How I Killed a Stacked Player on 1 Heart

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okay ready yep go what that was me attempting to fight with only one heart for the first time which made me wonder is it even possible to win a duel on one part you see after I stole his Polar Bear a month ago this player Woogie has been hunting me non-stop each time I escape him he somehow tracks me down I will chase you down as far as I can as far as I will if that means I can get any sort of Revenge so I challenged him to a duel knowing that it was the only way out I won he'd leave me be if I lost I'd be banned off the server as I tunneled deep into The Nether it began to set in how difficult this duel would actually be not only did I need to gather everything in just under a week but there was also a big issue I had no idea how I'd actually beat Woogie a week ago I brought myself down to one heart and promised to stay that way until I got banned off which meant if I ran in with my sword he'd hit me once and I'd be dead or if I tried to trap him there was a high likelihood that I would get caught in the crossfire I needed to think outside of the box so I began experimenting with some of the most obscure fighting mechanics in the game initially I believe that igniting TNT Minecarts with flaming arrows would be enough to be Woogie they were strong but remember I'm on one heart even if I was winning my practice games each time I got down to 9 Hearts I would be dead on the actual server so I began trying spam techniques with explosive fireworks and slowness arrows in an attempt to break my opponent's armor but it all failed and by the end of the night I not only come up empty-handed but now had one less day to prepare genuinely dude like if the next six days go like how today went I'm actually gonna get banned off oh yeah true so I had no other choice but to spend my next day Gathering things that I knew I needed like netherite armor and golden apples but all while doing so I could only ask myself the same question was it even possible to beat Woogie I soon found myself right back at the drawing board testing out kits that I never would have touched if it weren't for being on one heart and after hours of failing I eventually stumbled upon a method that could potentially work these are arrows that apply slowness for for two seconds upon contact with your Target and when coupled with an enchantment called punch 2 it essentially becomes impossible for your opponent to get near you this meant I could boat Woogie until his armor broke and then finish him off from there however I quickly realized that this fighting style required three things one I needed to be incredibly accurate with my bow shots since the only way I could win was by breaking woogie's armor I needed to hit as many arrows as fast as possible 2. there was no room for error all it took were a couple of Sword hits to kill me and therefore I couldn't mess up and three I needed to somehow convince Woogie that he didn't need the two things that countered my place Shields and experience bottles you see Woogie knew I Was preparing something but he didn't know what that was so I began practicing with TNT Minecarts on public servers in an attempt to make him think that that was my plan in the meantime I spent hours secretly at night with my friend spoke on his private server practicing with bows and slowness arrows uh oh you played that very well still I was losing half of the time and I was presented with a major issue at the beginning of the server I created a team with spoke called the no pants people party where wearing pants is prohibited the issue is that if I didn't wear leggings during this duel I'd essentially have zero chance of winning sure I could throw on some leggings but that meant I would get kicked from my own team luckily I had a solution a few months before spoke and I had distributed two one-of-a-kind items on the server called Pants passes if you carried one on you you were still considered part of the no pants people party even if you wore pants but I began to wonder if these items still existed and if they did would the players who had them be willing to hand one over to me without any other options I decided to meet with one of the two players who supposedly was carrying a pants pass what's up basically I'm the most vulnerable that I've ever been and I know this is going to sound very surprising to you you have an item that I really want okay and what's that that I need it's a piece of wool do you know what it says on that piece of wool do you know what I believe it says the no pants pass so what I was basically gonna ask you was if you would be okay if I borrowed your pants pass well number one that's against the rules and I I feel like it could just be another test so no how come do you think I have the pants pass right now I okay do you not well nice doing business with you pair I'll uh I'll direct you later if you have the real pants pass throw it out on the ground right crap this is my only one um clown clown might be able to give you his clearly wreck didn't have what I was looking for which meant there was only one other person I could ask however they wouldn't be on until the day of the fight so in the meantime I gathered some of the remaining materials while also trying to trick Woogie into thinking that I was still planning on using TNT Minecarts the distractions seem to have paid off because the next day Woogie and I signed a contract that said no replenishing armor this includes XP bottles extra gear no help from teammates no restocking mid fight no Shields most importantly no running breaking one of these rules is punishable by ban time absolutely flew by though and soon it was the day of the fight and I was still missing the pants pass I now had my last chance to get a hold of one so I reached out to the only server member left that I knew could potentially have it hello pan essentially I'm on one heart and at 7p p.m I am fighting Woogie I asked to wreck rap and he respectfully declined but how okay would you be if I borrowed your pants pass for three hours here's the thing parent yeah there's a reason Rick declined why it's because these the linked Brothers uh-huh it's just one late brother now what yeah rackrap and I have been training in secret I would like split my no pants pass making it non-functional as half and only functional when the two halves come together and give my other half to rec wrap and on its own it's useless good luck Eric I hope I'll be prepared for this fight and it was clear if I decided to wear leggings it meant that I would have to leave my team without much time left I had to make a split-second decision get banned off the server or leave the team that I'd been a part of since day one do you think I could win without pants don't try I don't think I need them nope yes you do dude it's a one tab oh it's three hearts in one sure yes yes if you he's gonna pop strength too and one tap you I don't I don't even know what to say I'm about to make a portal up here just so I could dip out of here before Wookie goes after me after he kills you bro will he kill me though yes he will it's a one tap parrot okay you're right that's the sacrifice and as Wookie showed up I knew that three months of friendship teamwork and Trust had just gone down the drain sure maybe spoke would still stand by my side but the one team that I'd promise never to leave I had left the one team that consisted of not just us but thousands of other people well I let those people down and the only team that I'd had fun on this season I was no longer a part of however I didn't just leave my team for nothing I did it so that I could survive and beat Woogie if I lost now I would have truly lost everything so as we prepared to begin the duel I began focusing on what I was about to attempt to pull off seven days before I had deemedness impossible I wasn't so sure if I could win now but I was too far in to give up when the beacon shoots up a signal the fight begins Woogie are you ready yes sir Aaron are you ready I'm ready three two one begin what type of do you use them [Music] oh you got slow hit zeros [Music] oh those hurt Brothers hurt come on honey blocks bro that's annoying oh you placed two he's not even using cards he's just oh well I got no plan here and heal [Music] you can only do that a couple more times now bro yeah just keep bowing them bro you got this it's free [Music] oh get up nice oh my gosh dude I got down to half there I know his armor is so low dude oh is that it helmet that oh oh oh oh you got this you got this come on come on [Music] oh boots ah come on come on it's the toad himself it's the tone himself please please oh man leggings let's do this man why not come on come on [Music] awesome again I think I just finished him off bro wait listen mom finish this [Music] foreign [Music] that was a uh oh my god when I won the duel I stole one of wookie's Hearts therefore putting me on two I sacrificed so much to get that heart but I decided that there was no reason for me to keep it and of course I parted ways with the no pants people party that same day was I sad yes but I was glad that it happened the past week had taught me something important it wasn't the hearts that mattered neither was it my gear or the power I held on the server it was the memories I made because unlike everything else they couldn't be stolen yeah what should we be called I need a cool name a no pants party and if you enjoyed please consider subscribing not only does it help me but if you don't subscribe you may honestly never see me again so consider it and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Parrot
Views: 1,208,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, Technoblade, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3, 1 Heart Minecraft, LifeSteal Season 4, Why I Removed the World
Id: KMAuB0pbyLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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