We Survived 1000 Days In HARDCORE Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE]

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me and my friends survived for 1 000 days in hardcore minecraft we started our adventure last year and since then have made some unreal clutches bought the toughest bosses and built our own empire to celebrate surviving for so long i've put all 10 videos together and turned them into a full movie so whether you're doing your homework falling asleep or just like watching a long video i really hope you enjoy here's the full story of how we survived 1000 days in hardcore minecraft day number one we joined into the server and this is where we knew that our journey had begun future jazza here yes i sound completely different and yes those are normal hearts it's a long story but it was actually hardcore read the pink comment back to the video i focused on the food side of things as i knew we'd get angry pretty quick and hardcore and we didn't want to starve to death i also found a little bit of coal on the side of a mountain and as i ran out i saw a village this village was probably gonna be our home for the night our first base and a good place to set up camp i also gave jordan a red flower i found on the way a little present for day one after i gave him the present we made our way towards the village and i promise you no rabbits were hurt in the process as we got to the village we started taking the props and taking out the beds and i also found out what a bell was in minecraft i'd never seen that before so once i took the bell woke up some more villagers and took their beds ended up staying the night day number two we jumped straight into a cave we wanted to get iron as quick as possible and it's kind of lucky because we jumped straight into a cave that had a zombie spawner we wrote down the coordinates for later and we reigned from above after we've done collecting an iron we found horses luckily we had two saddles from the spawner that we found and we were able to get horses pretty quick and we ended up finding another village we put our horses into a little gated off area so they won't go missing and chose one of the villagers houses to set up camp we smelted some eye and made some armor and before we knew it day two was over already [Music] on day number three we were visited by travelling trader we took him out and his llamas as they were spitting on us jordan found the ruin and it started to get to nighttime we decided that we found an area we wanted to call home i began a mine shaft straight away as i knew we need coal and more iron if we wanted to be safe and during all of this jordan was busy setting up the farms eventually upgraded my pickaxe to an iron one and started making a stairway for the mine i found so much iron that we were very luckily able to both have full iron armor on day number four on day number five jordan thought it was time to get our own animals he focused on getting the sheep or i ran out to get the cows and it was actually quite hard to find the cows as it took me all day but eventually i got them into a pen and began breeding them we also did some home renovations i made a little bedroom for us as jordan carried on with the farms and this is what it looks like [Music] on day number six i did some more mining in hopes of getting some diamonds but literally all i found was iron redstone and coal after a frustrating mining trip on day number seven we both went to collect some wood we knew that wood was essential so we wanted to get as much as we could now to save us keep coming out for it we also replied the saplings just to be good citizens on day number eight we were woken up by another traveling trader and we decided to kill him so we could have his lead ropes these would definitely come in handy if we had more horses for everyone down the line instead of mining doing all the boring stuff we would have a bit of fun so we went out on our horses for a little adventure we stopped to snow by them in our little snowball fight and came across yet another village we found some endermen along the way we killed them to take their underpills and my horse actually died in the process on day number nine we finally arrived home after a long day of traveling and i spent the night breeding the animals on day number 10 i finished a staircase for the mine shaft and we decided to go on a lengthy mining trip to finally find those diamonds on date number 11 we had finally done it we had found diamonds but yeah i had a fortune three gold pickaxe that we found from the ruin so we thought we were gonna get loads of diamonds from this little vein but boy were we wrong i mined two of the diamond all with this pickaxe and we got none from it was a lesson learn and a pickaxe burn on days 12 to 14 we did a lot more mining and we came across a lot more diamonds [Music] this is the loot we ended up with after the two-day mining trip and i think we did a pretty good job our iron armor had kept us safe but our new diamond armor was a step in the right direction on day 15 we looked for an area to build a house we didn't want to have a cave house so we wanted to find a piece of land that we could build a nice house next to luckily we found it and we began landscaping [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] on the end of the day 17 we have finally done it we mined out so many blocks it was unbelievable we finally did it we thought it was never going to end so we slayed the mobs up on our land and we headed straight back to our temporary home sleep through the night on day 18 i ran out and breeded the animals and then we've rode our horses over to the new area jordan made a nice temporary stables and we put our horses inside safe and sound [Music] oh and i tried giving our horses some carrots but we only had one so i gave my horse to carrot and i gave jordan's a potato on day 19 i started flattening out some more land only to have a flat surface on the island across from our new house so in the future if we wanted to build something cool we could do it here whilst i did this jordan worked on a new house i also set up a little temporary base this would save us running back and forth between our little mountain home and we could keep all our resources right next to our build on day number 20 i found a little village not far from my house unfortunately they didn't have any books they did have some food and some hate i could give to the horses and give it more of an aesthetic look on day 21 i began the sugarcane farm i went to expand it as much as possible and i actually think it looks pretty good jordan didn't agree so he continued building as i hit night time i started a little mini potato farm and day number 22 i finished the flooring i went back to the sugarcane farm after doing this as i wanted to increase the amount of game we could get [Music] days 23 to 24 i spent editing the front terrain of our house it was all stone from where we mined up so i need to make it all dirt so grow into grass because i mean who wants stone outside their front door and as it came to night time i found a zombie villager this is the first one i found in a long long time of playing minecraft so i wanted to trap him and give him a name i got him trapped in a little hole i gave him a little torch [Music] there was also a creeper on our newly built roof so jordan built up hit him off and he didn't die so i went in for the kill [Music] this could have been super dangerous as it could have wiped out our progress so far but luckily your boy's good with the sword by the end of the day 24 i finished the terrain day 25 i went out in search of some sand luckily there was some very close next to the sugarcane farm and when i got back i noticed a zombie villager had died it was obviously not going to survive whilst being exposed to the sun so i made him a little sign in his memory on day number 26 i had some fun with the dolphins while jordan finished the exterior of the house also mined up some more sugarcane and a built wall around the area that we wanted to call home to protect us from hostile mobs [Music] day number 27 we began transporting the animals over i took some cows and sheep whilst jordan took pretty much the rest as you can see in these clips he took so many sheep such a long distance and this was a clutch play from jordan oh and some sheep got into the cow's pen so i eliminated the imposters on day 28 jordan worked on the interior house and i went around to kill some skeletons to get bone mill so that we can get more wheat to get the cows to breed i also ran into some endermen and me and jordan tag team them so that we could get some more ender pearls on day 29 i made a temporary wheat farm and i began bone mealing some wheat and fed the animals i also began digging out a little cave in this area i wanted to have the enchantment room so once we had enough books this is what i did we finally had enough to get an enchantment room so i ran downstairs on my diamond pickaxe and as i was level 37 i thought there'd be no harm in doing a level 30 in charm thankfully i did as i literally got one of the best pickaxes you can get especially for your first sin charm i got fortune free after getting this i was so excited i made a neverpool and decided to light it this was to be our adventure for day 31 as from day 31 to day 34 we went into the nether we found some piglins along the way and after mining some gold i exchanged it for a splash potion of fire resistance we discovered a volcano biome along the way also some endermen and some more piglens to which i actually got a lot of ender pearls from ender pearls were going to be absolutely massive if we wanted to get to the end quick we also came across the bastion this is very terrifying is that they took hearts extremely quick we underestimated just how much damage they could do and as you can see in this clip i literally dropped down to two hearts this series could have all been over just at this bastion after killing all the piglets we went and took our loot and very interestingly we got never right scrap which is actually quite rare after the scary adventure we decided to make our way home and i almost killed jordan with some lava luckily had a splash potion of fire resistance and it kept us alive jordan didn't help himself though as he nearly fell into a lava pit but luckily he was okay we finally found the port on day 34 and our journey home was complete on day 35 we realized we needed diamonds as we had literally none at all so this was a great opportunity to head straight to the mine it didn't take as long to find diamonds at all with my new fortune 3 pickaxe we got a whole lot of diamonds i also worked on getting some coal we didn't have much of this and we needed this for torches to keep the mines lit up after not being able to find diamonds at all in the first few days we found so many in this mining trip it was incredible when we got home i made a little chest and we put every single all we got from that mining trip and this is what we got on day 38 i did some more enchantments as we got some levels from the mining trip i decided to inch out a sword and some boots my boots turned out okay but my saw wasn't the best and i also did a chest plate that got me protection free on day 39 we had a big project in mind but if we wanted to do any big projects we needed a storage room on day 39 we sorted out our storage room and this made our lives so much easier on day 40 jordan went to show me something inside the house so i followed him in and he placed down the day one poppy on the wall this is the puppy that i got him on day one the little present if you remember and he kept it that whole time also on day 40 we destroyed our old temporary home and did some landscaping outside the front of the house on day 41 we went to get some more wood as we realized we used all that we had on day 42 i did a little bit of farming outside the house on the temporary wheat farm and from doing this i was able to breed the cows to get more and more i also gathered and crafted all the materials i would need for my next big project instead of going out at night to fight skeletons for bones and killing creepers for gunpowder i realized it was time to build a hostile mob farm [Music] [Music] on day 47 i did some more enchantments as i wanted some proper armor if i was going to be taken on the end of dragon anytime soon i wanted to feel protected and have the best gear to survive i also encountered a new sword and it was a lot better than the one i had at the moment i got sharpness for knockback two i also enchanted another pickaxe which got me silk touch on day 48 we explored the never for a fortress we came across some blade spawners and got some blaze rods and we encountered some wither skeletons we took these out in hopes of getting a wither skull but unfortunately we didn't get any we arrived back from the nether in the morning of day 49 and i began bringing some potions straight away i made a little soul sand farm for never warts and i also crafted some under eyes i also made some slow foiling potions before we went these would be crucial in fighting the ender dragon as if he hit us up into the air and we fell down the whole series could be over after getting everything ready it'd come time to look for the stronghold before our end their eyes out into the distance and we traveled over many biomes in search of a stronghold and with the night of day 49 we finally found it i placed all my under eyes into the portal we drank our potions and we jumped in it was time day 50 the fight of the ender dragon began shooting down the towers of my bow and arrow but we realized we didn't actually have many left we waited for the dragon to perch we began getting some hits from behind we got the dragon super low and then he began to fly off stupidly i threw an independent flying into the air i was so high up i honestly thought this whole thing was over my heart dropped but luckily i had a boat on me and this is the mlg boat that saved my life i didn't have an ender pearl i didn't have a bucket of water i had a boat this boat saved my life we ran up to the end of dragon after this and began hitting it from behind and we had done it we had defeated the ender dragon [Music] we got one little orb of xp as our reward and it fell all the way to me and i got level 70. i collected my boat and we jumped straight back through i placed my boat on a stand with a sign and then we got straight to bed on day 51 we decided to have a bit of an easier day so i did some enchanting and fed the animals i renamed my sword [Music] and added unbreaking free to my shield on day 52 i made some more slow falling potions and we journeyed our way back to the end of portal by the times day 53 come around we finally found the portal and we decided to go on adventure through the end cities [Music] this is my first time ever being able to travel through the end city as i'm not playing minecraft in this long but what an experience it was commander blocks and built over into my joy i found an end ship there were shulkers trying to stop me from getting to this end ship but we swiftly took them out and i began building my way over i took out the shock of defending the elytra wings and there we had it my very first elytra wings also the loot was pretty good i also went to the front of the ship and mined the dragon's head i thought this was pretty cool and we forgot a piston to retrieve the end of dragon's egg when we got home and placed the end of the dragon's head onto the wall this was the same wall that the puppy was placed on and we decided to call this wall the hall of fame and top off day 58 i went and gave my horse some diamond horse armor it seemed as though we loved it and whilst i did this jordan made us some shulker boxes on day 59 i shared the sheep this would be integral for making beds when we go never right mining i also decided to get rid of a few sheep as there was way too many i went and collected some more wood and i collected and crafted a lot more materials i would need for the next massive project that i had in mind on day 60 this was a day of flight school jordan was teaching me how to use an electronics i'd never done it before and i must say he was pretty good at it on day 61 we filled our shulker boxes with beds and from day 62 to 65 we went never right mining i must say i literally didn't find any until the very end which is why i was so excited when i found some you can see my mouth shaking a lot jordan found a lot more than me but i mean at least i tried right on day 66 i decided to repair my armor it was really low and if i wanted to keep it i needed to repair it [Music] we also smelted the never right we had a total of 16 which got us four ingots [Music] we decided to add this onto a sword and pickaxe each on day 67 i gave my horse a name because we haven't been out on them in a while we decided to take them on a short ride before bringing them back home again on day 68 we fed the animals and cheered the sheep and whilst jordan crafted some more beds for never right mining i went and mined out a whole lot of kabul for my big new project base69 i made sure that i had everything that i needed and i began my journey to the end portal leave a comment down below if you know exactly what i'm going to be building next hopefully the import with my shield and hand and i was ready for my new project began building over with some leaves as you can probably tell already guys it was time to build my enderman xp farm [Music] the xp farm worked so well when i got to level 30 so fast it was so worth the build so when i got home on day 75 i decided to repair my elytra it only cost me four levels which was an absolute bargain and i added unbreaking free to it as well [Music] with the spare levels i went down to the enchantment room and tried to get a better sword and then my first try got loosing three i added one of our spare never eye ingots to this and i combined both of my swords together i now had a sharpness 5 knockback 2 fire aspect looting 3 sword one of the best swords that you can get and to cap off day 76 we mined out some more of the lands to jordan could build a barn day 77 i flew around some villages and got some emeralds i wanted to see what trades i could get hoping for some ending books whilst jordan was collecting supplies i flew to find a desert to get him some sand i found the jungle with cocoa beans melons and eventually i found some bamboo [Music] i collected as much bamboo as possible as this would be great for scaffolding and i came across some pandas [Music] i never knew that these were either in minecraft it was a great surprise and they ended up having a baby panda this was so cool to me to complete his build needed some quartz so instead of prioritizing anything else i went mining in the search of ancient debris [Music] when i go back we found so much ancient debris between us when going for quartz i was able to get eight netherite ingots i also had a fever fall into my boots overall we had nine never right ingots so we added these to our armor and challenge two was complete to celebrate both of our armor we went on to our balcony and did some dancing on day 83 i made a piston and both went to get to level 60 from the end of an xp farm i brought a pistol along with me so i could get the end dragon egg and we returned home with it i placed it next to the emoji boat on day 84 we made our priority to do some armor and tool repairs and with our spare levels we did some enchanting at the end of day of 84 i'd upgraded all my armor to protection 4 as well as my bow to power 5. [Music] between day 85 and day 86 we went mining along the way i found a lot of gold and even diamonds but iron wasn't really coming up too much [Music] eventually we did find some and we didn't stop mining until we had a lot we didn't want to have this issue again and if we ever wanted to make some more builds we needed the iron for hoppers day 87 we went back to the end with some leaves and we made the walkway a lot safer because jordan didn't have a lightroom he couldn't fly over like i could so i helped him out by making him a safer walkway after killing so many enemy xp there were so many ender poles i tried throwing off the end and i actually throwed off my elytra i could not believe it i was absolutely gutted so i made my way back home and i honestly just wanted to go to bed the game wouldn't let me however so i just stared in the mirror and soaked [Music] on day 88 i tried to make myself a bit happy by doing some enchants but i got pretty much nothing we decided it was time to find a village for some mending books so as it fell to night time on day 88 began our adventure we finally found one as it fell to night time and we tied up our horses searched for all the houses to see if we could find a librarian unfortunately we couldn't find one so in dave 89 we found the nearby village and we found the librarian luckily for me it didn't take long and i found a mending trade we were able to get three mending books which was absolutely massive we got home on day 19 we applied the amendment books to our swords and pickaxes i needed 13 more levels to add men into my sword so i went to the nether and mine court said that my mending pickaxe would fix at the same time and whilst i did this jordan began building a smelting room with an auto smelter when i got back i did men into my sword and i felt complete i felt like nothing could stop us on day 91 jordan had finished the smelting building not to mention this building the jordan built nearly burned down luckily he saved it from doing so and i made a secret little build i didn't show you guys on camera in the basement of our house this is where our hall of fame was going to be and where all of our achievements and special moments would be kept but you can see that at a later date day 92 we went back to the never fortress that we found before and we've made a massive area for wither skeletons to spawn but unfortunately for us not many were spawning in that fortress so we gave up between days 93 to 97 we spent our time at a different fortress killing wither skeletons i felt like i had killed over a hundred and i wasn't getting any luck at all but jordan was the one who had all the luck on his side it didn't take much time for him at all and we had free with the skeleton skulls which was absolutely crucial if we wanted to kill the wither before day 100 [Music] after a long day we jumped into bed and slept through the night day 98 went back through to the end to get some more levels [Music] and when we got home we made sure we had the best gear required for defeating the weather i've also been trying some tools and got some sand so that i can make potions [Music] on day 99 i made a melon farm from the melons i found in the jungle and was able to make instant healing potions i also made fire resistance strength regeneration and speed so that we had a better chance of defeating the wither and i tested out my new sword on an unfortunate traveling trader [Music] we looked at the night sky over the ocean before hopping into bed as we had a massive day ahead of us tomorrow [Music] the morning of day 100 i collected all the river skulls from our hall of fame and we head to our battlefield that we'd already dug out we went through a mine and we dug hundreds of blocks away from the house so nothing could get destroyed and this was where we set up the wither we drank our potions and i placed down the skulls the weather's health depleted quickly from our bow shots but we knew it wouldn't be enough to fully kill it jordan also got shot in the process of this and as it came in for the melee attacks we both rushed in with our swords try getting as many critical hits as we could and before we knew it the weather was dead we had done it we got another start for our achievement and to cap off their 100 we did some dancing on jordan's brand new building in front of our house in day 101 we took on our surroundings and looked at the world that we'd left behind from the first 100 days we jumped down and did some farming we found some essential crops and replanted them came across the traveling trader who welcomed us back to our house but it was a pretty unfortunate one as we took him out [Music] we then decided to take down the unfinished barn it was a bit of an eyesore and jordan didn't really like the design anyway we finish off the day by preserving some of our armor because we didn't have mending on all our army yet we didn't want to break it so we replaced it with some diamond armor on day 102 we destroyed our existing wall that kept us safe we went to improve this but we had to take it down first we also got some wood for the barn project this literally took all day we got spruce oak and dark wood and at the end of the day we went to sleep on day 103 we secured our perimeter of our new compound we made our land much bigger and built a much better looking wall on a day 104 we put pillars on the walls and i ran around and lit up the area so no mobs could spawn we also found a zombie villager i tried to turn it back into a normal one i haven't played minecraft in so long that i didn't know how i gave it an instant health potion and it died it began to rain as it turned to night time so we did a little rain dance in hopes it would go away luckily for us it did and we set light to the forest [Music] [Music] after the great fire of minecraft on day 105 we finished the wall jordan worked on making the entrances and we had a very nice view when we walked in whilst he did this i went to the nearby village that we had see if there was any leftover villagers and there was only one i got him in a boat and i brought him straight over to the building that we'd have our automatic smelter in and he looked pretty happy jordan also made a fountain and i got a nice little clip of this as the sun was setting on day 106 there was another zombie villager which meant that there was another zombie villager fail i brewed some weakness potions instead of actually feeding him the golden apple i just threw at him yes guys i am an ultimate noob i also tried to get our normal villagers to turn into a librarian but he was having absolutely none of it i thought i tried absolutely everything and jordan even came and helped me so i sent him straight into the eyes and i took him out live [Music] days 107 to 110 we had the barn build jordan did a great job of this and i also worked on my own little project [Music] [Music] [Music] by day 111 jordan had finished building the barn and it looked absolutely beautiful big up jordan in the comments section down below [Music] and as you may have seen in that little time lapse towards the end you may have seen a new building in our land i finished it off myself with a bit of help from jordan and this is what i had come up with a medieval tower to be the centerpiece of our compound [Music] 312 we went to moving the animals into the barn i took the sheep over whilst jordan grabbed the cows once they were in we breeded them so they would make more 812 was also the day that the bug was fixed for my hardcore hearts on day 113 we went to go to the end so i brewed some slow falling potions to hopefully keep us safe we went to the end to explore more end cities and complete our first goal of getting myself along with jordan and elytra i threw my first electro off in the first hundred days and jordan hadn't got one yet days 114 to 115 were literally spent traveling around the end and on day 115 we finally found one there were many shulkers guarding the towers but we took them out in due