I Spent The Night At The Queen Mary And Something Really Bad Happened

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hey what's going on guys welcome to another adventure with your boy Omar today I'm at a haunted location that many of you have been requesting for me to go we're in Long Beach California and we are going to spend the night and one of the most haunted ships ever the Queen Mary [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you guys see anything in the background something maybe it could be a sound something unexplained a light please let me know in the comments when and where you've seen that I would love to know I didn't realize how massive this ship is I mean I've been on some cruise ships before but this is massive almost reminds me of the Titanic James and I split up we're gonna meet up in a little bit probably around 3 a.m. so yeah I don't think that we're all alone I'm gonna be alone for a little while but when I meet up with James a little bit laters please is so cool it's very very big - I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to show you everything on this ship I mean it is massive but I did want to show you this really cool place not even sure if we're about to be down here this used to be the pool way back when and there's a girl I think her name is Jackie there haunts this area now it's not 3 a.m. yet however they have this place closed off because it's that haunted this is what it looks like in there I'm sure some of it is safety reasons to the girl that died in there she drowned they say that a ghost pushed her down in the water like a force and I think it may have happened to a few other people or maybe the ghost attempted to drown other people it's probably one of the reasons in my opinion this is closed down a lot of people drowning it's bad for business I am so happy to be here one of the reasons I'm here is because of you guys I've had so many people you know who you are you've been requesting for us to investigate the Queen Mary I would have never thought would have never dreamed that I'd be here all the way from Florida so if you haven't already make sure to give this video a like I came a long way I drove a long way we originally flew into Vegas and then went to another town and then drove seven hours just to do this challenge I am so so tired but I'm at the same time so excited to be here now we have this whole place to ourselves it's getting really late by the way I brought my EMF meter we're gonna see this thing going off a lot I mean a lot okay this place has been investigated by so many Phyllis hunters but not a lot of people have spent the night here looking for ghosts want to say there's about five or six floors well they call them decks and the hallways are really creepy my favorite hallway is on the first deck though it's like a never-ending hallway the via Coast was taking a ride level 2 is the most haunted and that's what we're gonna be spending the night tonight there is Her Majesty Queen Mary ship is in her name in her honor this ship held soldiers in World War two I think it was actually used in World War two so that could be another reason why it's haunted the architecture in this place is absolutely beautiful well they don't allow people to go on certain places of the ship certain times but check this out if you did one oh my gosh I feel like someone's walking right behind me in fact I heard footsteps anyways if you wanted to come visit the Queen Mary pretty sure you can still visit without spending the night it's kind of pricey to spend the night here but if you're gonna just do it because he wants you and you want to experience maybe some kind of paranormal activity or if you just want to experience some bit of history I mean we're looking at a piece of history right now one day this isn't gonna be here and I can say that I was here on a piece of history you should too for too late James was supposed to meet me I don't see him he's probably lost real creepiness starts right here stay away from here whoa this is Sarah here oh gosh see they ripped the numbers off and they won't allow anybody in this room because of how hot it is people have been attacked touched by demons scratched oh my gosh I feel really cold eerie feeling right here anybody here supposed to meet James at 3:00 a.m. right there and he never came wondering if he's okay little worried this is what it looked like on this same deck in 1947 you could see it looks almost identical yo where you been bro all right text message you can call your messages I was texting Your Honor this is the our deck and they say the reason why they've painted the floor red is because so many people have fallen to their deaths usually when the ship was out to sea and they had like some rough waters people will be walking down these steps and they bust their heads open and died right there countless lives were lost there I'm not sure how many exactly but people have definitely died down here this is where they said all those people died I look at these safes was we're cool did they block it off oh it's open look at this bro is it we're gonna get ya oh wow yeah I wonder if we could go up there there's downtown long beach over there beautiful city man this is such a beautiful ship dude could be somebody in there wait this room is not it's off-limits always start laying up whoa whoa oh my gosh you hide and go off for you know I didn't pass you though I think whatever's here is something that doesn't like me but it likes you you should come back see fit like what the hell no no no how to touch anything somebody's in their room I think we were disturbing do this thing is going off like crazy I'm not sure if somebody was in that room I'm pretty sure no one was in there because they say that room is off-limits unless there's an employee sleeping and they got pissed off loves being in this is kind of strange there's like a cleaning cart over there ghosts have been seen here during the day doesn't really matter 3:00 a.m. we're definitely gonna probably catch something we can catch something at 40m where you care to sell them at 6 a.m. 7 a.m. anytime if a place is haunted its haunted and the Queen Mary 100% is haunted I mean look at that model in there James look at this that's a model of Queen Mary Riter oh they did this ship right yeah look at that is so thing is huge yeah bro you know what that's made out of Legos you don't really know would it take to do that