I Joined 100 Servers, Here's What Happened

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there are millions of minecraft servers and each one is a world of its own what makes these worlds so unique to find out i'm joining 100 of them which seemed easy until i joined server 1. i couldn't do this alone so i invited my friend vortex to join the other 99 servers with me there was nothing really special about server 2 because i chased vortex down with a wooden sword the whole time same with server 3 which was a replica of the earth florida we're in florida right now it wasn't until we left server five when vortex said something that surprised me bro this game has just like not been as fun as it used to be you know which made sense besides a couple times when i invited him on vortex had practically never played minecraft in the last couple of months so i had a new goal not just to join 100 servers but to show vortex that this game was still fun and on server 8 i had the perfect opportunity are you just going to die off the bat no no no no you're fine turns out everyone on the server was already in maxed out gear the server owner warned us that we were standing inside of a safe zone and as soon as we stepped outside of the area every player within a thousand blocks of us would attack i was hesitant to leave at first because our game is hardwired to kick us off any server upon death meaning we only have one life per server but after hearing that vortex wanted to make a run for it i decided that if there was going to be anything to make him enjoy this game it was going to be this go go go go follow me follow me follow me oh my gosh everybody's going everybody's jc goes run faster [Applause] there's there's a tnt right there keep running that way actually go go [Music] it's raining it doesn't wait my tnt doesn't light oh god you guys are going to have to keep going uh-oh run for dick's run oh immediately it lit [Music] with no one to guide us it wasn't long before vortex was killed and the two of us were disconnected we weren't allowed to join back but vortex's reaction said it all i was pretty good i was close server 10 we ran around aimlessly on a snowy mountain there was a little timer at the bottom of our screen but we never quite found out what it did but we did find something on server 12. bro what the heck i quickly realized that joining so many servers would get repetitive fast so as day one of our journey came to a close i created a list of five goals that i thought would make this experience much more fun if we achieve them all of these are pretty self-explanatory besides the last one the vortex means that vortex himself has to want to keep playing on a server after our game kicks us if this were to happen even just once my goal with this project would have succeeded taking all of this into consideration i joined server 13 the next day with vortex and of course there was nothing special on server 16 we spawned next to a chest of valuables and flew around the server to check our surroundings eventually we found and followed a long path that led us to an iron farm built in the middle of nowhere we went through this process for the next hour or so server after server and nothing or no one online that was until server 21 oh this was a message left specifically for us telling us that the only civilization on the server was thousands of blocks from spawn as i glanced back at my list i realized that this was my chance oh there's some pig ones bro there's some pig ones ah let's not die on this one but we soon ran into a huge problem we had entered the nether assuming a portal would take us to the civilization yet we couldn't find one our only option was to go back and make the trip via the overworld with our hunger completely gone um i'm gonna look for food luckily we stumbled across a villager breeding farm stocked with potatoes and as we boated on i began to wonder was there something actually at those coordinates or was our time being wasted it seemed like vortex was also thinking the same thing until suddenly oh we're getting we're getting here i think it's oh wait it's whole time it's gone it has to be this house right here we decided to leave a message and then join server 23. riding a short roller coaster built at spawn let's go oh my gosh it's so loud vortex didn't seem to care though and as a matter of fact he only said seven words during our entire time walking through the nether did he go towards another portal vortex it's not that hard dude even when i tried starting a conversation with him it still seemed like he wasn't having it so uh how was your day today no it was all right what'd you eat for breakfast that's some uh eggs you know i had no idea what to do at that point i couldn't control what these servers had to offer and the longer we went without anything enjoyable the worst of an experience this would be so i did what any other person would do in my situation i changed the server list if there's one thing vortex loves it's fan art he loves it to the point where he probably brings it up at least once a day lucky for me i'd gotten the ip to an artist only server so i invited vortex to join i hello wait vortex why do you already have a sword it wasn't long before we were offered a tour yeah we would love a tour so first up on the tour the first town of the first service while they were giving us a tour you know what vortex did the whole time he attacked over and over you know what i'm gonna come out and say it boats are kind of overrated be quiet british do not get opinions wrong and then proceeded to trap being a baseman he's just he's trapping me down my plan did end up working though not only being somewhat of a reset for vortex but also crossing off another goal on the list the next few servers completely broke the laws of minecraft server 31 gave us crystals that allowed me to fly let this person summon lightning and caused part of the owner's house to burn down oh no this house is gone oh no and if you thought that was crazy this server gives us a random player size when we join i was given 75 but vortex bro look at me down here vortex do you see this guy down here do you see the hawks down here the heart look look down oh my god if i get in the water right everything seemed to be going well we crossed off two of the items on the list and we're now cruising through servers occasionally when we join one the people online want to talk to us so on server 43 we joined a call with the owner who decided to give us a tour of their base yeah so this is our little bakery my friend made but we had the bedrooms tours over here and then the owner said something that i never expected to hear question all right how do i know if you guys are really a parent if you guys are really part i don't know who you are wow he doesn't know me parrot i i don't like the server anymore if that happened in real life i would