time i built up to the very top i took out the shulkers with my bow from range built over and took my elytra and then spent 816 flying around the end to find another end city and i finally found another end ship after taking out the shulker that was guarding it i retrieved jordan's first elytra [Music] i flew straight back to him and i gave him his pair of wings we then flew back towards the portal we stopped off to get some xp to repair our armor first day 117 we got back home and the first thing i did was make some shulker boxes altogether we now had 11 which would be crucial for any big builds we want to do in the future i also repaired my elytra and gave it a cool name [Music] and i added unbreaking two to it so it would have more durability because my boots were getting low i decided to play some with some diamond ones and i actually got a very nice in chart on it in day 118 we searched for another village we eventually found one and it turns out it was the same one that we found the mending villager we grabbed a villager each got him in a boat and started traveling back home we spent days 119 through to 123 traveling thousands of blocks with the villagers in our boats the day 120 i came across a shipwreck didn't have any good loot so we continued 322 i found a dolphin that was trapped on land and i helped it back into the water day 123 was the day that we finally got home and felt that we were traveling forever we hopped out of our boats and we made a temporary house for the villagers to stay in we finally got both villages in and they were both safe day 124 we bred the animals in their new barn jordan worked on building the auto smelter in our blacksmith's room as you can see he did a great job days 125-128 jordan went mining while i designed a room for the villagers this would be where they'd breed and we could get more and more villagers over time [Music] day 129 we moved the village down to their new home underground we threw a lot of food at them in hopes that they were breed jordan actually caught on camera of the first baby villager day 130 were spent getting wood day 131 we spent getting sand after doing lots of farming on day 152 we visited the villagers and they had been busy making babies did a couple of flint trades for emeralds and then i did some potatoes we got a lot of emeralds from this one day 133 i did some more trading with the villagers and ended up getting a mending book i applied this mender bit to my legs i was now able to wear them as they had mending on them today in june 34 we've had more villagers so they breed even more and they were multiplying by the day they got another mending book and even though i didn't have enough xp jordan did and he applied it to my elytra and then by the end of the day 134 we began working on our farms we had to bone meal the beetroot so we can get more seeds and from days 135 to 139 we built some man-made farms [Music] day 140 i visited downstairs and we now had an empire of villagers we farmed some crops and we made some trades happen we wanted to get full mending sets as soon as possible to be fully protected i applied bending to my helmet and i had another menu book my boots but i didn't have enough xp [Music] day 142 we needed more xp for some reason i took my elytra off we went through to the end pay close attention to what happens next i jumped into the void and the series was over or was it [Music] this is the most insane clutch i've ever seen or done on minecraft i managed to really quickly get my electric back on as i was taking damage and falling into the void and i flew to safety i didn't want to be in the end anymore and flew straight back to the portal where i knew i'd be safe at home comment down below gg for that absolutely insane clutch on day 143 we'd finally regained some composure and we jumped straight back through the end to get the xp that we needed we took an anvil with us and once i got enough xp i added the mending book to my boots i now had a full set of netherright protection for mending armor this was absolutely critical we didn't have to use diamond armor anymore once we got back from the end we were greeted by another zombie villager but i was absolutely dead set making sure this one worked i gave him a name tag the jordan's request we called him jeff and we had done it i got the zombie doctor achievement on day 144 and he turned into a normal villager and then took him down towards the villager breeding room a baby zombie jumped in the boat and as we took it out jeff bolted off [Music] we ran upstairs to look for him and as jordan ran back down he'd found him sitting in a corner clearly he was scared for his life after that escapade we then got jeff into the villager breeding room and he was united with his new family [Music] day 145 i made a safer entrance to our never portal so that pikmin could not get into the overworld anymore and i thought i did a pretty nice design day 146 i repaired my shovel we dug out an area for the villager trailing hall [Music] after we dug it all out from days 147 to 148 we spent decorating [Music] jordan opted for the quartz design and overall i think it looked really really cool day 149 jordan died all the sheep red and i went to the neva to get some glowstone the day 150 we'd finished decorating the villager trading hall and it was now time to get all the villagers in this took us a long time but eventually after a bit of teamwork me and jordan managed to get all the villagers in to their own little pens we did this all the way through to day 155 [Music] [Applause] the days 156 and 157 with some more building in the farmlands jordan built an amazing windmill [Music] and i worked in some mini canopy designs for our pumpkins and melons day 158 i took a trip to the barn and i breeded the animals [Music] after doing this i slaughtered the cows after i finished there were no adult cows left so we needed them to grow i was fed up of eating potatoes and i wanted to eat some steak on day 159 we changed the cobblestone borders of our farms into cobblestone walls and on day 160 we had the murder of the villagers so many villagers escaped and were loose around our land so we had to slay them all out i placed some more beds down in the villager breeding room and we had to start all over again with two villagers on day 161 we did some more farming we gave a load of carrots to our villagers and maybe it was a bit too much however they did take it and we gave them stacks on stacks on day 162 we killed all of our stubborn villagers and we moved the new ones in this took us two days all the way through to 163 but eventually we had done it we spent the next three days to 164 till day 167 rolling the trades in the villages we wanted to get different trades for each villager and the best ones at that on day 168 we'd finally done it our villager trading hall was all set up [Music] day 169 after the stress of sorting so many villagers out doing so much basic and essential work we wanted a challenge something that would keep us on our toes we got some fireworks and we headed out in search of a woodland mansion this would be great preparation for when we conquer our aid on day 170 we found the jungle but i was only able to find one panda i wanted to see if i had the same luck of the first 100 days that you guys mentioned of me finding a rare brown panda i didn't even know those were rare but a big shout out to everyone in the comments who let me know the day 171 we kept flying and we finally found a woodland mansion [Music] we landed on top jordan broke through the roof and we jumped in and took on all the pillagers inside of the mansion we did this all the way through the night of 171 and 172 and we eventually got totems of undying this made us feel so much more safe as if we did die it would regenerate our hearts and we'd be able to go for round two as we got them though jordan nearly died but we were able to fend off the pillagers as a reward we took the books from their library [Music] as the sun was setting on day 172 we did some dancing on the roof as this mansion was ours now on day 173 we thought that a quicker way of getting home would be through the never one blocking the never is four blocks in the overworld so we began flying around and we looked for anything that might be familiar we found another fortress that we've clearly been to before as the chests were looted and we found some cobblestone pillars and eventually found our way home from that as we travel back through the portal we did the space bubble achievement we then ran back home and went straight to bed after a very long day of traveling day 174 we dug out a big hole underneath the windmill this space was going to be used for more farms but mainly automatic ones so we didn't have to work as hard and get them more manually on the flick of a lever we'd be able to get all of our crops very simply no [Music] day 176 i did something that i probably should have done a while ago and if we wanted to get a full beacon by the end of day for 200 we needed an iron farm whilst i did this jordan worked on an automatic sugarcane farm at day 177 we tested out the automatic wheat farm to see if it would work [Music] i went to go get my villagers for the iron farm but they had been zombified two zombies were inside that obviously spawned inside as it wasn't light enough and they got in the boats with my villagers i took out the zombies and i converted the zombie villagers back into normal villages the day 178 about minecart track got them upstairs and got them into position for where they needed to be for my iron farm this took a little bit of time as they weren't willing to come upstairs but eventually i did it day 179 i got a zombie into place [Music] name was inspired by my good friend adam we now had a zombie called pancho [Music] i dug down for where the chest was going to be for the iron loot [Music] and finally guys i had made that iron farm so for the rest of the day 179 i stood and afked it day 180 we found more crops and i changed my diet up to some golden carrots these are better for my hunger and i wouldn't need to eat as much i then took the rest of the carrots to the villager trading hall and got as many emeralds as i could day 182 i made some golden apples for future fights and i made some splash potions of regeneration it would definitely come in handy when attempting to take on a raid we then flew off to find the pillager outpost that we'd seen earlier in the 100 days when we were traveling to find land for our house [Music] after we killed the pillagers i realized i didn't have my bow on me so i flew back to get my bow and jordan followed me and the raid started inside of our compound i don't know if this was a blessing or a curse because this could have gone very wrong but on day 182 all the way to 383 we fended off the raid the first few waves were very easy the pillar just didn't do any damage at all but eventually they started bringing the rhinos and let me tell you these things shook me up a bit the hardest part about the raiders will be these angels they did a fair bit of damage and they were very hard to hit but they weren't too much of a problem the hardest wave came in now as i shot a rhino off the wall he then had the ability to jump very high and i had two rhinos chase me on the wall and at this part guys i honestly panicked we took them out however we only had one pillager left to kill and eventually guys we had done it we were the heroes of the village [Music] to celebrate we danced around top of the tower as we had conquered the raid and we were now kings of our kingdom on day 184 i realized that my bone needed repairing so i did that and whilst jordan worked on a few buildings i flew back to the jungle that i visited from the first hundred days to see if i could find the brown panda everyone was telling me about in the comments i flew over mesa biomes and finally found the jungle and i ventured straight over to the bamboo farm after a long time of running through the bamboo farm and having no luck finding a panda i flew off in the corner of my eye i saw a panda it was a black panda but beneath it was the brown baby panda i breeded in the first 100 days i could not believe my luck and as you can see by my mouth shakes i was so excited i fed the big panda and decided to trap them in the big panda ended up escaping i managed to trap the baby panda in a small enclosure as jordan got here towards the end of the day the brown panda grew up but i managed to get him enclosed again i then got him into a boat and it looked absolutely hilarious as he was way too big for the boat jordan grabbed the other panda and we began traveling home with 885 to take them back to our land we traveled from day 186 to 187 [Music] as the sun was set in we finally got them home after sleeping we made a little enclosure for them eventually we had the pandas home safe and sound day 180 out i spent admiring the pandas and let me know down in the comments guys what should i call the brown panda i owe it to you guys telling me it was so rare so i want to know what you want to call it the most like comment down below will be the name that i give to the panda day 189 i traded with the villagers for more emeralds and on day 190 i fed the pandas bamboo they ended up making another baby panda and this one again was brown we now had two brown pandas the black panda jumped out however so instead of getting him back in i just let him free run day 191 we farm crops manually and we also use the automatic farms and after this we did some more trading with the villagers we then went up to our valuables chest and checked our emeralds but we realized we didn't have anywhere near enough to set up a full beacon instead of emeralds we had to turn our attention to the best option which would be iron day 192 we spent the day getting wood and on day 193 we built the docks when doing this we were still in good range of the iron farm so it would work whilst we weren't near it on a day 194 we finished the docks and this is what it looked like on day 195 i checked the iron farm and i made as many blocks as i could i smelled with some more iron and we were so close to getting the right amount we needed day 196 i visited an old friend you guys probably haven't seen him much in the series but this donkey being on our land has been here longer than our house we just never tamed him i ended up taping him giving him a saddle and jordan put a chest on him for more inventory space whilst they did this jordan built some sculptures of the villagers and he put these near the tower i thought they looked really cool on day 197 jordan worked on crafting a little something something that you'll see towards the end of the video whilst you did this i went on an essential mining trip for iron and coal on day 198 i collected more iron from the farm there was honestly so much and it was definitely worth the build shout out to shulkercraft for giving us this tutorial day 199 we crafted the beacon and we ended up mining out the room where we need to place the iron for the beacon and once we've done this we set it down with some glass on top [Music] and we selected the speed 2 ability jordan put some blue glass over it and the beam was now dark blue challenge number three was complete after doing this we stood on our balcony and watched the sunset together and day 200 we ran around with some fireworks and set them off all over our land [Music] on day 201 we were back inside the world we were back in our familiar surroundings and we flew straight down to the house the very first thing i did was remove all of the items from our chests as they were overflowing and place them into temporary ones on the side building them mined up the empty chests and added some more after we've done this we did a lot of organizing and on day 102 finally finished putting everything where it needed to be i realized we had no wood to repair my axe and my shovel and day 203 i took the donkey out for a lengthy wood cutting trip [Music] day 204 this is how much wood i collected i was pretty happy with myself and i began traveling home notice the tower from a distance once i go inside of our village i just noticed what a nice view we had i tried the donkey back up by the stables and put all the wood inside our chest this is how much we had now [Music] during days 205 to 208 i went near the right mining i took advice from a friend where they said to mine along the trunk borders apparently it's the most efficient way without using beds and tnt this is what i did and it was actually pretty efficient the reason for wanting never right was to get never right on our axis and shovels as we hadn't had that yet i also collected some quartz on the way home to get some xp to repair my pickaxe once i got back i had four never right ingots i made sure that my axe and travel both upgraded before adding the nevereye ingots to them [Music] i headed down to the villager breeding hall and i added the never right to my tools i then went and collected jordan's tools and i added another right to those two day 210 i took jordan's tools to him and i took a look at what he'd been doing whilst i was never at mine for the past few days whilst i was never out mining and collecting wood jordan had built us a creeper farm no longer we have to worry about not having enough rockets to be able to fly around worry about not having any fireworks but on another display for you guys we used the mob farm that we had previously and just converted it [Music] 8200 was pretty boring we just afk at the creeper farm we wanted to see how much gun powder we could get from this day 212 i traded for two mending books and then i made myself a mending axe i didn't have enough xp to make a mending shovel so i headed straight to the end of an xp farm [Music] eventually i had amending shovel i had a full set of netherright mending tools also one's 813 thanks to someone in the comments we actually realized we didn't have a speed to beacon it was only speed one so i got a diamond gave it to jordan and he sorted it out shout out to whoever was in the comments for helping us out with this [Music] day 214 i went and used the automatic wheat farm as it had fully grown and i also checked up on the sugarcane farm which was also produced in a good amount [Music] after this we wanted a new and improved look for our stables to do this we needed a flat bit of land so for the day of 214 into the night time we did some terraforming [Music] on day 215 i went back towards the jungle where i'd seen some mine shafts i wanted to get a name tag for the panda that you guys have been leaving name suggestions for in the comments unfortunately i couldn't find one [Music] as i was going through this little cave a creeper jumped out of me and my heart dropped when i got back however i began construction in a mini panda enclosure [Music] from day 216 i finished it and i was actually very happy with my build whilst i did this gordon built a tractor i have to give it to him it was pretty cool [Music] jordan had also finished building a beautiful stables where our horses would be very happy he then moved them in i'm pretty sure they like their new home after moving their horses into their new home we then destroyed their old one as you wouldn't need it anymore rinse up a railway system to get the pandas into the new enclosure [Music] before it was all going well until i tried mine in the minecart and the panda had died we couldn't quite believe what had happened and we felt really sad about it so jordan built a little gravestone and we decided to hold a funeral rest in peace brownie which is what we would have called that panda if it would survive as it came to night time we got the second brown panda into a minecart and got him straight into its enclosure yes it would be lonely but we made no mistakes about it we were not going to mess this one up jordan went below it and mine the minecart from beneath it and luckily it survived i then fed up some bamboo and it was very very pleased after this i added a name tag to it and because it was the most like comment i kept my promise we called it waffle days 218 221 we needed a lot of wood and when i say a lot of wood we needed like shulker boxes full of wood so we spent the next three days going through the jungle getting as much wood as we can mining down the tallest trees and filling up shulker boxes for our next big project day 221 we came home and our shulker boxes were pretty full up with wood i then turned them into chests and from days 223 to 226 jordan built a kelp farm whilst building this kelp farm i was busy getting other materials for our project jordan built here was very necessary for us day 227 af at the iron farm on day 228 i believe that we had enough materials to make this build happen so went ahead and mined up the beacon [Music] and day 229 flew over to land we were going to be building that jordan decided to try being a demolition expert there was a tiny mountain in the way he didn't want to mine out he wanted to blow it up [Music] [Music] after jordan had his fun at blowing things up from day 230 i placed down the beacon instead of speed two this time we take haste two which will make his mind incredibly quick and get things done a lot quicker once we have the haste to effect selected we began digging out the automatic storage room [Music] so [Music] um [Music] man [Music] day 241 i found myself mine at the beacon again we weren't feeling the effects inside of the storage system we placed it down in the very center and the lobby of it and once again we selected haste two we need this to mine out the areas behind the chest so that we can fit in the redstone on day 243 one of the sides of the storage system broke out through the mountain so we had to cover it up day 244 i took another trip to the end of next p-bomb i needed to repair my tools and my pickaxe was very low day 245 as the beginning of the automation process i signed myself a task of placing hoppers whilst jordan worked on the redstone on day 246 we finished the redstone wiring for the bottom row chests it was now time to turn our focus to the top row so from days 246 to 248 we worked on doing that once we did all that jordan made an elevator on day 249 and this was the final product this is our new automated storage room the day 251 started organizing stuff but after working on it for so long we wanted to do something different something fun we got our rockets and we've traveled around the world to try and find an ocean monument day 252 we finally found one and it was time to go to war we were struck by a lot of mining fatigue we broke through and we searched for the bosses [Music] and when we finally found one we panicked so much we swam away we knew we didn't have much left on our water brave and potion effects so we decided to retreat after flying back home on day 253 i made some more water breathing potions and we quickly returned on day 254 this time we were completely ready found some sponge in one of the rooms so i took that for later and jordan i swam back to the room that we swam away from and we defeated the first elder guardian we then swam around separately to try and find the next one it was me that found it and i took it out pretty quickly not gonna lie i thought they'd do a lot more damage than they did whilst i defeated the second one jordan swam to the other side and he found the third one third elder guardian had been defeated so we swam around and collected our loot for night at 254 we had done it we had defeated the ocean monument challenge number two was complete day 255 i went to the barn and i breeded the animals and after being so nice to them i killed them we needed more leather for the automatic storage room so we know what we're putting in each chest so it was the slaughtering of the cows day 256 i cleared up the iron farm there was so much and this was absolutely massive for us if we wanted to get another beacon going we had more than enough i then took it all up to our valuables chest and we nearly had two rows of stacks of iron blocks when it came to day 257 i collected many leaves to make a safer and better way of traveling to the xp farm in the end we had some close calls traveling down the ladder so we wanted to make it as safe as possible i collected a full shulker box full of them on day 258 i began building even though we now both had electricity and we could fly to the xp farm we just wanted to be safe in general after the scare from 200 days and dropping my lighter off the end in the first 100 days we wanted to make sure that no mistakes would happen so once i finished making the bridge safer i went into the xp farm mined through the wall and began building another room this is where i looked like before and this is after i made a full enchantment room where we could enchant when we're at the ndxp farm and i made some chests to store ender pearls or books and stuff like that day 260 i wanted to make sure that we couldn't throw anything off the end like our elytras so i put some leaves on the bridge and this is the finished product it was definitely a lot safer than it needed to be day 261-264 jordan did some terraforming on the mountain we didn't want that big cobblestone wall we wanted to make it look natural so jordan did a great job of terraforming it with my help of course [Music] once i did this i organized one whole corridor of the automatic storage room i couldn't quite believe that we'd actually built this and it was working this was definitely one of the best things i've ever built with minecraft day 265 jordan went and got some clay for a future build and day 266 i wanted to go get myself another elytra now i'm sure you're wondering why but because of that clutch in the 200 days i wanted to put that electra in the hall of fame i didn't want to put it in there before getting another one so i used it to fly to the end and luckily pretty quickly i found an end chip i ran up to the shock and defended it and it stood no chance [Music] retrieved my elytra i also took the loot which is pretty good i then flew back home but i got pretty lost [Music] found a random portal and i tried my luck and luckily it took us back straight to our important after getting home on day 268 i mined out part of the hall of fame it was time to place my lighter in all its glory i've done designing it and this is what it looked like a very deserved spot for the elytra day 269 i went down to the villages and got a mending book and i completely forgot that we had an unbreaking free trade as well and when i got one of these went back home and added unbreaking free and mending to my elytra i didn't just stop here i knew i needed a name for it but i couldn't think of one so i just called it v2 for version 2. in day 270 me and jordan went to the never [Music] we started out by getting some glowstone and quartz and we traveled through the nether to try and find another fortress on our travels i found some gas and i flew midair and started hitting them [Music] [Applause] [Music] also unlock the achievement return to sender when we finally found the never fortress and we began killing with the skeletons to get some with the skulls [Music] last time this took us a long time we were hoping this time would be a lot quicker [Music] day 272 i got my very first skull in the first 100 days jordan got every single skull and i felt pretty useless this time i'd finally got one we spent days 273 to 276 killing as many with the skeletons as possible but we were having no luck at all we thought this was going to take so long on day 277 our luck changed and i got the second with the skull i