The Final Night at Haunted Queen Mary Ship (w/ KianAndJc)

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no there's no way you got scared whoa whoa we're gonna go and like let them attach themselves and bring back your ramp to whatever we talked to last time we were here we're back how would that have been had she not I saw I didn't know and didn't even want to come back to the ship he came to the Queen Mary to get something we're about to get some work and you still don't like okay guys real quick before we start the video you're outside Qian Jesse's house and we actually told them that this video is going to be a ghost tour of the Queen Mary what they don't understand though is we actually bought a room and we're to convince them to stay overnight guys again they think we're just gonna be in and out of here in like two hours but we're staying until sunrise so we'll tell them when we get there but I don't think they're gonna be too happy yep a scared noise oh why is that my doing that as we're coming into the canary oh there it is oh you guys ready no no we said we would never go back here no oh wait no no we said room B 340 technics different yeah hey I love this spot oh wait wait wait what's up guys a semicolon today we are here with the legends very scared but we are here we go yeah you played 44 been here once and we had to call you guys because yeah like what three times two times four well three times then realize I'm so scared I'm like shaking last time we were here we legitimately talked to a demon for 30 minutes and swore we would never come back don't mess with that stuff oh bugger demons dude I say demon it could have been Angels I don't know so before we start earlier this week we filmed a video on their channel so if you don't know who they are I don't know how you don't go subscribe to check out the view come it's good do it someone shades her hair oh we really wonder who it is we're really so loved it come it's good there is a catch though tonight that we didn't tell you guys we're staying the night and we're not doing your tool there's no way what do you mean no tour it was cancelled so we're just gonna say tonight we gotta wait for others don't worry we just got a room instead and we're gonna stay all night I'm not staying the night yes a man that we drove in funny car no walk home what do you mean it's fine yes okay we got it okay so it's either fight or flight and your flight okay I'm booking version version Airlines wait so what do you mean there's no tour now but there's nothing we're just here we're exploring uh but there is right Gregor I get the Explorer Mario toys yes we called them and they said guys you can't do it last minute you got a book like four weeks in advance so I decided to get a room instead oh thanks for telling you say thank you for giving you got room ha ha oh my god at least there's little kids coming it can't be that scary right little kids are creepy dude intro scary music here we're not walking this path until morning stop saying that yeah yeah this was chill let's talk about it and then we'll see what happens basically we're gonna do for this video is we're gonna go in test TV works for a couple hours test a couch out yeah yeah yeah we're not ever those locked it remember how creepy these always were oh my god they go in forever the stories it's behind our side like I got a like her look it up again forgot about this early summer living months maybe yeah go bak gol D ACH you guys are here for one night you have a question yes have you personally experienced anything haunted around here no my people tell me stuff report stuff to me what's the worst thing that's been reporting the worst one some people showed me some pretty crazy photographs Oh kind of skeptical I've been here over a year I've never had anything have you ever stayed in a room be 30 40 okay so that's our specific room yes the whole ship is allegedly haunted you'll have fun oh my god dude I remember these scary signs everything about this ship is just creepy at least we didn't get beef before you this time we said we'd never go back to the be 340 so we didn't get that room I'm just kidding so where we go hi guys but before we get to the room I'm going to show you what we've experienced already while we were here yeah all of us will remember forever and we all 100% believe in an afterlife and things that are other than humans because of what we saw the day we got permission to stay in the haunted room 3:40 a que the most haunted hotel room in America there are any spirits here please make yourself a face just popped in front of my eyes for like a point for like half a second it disappeared behind what ok whatever we just saw in there is here dude holy we were all talking about leaving right this second and de faucet turns on Laguna is broke this is real so it's almost like the spirits no we don't care if you believe us that proved it to us right there this is waited scary Queen Mary or Queen Elizabeth loser great we go no it's too freakin girls laughing this is the right room somebody just like over there let's go stop nobody knew [Music] you know it opens hell it opens out the door is bad oh my god this is huge there's - whoa whoa are you doing that what no stop doing that 14 lines over here don't stop doing that oh wait wait okay 1 2 8 let me drive about 110 is this 3 2 rooms Oh what it's a light Joe why did it make a noise back there every stop blurry yeah it just got really but still airing right now okay now it's good oh my god I feel so creeped out right now oh I am whoa go in there doesn't it just feel creepy that there's other rooms whoa whoa whoa I thought there was a mirror oh my god that reflects in it's a mirror I hate that I'm like trying to cover up my scared miss with like comedy but truth be told Frank spooks dude I don't like I just we only have one bed gasps that's the good news honestly yeah sleeping in here alone tonight that's a 20 bed what it's one person that's cans look he's already making himself at home what this