The Haunted Decks of the Queen Mary

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we're sleeping tonight this week on BuzzFeed in solve week for one of the most haunted places in the world as part of our ongoing investigation to answer the question are ghosts real right now we are sitting in the Queen's salon of undoubtedly the creepiest boat in the world allow me to introduce you to the Queen Mary a bit rude to call it the creepiest boat in the world it's I mean that's not an unfair statement would you say right it's a marvel it's a marvel apparently this boat is 2 times the size of the Titanic 2 times 2 times Titanic's time that's not true it's true all you need to know is I always here about 10 years ago and I said I'd never come back and well here I am you're not a man of your word you know I will say this is a beautiful sunset though if there's one thing I could take solace in and uh today it's that nice sunset enjoy it Ryan it's the last one you ever gonna see well I'm back that is that is that do you feel like it remembers you I certainly hope not after what I did last time I was here what did you do you'll find out you mean that you think there's something about Mary indeed yeah that's exactly you might be a little bit and chanted yeah I think so you know when things are so pristine and beautiful like this but vacant there is something very unsettling to it I don't know what it is what do you find unsettling about this lots of things that being said let's get into the history of this boat named after Britain's actual Queen Mary the Queen Mary was completed in the 1930s and embarked on his inaugural voyage on May 27th 1936 from Southampton England the boat served as the new benchmark for luxury containing two cocktail bars two swimming pools five dining areas and lounges a grand ballroom and much more however all that luxury would soon go to waste during World War Two when the ship was repurposed as a transportation vessel for troops and prisoners of war and was appropriately painted gray in fact the ship was so much faster than enemy u-boats that had earned the nickname the Gray Ghost did they paint it gray specifically for the war you don't think the Gray Ghost is a pretty cool nickname it is pretty badass named captain of the Gray Ghost tell that story Navarre oh my ship well she's called the Gray Ghost the ship was estimated to have carried over 800,000 servicemen throughout the war in 1947 the ship returned to the Queen Mary status and in 1965 it was sold to the city of Long Beach in California where it is now docked permanently now that we've established the boats history let's take a second to revisit my own personal history with this ship Oh God I've told Sheen this story before but about ten years ago when I was mmm who was it ten years ago this is riveting when I was 17 years old I visited this ship with a couple friends I was really interested in the paranormal but didn't believe it was a real thing never thought I'd be back in this room this was the this was my ghost father after taunting the ghost to show themselves and coming up empty again I returned disappointed to my hotel room on the boat cabin b48 for this it hasn't changed one bit that's exactly the same which bed were you off I was sleeping right here on this one I was sleeping on the left side towards the wall you were hanging up this looks like a Best Western that night when I slept I was repeatedly poked in the face but I was too scared to open my eyes and when I finally did to confront the person that was sleeping next to my friend Alvin I discovered to my horror that he was actually fast asleep and snoring I thought maybe ain't that like Alvin yeah maybe nothing I mean maybe it was nothing so I tried to push through it I eventually did fall asleep the next morning went into the bathroom my friend Casey saw the sink turn on so we set up a camera to try and catch that it's more we said with the camera we actually caught if you look in the footage at the left corner there's a bag with toothpaste on top of it you'll never forget that plastic ziplock back to you I'm getting chills seeing the actual toothbrush residence okay see look at you could see it it already happened yet already half not voting well considering I didn't even game you're focusing on the wrong side of the screen yeah there's definitely a force at play there though and what is that gravity okay you gotta admit that looks weird no everybody so it really doesn't if you're white it again it happens at the exact same time that you throw your on the counter there's always something look at the bag how it moves it's like because there's toothpaste on it was like a jitter watch bags are stiff that's a pretty pert movement it almost looks like someone's puppeteering it with the street it's a haunted bag you can't see that it flung it a little bit this toothpaste falls straight down it was up and down straight up and down before that toothpaste hit the floor I didn't believe in ghosts I thought this was all BS but what I saw in that bathroom changed me into the man that you see today a firm believer in ghosts in the paranormal I've never doubted it again and I swore I would never return to this ship and yet here I sit like a freakin idiot so I've told you numerous times that I would love to see something like that if I just get one experience like that with definitive proof maybe tonight's the night I'm feeling lucky that being said let's explore some of the paranormally active areas of the ship and my return to the Queen Mary there are quite a few documented deaths that occurred on the Queen Mary and numerous more reported ones so let's revisit a couple