside of them then i realized there was a hole in my ground but i wanted there to not be a hole in my ground so i filled these trap doors in so i could still access the enchantment table and this was good because it now felt like a secret and i love secrets i rerolled enchantments until i had fortune 2 come up and then i had a big decision to make ooh fortune 2 that's good but it's not quite what i'm after i want fortune 3. i'm not gonna settle okay what's it gonna be oh yes perfect i couldn't have asked for anything better right now so now that we have fortune three it's time to go actually mining and i'm hitting my head again hang on so six diamonds turned into 13. now if i was playing old minecraft i would be flying through the caves right now looking for diamonds without any worry in the world but these 118 caves are way more deadly so i want diamond armor before i begin to explore them too heavily already at 26 diamonds call me crazy but i feel like they're way more common now well it's been 12 whole minutes and i have this many diamonds which is pretty good i think but now i need some more levels so that i can go enchanting so i'm gonna head over to the zombie spawner oh wait you don't know that i have that yet do you see when i was caving between episodes i actually found a zombie spawner which is good but the footage is lost so that's sad and it's located right here but you know like lower really quickly if you like birds you should follow me on twitter right now i have lots of good tweets oh i have a away with words don't i aha here it is i found it so the first thing i have to do is dig out this room so that more zombies can spawn so this farm is going to be kind of bad well like not good i think zombie spawners are the worst ones so i kind of want this just to work for some xp until i find a better one like a skeleton or even cave spiders okay let's see if this thing works uh yeah i think there's a problem here so i think if we route them into this corner that'll work a little bit better okay so this should work better [Music] oh my god they're still getting stuck okay what if i lower the drop a little bit there we go now this actually works okay so now we're gonna make ourselves a full set of diamond armor as well as the sword that will probably come in handy we're gonna take unbreaking three on the chest plate ooh fire pro that's not good fake aqua infinity on the helmet okay pro 3. that's a little bit better now we'll go for blast pro in these boots for the creeper boys and oh deb strider that's pretty good i can't complain there might four on the sword and blast protection on the leggings that armor is kind of bad but it's better than iron so good right now it's 4 30 p.m and i have nothing else better to do so i'm gonna spend the next five hours caving let's see what we can get and now that i have fortune three i'm just gonna mine everything that i see i'm not gonna hold back you know what i'll say it i will go on to regret this decision very shortly here oh my god there's so many spiders here if this was real life i would have called it quits by now hello mr enderman i think the strategy is just to like speed run through here and torch spam and then go back through to mine everything oh i want to get a record right here and now that things are lit up it's time to actually start collecting wait this is a joke right i literally just started mining mojing really is out here just cancelling copper farms so i have this really bad habit when i go caving where i just throw everything away except for the oars and then i have nothing so i'm not gonna do that but that does mean i have to make a lot of trips back up here well in 10 minutes i have this much copper also i think if i put levers on the front of these blast furnaces i can get all the xp later yeah that should be good time to get back into the caves [Music] i i think he's scared of me oh my god oh that could have been the end of me oh my goodness oh you know what would be cool like a copper golem right it's like an iron golem but it's made out of copper now who am i what no mojang would never make anything like that what a dumb idea okay i hate to say this but i'm gonna stop mining copper for today i have to make my way into deeper caves just to try and get diamonds well i wanted to do this you see but instead i just got distracted in even more of these surface caves i feel like these 118 caves literally never end like you could just explore and you would never get out of the caves if you didn't want to ooh deep slight copper i think that's like super rare now what the there are three endermen here oh my god what oh look a diamond though i'm two hours in and i have found one diamond yeah um anybody who thinks that diamonds are easy to find in 118 they're just wrong okay already at 26 diamonds call me crazy but i feel like they're way more common now yeah so looks like strip mining is actually the way to go hang on i almost missed these ones okay that's a good find so i was down in the strip mines until it opened up into a new cave that i started to explore and then this happened oh my god that's an abandoned mine shaft i have not found one of those yet this is exciting need to go check it out oh let's go oh my god i found a skelly spawner no way now this i will turn into a farm later 100 i've never seen one so close to a mine shaft like this it runs right through the center of it though i think i hear something over here yep okay yep that's what i thought hey more of these though that's good ah yeah even more baby let's go i think i might have x-ray oh lovely i found another one okay now this actually has to be a joke right what's better do you think a skeleton xp farm or a double cave spider farm you guys got to let me know because both options are pretty tempting right now yeah diamonds let's go i think you're a bit lost dude i spent the next couple of hours continuing to explore the nearby caves where i found my first geode found more diamonds and also taught some children a lesson i even found 2k spider spawners pretty close together and tried to find a place in the middle to activate them but they were just out of reach which was sad but the lack of sunlight was starting to get to me and i was beginning to lose my mind a bit i don't have feather falling i should not be doing this i'm an idiot after that mining trip i had over a full stack of diamonds so i immediately started enchanting the rest of my tools so i could get fully geared up oh let's go baby silk touch on the pickaxe and it has efficiency in the braking that's perfect so it looks like we've actually ran out of fuel for this copper smelting operation oh my god that was like way more xp than i thought i would actually get there [Music] okay infinity finally came up and i am one level short wow that's actually a pretty good bow so now i want to do some building but first i need some wood a bit more than that probably there we go that's better okay i think that's everything i'm gonna need so i want to build a mine shaft entrance right here and the first thing i'll need is a door right there now i'm gonna outline it in this polished deep slate oh yeah i like that now let's bring these walls out and add in some of the cobble deep slate [Music] oh i really like that slanted roof that looks good i used copper in the upper half of the build for a nice pop of color and also added in another smaller slanted roof on the other side which adds a lot of character to this build i think now i want some sort of a rocky thing out front here okay you see now that i had silk touch i wanted to fill this area in with a bunch of deep slate ores just to flex a bit so i went back down to the mines to start collecting okay firstly i just want to extend this wood down otherwise it looks a little bit weird [Music] okay now i want to just spam a bunch of deep slate over here like a big rock thing uh yeah this is a start okay a little bit better with the texturing but what this really needs is some color there we go i like how that looks that's good so i've realized that in 118 all of the ores are like not close together whereas before you can mine in level 11 and basically find everything now you have to strategize what level you want to mine at based on what you want to find and yeah the range is pretty far spread out as you can see coal is at level 95 and it ranges from there all the way down to negative 59 for redstone and diamond so you kind of need to make a strategy and i don't have one of those so i think i'm going to turn this regular mine shaft into an ultimate mine shaft basically i want to add offshoots at all the different levels for each of the different resources and i want to make this thing look good because right now it's just bothering me how not good it looks that's a good way to talk yeah right here this is where cole should be at hey cole i think for right now i'll just go ahead and put uh that there to let me know that's where i get coal that'll work right so while you watch me do some pointless terraforming let me talk to you about this new segment i'm calling pointless stream highlights [Music] since when do they add black and white bunnies am i crazy this is adorable have you guys ever seen this before hey babe i want to show my girlfriend this bunny look at this bunny i am so fat look at how cute this bunny is like a cow bunny so yeah if that doesn't convince you to follow me on twitch i don't know what will i'm thinking what what we're gonna do is we'll do like a lantern in here and then one right here right and then boom boom boom like that yeah yeah this is good and then we'll fill this in with amethyst i think i think that's our move right now [Music] honestly that is so simple but i really like that and over the last few days i've been quite busy working on the rest of the mine shaft i added in this upstairs area i'm gonna put like some stone mason guys up here i think we can trade them stuff after we go mining right yeah yeah that'll be good and i finally have this mine shaft going all the way down to diamond level which i gotta say looks pretty stinking nice this diamond archway thing is really cool and now the moment you've been waiting for this entire episode how many diamonds did i actually get and uh honestly i kind of forgot myself so this is gonna be a surprise for me too wow that's a lot of diamonds last time on hardcore minecraft i asked you guys what farm i should build between skeletons and cave spiders but looking at the comments there actually was no clear winner so uh get pranked i guess because in this video i turned not one not two not three but four spawners into one mega farm this video took a lot of time and planning to complete so if you enjoy it you should subscribe hey guys welcome on back to the hardcore series the first thing we're gonna do this episode is do some more village expansion [Music] [Music] there we go this area is looking really cool but now that i am planning to expand the village every episode you guys got to leave me some comments for what you'd like to see because i am not that creative and for today's episode we are going to start a new project right here well actually [Music] right here because i was looking at the area and it turns out the skeleton spawner both spider spawners and this zombie spawner are all in range of each other so that's pretty cool but yeah the first thing i need to do is dig a really big hole [Music] so i've been digging and it's really slow and i kind of had this idea so like what if mojang added this item and it was like a beacon you know i know i know just hear me out but like what if when you use the beacon you can mine faster you know that's a good idea somebody should actually suggest that to the mojang team [Music] all right so this room is good in size but it's also not good because it needs to be like wider and taller still so yeah so i think now i'm gonna clear out the area around the spawners now i need a nine by nine around each of these spawners the zombie spawner is already set up now this one i need to go a few more blocks this way still all righty there's the first cave spider spawner done and i will clear out the second spawner here just like that and now for the skeleton spawner okay so now i want to build an actual outline around these spawners so i can kind of visualize what the area is that we're gonna be working with here okay so right away i'm realizing that these two spawners are definitely in each other's like spawning radius which is not good i think that this is gonna spawn cave spiders too never mind scratch that forget about it basically that means that we're gonna have either zombies spawning with the cave spiders or cave spiders spawning with the zombies and i think it's better to have zombies spawning in here because i can filter those out i have an idea what was he doing so i think this will work but now the zombie spawner is going to be this weird l shape which shouldn't be a big deal i guess that'll be a problem for future brock to deal with yeah that should be good oh no i made a mistake there we go all better now i think for this spawner we're gonna have to lower the floor a bit i think they're gonna get stuck if i leave it at this level [Music] my pickaxe is gonna break hang on and with these three all outlined it's time for the last one which is the skeleton spawner i guess i will just stick with the theme and use a different deep slate block [Music] okay that scared me man minecraft is a horror game i tell you what uh apparently it's snowing outside uh this is kind of weird not gonna lie to you man what is going on here okay so hmm all right we're gonna start with the double cave spiders because this is gonna be the hardest one to pull off because they are super annoying they climb everywhere and i honestly hate them so let's get this out of the way so i think i want to stand right here when i kill them six iron gives you one iron trap door that is preposterous dude i'm gonna throw an actual fit i'm getting scammed out here dude put a couple slabs in the back now that should prevent the cave spiders from coming through this gap and killing me theoretically of course all right i'm gonna go ahead and just fill this thing in while i'm here so if i fill in this floor and then add in a water here and a water here now if we remove the rest of this and then remove these blocks it should all start flowing out towards the center here yeah yeah this is good oh i need to lower it though don't i yeah okay all right so i'm a cave spider what am i gonna do no hands baby let's see what happens all right well there's a chance i can get stuck right here but honestly i think with all of them coming through here they're just gonna push each other on right on through i'm also gonna need some fence gates up here with some water in there just like this because those spiders i tell you what there are some nasty little buggers and they're gonna try and climb these walls and if they do we gotta punch them yeah basically if they climb the walls they're just gonna drown so jokes on them get pranked bro with the first spawner complete it was now time to start working on the second cave spider spawner except this one had an extra challenge to work through except this one's a little bit different because the zombie spawner is so close that zombies can actually spawn in here with the cave spider so i need to filter them out somehow but luckily i've actually found a way that's pretty simple and foolproof if we dig out a hole right here and then we'll put in some fence gates just like this open the fence gates up and then destroy these blocks the water should flow nicely over top there we go so the cave spiders will still come through and they'll have a tendency to actually swim so they will swim up right on over and they will not fall through whereas the zombies they will sink and then we can filter them out and send them over to the kill chamber all right so now i have to connect this to this it can't be that hard right so i don't want to be too cocky but i think we actually have this thing in a spot where we can give it a test run [Music] all right i guess test number one is a go here we go here goes nothing they're falling in there okay and we actually have some spiders here okay they're coming from the right side that's good did i just nail this thing first try that's actually crazy i think i actually did yeah okay yep they still hurt they still hit me that's good to know now how are my zombies are doing i definitely hear them uh yeah okay they're hanging in there they're vibing out here go ahead and kill these guys holy death trap [Music] so if we're gonna kill the cave spiders right here i think it just makes sense to kill the skeletons and the zombies right here yeah something like this should work perfectly [Music] so i think the next reasonable thing is to go ahead and figure out this drop shoot so we have to go up 23 blocks to actually get the zombies and the skeletons down to one hit to kill okay there's a big cave here hold up uh yeah i i i guess we're just gonna have to explore this thing very quickly and yep there's monsters here okay so right here will be the level that they fall down from now we'll dig out a little bit this way towards the zombie spawner and then a little bit this way towards the skeleton spawner and now it's time to actually build up those farms individually starting with this bad boy the skeletons and i just realized i don't have my soul sam but rock don't you need to have gone to the nether to get soul sand and you're right you would be correct in thinking that but what i didn't tell you is that i actually did go to the nether in between episodes it all started when i mined this obsidian and thought to myself you know i should probably go to the nether soon and thus i had a plan i built the portal deep into this cave close to my base and if you're wondering why i put it here then you'll just have to wait and find out later after realizing that i forgot my gold helmet oh man i forgot my gold helmet i doubled back made the helmet and then saw myself into the door of hell and as far as hell is concerned this place was pretty cool i've had a lot more spawns than another in the past i spent some time mining quartz killing gas and even took out this passive venderman that looked at me funny okay well maybe i looked at them funny but you get the idea from there i've ventured into this crimson forest well on top of the crimson forest because i'm not a fool you see i kept towering over this thing killing hoglands in front of their children when i made my way into this warped forest and then i saw it the nether fortress i started digging and made my way into the structure it was a terrible fortress i ran around this labyrinth looting chests killing wither skeletons until i found this another wart room which is where i got the soul stand you were about to see me use i kept exploring until i found a blaze spawner where