now had to [Music] oh and i also saw this baby pig man riding a chicken i thought it was pretty funny shortly after on day 278 a lot of wither skeletons came up a staircase [Music] and i had the third wither skull history did not repeat itself if anything it was the complete opposite i got every single with a skull and i felt very proud on day 279 we need to waste a little time and we flew straight through the nether back home [Music] because of our electors we found home very quick and we went straight back through the portal [Music] i ran straight down to the hall of fame and i placed all the wither skulls on the wall so we wouldn't forget where they were [Music] because we ran out of food on day 280 i went and farmed a lot of carrots and then turned them into golden carrots and as i was reading through the comments on my last video some of you guys suggested to level up the villagers all the way because then you can get golden carrot trades so i spent day 280 reading as many carrots as possible day 281 i went and got some iron from the storage room and i flew back to the tower and replaced all of the iron down there this is where we want our second beacon to be whilst they did this jordan went into the nether he mined up some quartz to help with his build in day 282 i wanted to go and find my own pet jordan got one from the first 100 days off camera and he sits on our balcony and we can always hear him barking but i wanted my own one so i traveled out to a spruce biome into the night time i found a wolf i tamed him very quickly with just one bone and he was now my pet day 283 i finally got him home and i placed him on the balcony and whilst jordan smiled at me my one just turned his back on me if you guys have got any name suggestions make sure to leave them down in the comments and the most liked one will be the new name of my wall also on day 283 i continued with my mission of living in my farmer villager i eventually got into max level and we had some golden carrot trades [Music] day 284 i got rid of our old empty storage system they went from looking like this to this i'm not the best builder in the world but i tried to design some beds for me and jordan had some shulker boxes as our bedside table like a storage area and we also had some bells as an alarm clock between days 285 and 290 jordan built an amazing factory we recorded the cinematic for the build for some reason the footage corrupted so instead what you'll see now is the finished product with the auto smart was inside but he did put them in a later date day 291 i ran out and dug out a three by three hole now i guess you guys are wondering why did you run out in the middle of nowhere and dig out a 3x3 hole well this isn't just anywhere guys this is straight above our end portal i went to design a cool little drop down that we could drop straight down into some water and jump straight into the end portal many times i got lost where the end portal actually is in the stronghold so i had to make sure that that mistake would never happen again i added some water down so we wouldn't take any damage from before [Music] and i did a little bit of designing too [Music] day 292 and got some end stone [Music] i began decorating the top of the drop down this i used end stone and some smooth stone slabs [Music] by the time it hit night time i'd finished and this is what it looked like [Music] on day 293 i found myself back in than ever [Music] i flew around to obama where i could find ghasts and i began my own little airstrike on them i needed gas tears if we wanted to respawn the ender dragon and actually the gas was spawning pretty quick i was traveling back on day 294 i got some quartz for jordan as he needed some more for his build the day 295 jordan added some auto smelters into the new factory [Music] and day 296 i went to go get some sand [Music] you could say that i got quite a lot day 297 i then got some gunpowder from my chest we had more than enough for that and i began crafting some tnt after doing all these builds and working so hard we wanted to do something fun so we jumped back into the nether and we began lacing all of the underground with tnt [Music] luckily we have fire resistance as we were smothered in lava i then set all the tnt off [Music] he then tried to head back over jordan dropped his pickaxe into the lava he couldn't quite believe what he'd done we were running back through and we saw so much ancient debris on the way but we didn't want to mine it yet we thought we'd leave that to the next episode as we were running out of time because there was so much lava before we return at a later date day 299 it was time to get battle prepared tried repairing my bow but it wouldn't let me it said it was too expensive so i'll just have to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't break whilst i was trying to fix my boat i realized i had jordan's pickaxe in my inventory he told me that you're thrown into lava but somehow it was in my inventory so i gave it straight back to him and he was very happy about this we sorted out which potions we were going to take i then ran down to the hall of fame and collected up our wither skulls [Music] we ran outside jumped in the air and flew towards the end pool this is jordan's first time seeing the little drop down i made and he was a bit skeptical but eventually jumped down we jumped straight into the portal and day 300 it was time for the battle first thing we did was drink our potions and jordan ran straight to the end exit portal and spawned in the ender dragon i then spawn in the wither by placing down the soul sand and the skulls and i stepped back waiting for the explosion didn't take long for him to explode and they both spawn in at the same time i took a lot of bow shots to the wither and i felt like i was doing a lot of damage very fast i threw down a regeneration potion and it honestly felt like the whiff was doing no damage at all thank god this never right armor it was so op weather then couldn't take the damage anymore so it came with some melee attacks and once again it was literally doing no damage to me at all i kept swinging my sword at it within just a few swings i defeated them with a boss for the second time after the mission was now complete and it was time to turn our attention to the end the dragon we made good use of our bows from distance and we got the ender dragon super low because of the slow falling i couldn't fall down to the ground quick enough and i actually came face to face with the dragon he then flew me incredibly high into the sky and if i didn't have slow falling or an electron i would have been toast i would have been 100 dead so i'm very very lucky that i brewed those potions i tried taking some shots from high up i was barely connecting so we let jordan hit it with some pinpoint accuracy and we had done it we had killed the ender dragon and day 301 we were back the very first thing i did was fly home and craft a beacon i then placed it down at the tower outside our house as this is where the first one originally was before we moved it to the automatic storage room we now had two speed two beacons set up and it felt good day 302 i brewed some fire resistant potions and it was time to go straight to the nether foolishly we tried blocking up all the lava in the hole that we've blown up with tnt in the previous episode but there was just honestly so much it would have taken us probably the 400 days so we went round minus the ancient debris we could between days 3 and 304 but we were surrounded by a notion of lava so in the end we gave up in the day for engine 5 we were back with only 25 ancient debris today for engine 6 we went to the end of an xp farm to repair our tools [Music] between days 307 and 308 we're in a big trip to get a lot of sand [Music] we returned on day 309 with four shulker boxes full of sand and our invents and we put it away in the storage room in the end of day 309 through to day 310 i afk the creepy farm for more gunpowder we wanted to get as much tnt as possible they fringe and 11 came around and i took all the gunpowder out of the chests and we had just over a row and then took it to the storage room then got the sand that we just collected and turned it all into tnt we put it in a shulker box and we had just over a row we then went straight back to the neverend day for engine 12 and we searched for a biome that had less lava [Music] jordan did all the mining while i placed the tnt and a comment suggested i placed them about five blocks apart but somehow the tnt started setting off maybe this was because of lava or spreading fire but they kept happening and every time i placed it more and more kept blowing up there was definitely less lava there was also less ancient debris as we did at a lower y level we came back with 22 on day 314 had a quick trip to the factory where i smelted it between days 315 and 417 i did some building and i made us a map from [Music] so [Music] today for engine 17 i did some final touches on the exterior and yes guys i actually did my own building without jordan doing it for me can we get a let's go chaser comment down below because this building was going to be for our map room obviously we needed space for a map i didn't want a little map i wanted something as big as possible master did this jordan made another entrance to the back of our farms by the windmill so we can get in and out of our compound much easier day 318 i finished mining out the basement of the new map room building once i did this i realized they needed more food so i went and did some farming and then traded it all with the villagers day 319 i said hello to waffle in 500 days we really need to get him a friend as he seems quite lonely but he was more than happy when i gave him some bamboo [Music] whilst i said hello to waffle jordan went out on a trip to get us some wood today for engine 20 i started making a pumpkin and melon farm we already had some but they weren't very efficient they're built out into the ocean and had enough for a stack of melons and a stack of pumpkins today for engine 21 i both milled the side i just did and on the opposite side again making more [Music] towards the end of the day i then made an entrance i didn't want mobs to be able to get in and trample all over our crops but as the sun came up on day 42 i started farming what had already grown took it to the villages and started trading for even more emeralds in between days 323 and day 326 myself and jordan got to work on an automatic bamboo farm [Music] [Music] we could be okay but i dreamed [Music] we then made a glass container for it but we very quickly ran out of glass but because we had some sand left over we started smelling in the factory and day 328 we finally got it done [Music] today for engine 29 jordan blocked off the outside the spiders were getting underneath and blocking the mine carts and between days 30 and 331 he took down the nearby village today for engine 22 i ran around and lit up the area [Music] but realized we had no coal left so between days fringe and 33 and 336 jordan went on the mission to get us some more coal whilst you did this i ran back to the pumpkin and melon farm and kept farming as much as i could to get us more and more emeralds now we'll look back on it we probably should have made an automatic one but that's always something we could do in 500 days jordan then returned home on day 436 and he got us so much coal and redstone along with some diamonds today for engine 37 i realized my bow was extremely low so i took it to the xp farm and i tried repairing it however it wasn't repairable so i farmed the enderman got a lot of xp and started enchanting bows and to my surprise i actually got some really really good enchants so i combined the best bows and i came up with the god bow i then named it oblivion as this is what i'd be shooting all the mobs into today for engine 38 we had some leftover leaves in a shulker box down at the exp farm so i put them to good use and made a platform so that we could land on it and take off from it rather than going up the ladder and taking a long trip in and out of the end and after this between days 39 and 340 i started killing more enderman and on day 340 i finally got to level 100 because why not whilst i did this jordan spent more time afk in the creeper farm as we were very low on fireworks and we needed gunpowder today for engine 41 we had a new project in mind the melon and pumpkin farm that i made was definitely not going to provide us enough emeralds to make a full beacon by the end of 400 days so i had the idea of making an automatic crop farm using villagers [Music] on day 444 we had no villagers so so we took a villager from our iron farm brought in our men in trade villager from the villager trading hall began breeding them in the original villager breeding room didn't take them long to pop out their first baby and we knew this was the start of a brand new empire the good old mendo villager had done us a favor again j46 whilst we waited for the villagers to grow up and made yet another row of pumpkin and melon farms you could say i was really trying to get those emeralds by the end of the video [Music] today for engine 47 i took a quick trip back to the villager breeding hall and yet again we had a lot of villagers mean jordan decided that this time we wouldn't take the villagers out and we'd leave at least two in so we could always breed them [Music] today for engine 48 we made a roller coaster nope i'm just kidding we weren't doing this for fun we needed a way of transporting the villagers so we used the best thing possible which was mine carts and i may or may not have used this as a roller coaster because i wanted to test if it worked and also i wanted to have a bit of fun [Music] the railway was a success but began pushing villagers onto the railway track and jordan was waiting for them at the other end waiting for them to fall into a hole [Music] the next mission was taking them out of the hole and getting them into their own separate pods [Music] i also found this villager doing mlg 720 spins [Music] today for engine 50 we put a glass covering on the roof the day for engine 51 jordan decorated downstairs where we collect the loot villagers were already getting to work at a pretty good rate and i was very happy with what we were getting out of it day 452 yeah i was back again with my pumpkin and melons but i then went and traded them all i took all the carrots and potatoes that the villagers have gone for us and i ended up with over a stack and a half of emeralds day 453 then came around very quickly and i crafted some compasses i also needed a lever so i paid a long overdue visit to the cows in the barn which made them all so happy definitely not killing almost all of them i felt bad as there weren't many left so i returned with some wheat and began breeding them on day 454 i turned the wall of the map room from this to this and flew around filling up the maps whilst i did this jordan spent two days linking the bamboo farm to the factory so that the fuel would transport automatically today for engine 55 i placed my first maps on the wall and this is what it looked like and on day fringe on 56 i completely forgot to take down the railways which transported the villagers but this is what i did on day 457 jordan and i then did some more work on the map room and i've got to say this map look really really cool can you imagine what this thing will look like when we build loads more on day 358 i realized that we needed to start getting tasks done we didn't start now we'd never get them done before day 400. so i decided to go straight to the nether and right in front of me as soon as i was there with some magma blocks i began mining them and eventually on day fringe in 59 i returned home with an inventory full and a shulker box while i did this jordan did something which was really important to us jordan finally got a new pair of boots he had frost walker on them before and it was just so irritating when we were trying to do things with water so he crafted himself some new never-right boots once he did this and whilst i was still getting materials ready jordan then afk the creeper farm once again and while he did this i was getting materials ready for the gold farm one of the items we needed that we hadn't got yet is turtle eggs the right near our house was a little shore which we saw some turtles at [Music] after only giving us two i then needed more but then i had to wait a whole day before the turtles could breed again this time they did us nice we got an extra three out of them we now had everything we needed so it jumped straight back through the nether portal in order to build this gold farm best thing to do was to get on top of the nether and nothing could interfere with us [Music] but inside towering up in day 362 between days 363 and 366 construction began on the automatic gold farm [Music] once the build was complete i then afked it from days 367 to 368 that was completely blown away at the rates that this farm has given us there was so much gold it was unreal we would definitely be able to get a full gold beacon i filled up a shulker box and began making my way back before finding another shulker box which only had some dirt in it which i threw out i filled up two shulker boxes full of golden nuggets and my own vent and made my way back home in hindsight i probably should have bought a crafting table the next time i visit i'll be sure to take one day 470 i returned home and turned the golden nuggets into golden ingots and then made some gold blocks and we already got just about a stack day 371 jordan went mining for coal and stumbled across the zombies corner the day 372 once again i was back at the pumpkin and melon farm you could say i've got an addiction to emeralds whilst i did this jordan went mining for more coal and he found an enchanted golden apple our first one of the series and it came on day 372. he also found the nametag which was pretty cool and the end of day 472 i renamed all of the name tags with four of the top comments on the previous video shout out to these guys for leaving comments i've got a lot of likes i then use these name tags on the villagers in dayfringen73 to make sure they wouldn't despawn if you want to be part of this series and have your name featured then make sure you leave a comment down below or join my discord server and you may just be one of the lucky ones [Music] after i named the villagers jordan then got a lot of concrete i then went back to the end of my xp farm to repair my tools day 374 i needed more materials i needed more turtle eggs and jordan went and got a lot of wool [Music] the turtles weren't being too generous and they kept swimming away but i managed to lure him back onto the island that i originally got them to and as the sun set i finally got myself some more turtle eggs the day 475 i'd finally finished collecting all of the materials we needed and if you guys can guess what farm we're gonna be building next comment below we hopped through to never and spent a whole day traveling around in search of a never fortress it didn't take long for me to find one and the one i found was perfect because it was over lava it was absolutely huge i used the gold block to mark the center began placing down hundreds of slabs i started to get shot by blazes and at the time i thought this was annoying but you guys just wait until you see what happens next nothing would have been more annoying than dying to lava luckily i swam up fast and got myself to safety i didn't take many hearts but this could have been a close call from days 377 to 378 we continued to slap the never fortress and after using two full shulker boxes i found myself traveling home on day 378 then make more this project was a lot bigger than it looked believe me then returned with three full shulker boxes full of slabs and i also clicked on some more fireworks and food because we were going to be here for a while so from those 380 to 486 we continue to slap the never fortress and look at just how many mobs there are here guys this was insane at one point jordan even got the recording of me getting rushed by loads of piglens and my totem undyne saved me from being dead in the whole series this was the closest call yet we took all the mobs on from range with our bows we ended up having to retreat and there were so many piglets after jordan because he started hitting them luckily they were easy to take out once we got chased by ever heard of wither skeletons that's what we needed to start to back up gordon soaked up the damage whilst fighting all the mobs as i slapped off the platforms that we hadn't yet done once we got to the final bit there were so many weather skeletons and other mobs standing around they all started running at us but luckily there was a gap in the bridge and i was able to hit them off eventually we'd finally done it at the end of day 386. however as it turns day into 387 we completely ran out of food so whilst jordan stood still i flew back and got us some more food i also grabbed myself another totem of undying between days 388 to 389 we built the wither skeleton farm [Music] the day for engine 90 was our mission to get a piglet i baited into a little gap took some damage and ran out whilst jordan blocked in after this we then made a clear path where we need to wrap it i ran up it chased me and i pulled the trapdoor which i thought would trap it in i completely forgot that piglets are just a little bit taller in game so i got rid of the trapdoor jordan became the bait and he ran straight through and when it was in position i blocked him in and then blocked up and i gave it a name tag the name tag that i gave this piglen was of the most active member on my discord if you want to be featured in my series make sure you join my discord down below i always post updates there first once the village was in place then afk the wither skeleton farm for a full day as you can see there were literally none spawning but we had no time to get that fixed as we had other things to do this will be something we can fix very quickly in the 500 days episode from day 492 we returned home and after fighting that many mobs we managed to accumulate eight with the skeleton skulls this was absolutely huge if we wanted to get more beacons as we'd be able to fight two withers towards the end of the video and complete goal number three after placing them down i then led some chickens back to our base as we hadn't got any chickens yet i wanted to have a chicken farm from the very get-go but i completely forgot to do it but this was my chance i got three chickens into the hole but the fourth one has been a bit rebellious so i had to show them what was good and then place the chest down with some hoppers and mine the floor beneath the chickens every time they produce eggs now it will go straight into the hoppers and straight into a chest so i can spawn more and more day 393 i've missed it so much and i was getting withdrawal symptoms so i went straight back to the melon and pumpkin farm i promise guys i don't actually like doing it that much it's just that we needed emeralds really really badly after doing a lot of trading i had over two and a half stacks of emeralds and between days 393 and fringe 96 while i did this gordon worked on a brand new home for us [Music] [Music] our other one was really cool it was getting outdated the jordan decided to build us a brand new modern house i have to say jordan did an absolutely incredible job of this after doing some trading i believe that i had enough emeralds to make a full emerald beacon and after this i afk at the gold farm for two days straight getting as much gold as we possibly could i made sure to bring a crafting table this time and i turned all of the gold into blocks and i got so much out of this i definitely had enough just from this trip alone to get us a full gold beacon so once i returned on day 497 i placed all the gold into the chests and i did a little bit of interior design on day for engine 98 [Music] today 499 we had a lot of chickens which meant that we had a lot of eggs be precise to get over a shulker box full jordan then crafted us some golden apples as we've prepared for battle and i went and collected the wither skeleton skulls [Music] we went straight into the end and we dug down below the portal home and before we place the withers we threw all the eggs we had on us we had a load of chicken surrounding us we did this to use them for the with the skeleton farm as we believed it could be better for us and give us a more productive farm once they've blown up it came straight for us and instead of killing them with a sword or an axe we wanted to kill him with our shovels we kept swinging whilst we were in the tunnel with our shovels and eventually we finally managed to kill one of the withers however the other one got out and started flying away so we started using our bow on it and then when it came down for the melee attacks we were swinging out with our shovels [Music] eventually guys we had done it we killed both the weavers using mostly our shovels and we now had two never stars [Music] then ran back down to where we spawned in the withers but there was no weather roses maybe the second explosion blew them up i don't know or they despawned as we were killing them i'm really not sure but the main thing was we came back on day 400 with two never stars which meant that we could make two beacons one using gold blocks and one using emeralds [Music] [Applause] [Music] to celebrate completing 400 days and doing all our tasks we danced on the roof of our brand new home our adventure continues on day 401 but we loaded into the world and it was so good to be back it honestly felt like we've been away from this world for a lifetime now that we were back where we left off we flew around and we took in our surroundings it was a nice little reminder of everything that we've built and achieved so far as our old house was a bit of a mess we decided to head to the storage room and unloaded all of the junk that was scattered around after organizing everything day 402 we realized that we never actually got round to making the storage system fully automatic so it was about time we did that the whole thing was pretty big so we blocked off the hoppers on the third row and we closed the corridor off after completing the storage room we headed to the depths of the nether we went to revisit our wither skeleton farm and when we arrived we said hello to yeet the piglen we then figured out why our farm wasn't functional and we found a better intersection to build up we checked the surrounding area made our mark and then flew home to collect the materials we would need day 406 we returned with the materials and then destroyed our old attempt of the wither skeleton farm [Music] and then spent days 407 and 409 and struck in the new farm [Music] [Music] it was time to complete the farm and to do so we needed to eat the pigling so i traveled all the way back to him and i set him free he was so happy to be released that he chased me all the way to the new farm jordan built a bridge and with his help we got him into position we then afk the farm for the rest of the day to see if it would actually work unlike our other attempts on day 411 we discovered that it was well and truly working like a dream i killed the first few wither skeletons we took turns killing some more and ended up with seven already in such a short space of time great success we journey back home on day 412 and we put up with the skulls into a shulker box when we arrived