in 1936 there Edgar Brennan the first captain of the Queen Mary died of a stroke in his cabin in 1949 senior second officer William stark accidentally drank laundry detergent stored in the gin bottle thereby poisoning himself to death who storing that in a gin bottle though apparently the captain at the time had a gin bottle in his room he said you know you've been doing a good job today go to my room pour yourself a drink he failed to mention there was acid or I've also heard it was detergent oh this doesn't taste like just burning my tongue I better swallow it you imagine him just a minute after the guy left the room being like oh darn it by the way Shan I have a bottle of whiskey in the room for you if you want to go take however the most unfortunate desk all occurred at one time as I had mentioned before the Queen Mary served as a transportation vessel during World War two on October 2nd 1942 the Queen Mary was being escorted from New York to Glasgow by another much smaller vessel called the HMS carousel the charoset was zigzagging in front of the Queen Mary to confuse potential u-boats and German bombers however the Queen Mary traveling at 28.5 not unexpectedly caught up to the Carissa and consequently collided with the ship splitting the HMS coração in half boy how much bigger was it 20 times bigger 20 times bigger that just cut through that thing like a hot butter patty but here your petty yeah like a hot butter pad that's not what it's called some members of the carousel were killed instantly on impact while others were thrown into the freezing water watching as the men who remained on board sank trapped within the remains of the vessel and for those left in the water that didn't die from hypothermia it is said that the current of the Queen Mary carry the myth chopping them up in the propeller boat boats are tough not an easy life boat life due to war protocol the captain of the Queen Mary Cyril Illingworth was not able to stop to rescue the passengers and they pushed forward reporting the incident to nearby British destroyers but by the time that British arrived about two hours later it was too late many had already died from hypothermia and of the 430 crew members on board the HMS Carissa only 99 survived it is said that you can hear the screams of the Carissa passengers in the boiler room of the Queen Mary and some claimed at the bow of the ship is a hot spot due to the fact that it's where the Queen Mary made contact with the Caruso are you scared right now yeah scared right now are you just afraid of anything that's old dude do you have any idea where we are right now it's a boat right now we're in the bow of the ship yeah this is where the ship struck the carousel we're in her belly that's the cargo hold they used to keep POWs down there I got a new toy this is a Fleur thermal camera so if there's any ghosts here we may be able to pick up their heat signature look at you take it you're a little stupid face normally I'm against asking or communicating what ghosts but if I'm truly gonna be actually an investigator in this I have to right yeah do it go on right did you go on do I know my history with this boat um you direct first off sorry what I said last time what did you call it I called it a I called it a coward Ryan and I said this whole ship is we're not gonna hurt you oh god I think you're not here to hurt me though Ryan is a very angry about that toothpaste and system shake it told me before we got nuts that you stupid good spirits spirit show yourself oh don't you what are you doing you said to be direct yeah but don't be Bruce Willis from diehard spirit we have scavenger hunt one day for some youngsters well no one ever found their way down there that day so I was there by myself and I'm sitting there tapping on the the woodwork next to the porthole and I thought well wouldn't it be weird if somebody responded and lo and behold just on the other side of the wall I heard somebody go to tap that I mean could it have been my imagination of course could it have been a spirit well maybe no I mean you could try that and this it's just creaking that's fine why do they do right then do it again good again yeah oh good it's all good it's all good though good it's all good other alleged s include two women who drowned in the first class swimming pool one apparition appears in 1930s clothing and the other in 1960s there is also reports of a little boy who fell overboard near the pool who now haunts the passageway a little girl named Jackie also is reported to haunt the swimming pool areas I just think it's embarrassing for them to drown in a pool on a boat that's true also returned a lifeguard on duty but your honor things that has conquered buoyancy they drowned on top of the ocean yeah in the ocean yeah according to the ship's current captain during World War two a cook died in horrific fashion apparently he was shoved into an oven by Australian soldiers and consequently burned to death wait what happened Australian soldiers they picked up who did not like the food took this chef in a instead of giving him one star on Yelp shoved him into enough him that's why they created yes we're tired of being murdered many say his screams can still be her yeah did you hear that yeah we are right next to I mean down the hall is the galley where the kitchen was was I'm a little unnerved at that the clanking did come from the kitchen that doesn't sit super well well wow you're actually admitting to something for once in 1966 an 18 year old crewman was crushed by door number 13 an automatically closing door during a water-type drill his ghost is sometimes seen wearing white coveralls it's very confusing