i spent the next long while collecting blaze rods before continuing home ooh look another cow bunny love you cow bunny bye cow bunny oh you're not a cow bunny you know i also don't have any kelp but i think this ice will come in handy [Music] so again let's go ahead and fill in these walls [Music] and we'll leave this one open we're gonna funnel the skeletons through this hole here yo actually we'll just put ice here and then ice here that's kind of a move right if we break that and then that we have water oh yeah that's perfect now we'll dig this down a little bit and then break all of these bad boys oh heck yeah this is perfect so if we put a wall i think right in a soul soon and i think if we just cover these in with the ice blocks and then break them we should have a working elevator my hands are off of the keyboard let's see if i go in here [Music] all right no that didn't work there we go now it actually works i think yeah okay that works only took me like 17 different tries to get that to work okay moving on and then we'll go back up here and find the coordinates that will match up with the hole i just dug which should be right here i hope i don't regret this one oh okay there we go yep it lines up perfectly now the good thing about using ice we can just fill this in like so and then once we break them all they should turn into water elevators hey there we go perfect there we go and with that the skeleton part of the farm is pretty much done now i gotta figure out this weird l shape thing i don't think it's gonna be too hard uh we'll start by going ahead and just filling in the walls [Music] so uh how are we gonna funnel these guys guess we'll put a water there and like a water here let's see where this goes uh [Music] actually this might work uh yeah i think this actually will work and then find the coordinates up here just like this and then dig down we should be lined up oh yeah oh yeah i messed up big time i was literally just digging straight down into what could have been lava i could have just lost the world right there talk about big brain so uh actually right here are the correct coordinates so now we can dig straight down and i shouldn't die this time hopefully not hey there we go [Music] there we go the zombie spawner is now set up i do have one more thing to do and that is to figure out how to connect up this underground tunnel thing to the rest of the skeletons and the zombies over here so when the zombies fall down they will get led into this long convoluted waterway thing into this elevator which should line up right here oh okay i made it and with that i think that all three of the intersections should lead right to the center here all right so we'll start with the skeleton let's turn this bad boy on and get shot in the process hey there we go it actually does work cool now we'll go ahead and do this one this is the combination of the cave spider in the zombie so we do have a zombie in the farm now that zombie should end up over here at the killing chamber hey it's sinking down nicely love to see that oh yeah yeah yeah i need to do that there we go now that'll work and while we're here we'll turn on this one too oh my god it works i see zombies falling this is perfect you know i'm just gonna be straight up with you you should really be following me on twitter it's the best place hands down to get updates anyways carry on with the video and now that i have the farms complete it's time to decorate this area and i think i have an idea of what will work [Music] that should be mostly what i need so i guess we'll start by adding in some spruce pillars through here just like this okay there we go i think that's a good start now it's gonna be expensive but i like the idea of actually having bookshelves back here kind of like a backdrop oh yeah that looks really good i really like that um no better now that i can work with actually you know what [Music] now that's better now i think in here we'll keep it simple and use some cobble deep slate and i gotta be careful because this is definitely where the spawner actually is [Music] you know what's good but i think it just needs a little bit of texturing here um a bit more yeah i think that'll work and now it's time for a new segment i like to call super mega awesome epic definitely not super short time lapse [Music] but then there was a problem oh man i'm gonna have to kill a lot more cows i'm already out of bookshelves one bookshelf takes three books and each book will take one leather so to get approximately a whole stack of bookshelves which is what i think i will need i need to kill approximately 300 000 cows so i went back home and got to work making a bunch of cow babies in my free time i started working on this house but it made me mad because you can't connect wall's defenses anyways after sending in my formal complaint to mojing i decided to reroll some enchantments until looting 3 came up so i could kill less of the cows but i don't have an xp farm yet in this world so i went to the nether and mine courts until i hit level 30 to put looting on my sword after that i kept breeding cows but i still didn't have enough and i was getting bored so i chopped down some trees [Music] at this point the cow army was getting big but it wasn't big enough so i thought i would try and build a custom tree near the base and i absolutely love how it looks but that's a big problem because now i got to build more and they're kind of tedious to build finally i had all 300 000 cows and i could kill them all for their leather and now that i have all the bookshelves it's time to continue decorating this area and i'm going to stick with the same theme i think i want to put an enchantment set up over here somewhere and i'm thinking like this way a bit out of the way [Music] and after working on the floor design i was kind of feeling lonely so i went out near my base and got a pet horse i love this horse so much that i made it a cute little pen over here [Music] but yeah my horse needs a name so leave me suggestions most uploaded comment will get selected i'm really liking how this is looking so far but now we have to figure out a design for the roof and i'll be honest i don't like making roof so this is going to be a little bit of a challenge i think to start we'll just go ahead here and remove a little bit of the material so i can actually understand what we want to build up here [Music] okay and i think we'll just extend these spruce beams you know because otherwise this might fall over you never know i decided to use calcite in the ceiling to break up the texture a bit and then i went through with amethyst crystals add some color i think it looks really good okay now um easy does it oh oh god oh my god welcome back gamers today i'm going to kill the dragon in my hardcore world using only a stick so i was running around aimlessly in my hardcore world as one does trying to think of video ideas when suddenly i thought oh i should fight the dragon but then after a little bit of research i learned that wazzy actually already fought the dragon so if i did that it would be copying and that kind of made me sad and then it hit me what if i fight the dragon using only a stick [Music] ah yes you heard me right nothing but a good old-fashioned brown minecraft stick what could possibly go wrong but before i tell you that story i first have to expand this village so if you want to see how big this place can get make sure you subscribe [Music] my dudes we're back what do you think i think it looks pretty dang good this is a good bridge i'm really starting to think that these village expansions are going to be a great way to keep this place in pristine condition but brian don't you need villagers for it to be called a village expansion hey you listen here you can nitwit don't you know what happened to my villagers wait you haven't heard what happened this is awkward uh i'm sorry about that that was a bit aggressive let me explain what happened to them a couple of weeks ago on a live stream i was doing some planning for a future project so i dug this really big hole below my base i wanted to build my villager breeder down here and it was going exactly to plan i had the whole dog i had my villagers all in boats ready to go yada yada and then this happened it's night time and okay we have a problem there's a problem what were you doing hey what were you doing you didn't do your job you just sat in the field you think you're a farmer oh my god i ought to just burn them alive okay okay okay i'm done with the banter okay there's still a lot of prep that we can do before we can actually set off to fight this dragon first thing i'm thinking is that we get another war farm going now nothing crazy just a simple little cute guy thing back here okay now where are my blaze rods at i know they're in here somewhere dude wait what the heck i just killed like 100 blazes last episode i really don't want to have to go back to the nether if i don't have to okay yeah i'm going back to the nether but this bridge though this is this is nice i like this thing all right uh well let's make this quick i guess jesus okay 60 blaze rods should be plenty for what i have planned let's get out of here and we're going to need a lot of obsidian for what i have planned good god that stuff takes a long time to mine dude and glad that's over though oh god all right gamers listen up let's talk strategy if we have any chance of killing this damn dragon with a stick we're gonna need a lot of slow falling potions but you see i'm a baby okay i sleep like every night in this world so now it's time to stay awake for a while and to track some phantoms ah yes dude look at my new moon texture pack it looks so good yo buddy you trying to have a duel [Music] [Music] the first night of not sleeping was complete and it was at this point that i remembered where all my stuff was you see a while back i had this idea to go fishing with a regular fishing rod until i caught a mending book yeah it took like 13 hours of fishing and was honestly one of the most fun and stupid things i've ever done well hello chad how's it going my friend long time no see buddy now do i have any good stuff over here hmm so i found 29 blaze rods which is pretty cool because i just spent all that time with another killing blazes uh yeah but i also found three phantom membrane which i'll definitely use but i'm still going to need some more [Music] so all those potions were brewing i wanted to check out the top comment from the last video so my horse could have a name and boom there we go thank you for commenting this is my new horse sleep near i hope i'm saying that right okay so nine slow falling potions is good but i'm only gonna be using a stick to kill the dragon as i've talked about so i might have to spend like a really long time in the end so yeah i'm gonna want some more phantom membranes still [Music] oh look at this guy he's all decked out in enchanted gold this has got to be pretty rare you know i tell you what let's take him home with us there we go and you know what you know the drill leave a name suggestion and the best comment will win again [Music] oh no guys it looks like i'm being swarmed by an angry mob of keyboard warriors oh god i think i just made all my obsidian and enter chest oh now i gotta go get even more of it [Music] at this point i had all of my under eyes to find the stronghold slow falling potions to protect me if i was launched into the air scaffolding to build up quickly and obsidian to box myself in but there was still one thing that i needed ah yes i almost forgot about the most important part if we're gonna use a stick to fight the dragon i have to name it something cool okay so i've been waiting around tonight to see if any phantoms spawn but it's not looking like it's gonna happen all right slept near my good pal i think it's time that we head off to the stronghold okay really now you come out all right sleep near pal you're not gonna like this buddy but uh yeah we gotta cross this big river come on pal we're almost there there we go good job buddy okay we made it oh no oh no no no no no no keep riding buddy keep riding we're almost out of this forest oh gosh well you guys it looks like we've reached yet another large river and uh i don't have the heart to drag sleeper across this thing again i think he's gonna have to stay here all right buddy you stay here and i'll be back to get you one day that is uh if i if i don't die doing this you guys it's no longer about just me you know what it's not about me at all anymore okay i have to beat this dragon and i'm so nervous right now okay i'm so scared i want to see my horse again okay so i've been going this way for a while now and i think it's time to throw another eye oh okay just kidding still going the same way oh it just changed directions that means we're getting close oh my god guys we've found it the stronghold is right below us [Music] you know maybe i should have just found the stronghold last episode for the bookshelves that i needed because this place is cracked dude hold up wait there's another one here [Music] all right guys i have made it to the end portal and surprisingly that was really easy to find i guess this is just like a small stronghold it turns out i've done some final preparations and at this point i just want to say thank you for being with me here so far uh yeah i don't know how this is gonna go i mean i have a plan but let's just hope that it goes according to that plan but yeah that's about all i have to say so here we go so the first major challenge i'm facing is removing the end crystals normally i would just shoot them with my bow but when i say i'm only using a stick i mean it so i have to build up there and then destroy them by hand and yeah i'm really scared the dragon is just gonna eat me in the air while i do this let's go ahead and drink this slow falling potion and then start building up at the first tower okay and there tower number one is destroyed okay there's number two we'll grab some of this while we're here for sure number three oh okay okay okay okay okay just breathe number four number five okay i'm doing good we're halfway there okay there's number six and thank goodness for my slow falling number seven this does not sound good okay yep uh yeah easy does it let's try that one again number eight i can't tell if these endermen are mad at me or the dragon uh hopefully not me number nine okay just one more and number 10 is complete that is a huge relief okay believe it or not that might have been the hardest part of this challenge and now i'm onto the second phase of this challenge which is to actually kill the dragon with this stick to do that i need to wait for the dragon to perch in the middle and to stand in the correct spot so i can whack it with this thing now for a safety measure i want to enclose myself so the dragon hopefully can't hit me into the air while i'm doing this emphasis on hopefully i haven't tested this so uh yeah [Music] all right i think this is the perfect setup where the dragon can't hit me but i can still hit the dragon now i have to go test it i think if i run out here it should make the dragon want to perch okay here we go it's happening it's happening now we just wait for it to land and start smacking it okay it's leaving now but that was a lot of damage i took like half of its health down in just one cycle almost and now we wait here we go again it's time i will admit this is slightly underwhelming but i think i might be able to actually do this okay there's another big chunk of health gone and it's perching again this might be it folks uh yeah like and subscribe [Music] oh my god i actually did it dude i actually beat the dragon with a stick oh my goodness oh well uh okay gamers can you believe it we actually beat the dragon with a stick today we turn this desolate area into a thriving cliffside village with every villager in the game to do this i'll need a villager breeder a moss farm a mob farm and so much more let's get into it for today's village expansion i created this beautiful gradient into the side of this mountain i also went through and added a few more custom trees to the area to make it look a bit more alive i do this every episode so if you want to see how cool this place looks make sure you subscribe oh man you guys it feels so good to be back in this world just running around and excited to build again it's been a little while oh hello it's been a little while since i've actually built anything in this world or done a project hey but that's good because today i get to build something because it is time that we actually populate this village with villagers uh yeah yeah you know what happened to them we don't need to talk about that again but luckily for me i do have a couple of friends over here who are going to help us a while ago on some live streams we found these two handy dandy gentlemen and uh yeah i think they're gonna fit in well over here in our village so uh how are we gonna do this i don't really know what to do i think i'm gonna go ahead and break this boat he's gonna get mad at me okay now just follow me out here my good friend oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no you're in you're in a boat you're in a boat you're in a boat no man oh i'm so stupid why would i do that oh new plan new plan new plan new plan think about this i definitely had one villager in the last episode i don't know if they died uh looking around this place they probably did die oh god what are you guys doing here okay now that it's night time you shouldn't be able to die i'm really sorry about what happened to your buddy i didn't mean to do that follow me come on out there we go this is my good pal good dude come on come on with me buddy so i think we can lure them up into here ah get pranked dude this is gonna hurt this is gonna hurt we gotta do this though what the heck dude let me out of here there we go all right we'll toss this on to you give you one of those and you should be cured in like five minutes okay luckily i do have a plan to get one more villager over here it's not going to be easy but it shouldn't be too hard uh hello anybody out here yeah come on okay cool so it looks like if i just place them in a trail and then break them in the order i put them down he'll like follow them yeah now i gotta just do this like a whole bunch more times hey somebody hire this man willing to relocate that's for sure i'm speedrunning out here what the heck let me go you float what do you mean you float oh my gosh okay uh new problem there we go okay oh you met a friend you're in the boat with your friend it's like titanic but less tragic all right now that we have the villagers the first thing we need to do is get them repopulating asap [Music] and i think i'm gonna have the villagers breed like right in the center like front and center the main piece of art of this room that sounded kind of weird [Music] now it's super