i then realized that we've made a lot of automatic farms in this series there was one farm in particular that was still of manual use this was our pumpkin and melon farms if you watched last episode you'll realize i use these farms a lot making automatic ones would be a lot more useful and efficient and could also result in a wealthy amount of emeralds when we trade with the villagers so the next few days we got to work on the build of an automatic melon farm [Music] once it was complete on day 416 jordan put a design around the farm so that it wasn't an eyesore and this was the finished product day 417 we decided we'd had enough of having the villager trading hall underground near the old house we wanted to create the new one nearer to the storage system after making this decision we spent the day searching for the right place to have it once we found a suitable area we marked it with some blocks [Music] we then took a trip to the nether to get some quartz as we were low in supply on day 419 before dedicating ourselves to days and days of building jordan was itching to show off his creative side and in turn i assisted with his build of a mini yacht [Music] [Music] the upfield was complete on day 420 and jordan decided to call it big chungus after making this yacht we had plans to build bigger and better ones in the future then make sure you leave a like down below if you want to see that on day 421 i mined up the emerald beacon and i placed it outside the area of our next project and then selected haste 2 which will give us the ability of faster mining then between days 422 and 423 we began and finished mining out the new villager trading hall [Music] we then dug out the correct dimensions and the layout and once complete we needed materials for the design so we put our axis to use on day 425 and spent the day chopping down trees the design process was now in full swing we changed the walls changed the floors changed the roof and top of the design we wanted to put some fish in the tank in the floor and a chandelier hanging down from the ceiling before we did this we needed the key component the villagers so towards the end of day 431 we dug through and we built a small villager breeding hall it wasn't as nice as our old one but we wouldn't need to use it as much the villager breeding hall was now complete and it was time to transport the villagers over from the old breeding hall to get started on breeding an empire when we were traveling back from the new build on day 433 we saw some pillagers which reminded us of our goal of creating a raid farm we didn't engage in combat and instead of delaying time we built a railway all the way to the underground of our former breeding hall all the way to the new one i tested it out and once we'd fully built it it was an epic fail after a few adjustments it was up and running i even took a llama with me on the test run and i had no idea how this even happened on day 434 we moved the villages one by one to the new prison i mean five star accommodation and on day 435 i went swimming with some buckets and got us some fish to put inside of the tank also did this jordan built a beautiful chandelier [Music] and we then did the evil deed of setting the zombies free onto our innocent villagers poor villagers to change them back to normal though we'd need a lot of golden apples and although i already had some on me i didn't want to use them all or all of the gold we already had in the storage alternatively i paid a visit to the gold farm we made i hadn't really used much after afk and the farm for a day i made golden blocks and filled shulker boxes with rotten flesh there were still lots from the last time we'd used the farm and just hadn't cleared yet but once the trading hall was fully finished we'd be able to trade all of the rotten flesh for emeralds i arrived home on day 438 and i put everything that i collected into the storage room and crafted some more golden apples once i finished this i brewed multiple weakness potions and i stored them away day 439 i got some sand whilst jordan got some ice we then spent the rest of the day gathering materials for our raid farm finding a pillager outpost near water was our next task but starting on day 440 we traveled thousands of blocks over multiple days until we finally stumbled across one on day 443 we were relieved as we were very quickly running out fireworks and this was our only way of getting home but on day 443 and 447 it was time to build the raid farm [Music] [Music] the raid farm was complete and now all we needed was a villager day 448 jordan went on the hunt for a nearby village where he ended up kidnapping i mean borrowing a villager and he lured it over to the build then made a bridge for a railway which would get the villager into position on top of the bed [Music] on day 449 the villager was finally here and we got it straight into position we then broke down the area around the bed and the railway also jordan sorted out the redstone and i killed a pillager at night to get a bad omen the first raid began on the morning of day 450 and i stood there and killed the mobs as they spawned we did encounter an issue with vexes but we managed to take them out together and repeat this process for two days after slaying the mobs with my luton three sword this is the loot that we'd received we were very happy with the amount of totems that we've gotten we even got a solid amount of emeralds we put them all into a shulker box and we filled our inventories and then jordan threw me some fireworks and we began our adventure home we traveled thousands of blocks and eventually returned home with just five fireworks between us we were welcomed home by skeleton horsemen which we took out very easily we then put away our totems have been dying as well as our emeralds when we were in the storage room on day 457 we noticed that the chicken farm near the storage room was super loud so we took all the eggs out of the chests and politely disposed of the chickens using tnt days 458 to 459 we began moving the zombie villagers into their pods we've got them all into position on the bottom level and started the process of turning them into normal villages by the end of day 460 the zombie villagers have been reformed to their normal state the next thing to do was to decide which villages we wanted to transport from the old villager trading hall that had useful trades once we chose which ones we wanted using the same railway system as before we got the villagers into pods on the second floor by the time day 462 had come around most of the trading hall was now full the villagers just needed jobs and signs above them so we could identify the trades whilst i sorted this jordan removed the railway system as it was no longer needed on day 463 i took down the emerald beacon we were using and i put it back next to the factory where it belonged whilst i replaced the beacon jordan designed the entrance to the brand new villager breeding hall as the sun rose on day 464 the new and improved villager breeding hall was complete jordan had done an amazing job working on the entrance we were very happy with what we created we had some spare pods but we could fill those at any time our next plan was a dangerous one but it was definitely necessary gordon crafted us some tnt and we placed it inside of the mountain between our two houses we set it off take down a large chunk of the mountain set the beacon to ace 2 and then spent the rest of day 464 and all of the 465 deleting the remains [Music] at the end of day 465 we had finally done it to stop hostile mobs from spawning we ran around and placed down a lot of torches probably more than we needed to we were in the mood to do some more land modifications and this was something jordan wanted to do since like day 20 at the very beginning trust me this was one of the first things he said when we built our house and we finally got around to doing it days 466 to 467 we broke up the land between the small rivers and connected the river all around it [Music] i started off day 468 making some purple glass before traveling to the nether to gather some materials i very quickly came across a bastion remnant which i approached with caution as i was alone i took the loot and then i mined the blocks i needed for my new build guild of blackstone was the last block i needed however i didn't have a silk touch pickaxe on me so on day 469 i returned home to grab it and then made my way back and took what i needed without any interference from the piglens now i had all my materials it was time to make a brand new and improved never portal [Music] [Music] so [Music] whilst i was building this jordan also built an amazing bridge that would lead straight to the front of a brand new modern home we both hopped into the end on day 473 to repair our tools and armor and we did this by killing enderman for xp and letting our mending enchants do the work we then flew home once we finished and jordan took down the emerald beacon on day 474 i began digging a hole to go directly underground and mined out an area for the beacon we placed it shortly after and we got to work on mining out a huge area to see how many diamonds we could get through the mining montage [Music] day 480 we return to the enderman farm to repair our tools before they broke and on day 481 we were straight back to it [Music] i bet you can't guess what happened on day 484 after finding a decent amount of diamonds we decided to adopt the og method that every minecraft player knows if we wanted to build a diamond beacon we need all the diamonds we could get and with time running out in this 100 days episode we mined straight down to the perfect diamond layer and began strip mining [Music] this was a lot more successful and we ended up getting a lot more from this these are the goods that we ripped from the mines and i must say we did a damn good job we already had diamonds from the large area that we dug out and we even started ignoring other ores like iron gold and redstone as they just weren't needed anymore it also must be mentioned that fortune free is a literal cheat code we started building the diamond beacon but we didn't have quite enough diamonds to do so [Music] on day 492 i checked how many skulls we had back at the original home before heading back into the nether for what could possibly be the very last time after traveling and finding the farm again we spent what was left of day 492 and all of day 493 killing with the skeletons their prized and valuable skulls which we would be using to spawn in five weather bosses a tall task for any minecraft player to handle especially in hardcore on day 494 we were back home with 36 with us goals considering it took us so long to get them in previous videos this was incredible to us as it took us just over one day to get them i also did something that i completely forgot to do in the last video and that was give my dog a name you guys left a lot of comments of names so i picked one at random and that was to call it chaser jr shout out to you for leaving this comment if you want your comment to be featured in my next video then all you got to do is leave a comment it could be literally anything and i'll choose one at random to be in my next video get commenting for the next three days it was the calm before the storm to fill in time before our biggest challenge yet we did something that was very much needed and something i'm surprised we didn't do a lot sooner we worked on some aesthetic pathways to give our home a more complete look i think they turned out pretty good let me know what you think down in the comments [Music] preparation time was here and so was day 498 it crept on us so quickly that we weren't even sure if we were ready potions were brewed golden apples were collected and we also topped up on totems of undying just in case anything were to go pear-shaped after a good night's rest day 499 was here and time really was ticking it was time to get down to the mines and dig out far away from our home to spawn in the dreaded five with the bosses i gave jordan two skulls and i took the other three we then spawned them in and it was time to go to war but before we do this video took me over 40 hours to make so i'd really appreciate it if you guys could leave a like on the video as it really helps me out and also subscribe if you're new it's 100 free and you can always change your mind later enjoy the battle we used our bows we used our swords we also used some eggs because why not and i even tried using a diamond hoe at one point but we won't talk about that as it probably would have taken another 100 days just to get it done i lost the totem undying along the way as i forgot to put on my chest plate instead of my elytra but luckily i had some spares making that raid farm was definitely a clutch play as all of our hard work up until this point would have been gone forever with some final blows to the last with a boss we had done it ggs with the bosses thank you for the netherstars we returned to our homeland feeling victorious like true heroes we had survived 500 days of hardcore minecraft together to celebrate our victorious moment we decided to put on a fancy firework display around some fitting scenery for you guys to enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's day 501 and we are back the first thing we did was say hello to all of the animals in the barn enter the horses our villagers and last but not least our good friend waffle now i look back on it it was incredibly lucky that i got a brown panda in my first ever time breeding pandas that's some crazy luck but after saying hello to waffle it made me realize that we've been very bad owners and we left him for 500 days without a friend so the next thing to do was fly to a jungle biome to bring him one home we came across the jungle with a lot of bamboo on day 502 but there was no pandas to be found there was time to find another we were successful on day 503 and we were super happy with him we remembered it was a long way home and it was probably going to take a while so we began traveling home on days 504 and 505 with our new panda friend in the boat with jordan flying ahead to guide me eventually on day 506 home was on the horizon as we saw our creeper farm it's always a good thing to look out for when we're trying to get back home as we approach land jordan then use this elite piston tactic to get the panda up the hills while still in the boat i say elite it's not really it was just clever thinking from jordan we then got the panda in as the sun was set in and we bred them but there was no brown panda this made us very sad but we knew we'd get another one if you don't subscribe in the next five seconds jordan is gonna kill this poor baby panda for real as day 507 came around i restocked some fireworks bamboo bread the pandas and we got another brown panda let's go we spent the rest of the day planning our landscape and we saw a horse just chilling on a tree hello there we've had a big wall around our area for a long time now literally since the first 100 days on day 508 it's time to take it down don't worry we weren't going to leave ourselves exposed on day 509 we built the wall back up we did this to give ourselves more room to build and just have a nicer area of land really we then worked on extending the farms and extended them even more and the farming even led on to day 510 and we focused on little things like putting carpets on top of water to make it look even nicer between days 511 and 515 we worked on pathways we didn't want to open grassland we wanted to make it look really cool and really unique and this will be a theme from now on on this world we had a glowstone so we didn't need torches everywhere in my opinion it looks so much better if you have a carpet on top of glowstone that can't be seen it keeps the area lit up instead of having torches absolutely flooded all over the place we also both milled some grass to make it look more natural and we added another carrot farm as our other one wasn't very big and we had some open space [Music] i grabbed some iron from the iron farm as you can tell we had quite a lot and then i went down to the mines to get some obsidian because we had none at all you'd think 500 days in we might have some obsidian lying around well not us then crafted the beacon mined out the area for it and placed it down [Music] we realized on day 517 that we had a lot of cluttered shulker boxes and if we wanted to do more big builds we'd need a lot more so before departing for the end we bred the pandas and then set off on our journey we hopped straight into the end and day 518 me and jordan decided to set ourselves a mini competition between each other this would be to see who could get the most shulker shells in the next few days we met up again on day 523 and it turned out that jordan was victorious he'd found quite a few more than me when we got back we crafted them straight away and placed them all down to see how many we had as you can see we had quite a lot we spent the next two days gathering sand getting vines and other materials this was to build a new farm and if you guys can guess what this isn't down in the comments i'll give you a comment a heart you might be able to tell by the terrain we're in now on days 526 through 527 we built our first blaze farm [Music] once the build was done we were pretty happy there was a lot of blazes and there was a lot of blaze rods to be made but we decided to head back to the overworld to get more vines get more sand smell all the sand get a few lava buckets as we wanted to make another one when jordan found this blaze spawner he told me that there was another one nearby so we located the second one whilst killing a lot of mobs along the way and once we were there we began construction [Music] the blaze farm has now finished on day 532 we spent the rest of the day killing blazes we took the blazers that we got back home with us and put them in a chest on day 533 we stocked up on rockets and we flew off into the distance this is the first video where the world is upgraded to 1.17 so we didn't want to waste any more time without getting ourselves some axolotls we were searching over the oceans and i went down into a cave but before finding one i found some drip stone which would be useful but i then found myself an axolotl gordon found one literally at the same time another ravine and we then flew back home with our axolotls with us the following morning we wanted some more 1.17 items and this was deep slate for building materials i absolutely love deep slate and i wanted to use it for some builds but we had to spend the whole day flying just to get to new chunks so it would spawn so between days 535 and 537 we mined out the deep slate and we even got some diamonds along the way we're mining more and more deep slate and we've got even more diamonds after two days of mine in deep slate a large area being gutted out underground and it was now time to return home once we got home on day 538 we made a deep slate chest put all of what we'd mined into it and we then had to sort out our sorting system behind the next day we decided to do something you guys probably wouldn't expect now is to tear down our brand new modern mansion we set off some tnt but pretty much manually took it down ourselves for the entirety of the day we took up the floor grabbed some dirt and then place the dirt as the house is now officially gone which may seem surprising to some of you but trust me we've got some plans a wandering trader passed by so i did the right thing and shot him down as well as his llamas and then we slept at the old house as that was now our only home again but this house is never been brought down i can promise you guys that from days 514 541 we did a lot of planning and this planning was for a mini marketplace this would be the design we were going for for a little market hut so we grabbed our materials and we got to work on building our market [Music] on day 547 we decided we needed a staircase the terraformed hill that we made was pretty cool but we wanted a more aesthetic way of getting up on top of the hill [Music] so using the deep slate we just got we made a deep slate staircase with some quartz on the sides jordan then built a real cool centerpiece which was a new fountain i thought that was a really nice touch as the centerpiece in the middle of our villager trading hall and our storage system we wanted some sea lanterns so on day 548 we flew to the ocean monument but we were pounded by guardians as we tried to get some so we only got a handful before flying home jordan then placed the lanterns inside the fountain i'm sure at night this will look a lot cooler like we've done at the beginning of the episode we decided that we couldn't have a fountain and a staircase and a storage system without pathways connecting it all so for the next two days we dedicated our time to making some custom paths we've done a lot of building and a lot of designing so far so we decided to take ourselves away from what we were doing and build another useful farm so we needed more materials and with that included turtle eggs i also realized that i needed a mending book for my silk touch pickaxe it wasn't yet netherright i'm sure i'll get to that another day so i grabbed a mending book from our villager and we dive straight into the end where we spent the next day mining down the tower for a healthy amount of obsidian i think all together we got about two stacks and this was going to be more than enough once we finished this long and boring task we flew down to our enderman farm i already had enough xp so straight away i applied the mending book to my silk touch pickaxe and began repairing all of my armor and tools by killing the enemy for xp we were now fully repaired without any fear of breaking stuff and we felt a whole lot better for it on day 554 i brewed some night vision potions and some water breathing potions these would become extremely handy in what we're gonna build next before we start building it can you guys guess what we're about to build in the comments down below from day 555 onwards we started building a trident farm we wanted to upgrade our swords to a more devastating weapon we knew tridents were rare so we decided to make ourselves a farm we finished it off by placing hoppers in towards a chest and then made our killing area oh and i also set us on fire with lava almost burnt us to a crisp but we're fine as you guys can see this farm is insanely slow i think we might have done something wrong so we took ourselves back into the overworld and spent two whole days destroying land underwater to improve the spawn rate but again it was slow as hell so after a little bit of research and trialing and testing things with an afk dip and these were the results day 565 we got ourselves some torches to mine for more diamonds flew far away to new chunks and dug down to the perfect layer for finding diamonds jordan started off in true jordan fashion and there was lots of deep slate until finally we got some diamonds after that first patch of diamonds i found gold copper redstone coal literally every ore other than diamonds until on day 567 where we got more and more oh and i also found a skeleton spawner which was pretty cool and as we moved on to day 568 we found even more the next day we mined up the diamond beacon that we left in the last series we added our diamonds that we just found from mining mined down in a new area inside of the villager trading hall place down the blocks for the beacon and yeah again we didn't have enough i stole some diamonds from our own sorting system and then we returned mining on day 570 and as we didn't need that much and we had fortune free eventually we had the right amount luckily for us we were just short but there were some spare diamonds in our old house and i found these when i went to get a never star i crafted the beacon we placed the rest of the blocks activated the beacon and placed purple glass on top day 572 we built a glass sphere and the next day we filled it with water we decided to put our axolotls inside of the water and we bred them to hopefully keep breeding them to have it full of axolotls on day 574 we started building legs and the structure around the sphere [Music] and on day 575 we got leaves where i was ambushed by skeleton horsemen until getting more we then worked on the legs of the tower as well as the floor and this build was a bit different overall we were really happy with it [Music] after this we decided to add some street lamps these will contrast really nicely with our pathways and keep the area lit up without the excessive use of torches this is what they look like when it turned to night time day 578 by afk at the iron farm or jordan afk the gunpowder farm this was how much gunpowder we had and this was how much iron we had we then went to go get sand the next day and we had a full shulker box eat pretty rapidly due to efficiency for shovels jordan being the daredevil he is decided to put on a show and jump off the mountain next to us when we got back we crafted some tnt we definitely went overkill with the amount of sand that we got we checked the gunpowder chest and we had a fair amount left over and then grabbed some extra rockets we made two flinting steels and we were ready next thing we did was jump straight through the nether portal on day 580 we found the bastion that was pretty close to our spawn we then laced it with tnt and when i say laced it i mean build it with tnt and jordan was our demolition expert and set it all off [Music] it didn't all blow up at once so we set the rest of it off and this was the result on day 591 we dug down to level y15 and jordan plays tnt whilst i mined it and i almost died well kinda being the jokes that it is jordan also tried to blow me up and it turned out that we placed the tnt too far apart eventually it worked and i tried flying under the lava but it's not a great idea guys for all of day 582 i went through mining and trying to find through lava all of the ancient debris on day 583 we were back home and jordan gave me all of the ancient debris that he'd collected we smelted it all and coincidentally we had the perfect amount of gold in the chest that we already had to go with it using this ancient debris i crafted never right ingots and then crafted in a right block we placed at the end of our path and phantoms tried ruining the party but i shot them down pretty well day 584 i went to go get the iron and a lot of it as well as some jack-o'-lanterns and then flew off to find a pillager outpost to get a bad omen effect we found a village soon after and placed in a ridiculous amount of iron golems the raiders died and these iron golems were going in they were going absolutely ham uppercut in the pillages and witches left right and center and even the ravangers [Music] but by the end of day 584 we were victorious with a lot of help from the iron golems on day 585 to thank these iron golems for their hard work we decided to leave a massive iron flag to commemorate them for their great efforts in this raid we returned home on day 586 got a load of materials together did a healthy amount of planning and spent the next 10 days building little houses to go of our marketplace we wanted to populate this area really nicely and this is how it turned out i've got to say we were really really happy with the results of this it felt like it gave a purpose to what we were trying to build and there would definitely be a lot more of this to come on day 597 we decided to go back into the nether to get some gas