Exploring The Haunted Queen Mary Ship | OmarGoshTV

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what is up fam welcome to another haunted adventure with your boy Omar today I am back at the Queen Mary we spent the night here last night Faye's rug was here my friend James was here well we ended up staying another night and we're gonna explore the entire ship people were asking us hey how come you didn't explore the ship whoa hey we did explore the ship every time I come here I always end up finding something new because this ship is massive it's the size of the Empire State Building today I have my friend Ashley with adventures with Ashley and I got James the fan right not to get lost this time no we're each gonna split up and have completely different videos I can't wait for this adventure to get started links will be in the description so my friends let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we already lost James but it's okay cuz we're all gonna split up got your walking talk hopefully it works this is my favorite part of the Queen Mary online every part is my favorite part but this is pretty dang interesting it's like a never-ending hallway and it's freaking scary I hear music coming from over here sounds like somebody's having a partay if you didn't see my video because I know some people are probably gonna watch this video and not notice that I put out another video in the most haunted room on this ship we spent the night there and I'm gonna take you there again and a little bit because we still have access sounds like musics coming from in here please let me know if you see or hear anything always run into something let's hear people talking it's very odd because it's a weeknight and then it's very very late let's go upstairs I'm not heard somebody up here can he hear me whispering a lot I've never been up there before already I'm going somewhere that I have never been to on the Queen Mary that's how big this ship is this is the very top floor it's called the sundeck just a bathroom this is pretty cool as a fireplace right here secondly lose electric ones verdana grill we should go out this door I'm Sookie okay this place kind of sucks okay I was gonna see something cool pretty sure I walked by this earlier I'm not sure if that was open or not just on TV it's just like a storage area glad we got to come up here never been up here before yeah I'm not gonna go into details about all the haunted history here but I won't share [Applause] hello ok my turn now it says do not I'm scared [Music] a long time since I've been on the Queen Mary and a lot has changed they cleaned up to outside I mean I always doing renovations and stuff to it but one thing that I love about it is its beauty is preserved I mean like this is what this looked like when they first built it a lot of the original woodwork I mean this place is so awesome [Music] I haven't been up here either this is weird it was just private of it see right there how private it I never knew that there was another ballroom this is not the same ballroom that I explored the last time because I had way higher ceilings I want to say the other ballroom is on the same deck as the pool let's go over there right now easy [Music] or honestly tonight [Music] okay that's a guy [Music] dag is that over there there's a lot of love going on in that hallway not sure why there was a sock on the board off all right I'm into bedeck right now this is where my room is I'm gonna take you there in a second I'm going around in circles right now I'm so lost haven't heard food genius or Ashley they call them up ayo James Ashley hello you're like people in here but there's my hair oh man it smells really good there's nobody out here I thought would that party going there probably people out here there's another system whoa look at the city of Long Beach right there it's up here always like the place to get into okay we're not getting in there finisher was it like electrical wires such a preview not gonna be able to go to the our deck that's where the pool is because I went down there and that's where that music in that big party is it's like some kind of private event however I did get some shots of the pool which were very interesting I have never seen the pool before and they actually have it open now they must have went in there and remodeled it is so cool so let me know in these shots here if you see anything at all maybe like a figure or something because a lot of people have caught Jacky in that pool area look why met up with just found her floating around what what were you saying about your batteries here's what's up man take two they're gonna see change money doc he's gonna be like oh hey guys [Music] dude we'd always heard a ghost coming down the stairs would be the first time yeah it really is this is not a pool area the pool area you can actually see the pool now they remember remember they had that black sheet over the window you can see through the window and now into the pool area do you wanna hear something funny so I'll walking by this door and I heard a guy pointing there was a guy it