important that i get this villager breeder up and running as soon as possible because i need a lot of villagers for what i have planned like so many villagers it's not even funny but yeah you two are going to be making a lot of babies hopefully you guys like each other all right you guys you're kind of in the way you gotta get in the breeder actually okay now you can get in the boat and hang out thank you [Music] all right we'll give you guys just like a whole bunch of carrots to get you really in the mood and uh we should see a baby pop out of you guys soon hey a baby oh what the hell you dumb baby go live your life we don't want you here all right well at least they want to make babies now from now on they should go the right way and while they're doing that we can start clearing out a larger area down here and i can explain to you what i even have planned uh honestly not much are you surprised um yeah i want to build like some sort of an underground village dwarven style with like it's like a tree think of like a tree right makes no sense a tree wow really innovative rock hey you dumb baby [Music] the heck is this place excuse me there's a cave here oh okay scary cave oh oh oh that actually scared this holy mother of pearl okay the size of this room is looking much better but i want to go ahead and lower and raise the floor by two blocks each i feel like i'm known for having these bills that are always like super short and chunky let's go ahead and stretch this one out a little bit [Music] man i really wish there was a way to mine faster in this game [Music] now how much oakwood do i have okay yeah i gotta do something about that so the other main building block i'm gonna need for this is moss and i do have some of it however uh yeah i'm tired of like destroying my hardcore world just to collect this stuff so we need to make a moss farm now but moss farms need bone meal a lot of bone meal so actually let's make a mob farm and we're going to come out here to the desert to build this mob farm because out in the desert most of the zombies that try to spawn will be husks but because we are not on the surface it will actually fail to spawn the husks giving us more and more skeletons creepers and spiders which i don't know about you but i'm always happy to have less zombie flash [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now that i have infinite bone meal it's time to find a spot to build the moss farm and i think i want to build it right up into the side of this hill oh god not this is getting out of this exam there should be plenty of room on the inside of this hill plus i kind of just want an excuse to build a little house on top of here there we go that's looking pretty cute i think i want to add like a little chimney to it now too i figure we'll go ahead and just build the farm inside of this actual house rather than doing an interior which i honestly don't like doing interiors i might as well just build the farm inside of here this design is by pixel riffs i will leave a link to it in the description well it's not much but at least it's honest work you guys the moss farm is officially done i have spent the entirety of last night collecting wood and getting resources for this build and i think i finally have everything that i need you guys this has been an absolute grind so far so if you like this make sure you subscribe and luckily for us it looks like our two villager friends are still in here having a good old time how many kids do they oh okay yeah it's working there's plenty of babies down here but now we should be able to go ahead and get building on the interior here i have been wanting to do this for a long time now and as i mentioned we're going to go with like a tree theme that don't ask anyone don't ask any questions [Music] so [Music] okay yeah now that i'm seeing this it's definitely looking good this is a good start to the build and moving forward i want to extend a spiral staircase leading up into the village imagine the roots of this tree extending in all different directions so we'll have one root going up to the surface that'll be how we get down here and then we'll have various other roofs extend through here as we expand into new places and taking a look at things i think this house right here next to the drop down well will be a good spot to enter this spiral staircase [Music] what do we think in here does this actually look like a tree branch i think it kind of does i think it looks pretty good uh i want to add some more detail though through here oh yeah this is looking good like on a scale of one to three i think we're at like a seven right now okay so i'm a visual guy right i like to see things it doesn't make any sense anyways i want to have a viewing chamber over here for the villagers so i can kind of have a head count of how many guys i have before we send them off into the trading hall so if we plan to have this as the viewing chamber i think this will be a good spot yeah yeah i can see some villagers hanging out in here [Music] so if we put a water bucket in here and a water bucket in here and then come outside here carry on this redstone all the way up into these dispensers flick this lever we should have water flowing out yes we do okay there goes my redstone oh god i'm an idiot now we need to figure out a way for the villagers to get from there into here digging straight down always a good idea [Music] okay i found the spot where the villagers come down at if i break this they all should in theory bust through here what are you guys doing okay yup here we go here we go put a sign there we'll put a sign there oh god i shouldn't have done it this way i messed up dude this is taking so long it's hard to get through here oh god this is not good not a good day to be a villager hey there we go it works look at them they're all they're all hanging out in here having a little meeting good job guys proud of you wait is there really only five of you that's all i've i've i know i killed a bunch of you but there's only five left come on hey little buddy follow me come on through dude oh i see you guys hanging out over here come on come on through you guys oh wow why are they not going through here i am so confused right now i'm going to die i'm going to entert graham this is actually scary there we go this is a much better showing i would say okay now that the villagers are in here basically whenever i want to corral them i simply flick this lever and uh then they all flood to the middle then i can collect them with a mine cart back there now i want to get working on the villagers zombification and curing system and this is a little bit complex of a system because i want to be able to zombify the villagers hear them and if i'm not satisfied with their price i want to be able to send them back through the system [Music] this design is inspired by flip it's the one that he used in his recent hardcore video i will make sure to leave a link to that in the description i want to use the zombie that i caught last episode in this villager zombie converter i asked you guys for name suggestions but you couldn't agree on a top comment so i just went ahead and named them mildew okay i think we are now ready to give this a try the first things first we'll flick this lever and send all the villagers to the middle from there i'll hit this button which should get a villager in a minecart and send them all the way over here there they are okay now once they are here we go ahead and put down the workstation until they choose their job oh god they're mad at me okay let's just ignore that for now if we make a trade right here now we can go ahead and send this fella off into the system but once they're in here we toss them with that hit him with a golden apple and then this bad boy should be curing and hopefully give us some lower prices there we go and it looks like this guy's prices have went down but let's say we're not satisfied we wanted to have even cheaper prices well we can hit this button and send him on his way over this way and all the way up here back into the system hopefully there he is and now we can send him back on his way over to the zombie and repeat the cycle over and over again [Music] i spent the next hour carrying and recycling farmer villagers until i had four fully discounted villagers in this area oh man that took a lot longer than i thought it would and i need some more gold i am running dangerously low on golden apples so rumor has it that gold actually spawns more frequently on this level let's go ahead and actually give it a test i haven't tried it yet you're not gold but i like you you know what you're not gold either but i also like you this is turning out to be quite the project you guys i want to go ahead and get decorating this inner hub of the village here going through here i think a mostly moss floor will look pretty good for the design that i have planned here [Music] i do think the shape is a little bit circular right now for something that's supposed to kind of be organic looking so i want to go ahead and extend these tree roots kind of out in random directions coming towards the center oh yeah something like this looks really good oh yeah this area is looking absolutely sick i'm so in love with how things are looking down here and now that that's done i want to go ahead and start figuring out where the village is actually going to be i think i want to build it into the side of this wall imagine like a separate pod right for each of the individual trades i think there's like 13 different villagers supply that [Music] okay how does this look as a concept i think this looks pretty good okay there's four more i think they're looking good so far the more that i add the more that i like it okay there's four more installed i gotta find where to put the last two i think we're gonna try and put it over here this area looks relatively unused yeah there we go this is looking pretty good now this first pod is gonna be for the farmer villagers i think i wanna have people here that can give me a bunch of emeralds and i already have those lined up now i gotta figure out how to get them here though that's gonna be a new challenge [Music] [Music] all righty if i flip this rail everything should be lined up to send the villagers off to the new area go ahead and give that a test send this fella off come on little buddy come through here now what i want to try i want to try using this furnace minecart and just see if that'll push him all the way i think it might oh oh oh easy easy dude this is the move actually hold up oh dude that was op what no gold required no powered rails that is so nice oh my goodness hey that wasn't too bad now i gotta just do it seven more times i just want to remind you guys that if you are enjoying this video make sure you subscribe as you can see on the right this person is subscribed see how happy they are on the left they're not subscribed don't be the guy on the left there we go eight fully cured farmers and i went through and traded them carrots all the way through one each and i got 27 levels just from one batch of trading this is gonna be so overpowered now i want to theme each of these really really right now yeah there we go this is looking good i like this hey there we go one of 13 is officially done now that i have a good way to get emeralds the next set of villagers i want to work on are the librarians because i need mending books you guys and it's been way too long since i've had a mending book it needs to happen like right now [Applause] there it is folks the first mending book of the series holy cow that feels good no no no no i didn't trade with him yet though what am i doing oh my goodness learn how that works no no no no no no no no no back come back come back please still have your trades still have your trade okay okay we're good we're good well my friends i'm quickly realizing that the biggest bottleneck in this whole operation is actually the amount of gold that i have i'm only on like the second round of villager curing and i only have one more golden apple left so i need to spend like a long time down in the caves mining [Music] with the librarians done it's now time to move on to the fletcher [Music] there we go eight fletchers fully discounted to one stick for an emerald that took a long time that was five curing cycles to get here all the fletchers are in place but i just realized i don't have a design in mind for this room yet so i gotta figure something out maybe we'll put some tough through here i mean i don't know we don't really use it a whole lot so it could be good there we go the third pod is done this place is really starting to come together but yet again i need more golden apples like a lot more and i figured instead of going mining why don't we go ahead and go search for some ruined portals and desert temples to see if we can have some luck out that way i also figure while we're here i'll steal the gold on top of the portals that'll be a good amount actually what is this lone piece of obsidian doing here what the heck is this like a buried ruined portal chest number three here we go our first desert temple let's see what we have here uh we got nothing in here chest number five and oh my okay well then uh that's not a golden apple but i will take that chest number six number seven although i don't see a chest here this is kind of weird dang that's an absolute scam number eight and am i getting scammed again hold on back-to-back scams this has to be a joke right no it appears as such that is just extremely unfortunate wow i suppose i will take the free gold though you know i should actually try the nether two i'm gonna make some pig ones mad but i think i can fend them off if i need to [Music] eight stone masons coming on up there we go all of the stone masons are in place now for the design of this one i want to go ahead and make it basically out of stone it's pretty straight forward there we go stone masons are complete and now for the cartographers now i'm only going to cure these guys once because i don't plan to use them a lot now as far as the floor goes here i think it'd be cool if i made it out of maps actually something like this oh yeah i like this a lot it looks so good look at look at her little village it looks so cute oh my goodness it's also so small i got some building to do dude at this point i had some serious grinding to do because i was only 5 out of 13 villager huts complete but i had spent almost 80 in-game days on this project so far this is massive okay so just yeah leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and the clerics are now ready to go and i'm only going to cure them once i don't really like doing the rotten flesh trades i mean it's easy to get but i hate killing zombies so we're just gonna leave it we're gonna leave it don't worry about it don't worry about it [Music] now as far as decoration goes for these guys i think i'm going to add some colorful blocks like lapis and redstone i don't know clerics feel magical and these blocks kind of fit i feel like [Music] okay i will admit it's a little bit bright but i kind of like it yeah i really like this and now it's time for the most important villager of them all the leather worker now these guys i'm definitely gonna cure like at least six times each probably to get maximum discounts psych i'm not curing these guys these guys suck there are the leather workers in place at this point i had pretty much all of the villagers that i was actually going to use in bulk but i still wanted to get eight of the remaining villager types some of the less sought after ones like weaponsmiths four armorers dude i can't say that word and it's pissing me off armor or toolsmiths or fishermen or shepherds or butchers hey look i understand if you disagree with my villager choices so if you do disagree go ahead and leave me like a really angry nasty comment down below i mean yeah that that'll probably work now i feel like it's just impossible to have a good theme for the decoration of some of these villager types like what do leather workers do like what is their block you know what i mean i don't know i think we're just gonna give them a generic looking thing [Music] uh yeah there we go i think that'll work it's kind of generic but i know it's real we're not really going to use these guys anyways the same thing goes for these weaponsmiths here i think we'll use some cobble deep slate here just to vary it up a little bit now the shepherds these guys they sell wool so i think we can get away with some sort of a wool pattern here on the wall that'll look kind of good uh yeah i like that that'll work [Applause] [Music] the butchers who cares about that man we're just gonna decorate them generically same thing goes for the armorers the tool smiths and finally the fishermen although for these guys i think we can get a little bit creative oh yeah dried kelp is such a cool block and with some terraforming this project is finally done today we begin construction of our underground megabase oh yeah we also get full netherite beta raid beat the wither and make a full beacon if you enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe i am dangerously close to 100 000 subscribers let's get into the video also check out my patreon link in the description welcome back my friends into the hardcore world man have i missed this place i mean i literally just played yesterday but i still missed it okay it's fun i like it here as always before we get into today's episode i want to go ahead and carry on with some more village expansions let's build the bridge [Music] yeah there we go i feel like this isn't that bad what do you guys think [Music] i feel like we're due for another farm i think we'll go with like a simple wheat farm through here we even have a helper for the field we'll name you buttermilk yeah that'll be good i'm actually pretty proud of that one yeah i like these it's a nice little change of pace once again if you guys like these village transformations make sure you subscribe i do them every single episode so let's see how big this place can get today i want to become overpowered uh yeah i'm tired of this diamond armor we need to upgrade i hereby declare this desert near the mob farm as the tnt desert we get all the gunpowder from there and all the sand from here [Music] you know while i'm here i should probably check and see how i'm doing on gunpowder actually uh honestly not that bad okay there's just over three stacks but i think we can do better than that [Music] there we go almost eight stacks is much better buttermilk what are you doing how did you escape oh my god this is a tragedy i think a good number of ancient debris to try and get is a full stack of it that should be enough to get our armor in all of our tools covered in netherite well i hear lava this is never a good sign okay now we can keep going down go ahead right now leave a comment how much ancient debris am i