tears we want to respawn the dragon and prove to ourselves we could kill him again so we needed some end crystals and once we made these we spent the next day preparing by making potions that we take into battle it was day 599 and we were running out of time very fast we hopped straight into the end got to the center and respawned the dragon we quickly shot down the towers we were getting some good bow shots in and when the dragon perched we got some good hits in until eventually with one final blow the ender dragon was dead we had done it we'd slain the ender dragon welcome back everyone to 100 days world and today we're going to attempt to survive 700 days as always in the first day we like to fly around and look at our world and what we've achieved so far one of the first things i noticed was that i had no food and in minecraft you kind of need it especially in hardcore so went straight to the storage system to our golden carrot chest and yeah we've got like no golden carrots this is a bit of an issue so we went over to the carrot and potato farm that's worked on by our villagers to see how busy they've been and it turns out they hadn't been very busy at all this could definitely be more efficient and perhaps we could move this to a better place so it's always running and also it's kind of out of the way anyway we took all the carrots back with us put them inside of the carrots chest and then went to go get some gold and we're also very low on that as well this means a trip to our gold farm in another will definitely be needed very soon time to get some rockets now but again we're incredibly low on all materials this episode is going to require a lot of grinding if we're going to want to get anything done also this is our first video on the 1.18 update so it's time for us to go and explore the new features the sun was set in on day 601 which means it's time to go to bed on day 602 we flew off in the attempt to find some new biomes on our journeys we found a huge cave which looked really really cool right in the middle of the wilderness we decided to fly down and take a look but there were creepers absolutely everywhere so we got out there as quick as we could after flying off a little bit more we found an azalea tree and right below these the lush caves at this point we hadn't seen a single one yet so it looked straight down an excitement got to the bottom and just look at this i think the flowers that hang off the ceiling are really cool the moss is absolutely amazing it's one of my favorite blocks in minecraft now along with deep slate drip leaves up pretty cool as well and overall just a really really nice cave so we grabbed the master little azalea trees some glow berries and everything we can get our hands on it we then flew through and it seemed that the lush cave was joined in with like a big deep slate cave which looked really really cool to get some glowberries jordan did an airstrike and we also found the first amethyst geode in the series these were a thing back in 1.17 but i'm pretty sure we haven't even found one yet so i turned it from this to this oops and after exploring those caves on day 603 we came across bombs like this which make the update so much more special but let me know down in the comments if you'd like me to reset some of the trunks around our home village so we can get some really cool arctic mountains and new biomes around jordan made a flight course in a new cave and this is how it went [Music] as it was night time and we weren't finding anything else that really wowed us we decided to head back home and we headed back as the sun rose but as you can see i was getting really low on rockets i ended up running out of rockets and it was a long way back from here but jordan was clutch flew back to me and hooked me up with some of his i made it back with two to spare and went to mtr inventories our massive storage system needs improving originally in 1.17 we only used two lanes but now we've got a new update and loads more blocks we're going to need to open the third one around the back is where all the items that can't get sorted go to and we had so many that were backlogged it was unreal we're gonna need to sort these out real quick jordan began crafting some rockets with the gunpowder he found the creeper farm or at least i thought he was before we had a paper fight and i made some rockets to conclude day 604 we both went to sleep after a long session of traveling afk and the creeper farm became very much needed and the idea of perhaps building another three next to it became prevalent just so we could get a ton of gunpowder always coming in first it's time to get rid of this eyesore which is the manual pumpkin and melon farm [Music] [Applause] [Music] that looks so much better before we do anything crazy like build another three creeper farms we're gonna need to repair our lighters and tools they're not completely broken or anywhere near it but you just don't want to take that chance [Music] so once we repaired our electrodes and tools and got back home we rented a storage system and grabbed some shulker boxes we then took a load of cobble and filled up many shulker boxes with it smelled a load more cobble to get stone and then smelt with that to get smooth stone finally it all smelted after a full day of waiting on day 608 we turned the smooth stone into slabs and put 19 stacks into three different shulkers while strawden worked on all the other materials jordan also turned most of the wood we had into trap doors that we needed which meant that apart from oak we had next to nothing left in the wood department which meant a huge wood cutting spray would be needed as soon as possible so i grabbed some spare shulkers threw one at jordan and it was time for some deforestation no matter how far you get in your minecraft world you will always find yourself cutting down trees which is like the first thing you do so this really took us back to the beginning of our world and then we decided to put a decent little grind in and get as much wood as we could but we didn't want to spend too long doing it so these were the results and i have to say we didn't do too bad fitting over a shulker box between us i then made the rest of the materials we had repeaters buckets campfires boss jordan got the rest and as you can see all of these shulkers were set and ready to go to build three more creeper farms [Music] we've now fully built the creeper farms but we needed to complete one of the most crucial things when doing this and that was to put all the trapdoors down so that no other mobs can spawn apart from the creepers so after three full days of placing down trap doors we had finally completed it which meant that we had three creeper farms successfully ready to go and ready to afk which meant i spent an hour irl time of afk in these which is three days in game and whilst watson did this jordan afk the gold farm so that we could top up on our food supply getting those golden carrots at the end of the three days of afk in i flew down to check the results ended up using a totem like an absolute plonker remember guys this is hardcore mode which means if either of us die the world gets deleted forever check the chest full of gunpowder that was a good amount to be fair but before i carried on with anything i needed to get myself another totem because me being so clumsy i could have easily ended up dying again very soon day624 ended up grabbing some sand then took some gunpowder out the chest and made some tnt [Music] definitely went overkill with the amount of tnt that i made but jordan and i then started lacing the factory with it and just rigging the whole place with tnt jordan went to top off on fireworks and yeah i said i was clumsy before and right here proves it i accidentally set it off they didn't do too much damage jordan then did the roof we placed a load more and we set it off [Music] we probably should have started from the top but this is the remains of the factory you may be able to see in the distance but this demolition was brought to you by our gunpowder farms day 625 and then set forth to destroy the remains of the factory and voila we had a crater pathways are next on our list of things to do as we kind of just fly to get everywhere these days and ignore the ground and pathways are actually a massive massive part of any like good build so with us creating a village and a sort of empire as you like we wanted to make it so that all the pathways connected through all of our land i started going ham with my shovel to create a random pathway whilst jordan went more methodical and then we began randomly placing blocks in the gap so we mined out and to make sure that no mob spawned to ruin this with spam torches on our new pathways i have to say they do look amazing but the torches are super ugly sea lanterns with some carpets over would look absolutely awesome and hide all of the light and keep mobs away the only issue is we don't have any sea lanterns maybe a sea lantern farm would help us out with this so we got going on day 628 i went to get some soul sand that from our storage system wind down a load of obsidian from an end tower in the end and also chop down some more trees for wood the next day i want to got some campfires and jordan and i met up and he threw me all the materials that he collected whilst i got the rest then took off on day 630 towards the ocean monument and eventually we had arrived but guess what we only went and forgot the water breathing potions again just like when we defeated the ocean monument back many episodes ago so it's time to go home and brew some [Music] time to head back it's day 631 and we are back with water breathing potions it's a good job we brought those first time around but we then spent the rest of the day up until day 634 drinking our potions and building the guardian farm [Music] the build was complete but not fully complete as we now needed to build the part inside of the nether where the guardians would end up dying so we now built our collection area after everything was complete we are called the guardian farm for three days from day 635 to 638 and on day 638 we checked for the loot and we took our rewards just like the gunpowder farm there was a decent amount there we can't complain when we got back home we turned the shards and crystals into lanterns well eventually anyway took a little bit of trial and error but we got there in the end and now that we had our new lanterns we destroyed all the torches on our new pathway because they were super ugly mined up some holes in the ground and hid sea lanterns with some mossy carpets on top this made it look like grass and it fit in really well it also hides the light so you don't have torches just scattered around everywhere once this was done i went around and added some street lamps we have a bit of an issue guys we are dangerously low on wood so before we got too low i went to grab my trusty old shulker box and i renamed my shulker box with a very boring name i did this because i want you guys to leave some suggestions down in the comments and i may just choose yours as i was going off to get wood i was leaving jordan behind but not in a bad way he was going to be working on his own little project we'll be checking in with him along the way but for now we say goodbye and it's time for me to go on a massive woodcutting spree [Music] all this wood chopping is making my arm hurt so it's time to check back in on jordan to see how he's doing it looks like he's created a medieval tower that definitely fits into the theme of our village i can't wait to see the finished product forgot about dark oak wood so i went back on day 646 to go get some of that [Music] and i then return on day 647 with all of the wood and overall i'd say i was pretty successful after dropping off the wood in the storage system i noticed an unfinished task from an earlier episode we created a lovely new villager trading hall but only a few of the villagers had trades it's time to change that i crafted some fletching tables and then put them down to give out some jobs but only one wanted to take it it was very frustrating but after a bit of persuasion they finally came around and took the jobs and then labelled up all of the fletchers just in case i forgot what each of the different trades were then crafted some lecterns and spent the next two days not only rolling through trades trying to get these ignorant villagers to take the jobs i tried for the longest time but the other two are being ignorant and wasted my time so i killed them off but shh don't tell jordan and finally to air out my frustrations i went to visit the original brown panda waffle and told him all about it it's now day 650 and jordan's lighthouse is complete gotta say he did an amazing job it looks absolutely awesome and even has the redstone lights at the top which circle around leave a like on the video if you think this is awesome guys and also type nice bill jordan down in the comments whilst roaming our territory i ran past our iron farm throughout the 650 days but it's pretty out of place right now i feel like it's in the way of a lot of things so we said goodbye to pancho the zombie and the villagers and it was time to say goodbye to the og iron farm and move on to bigger and better things [Music] we grabbed some cobblestone so we could fill in the land as well as some dirt and on day 651 it was time to get to work we filled in the land with some cobble [Music] and it's nighttime struck we finished off filling it in with that and boom it looks so much better jordan also made this little sign just to show off his happiness another thing that was in the way was the aesthetic melon farm i'd built a long time ago and it was time to tear that down too [Music] [Applause] we then terraformed some of the land and we had to extend the bottom of the walls for the next two days and day 653 in 654 we extended the pathway from the end of the bridge to the main entrance [Music] [Applause] and we also improved our existing pathways as they were very very vanilla all we've done is right click using our shovels so we decided to use different materials like granite wooden planks and place down a little leaves and it just made the whole place feel a lot better and looks so much nicer the next day we then made two mini huts we made these by the bridge and sort of tied in with our little market theme we've got going on down by the storage system [Music] and after we made those we made one in the corner this part of land was very bland so these buildings were good little fillers to give the land some purpose on day 657 we needed some materials and some of that was white wall so we had loads of sheep in our barn and they're all multi-coloured so i made a load of them white just before shearing them and we gathered a whole load of materials that we have ready right here in the shulker box it was time to build an iron golem statue in commemoration of the og iron farm let's get to work [Applause] the iron golem statue was pretty much finished now and we could hear a villager and we were so unsure of where it was and it was kind of freaking us out so we started smacking around and we ended up shadow boxing an invisible villager he drank an invis potion but eventually we found it which was pretty unfortunate for him we put some trees around and bone milled them because there was a lot of empty land and we wanted to fill it up as much as possible the trees are a great way of giving it a natural look and it definitely fills all the land in later that day we started building a brand new wheat farm [Music] and apparently these are really rare the skeleton horses but we found these quite a lot along the way maybe it's just because we're not sleeping enough but we killed the skeletons and jordan had made two name tags and we decided to call them les lazandez why i'm not sure that was jordan's idea but these were our two new friends we put some saddles on them took them over to the stables but jordan's got shot down by another skeleton this one must have been really weak but to his skeleton horse we say rest in peace not to worry though because we did find him another one to make sure that didn't happen again we very quickly rode them over to the stables and put them inside next to our horses the morning after we grabbed some more stuff for making farms as we just enjoyed doing it so much it seems there's some sand on the side of our island that was really out of place so we turned all that into dirt to make it look more natural broke down the wall of our wheat farm and then extended it we then spent the next two days building carrot potato and wheat farms all around the nether portal to fill in the land and make it look nicer [Music] the main island is now looking a lot more complete we were very happy with it so we turned our attention to goal number two which is the nether hub the first up was a quick trip to the xp farm which turned into a long one as the enderman farm was really really slow today we weren't quite sure what this is maybe it was a server we're playing on but yeah this took a long time to repair everything once everything was repaired it was time to go to the nether to chop down some red and blue trees neither jordan or i have ever used these kinds of woods before so we wanted to experiment we needed a decent amount so we spent two days chopping down as much as we could [Music] so i spent two days chopping down the trees whilst jordan worked on mining quartz so we then worked together for a further two days mine quartz because we're going to need an insane amount day 669 we checked out how many materials would accumulate between us we realized that it definitely was not enough but mining quartz it's a bit repetitive and kind of boring so we need to change the scenery so we grabbed some more shulker boxes each color coordinating them and then took off in search of a desert we ended up finding one next to a really cool looking biome but now it's time to destroy the land beneath us for all of its sand [Music] these are the results of our two-day sand mining trip and all i can say is thank god jordan brought some spare shulker boxes we visited the old smelter building from i think episode two we're here to smelt the sand because as you know we blew up the factory earlier in the video although it was small it will definitely work however we were out of coal and i feel like in this hundred days world we're always short on certain materials anyway to kill three birds with one stone we headed to the nether to relocate our with a skeleton farm to fix our shovels get coal and also bones for white dye by the end of the day we finally located the fortress and that had taken us a good while to find when we arrived on day 673 there was some coal but not an excessive amount there was a decent amount of bones though but then killed skeletons after waiting for a long time each time it's not the most efficient and we can always make a new one that will work better but we already spent so long in this and barely use it so we'll just leave it for now the next day we'll clean more skeletons and waiting even longer this felt like forever i then let jordan have his turn i turned the coal into coal blocks and i had so many bones it was unreal it was then time to go back home and start the smelting and we might not have enough coal but we shall see i also put the bones into the sorting system because i'm lazy and couldn't be bothered to find the chest myself as the sand was smelting we wrote down a list of every material we would need leaving the rest of the quartz in the netherwoods for the end of the list as we could get those before officially starting the build we collected a fair bit and then collected up our shulkers with some empty ones too for the quartz brought the glass over and went straight through the nether portal we flew straight off to get some warp stem and then started going ham and getting some quartz said he remembered the way we originally took many episodes ago of getting on top of the nether to make the gold farm so i trusted him and followed him and long behold he found the exact way of getting there it's pretty insane if you ask me fair play to jordan i pulled through on top of the roof whilst jordan stayed below if you were to come up too this may have messed up the portals and we might have been stuck up here forever i then connected the portals from the overworld to the roof of the nether and jordan jumps straight through we put down some markings put down the shulker boxes and we were ready to go let's get started on this massive build of the nether hub [Music] i forgot to click record on the cinematic but we did fill in the floor [Music] [Music] [Music] day 687 there were so many mobs on top of the roof we didn't put torches on there because it looked really ugly and plus we won't be on the roof much anyway as we were building up here we definitely went to battle we also realized the next day that we ran out of quartz it was inevitable but we were just dreading the day this happened so we jumped off the roof and flew down to our never portal but before going through the portal i realized that i'd need our obsidian so i grabbed the obsidian and then actually went through the portal when we got back to the overworld we threw away from our sword portal to make a new one we're back underneath the nether roof from this new portal i swear i've said portal like 500 times now but we were under the nether roof and we came across the old bastion that we blew up in 600 days but instead of looking around that it was time to get some more courts [Music] after a full day of mining quartz we believed our mission was complete so as we got back through to the overworld we destroyed the portal we just created and went straight back through the other one we spent day 689 finishing the roof by thickening the white lines as it was a big build the thicker design would definitely look better than the thinner design we used a lot of rockets flying away to compare from a distance i also gave jordan my silk touch pickaxe so we could start breaking the floor whilst he started on this i got some red dye then tried to find some blue dye in the backlog chests which would enable me to make some purple dye to make the purple glass the floor of our sword never portal was purple and we thought it would be some good continuity to have purple floor as you go through the nether hub and i ended up finding a load of purple dye and purple glass in the chests what a result i also found some smooth quartz blocks and quartz slabs which come in handy when detailing and at jordan's request the last thing we needed was a beacon and i can definitely see why this thing takes ages to mine up beacon didn't help much but it being there kind of made us feel a bit better i crafted some purple glass and there was quite a lot in the end and we then went ham on filling in the floor [Music] once we completed the floor we started working on the doorways we created a unique sort of archway shape and we did it out of our favorite block deep slate tiles the next day we then detailed the ceiling and edited the floor design also [Music] day 692 i started building a sizeable portal but just from using the obsidian we had we could tell we were coming up a little bit short we grabbed some more rockets and headed off to the end portal we targeted the smallest tower in the end and we mined it all the way down in some good time as well leaving one floating piece of bedrock behind now we had the obsidian we needed it was time to go back when we did arrive back at the nether hub on day 693 we were ambushed by hoglands we didn't have swords on us so we had to use our axes but we took him out pretty easily we then got on making the new portal taller for now and whilst jordan continued i returned home real quick to get more deep slate and turned it into new bricks that we'd need i thought this would be enough i then second guessed myself and decided to take as much as i could just in case the next thing to do is to start the design around the portal in the middle and from here on was just pretty much loads of designing i crafted up some quartz pillars and some slabs to make it look better these pillows were a lot better for the texture i then put some deep slate tiles underneath the blocks that we built with just so it couldn't be seen from the ground as it was just glass and then at a big brain moment for once yes very rare i know i thought it'd be good to bring the portal up one level having it all on the same level was a bit boring and having it so you have to walk up into the portal just had a nice ring to it jordan and i then worked on the roof of the portals together [Music] and we filled in the window shaped arches with some purple glass i then filled up the middle with deep state tiles [Music] lift up the portals breaking the old one going through it coming back testing to see if it works and it did gg i was really happy that the portals were working but we weren't fully satisfied with the design so far so we turned the walls into pillars broke up our shoulder boxes to clear the floor and moved on to clearing up the ground below starting with the old never portal we then broke down the temporary beacon and eventually we finished taking it all down we wanted to put it in the center because it would look super weird if it wasn't we brought some spare iron blocks of us in a shulker so hopefully all together it should be enough to build a beacon that has more than one effect jordan went back to the overworld to make beacons out of the remaining never stars we had lying around also i got cracking with the new beacon setup [Music] i waited around quite literally all day for jordan to get back but something was taking him a really long time so after a full day of waiting i decided to pop back into the overworld and he gave me some very clear instructions to go to the sphere structure and face the bridge he then gave me a countdown of three two one and then to look straight up as i saw flying tnt which revealed my face jordan did this as a surprise as it was my birthday as we were recording this then set off a nice firework display to celebrate this is really nice of jordan and he really didn't have to do this but it was a nice little way to celebrate my birthday [Music] we're in the day 699 as we always do by hopping straight into bed and waking up on day 700. the first thing we did on day 700 was go back to the nether and place down the two beacons that jordan had crafted unfortunately we didn't have a third but that sets a goal for the next video to get as many beacons as we could we set haste jump boost and speed as our effects and had a little fun with the jumping it's day 701 and we are back but guys there is no time to waste as we are very low on materials we got some wood in the last episode but we definitely need more as well as the essentials like cobblestone and deep slate cobble and actually we're pretty poor in every ore well i just make things rhyme all the time i swear and yeah we also have no food so we cleared out our inventories and i emptied my shulker box taking out the main items before they get lost in the system and then rename my shulker box to chasse's toolbox i'll be picking one of your comments from 700 days to rename my next shulker box so stay tuned to the end and i might have chosen your idea luckily we had a bunch of baked potatoes so i grabbed a couple stacks of those and we got straight to chopping down trees as you know deforestation is one of our favorite things to do in this world and there's a load of