is so tiny look it needs to sink into air conditioner a blowhole the chair is blocking the door wait have you Kenny where was the chair even supposed to be what that's so weird why would they put this block old-fashioned dude take turns later to Maine Oh leaving no yeah I'll keep while sleeping here someone keeps you watch I'm not sleeping I don't know what you guys were like I'm not sleeping there's no way dude please what I would like read do that just gave me chills remember the last time is a huge thing was the last turning on the faucet yeah the faucet freakin turned on mid seance of our first time being here there's so many freaking rooms well huh this original Queen Elizabeth suite was restored by the generosity of whoa yeah that's good all these people stayed at this hotel guests so how can we get our name on this list it's like Sam and Coby you oh it opens up to another room secret room is just perfectly right now there's just someone on the other side all right Seeger rooms not so secret all right so before we go and explore the ship let's do some more research on you like the Queen Elizabeth suite because we have no idea about this sure I'm so so confused wiser there's a Queen Elizabeth and Mary yeah it makes no sense why do you Lizbeth bloody was a bit bloody Elizabeth I don't like I wonder they're right there oh it cracks say to get it from the desk I can't you can though not cannot what are you doing yeah are you actually outside right now oh my god around me don't wait Sam so we didn't notice this what was that there when we first walked in it I don't know it was that there get out of here Lisa let's see if that drug TV do it I want out of here just let me out all night was in here for 10 minutes oh hell yeah let's film a mousetrap Spelling Bee right now no it's doing it oh no I hate that tears me the door opening I don't know everyone was like hey let me do anything so I'm like right like dude we've heard in creak all right so let's start this there's no crazy cried you all right yeah so you know kind of the basic gist if you watched any of our Queen Mary videos but basically this is top 5 most hot like hater someone else has to like ya know no one's ever yet all of you thought what like 11 shall we sleep in like 30 minutes hopefully that happens late tonight like a few wakes up she's like I'm crapping you're not leaving you're just grabbing I'm just gonna cry okay why are the pants so we're dude she's like in another room pitch play like I said time magazine rated is in the top five most haunted places in the world we've been here I hate my life you know it was because this used to be a warship so hundreds of people have died from the war like getting diseases on this boat see the iron sorry we can't even get through this party those are so many noise letters Jackie dinner a scary part about this place is that 50 people died not during the war which means either like what suicides people been murdered here hauntings everything unexplainable deaths heart attacks we room we stayed in the last time be 340 there had been like 10 or 20 deaths just in that room they had to shut it down for 30 years because they just didn't understand why people kept dying the reason why we're coming to this hotel room it's because the Queen Elizabeth room as you seen on the wall is super famous a lot of people have stayed here before and it is known as like the top three rooms of the entire point Mary ship of being haunted and as you can tell it's twice as big as b14 yes can tell that's better yeah no it's not good it's not so many more things can happen I know we've been joking a lot during this video but this place still gives me nightmares it's a wizard reach my life just - it's like a coping mechanism I'm telling you cuz we stay like light spirits it doesn't makes me think no matter you have it better yeah like Brewers all sitting here in the dark being quiet yeah it'd be a thousand billion times scarier that's not trying to lighten up plus it's only 10:30 p.m. like we gotta stay off her eye but now we're gonna go explore the ship go to all the haunted areas and revisit B 340 yeah not going like just going back to the door on ik we stay curious we said we'd never go back we're gonna go and like let them attach themselves to us and then bring him back in here don't say that dude we're gonna do a seance alright let's you know first is probably the least scary okay let's go alright yeah we didn't really like explore the inside of the ship - I became really weekend I just went to the deck yet no so I was telling them about the hamper and what we saw in the last video we're gonna go there again you know I hate this news here as soon as we get like close to that room I don't even like to say that's women are gonna be happy too many bad memories because he chills all right there's no way I just don't like it go in we can see it from here no you can't it's like in the back for sure before anyone comes let's go well I do there's no locking look off to your left oh dude they're everywhere around this entire place on these two Y handprints on hand prints out render why in this random closet a storage closet where no one would think to go there's this handful why did you guys come in here in the first place you know that's a good question actually why did we show Oh dude why would he touch that it's like a little kid hand too because look how big mine is comparatively okay buddy - okay let's get out here this is weird it's ankle yeah I don't like that wait you're gonna lock me in here yeah why does this always happen to me what what are you leaving is that scary yeah you cannot luckily I didn't close it we must have not closed it oh we did climb to the top that's my snack we have an explorer sticker up there Oh God fine man you know we were pretty dumb actually the first step we came here why did we do it we're gonna need to see your British accent and that telephone pole a holy matey hey listen up maine maddness babe all right guys right here is something called the