gonna get no cheating no cheating hey yeah yeah you no cheating we already got the first two haven't even started blowing up yet here we go it's time it's happening i'm gonna back up holy cow i'm gonna grab this gold while i'm here too i mean we all know i need that here's number three number four and number five [Music] number six number seven number eight number nine 19 20 21 22. heck yeah dude we're rolling right now that was a lot in one chunk 32 i am halfway there oh nice little three vayner i'll take that all day baby oh no this isn't gonna be good this is not gonna be good gentlemen gentlemen gentlemen what is the deal here are we are we good are we not good that's what i thought there we go all of the tnt has been used up and we got 65 pieces of ancient debris not bad oh heck yeah baby 16 netherright ingots that's more than enough for what i have planned right now okay we'll start off with the helmet oh my god it feels so good it looks so good i missed this the pants the chest plate the boots hey there we go cover me in debris oh man it feels good now that i have full netherright armor it's time for our biggest challenge yet a raid i am tired of using this shield and while initially i wasn't going to use totems in this world i decided that i will use them with the one condition that i do not make a raid farm all right now let's uh head off here and try and find a village hopefully we don't destroy a village but we're gonna they're not gonna like what's gonna happen to them there it is hopefully they don't mind what's about to happen to them i'm not gonna lie it's been like a long time since i've done a raid uh hopefully they're not too hard i don't think it'll be too bad they're all panicking they're all freaking the heck out dude oh it's gonna be okay i promise it's gonna be okay i am not seeing them anywhere right now are they down here well they're not down here or in here i spent the next 15 minutes running around searching every nook and cranny of every nearby cave looking for a sign of this raid actually happening and i found nothing so uh i i guess we'll just try again okay here we go this one should work okay there's actually raiders this time this is good this is good news all right first wave is complete we're doing good so far no leave him alone oh our first ravager are there evokers this time um i don't think so i don't think so that hurt a little bit hold up whoa [Music] okay there are definitely invokers this time [Music] they're so fast dude what the heck speedy little fellas they are [Music] we got him that's not good that's not good but what is good is this bad boy our first totem oh yeah look at that texture too this is so cool [Music] dude that iron golem just took out half the raid holy cow what an actual beast [Music] hey another totem this is good this is good stuff all right the vexes are here we gotta watch out for these guys [Applause] [Music] hey come here what are you doing is that it hey we did it we actually did a raid holy cow i wasn't even worried necessarily but those are kind of difficult actually how many totems did i get here oh i got five totems let's go that should last me for a long time heck yeah dude also shout out to hyugo one of our awesome community members they made this awesome totem texture for me i think it's pretty cool with full netherright armor achieved and having completed a raid to get a totem it was time for the biggest challenge yet killing the weather and making a full beacon and luckily there is this fortress right here near my main nether portal that looks like it's mostly over a lava lake this could be really good for wither spawns [Music] all right this is it i can feel it we got a big old bunch right here come on guys show me the money ah nothing hey there we go maybe that's all i needed it was like a little change of scenery 73 wither skeletons to get one head with looting three that is absurd actually that's ridiculous dude for some reason after spending a while at this nether fortress no matter what i did i couldn't get any more wither skeletons to spawn in and that was extremely frustrating i don't know what to do i've been here for like an hour quite literally an hour and there's just no more spawning just places so uh yeah i hate to say it and i really really didn't want to do this but i think we got to make it with our skeleton farm now well time to go get my slabs and start spawn proofing the nether okay let's be real we're not going to get that extreme yet oh my god they're actually spawning here thank goodness dude oh that was dumb that was dangerous what the heck dude hey there it is the third head i want to head back out here to this desert near the mob farm for this weather fight i feel like it's gonna be a good place just to get destroyed and i'll be honest i'm a little bit nervous i haven't fought a weather ever out in the open so yeah please don't kill me all right chest plate on we'll go ahead and do this get the milk in there we'll eat a golden apple here we go [Music] that wasn't too bad uh it was terrifying i will admit that's the scariest thing i've done in a minute and yes we got another star that's all i care about baby but that was totally worth it because now we have a beacon yes we gotta find a place to put it and i'm gonna put it way down here deep in the world oh god do you guys build your beacons way down at bedrock because if you don't you should and you're probably wondering brock what are you gonna use for the beacon blocks don't worry i got you okay that's all i can say i got you oh yeah baby i've been a busy trader between episodes seriously though the fletcher stick trades are so op it's actually ridiculous i think the beacon actually surfaces somewhere here in the cow pasture should be right here where i just put this trapdoor let's uh get down here and hopefully not fall into a cave that would be sweet okay okay that's why you wear your wings that's why you wear your wings beast one haze two there we go now the real game has started for us you see i want to keep expanding the base down underground but digging out large areas is getting really annoying but that's not the case anymore thanks to this bad boy in the last episode a lot of you guys asked me how i actually get into the villager huts uh yeah i don't have a way that's what this is also for the goal today is to try and figure that out and i want to access them from the inside [Music] hey thank goodness for these fletchers too baby yeah instant pickaxe repairs okay now i want to go through and establish kind of a baseline for what the entrances are gonna look like on this side because whatever you see here this is this is not good we don't want to see this [Music] i feel like something like this looks good i want it to be subtle but still have something that we can repeat and not get too old i will admit it looks a little bit weird now because of this weird shutout but imagine we have this all filled in and terraformed with stone right and then have it built all the way up on the sides and stuff i think it'll look really good i like this concept so far i also love how they extend out to different depths it's gonna add a lot more of a natural feel to this area when it's all done there's another layer done [Music] and the top row all right now let's go through and start terraforming a little bit around the edges here i actually dug away a bit too much didn't mean to do that but oh well we'll fix it going through i used this as an opportunity to add some nice detail and terraforming with the way this stone formed around these entrances okay yeah i really like the way this looks so far using the stairs and the slabs to work around this area looks really really good [Music] there's the first layer done and i think this looks really good and it has no detail yet which means it's probably going to look really good when it's done the second and the third rows are now terraformed and there's still some work to do uh we'll get to that as we work on the pathways at each level i think speaking of pathways let's build them now i want to avoid getting lost in too many fine details of this build i just want to go ahead and get blocks placed down i think we'll keep the pathway simple and start with like an oak wood there we go i think this is a good concept for the pathways the trapdoors and the stripped oak in there add like a ton of detail that's very easy to achieve [Music] the second row there we go the third row is also done i need to figure out a way to make it look a little bit less wonky from below down here going through here i want to add some texturing with some cobblestones some stone bricks and some cracked stone bricks i feel like this is just enough texturing where things will look a bit weathered down but in a good way most of the detailing here is done so now let's expand i want to head out to the mining desert really quickly and snag as much cactus as i possibly can i'm gonna need a lot of these for part of this build uh yeah you'll see why soon [Music] from there i continue the expansion downwards because after all this is supposed to look like a ravine and i used more of the mossy cobblestone into moss gradient that we all know and love because it just looks so good and it's gonna work perfect for what i have planned over here oh yeah now this is looking really good now i want to go ahead here and keep on extending this all the way down i want to build like a river through here also this is going to take like a lot of glass but luckily i have librarians that actually trade me glass like how have i never used this before this is so gosh darn op look at this i already have like a full shulker box almost a glass where's this been my whole life okay i'm thinking eight layers of glass should be enough for this now i just have to clear out two more layers on the bottom for the lighting to go and i think we'll use some glowstone from these clears this is my first time ever actually trading for glowstone as well dude there's so many things you can just trade for in this game i've been playing this game wrong [Music] oh man i'm so close no i'm so close oh my god still need more then we'll go ahead and start spamming these across the floor oh no i just realized something very bad so before i put the carpets in i should actually fill in these walls and you'll see why in a second [Music] oh i'm floating so going through here we'll extend the moss downwards in random fashion kind of just like this as you can see and this right here is why i regret putting the carpets down you see i have to turn all of this concrete powder into actual concrete and uh yeah this is gonna be a problem now we can go back in with the carpets and now it's glass time [Applause] i really hope i have enough of this stuff the first two layers are done onto layer number three player number four number five number six number seven you know i should probably make an actual cactus farm what do you think and lastly row number nine there we go oh my goodness this is looking so cool it's actually amazing i love it so now let's answer the question of how we get from over here to the actual village which is that way not too far um yeah i think we're gonna bust a hole in this wall and then carry on this tree root design all the way over there and now thanks to this beacon i don't really have to think too hard about how i shape this out just kind of hold down left click and see where it takes me [Music] yeah there we go this is pretty subtle but i think it's a nice way to enter over here i think it's safe to say that at this point this is turning into quite the underground mega build here so if you've been named for this base go ahead and let me know in the comments because i'm terrible names [Music] [Applause] going through here i wanted to keep it simple and have water elevators going up to each of the floors so i had easy access to all of the villagers what the heck dude this enderman came through and just left us a flower that's kind of adorable there we go this is all set we come on through here into this beautiful tree branch now here's the first level up here takes us to the second level of the village and then up here it takes us to the third level of the village i think this is going to work out perfectly the more time that i spend in this area the more i really like the way this place is coming together i mean the moss roof with the village here the foggy floor it looks so good but i think it's missing something oh yeah baby it's time that we bring the tree into the megabase you already know it's tree time still makes no sense when i say that well that was the plan except i uh yeah i hated it turns out for a build of this scale you want to keep things simple so your eyes don't get too cluttered when you walk into the area so i went through with a simple palette with some strip dark oak and some strip spruce a bunch of simple blocks and i think it looks really good coming back along to the sidewall i wanted to go ahead and add these deep slate corridors that will leave me room to expand the base further afield later and that's the name of the game with this build i want to keep it simple and i want to leave myself able to add things later on when i have a better idea as always world downloads are on my patreon if you want to support me i think that's a good place to call things today i am honestly super proud of the progress we've made i am loving this build so much this is a tree and this is how many trees i have chopped down in my hardcore world so far and this is how many trees i'm going to need to finish my megabase which is a really big problem i'll need at least a thousand stacks of wood to finish this base and it takes two and a half seconds to chop one tree down meaning i'll need about 13 000 trees or nine hours of tree chopping and that's not cool though instead i spent 30 hours building this machine that farms wood for me but to build this farm i need a place to put it and to get a place to put it i need to do a lot of digging but to do a lot of digging i need more beacons but to get beacons i need to kill wither skeletons oh yeah i also need to power this farm with bone meal how much bone meal you ask three bone meal every single second so yeah to build this farm i will need to first build 10 other farms let's talk about that starting with farm number one a wither skeleton farm you see the entire reason i'm building this farm is to get unlimited wood with minimal effort so that i can use the wood to keep building my underground megabase which by the way i've decided to call the undergrowth but that's a very big problem because while this place is big i wouldn't call it mega and even worse yet the whole thing is underground so one beacon that i have now won't suffice i reckon i'll need at least four more to cover this whole area now in the last episode i spent three hours killing wither skeletons for one single beacon so by that math i'll need to spend 12 more hours collecting skulls for the other beacons instead i'm gonna spend like five hours building this wither scally farm because five is less than 12. in fact last time it took so long to find a good fortress that i had to go more than 3 000 blocks from spawn before i found this one luckily the spawn rates here are really good so i can quickly turn this into a pretty functional weather skeleton farm at least for my single player world with all that said let's build this thing the first step in building this farm is to spawn proof the entire fortress so that nothing can spawn this will help concentrate all spawns to the spawn platform when the farm is complete as well as act like a nice safety net so i don't die while building it this fortress has multiple crossroads which are these plus shaped areas that spawn lots of mops i'm gonna build my farm in this middle one here i made the platform 19 by 19 to maximize spawns and fill in the outside box making sure to build the ceiling tall enough so that the other boys could still spawn it was also a good excuse to use some of this amethyst that i've been collecting and this tinted glass looks really nice believe it or not the farm was pretty much done at this point minus one key ingredient but don't worry i'll make a farm for that one later in fact i was headed home to get the things to make that second farm when i noticed i only had two rockets no big deal i'll just go into my rocket box and get some more oh yeah this is a problem 3 000 blocks from home in the nether and i have no rockets yeah so instead i built the big staircase up to the nether roof and it was time for the painful task of digging a really long tunnel it took three hours and looked a little something like this i got home and crafted some rockets but after realizing that i'm far too lazy to manually collect sugarcane i figured a farm for that would be necessary but i did some research and i found this pretty compact design by tangotek and i think it'll work perfectly in my base this is what you need for one module of the farm but that's a problem because one module won't be enough i'm thinking if i build 16 modules it will give me enough paper for all of my rockets plus a bunch of extra sugar cane to help fuel my tree farm more on that later though but to do this i will need four stacks of pistons which means four stacks of iron but i only have three stacks of iron and i don't want to go mining so it's on to farm number two an iron farm are you with me so far i'm making an iron farm to give me pistons to make a sugar cane farm to give me rockets to let me fly to the wither skeleton farm which will give me beacons thus allowing me to clear out the space to build my infantry farm pretty simple now even the most basic iron farms produce quite a lot of iron over time if you build them in the spawn chunks which is really good for me because my base is super close to world spawn and because it's just me who plays in this world i kept things simple and built this single zombie design by logical geekboy you've probably seen it like a million times i started building this water elevator and connecting it up with these beds that the villagers would eventually stand on one large line of rails later brought to you by the oh so underrated furnace minecart nudging the villagers into the water all i had to do was wait for night time so i could remove the surrounding blocks leaving them safe and sound on top of their beds for eternity but there was a problem because this guy didn't want to sleep as it turns out he likes this other guy's bed better on the other side of the farm but he had really good balance so it actually worked out from there i built up the spawning platforms lured in a zombie which i named mildew 2.0 and then turned on the farm easy peasy after an hour of refreshing my youtube homepage wondering when the hell not not brock's gonna ever upload again i had enough iron to move on to farm number three which you guessed it is the sugarcane farm quite a