The Greatest Heist in Minecraft History

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it was right there in front of me when i'd given one diamond to my friend as a symbol of trust i promised i wouldn't lose the other and here it was stolen and put on display for everyone to see but i had already planned everything out being disguised on my friend's minecraft account and knowing the entire blueprint of the museum since i was the one who built it stealing the diamond was going to be a breeze until i heard this there's two people guarding it like the diamond is not going to get stolen this was really true i was completely underestimating what i was going up against in there without any armor sure enough invis particles someone was secretly guarding the diamond if i was going to pull this off i couldn't do it alone so i messaged my friend spoke saying i would need some sort of distraction yeah um i have food for everyone i think this is the first time it is to repair it as long as minutes passed like seconds and soon enough everybody was beginning to leave this was my only chance i needed spoke to somehow pull everyone's attention away from the diamond champagne leo much appreciated [Music] i thought we talked about yours [Music] i think i think smoke's killing people [Music] the diamond had disappeared in front of my eyes did jeren the guy who took my diamond want me to try and steal it or was he just taking precautionary measures all i had to do was wait and see sure enough two days later i got an ominous message from jiren with a proposal the diamond was in the end and it wouldn't be there for much longer so i called up my friend vortex and we began gearing up oh oh my god well sort of it wasn't long before i stumbled upon rochambeau games a server member who was offering to help the cause he had plenty of gear to supply vortex and it would be nice to have another player to help but could we trust row the timing seemed almost too perfect was he sent by jaron to monitor or even kill us or was it all just a coincidence then i thought back to season 1 and season 2 of the server row had never turned on me he was always there when i needed him the most so we warmed up to each other and an unlikely alliance was formed i'm pretty sure it's this way yeah i think it's this yeah oh why is somebody oh no it's gonna click through the door all right let's go a little bit of preparation and we had soon made our way into the end so we devised a plan the coordinates jiren had given us weren't actually on the island instead they were nearly 700 blocks out in the void which meant we had two options to get there manually build out or take a flying machine i think you know what we chose bro just whatever you do do not press shift with the machine built and tested we set up two ender pearl stasis chambers just in case of an emergency now we were ready to fly above them do you mind um pressing or putting the block on the observer oh it's just us three we got this all right go go go go go so just place it bro place one below you okay there you go oh my gosh oh my gosh bro this is scared if i what if i look at an enderman oh my gosh [Music] now surrounded by an empty void of darkness we had three minutes until our supposed deadline was up getting to the diamond before 8 30 wasn't possible but was jaron really going to be there if we didn't make it in time dude the island's going disappear soon vortex if we tell you to pull the stasis you are pulling the stasis okay all right we are 300 blocks away dude i'm just afraid when we stop the thing and we fall in like we are actually done there's literally eight wait i just realized we also have to go oh that's what the stasis are okay i was gonna dude it's just complete void like there is nothing around besides the one tiny back edge of the green leaf opens up like i pull it but you don't get pulled then we die that would be pretty bad oh no oh god everyone's logging on this is not gonna oh god oh do you see that oh my god do you see that on the diamonds that's what's it on what's it floating on it's just an item frame i just broke the we're gonna pass it break it okay you better hurry bro bro this is the sketchiest oh my god jaren hadn't logged online meaning that he hadn't messed with the contents of this chest in the void all we had to do now was suspend ourselves to reach the chest all of my trust was put in row right now if jiren had hired him to kill me this was when he was going to pull it off dude this is so sketchy all right row row we cannot make that jump bro yeah that's it's not just go go like a few blocks to the that way [Music] you're just oh my god okay oh my god you cannot go okay stop stop oh stop go from there go from there just go from there no do not open the chest you're not broke please don't open it oh my gosh oh my gosh bro check it out you got this i believe all right the moment of truth generally is it all in the item frame that's what i'm wondering oh it's oh mike wait did you rename it or no will it fall off the item frame all right ready gentlemen moment of truth ready what [Music] what is chia chip what wait is there one of them named different one of them we just got scanned [Music] are you sure one of this one of them is like i'm unsure oh my gosh bro [Music] defeated we headed back to spawn where i was greeted by someone i wasn't too happy to see ra dunes the richest member of the server when he knew an item had value he would do whatever it took to get his greedy hands on it and from what it seemed he was looking to have the trust diamond for himself so when jiren messaged me again a few days later i had to step up to the opportunity the only issue is that it seemed i was going up against five people hello mr q please help me bro this was the last opportunity for me to steal the diamond the next day the diamond would be auctioned off and since radoons had 10 times the resources i had the diamond would be good as gone so i called up some friends and prayed i could get some help in his message jaren had included the destination of the convoy so i knew there were only two possible ways to get there by water or by train tracks luckily i had vortex sneaking around and he was able to give me a heads up train tracks this was it if i died it was over if the diamond was delivered i would likely never hold it again please bro get on bro get on bro get on we need you on like oh it's leo yo they're all here bro royce i'm going in i'm going in oh you guys are done oh my gosh i don't know who has the diamond bro i don't know who has the diamond all right yo guys guys guys guys it's literally a 4v1 please kill it yeah get damn get down get sam get sam wait where did they go guys guys guys they they just left they just ran i'm gonna go i'm gonna go down the track i'm chasing them down i'm chasing them down i don't know where they are for texas they're in front of you really see lee look he's running down i see him i see him i see him i'm just going to try to pass him i'm going to knock him off and pass him oh jared's below jared's below jaren's below jerry's in the water doing what what the he's just in the