Hitman - Angular Santa Delivers Kills - Let's Game It Out

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out holiday edition we are playing a hit man that's Anthony I am Josh we are gonna play a little thingy called holiday hoarders it's a special special Christmas level of the Paris level from the new hitman game and by new I mean newest I guess Harris are you very familiar with these games yeah I mean I played him since I was since they came out granted I'm not like super fan or and I that but like I played you know I think codename 47 first one yeah yeah sound 47 like those were you know and then I started to fall down a little bit but I know it's become like bigger than that now there its episodic yeah they released it per episode the the first season is all out now but uh yeah and it's it's I played so many of the [ __ ] hitman games I did not actually this one that much but I've started to get up to speed on it this level is kind of cool it's a special Christmas one that they released for free but your two targets if you recognize these names Harry and Marv they are named after the two bandits in home alone Oh hilarious the two guys you're going after that's pretty good yeah so I've been I've been trying to figure how to do this it could be good it might be a total cluster [ __ ] we're about to find out well judging judging by your play experience on the other maps it's good oh yeah yeah a plus I feel kind of bad cuz like I played the first I want to say for hitman games I play to completion and to be clear the first one you're talking about codename 47 that game is like early arcade Japanese game hard yep yep that's what I remember that's kind of honestly why I started to turn me off a little bit yeah okay so here we are we're a bald man at shock your case anyone doesn't know this is this is agent 47 the most premier hitman of all time why is he always so goddamn good-looking I know he is extremely good-looking super [ __ ] the special level has just presents around you can open up so I'm gonna take this brick yeah [ __ ] dues here every time I play this level I have to you know what I got to go back for seconds woody what's up I hate these let's just take it from the top don't encourage that [ __ ] like I could kill you with the thought just keep try again okay and I'm walking to the front door with a [ __ ] brick in my head he's just a rich eccentric let him in Bonjour oh Christ you said this takes place in Paris right indeed indeed and this is an actual other level in the Hitman game that they just kind of redid for Christmas for example if we were playing the actual level this due to the top of the stairs is like your one your main target or one of your right targets the most exposed dude in the room right yeah but you can't just walk in and kill him because then you can't get away but this hitman has a like special detective mode kind of like Batman the both games have where you just you can go into the special x-ray mode and through this you can see your targets so there's one of them down there and the other one I believe yep there he is yeah we took these guys are waiting the most remote locations in this thing so shouldn't be a problem huh yeah exactly and everyone is here to see this this fashion show that's the general setup of this place we're not gonna really need any of that though oh well sure but you know I do I realize I'm like a couple years too late to admiring this game but like they put in a lot of great detail as they always do for the Hitman games these guys yeah they consistently that's one thing they've always been released as premiere games and premium games are saying and they are they this is this detail is great I mean just as crowd handling alone and I did you can punch each and every one of these people so that we're clear fast when you got a brick so do your worst first we're gonna go over here when I see a gentleman here Josh do you like my remix I do it was really good oh my God look at this dude subdue ooh look at this guy he went to a party with the [ __ ] okay I gotta say something real quick who go who doesn't put a belt on but tucks in a shirt and like do you see this like high-end gala event we're at and this guys were in a sock cap and shades come on yeah I've had enough of this was a compromise who saw me oh no that guy saw well so he's deployed yeah let's uh we just got to finish this off now okay so I'll teach you our [ __ ] beauty to a formal gathering Jesus who does that yeah all right in you go you go in there now this is some true lies [ __ ] just like Oh I'm hunted now so where's where's my target are you so this run is probably not gonna go well we might have to you know back up a little bit that's by the way how I think this playthroughs gonna go like she's gonna be no perfect way to do this but we'll make it work well well this is the Karma you get for interrupting that newscaster lady twice I know I know that's true but check out that guy doesn't realize it's me that security guard I just ran by huh I think we're okay oh wow easy man would you see you got a throne of bone as they say in Paris I think so alright so we're gonna hop over this here get in the behind-the-scenes area right here you see in the bottom left to let me know that I'm trespassing scissors a oh he's like a members-only area and now I am a stylist oh well what lights you up like a [ __ ] Christmas trees call me dude again oh maybe I should put these [ __ ] scissors away do you see that he's holding no no your stylist oh so that's okay dude you got a style shoe a scissors just murder in my heart put that [ __ ] away shove it into my chest I've constructed a fair amount of dioramas in my time and carrying scissors is totally acceptable is it seriously look how he's holding him hold scissors like safety first when I hit you in the jugular so okay so here's what I do know if we go up here I could it tank I know we're there he is so that's target number one so what I really wanted to do because there's also a Santa Claus that's just around and oh okay so do you see this D right here do you see how there's like a little circle over his head yep that dot means that if he sees me he's gonna recognize that I'm either trespassing somewhere I shouldn't be or if I were dressed like him like if I was not if I had like a crew disguise on he would recognize that I am not part of his crew like he would recognize his Oh call you out no matter what yeah so I know how to deal with this now I am crew by the way this is the sloppiest hitman of all time I think in my road to do it great yeah right that way you got it right then thanks pal so let's say a lot of American accents for taking place in Paris yeah I kind of wondered if they just do it the kind of thing like what was that one Valkyrie that movie with Tom Cruise where it starts in German and then it kind of merges into him speaking English so that Tom Cruise didn't have to do like true German or even a German accent that is pure star power because I feel that is exactly what it did that I'm good at innocent bellhop I know I probably shouldn't be killing all these people just because uh it's probably not good karma but you know what are you gonna do right what are you gonna do so we can't poop when in