few of you guys mentioned in the last episode that while you liked the build overall you thought it was lacking a bit of detail and firstly ouch second you're right that's because there's so much more i want to build in this area still starting with this sugarcane farm which i think will fit perfectly into the sidewall thanks to my beacon clearing out a large area to work with was no problem and i could begin laying out the first of the modules the cool thing about this farm is you can expand it along all three axis which allowed me to customize it to fit into my base area i went with a two wide too long and four tall layout and then proceeded to have a hell of a time figuring out how to incorporate this monstrosity into the base and make it look good but we got there in the end i think luckily though this farm was really compact and it's lossless meaning i had enough sugar cane in one hour to easily fill up my rocket box now that i could safely fly back to the wither skeleton farm it was time to turn it on and start collecting wither skulls right wrong the farm still needed wither roses in order to allow only wither skeletons to spawn and that's where farm number four comes in luckily for me e and xo4 just released an instant with a rose farm and i was hesitant but this thing is actually insane the farm barely used any redstone and relied on trapping a wither under the bedrock end portal and then using that weather to kill snowmen not to mention i could go back underneath of the farm after it was done get all the snow that they dropped and then used that snow to re-summon them back into the farm so it felt a bit more humane than using chicken maybe i don't know dude it's a video game but in the span of 20 minutes i had like eight stacks of these things which meant i could finally go back to the wither farm replace the floor with another rack and then put down the wither roses and there you have it folks a fully functional super effective wither skeleton farm in about five hours oh yeah you see the farm actually sucked so earlier when i said the spawn rights here were really good what i meant was that the spawn rates here were actually really bad it turns out that basalt deltas spawned like a ton of magma cubes so even with the fortress spawn proof my rates were pretty trash so i had to rebuild the entire farm okay just kidding i did not do that i did do something very bad though okay not really in reality i just turned my render distance down a little bit to improve the spawn rates and no i don't care you think it's cheating but you can feel free to yell at me and down in the comments cool beans it was time to kill a bunch of withers and i thought i would give myself a little challenge and fight all five of them out in the open at the same exact time and by fight all five of them out in the open in the same exact time what i really meant was suffocate them one by one under the end portal time to make some beacons but not before making farm number five a carrot farm you're probably wondering brock what in the heck does a carrot farm have to do with any of this and honestly valid question you see i think a fun challenge for myself in this world is to not make beacons out of iron blocks because once you have an iron farm they just feel too easy to get though instead this carrot farm will give me plenty of carrots to trade with my cured farmers at a large discount think of it like this every carrot this farm produces equals one emerald for me and that's a good thing because i need almost 6 000 emeralds for the beacons i want but first i had to find where to build this thing i dug through this wall and to my surprise there was a massive cave and i immediately knew i would build a bunch of farms in here i got to work building up the first layer but needed some test subjects so i dug a new tunnel and rerouted my villager line pretty easy now i had to just push this guy along wait a second villagers don't take fall damage in minecarts right anyways i played it safe and just put some water down at the bottom and soon enough the first layer was complete this farm is biological geekboy and the only change that i made in my design was to build it double the size so it was four layers tall instead of two layers tall it works by having these farmer villagers collect crops all day and then share the carrots with their cellmate in an attempt to make love but not before my birth controlling hopper mine carts steal the carrots right out of thin air moving all the villagers was a pain in the butt but it didn't take too long once it got in the groove but why settle for carrot trades when i could have carrot and potato trades which brings me on to farm number six this is the same design as my carrot farm but it uses potatoes instead of carrots who wrote this script but why settle for carrot and potato trades when i could have carrot potato pumpkin and melon trades which brings me on to farm number seven this is a classic farm designed by el mango where an observer detects when a pumpkin or melon grows which then instantly triggers a piston to fire and break the item which is then collected by this hopper mine cart below the system i used a 16 by 16 design which produces a pretty insane yield of crops this meant that i could finally use all of these crops to trade with my farmers and after about an hour of work i had enough emeralds for four more beacons i decided it was best to make the beacon i currently have the central beacon and then from there place the haze 2 beacon 100 blocks out in each direction which means basically anywhere i go near my base i'll be able to instant mine speaking of instabine it was time to dig another really big hole for my eighth farm which is a cactus farm okay now you're really probably wondering brock how does a cactus farm have anything to do with the tree farm and once again valid question but before i tell you why let's build this thing [Music] [Music] this farm works by placing fence posts one block up and over from a cactus such that when it grows the top layer is immediately broken and then flushed into this water collection system that's pretty much it using this simple concept i was able to turn this into a multi-layer pretty dang efficient cactus farm and you know i had to decorate it too [Music] finally it was time for farm number nine the tree farm hold up wait you said that you were gonna build ten farms so you didn't have to chop wood anymore why is this tree farm only the 9th farm don't worry i'll get to that first things first i had to decide where to build this thing and now that i had a haste 2 mining power basically in every direction i decided to expand the undergrove into the opposite direction after clearing out this tunnel i knew it was time to start digging a massive room how big i had no idea all i knew was to make a massive room and then figure out the rest of it later the tree farm design was by logical geekboy uh noticing a trend here and it was really simple as far as fully auto tree farms go places sapling which is instantly bone meal to grow a tree then that tree is immediately pushed along by a row of pistons as well as cleared of its leaves by these pistons on the side and ultimately it's fed into this water chamber where it's blown up and collected by this tnt duper and yes i am using a tnt duper because unlimited boom boom equals brock stay happy but there was a problem because i still needed a way to fuel this tree farm and what if i told you that this final farm was the solution to this problem what if i told you that the sugar cane carrot potato pumpkin melon and cactus farms would all come together to help make this final farm yeah we're making a bone meal farm you see this tree farm requires a ton of bone meal as i mentioned earlier three bone meal every single second and i wanted a way to resupply it automatically without having to constantly load it myself the idea was simple the items from my other farms get funneled into these composters which then turns everything into bone meal which goes on to power the tree farm but to do this requires some clever item transport mechanisms and this is where i wanted to have some fun and let my creativity shine a little bit looking up six separate farms into one water collection system isn't a very complicated idea but i knew if i made it very complex it would look really cool one of my main goals with the undergroup is to make it really feel alive and one of the main ways i'm doing that is with things like this slime block launcher this design is really simple and once i had it built i loaded it with items and made a note of roughly where they were being launched to and then dug out a hole for the items to land in it's pretty simple the items from my farms get funneled into the slime block launcher where they are shot up into a long and convoluted water stream full of glass tubing so i can see them traveling basically anywhere in my base from there they funnel into the composters get turned to bone meal and then sent off to power the tree farm very overcomplicated yes do i regret it no so finally this begs the question do the six separate mega farms produce enough bow meal to let me run this farm for a long time i was really tired of doing math so instead i turned the farm on for a test run and after 15 minutes of afk i had went through almost an entire double chest of bone meals so uh yeah no not even close but i did get over 35 stacks of logs which i could use for the decoration in this room i want this tree farm room to feel like the central core that powers the base as i continue to expand upon it and i think it does a good job of telling that story the entire ceiling is covered with these tree roots that keeps the same aesthetic i've been going for but i also have a bunch of magma cubes in the ceiling which makes it look like it's being powered by like molten lava i don't know dude it looks really cool though so yeah i spent 30 hours building a tree farm that i can only run for like 15 minutes at a time but uh yeah i guess that means i gotta figure out how to get more bone meal over this thing so please let me know if you have any suggestions on that yes in the meantime i'll just keep on chopping trees so last time on hardcore minecraft a lot of you guys were just roasting my wither skeleton farm which is honestly really weird because the spawn rates here are honestly insane like this thing just pumps out insane amounts of uh weather skeletons uh huh that's that's that's weird the rates here are insane okay okay yeah this thing sucks so that's why today i am going to build a brand new wither skeleton farm that would give me tons of wither skulls and how do i know it will work because it's not my design let's get into it but first i have a major announcement you guys i am so excited to announce that i have partnered up with g fuel if you didn't know g fuel is a natural energy drink formula designed to be a healthier alternative to sugary energy drinks their entire line is sugar-free and there are tons of amazing flavors i personally like their hydration line which has zero caffeine and is packed full of vitamins and this stuff has been a lifesaver during really long editing sessions the shiny splash blueberry lemonade is hands down my favorite flavor but trust me my girlfriend who is a caffeine addict absolutely loves the caffeinated line as well so go ahead and use my link below go to gfuel.com and use my code not not brock to get 30 off all weekend long hey guys welcome back to the hardcore series last episode we built this pretty cool tree farm as well as a bunch of other farms that supply it with bone meal it was honestly a lot of fun you should go watch it but there was a major problem let's go ahead and see how much bone meal we actually have built up over here okay all these are full oh that is not good that might look like a lot of bone meal but this thing uses about three bone meal every single second so that's not gonna be enough to run this thing for more than like 10 minutes and that makes me super sad and even yet the constant flow of items from the farms is making my world really really laggy i really do hate to do this but uh yeah we're gonna have to disable these dropper systems for now it's just too darn laggy i can't handle it what the wait a second the carrots weren't even working the whole time oh no that's not good well if it was laggy before i definitely would have been laggy with the carrots that's unfortunate oh same thing for the potatoes this makes me so sad the melons and pumpkins the sugar cane and finally this slime block launchers and this one makes me really sad i love these things it's not you it's me i promise you're just a bit too laggy for me right now maybe one day in a different universe with a better pc i can have you back but not now but now we're faced with a new challenge i need a brand new lag friendly way to power the tree farm and it just so happens the wither skeleton farm that i built last episode my own design by the way not to brag uh yeah it it really sucks so i figured today we would make a brand new wither skeleton farm to give me unlimited beacons and give me the bones to power this tree farm once and for all first things first we need some materials and to do that i need to first repair my pickaxe just like that we are totally repaired which is good because now we're heading off to the nether to get the first thing that we need for this farm which is a bunch of nether brick and i think we'll go over here to this fortress this thing honestly has failed me so many times i feel so let down by it i'm just gonna steal everything i can from it and i'm gonna need about 14 stacks so i might be here for a little bit part of me feels like i should be building more out of nether bricks i don't know dude it just feels like a really nice block that i don't use a whole lot make sure we're safe in these corners yeah i think we're good over here we should be okay we'll go ahead and toss all this into the project box onto the next material and honestly getting the rest of the material should be pretty straightforward we'll need about five stacks of another rick we'll need to make some walls here it doesn't really matter what kind i use this will be fine a little bit of glass carved pumpkin iron blocks which honestly shouldn't be a problem anymore thanks to our iron farm we built last episode a little bit of obsidian we have plenty right here that'll be good then we'll go ahead and smelt up some smooth stone you don't need it but i think it just looks kind of fancy you know and that's basically all we need there's a couple more very important things though firstly is some cobwebs which i don't think i have any but luckily i think we have a good place to find those ah yes the stronghold has been a little bit since i've been over here but i believe that the libraries should have some cobwebs in them oh there's one now i only need two more of them let's hope there's more here oh my god i cannot believe i've done this well uh i gotta find some more i guess ah yeah who remembers this place the quadruple spawner farm but if we break through here i believe yes this is in an abandoned mine shaft and there we have it there is the cobwebs there's one of them and there's the last one we need we'll grab one more for good measure but there's still one more thing we need to do and this one's pretty simple i just want to go over and say hi to chad been a little bit hey chad how you doing buddy oh you're feeling lonely oh i'm sorry pal all right chad meet your brand new friend which i haven't named yet but i'm going to call them cheddar oh they like each other after a couple more rounds of turtle love i had enough turtle eggs to carry on to the next phase of the farm but first i had to find out where to build it this farm designed by enx04 requires you to find a pretty specific location of another fortress either in a warp forest or a soul sand valley which can be a little bit difficult to find admittedly but trust me it will be worth it in the end i actually just almost died there what is my problem unfortunately none of the fortresses that i've currently found have been able to meet these requirements so i think i'm gonna head this direction which doesn't look too promising but i think we can find something good out there and as you can see i have a mod downloaded it just shows me the coordinates which makes things a lot easier for me to see for you to see nothing this way what about if i go over here can i get across i need to get to like this direction but i keep getting cut off by this just endless basalt delta dude dude i can feel it there's gonna be something good this way i just gotta break through this basalt delta okay there's a fortress there that one's not gonna meet the requirements oh my god another one really i just left one dude come on don't do this to me i'm determined to find a fortress out in this direction because i've already explored over 3 000 blocks in all the other directions so i'm really hoping to get lucky here okay surely we will bust through here into some actual terrain right we have to eventually although it's not looking very promising right now i'll tell you that much okay here we go we broke through and we're in a soul sand valley this actually oh hold up hold up hold up hold up okay this is more promising this i can work with but where's the fortress at i don't see it anywhere there's just like a little stretch here this this won't work i continued to explore the nether finding various different fortresses trying to see if any of them would be good enough for this farm oh these look really good both of these are insane they're both over lava and near soul sand valley dude look at the spawn rates here these look really good okay so this one is definitely a contender i can almost work with this but i think we can do a little bit better for this farm to work you want the fortress to be located in a soul sand valley and to be 100 blocks away from any other biome oh man it looks like in this corner we could potentially build it but we are just edging under the crimson forest there and it looks like over here is actually nether waste so that's gonna really impact spawn rate let's go a little bit further afield and see if there's anything better i think we can still find something i really do okay so we're 3 000 blocks out i think that's my cutoff point let's go ahead and go this way a little bit and make a bit of a square and see if we can find anything in like a little box around our spawn here i was hesitant at this point but i'm glad i kept exploring because believe it or not i found the perfect fortress just a little bit further up field oh okay okay okay it's fine it's fine this might be it this entire thing looks to be basically encased in and by a soul sand valley there's a little bit of a basalt delta on this edge but i think that if we go like somewhere in this corner we can avoid everything and