isolation chamber back in the day when someone would go crazy on the boat in the middle of the ocean they'd stick them here because there was no prison obviously alone and they scream all my world all the crazy people there's multiple like cell always goes down its litter yeah it's literally like a giant jail down there it's right how do you know if that was like the spirits making somebody go crazy or if there like on the rocker yeah you know I mean I didn't look at that oh my my close dude there's so many handprints dude have you noticed that everywhere everywhere yeah Jesus someone's had a good time sell the knocking video and everything the audio if you guys yeah yes so ya know once for yes amor right yeah that's like she knows this stuff oh my god thank ya that's cool this is definitely like the most haunted places they're bad thanks for watch our video we found some people and they told us about this really creepy room in the middle that we've never seen before there's two random chairs sitting next to each other every time we're on this ship finding your place like this there's a stairwell goes down Wow did you find this all by yourself [Music] everyday I'm not going down there I like that kids idea hey hang on yo are you sure you know what we done there you got that you gonna follow me there I'll call you you go first [Music] secret little room at thee how did you find a little Center at this so much quieter than wait wait oh we don't want is valid there's so many people upstairs Oh a nightlight I think every time we get quieter someplace literally every time I see that oh there's actually so water in it yeah I think so oh wait yeah you can tell there's water because the ceiling look oh yeah well there's just a light no where there's no water in there there's no one this is somebody apparently died in here and now they block it off to the public completely they drown to death even though the girl knew how to swim like perfectly well really yeah they say like if you look in here long enough you can see like a girl in white walking not the staircase in the back yeah are you whoa whoa whoa I don't know if everyone saw that but there's like a glare going straight across oh whoa Oscars I hate this place so you know what time it is huh we just passed floor be something it's time to go back to be 3:40 out here I've seen over there like seriously right now amazing huh guys should we even do this dude I don't want you yeah Janet our lives forever or about to go back to the place where we talk to something that wasn't human you sure you want to do that no no I'm not actually how you guys go first uh-huh no well Brian you go first oh there you go Jesse you got this oh I just remembered this to my first time we came here we stood outside of that room and we heard that exhale remember we both thought it was each other but it was it we kept blaming each other but that was a little lives you're like in the middle of both of us he thought it was the AC we listened for the AC for 20 minutes never sounded like a breathing it was creepy oh no no no no no dude no no please God [Music] so he might be staying there right like the right thing you know we said we never go back in like this is coming close this place gives me nightmares to quiet so much has happened between those doors and let's hold it you know we should tell just just for your sake we should try asking for a knock you know wait do why just cuz you know that's what everybody wants us to tell about the garden no we need to it's exactly what the viewers want but is it about them right now or is it about buzz because that just could be no Terry been the most paranormal experience we've ever had was right here don't you want just to try it one more time just asking let's go up there and ask it to knock one more time just for the sake of it they're about to leave I might as well try if if there's if there's anybody behind this door knock and make yourself present what did you say last time music just like if there's any spirit here right or anybody out there just try that instead yeah we were in this room maybe try this one okay wait what do I say spirit you have to ask if this is spirit to whatever we talked to you last time we were here we're back make a noise if you can hear me right now to jjun are you sure that could someone inside I was different excitement you're right there that would that was that to say no that was not the same noise we heard okay let's just come on are you sure yeah let's go back to our series I'm just saying there is someone staying there tonight or not we're talking with you that was real dude I told you we shouldn't have done that okay well it doesn't matter now something's here something that's happened what do you mean I think they don't want to come back to this [ __ ] just get in there's other people what the [ __ ] was that I sent you what I'm saying you doesn't understand how how would that have been him he knocked I saw him I didn't know we were like far away from you down the hall and like I could have sworn just to make the video better you like okay why would I do that there's no reason for me to do that we already know the Queen Mary is haunted we don't need to do anything like this to Pitt I did I don't I don't believe that oh it's just a ghost randomly from the video nothing happens here I go hey ghost ghost ghost I know you really think it was me yes how could you prove those ghosts because that was exactly what we do our whole video was us talking to something last time through Knox that's exactly what we asked when be 340b 3:40 is the number one haunted place in this entire ship why wouldn't that happen saying what what if that was a ghost I'm just saying yeah okay what if yeah what if it was Kobe okay what if it was you what was it it wasn't me swearing what you don't believe me - no I'm just saying a for the people for them was that you it was not me I wouldn't do that there's no reason for me to do that so they just called out to whatever we talked to you last