Paris okay he's passing by let's take this guy and let's just he threw him out the window oh wow bye okay you nap now what the hell was that was that the demon closet you mean they just ate him sound like Soul Reaver when you suck somebody's soul out like I mean man what a way to go right he's like hey there's that guy's twin brother but now he's wearing this other outfit looks good to me I'm bad keep people like we see that guy everywhere it's super weird yeah well like okay so as you as I as you know from playing the Hitman games but for anyone that doesn't know like you know I'm doing this real sloppy but the idea is that you chart out where your where your targets are and you you can do stuff like put on different outfits to get access to certain areas and then you can approach this kind of any way you want for example find a crowbar I could break the mounting on the speaker and drop it down below to potentially assassinate a target if I know that they're gonna be there at that time that kind of thing all right so right now see my target is up there it's like the hookah lounge oh wow this is these are beautiful environments yeah these are really cool environments and the other thing too is on this special Christmas level there's a [ __ ] Santa Claus that just teleports around and the way I wanted to do this initially was to kill Santa take his outfit hang on I could really do with a security outfit like an all-access pass with you if you get Santa's out you know I oh [ __ ] I know right all right let's let's take care of that doors closed all right come here can't let anyone know come on come on come on easy but like do you hear that hohoho in the background all creepy like oh that's what it was I thought that was like the demon closet you threw the body into I'm like that's not in hitman pirated version where there's just demons and it's a torrent so let's go put these dudes hmm I can see that having some uses always by the way after like I think we're still gonna be able to accomplish our mission but I swear to God there are cleaner ways to do it oh yeah I think no one's surprised at that fact all right you guys I'm gonna put all these dead bodies at the front entrance mezzanine damn it closed goddamn it fine some of god damn someone's gonna find you for sure man this is like you are a professional Josh oh you know what I should take that security outfit it's probably good hope no one sees me change all right what is the button t whoops that was that was not T that was guys neck yeah okay so this is kind of festive like yeah right where was I so let's take a real look just a sex den yes this whole plate if this isn't your house and you're here and you could somehow sneak up to one of these rooms every room is a sex den er no absolutely no yeah all of its whoops palate I meant to wish him oh well you made to push him yeah I know neither one of them was probably into the crowd yeah I wanted to create a distraction so I could get around faster oh look you Oh God okay well this is not the distraction I wanted this is horrible all right so we need to get to this wait what's this oh [ __ ] a Betemit yet ooh an objet d'art yeah it's coming with me okay so [ __ ] do right dude you're not even doing your job fine you just stay there yeah ooh that guy yeah body found so I want to get to my targets now I could see them he's going down the stairs they actually seem like they might be kind of in the same place oh so you're thinking it might be a good scrap c-4 to your chest and just run in there and yeah just do what the do it the old-fashioned can't let those guys see me because they'll know not part of their crew so I need to go around the long way huh which is a real bummer and look at oh yeah you know what's kind of cool about this game too is like there's a lot of recorded dialogue for like cool little conversations yeah yeah yeah and I'm sure that makes stuff like that audio is always always not appreciated enough underappreciated for what it brings to a game Oh Josh you're stuck between a rock and a hard on buddy well since this run is not going all that great to begin with I think I know we can do is that a bomb now that's the bus someone's that's like a head bust [Laughter] let's stay down yes so great you need to stop this guy before he gets outta hand you know who I am read my UPC code who's that here here's my QR code oh that's great all right so those guys are taking care of more or less where the hell are my targets so did you lose points for killing an on target oh yeah you're most definitely not supposed to do that by the way I think this guy's orange cuz either he went hostile on me or he's gonna recognize me which you know that just means it's hammer time can't have that that door can't have anyone uh noticing that all right I got to get back downstairs the system this is not our job here is done party must go on let's go get some of those hoes do braised Johnson oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] are these guys what'd you two just down there playing grab-ass [ __ ] all right are they like teleporting around like me are they wizards worth where are they Oh oh yeah shoot that what are they doing down there all right so we just gotta take five miles away again I know so we'll just we're gonna take the long way around we're gonna see if we make this this by far not my finest hit but what are you gonna do right wait I Oh Oh all right you are you kidding me dee dum dee dum please be unlocked please be unlocked well that was easy [Laughter] see you next time on let's game it out Jesus Christ Johnny Weir the [ __ ] my exits oh hey guys [ __ ] wait two ways out of here oh god I am so screwed I can't go out the front door like normal people do that's some bold well let's hope no one a really seat thinks it's weird when this short-sleeve security guards are running around outside you know I want to question him but his guns are amazing oh wait I'm supposed to take the helicopter and did you see his QR code in the back wait what that's nothing says subtle like taking the chopper you like straight up like I don't know any given Sunday type of Hill to everybody in this [ __ ] thing hey man it worries and then you're like I need this choppers like sounds good QR code guy hey mission accomplished you think about the heads yeah yeah you know what black or white yes or no accomplished not accomplished I'll go with accomplished sir well I just want to make sure we all are clear I spent like five six hours charting a special route to do this correctly [ __ ] first like five seconds and now here we are so yeah apparently apparently no accountability in this game lucky lucky you guys happy holidays we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 390,736
Rating: 4.9427528 out of 5
Keywords: lets game it out, lgio, josh, anthony, lets play, walkthrough, game, games, gaming, videogames, gameplay, commentary, funny, silly, comedy, juego, juegos, videojuegos, hd, 60fps, happy, holidays, christmas, 2017, IO Interactive A/S, Feral Interactive, hitman fail, lgio fail, troll, reporter, rude, home alone, fashion show, brick, trespassing, santa
Id: XgYUQh3T57U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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