have been able to hear a pin drop i think vortex took it a bit too seriously because when we left the server vortex left my call soon after i felt kind of bad i brought vortex on to have fun not to get discouraged and that's when it hit me fun we weren't having enough of it put simply i was taking everything way too seriously so when we logged on the next day to join some more servers i had a proposal all right vortex today we're just gonna have as much fun as possible and that is exactly what we did hello no i don't know where's there bro hello i can't tell this is the real pair i can't tell if this guy's oh hello [Music] yeah oh they're low they're low one kill oh no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die eventually we stumbled across a server with someone online and at first we didn't think much of it they weren't responding to us in chat so we simply moved on as we were exploring though i noticed something peculiar wait someone's here but you know someone's like right here do you hear that i gotta pick someone's right here what we had somehow stumbled across a player's afk spot should we troll them we should troll this guy now we had some new plans what if we brought him up to world height no why don't we just spencer like curse of binding armor wait yeah curse of binding pumpkin we quickly realized that this person could return to their computer at any moment so we needed to get the necessary items as soon as possible dude what are the chances we find this guy personal blinding where where where where all right villager factory villager factory wait do you have bubbles yeah i have seven do you want to do the honors here's the redstone torch all right go ahead no bro he's looking goofy right now we're halfway done this was really starting to get boring i know i said i was doing this to prove something to vortex but i was beginning to prove something to myself servers were blurring together we ran through jungles explored bases and burned down buildings with no purpose light the frick out of the side because i want a screenshot it also didn't help that practically no one was online anymore so we tried to make the most of the rare circumstance when somebody was around ow is there a full-on fight breaking out yeah there is i'm just going to leave this oh my god oh no he just tried to uh oh but there was something that was still glaringly obvious we had joined almost 70 servers and two items hadn't been crossed off the list i found a cool way to use crossbows though oh my gosh bro on server 71 we logged in to see a huge castle built at spawn it wasn't long before countless members greeted us and that was when i learned the dark truth of the server what happens if i just kill mock todd right now rumor had it that there was a player that couldn't be stopped a player that no one dared to fight a player target thank you thank you [Music] eventually we agreed to have a fair duel me versus mocktod some would say that the entire future of the server rested upon my hands we'll see about that one but i want to bring up that i'm going to throw minecraft's largest fireworks show at the end of the year and each time someone subscribes before then i'll be launching one more firework we're already setting off 1.12 million of them but i'm sure that's going to get a lot bigger so claim your firework by clicking the subscribe button it was obvious that mock todd out geared me and it wasn't long until i lost but i hadn't failed vortex he had been watching from the sidelines the whole time it also seemed like i hadn't failed the server members themselves if you talk to my mom one item was left on the list and there was nothing i could do about it on server 74 we got operator on a pay-to-win server and completely griefed its economy oh this kid's about to snitch on me why because i just gave him 10 jokers of enchanted gapples on server 77 vortex killed me and again and again and again even when we spawned the warden repeatedly in what seemed to be a survival server my heart continued to sink there was simply nothing i could do to scratch off that last goal and then something peculiar happened long after i got off my computer you ready i assumed vortex was talking about joining server so i said nah not till like seven and exactly at seven pm vortex says pov it's seven vortex asked me to get on saying a fan had invited us to their server so i joined and was greeted by guest beetle 5515 and wind underscore river i really didn't think much of it at the time until a lot later on when something odd happened i feel like dream right now i have plenty to see what the portal's not lighting wait one oh we soon found that the server's advancement guide had been messed with and this was some sort of elaborate puzzle is that why vortex had invited me to come on and if so did he actually know about all of this beforehand the answer was soon revealed upon solving the first clue where i died in the nether shortly after vortex was hesitant to leave the server in fact he didn't want to leave it he wanted to join a call with the people who had created the server and upon joining uh we made it just for you wait wait hold on is this who i think it is um my dad made this puzzle just for you what the heck bro what's up booster and it wasn't just boostful but also our good friend recruit to be fair this was bootspur's idea not even mine i'm a tagalog that's when it struck me that vortex had not only crossed off the last item on the list but he had gone out of his way to do it did it actually mean anything though the only way i could find the answer to that question was if i joined a server one more time i was so tired of joining them at this point but this was a server many of you are very familiar with the lifesteal smp is a server that vortex and i have been playing on for the past year every so often there's a season reset and vortex has been around for every single one except this time everybody was on except for one person vortex himself maybe everything i had done had been for nothing or maybe some people just move on but just as the season was about to start if you could see my face i'm pretty sure i was smiling uncontrollably right then and there but i still think vortex had a point all along maybe he was right about this game not being fun sometimes after all how can something be fun when you're doing it alone you there i highly recommend you go watch this video where i build minecraft cities in literal seconds i know it sounds impossible but if you want to figure out how i did it just click that big video in the center of the screen
Channel: Parrot
Views: 2,985,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, how i ended an entire minecraft smp, Technoblade, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3
Id: M2eBf0qRvQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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