bro that took 20 years to do in Legos they superglued each one time I love seeing these pictures of the old Queen Mary and seeing what it looks like now which is really no different we're experiencing something that people from World War two experienced people in the 1930s I mean this is amazing I can't wait to show you this though this is gonna be really cool we're gonna go to the floor right now and boy do I feel a cold breeze we do meet you rail it this is one of the decks right here where a ton of people have been thrown off I mean usually by accident I don't think we're allowed up here or you could almost see inside the boats there's some there's like all the radios in there and then there's a an old operator switchboard like an old-school one and this is me James doesn't see very well so I have to explain sometimes what I was seeing sometimes he'll see with his spoon and that's why you'll see him real close looks like a radio control look that's the deck where the restaurant is I'm thinking this was oh it's up there that's the captain's deck up there now the remodeling in there okay we've reached the back of the Queen Mary you can see how amazing she looks I didn't expect it to be so beautiful back here that's a restaurant up there it's called the Sir Winston I would totally get married here Melissa this is where we need to have our second wedding right here on the Queen Mary let me know if you agree a lot of you guys that follow my daily life channel aka vlogs you know that I proposed to my wife of 15 years and I asked her to remarry me so we could renew our vows now we're getting ready to plan a wedding for next year yes I am inviting some of you guys but let me know in the comments if you think having a wedding here would be cool we haven't really decided yet 100% we have our eye on one place but it's kind of up in the air I think this would be amazing it could be like a very small wedding I am in a live stream in so that's why I said that some of you guys are invited if you want to come you can is it open oh it is open cool was it all somebody's been peeing in there all you just hit he just hit his head oh dude come on I don't want you to Gary let's go I've heard that a lot of people don't get the best night's sleep here because there's so many noises as you can see it's pretty silent so if people are hearing noises it's probably spirits in there for asking them so I'm going to leave my cameras rolling when maybe we're sleep in and see if we could catch anything do look at this I just heard some noises in there blow I thought it was unlocked anybody in there gars nobody up there I don't know if you guys seen that that was really scary I could've swore I heard a baby dude did you get that camera those Millennium through a father was unless that person I could disappeared and not disappear but maybe they just went to the room I mean it just it was too quick we went up there right like it is this doors open but dude there's nobody here it's close koogler oh my god we're here during the week so I'm pretty sure they didn't rent out all these rooms this room right here is super duper baller status I mean I paid a lot of money for the little room I have but there's a little room over here that I think is bigger than our room do what it's like a three bedroom house look this thing's bigger than my bedroom we pay about 200 bucks for a little room like that with no windows this thing has windows everywhere what boy I think the cleaning lady left this open on accident yeah there's a bed over there hey hold on there might be another room over here yo how much you deem this cost I'm probably like 500 bucks a minute what I bet bro this is so cool guys this is so cool I bet you there was a fire wasting an iron uh that looks creepy well it looks really creepy ah let's find out there's my dinner okay there's no actually doing there look at this [Music] happy oh my god [Music] what did we just get ourselves into well I kind Oh I haven't heard any noise in a while wonder where James [Music] I see the danger of my heartbeat isn't difficulty I thought burgers venusaur destroyers I thought we could have to stay there like just so they left him uh they just cries oh my gosh I have never been in a scarier position but it was funny they probably know that this place is haunted imagine if we would have brought like all our bags there and we were legit we're gonna grab our bags and go spend the night in that room we were just exploring checking it out facing human you guys have not seen our room yet I'm warning you it's not as nice as the other room that we've seen but yeah welcome bro what you doing here all our clothes are all over the floor well they kind of already but not like that you know bro we didn't have clothes on the floor like this guys we have not been in this room since we started exploring okay I'm not sure if someone's playing a prank bottles we do have our bill down there from the front desk are you sure oh you know are you messing on me do you have no Nicki bro all right let's just get this cleaned up dude this place is a mess what the hell but anyways this is our room it's very simple we're gonna be touching feet there's you know there's not a fridge or anything that's very basic there's a sink over there in the bathroom so there this really is like the size of that one little room [Music] [Music] [Music] you square the bathroom [Music] come on fam just woke up a little bit ago have to say I probably slept in it's about 11:30 checkout is at 12:00 which is really cool I think they add that extra checkout time because they know people aren't gonna get the best of sleep with all the noises but we slept pretty good we were pretty tired there was so much to explore here and there's so much that we didn't get to explore because this ship is so big I think I heard like a thud you know but it could have been maybe the neighbors next door well anyways like I mentioned if you guys see anything cool in this video please share with me if you see like any like dark figures I definitely heard noises but I didn't get to really see anything there's a couple things that I didn't get to show you I'm gonna end this video with showing you some of those things [Music] so ast 1 1 [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 10,879,070
Rating: 4.8132195 out of 5
Id: d44GVKQhqOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2017
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