just be around the soul sand this farm works because nether mobs can still spawn on nether bricks as long as they're inside the bounding box of the fortress so what is the bounding box of a fortress well that is a big imaginary box that surrounds the outermost edges of the fortress going out in all directions so to find the bounding box of my fortress i explored every inch of it and noted the outer coordinates of each of the bridges and the heights of all of the tallest points [Music] okay easy fellas hey what are you doing punk you doing doing some math in a quick excel spreadsheet i was able to determine the box that would allow mobs to spawn in my fortress and believe it or not it looks like this is the outer edge of my bounding box that is still in the soul sand valley as you can see the fortress extends all the way over here as well as all the way over here on the inside meaning this is technically part of the fortress and right about here is the uppermost point so this is the level we're gonna build the farm now we gotta find out where exactly we're gonna build the platform from there i had to find a two chunk by two chunk area to build the farm that was as close to this corner as possible okay cool it's looking like the corner of these four chunks is gonna be the center of the farm and now we build okay so the center of the farm is gonna be right here we need to put some chests down this is gonna be where the iron golem stands i think it's like a maths issue from there we need to go 14 blocks in each direction out now apparently i have to use nether bricks here otherwise mobs can't spawn which obviously wouldn't be good for this farm that would be pretty pointless what the you're not a wither skeleton what are you doing here oh no no no no no no oh that's convenient [Music] okay there we go the platform is done now we need to get out our walls we need to put these in a certain way so that magma cubes can't spawn so we'll do one there skip two another one skip two another one and basically we'll just repeat this path [Music] okay oh my god this farm might kill me oh now you want some how fascinating how lovely oh are you seeing this why is there a bunch of babies dude why is there so many kids up here what are you guys doing yeah whatever we're just going to leave them be for now i have work to do okay there we go the walls are in place i think we're good to move on now we'll put some turtle eggs on each of the corners these are going to distract the zombie piglens that spawn okay now we'll go ahead and cover these sides up with walls i want to leave this side open this is going to funnel all the mobs into the center here okay uh this is honestly the part that i'm most scared about i have to summon an iron golem to put in the center here and if i somehow aggravate it it will end my hardcore world before i can even put so uh let's just hope that doesn't happen i think if i stand in the center here we'll be okay get the lead out we'll attach the lead to this guy let's try and just nudge you into here hey oh i did it we'll fill this in i feel kind of bad for him he's just trapped there forever i mean i guess he has a job at least he has a purpose right okay the moms are gonna spawn they're gonna pathfind to the iron golem and they're gonna go inside this portal and this was the part that i was most nervous about linking nether portals requires precise calculation and i knew if i made a mistake the entire farm could be broken after taking note of this portal's x y and z coordinates it was time to head to my least favorite place in the entire world the nether roof and i hate doing this it always feels so scary and also it just feels kind of cheaty but at the same time it's kind of a part of the game i mean they put mushrooms up here so you know that mojang intends this to be up here and now i had to simply find the coordinates i marked up the below portal and pillar up 125 blocks all right we're here level 209 this should be basically the afk level the rest of the build up here on the nether roof was actually pretty straightforward i began expanding the glass platform for me to stand on and then built the portal that the wither skeletons would come through placing blocks on one end of it to funnel them down into the kill chamber i extended the glass platform over and built another portal which would be how i exit the farm into the overworld noting the coordinates of the killing chamber portal i went through to the overworld to find myself over 20 000 blocks from spawn okay um i think i'm safe dude we are so far out from spawn right now that's a cool little cave entrance break that bad boy because those are the wrong coordinates so now i have to build this big platform thing in the sky it's gonna basically accumulate all the wither skeletons as they come through the portals i i don't know and after multiplying the coordinates that i just noted by eight to find the correct overworld location i finished setting up things on the overworld side the skeletons teleport through the lower portal and as they accumulate they push each other along this long platform into the other portal where they are teleported back to the nether and into the kill chamber okay guys we are basically ready to turn this thing on okay we're gonna light this portal we're gonna come over this way put cobwebs right through here we're gonna light this portal and then head on through that's all we gotta do head on through hey let me step out of here and into the farm and as of now the weather skeleton farm is fully complete now i just have to wait like two minutes for the mobs to spawn down there and then filter in and funnel in the overworld and then they'll be landing in here for me to kill them oh oh my god it actually works there's actually a wither skeleton here there's two there's three there's four there's five with the farm officially complete it was time to answer the very important question of how good is this thing actually okay so i want to afk here for like let's say an hour and let's see how many skulls we get leave a comment right now how many skulls am i gonna get in this hour let's wait and see [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it's been an hour and as you can tell this thing is working so well i'm honestly just continually blown away at the rates of this thing in fact if you look here we got 105 wither skeleton skulls and arguably more impressive is the amount of bones i got all of these bone blocks in one hour that is gonna be enough bone meal to supply the tree farm for such a long time and now that i was done using the farm it was time to head home but there was a problem dude i might actually be trapped here thinking about things i don't know if i had the things to get down from here initially my plan was to just break the bedrock back at 0-0 to get below the nether roof but i had no trap doors so i had to resort to building another portal and once i got back home there were still a couple more things i needed to do first thing i want to do let's head over to the tree farm and fill this up with bone mail let's see how much we can actually put in here and finally from there i went to the end and killed 42 withers which i guess in hindsight feels a little redundant i don't really know what to do with all these beacons now this is another portal it's really boring and when i go through it it's full of moms that are trying to kill me so today i'm transforming this portal into an epic nether hub in minecraft hardcore make sure you watch until the end to see how i built it there's definitely a lot of work to do with this project first thing to do i want to figure out where to actually build this thing i think like right here but basically straight up into the ceiling so i want this room to be circular and have the bedrock exposed so if this is the center we'll go out 16 blocks in each direction okay and now let's make this into a big circle [Music] yeah this looks pretty good actually now i want to go ahead and remove all this netherrack to expose the entire bedrock ceiling where did all you guys come from probably a good idea if i move my portal up here so i can access it while i work that looks a little bit too small so the bedrock is exposed but now i have to go through and remove the netherrack around it so i can fill it in with different blocks i want to fill in the ceiling around the bedrock with a mixture of regular polished and smooth basalt now the smooth basalt should be easy to get i can just go down here to this geode and collect all of it [Music] i got 18 stacks of smooth basalt and i think if i get the same amount of polish and regular we should have enough okay hang on this is way too slow [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i just want to go through here and kind of dot in random bits and pieces of basalt and no real pattern the less that i think about it the better here which honestly shouldn't be too hard for a guy like me [Music] i want to fill in this last layer with black glass do i have any black dye oh i have one black tie that's cool [Music] okay there's two stacks that should be enough now i want to go through and add a ring of obsidian on the outside and slowly transition that into warped wood and i have two yeah i have two i have two of it i have two obsidian all right let me see here uh yeah no that's not gonna be enough [Music] okay now i need to clear out some more space so i can keep making each ring come out more i want to make the roof kind of dome shaped now i want to transition the obsidian into crying obsidian i want to have two layers of this stuff and each ring takes two stacks so i'll need about four stacks to do this now i know we can find this stuff on the ruined portals how easy is this gonna be to get well i got three uh that's a start hold up what the heck it was a mushroom island like two 000 blocks from my home that is unbelievable yeah this isn't really working too well i think i need a new plan i believe that gold actually spawns a lot more frequently in mesa biomes i just realized i probably should have had my fortune pick on me but i i don't so yeah and after a couple hours of that i have no more room for gold holy two golden apples though that's nice and with fortune 3 we're gonna get this much holy cow we more than doubled it back to me it's my gold it's not your goal thank you and then we'll make a little smelting operation over here okay and while that smelts i want to go ahead and try and lure some piglets in here to get a little trading setup going oh heck yeah hey there we go look at this imposter piglets trade 18 different items which basically meant i had to trade all of the gold i just got for six stacks of crying obsidian uh yeah hopefully that's enough okay and now let's go ahead and extend a couple more layers of this crying obsidian to help transition into the blue colors [Music] okay there's one [Music] oh yeah this is beginning to look really cool now let's go ahead and lower the floor a bit more so i can keep extending these layers okay uh hang on there seems to be a visitor here i got him i trapped him i trapped him oh my god why did i do this why not do this [Music] oh this isn't good this is not good okay just kidding they kind of suck oh no i think they're still mad at me did i just make my own gold farm [Music] well i think i got him all oh no he's mad still ah he's trapped okay well i got work to do okay and now i want to transition the purple into warped wood warped planks and then the warped wart blocks and i definitely don't have any of those so let's go find a warp forest here and see how much i actually need um yeah it's gonna be a lot if you want some g fuel consider using my link below for a discount okay i got nearly a chest full of this stuff but hopefully it will be enough i want to go ahead and make this all into the warped hyphen i didn't know that was the name of this stuff but yeah i think it's a good transition block into the blue color okay there's one layer i think i want to do two more guys can i have like a little bit of space while i build please okay there's two layers oh yeah this is looking really sweet and now i want to transition into the warped planks but uh first i need to clear more space [Music] and now we'll go into two layers of the warped planks there's one now we'll go in with the layer of the warped wart blocks and then finally we'll come back through here with one more layer of the warped wood all right now we'll go ahead and strip this because that just looks better i guess oh yeah baby and there you have it the nether hub is fully complete [Music] okay i'm just kidding now i should probably go ahead and move this portal down it looks kind of weird on this pyramid thing and now i need to go end busting firstly i need some more shulker boxes to store all this netherrack and secondly i need purper and enrods for later in the build you know while i'm here i can probably grab some more elytras wouldn't hurt [Music] you know i think what i'll do is actually just like take this whole ship down with me [Music] well i don't want to but i guess while i'm here i'll take the obsidian i'm gonna need that as well [Music] so believe it or not what i have built here is just the ceiling of the nether hub now i have to extend the whole floor like 15 blocks down and while i do that go ahead and follow my twitter link in the description okay well i need to repair my pickaxe now and uh i might regret this but uh here goes nothing and now i wanted to start building up the walls but then i remembered i wanted to use a foggy glass floor so i needed to extend the floor down 19 more blocks so what do i do now option a i can dig out the rest manually as before option b i can spam loads of tnt in prey and if you chose option a well uh you're wrong sorry so yeah using tnt will be a lot more fun but now i gotta get a bunch of it so i guess let's just spam a bunch of this around and see what happens oh this again okay round two this time let's just put a bunch in the middle [Music] now let's make a big ring around the outside [Music] and do that one more time [Music] alrighty there we go i think this was actually pretty effective overall okay now i'm outlining this lower area in blackstone in the same circle as i have up here and now that i know the outline i just have to go ahead through here and flatten this out so i have an actual level area to work with i also can't be bothered to fill the floor in fully so yeah it's going to be hollow just don't tell anybody i guess okay now i want to outline the floor in these polished blackstone bricks [Music] you like that sword little buddy so the outer ring is done now i want to add a middle ring and a very inner ring also out of black stone and then fill in the rest of it with the purple glass for the fog effect okay so the inner ring i want to be 11 by 11. it's actually gonna be a square so it's not really a ring and then the outer ring will be 23 by 23. this one will actually be a ring though and now we build these up [Music] [Music] okay i will admit it looks a little bit weird right now um but that's okay and now i need a bunch of glowstone but i don't have any i'm also going to need a lot of purple dye my clerics give me lapis which can be used for the blue dye and there should be enough red dye from the poppies in my iron farm to help make the purple dye uh first thing we'll go ahead and dye all of our shaped purple here all right there's nine sacks of glowstone and nine stacks of purple carpet i hope this is enough to cover the floor [Music] kidding barely even halfway done also my world has been pretty laggy lately and i think it's because of all these villagers just occupying all this space i'm not gonna kill them or anything just let me know if you have any ideas for how to handle them i guess [Music] it took 32 stacks of glowstone to fill in the first layer so that means to get nine layers of glass i need 285 stacks or about 11 shulker boxes oh yeah i'm gonna be here a while [Music] there's three shulker boxes [Music] you know i should probably have all these librarians trading me glass that seems a bit more efficient so uh and finally number eleven that took seven hours all right there's the first layer done the second layer number three four five six seven eight and number nine this is looking really cool although i just realized i forgot the entire middle section what the heck is going on in here having a little party oh that was dumb okay so now i want to work on the archways that are going to connect the floor up to the ceiling we can start by extending these pillars all the way up and see how that looks okay that's a start actually no hang on let's bring them in by one and out by one and see how that looks then i want to figure out a cool pattern for this warped wood and then i want to fill in the backdrop with quartz bricks i feel like these don't get used enough in builds [Music] yeah that looks really nice honestly i think my favorite part of this place now is that i can just fly around here and have so much space for activities and not have to worry about taking like any damage or anything when i'm flying around you know and then i started to mess around with a pattern design for the connecting walls and i think that this looks pretty good where'd he get that thing [Music] so this is not at all what i had planned but i think i'm in love with it yeah this looks really good and now i just gotta figure out how to do this uh three more times there's the second one done and the third and there we go all four sides oh crap i'm still noticing a lot of spawns in here uh not really sure where they're coming from they must be coming from these little spawnable blocks so let's go ahead and spawn proof this place now and then i think using the warped trap doors through here should be a good way to kind of very subtly spawn proof these blue sections so i would argue that the main portion of the build is actually now done but we're not finished yet because i still have to actually build and transform the nether portal in the middle here yeah believe it or not that is not gonna be the portal i used and i have a really cool idea for how to make this nether portal different than probably anything you've really seen before first things first we'll make this into a square [Music] so this is the bottom portal and this is the top portal initially i wanted to have this portal stretch all the way from the bottom to the top but you can't make portals this tall in minecraft so instead i thought i would make two portals and have it look like they're being stretched apart by something in the middle so we'll use some perper blocks along here and then some crying obsidian as well and then we'll toss a couple end rods over here and then we'll build the inverse that on the top side now to keep selling the illusion we'll go through here with some purple glass panes but then we break them and it'll look like they're