time you free to tea and we got another thing remember what I remember everything I'm just trying to sell them like that's real we've experienced this before it happened again you call that what do you mean you called out I just said we just asked if there's another spirit and and we got something no let's just say we got something wait this might be the perfect time for what if something if we got something downstairs what if this what do we just do that again what do you what do you do what do you mean perfect no you did not bring that dude no I'm not touching that man there's no way we met because this is what we're here for we came to the Queen Mary to get something we're about to get some where's your board dude there's no way I don't even want to do that yeah there's no way okay then what are we gonna do here we literally just heard something that would go it's war or something yeah literally anything besides the Ouija board we even promised we would never do that again on our Channel like a seance or something cuz I don't know wait wait those in the back it comes it's good wait it's in the bathroom where's the language later oh my holy showers on the show God wait wait wait wait the faucet the faucet faucet turn on laughs dude the faucet went off well yo what the hell what is going on right now now you believe us yeah see what I mean now now do you believe me yes I with you it's a noise away how would we do that there's nobody here besides us we're still filming okay that's my that's my dude here to put my video right we're catching something right now this is insane this is what everybody's doing you're still a little bit man [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wow oh god your eyes are so blacked out Dewey so we've been showing for a little bit we decided that since it's almost 3:00 a.m. we're gonna try our best to contact any spirit yeah whoa oh my god I hope that caught that but as soon as you said the word spirit a giant flash of light went over your face a hundred percent sure I'm staring into the camera right now oh my god that's crazy all right say guys ready I'm very ready let's get these cables lit boy Oh God all right something like it boy boy I'm pretty excited but I'm also pretty apprehensive I'm pretty uh I take it back I'm not excited but there's the last thing okay if nothing works right now then we'll just be chillin yeah will we chill yeah Oh be chill are you here that ghosts will be chill with you we'll never come back again you guys are insane you guys are too crazy all right let's get the start that does not reassure me at all whatsoever okay we'll just light it nothing about this is reassuring dude so once I find it there's no going back no going back all right it's late boys okay it's a few minutes until 3 o'clock in the morning we've just been hanging out until the witches hour and again we don't really are with our professionals we're not like witches obviously so we're just gonna go for it the way we did last time cuz that seemed to work and obviously you guys will be able to see anything that happens around us unlike last time because we have this night-vision camera so help us out if anything happens come on I feel like I already need to do really is just like focus our energy together and it listen to be quiet and like truly yes sir last time we heard knocks as a form of like an answer why did everything start creaking your hair it's green dude what could be a green green what is wrong with you I know for this your process is the reason why this didn't work while the cameras are running last time is we didn't have the right energy and I honestly think that if like whatever wants to talk to us thinks that we're not being serious it's not gonna give us the time of day it's all gonna talk if they actually thinks that we're gonna want to receive a message 100% so it honestly might not work right now because we've just kind of like it's to feel good for now for the last like our just eat McDonald's and stuff you know say whatever you said last time sure dude I just hate how it's like all right go for it it's just you know my high okay Oh actually I'm good to go the best thing is is if we close our eyes as opposed to like all be like talking we won't be distracted ya know so like let's close our eyes focus energy why you talk we'll continue going so just yes there was so much fun if you aren't just like started off and if there's any spirit out there that wants to talk we're here we invite you to use our energy to show yourself or make yourself known in any way try maybe being a little more specific if if there is an entity here that made the shower water turn on earlier tonight please make a sound or sign such as a knock yes so cold really yeah it's been hot in here all night though no I realize that's how both you guys open your eyes seem exact same time you heard that au revoir it wasn't like a but it was like a good click yeah oh there right somewhere yeah not over there I have got you guys mmm you said that last seven you were good at it remember you were like if anything's here kind of like show yourself the only thing we need is just it needs to be genuine but what is yeah although once having why they're still calling that Leary sounds like stammering yeah why would anyone be way they sounded like it was it came down it'll came back up yeah but that was too perfect to be someone running what wait ok maybe that's a good sign yeah let's keep mmm ok hose their eyes we really focus on like trying to legit make something happen okay if there's some type of spirit or being in this room with us please add yourself be known in some way shape or form maybe give us a sound did we do anything different a little more I did not like that that was insane no that was like over here there it'll eerie sound like a like a person perfectly running all the way around yeah no one's running right now it's 3:00 a.m. it was so like a hammer you know bailed louder yeah I was like and quiet I heard yeah I was a very very very rude