could have been a chick with a deep voice and then there was a sock on the on the doorknob I don't know that means I didn't touch it though could have been dirty [Music] do look at that freaking creep just thinking the same thing won't do would you take her home you'll look at her hands it's like she's got like little hands and little legs and big shoulders Oh what happened to her dude she looks like she wants to bite my ankles but look at her hair reminds me of puppet master did you get like a weird like kissing noise on your weren't you talking you did you got that okay so she got that - I got it on video I was recording it got her like scared of crap out of me you ought to give a gift you go on stinky feet give me kiss or one out these walkie-talkies suck hey wait a minute what happened in here it wasn't this open before they closed off a lot of parts at the Queen Mary because they're renovating constantly wanted me Joe what's up here oh that's blocked off - man I got a major [Music] anything on us why don't you like put your camera over that hole dude you could see [Music] now I was gonna pants you they totally almost awkward fancy head dress almost reminds me of the Friday kid shower company what's up with this dude how come that's happening to yours and not mine I don't know dude this thing flew across the room that did sound like Morse code hello dude that I don't know if maybe because of the maybe I mean it's just like on a solid foundation or is it on the water look I'm now you're gonna lie it went like this just like that across the room hey so check this out we are that this is on like a little bit of an incline but I mean what would cause it to move like maybe us walking around I'm always trying to like figure out like what would cause something you know if it's not like a ghost there's here we're trying to go back to room B 3:40 Ashley has not seen it yet and we are gonna spend the night again tonight I'm not sure if I'm gonna feel myself sleeping again maybe outlook did you like have any weird nightmares I I kind of feel like I did like I woke up sweating a couple times it is hot in there there's nobody you heard that too right was that there was no bike dude there's nobody down here no yeah it sound like there was somebody right down here there's nobody up at this tile other than us so those little bit of voices did you heard right now in camera or spirits I'm thinking clear EVPs people that probably think they're still alive and we're lost the VTEC is actually kind of confusing dude there's nobody in this elevator [Music] we're getting really close to the haunted room I'm gonna need to change my battery shout out to James he just hooked me up with plug that battery that your battery's gonna die through oh gosh I hope it stays on there's no crazy and he spirits will drain your batteries through 340 is the only room see like on the B deck out on every room you know there's lovers know our room does not have that I just wanted to show it Ashley [Music] this is road 340b 340 there's even pictures of the pool area and then like there's little stories on the walls about room 340 yeah I slipped on the bed here James slept over there just did one thing that I found really weird about this room is the floors are completely uneven notice that yeah and it throws you off like big-time see there's a Ouija board over there last night James slept with that Ouija board i yeah I thought myself sleeping too haven't seen the play yet but videos already out so I just got my Haunted doll here you Rober jr. so hey if you guys want to stay in room B 3:40 probably gonna have some Robert spirit juice in here come check it out for yourself rooms creepy and I think we just made it a little bit more haunted by messing with the Ouija board well I didn't I didn't I didn't mess with Ouija board what are you talking about no where do you how to do it whoa yesterday Joe we should play Bloody Mary in here Wow that you want to real quick lightly run some water from the faucet spin around three times watch closely I do something um let me know if you want me to play a Bloody Mary ever and beat 340 maybe I'll make that separate video I'm always right I'm just her like scratching her arm I just I was very faint I'm gonna go ahead and start concluding this video I am getting tired and I have to meet up some of my fans tomorrow here on the Queen Mary big shout out to all my fans and showed up I gotta go before you leave [Music]
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 390,572
Rating: 4.9541197 out of 5
Keywords: omargoshtv, haunted queen mary ship at 3am, haunted ghost ship at 3am, haunted queen mary 24 hour overnight challenge, 24 hour overnight challenge on the queen mary ship, is the queen mary haunted, proof the queen mary ship is haunted, rms queen mary haunted ship, queen mary paranormal, queen mary ghost activity, queen mary haunted rooms, most haunted locations in the world, omar gosh, omar gosh tv, omargosh, A CRAZY NIGHT ON THE HAUNTED QUEEN MARY SHIP
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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