trees above our trading hall and if we're going to be building on there one day we may as well clear out now right by the time the sun was rising on day 702 this is how much would we gotten from clearing most of the hill but to our right was the remains of last episode celebrations time to clear up [Music] we then took the word back to the storage system and tried to put it into the system but it's backed up so much that it's not even moving and then colored and renamed the new shulker box this one was called chass's backpack then grab some iron blocks to put inside of it stole the emerald beacon near our bamboo farm and it was then time to take a trip down memory lane to the old mine when we got down to the bottom we mined out an area for the beacon and we started placing it and at the start of the next day we activated the beacon to hastu and we started going ham we spent a good three days between 703 and day 705 mining stone and cobble deep slate and if you guys have been minding a couple deeps that you'll know just how long this thing takes even with haste 2. and on day 706 we just focused on stone as we had laser focus to deep slate cobble and these are the results of the grinding it was definitely way too much to fit in all of our shulker boxes that we brought over so we'd have to make more than one trip this wouldn't be a problem though as we only had to fly a short distance back home it was literally just past the creeper farms in the ocean and we went to offload our shulkers before going back also might have gotten more materials than our system can handle so a third lane is definitely needed once we grab more shulkers we flew back to get the rest wind down the beacon and then headed back home once we arrived back for the second time we removed all of the backlog items putting them into shulker boxes as well it's a really good job that about 100 or 200 days ago we went and got a load of shulker shells otherwise this would have been impossible once we cleared out all of the backlogged items we visited the old smelter building at our old house to utilize the lava and get rid of unneeded items we did this through the night and we carried on burning things into the morning we went from all of these shulkers full of stuff to a lot less and just before we left jordan checked inside and we had our shulkers that we'd put on top of the hoppers with sand in which means that they got smelted leaving us with a load of glass the rest of the day was spent manually putting materials from our shulker boxes into the correct chests and we got tired of that pretty quickly and also ran out of room so i marked all the chests that need to be removed or moved in general so we can reorder the system making it more efficient also fitting in the new stuff from the 1.18 update but guys before we do any sort of work or building we're going to need pickaxes and there was a sense of anxiety around being on the next to no durability mark so we flew to the end of an xp farm and eventually all of this land that we're flying past now will be built up one day so after smacking a few enderman it was time to get back to the overworld and the first task upon arrival was gonna be a pretty long one it took us from day 710 today 714 removing the items from the first corridor and taking other items from the picture frames whilst jordan removed the stuff out the back of the hoppers which was used to filter and we then placed a load of chests in the middle of the room for the stuff that we were moving it only just daunted us that we had this much stuff it's kind of crazy but after four days of stress and hard work we cleared a whole corridor and it actually felt quite relieving the next thing to do was to reorder everything we put all the oak wood slabs stairs fence gates you name it with the oak literally anything you guys can imagine and even though the jordan had cleared out the back we double checked both layers just to make sure that they only had filter blocks inside of them because you have to be careful not to accidentally put things in the wrong place it was in time for another stressful part of the process which was crafting every item we needed making a stack of them or at least 42 so that each stackable block could filter through this is a lot of hard work for people that just want to have fun but finally on day 715 it was all done so we could start putting the items into the chests to have them filtered and if you thought we were going to stop there you're damn wrong because whilst all of those items were filtering through we then started removing the items from our existing picture frames in the second corridor and then began reordering them which took the rest of the day instead of showing you every single part like i just did after some work on the hoppers and the redstone the next day and day 716 the next row was complete i spent the next day ordering the food aisle on the last corridor then placed down some coloured concrete ordered some saplings and it was all complete with a lot of room to spare whilst they did my thing jordan was putting the stuff in the hoppers and we can now put all of the stuff from the chest in the middle of the room into the hoppers to be sorted which meant we'll be standing here waiting for a long time for all to filter through but everything had finally finished filtering and damn that took forever but the chest that collects the items that couldn't be filtered had this inside maybe we just needed the chest for eggs my bad on day 718 it was time to gather some materials and finally leave the storage room i reactivated the emerald beacon before flying off to go and get the stuff that we don't yet have and the stuff that we didn't have yet was packed ice and i might have gone a little bit overkill on just how much i collected at least we wouldn't need to come back for a long time and also honey now these take ages to give you honey it's the first time i've ever done it in minecraft i've never really had to use honey before but bees take absolutely ages so in between collecting we started messing about shooting arrows into the sky trying to shoot each other but we were so happy once they were finally ready and once we were done i had a mini battle with the bees and took one of the hives because why not right i put the beehive that i took on a tree outside the storage system when i got back and we began landscaping our next big build [Music] so now the materials are ready let's get to work [Music] [Music] so our super smelter was now built and it took us a long time to do i'm just hoping that this is gonna work we placed the mine carts and it was fully complete day 724 i ran in to get some dirt i bumped into these chests and they actually had no use anymore so we got rid of them i then proceeded to grab some dirt and work someplace in the hill over the smelter you don't want something like this just out in the open jordan then took a little time out and we made the hill even bigger for the build that we had planned to go on top this is what the hill looks like without building on top i'd say we're pretty decent at terraforming and making hills and stuff what do you guys think the next day we headed to the nether completely forgetting that we linked the portals to the nether hub meaning that we had no way back down to the mainland of the nether so we came back through and i went to get obsidian i built a portal a little bit further away and then flew off to the wither farm but then eventually located the farm and when we got there we put down a portal to see how far away we'd be from our home in the overworld and it was pretty damn far so we scrapped that idea and got straight into killing wither skeletons for the next two days these things take absolutely ages our farm just must not be very efficient and it was a massive waste of two days as there wasn't as much coal as we expected but luckily there was a decent amount of some wither skeleton skulls too which we can use for getting extra beacons after picking up what coal there was we then flew home and we were back on day 728 and instead of destroying this portal for good we only removed one block because in case we need to get onto the never floor we could just use this ball and then flew to the storage system to check how much coal we had in there and all together we had over a shulker not too bad jordan also decided to smack me with his trident but he gifted me one in return which was broken but we take those after fetching my trident i put it in my shoulder for safekeeping just so i don't break it and then i worked on getting materials for our big smelter building we went to get lanterns buttons and although we're only a stone's throw away from the storage system when we build still got some basic materials that we need and we took them with us on day 729 we filled in the furnaces with the stacks of coal only to realize that we definitely didn't have enough for that so we filled each of them with 32. but once that was done it was time to build a giant building above it which would now be known as our smelter building [Music] [Music] after doing the roof in the tower we did some more detailing placed down the door and the build was fully complete we're so excited and this was already our favorite build on the server to date the building just looked so clean and it definitely fits what we've got underneath it then got rid of all the materials in my venturi by putting into the sorting system it was so relieving to know that it all been sorted out now and took some materials from the chest for the pathway so we left jordan to get on with another building but this one was going to be a bit smaller whilst i got on with the pathway around the new smell to shelter that's got a nice ring to it [Music] i came back for slabs you know some unwanted guests at the storage system i fought them off and then got placed in my slabs like we did in the last episode i grabbed some sea lanterns turned moss blocks into carpet and placed them down so he didn't require torches once all that was done i came over to help jordan with his building [Music] it was then time for some interior designing and it came off pretty good but that was the little building done which will be another one of many day 740 we realized that we've done about 10 days maybe more of building it was time to do something fun because you know jordan and i can't concentrate on one thing for too long so we gathered some potion ingredients and i started brewing potions for extra precaution as a big battle was coming up once they were done we grabbed some golden apples to be extra safe and also topped up on fireworks i made some fires potions as we had the last ditch idea to do this battle in the nether the next morning jordan called me down to the basement of our old house where our hall of fame was and we really had a moment where we stepped back and remembered all of our achievements so far we had the day one poppy dragon egg mlg bow oh and two wither heads that's the result which means that with those two wither skulls we had 21 in my ender chest equaling to 23 which was one off of 24 quick mass which means if we get one more because spawning eight with the bosses one for each 100 days to survive so far we love a challenge so we got straight into the nether went back to the wither skeleton farm and there wasn't any in the chests as we've taken them all out we'd have to let these wither skeletons build up as they were super slow so off the way in we slowly killed the wither skeletons and i finally got one the next task seemed kind of impossible as we were flying around the nether trying to find an area without too much lava a very silly task considering our environment once we finally found an area we thought might not have as much lava we dug down and realized we forgot soul sand the main thing we need apart from the skulls jordan went to get some and after he did we mined out an area as well as a tunnel we then placed all of the soul sand down as well as some skulls drank our fire rest potions and braced ourselves i didn't want to make the huge mistake of wearing a lighter in such a huge battle so i equipped my chest plate and then the start of day 743 i spawn in all of the withers and it was the beginning of our battle we battled with the wither bosses taking hits giving hits getting stuck in corners and one block gaps but eventually we were taking them out one by one our bows did a lot of damage there was times where we'd have up to four with the bosses on us each this wasn't an easy challenge but we managed to kill seven and get it down to the last one i told jordan we should try saving this one to farm never right but this wither boss wasn't doing much so we decided to kill him which meant our mission was complete and these were our rewards the never stars we then went through the whole battlefield trying to find ancient debris and we had one which was it oh and one more on the side we were hoping that the weather bosses would expose some ancient debris for us but it is what it is time to find our way out and then our way back to the portal and yes we did get lost a few times but eventually we got there and we arrived back on day 746 to make the beacons straight away before we forget nice then took all the iron blocks and turned the ingots into blocks two leaving just one single ingot behind we're getting poor out here we then dug down near the new smelter shelter and placed beacon number one once it was placed we activated speed two on it and moved on to our nether hub to add the fourth beacon to the pyramid of iron blocks and as we're going to be building here eventually we may as well put a beacon here too right so we started placing a new beacon only to realize that we ran out of blocks so as the sun set on day 747 we now had the task of choosing an iron farm to build i put away the beacons into my enter chest for now while they weren't being used and i cleared out my inventory in the sorting system and then grabbed some food and got the villagers to breed offering them a variety of options for their culinary taste buds and they produced then gathered materials for the new iron farm we didn't have quite enough obsidian despite having a good amount already jordan sheared some sheep for beds and we came back to the villager trading hall to get name tag trades and none of our villagers were master yet which just shows how little we used them i also remember we had an underground sugarcane farm and it was stacked there was so much sugarcane here so the next morning we turned all the sugarcane into paper and traded with the villager to hopefully get him over the line to being a master we traded with another villager and used up the paper whilst i was here for extra emeralds but there wasn't really any need for these emeralds so instead i used them for golden carrots luckily the villager was now master i got as many name tags as i could which was too much we only needed two but it's better to have more than enough and not enough then soared through the skies to the end portal and hop straight through we targeted the second shortest tower and we can't break this block does anyone know why we took down the obsidian tower and we got so much obsidian from this which was great so we headed back all the materials were pretty much ready and we had so much obsidian all together we then checked on the villagers and we were up to seven they were producing very quickly grabbed some more carrots and fed them even more to speed things up we then flew around deciding on where we should put this thing and after gliding through the sky we decided to put it next to our other automatic farms as we could afk both at the same time to maximize the efficiency eventually things might get moved around but we can block the eyesore with new buildings so with a big iron farm to build we got some rest the night before we started off the iron build by building up making a load of nether portals using a bit of dirt making a couple of pods out of glass and it was a really quick build and getting all set up villagers who we checked up on them the next day and getting all set up villages who we checked up on on the next day and we had 15. we only needed 12 we wasted no time and started placing rails and i went back through the track and added some powered rails and we didn't have enough iron for minecarts as we used it all on the beacon so we had to mine up some of our unfinished beacon just to get some on day 754 we started to ship the villagers using minecarts to the pods until jordan started having some trouble but eventually we got it sorted and then i ran into some problems when a villager went rogue but eventually it went into where i was supposed to go and after a stressful day of working with villagers we slept as it was night time because we didn't want mobs to try and kill them there was a lot of readjusting the tracks but we got the next three in and we went through the night to get the last three in before taking down all the track because you just know that we'll forget to do it the next part was making a zombie chamber and we completed that but now it was time for zombies so we stood around and waited for night time and jordan said we should kill these films so they don't kill our zombies and he had some fun doing it whilst jordan was having his fun i flew off back to the storage system to use an anvil to rename the two name tags to two of my channel members names we got the first zombie in place but iron golem killed it jordan attacked the two golems got another in place and i applied its name because the golem killed one of our zombies i had to go rename another name tag whilst jordan went to battle with a server full of mobs and when i got back we chose a zombie stacked out in gold armor just so they'd be a little more safe next time we put slabs above the heads of the zombies for protection and as the sun was rising on day 757 the zombies were in their chambers and safe from the iron golems and i tried punching an iron golem off he ended up wanting to fight me and he almost knocked me dead jordan out the portals it was time to go through to the nether to make the portals wider on the other end once we made it wider we dug out an area for the portal below made a glass tube added some trapdoors placed down some signs as well as some lava which i almost burnt myself in and that is the thing complete we made a new portal so we can get back here really easily then i went back into the overworld to make myself a little glass container to go afk in and i afk for three days through the night through the daytime i also saw this zombie wearing full diamond and charter gear this guy was cracked after afk and our new iron farm for three days these were the results and there was enough in there for us to turn the ingots into blocks and finish off the beacon we activated with speed two and we had two iron blocks to spare jordan was browsing our never rack catalogue and we needed a lot lot lot more and forgetting the amount of never act we had in mind we need a lot of shulkers and more importantly pickaxes so we got some lapis all of our diamonds and a bunch of sticks we went old school again going to our old enchantment table making a bunch of diamond pickaxes and enchanting all of them it turns out that we're richer back in the old days in terms of lapis blocks anyway jordan brought over some grindstones and anvils and i started disenchanting and combining pickaxes until i had an extra four efficiency five ones gordon also found some never right in the old house so it turns out that we were very rich before even building this other half of the homeland and i already had some in my end the chest so this is what we had i then threw jordan some never ingots and we combined our pickaxes to make never right ones needed mending and for that i need emeralds so i made a bunch of paper traded with the villagers also turned some sticks into bamboo also turned some bamboo into sticks so i could trade with fletcher's whilst the librarians were on cooldown and ended up trading more and more i've got the mending books but also accidentally some bane of arthropods books just why would i need these i chucked all them some mending books and applied the enchants to my pickaxes as well next day we grabbed some shulker boxes and hopped straight through our never portal to the main part of the nether not the never hub dug down to y15 put junk borders on and i just kept running into lava i also found like four-inch and debris like straight away why is it that you get stuff when you're not looking for it we finally found the lava free zone we placed our shulkers down and we just started going ham on the nether app after a couple of days i started running into lava again i'd had enough of it so i switched it up and went down to bedrock and it was so much easier than burning alive i kept running back and forth putting my netherrack into shulker boxes and after i got a good amount i went back up to y15 with jordan because if we were able to get ancient debris then why not all the shulkers were full and so are inventories so we picked up the shulker boxes found our way back home and went through the portal we got back home and put down our sugar boxes and then grabbed four more shulkers emptied out our double chest and we had 16 shulkers roughly 400 plus stacks of never act on us right now we put our ancient debris together grabbed the unsmelted oars and then made our way over to the new smelter shelter and put our oars in with the ancient debris to be smelted and oh my god did they come out of the chest fast this thing is rapid but unfortunately there were some problems with the smelter i'm really not a redstone guru as you guys know jordan knows a fair bit so we tried to fix it for most of day 770 we didn't have a test run and this smelter really is rapid but unfortunately it's not working it seems we and when i say we mainly jordan because he's the redstone guy have semi-fixed the problem no guys it turns out we didn't fix the problem at all we literally spent another three days trying to fix it jordan tried everything we were rebuilding it i changed one tiny thing and it worked so yeah that's right i'm the new redstone guy around here let's go it's day 734 we'd finally fixed it after so long sitting here rebuilding it this is the result of our smelted oars and now that it's working properly we can be very happy took a quick trip back to the storage room and turned all of the smelted ingots into blocks and then combined the gold with the scraps to get more ingots i found even more scrap so i turned that into never right two and made a block of never right we placed our second block of never right on top of the other block and we almost had enough for a beacon almost we then flew to the import all and i've ran out of rockets so jordan gave me a few and it was once again time to fix our tools [Music] now that our pickaxes and tools were repaired we mined up the shulker boxes and it was time to visit the nether hub we put down the shulkers when we got there and we started building we started working on the bill from day 777 to 780 and you know what guys we're not actually that bad at making hills we did it earlier in the episode and we're doing it now as well [Music] jordan had an idea of making a large circle around the base so whilst he did this i continued to build up the mountain the circle was now complete we started building up to decide where the peak of the mountain was going to be [Applause] [Music] and then decided to go to work on the frame of the main mountain once i got to the top i did the frame from the other side when that was complete i looked down and i was really high up when we complete this it's going to be absolutely huge the time was ticking past us and on day 784 it was time to call it quits with the building of the mountain as we could easily have another 100 days of filling it all in but there's other stuff to be done oh and we also have a ton of never act left over like a load of it when we got back to the overworld we needed some slimes and if you guys remember from a previous video we dug out a massive perimeter on the ground and retrieved the slimes we had in the chest and there was some spawning here too which was a bonus we waited for slimes to spawn and then kill them for their goods but we're wasting time waiting around so we took flight to go and check the nearby swamp and had no luck there either slimes have taken ages to spawn but i took one last look down on the ground and one kindly spawned and it was slain another one finally spawned when jordan turned up and another one soon after to give us about as much as we should need then turn them into slime blocks and grab the rest we had unlike most builds we did a bit of material gathering we needed coral fans or something like that so i flew off our jordan got the rest of the items we needed and i kept flying as it turned to night time as it took us that long i only had three rockets left on day 786 make that two now and i finally found some i wasn't just going to get enough i was going to raid the ocean for what it was worth i needed a plan of action on how to get home so i very slowly mined some wood from the shipwreck that i saw and when i say slowly i mean slowly i was able to make a crafting bench and in a boat to make it home the good old-fashioned way at this point i was definitely regretting not bringing more rockets it took me that long rowing my boat all the way back home that the sun started to set as i arrived on day 787 we checked the amount of gunpowder we already had in the farms and we decided that we wanted a load of tnt not just a bunch but like a load of it so i afk the gunpowder farm for five days whilst jordan af get the iron farm also because why not but before going through the portals there was a few llamas around so i took them to the nether because why not but it was results day firstly for our iron and gg we got a decent amount here of iron and next up was checking the results of the gunpowder farm and oh my god this was massive there was so much to go to the storage system and put it away in the gunpowder chests and we were very satisfied also added the gunpowder that was in the chest before i fade and i decided to use it all making a ton of tnt but before we went we were low on food and remembered we could trade for them so i made some emerald trades with the farmers to get us both a sufficient amount of golden carrots gave jordan some food and we found our spot the tutorial we were following said that you couldn't have any highlands or any mountains so we took down a hill nearby and made a border out of cobblestone so we had a good idea of how big we wanted this thing we went with a 100 by 100 area and then worked through the night to build up the walls of the border and eventually we slept just before sunrise because the weather was jarring honestly who likes rain in minecraft and phantoms were annoying as hell i continued bordering the 100 by 100 area boss jordan sponged the nearby water and it was finally finished the next step was to build up the corners to y85 and we spent the next two days building the world eater [Music] we set it off and it was super exciting but we forgot to take down the pillow that we started from because it shifts over and we fully broke it like we fully broke it we were crying with laughter and it was honestly just a great time it was so broken it completely stopped at the other end jordan broke it so much that it started going sideways and we couldn't stop laughing on day 797 after destroying it it was time to rebuild