let's just travel more time if there's anything in this room currently more than the four guys that are currently present please make yourself known with any movement sound Thank You older that I'd just let that that song is just like creaks I don't know yeah like oh yeah I think one sense but I hate stuff like this okay well let's all take like 30 seconds like really personal sound because I just feel like we're still just too happy about this nice dude go lucky no we should do what in biltmore we all held hands maybe that'll help like the original yeah Sam you wanna do I say everyone focus on this link because the last thing that happened to us was a big blue and really focus on everybody's energy is going through each other and then to the light if there is anything else with us tonight please make yourself apparent I'm making a sound or side we believe you're here just let us know we've done this so much then I it's not trust us okay no try you say believe smart me no I'm talking I scares here my heart I surprised yesterday I go to my hand my legs like shaking which I one more time if it doesn't work the one just came to the office away up that there's someone in the room with us please by yourself be known that sound right what the hell was way that's not happening all night does behind me dude I have Oh it's not back on get a like I didn't like get a little like dude later look he wants a god it's not working dude what what a [ __ ] dude yo what the doctor was that I was too right after yeah dude memory card in what battery there it's fine what is going on oh look on off the camera is not good what was that dude it worked again oh my god bright brilliant I'm shaky old wise rattle that's never happened before dude it's literally like 306 308 oh no it's really good so you guys believe now dude yeah I don't want to say oh my god Jesus Oh heart is beating so fast did you bring the charger for the battery no I just have the one maybe what if all like the energy got sucked out of it or something if it's not turning on like what else that's so stupid are you scared yes do my heart's pounding what are we gonna do iPhone now what else we're gonna use that's what right after the giant creek we said this is going to be the last question asked we asked it what 10 seconds later massive creek that we've never heard the entire night and then knocking and then immediately falls all right good it sounded like something was running above us and it's 4 a.m. no one oh my god was your tripod stable I mean it's okay it's just like one of these 30 am alright question right now we got inside are we doing this again no again tonight is a future cuz both no thanks though okay go you can answer both questions live whatever I don't want to invite you back here I'll do it again everything starts to happen I swear dude I keep hearing it I'm terrified what is happening right now wait wait it does not just open okay let's just bend this dude holy I don't want to turn it off I'm scared everybody get something else I was no let it roll just in case Oh God that was terrifying why it just kept happening it was I heard it in that corner in the camera and then died and I see you turn on that it was like creak over there and then it sounded like the door I don't like this what do I mean that's like let's do this no really bad did it go to bed right now no way oh yeah I heard it from the better convenience way that is so weird Wow two more hours till sunrise really yeah let's just chill for now is there anything yeah let's try to show you because yeah just throw something up turn the cannon off yeah turn the camera off yeah that gives me some type of security yeah all right guys update it's about 7:00 10:00 in the morning - really camera is still not working on a why I will fix that when I get home but we are out of here oh we made it out good god seriously oh my god we actually stayed you were you're right we never turned back yeah now I'm finally walking away from the ship all right guys we are on our way back that was a night to remember you know I don't know if we film much during the night but after the camera stopped working we just kind of decided to call it a night we are gonna try anything else because always ruining our equipment but yeah so we just kind of calm down a first night I did hear like while I was trying to go to sleep she's weird don't you see I'm serious that's why I didn't want to be last week oh my god sound the third house the first one out what the hell happened dude what happened last night Oh God I'm gonna try to make sure that camera works because we might not even have the SD card exercise that you're like okay if we don't have that footage I might cry anyway guys a huge shout-out to qjc for come out because we made them stay over that I do for real hires like we're not gonna do it yeah yeah so for that everyone goes subscribe we'll see the whole say I'm probably family to go and subscribe to them so go check them out yo or go watch that video too oh yeah we want every single person right now to go to their channel watch our collab they click the subscribe button let's see how many subscribers we get up and we're just talking about it if you guys want to see another video with Jesse down forget 300,000 likes Oh get the explore merch we'll see you guys next Sunday 1:14 p.m. adios [Music]
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 6,433,724
Rating: 4.9565029 out of 5
Keywords: sam golbach, colby brock, exploring, overnight sam and colby, sam and colby haunted, haunted ghost ship, shane dawson queen mary, overnight at queen mary, room b340 queen mary, most haunted place in the world, top 10 most haunted, 24 hour overnight sam and colby, sam and colby queen mary, kian and jc queen mary, kian and jc scary, sam and colby and kian and jc, sam and colby b340, queen mary, scariest night of our lives, 3am challenge, sam and colby seance
Id: 59Y3NXG1AuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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