Why I Removed the World

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if i threw a rock somewhere in the ocean and then gave you seven days to find it what are the chances you could bring it back to me before time runs out there's no way you can pull that off that's not possible that's actually impossible i really hope they're wrong because two days ago my friend killed me took my head and sealed it away forever in his ender chest knowing i would never see my head again i bet him a thousand dollars that if he hit it anywhere on the server i could find and destroy it in seven days already lost a thousand dollars so i grabbed some materials and built an iron farm from the start i never planned to find this item normally at first glance clearing the world with a pickaxe seems like the best way to go the only issue is that the server is a thousand blocks wide even if i mined for seven days straight i would have only searched one percent of the map luckily for years minecraft has had a bug where you can infinitely duplicate tnt using this machine which requires these five materials the primary one being slime knowing that seven days wasn't enough time i immediately began to hollow out a large area under the ground but something was off my plan is all taking place on my school's minecraft server and because everybody's still in school players typically don't log on until the weekend for some reason quincy the guy who killed me was spending hours on the server i tipped out to him and minutes passed by with no response since he was the one who hid my head what could he possibly be planning with time ticking i pushed the thought aside and continued to build what was that [Music] soon we ran into a lot of issues we had finished the slime farm but slimes weren't spawning we had forgotten that minecraft is super picky with how mobs spawn and slimes will practically never appear if there are unlit caves in the area so you know what we had to do light up every single cave around the farm for reference that is a lot easier said than done [Music] throughout this time quincy was consistently staying logged onto the server i sent message after message and once again he didn't respond why was he away from his computer but still on the server did he have farms of his own or was he not responding just to make us worry as much as i wanted to know i couldn't quite put my finger on it yet and in the meantime we had some more caves to light up 15 to be exact so i made a list of every coordinate i had to go to and got to work [Applause] [Music] as i went to school the next day i did a little bit of asking around regarding the situation about quincy hour after hour i found absolutely nothing until finally at the end of the day i had a lead so bro what is quincy doing alright so basically quincy took the world seed and he's gonna find every single slime chunk to find which slime chunk you made the slime part of it and he's gonna afk right by the slime chunk once he finds your farm to decrease mob spots in the slime now this was a very crucial piece of information but there was one thing that struck me as odd this guy paul claimed that quincy would be afking near the farm to harm us and he's gonna afk right by the slime if quincy happens to stay near the area he'd actually be helping us by loading in these slime chunks so did paul simply misspeak or was quincy unaware of how much this would truly benefit us as i wrapped up the slime farm this question sat in the back of my mind it wasn't until 20 minutes of afk later when we realized what quincy was really up to there's no slime balls there there's nine bro oh what is it broken i don't know maybe someone went down and griefed it this rate was over 50 times slower than what a fully optimized farm should be able to produce that's when we realized that quincy had been sabotaging our plan all along he knew what we were doing and he knew exactly how to stop us luckily we knew how to stop him see that no way just be careful be careful you could be like right around here wait is that him that's him listen run run run run run run run run do not let him see us just run just run that's him that's him he's in that bed that's his bed if quincy's plan is to load in separate areas of the world to contribute to the server's mob cap we need to prevent him from actually accomplishing this the only way to stop him is to build an infinite death trap you can't spawn mobs while sitting on the respawn screen so our mission was simple find his spawn point make a death pit and then take him out but from what it looked like quincy was already one step ahead we decided to push that comment aside and begin to make the machine yo i don't have enough iron blocks i don't have enough iron blocks [Music] all right all right i think he's done he's done he's done he's done he's done [Music] it works although it seemed like we had trapped quincy we couldn't be further from the truth he broke the bed how did he break it already eventually we scrapped the whole redstone idea and decided to cover his spawn point in lava preventing him from ever going five seconds without dying all this works just make this dog trap down he had to just use lava and the rates were finally close to what they should have been for the first time in the entire project we were finally making progress a couple of hours later though quincy logged on except this time he didn't die to the lava like before someone had freedom and as we returned to our base we had found that all of our slime balls were now gone when the incident happened i was on a phone call with vortex he noticed that a server member by the name of tate was mysteriously online i hear someone mining he's right there he's right here sure enough tate was in our farm and had now entered the nether this imposed a great risk vortex could enter the nether and potentially