it now we built the main part it was time to rebuild the return system and we set it off it was the middle of day 797 and we decided to let go all the way through the day 800. but first let me just show you the not so glamorous or fun part of the process clearing up all the lava and water but this thing was tearing through the land watch this [Music] it's now day 800 which means we put the world eater to a stop and don't worry guys i didn't forget i renamed my shulker to chase's wallet thank you for this comment right here it's day 801 and we are back with a huge crater behind us which we probably should sort out so we jumped down and took some damage completely disregarding that if either of us died this world is deleted forever but anyway we then poured water over the lava once it was turned into obsidian we began mining it [Music] and eventually finished mining it once the ground was clear of lava and water we turned on the world eater again and then left it to go to work while we took care of things down on the ground clearing more of these lava pools with endless amounts of sand and cobblestone this definitely wasn't the most efficient method so i flew back to the storage system to collect some bamboo before throwing it to jordan for him to craft it all into scaffolding somehow we forgot we had this huge bamboo farm so we grabbed extras from there and jordan then showed off how much he crafted whilst he made more i went to get some gold to craft golden carrots but we have almost none i wonder what we should make soon this is also the first time in this world where i'm in my new skin so hey what do you guys think we then time start the machine again to let it blow up the rest of this 100 by 100 area and whilst it was going ham we placed cover y level zero to even out the ground the end of day 809 it was time to put a stop to the machine as it finally decimated this 100 by 100 area all the way down to y level zero all of day 810 was spent clearing up lava and leveling out the ground after the lava sources were completely covered on day 811 i pulled out my backpack and placed a bunch of tnt jordan set it all off whilst i was still placing i think he might have been trying to kill me guys [Music] after that small piece of demolition we placed torches down in a very organized fashion to prevent mobs from spawning once that was complete it was time to clear out our inventories of all the junk our food supply was now very low we have loads of carrots but literally no gold at all in the meantime we were back on baked potatoes jordan placed down some shulker boxes and we started gathering materials such as trapdoors and dirt then trading sticks and pumpkins for emeralds with the villagers and i came to realize that we could have just traded emeralds for golden carrots oh well let's make a better gold farm anyway game tags were next followed by hoppers and we need 96 mine carts and there's just not enough iron here to do it these were the chests so far what we needed now was our 96 minecarts and 5708 magma blocks not too many so we flew on over to the iron farm when we got through we remembered that we brought a llama through in the last hundred days why i don't know we checked the chest to see how much we had awaiting us and we were pretty happy with the amount that there was so we put the shulker boxes down and began crafting an obscene amount of minecarts over seven shulkers full which might be a bit overkill but oh well it's done now sam was up next on the list as we needed a load of glass to absolutely destroy the chunk of this desert shoveling it all up through the day into the night we managed to fill our invents and four shulker boxes we were back home on day 816 with so much sand way more than we needed it's better to have too much than not enough our tools were in need of repair so we hopped through the end portal and started boxing up the enderman who honestly didn't stand a chance our pvp skills were just too elite and once everything was back to max durability we flew back to the main island and back through the portal we now had every material apart from the magma blocks so we spent the next few days grinding it out and to be fair some of the clusters we were finding had so many blocks in them so it didn't take us as long as we thought it might have once we were pretty sure that we had enough we went on over to our brand new mega smelter and gave it his first true task of smelting two shulkers full of sand after a full day of waiting a whole lot was smelted into glass and i probably didn't even need to spend an entire day waiting now everything was finally ready it was to the nether we were now in another hub and it reminded us of our custom mountain which we would one day need to finish one day maybe i accidentally found the old gold farm when looking for the never waste biome and ended up being one of these biomes right near our nether hub in the opposite direction of the old gold farm which was ideal but there was no time to waste let's get to work on our brand new mega gold xp farm [Music] to finish the build of this farm we placed down some trapdoors and while jordan worked on the collection area of the farm it was my task to rename four name tags so i thought i'd choose four of my favorite comments from 800 days leave a nice comment on this video and i might choose yours in our one thousand days special episode the last thing to do is name the pikmin in the corners while i was doing that jordan accidentally attacked one of the zombie pigmen way too early and started training them around which was pretty funny to see when everything was ready and in position gordon aggravated the zombie pigmen and we afk the gold farm from day 830 today 833 test it out and see how much loot we would get those three days flew by and it was now time to check the loot when any of you guys want a gold sword by the way we withdrew all of the gold knowing that we need to come back and filter this to gold ingots and golden nuggets only then turn the gold nuggets into ingots and this is what we ended up with not too bad at all we forgot to take down the scaffolding and it was really satisfying to watch and not as satisfying as the amazing taste of g fuel use code chaser at checkout for discount let's go and as the sun was set in on day 834 we flew back to the storage system to drop off our gold i put away my remaining baked potatoes grabbed some carrots and began crafting a good amount of golden ones topped up our golden carrot chest with a healthy amount but pretty soon we'd be needing more regular carrots in the meantime jordan threw some materials into a shulker box but you forgot a lava bucket so while he was away getting that i was thinking about how boring the regular totem of undying looks much better jordan arrived back with the lava bucket with my new-look totem in hand we headed back into the nether the whole farm actually looked really cool from far away but it's a shame that the contents of the chest didn't so to solve that we started throwing out all of the rubbish that wasn't golden nuggets or golden ingots it was taking a while to do so jordan decided he had other ideas and he wasn't done there either he just kept going i quickly jumped back through to the overworld to grab some essentials such as wood iron to make hoppers and fireworks as we were getting through them pretty rapidly and once i arrived back at the farm we made a new glass platform one level below our current one placed down some hoppers redstoned it all up and added in filter blocks before provoking zombie pigmen as we needed both golden nuggets and ingots for the filtering system once all of that was done we gave it a quick test run and it seemed to all run pretty smoothly when the pigment died the hoppers pick up all of the loot and the chests only collect the gold with everything else traveling further through and being swiftly ejected into lava to dispose of them after a lot of hard work that's just now done with the gold farm and overall we are really happy with it is this the best gold farm you've ever seen let us know in the comments when traveling back home we were flying over our villager farms and it helped us to remember that we actually did have a working carrot farm even if the production rates weren't the best as you can see these villagers just weren't working hard enough so once again we grabbed a bunch of shulker boxes spent the rest of the day gathering and crafting an absolute ton of materials so we were gonna make this thing huge and after a day and a half of material gathering we were ready to rock and roll so we got a good night's rest in before a number of upcoming days of hard work set all of the shulker boxes up and begin our next big project and making these villager crop farms even bigger [Music] these 840 to 844 were spent building the second layer and redesigning the first which honestly took longer than it should have but i'm sure that the next three layers won't take anywhere near as long we put new hopper minecarts in place for the villagers to throw the crops into and then one by one started transporting the villagers inside [Music] by the end of day 845 they were all in place from day 846 to 849 we worked on building the next three additional layers and once this is built we're gonna get some insane production rates [Music] we were now on day 850 with the whole thing built now we just need people who are going to do the work for us this is what it looks like before the villagers and now with them trust me that took a lot longer on our end before doing an afk test on this new farm we cleared out the chest at the bottom and there was already an insane amount of stuff in here but we wanted to see how much we could get from an afk session so for literally like not even half a minecraft day which was like maybe 10 minutes if that i stood there and afk at the villager farm and whilst doing this jordan also afk at the gunpowder farm as it turned to nighttime we came down below check the chests and we were pleasantly surprised we got all of this just from 10 minutes but we were now wealthy with our carrot supply compared to what we were and we also had a lot of gold too so i put the two together and started crafting golden carrots and this is our new golden carrot supply jordan brought the gunpowder back and he was looking in the direction of the crafting bench which could only mean one thing tnt we already had over four stacks of tnt in my shulker box and then jordan added the stacks that he crafted when i'm on the shulker box jordan accidentally picked it up and just him holding that many explosives made me very nervous so with 595 tnt at our disposal we wanted to see how much netherite we could get from it and to have some fun so we set a challenge of who could get the most we began by mining down to why level 12. we're hoping this will keep us away from any lava pools but i mean we are in the nether what can you do and we then started mining separate ways in a straight line for our tnt trail jordan ran into a huge lava pool so we worked together with him taking the tnt for myself mining the tunnel as we were placing on day 853 a section blew up by itself and we didn't catch it on camera it wasn't the whole thing so that's okay we didn't have much tnt left to play so we made a little mini explosion and then after that we set off the rest we were ready for our competition but there was just one thing standing in our way and remember guys this is hardcore our quest of 1000 days could all be over if one of these wipe us out tunnel was cleared and it was time to get going we both ran down and started mining ancient debris and jordan took a left turn as i took a right and that pretty much sums up the whole challenge i was finding no ancient debris and i clearly took the wrong direction because on day 854 i had a total of nine ancient debris and when jordan showed me his he collected 21. i can't lie i did feel upset that i went the wrong way but jordan was definitely suspicious do everyone type jordan suss in the comments just so he knows we're on to him we then went mining individually for six more ancient debris as after smelting them and combining them with gold we'd have enough for another block and for some reason when it wasn't part of a challenge i started finding so much ancient debris it was actually crazy and i had seven pieces of ancient debris before jordan found just one i guess i'm not such a failure after all on the way back we both minded the sides at the same time to see if we would get any more and jordan did actually end up finding another piece followed by me getting lucky finding a vein of two but soon after we had to stop as we'd come so far and our pickaxes were not going to survive for much longer we finally found a portal to get back home and altogether we'd gotten 42 ancient debris and it looks like we got back just in time for sunrise on day 856. we dropped off all the netherrack from our inventories and we then went to put the ancient debris into the super smelter and it was rapid as always just look how fast it is it was then time to go back into the nether to go to the gold farm and i ambushed this zombie pigman to get this thing started quite literally 60 seconds later we were all repaired and had 64 gold ingots so when we got back into the overworld we flew over to the storage where i made some never right ingots and then crafted the block i ran over to the two previously placed ones and placed it to make a staircase maybe the most expensive staircase you've ever seen in minecraft and talking to staircases we couldn't help but notice that the one outside the storage room we built was really bright so it was time to change it jordan gave me all the materials for the stairs maybe too many but through day 856 and 857 we completely redesigned the staircase giving it a different look to fit in with our village and once we completed it the design felt so much nicer and it wasn't so harsh on the eyes day 858 was another boring one as we spent literally the whole day gathering materials and we knew you didn't want to see that on day 859 we began terraforming the hill opposite the smelter building followed by a bit more terraforming and it wasn't until the stars came out that we had finally finished terraforming there was no point of sleeping as it was about to be sunrise so we grabbed our shulker boxes and then placed them down as it was daylight we used some concrete to map out the build and began building on top of the concrete we then spend the next five days working on this brand new building [Music] it was kind of tedious and it was a bit different but we tried to make it the same style of theme but the main reason we wanted it was because it had a little bridge with a little pass-through so we can eventually make a pathway go we can eventually make a pathway go through it and lead to other things i mean we weren't overly happy with the way it looked so we tried it out with some stripped spruce logs on the tower to match our other buildings and eventually we ran out so you know what that means deforestation we went tree chopping for the rest of the day taking down this spruce forest and we got almost two rows of stacks of spruce logs the next task was then to reskin the oak wood to spruce wood and i guess the upside of this would be that we get a load of oakwood in return but by the end of the day it was all re-skinned and maybe we could add a few more features but we didn't want to spend too long on this so we just left it how it was for now we then worked on the pathways going up the hill and worked through the night into the morning and the next day jordan started building a wall around the entrance and it actually really worked we quite liked it whilst he was working on this i added in our signature street lamps [Music] and the extension of the pathway was now complete even though we fly everywhere with our elytras having pathways everywhere just makes the place feel much better whilst we were working on all of this it made me wonder for the villagers working too after clearing out our inventories we checked up on how hard they'd have been working and oh my that is so much the production rate of this farm absolutely crazy i think it's safe to say we're going to need a few more shulkers for this our new iron farm was also just behind the villagers so it made us wonder if that was working too we headed on over to the iron farm and it's safe to say that it was also working so we started crafting blocks out of the ingots and after clearing out we had two shulkers full of puppies and almost a shulker full of iron blocks our farms are crazy the next morning we put the iron into the right chests and we collected some more shulker boxes before flying back to the crop farms and we were just blown away like seriously blown away with the amount of crops that we had we started putting the carrots into the carrots chest we very quickly ran out of room so we had to put them in vacant chests for now we then filled up the shulkers with potatoes until jordan arrived with some spare shulkers which we definitely needed and we had the idea to trade as many of these crops as possible before storing them away because we could at least get some emeralds out of them all but unfortunately we didn't have that many farmer villagers which meant that we had to put them all away anyway we then decided to fill two shulkers up again with potatoes and had another idea of how to dispose of them we placed a load of beds down covering 90 of the floor inside the breeding room in our village trading hall and we then went to sleep when we all woke up we made it rain as if it was christmas morning for these villagers and we'll be back in about 10 days to see just how many baby villages they produce leave a comment with a guess on how many there'll be let's see how many of you can get it right next up i had the idea of putting some pixelate up above our villager farm and also our gunpowder farm putting icons of what they were above them for those we would need wool which means that making a farm next to the villagers would hopefully afk both at the same time when we're nearby along with the iron farm too so we got cracking on getting the materials for the farm and it's a good job we had loads of iron because we needed so many shears [Music] luckily for us this farm was really easy to build and it didn't take us long at all i was really interrupted by zombies whilst trying to put shears into the dispensers the next morning i continued to fill the dispensers with shears now that they were all full it was time to bring over our first victim i mean sheep jordan then brought over sheep number two and it didn't take long at all for them to produce is another whilst jordan worked on getting loads of sheep i went out to get some flowers for dye and luckily there was a decent selection of colours nearby and then went to mine some cactus for a green dye and transformed all of the flowers into dyes wow i said dies way too many times there we then took this innocent squid's life and whilst i did all of this jordan had started a little sheep family if only they knew what they were getting into i was now only one die away from the complete collection so i flew off into the distance in search of cocoa beans and i eventually found them so now i can make brown dye after sleeping i came back the next morning with the brown dye and i had every possible color jordan chopped me a lead and it was time to get these sheep into their pods but surprisingly easier than we thought but we realized that we've made the mistake of putting shears in before colouring them so we had to remove all of the shears let them grow their wall and then give them a different color i went through and colored all of the sheep and it looked really nice when they were in order and it will look even better when we change this regular glass to match the color of the sheep when i got back here on day 874 this big fella seemed like he wanted a hug i don't know how rare these are but i did kind of want to keep him anyway so i flew to the storage system crafted a boat made a relatively accurate name tag but when i got back he was nowhere to be seen sad times now was the time to add shears to the dispensers as you can see barely any of the sheep had walls so it was up and running already but we had to wait for more wool as we needed a healthy amount but we didn't want to just afk so we decided we'd do some meaningless tasks in the area instead i whipped out the stone cutter and made some deep slate bricks and we got to work on redesigning this little sheep farm [Music] i added wall underneath the glass to make it look even better and i then added in some sea lanterns and put carpets over all of them and because that didn't take us long we also changed the glass on the bamboo farm to make it match with everything else [Music] we then found out that the sheep weren't doing anything during all of this and we realized that we were just completely stupid it was a pretty quick fix we just removed all of the sea lanterns in the carpet but we still needed wool so i decided to take one for the team drowning my ears with these sheeps groans i afk until day 881 and these were the results of the production so far so we definitely had enough for what we wanted to do now the sheep had worked hard apart from this one tried killing it but jordan stopped me and he made a multi-coloured sheep he said this has been a thing for ages but who else didn't know what this was let me know in the comments we grabbed some of the wall and we got to work on making a carrot pixel art [Music] it was complete on day 883 and i'm not gonna lie it does look better from far away but overall we thought it looked pretty cool but here comes the moment you all been waiting for it was finally time to check on the villagers to see how busy they've been getting and well it turns out they were pretty busy we came out of the village of trading hall and it was nice to look around and see other buildings it made it feel like more of a village but this area didn't have anything there yet and with loads of land why not build something huge here so we laid down some shulker boxes once again for materials for the thousandth time this series and once again we were material gathering through the day and the night until day 884 where all the materials were ready and we actually only needed two shulker boxes the rest was a bit overkill we placed the poppy to mark where we wanted the entrance of the build and if we were being honest the lamb wasn't great for building so a bit of terraforming and grass cutting was needed [Music] once the ground was level when it was good for building we spent the next number of days building an entrance for our castle [Music] on day 890 i got some more materials from the storage room and we started taking down the walls that we built not because we didn't like it just so we could texture it and let me tell you by adding a bit of stone cobblestone and andesite along with the stone brick it makes the whole build look so much better the next morning we color coordinated our shulker boxes we needed some more resources to put inside of them we required a lot of smooth sandstone which means that we need four times the amount of sand before smelting the sandstone that's a lot of maths so i just trusted jordan when he said we needed a certain amount we used the sand that we had already and actually we weren't that far off at all i ran back over to the super smelter and put the sand zone inside and this clip is not sped up the speed of this thing still baffles me to this day just like that the first batch was ready jordan started smelting his sandstone too and now we had loads ready it was time to get back to building soon after we did have to go to sleep though because phantoms came out to play they're definitely the most annoying mob in the game the next four days was spent building the walls for this castle and let me just tell you once this thing is done it's going to look insane maybe the best build we've done so far that isn't a farm we started running out of room and there was a big hill in the middle where we were going to build so day 896 started off with a lot of terraforming and we were terraforming until my shovel got dangerously close to breaking so to repair them we hopped on over to the gold farm afk at the gold farm and literally moments later my tools were back to full durability before it changed to night time i was back to help in jordan but there was a lot more ground than we expected because we were working during the night time the inside of the castle very quickly turned into a battlefield day 897 we built up the corner towers as well as the walls around the back the next task was to extend the walkways and whilst i did this jordan dropped me off a care package of more materials and fireworks as we were burning through them very quickly the next parts were a bit more particular but we ended up building the first staircase around the back and fielding the floor around it after working through the night we then built another huge pillar and when i say huge this thing genuinely was pretty big and after building that we decided to call it a day for the castle so far but it was coming along pretty well already dawn said that we were low on rockets so i afk the gunpowder farm for fireworks that we could use to get around then spend the day crafting other types of fireworks and loading up dispensers once we've done that we had officially survived 900 days of hardcore minecraft so to celebrate we set up this amazing firework display right above our massive crater which we're going to use for something special in the 1000 day special stay 901 and we are back before we pick up where we left off we wanted to go and explore the new 1.19 biomes we didn't want to waste any time so first things first we stocked up on fireworks grabbed some obsidian and went exploring we flew through the never hub and then far far away built a portal and hopped straight through we then dug up to the surface and came across a mangrove swamp by the end of the night after lots of flying now we'd arrived we dug up loads of mud so we wouldn't have to come back and we did this into the next morning taking more materials including mango roots and mango vlogs before flying over the nice new land and deciding that we wanted to find an ancient city we went looking for the portal again ended up finding a zombie spawner with no good loot but we found the portal and we made our way back home on day 903 we dropped off our items then floor in the direction that we felt like we traveled in the least to give us the best chance of finding new chunks and after flying roughly over a thousand blocks away we found some nice looking hills which definitely wouldn't have been a thing in 1.17 or any version below we flew down a cave kept going lower and boom there was an ancient city i mean it wasn't a proper ancient city because it was just a big cave full of scope but it had sensors and it looked pretty new to us we then started testing out how to spawn in the warden and eventually we were successful it started to go dark around us and we had our fingers glued to our sneak hotkey until for some reason jordan stupidly threw his trident at it which angered him and the warden responded with his range attack which meant we had to back up as far away as possible after escaping that warden with jordan almost dying an additional two spawned which made us panic and we backed up even further after that thrilling encounter we made it to the surface with our lives