it looks like it'd be pretty easy to get crushed to death here I mean this is just in itself even if this is not spiritually active I mean look at this place so far there's just numbers how could anyone possibly know what the hell is going on down number 13 is this where it's not that's where the implication happened multiplication will love controllers to be exact bull semen lubrication Jesus Christ huh no that's funny and I think this is it right here this is door number 13 do I feel strange right here yep I don't like it I'm gonna get out of that it is crazy that up all the numbers he could have gotten stuck in 13 and now can't now I'm starting to get scared again hello there uh if there's anybody here please show us a sign make a bang be nice no no way no it's clearly just some machine turning up I know that's got to be with this that's an engine right yeah probably or a ghost right now I'm talking to the gentleman who got crushed in this door you're here still we show yourself I'm not seeing it this is just light bulbs and not seeing anything I say anything gaining skinny is this something look at this it's just a light it's just a light but it looks like someone looking out does that the holy out of me other hotspots on the ship include the engine room the safe room the our debt ford bow storage the wheelhouse the propeller box and finally the isolation ward were the second those diagnosed with a contagious disease were kept away from the other passengers and in some cases the isolation ward served as a patient let's do this did you look scared - oh my god my car dome was exploded dude your hard-on exploded [Music] what the dude check that out let's move on to the final stage of the investigation spending the night on the ship we've been given access to the most haunted cabin on the Queen Mary cabin B three four zero okay glad to look at this for the first you've got to be me dude are you kidding me no guess sleep in here huh this is war sleeping in it yeah you're gonna lose your mind yeah I'm gonna lose my mind of course workers that have worked on this ship for a decade someone's in some cases they never go in there by themselves and when I told them that we're sleeping in there they laughed and told me I was an idiot to my face well so that's fun the cabin has reports of voices bed's shaking water running and lights being turn on by itself in fact cabin B three four zero has garnered so many reports of complaints of activity that it was actually shut down and ripped apart about 25 years ago since then nobody's been allowed to sleep inside until tonight where we will attempt to sleep inside cabin B three four zero for the first time in nearly 25 years I don't think we've ever attempted something more idiotic than this pull the are you kidding this is a nightmare room if there's anybody in here it wants to talk to us say something if there's no there's if it's cheeks if I see anything at all tonight that that awakes something in me then I'll join you in this weird little camp it'll be me I'll be you ma'am bed shaking in here that's gnarly jokes on them no bed to shake huh gotcha ghosts it's an empty room it's it's what does the ghost even gonna do in there I don't know poke me in the face like it did when I was 17 oh crap oh how are you doing I'm starting to psych myself out again just focus on how tired you are well what the is that it's cats baby do you right handle this funny that's good no that doesn't sound like animals it's like she's dead no those are outside oh right yeah I mean we tried to sleep at the Sallie house and every time I fell asleep you woke me up yeah well I can't make any promises that you're gonna stay away hey I'm going to go to sleep no not if you try to wake me up I'm just going to ignore it I'm gonna pour water on your face you do whatever the hell you want I'm not gonna acknowledge you you know what was that voice a voice if somehow tricked me into not being upset that you're still talking but I'm gonna go to sleep I'm gonna try again I don't know what you did I make I'm angry again you just kick me oh what the it's morning we're still here I wasn't stabbed to death with a butter knife the room is clear the room is clear and now it's just an empty bare room appropriate for a sitcom exit oh we've had some fun times in here farewell to the Queen Mary she's a beaut you're a beaut your beautiful lady I love your bones the prodigal son returned today and didn't come back with as much evidence as last time but what a ship still Oh what if she say this place is not haunted because I very much believe it is so it remains the Queen Mary is an 80 year old ship with plenty of rich yet tragic history are there actually ghosts that inhabit the halls and decks of this former warship or is that merely part of the narrative after spending one nearly sleepless night in the ship I can certainly attest to the fact that the Queen Mary may be haunted but as always the answer will remain unsolved [Music] see you later kitchen ghosts fellows this could be a party in our room later if you want to help nope enough stop it this is up I mean machines over there taking a squad [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Multiplayer
Views: 12,046,117
Rating: 4.9192743 out of 5
Keywords: unsolved, mystery, ghosts, paranormal, ghost ship, Queen Mary, cruise liner, history, historical, investigate, comedy, dark, scary, spooky, creepypasta, supernatural, ghost hunting, spirits, spiritual, horror, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed, buzzfeedblue
Id: f5GhIb4M99w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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