die from an exploding bed but he could also get our hard-earned slime balls back [Music] vortex was now stuck on the loading screen and if tate was waiting on the other side this would have all been for nothing hello hello although we had taken out tate all of the slime balls we had worked towards had scattered into the lava below defeated we fixed the farm and decided to sit overnight to accumulate as many slime balls as possible when dawn struck the next day we found that all of our progress had been halted after only two hours we'd gotten kicked from the server and the thousands of slime balls we'd expected were gone as i looked over our original plan it was beginning to look practically impossible after all we had no resources and little time but we did have one thing a guess if we can narrow down the location of the head based on how quincy was behaving this would be our only shot with 72 hours left we spent the night loading in the slime farm we needed to go a night without getting kicks from the server and miraculously we filled nearly two double chests of slime before the sun rose pulling this off would still be possible but not without help so i called everyone i knew on that server and organized a meeting that very same night five days ago a server member who you all know is quincy he killed me took my head so i told quincy you can take my head you can hide it anywhere in the overworld now the issue with this right was that my original plan was to build a thousand block long world eater that's impossible so we need a different solution we can divide up the server into four different quadrants each one being 500 by 500 blocks we knew that removing the entire world was impossible at this point but removing one section was still an option it was a risky plan but it could totally work and from what we know the head is not in quadrant two quincy just wanted to hide the head in a place where we wouldn't expect to look right he wouldn't expect us to look where generally i'm thinking it's honestly either one or four that was the voice of tate the guy who took our slime balls the night before could i trust him i had no idea given his resources i feel like he probably just went far enough you know what i think it's a coin heads it's one tails it's three it came down to our entire plan being placed on a coin flip assuming our original guesses were correct this coin would determine whether or not the next 48 hours of our lives would be completely put to waste is that heads it's one alright it's heads i'm not even joking so we got to work although we had a lot of slime balls we needed many other materials and to my surprise serious progress was being made players throughout the server would come and go dropping off courts redstone and all the necessary materials and as the night came to a close i couldn't help but admire how helpful everyone was until quincy hired a player to come to our base and kill the villagers in our iron farm we now had no way to easily get food or even diamond armor it was clear that removing the world would be hard enough but dealing with quincy would be a completely different story i care not if thou dost for me as much yo bro if thou speak is false despite our progress we were still missing one essential item you see the one item that allows tnt to get duped is called a dead coral fan to get it you need an enchantment called silk touch time was ticking it was saturday 36 hours before the head would be lost forever players were bustling on the server and all it would take was for quincy to destroy every single coral reef block and our plan would fail so while vortex gathered experience for silk touch i decided to put myself to good use and gathered some of the final resources for the machine [Music] suddenly i spotted a trail of blocks leading towards the only coral reef on the server my heart sank this could be the end of our plan whoa whoa i think i might have just found where quincy went bro these blocks are newly placed he's heading into quadrant one either coral reefs bro oh shoot luckily the coral was safe and with vortex getting a hold of a silk touch pickaxe the last item needed for these machines was secured unfortunately i had to leave for the night so vortex and another player named vulcan spent a big portion of the night clearing out water caves without their help these caves would completely stop our machines from running before i remove the world i want to bring up that we are getting closer and closer to a million subscribers so just for this video i'll place one block on this server if you subscribe right now i even called up my friend to subscribe subscribe right now [Music] just do it you do it bro i just said it all right you have claimed your one block so claim your block this is going to be a one time thing that i'm gonna be doing so let's see how big you all can make this mount in a blocks the most amount of blocks i've ever placed is 30 000 in a day which practically destroyed my fingers but i think you all can crush that it's free to subscribe and if you like my content you might as well the next day the game plan was simple 16 hours were left until midnight quickly i constructed the first of many machines to come this machine would sweep across the quadrant and although it started off making great progress the difficulties would soon present themselves it works it works but at what cost bro all right we gotta start patching this water water caves they start off contained in a small space but water gets released everywhere when tnt gets to them preventing our machines from doing their work our original designs incorporated sweepers which automatically remove water but now we would have to clear water all out by hand a task that is much more dangerous than meets the eye i'm just trying to fill this in before it comes back i'm trying to do this