I Built a Raft That's a Mile-Long Trash-Cleaning Wiper Blade - Buoyancy

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out buoyancy today it's a fun take on colony Sims here out in the open water just came into early access recently so looking forward to this one name your city Wilson oh man there's a limit oh thank god at least the town name covers two lines our town is of course named after the volleyball in the movie castaway pretty much our whole deal is we need to expand and survive we got all kinds of resources along the left-hand side like wood and metal and plastic of which I'm sure we'll find plenty in the ocean and we have other things we can pick up like freshwater and grains which I'm really excited to see how we find that in the open water and of course my favorite whale I'm hoping we get to pick up a lot of those we also have to maintain our food which just like any self-respecting game there is its own icon for beer we pretty much stay floating unless we try to move our whole thing like this and we forced this one guy to move the entire town you can see up above all the people relaxing while one person rose and makes all kinds of hilarious noises first order of business let's build a little bit oh my god we got a lot to do but as you can see by some of these we really are gonna make a full fledged town well let's start small with a fissure thingy just kind-of modularly connect everything just there we go just drop it right in the ocean no screwing around here everybody grab a crate let's build this that's the good stuff everyone stares off into space while one person does the work while they're building what's that floating crate of resources let's go fellas we'll make that ours yes yes so that thing we could just roll up on and collect but other stuff we need to extract from the water for that we're gonna need a scavenger keepo keepo like how the guys kind of dive-bombing with supplies then they're like yep my work here is done you click on this thing you can see that there's like a progress thing lets us know we're scavenging all kinds of fun stuff in this case wood which we're gonna need to build all of our fancy platforms oh my god one villager was born where is the little guy Oh what the hell is that a survivors raft like how these guys are flagging us down like oh my god are they gonna see us okay let's get closer to them oh well good words to live by for next time okay despite killing someone already this is a great start let's go over to this floating crate of resources yeah look at us just haul ass over there look at that movement speed four bars of service we're doing great and pretty much think that's the start of the game we just kind of look around for resources go and pick them up and sort of get our society going looks like we're not doing so hot on the fishing front I believe those little fork icons let us know we're getting hungry but what the hell is that over there a trading post let's go hi I'm here to help sit oh god I did it again oh what a shame we've come into some new supplies okay seriously calm it down just gonna float around for a while just keep on trying to get all these supplies Sameer you oh it's one of these game okay no not too close not too close not too close stop stop stop stop stop stop that okay they can be rescued to join your city and may have resources they may also be sick okay well let's take that chance Jesus Christ I thought that's how you save them but more important to that as two more villagers have been born Oh villager noticed dark clouds on the horizon surely this isn't a bad sign Oh God okay where's this storm coming from found it and got the weather man's on duty to let us know everyone just be cool maybe if we don't say anything it won't notice us and there it goes right past us like ships passing in the night okay well that was super where were we we've picked up a lot of junk on our journey we're gonna use this recycler to handle it flop and while they're doing that I'm gonna use my Eagle Eye vision to see what else is out there a see Trade Federation trading ship has been spotted on the horizon about face where is it we're oh oh is that it where'd it go it was right there decided to abandon the trade from waiting too long I was on my way sir that's fine I got these guys right over here to talk to okay I do this without getting everyone killed okay look I'm gonna no no no stop stop - Jesus saw thank God your city has docked with the Dale and cousins trading company they're friendly and trade with anyone Wow we got some diverse options here trade leave demand resources taken prisoner and eat them well we are pretty hungry the traders don't take your threat seriously let me get this straight I try to eat them they're like no stop oh I bet it's cuz I need a butcher okay well you forced my hand you're gonna watch us build it and then we're gonna eat you I wonder if they're just over there like are they really mad Raiders don't take you seriously okay fine you've left us no choice take them prisoner traitors don't take their threats seriously demand resources the traders don't take their threats seriously trade trade refused okay you guys are those refused this should have just let us eat you you and X are gonna build a smelter but it has a beautiful little icon right here this is fire starter just for now I'm gonna build it a little far away Oh God should I be afraid can't I just Ram them like anything