water i think leo might have the thing are they here you can kill him a missed pearl this couldn't be good it would be moments before i would get teleported underwater so i threw a second pearl hoping that it would land [Music] oh that was such a beautiful problem jared got a dolphin really yeah he's pretty much uh he's at the scaffolding jaren's here chance here oh my god bro get out jump down jump down pair jump down get in the boat i just made a triple deal vortex looper on the island loop around the island my only choice now was to block the final exit point of the convoy so i boated ahead of the group and reached the final destination can you guys get here how quickly can you guys get here like negative negative i don't know the portal yeah negative 590 like 2200 probably oh my god they're almost here oh yeah there's this dude pankies already here bro [Music] and he's already here bro it's about to be a 4v1 our q start going through the nether and then i'll meet you there okay i'll go there's another portal over here to grab something yo help me bro oh he just poisoned me oh i'm dead i'm dead bro that's gg's that's ggs i'm dead i'm ggs oh my god remember back in first grade those little bracelets called friendship bracelets where you would keep one and your friend would keep one well that's why i first created the truss diamond the diamond was meant to be like one of those i had one wreck had one and as long as we both had them we'd still trust each other but the truss diamond has a much bigger repercussion if you don't have the trust diamond then you get killed by the other person okay because if you don't have the trust diamond there's no trust yeah yeah exactly exactly now i had to tell rec that i lost the trust diamond and i couldn't get it back was he going to kill me who knows but just in case he does rec and i are in a race to 1 million subscribers i'm not gonna go on and on about why you should subscribe to me but if you want to help the cause and you like my content please subscribe um i have a question yeah two weeks ago i gave you a diamond do you still have it on you [Music] well the funny thing is wreck um as you know i lost the diamond yeah i i may have heard through the grapevine um and rules are rules true what were the rules again exactly the rules were if i lose the diamond you kill me oh i just straight up kill you you sure i mean you don't have to abide by rules it's just a made-up diamond but if you want to we'll wreck her out before you kill me come on out gentlemen [Music] attack no no no no it's just a joke they're not going to actually attack did you guys just come into the vc oh that was smooth you're probably wondering why the guy who took my diamond was suddenly here and this is where things get a lot more interesting what if i told you that the entire truss diamond was a sham i i would believe you if i asked you who on this server is extremely fond of material items who would you say extremely fond of material items yeah readings redunes will go to the end of the earth for an item but he's only gonna go to the end of the earth if he knows it has value so for the past two weeks us three have kind of teamed up we've built a lot of hype around the diamond yeah you know and i've been getting a lot of dms from radoons recently not where do i get the diamond and in two hours spoke is going to be auctioning it off [Music] and if the diamond doesn't have any value to either of us but red thinks it has value yeah how much would you pay to have something that has dude you're a genius parent oh my gosh we're out three hearts because on this server each time you die you lose a heart i've died twice and jiren has died once to make a profit we need ford back and we're counting on radoon's greed to pay off those debts hold on real quick i just gotta ask about one controversy i realized that stress diamond right wasn't the whole thing parrot that you didn't want redcrab to know you lost it everything was on the line if i couldn't answer his question radoons would back out of the auction so i said the only thing that came to my mind bro do you think that's possible that's what i'm asking wait wait wait crap you know about it right wreck you don't do you know it's lost or is that i mean with that out of the way the auction had begun um so this this is the trust diamond so this diamond as you guys would probably already know this is the trust i mean that parrot had and now um through some cool stuff that happens i now have the trust diamond and i will be auctioning off and currently it is um it is the most valuable item on the entire server right now everything was going perfectly until people began to notice that something was off here it's armor off come on okay we're trying to get this what is going on up there what what's where there's leaves falling from the sky okay that's probably a planet lord that is planet lord that's planet lord i love pluto aren't you nobody thought this was a legitimate auction anymore someone was up in the sky with tnt minecarts and another person was invisible and got caught no no no no no no that's row bro that is rochambeau games bro this action is not the funny part is i had no association with whoever was trying to pull off this trap but to radoons it seemed like a trap set up just for him we headed to spawn to continue the auction but would he still be willing to buy the diamond all right can i start bidding at one are we doing it one what one what you'd imagine that'd be so funny if i had both diamonds we had to be extremely careful with the way we placed our bids jaron and i would need to get into a bidding war and drive up the price if we got it up too high radoons wouldn't buy it if it was too low we wouldn't make a profit all right two totems two totems three totems three totems going once three four four totems one heart dude one heart oh my god one heart totem three hearts three hearts three hearts three hearts three hearts four hearts leo what are you what are you doing bro how can we validate leo's acting hard what the hell was that bro and that was it someone had blown up or dunes's most prized building the auction was over and we were now empty-handed to be honest that's how it goes a lot of times although it might not seem like it especially with how much smp content has changed i don't script my videos and what you watch is actually what happened in fact two weeks later a huge war broke out i missed the whole thing because i was out eating dinner but as it turns out it was a whole mission to reset the server's heart count so rek gave me five of his hearts as i got back to 10 i wondered had i spent all that time befriending radoons instead of scamming him would he have given me the hearts which left me asking the question is it worth it making enemies when you can just be friends instead [Music]
Channel: Parrot
Views: 831,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, how i ended an entire minecraft smp, Technoblade, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3
Id: yRRucU27TJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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