fast bro watch out i'm going in i'm going in oh shoot oh oh what oh what what the heck no it's just hitting us through the walls oh my god i'm taking so much damage luckily vulcan had the brilliant idea to use leaves they were easy to get with the unlimited iron from our iron farm and would probably be the only way to pull this off this process probably went on for about an hour the duper machines clearing out land while we cleared out water down below however i'd completely forgotten about a redstone radius an area around a player where redstone machines like this one can work if a machine flies outside of this radius it practically breaks down which has now happened multiple times to make it easier on us we shorten the length of what we wanted to clear and return to work just like that 10 hours had suddenly gone by and our confidence was practically gone we were now predicting to only search around 10 percent of the entire world despite us quincy even logged on but he almost seemed worried he was pacing around the outer perimeter and suddenly it all began to add up quincy told me that the head was in quadrant dude this kid told me at lunch today that the head's in quadrant one when we first heard all of this we dismissed it believing that it was false information but now this could quite possibly be an elaborate plan by quincy to try and throw us off his goal was to think two steps ahead of us but as long as we thought a step further we would have the upper hand [Music] run run run i'm dead i'm dead oh shoot bro after cave in water pool after water pool we were beginning to make some serious progress when i started this project seven days before i'd never expected to see something like this it was truly magnificent it almost struck a feeling of nostalgia that i hadn't felt for years six or seven years ago i would go over to my friend's house and do the same thing but in creative mode pulling something off like this in survival seemed impossible and here we were the final hour was quickly approaching [Music] as the flying machines broke we knew that it would be completely pointless to try and create new ones so we stood up on a ledge and overlooked what we had just accomplished wow this is crazy bro this is actually nuts to think that three players four players a team of friends the fact that we could pull something off like this [Music] is incredible sure our initial goal was to remove the entire world did we need that no we had the information we needed we had quincy's behavioral patterns we don't find it i'm not gonna go home and sit around like a sore loser because this on its own is a victory itself gentlemen it has been my pleasure working with you the clock's about to hit 11 we can search whatever lava pools we have finally it was time to look i searched through an entire lava pool and found nothing nothing under the bedrock as well it looked like quincy had won then suddenly vortex stumbled across a potential clue i just feel like it's here though because i found who is building a deep slate title is none of you right no wait wait wait wait wait i'm coming over yeah there's a pretty decent chance i feel that he dug straight down to bedrock and hid it in like a little crevice of bedrock quincy told me that the head was in quadrant one i doubt he'd put it straight at a border i feel like it'd be like a middle-ish area he said that he wanted it to be x-ray proof so it's probably under lava where were the deep sleep tiles bro um they're around here where i'm standing here yeah nothing i don't like to give up but i was tired at this point and i just wanted to see where quincy had hid the head so we called them up and admitted defeat can i have some food oh yeah it's in here no no no no no we need to we need to dig to it is it under where you're standing what oh my god no way it's here bro it's gonna be like under like a bedrock block okay it was right here wait no where like right here i think did you blow it up wait did we blow it that's true we could have blown it up i think it was right here wait wait wait wait is it gone well no the these like tiles weren't exactly right here yeah it can't get that's not possible though bro it can't get blown up under lava it was the same lava pool that we had just searched minutes before so how was the head not there we were all confused but luckily vortex was recording with a mod that lets you re-watch your gameplay so we pulled it up to give it one last look go to the exact coordinates and like yeah check check bro what are the chords bro it's so pixelated yeah yeah oh my god that's right here it is right it actually is go forward go forward in your thing oh wait no no no no no this kid's actually a capper go down there i will i will it's still there no the tnt is still going though i'll fast forward it bro you literally go you have it bro no he definitely found it yeah i didn't i didn't the cavern no i didn't look at me oh wait but instead of celebrating like i probably should have we hooked up vortex's xbox to my tv and then grabbed two controllers to experience the nostalgia once again i gotta see my old worlds bro for a second oh my god bro all the all my stuff is here if you're watching this minecraft was probably a huge part of your childhood we all remember our first world and our first encounters with a creeper but there is a bittersweet reality that comes with growing up someday you will place your last block you'll unknowingly say goodbye to your dog or your prized diamond sword but at the end of the day minecraft is just a game right
Channel: Parrot
Views: 9,406,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, how i ended an entire minecraft smp, Technoblade, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3
Id: J-698XtTO1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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