else where are these pirates so these the Pirates AHA lopoliths well I don't know if those are the Pirates but Oh oh god I think those are the Pirates call it a hunch oh geez this isn't good okay guys go fight them or cower as they torch all your buildings yeah that'll teach you oh boy they brought more well that thing was meant to be on fire I guess this is just how it goes I'm gonna go ahead and say that the Pirates are successful judging by all the beatings that my guys are getting guess that'll teach me resources lost 16 they took some of my wood and left that's it oh you know that could have been worse I think we have no choice but to take safe harbor and yea hollow vocalist all that thought looks like we got a friend here yeah dumb fellows where'd he go come here come here well we're gonna catch ya oh yes we are we are gonna catch oh no no no no no oh thank God finally we didn't kill someone finally someone willing to trade I would like all your food and now I'm gonna make demands your city's demands were unsuccessful wow we are the least threatening group of people invade your city I started a battle oh my god they have a lot of people you know I think this was a bad idea can we leave damn it hey guys I changed my mind am i winning this fight it's really hard to tell I'm gonna go with no okay note to self don't fight other people quite yet okay Wilson's back free us getting our ass kicked by that tiny little town okay this time we're gonna build a guard house we need wood and we need metal gonna fire up the smelter here says that guy that's power walking all the way over there to go smoke up behind the building oh my god he kind of is now we're slowly but surely making sweet sweet metal that's we have enough of that sweet sweet metal we're gonna make this sweet sweet guard tower and then we're gonna do some sweet sweet killing jeez cool it's that time again I haven't even had a chance to build the guard thing yet to know the hell with it let's go right for him huh huh where do you think you're going yeah you like that you want some too Oh fiddlesticks will it kind of worked look at those guys just merrily taking all my supplies I gotta say for piracy that was really cordial ok protip and you see the Pirates aim them at your town center that way they can go straight to your resources and not worry about anything else oh man look at this true warrior this thing needs to move and he's not gonna let anything stop them ok I admire all of your courage here but maybe let's put out the fire first see hungry man has the idea honestly probably my favorite thing in the entire game is the grunting they make when they have to row see isn't that just priceless oh my God look all the supplies this guy has to deal with we've been like harvesting this trash pile here and now this guy seems to be very unhappy okay thank God now we have enough to build a guard house so we're gonna finally do that Clara is unhappy with city management and left with some supplies really where did she just do it like rose and Titanic and just grab like a door and float away Roman was strangled by Martin somebody stop him oh my god did he just throw him in the water that was great yeah that unhappy man just built the guard house finally some dudes with Spears oh boy here we go hope it they're in for a treat this time aren't they there are you guys I want to make sure I'm ready for you this time a sea trade federation trading ship has been spotted on the horizon no time for pirates except docking request yes boss rumble of God well this is awkward pirates are here maybe that other ship will come help us okay everybody fight guards guards you want to fight oh now you guys want to trade I mean I guess we're gonna lose all this stuff anyway I'll take 45 whale please hey thanks for the help by the way yeah good doing business with you okay you guys fight well there they go seriously what did you guys do did you do anything okay next time the city is under siege I expect more out of you okay pirates are coming back you for this is your chance trying to rotate this bad boy I'm gonna need all the units fighting come on come on come on they're gonna try it yeah yeah yeah if we can't hit this other dude no that's time to take them where's my guards guys guys you want to go fight I don't feel like that's defending the town guys seriously what do I need to do all I know is it's time for us to go on the offensive everything's gonna be all about these guard towers a tower that fires large harpoons and excels at shooting enemy ground units oh Christ if it's not one thing it's another with you that's final this shimmy out of the way again I said shimmy out of the way okay cool I guess we're not shimming out of the way okay cool thanks nature really did me a solid I didn't want that foundry anyway okay see here's what we need we need this harpoon earth we can just go after whales all day long I'm gonna put this on the edge of my fissure stuff over here then we can just aim that part of the boat at the bad guys and by bad guys I mean the whales there's a whale now just hurl well this feels bad apparently the way you harvest whale you just throw harpoons forever at it it's so clinical when you do it this way then you bring stuff over to the butcher over here he's making little mini fish out of the big fish it's not serial killer at all of him Oh Sydney died to scurvy wait what are you doing with her now well I guess I don't