floating there we go and now we'll go ahead and fill in the middle with some more crying obsidian and now i have to just light the portals i'm just glad i finally have a place where gas can't spawn what the as you can see here we have a slime in its natural habitat you can tell it's a slime because of the way it is dude what the heck who knocked my tripod over oh man i've been waiting all day to get this shot i have some plans for some mega projects in my hardcore world and most of them require slime block flying machines but you see i don't have nearly enough slime blocks to make such a machine and when you factor in that the nearest swamp is 6 000 blocks away and that slimes only spawn occasionally at night time that isn't really a viable option either that's why today i'm going to assert my dominance over these little creatures and build a fully automatic slime farm now theoretically building a slime farm should be easy because according to nembons slimes are technically speaking the dumbest mob in all of minecraft basically they just kind of move around randomly and exist with no real thoughts or purpose kind of like you but you know who's dumber than a slime me yeah that's right i'm dumber than these big green blobs because i recorded the first 10 hours of this video in non hd honestly though i haven't really figured out how i managed to mess this up so after you finish roasting me in the comments let me show you what i did the first thing i had to do was figure out where i wanted to actually build this thing if you didn't know slimes only spawn in certain specific chunks in the world known as slime chunks and using an external tool called chunk base i was able to input my seed and find the coordinates of one of these chunks in the area i was looking for i would have preferred to find two next to each other but this would work okay so i got to work digging a really big hole how big was the hole bigger than the hole i left in your heart by not uploading for an entire month it was the size of the slime chunk plus an additional four blocks on each side which would give the slimes enough room to eat themselves off of the edge remember what i told you they are really dumb anyways it took me almost two whole hours just to get down to y level 40 which is important because this is the first level that slimes can actually spawn so you with your big brain are probably wondering why would i dig out all of this if slimes actually can't spawn in this area and that's because you can actually increase the spawn rates by having the platforms exposed to the surface i promise i didn't make that up 40 minutes later i was tired of digging and just wanted to go home but i was beginning to get into the groove when i encountered my first deep slate layer this was a major problem you see mining deep slight is very slow and annoying to deal with just like my girlfriend before 9 am so yeah i needed a new plan because if it took me two hours to get to this level it would take me at least eight hours to get to the bottom of the world like this so i headed off to the desert checked my mob farm for gunpowder and realized i had no gunpowder because why would i ever have what i need for a project after two hours of vertically sucking mobs into the seal oh wait that's upside down after two hours of afk i had almost two full shocker boxes of gunpowder not great but not terrible and after tearing up more of the sahara desert i was able to craft almost 10 stacks of tnt to start i did a test by exploding one piece of tnt and discovered that it breaks a 3x3 area pretty consistently which meant i could efficiently space out the tnt such that one full stack removes three layers of deep sling and because i had 10 stacks this would help me remove about 30 layers in total it was a lot of fun very satisfying and a much needed change of pace from all the digging i was doing before you know i could have just made a tnt duper but that would have felt a bit cheaty i kind of prefer to use my tnt dupers for other things like getting me unlimited wood oh yeah i also almost died so that was pretty cool but i was out of gunpowder which meant my boom boom days were actually over and i had to resort back to mining all this by hand okay actually what i did was convert the deep slate into moss using bone mail then i could go through and instantly mine up everything with my hoe and finally after about one more hour the massive hole was complete honestly the fact that i recorded so much of the beginning segment with not hd footage that's pretty embarrassing i don't really know how i'm gonna salvage the footage but i guess we'll leave that for future me to figure out uh sorry but i'm back the hole is dug i'm feeling good let's go ahead and make this slime farm first thing to do we need to figure out where the center is now that we're at the bottom of the world okay so it looks like right about here should be the center point we'll go ahead and outline this and then that leaves us with a 4x4 area which we can put a dropper into and then we'll fill this in with the hoppers all of the slime blocks are going to collect in these hoppers and go into this dropper which eventually will shoot the items out into a water stream but not right now for right now let's just go ahead and build up this very bottom layer of the farm oh i'm out of stone there we go that should be better going through here i set up a series of water streams to break the slime's fall and then begin placing an iron golem in the center which would lure them all towards the middle okay there we go i think he's trapped now he shouldn't be able to move and as for you uh this iron golem was inspired from logical geekboys slime farm tutorial but i definitely made some tweaks with these water streams that is different from most designs that i've seen okay now it's time to go ahead and start making the spawning platforms i have an entire shulker box of oak slabs let's see how far this gets us here really i literally just started and you're already spawning down here oh my god okay there's the first spawn layer done basically these are all the size of the chunk so the slimes will spawn here and then they'll pathfind off of this down here into the killing area you know while i'm here i might as well put in the campfires too just in case slimes do spawn i don't want them to be kind of having a chance to kill this iron golem and then we'll simply go up three blocks and carry on the same process [Music] there's the second layer done [Music] and the third number four number five layer number six is complete and we're part way through layer number seven but i'm all out of wood luckily i have this tree farm though this thing is seriously awesome it's so easy to use and gets me so much wood kinda loud though so i've actually had my cactus farm turned off for a while i just didn't really need to use it but i think now is probably a good time to turn it back on that's all i'm gonna say for now but you'll see why i need that later after some time spent at the tree farm gathering wood i got to work building up the remainder of the spawn layers and this is when i kind of realized how big this farm actually is there's so many layers to this thing but even with 18 layers complete i'm only on y level 4 and i have to go all the way up to y level 40. so yeah i still have a fair bit of work to do this is like so many slabs and just like that 20 layers are officially done this farm is something ridiculous like 29 layers i don't know it's just absurd how tall this thing is and i anticipate that with all these unlit caves nearby the rates aren't going to be too good yet and now that the spawn platforms are all complete i want to figure out how to connect this farm into our base and i chose the location i did for the slime farm because it's kind of over here near the tree farm actually i guess it's kind of close but also like kind of not close at the same time oh look it it's working it's working come on buddy you got this you got this you got this you got this come on now i know you want to okay okay so there we go we have connected up the base to the area near the slime farm it's actually uh not as close as i thought it was but i can't move it now we'll just have to make do with the fact that it's that far away but anyways i want to go ahead now and tidy up this tunnel a little bit there we go i think that looks pretty good it looks pretty natural which is kind of the look that i'm going for with this after even more time spent at the tree farm oh my god i was here for less than five minutes and i have like 13 stacks i love this farm chopping down some big spruce trees using this trick that i saw on tiktok nice it was time to start decorating our tunnel and i think you pretty much know the drill at this point i went through with things like wood spruce wood moss blocks and then detailed with some leaves and some glowberries i'm just loving this style of build but let me know if it's getting a little bit old for you guys i can definitely change it up i really need to light these caves up more these are all mobs that are stopping slimes from spawning there's still a ton of work to do with this farm and i think the next thing i want to do is actually set up the storage so that i can collect items while i keep working so actually let's go ahead and like remove some of this area it needs to be expanded more this way i think now we'll go through here and make a bunch of this wood into chest i don't know how many we'll need but definitely a lot now we need some hoppers and it's kind of nice i can actually just kind of go through here and then fly on out of here all the way up to my base luckily iron's not a problem anymore 58 hoppers that should be plenty so let's start by finding out where we want to actually put the chest i think right through here should be a good spot and we'll fill in the back side with all the hoppers and then continue to decorate wait i can still open these right okay cool i was worried about that okay there we go oh no you can see all the stone from behind the chests uh that's gonna bother me there we go like it never even happened where can a man like me find some kelp somebody kelp me please okay i'm done wait where where did my bed go where did my what and after having a couple mental breakdowns i was ready to start working on the water collection system okay so if we put ice here and make that into water that should flow okay that should flow this way to cover all the hoppers and now i just have to break the number one rule of minecraft and dig straight down you know i really should not be doing this but i never claim to be smart adult man loses hardcore world to drowning in a tunnel okay i'm down here uh i don't know which way to go i think it's this way i'm gonna follow my heart and just see where this takes me oh diamonds oh my god and it literally lines up on a line i could not have drawn this up any better honestly i didn't even draw it up at all it just kind of worked all right we'll do pack dice penske trapdoor soul sand we'll fill in the sides of these so the water can flow nice and straight put a piece of ice there and break that okay we'll go back in with more packed ice pressure plate and more regular ice into water and now we need the mechanism that recognizes when there's items in this dropper to spit them out into the water streams we'll do a comparator like this sticky piston right there observe it right here and place an observer right here so the next thing to do is to fly up here and see if it actually works i don't see why the slime blocks wouldn't be making it into the chest and uh not looking good so far oh i forgot the kelp i forgot the kelp oh my goodness i'm a fool i am a fool oh oh no oh no oh no no ah yes i forgot arguably the most important part of this whole thing there we go this should be a water elevator now yes it is okay there we go yes it works it works it works it works it works it works it works let's go baby but even though the farm technically worked at this point there was still a lot of work to do heading over to the cactus farm which i likely turned back on tossing it into my smelters i was ready to make a bunch of lime dye for lime wool and lime concrete all right sheepies come over here you're no longer purple i'm sorry your days of being purple are over new hair new you let's do this thing so the first thing i want to do is actually fill in all these crevices with stone just to make my life easier while i build over here uh some good old-fashioned concrete asmr oh i'm drowning what the heck and after all that i had nine stacks of lime concrete and five stacks of lime wool well i don't know how long this is gonna last but we'll go ahead and see here going through i wanted to add in random patches of the green coloring to add some depth and effect to this upper area so admittedly it's looking a little bit busy right now but trust me once i fill all this in with the green color i think it'll look really good but with that said i am all out of green blocks [Music] after clearing out more of the desert and totally decimating an entire ocean floor i had a shulker box of gravel and sand and after checking out my cactus farm one more time and collecting more wool from my sheep i was ready to start filling in these holes okay there's the first of the four sides totally filled in still looks a little bit weird but it's not gonna look good until it's all the way done just trust me okay [Music] there's the second row done even more wool and of course more concrete asmr all four layers are officially filled in going through with some deep slate bricks i started filling in the area between the green splotches making sure to set it in by a block to add some depth and i was actually kind of nervous at this point because i hadn't actually tested this design yet and i was purely going off of this image i had in my brain but we know how that works sometimes it was actually quite challenging to design something that both looked cool but was also open to the surface so as not to sacrifice the spawn rates of the slime farm so the first of the four walls is fully filled in and i can already tell this is looking so good i absolutely love the effect that this gives off [Music] there's the second side all done and finally after over 20 stacks of deep slate i had all the walls filled in and i loved how this turned out and from there i got to work designing an upper platform because right now this whole thing just looked like a massive hole in the ground and even though it literally is just a massive hole in the ground i wanted it to blend in a little bit with the area [Music] [Music] but finally it was time to ask the question of how well does this farm actually work so i boxed myself in for a 20-minute afk session and upon returning i had just under two stacks of slime balls which honestly was a little bit disappointing for a farm of this size the reality is that the caves near my base were spawning way too many mobs other than slimes which was severely impacting the spawn rates so using a mod called mini hud i set my afk location as the center of a 128 block radius sphere extending out in all directions and then set off to light up all the caves within this sphere the numbers that you see in the ground are simply light level indicators so i know how frequently to place a torch basically if it's red that means i need to put a torch and light it up and if it bothers you that i'm using this mod to help me out that sounds like more of a you problem than a me problem anyways after an hour of lighting up cave after cave where i encountered some pretty weird things what in the heck is going on here how did i i have so many questions like how is this even a thing that's happening right now i decided my time could be better spent making some improvements to the actual farm first of which was to remove the upper spawn platform yeah it turns out these uh deep slate walls that i made just kind of make it so the big guys can't even jump off the edge so it's really pointless and this last change is really weird it's from nem bomb so basically you place a layer of string on the outside edge of the uppermost spawn platform and somehow this thing just like greatly improves spawn rates i don't know how it works please don't ask me all right you guys uh before the episode starts i just want to be up front with you um i died my bed you see it used to be blue but i just dyed it purple because i think it looks better anyways enjoy the video i rebuilt every minecraft biome in minecraft hardcore and you're probably wondering why well you see this is my base it's called the undergrowth because it extends way into the ground and kind of looks like a tree but just like me trying to explain to my grandmother that doing youtube actually is my job it doesn't make sense to base an entire mega build off of a tree and while this is definitely a good start i think the idea of eventually turning the undergrowth into a massive underground museum is really cool starting right now the first thing any proper museum needs is a cool entrance because if it doesn't have that why would i even want to go in it so i started the expansion at first i kept with the same organic tree root design i had been using but quickly changed things up and started digging out a giant staircase but i quickly noticed i was out of beacon range and since haze 2 is quite literally my livelihood in this world i set off to build another beacon okay but seriously have you ever seen so many creepers on one screen what the hell is this holy god and i could have swore this hole had water at the bottom but then this happened okay um about that from there i got to work collecting materials keeping things pretty simple with sandstone and a bunch of different wood types like oaks spruce dark oak and birch yeah that's right gamers it only took me a little over a decade but i finally grew the hell up and found a use for this god forsaken wood type now normally i would take time to design something like this in creative mode ahead of time but i was feeling spicy today and i'm glad i did because i trusted my gut and i think this bill looks absolutely amazing i wanted the entrance to feel grand and big just like you'd expect from a proper museum entrance and once the staircase itself was done i began shaping an archway which would serve as the grand entrance starting with sandstone and transitioning all the way down into dark oak oh yeah this is looking so cool and now that the museum entrance is done it's time to start building some biomes starting with the snowy biomes first thing we'll need is a lot of snow and ironically we're not gonna go to the snowy biomes to get that because i have a much better idea so i guess we'll try and put this guy like maybe over in this corner somewhere i don't really have a good spot this should be good so if we do this hey there we go we should have a new friend to help us