on day 904 and let me tell you the sunlight had never looked so good we're definitely not prepared for a battle with the warden not yet anyway we noted down the coordinates for future reference and we were on our way we must have flew home in a different direction as we came across these epic mountains and biomes and honestly we wish we could just pick up our world and place it in between them because it all just looked so cool we eventually made it back during the night and headed home for some well earned sleep the next morning we woke up and met at the storage room to make a plan on how to take out the deadly warden after looking back at our 500 days episode we saw which way we traveled in when we built our raid farm we then flew thousands of blocks in that direction in search of it flying throughout the whole day until we ran out of fireworks but luckily we found it just as we had run out and when we got there jordan showed me that he brought a load of spares in his shulker box because he remembered just how far away this farm actually was through the night i kept going down to the outpost to look for the pillager to give me a bad omen whilst jordan worked on the redstone and checked it was all working kept flying back and forth and they just weren't spawning until the sun rose the next day and jordan joined me to see if our fortunes would change and would you believe it we found one i got the bad omen and waited for all clear from jordan then flew up to the farm and kicked it all off spawning in the raid then started killing the mobs and once that wave was complete we tried another method with the redstone reminding ourselves of how it all worked i set off another wave of the raid we soon realized that the vexes are way too op and we probably stand more of a chance of dying to them than we do with the warden so we wanted to work on a vex suppressor which would eliminate us from being attacked by them but we didn't have any of the materials with us so we took all of the totems out of the chest before being attacked by phantoms and then flew home when we got back we slept so that the phantoms would disappear for at least a few more nights for a vex suppressor we'd need materials and while we were home we got materials for improving the sorting system for the loot as well because right now it's not too great we then travel back extended the size of the platform and made some additional adjustments on day 908 i got myself a bad omen once again to start off the raid then fought off all of the mobs trying to leave the evoker so we could put a name tag on him but my totem of undying pop causing me to fly away as quickly as possible because this is hardcore and one death could lead to the end of this world forever we tried again but it was proven to be difficult as i left with just two hearts and after a full day of trying we finally named it avoca now we had adam the avocado trapped we began construction on the vex suppressor the first suppressor was finished on day 909 and the last thing to do before starting a new raid was spawning the iron golems things seemed to start working a bit better with less vexes attacking but eventually they started coming for us again so we got kind of annoyed and just took the emeralds and totems and left to go home only then to realize we left our shulker boxes behind so we went back for those and then set off home for good this time putting the totems away was the first thing we did when we got back realizing that the storage room was so far backed up that we needed to clear it out i found the lava bucket and we set all of the unneeded items are light earning them to a crisp as we just didn't need them now phase one is complete on our quest of defeating the warden we thought we should probably get some potions on the go as it does a lot of damage and it's also extremely quick and can outrun us so health potions and swiftness potions are a must the thing is we had nowhere to make these potions apart from our old house so it was time to make a brewery right about here we decided to use the new mango wood for the build but we just didn't have enough so i got some materials together whilst jordan got some more mangrove wood on day 912 i was in the storage room stripping the remainder of the logs that jordan collected and the last material we needed was red never brick so we smelted some never act collected the nether bricks literally just seconds later and found out that if you combine nether wart with the nether bricks it creates red nether brick which was brand new to me once all of that was done all of our materials were ready and it was time to start building [Music] so the build looks great but we realized that we built this kind of just for looks rather than practical use it looks great but we still needed somewhere to store amber potions so we made this this new bill took us four days and the first thing to do after building it was to grab some potion materials which we then took over to the building making a storage section for them upstairs then decorating the downstairs also adding in brewing stands as we'd need them to make the potions we then loaded the barrels of ingredients now all of that's done the downstairs is complete with the upstairs looking great after jordan altered a few things on day 921 we brewed some potions for ourselves and then some debuff potions like slowness and weakness which would hopefully give us any sort of advantage in the battle with the warden these are all the potions we ended up with and if we wanted to have the best possible chance of surviving this battle we'd need enchanted golden apples jordan looked in his shulker box and offered me one of his god bows as mime were super low on durability and he already had a god apple but one wasn't enough so it was time to get some more we stocked up on fireworks taking the rest of what was in our chest then made sure we had enough food to eat stocked up on obsidian two before heading to the nether built a new portal and hop right through for the next number of days we were temple hunting going through so many of them [Music] and finally the 10th temple gave me the goods we flew through the night to get home which was only thousands of blocks away but we did make it back to the nether hub and eventually back into the overworld to let the whole world know that we were back home jordan used the new goats horn that he'd found on his journey and when i went to the top up on fireworks to get to the warden i realized that we used all of them traveling for just two god apples it definitely wasn't worth it but luckily after checking the gunpowder farm there was 34 in there which should be more than enough for now we collected the totems grabbed our potions and flew off to the warden we arrived at sunset and immediately started preparing by equipping our chest plates sorting out our inventories and grabbing a lot of totems after making our way down we warmed up our bow shots on other mobs just before jumping down and attempting to spawn in the almighty warden everything went pitch black and it got super scary spawning in the warden seemed to be the easiest part as there was one right next to me straight away it must have sensed my presence as it hit me with a super powerful range attack jordan was already building an escape route for us and when i was safe i switched my texture back to full brightness just so you guys could see everything too definitely not because i was scared there were now two wardens after us and we were lost in a tunnel inside of the wall for the longest time but random times we were getting hit super hard which terrified us and made us back off several totem pops later and a lot of relocating of our positions we finally managed to get a line of sight onto the wardens and sat back taking bow shots we managed to kill the first one that was locked onto me and this gave us so much confidence when fighting the second one when we realized it was only locked onto jordan i went up close and personal with it and got some sword hits in i was still hesitant just in case he turned around and chased me instead a few more swings to the sword later and the second warden was defeated this was our biggest challenge yet and honestly it could have all ended here if that hasn't made you guys subscribe i don't know what will we're getting pretty close to 100k by the way just saying on day 930 we switched up our focus to finishing the castle but we were low on cobblestone and underside so a mining trip was definitely needed it took some iron from the chest flew past our iron golem village which we forgot all about and if you don't know what this is we basically defeated a raid with an army of iron golems and when reminiscing this we had a thought how many iron golems would it take to kill the warden we dug out an area and started to build the beacon and for the next two days we went ham collecting cobblestone and a site coal and stone we were very happy with the amount that we'd worked for so we mined up the beacon [Music] flew back home dropped off all the coal into the super smelter and then put stuff into the storage system to be sorted i then made myself a new silk touch pickaxe as my one broke whilst mining and with our new materials that we just collected from days 934 to 937 we've re-textured the castle walls to make it look more realistic and just give it better detailing overall once we'd retextured it we moved on to building the frame of the castle which also included yet another tower so after working on the castle for a bit we realized that we were actually really short on wood and a lot of you guys in the comments keep saying that a wood bomb is definitely long overdue so we started gathering materials like we always do and we had everything together pretty quickly apart from one material and that was honey block so the next day we gathered some flowering azalea found ourselves getting more materials and by the end of the day we had most of it ready so we jumped straight through the nether portal and on day 943 we began building the bee farm and to be fair it was only small so it didn't take that long to complete jordan then managed to get inside the 1x1 gap and started breeding the bees then whilst they were breeding we grabbed some neveract and we started filling in our forgotten volcano project i swear we'll get this finished one day now we were back in the overworld it was time to get working on this wood farm and we wanted to build a good enough one so that we'd have enough wood to last us forever day 951 we hopped into the nether again and spent the day getting bones from the soul sam biomes and the next day we turned those bones into bone mill then put them all into the chest grabbed some of our many saplings and i started using the wood farm from the middle of the day to the sunset which isn't that long at all this is how much we accumulated so now that we were pretty healthy on wood we took ourselves back to the castle and started building more and more working on pillars flooring stairs more blocks in general a wall we need to build a wall because we've been building on and off for so long we began to get pretty bored our attention spans aren't that great and we wanted to have a bit of fun so to take a break we flew into the storage system to get our favorite block which was tnt but we didn't have much which meant that a trip to the gunpowder farm was needed therefore from the night of 955 to the night of 956 we afk the gunpowder farm and as the stars started to reappear i checked the chests and there must have been some gunpowder in there before because there was so much waiting for us we topped up our fireworks supply and then used the rest of the gunpowder to make tnt but we have no sand so the next day we flew off to find a desert one that we hadn't already destroyed and then came across a big sand island jordan place down some shulker boxes and we spent the whole day running down the durability of our shovels collecting sand the following day it was time to craft tnt until we got back and took a look at our tools realizing that they needed repairing before going specifically our shovels and pickaxes next we put the sound that we got into the automatic system because we're lazy and then flew off to the never portal straight to the gold farm assaulted a zombie pigman and then sat and collected the xp to repair our tools and in just a matter of moments everything was back to full durability this farm was probably one of the best farms we've ever built once we were back in the overworld i flew to the nether portal inside of our castle to meet jordan as we were searching for an area to mining and place down all the tnt we discussed the ancient debris race that we'd had last video and decided that we need to have another one as jordan was pretty sus last time and you guys were all calling him out in the comments eventually we found a fairly lava free zone to dig down in and went mining in different directions we then met up after mining in a sort of rectangle shape started lacing the joint with tnt we had a lot left over so we placed loads more in one area and once it was all placed jordan did the honors of setting it all off it was time for the great ancient debris race 2.0 before we start i want to know in the comments are you team chaser or team jordan there's a lot less lava this time so hopefully i wouldn't take the wrong direction like i did last time i started off really well finding some but to be honest there really wasn't that much and once we threw all our stuff together jordan ended up winning again but i mean neither of us really won because we got like 15 all together from all of that tnt anyways drop a gg to jordan down in the comments to make up for the lack of ancient debris in return for our tnt we spent the next few days mining for ancient debris we were getting ancient debris here and there but the point that made me stop was when i got this insane forever i'm pretty sure that this is like really rare right we managed to get a lot more ancient debris than we started with from the race and we saw that as enough to make our way back to the portal we were back in the overworld on day 963 and it was time to turn this ancient debris into ingots after smelling it and combining it with gold with a grand total of one extra block three days worth of work but one block of never right probably not worth it if we're honest imagine if we wanted to build a full never right beacon that's maths i don't even wanna do we weren't done having fun yet we grabbed all of our iron and the pumpkins half them all and then slept the night because phantoms were really annoying as i walked outside there was a random panda on the loose problem solved we sorted the iron blocks and pumpkins into shulker boxes and seen all that iron made us wonder how much was in our farm chest because we hadn't visited in a while so we flew over checked the chests and there was a lot in there that we crafted into blocks just look at how much there is if you're wondering what we're planning to do here with all this iron we wanted to test the idea that we had earlier of seeing how many iron golems it would take to kill a warden upon arrival we geared up into our chest plates and grabbed some extra totems after jumping down we were ambushed by mobs but very quickly started placing as many iron blocks as we could before the warden rose from the underground jordan then performed his fantastic idea from the first incident with a warden and decided to poke the bear if you will he ran for his life in a panic and luckily for me the warden doesn't target more than one person at a time despite the warden being super op and making jordan pop a totem of undying it stood no match up against our iron golems these guys single-handedly saved the series because jordan was almost dead also was clearing up jordan ran past me and told me that he'd done it again and that the golems managed to save him once more and maybe we were onto something as a gesture of goodwill jordan trapped in the golem that managed to save his life and get the last hit on the warden and we wanted to give him a name but for that we'd need a name tag so jordan flew all the way back home to get one with the name of his choosing and applied it when he got back and this was our new friend dwayne and all of this was great the next task was to bring him home which we weren't ready for yet we wanted to have some more fun fighting wardens with our iron golem army before engaging in another battle we worked on a staircase to get dwayne out and take him home and we broke into a semi-underground village which was kind of cool jordan took him up the staircase and we put him inside a little hole until we were finished which we weren't ready for yet we wanted to have some more fun fighting wardens with our iron golem army it was now time for some more fun funnily enough we couldn't spawn in any more golems because we had too many already and even though we knew we had them as backup it was still so scary but the iron golems did their thing protecting us at all costs we lost track of time defeating warden after warden with our friends and we were left convinced that there is nothing the iron golems cannot defend you from in minecraft it was now time to leave and somehow we almost forgot our hero next up is guarding him home and we only had to travel roughly 2 000 blocks that way we tried making dwayne fly but he was too heavy but although he can't fly he's a big fan of jet skiing [Music] we let him have a small room in the castle before he becomes the emperor of the whole thing when it's fully built nip all of the iron that we didn't use into the storage system before dwayne settles into the temporary place we thought we'd better get back to work to begin gordon and i started placing the flooring then worked on an aesthetic pathway for the entrance to the castle built up a brand new tower to add some more wow factors to the project and once that was done it was time to work on the roof to start completing the main parts on day 974 we searched around the local area for some flowers to decorate the staircase that we just built and once we had some i started placing some down then bonemealing grass to make a little more natural or whilst jordan did a bit of terraforming but most of the dirt was turned into grass i started bone mealing it to make it fit in and this was my failed attempt of planting a tree the second time was definitely the charm as this looks a lot nicer to make a longer pathway leading into the castle we needed to move the never right blocks and once they were out of the way i took my shovel and started destroying the grass and then filled it in in a random sequence of blocks to make it look more natural like the rest of our pathways whilst jordan followed behind me with the staircases adding in the finer details day 976 was the day where we looked at the castle and finally decided that now is the time to re-texture it as plain stone just doesn't look all that great we used mainly anna site and stone bricks and five very long days later the retexturing process had finished plans for more pathways were then considered until coming across at this absolute gem this was so nostalgic and truly a piece of history unfortunately though it was underneath a shocking building which was getting in the way of the castle i wonder who built this which could only result in one thing now that felt a lot better we needed some gunpowder for tnt so i afk'd it real quick it's safe to say that was so worth it making three extra farms connected to this one it just produces so much like i always seem to be doing i was in the storage system crafting tnt and then both placed an obsidian box around the sacred map to give it protection from the tnt blasts our goal here was to have a crater with the map in the middle to make it look like somewhat of an ancient artifact in the rubble we closed it all off and covered the wall connecting to the storage system too and then it was time for detonation [Music] we went to patch things up in the morning and were greeted by some company who we blew up because they didn't seem very friendly we patched up hole one and then took down the layer of protection and the obsidian did not do enough for us and we've now lost this piece of history forever sad times i guess that really is gone forever the next day we started filling in the second hole and leaving our history in the past forever i then grabbed iron and redstone to craft compasses jordan made the maps before placing down picture frames on the wall inside the castle i got the first map done for where we think the center might be and placed it up on the wall we worked through the night getting more maps and placing them on the wall and carried this over to the next day which just consisted of maps placing maps placing jordan was great at it i was trying to piece my ones together and just kept getting stuck it was all starting to come together though on day 987 jordan placed down the last row and the map was fully complete this looked insane and you can see everything from the castle to the rest of the entire village that we built including our starter home and look at just how big the 100 by 100 area looks in map form this was a masterpiece now the map was complete it was time for a real challenge jordan instructed me to craft some trap doors and get some soul sand whilst he got some kelp and we were right on our way before we knew it we were back at the deadliest place in our world and got our totems ready just in case i was the sacrifice we went down to get the coordinates of where we needed to dig down from and after we made our calculations we mined down together in a two by two we made it to the bottom and a warden spawned straight away some reason he locked onto me immediately i built up just to stay clear of his range attack and while i was baiting the warden jordan started shooting him with his bow until it switched its focus onto him and it chased jordan but we remembered that we had our trusty iron golem army we went back to building but another spawned and for some reason it really wanted me dead so we thought it was in our best interest to start from the top and then do the bottom afterwards i started filling in the rest whilst jordan was the bait for the warden and when he was away another one spawned in on me it chased me and the golems did not protect me as well as they protected jordan and i got hit pretty hard luckily nothing too serious though on day 990 jordan realized he made a mistake and needed fence gates instead of trapped doors but we placed him down anyway and i baited the warden that spawned to see if it would fit through while i was up there i took advantage of being surrounded by loads of trees so i started chopping away to get fence gates jordan joined me up top and the water was now in so i started replacing trapdoors with gates and then a warden spawned and a second one spawned right next to me followed by a third out at the top of an unspawned iron golem i thought a fourth warden spawned but really it just got scared and went back underground during all of this terror jordan managed to put kelp from the bottom up to the ground level i flew over whilst the ward and chased me and on the first try it didn't make you up the elevator with me it was time for take two and the same thing happened but like always the third time was the charm as the warden was flying up behind me i popped three totems in a row and i honestly thought that we might not reach day 1000 jordan flew back home on day 993 as fast as he could to grab some more totems he also grabbed the name tag so we could name the warden just in case we flew too far away and it despawned after waiting all day the sun started to set and as if by magic jordan arrived with lots of totems to keep me alive gordon then applied the name tag mister worldwide to the warden and it was go time i spent the next few days just trying to survive because if you get too close the warden does an insane amount of damage and i had to be focused whilst guiding it towards our homeland we also found that the warden could walk on lava without taking any damage and would also become extremely slow when touching water a few totems later and a few thousand blocks traveled we took it over to the 100 by 100 hole and as i flew down he jumped straight down like an absolute lunatic luckily it didn't die from any full damage so we allowed it to run free whilst we figured out a plan of what to do with it i collected some glass whilst jordan grabbed some dirt and we then flew back down to the bottom to work out roughly where the middle was the warden was too busy killing slimes and bats to care about us so we were able to build safely we pull it up made a platform and then started working on the kelp along with the dirt walls to contain the water but before getting the warden angry we turned the platform into a box in case he was feeling reckless again and just jumped off once that was done i got the warden to follow me up and i popped yet another totem in the process because it was aggroed on me jordan entered the death cage to start taking out the water so that there was no escape we took out the top layers of dirt then once it was a safe enough distance away started to help out taking down lower layers by the end of day 998 the warden was floating and we had completed our mission it was the next morning and there was just one day left of our 1000 day journey and we were very quickly running out of time to finish things that we had plans of doing there was one last thing i wanted to make sure we did so i collected all of our items in the hall of fame from our first home and jordan worked on some secret redstone a place down the niveright blocks followed by all of our items putting them in their own acclaimed position inside of the castle to showcase some of the most special moments from our series we then did some interior design to finish off the day and to make it look better overall day one thousand we have officially survived 1 000 days in hardcore minecraft to celebrate we showed off the new hall of fame in the castle we had the dragon egg from the first 100 days the day one poppy which jordan gave to me on the very first day of all of this the light child red bull gives you wings that saved my life and helped me perform the craziest clutch i've ever seen in minecraft still to this day we have dwayne in a trophy cabinet from this episode and then the first dragon's head we collected with the mlg boat and our netherite blocks we exited the castle and the sun had set which means that there's only one thing left to do and that was put on a firework display at the castle so there we go guys we survived 1 000 days in hardcore minecraft can we hit 1 000 likes for 1 000 day survive if you enjoyed this you should definitely watch this video next [Music]
Channel: Chaza
Views: 11,627,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Days Minecraft Hardcore, We survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, duo minecraft 100 days, I survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, duo 100 days, minecraft hardcore duo 100 days, 100 days hardcore, 100 days minecraft duo, hardcore minecraft 100 days, Minecraft I survived 100 days, chaza, chaza minecraft, 1000 days duo, we survived 1000 days, chaza 1000 days, chaza 100 days, we survived 1000 days in minecraft
Id: DrMwssPEn_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 7sec (13807 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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