know what I was expecting another town my god I'm so excited to talk to another group of people except remember to not say or do anything weird cuz then they might kill me hey fellas what you doing excuse me can we recruit three villagers impressed by your city strength have been recruited can I recruit again no more villagers want to join your city what if I click demand your demands were successful you're an 18 scrap metal was received let's see if this works this time here is the conflict I was hoping for oh yeah just do all the kicks you take out that grandpa on a fair fight victory quick any resource you don't want to loot are you kidding me all mine by now that I've got a taste for it that's all I want to do okay so I'm expecting nothing great from this but we're gonna build our harpoon towers now or should I say a harpoon tower oh boy pirates are coming it's time to try out my thing tower thing oh yeah prepare to feel the might oh hell yeah it's totally shootin yep total success that harpoon tower was really worth it okay you know what so we keep getting screwed over by pirates really taking its toll on our population I got an idea I think I know how I can protect us from pirates while we harvest so I don't have any wood right and all of these things take wood to make but it'll still let me start making it so I build a bunch of stuff and I disconnected it from my actual base right like it's still built on do it another some pirates coming in theory I might be able to get this in the way and stop them there you go get your raiding party out here and also because your stuff isn't connected eventually it's just gonna sink into the ground good bye enemy forces and these dudes over here just kind of hang out on the outskirts while my guys over here are safe this guy's having a really good time just chillin underwater unfortunately this softlocks the game forever these dudes never leave no matter how many of their other guys you kill and eventually everybody dies of poor nourishment because you run out of food and the only thing left to drink is beer okay that one was kind of a lost cause but I've got a new idea now boats for days all right here we are again like God we can move so fast cuz we're so light I've got my mom little guy here like the foraging and fishing stuff on one side over here on the other side we're gonna build something hilarious and confusing okay so that'll do for now I think just kind of keeps going and going and going and here's the best part about this is I could just swing this thing around yeah let's pick up all those resources come here hey you over there do you want to trade like how if I want to trade with these guys again I just sort of wave this around get it close enough for the prompt shows up again now I'll just demand some resources for a while and then once they stop taking any of that seriously I just give them a little taste of my medicine like I can't even see my ship anymore I'm just this weird tentacle off the side of the screen that collects resources just cleaning up the ocean for everyone so I actually can't turn the ship yet because I need my rowers to be back in position and they're busy picking up supplies right now so while we wait I'll just go ahead and add to this oh there's a storm inbound ok mobilize shimmy your way over oh god do you see the storm it's way over there in the distance just keep just keep on spinning oh god it's getting closer okay okay keep spinning okay just barely made it out of there just so long as my reach is safe and boy is it oh my people keep dying now because they're taking so long to get these resources back that they just starve to death the things you just don't think about when you build a windshield wiper for a ship okay you know what I think I see where I went wrong boats for days - new spelling of boats let's do it old it a little bit more like it's a hideous drone and now that we've built up a little bit of wood and we just add it to all sides cuz really it was the distance that was a problem right matching this windmill coming at you hey guys can we do some quick trading actually you know what never mind I'm good junk land eeeh you better watch out I'm coming for you what do you think should we invade I feel like we got more people than they do how we're walked to the battlefield oh wow they've got weapons and stuff that's not good Retreat gasp survivors raft can you imagine if this was coming at you you're like oh my god I'm finally rescued but now I don't know if I want to be alright well I feel pretty good about this this game is pretty fun I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes and early-access that's gonna do it I hope you had fun I definitely did I give it four out of four raft propellers and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 5,858,085
Rating: 4.9384732 out of 5
Keywords: buoyancy, buoyancy game, buoyancy gameplay, simulation games, city building games, city builder, waterworld, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, let's game it out josh, let's game it out tycoon, let's game it out city building, city builder games, city builders, raft tycoon, water tycoon, i built a raft, pollution solving, buoyancy city builder, city building, city management games, pirates, no swearing, teen friendly, funny moments, funny raft
Id: kD80DmquP5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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