out [Music] okay hang on a second this is giving me snow layers uh i need actual snowballs so i continued digging until i had a full shulker box of snow next up i need ice a lot of it i think over this way is actually an ice spikes biome so i can get a bunch of ice there and i might as well study how the ice spikes look so i gotta build those anyways okay lied it's a frozen ocean but still same thing well i found an ice spikes biome but this is a kind of underwhelming i feel like they're usually bigger than this ah yes here it is this is what i was actually thinking of okay so now we can go ahead and snag a couple of screenshots while we're out here and on the way home there's just a couple more things i want to grab we'll go ahead and snag some of this actual grass i've never built with this before and then a couple of flowers and just like that we should be ready to start building so i got to work clearing out the tunnel space to start building up these biomes now i've seen a lot of youtubers recently recreate biomes themselves and one thing i've noticed is that they all seem to just put the biomes in these little exhibits that are just kind of like cubular and square and it's just kind of weird i think so instead i want to build all the biomes in a series of tunnels that transition from the cold biomes into the warm biomes into the mountain biomes and have it all flow nicely like a museum should and after messing around with the design for a bit i'm left with this which i think looks pretty good except i think it's a little bit too small actually i want these biomes to be pretty big because the reality is that a lot of them have pretty big structures inside of them i mean let's be real if i want to build a mountain biome in here i'm gonna have to make this a lot taller [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the first biome we have in here is the snowy plains this is pretty basic pretty boring and then as i go into here i have a frozen river which technically is a biome then over here i want to make this into a snowy tiger hey there we go that looks good from there i got to work on the ice spikes biome which is basically the same as any other snowy biome but it has these ice pillars that are really tall and awkward kind of like me in real life now personally i've always thought these look quite derpy but who am i to judge i mean i just work here with the snowy biomes complete it was time to move on to the second set of biomes to build which is the mountains now uh you're probably wondering how i'm gonna actually build mountains here underground and that's a great question there are four main mountain types in minecraft but that didn't matter right now all i knew was that i had to clear out a massive room large enough to build four mountains and make it look at least semi-realistic yeah build an underground megabase they said it'll be fun they said i didn't want the train to be flat so after going through and carving out a natural slope to the landscape i started laying out the wire frames of the mountains and after seeing these two derpy triangles just sitting there it really set in how large this room was going to have to be to make any sort of sense but after expanding out more of the room outward i had an idea so i think we'll go ahead and build a spruce pathway through these imaginary mountains here and then once the pathway is in we can go ahead and kind of shape the mountains around it i'll tell you what this was a good idea because once i had the central pathway put in i could carve out and build the terrain around it which would help give me a true sense of scale and after shaping out more of the terrain i was ready to continue shaping and filling in the mountain peaks things were looking up and i finally felt like i had a handle on these mountains until i actually uh looked at them okay yeah this is good but they're a little bit too samey right now they're all the same height and that's not good so up into the ceiling i went raising things up by a few blocks and adding in a more natural shape now i could finally raise the heights so that each mountain gets taller and larger as you walk throughout the room with the shaping complete it was time to decorate starting with the jagged peak which is basically a pointy stone mountain with a lot of snow mixed in continuing along with the frozen peak this mountain is covered with packed ice and snow and while i know the real ones aren't steep like this i literally don't care that it bothers you and finally my favorite of the mountain biomes the stoney peak this one's cool because it has things like calcite granite andesite and even emerald ore mixed in to provide some detail if you're confused now because you thought i said there were four mountain biomes good job listening you get a gold star the last mountain type is the snowy slopes which are basically just these smooth snowy hills that generate below the actual mountain peaks so they're not really a mountain if you ask me anyways i went through on the opposite side of my pathway and filled in the area with this sloping snowy hill but since these mountains were surrounded by a large room made entirely of stone they didn't really stand out i mean they actually just kind of looked boring and not that good so after collecting a bunch of materials i got to work replacing all of the walls and sealing with deep slave because i figured it would be a nice contrast to all the things that i built in here and going through finally with an archway which would lead to the next part of the museum the mountains were officially complete and there we go my friends this area is looking really really cool so far i think the deepslay adds such a nice contrast so we can actually see what these mountains look like and finally there are four more cold slash mountain-like biomes that i want to build and i want to surround them by a body of water in the middle but yeah it's going to be a lot more digging so here we go oh scary cave scary cave it's fine i'm fine yeah i definitely haven't been watching stranger things the last three days and i'm not scared of every moving thing in the world right now no that's not me [Music] what in the heck oh my god that scared me how did he even get here dude the biomes that i want to build in this room are pretty much gray and white like the ones i've been building so i want to go ahead and decorate this like another exhibit kind of like the deep sleigh i used over here i'll start the ceiling off with some more sandstone and then we'll keep going with that gradient from sandstone into like the spruce or dark oak wood that we used before oh my god this is such a pain in the butt to place down i also went through and added in the center piece of the ceiling with some hanging lanterns there we go i think that looks really good and we'll carry things along with some birch wood from there i continued the gradient with the oak wood and after spending even more time chopping down dark oak and spruce trees i was ready to go ahead and finish off the [Music] ceiling from there i continued expanding a massive room out below seriously though why did i sign up for so much digging this was a terrible idea and now that the room is basically dug out i want to go ahead and start converging the center area down into a central body of water around this body of water i want to have four biomes the taiga the snowy beach the stony shore in the meadow biome starting things off with the snowy beach biome i transitioned the snow into grass into eventually sand and then went back through and covered all of it with snow i mean yeah that's basically it this biome is pretty boring overall next up we have the stony shore which is when a mountain meets a body of water so basically i want to go ahead and transition this mountain range into this eventual body of water here after steepening out this corner i went through and found a better shape for the body of water in the middle and from there it was just a matter of building back up the wall in a way that looked like it was a natural cliff face and then transitioning that into the mountain on the other side next up is the tiger biome which basically means i'll need a lot of pods [Music] so the question now is do the tall spruce trees okay they do grow in here nice that looks good well it doesn't look good but it it fits the the biome that is now we'll go through here and place in some of these mossy cobblestone pillars i'm not sure why these are in the forest but they kind of look good i guess and lastly some brown mushrooms and finally we have the metal biome which is basically just a plane's biome that is kind of near a mountain and higher in an elevation so we'll go ahead and connect that over to this mountain right here and while i do that please subscribe and after all of this work i have 12 biomes officially built which at first glance does kind of sound like a lot but there's still 19 more to go so yeah lots of work to do here my pickaxe i just threw it why did i throw that after spending some time digging and shaping out the cave to fit my liking i was ready to begin working on the next bio which is going to be the plains biome okay so for this i'll need some more grass for sure a bunch of regular ice you'll see why in a minute saplings some more sunflowers some cobblestone and a bunch of oak wood so the plains biome is basically just a metal biome but it's lower in the world and there's a couple other differences but that's about it so that's why over here i built this little cliff face next to the metal biome to kind of signify that we've gone down an elevation and i think like right here i want to go ahead and add like a generic villager house i feel like that would look pretty good in here hey yeah that looks pretty good and uh by good i mean it looks bad because regular village houses they kind of look bad so i went through and added a bunch more detail with multi-stone brick moss and some leaves to add a nice green color and transition the green grass into this stone up top it was time for the next biome but first that meant more digging you know what if i actually just turn this big huge cave into the forest biomes because forests are kind of big and large and dense anyways kind of like my brain yeah yeah i know that should be good i actually quite like the size of this thing honestly anything to save me some digging at this point i'll take it i'm desperate once the general shape of the room was how i wanted it to be the only real challenge was making this place look like it's not a giant drip stone cave which is hard because drip stone is literally everywhere first things first i'm going to need a lot of grass [Music] why do i hear a cat where's this cat at hang on kitty oh my god what are you doing you're so cute get in here get in here get in here yeah hey there we go i got a cat hey got a cat in here let's go from there i had the idea to turn part of the forest into a flower forest because i already had the space so why not but i needed all the flowers so i set off to find my own all right there we go i think once all the grass finishes spreading through here we'll have a pretty complete forest and finally after doing a lot more digging i got to work collecting materials for my favorite biome in the game the dark oak forest keeping things pretty simple here i wanted to build up the tree trunks along the outside of the biome and then have the leaves extend into the middle as if they were some sort of a roof over top there we go this is looking really good really immersive i'm really liking it and with the dark oak biome complete it is time for a trip out to the swamp which mind you is not very close at all while i was there i really tried to collect all of the individual items that the minecraft swamps have to offer things like lily pads blue orchids dead bushes sugar cane brown mushrooms a couple flowers some vines i mean everything is so detailed i also paid attention to the landscape to make sure i knew what made a swamp swampy if that makes any sense okay so the bottom is mostly dirt with little patches of clay mixed in i think that's about it and finally i could return home and begin building but first a word from our sponsor [Music] with 21 biomes fully built i was approaching the home stretch as i only had 10 more left to create and this is usually the point in the video where i see the light at the end of the tunnel and get excited about the finished product and don't get me wrong i was loving the build so far but i was starting to feel a little bit burnt out from all the digging that i was doing the whole process just felt tedious and a bit repetitive so after taking a day off i came back with a fresh mind and decided it would be best to head out and collect all of the materials for the remaining biomes at once especially since they are all vastly different in their components and i did not want to have to do this multiple times starting with the jungle where i collected bamboo cocoa beans melons as well as a bunch of jungle wooden leaves you know i've played in this world for nearly 1 000 in-game days and somehow i've managed to only collect 18 jungle logs which is really embarrassing but not as embarrassing as my next pit stop the mushroom island you know i live less than 2 000 blocks from this and i think i've been here like maybe once anyways after collecting a bunch of mushrooms mycelium and drinking this really weird milk i stopped by the ocean to grab loads of coral on the way back i pass a shipwreck and have the idea to destroy the entire thing and put its contents in a shulker box just in case i wanted to try and build it later in the water biome and i guess stopping here was a good idea because i managed to get a trident from this drown so let me know what to do with this thing because i am actually clueless and from there i just had a couple more stops to make starting with the mesa where i collected a few stacks of each color terracotta [Music] and finally after getting some red sand and deforesting the nearest acacia biome i set off for home after spending a while digging out another large section of the cave i got to work on the next couple biome starting with the jungle filling in the floor with grass and then going through to build various custom jungle trees with vines hanging down i went through with the melons in the bamboo for some detail but the area was still lacking character and after spamming a bunch of leaves on the floor and along the walls i was happy with what i had created and what better of a way to ruin the beautiful lush green vibe that i worked so hard to build than to place in a bunch of ugly mycelium with my next biome the mushroom fields there's no way around it this looks pretty ugly but then again i don't really know how to make it not ugly so let me know if you have a fix for this but probably not from there i got to work building up the beach biome now there's nothing really special here it's literally just a few layers of sand surrounding a body of water which speaking of body of water i mentioned one earlier but never actually made it so let's go ahead and get working on that you see i thought it would be cool to have two different bodies of water and connect them together with a massive underground water tunnel so that's what i did starting over near the snowy beach and the tiger biomes digging out a massive room all the way to the beach biome i just made not only is this a pretty neat idea but it serves as a great way to offer an additional way to traverse through this museum instead of being forced to go a certain way so once the tunnel was dug out and filled with water which mind you took almost an hour to do alone i went through and replaced the floor with a mix of sand and graveled just like in the oceans and went through with bonemeal to add a bunch of life with some seagrass from there i thought it would be cool to build up a shipwreck well half of it you see since that's all i had room for and finally placing in a bunch of the coral bits and seed pickles i had collected this place was looking super cool probably my favorite part of the build so far and after building a small bridge to help cross over the water i was starting to feel more motivated again okay we're finally on the home stretch i have five more biomes left starting with the desert right here [Music] oh that looks kind of nice actually yeah i like that [Music] and now we'll work our way into the acacia biome [Music] at this point i am pretty low into the world i'm all the way down on y level 15 and if i keep going this low i'm gonna break into deep slate soon which would not be good for the next two biomes so instead i want to go ahead and start expanding things upwards so i got to work digging and shaping out a massive tall room where i plan to build a lush cave going through and adding multiple different levels for pockets of water and various waterfalls i was able to capture the true vibe you get when you actually walk in one of these caves going back through with all of the clay moss and plant life this place was looking really cool and the best part about it which honestly i didn't even plan was that it led up directly into our final biome a drip stone cave this meant that all i had to do was seal off various bits and pieces of it to enclose the biome and then go back through adding more drip stone to really capture the vibe here and finally i noticed that my coordinates here were pretty close to the entrance of the museum so i started digging a tunnel and found myself right next to the snowy tyga biome so after shaping out this tunnel some more i built this small wooden doorway through here to serve as yet another way to go through this museum and there we go my friends all of the biomes have officially been rebuilt this has been such a grind honestly like i haven't been on twitter in at least seven whole days what's even going on in the world i have no idea oh uh the wild update is out now wait a second the wild update what what is this wild update wild update is finally here yadda yadda yadda once you install it yada yada yada your game will feature two new biomes oh my god you've got to be kidding me
Channel: NotNotBrock
Views: 18,734,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i survived 1000 days in hardcore minecraft, 1000 days full movie, i survived 100 days hardcore minecraft, i survived 500 days hardcore minecraft, forge labs 100 days, skyes 100 days, 1000 days hardcore, notnotbrock, notnotbrock hardcore, 1.18 hardcore, hardcore lets play, minecraft lets play, sandiction, sandiction dragon trap, minecraft, but, hardcore, i survived 100 days, i survived 1000 days, i survived 500 days, notnotbrock hardcore series, hardcore minecraft, 1000 days, melons
Id: rYnaHMdlrBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 25sec (11305 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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