Don’t Record Yourself Sleeping In Room B340 | Feat: FaZe Rug

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What's up fam, welcome to another haunted adventure. My name is Omar today. I'm accompanying the family We are back at the haunted RMS Queen Mary ship but this isn't no ordinary Queen Mary haunted video Like I filmed before you guys have been asking me to spend the night in the most haunted room in the entire world Be 3:40 guess what lends it out for the whole night. We're gonna film ourselves sleeping here I got Brian aka Faze Rug meeting us here in a few minutes. We're gonna go look for them Hope you're ready for this adventure.(I WAS BORN READY)Lets do dis. So later on tonight, we're gonna be walking through that long creepy old Rug wants to see the the haunted room check out these elevators man going down to the B floor most haunted floor actually I don't know. They're all haunted. I know the elevators really just creepy. It's like a freakin' tuna can (very much true) What a sardine can?(>.<) Can I have like all you guys for protection I'm scared is it right here the dark know this well a dark hallway That would someone felt a girl like who grabbed her shoulder and then no one was there What and like it's just like I don't know the whole vibe on this floor for me is so different than any other floor I've been on in this shit. They do ghost tours and stuff - what did they say? he said the guys said okay people are running out this room for like 800 bucks and He wouldn't stand there for free like he'd walk. He said he's worked here for 12 years and wouldn't stay in the room Look, there's not even up. They don't even have a marker on it. Yeah. No, there's no number. Yo, my heart's racing. I realize scared So rug has been doing a little research. He said that you have to knock to let the spirits know you're coming in You just hear a milk bag. Yeah Somebody Make it quite a few people walk by a room Let's go ahead in one lane. But first look guys, I just got a foul smell. Oh, it is really cigar. No DC. This one's red smelling cigar something wrong Okay, just turn the light on Oh Broader know if I want to stay in here this room is off It's like oh we I'm such a bad There's a bad vibe in you know, the smell you smell that Hey, look at this. What is that? See the corner of my eyes I saw a person walking by so I turned to look I was a lady in a powder me dress She was solid but unfocused and hazy She never looked at either of us and suddenly she just walked behind a thin pool Which we had a clear view of and just disappeared Yo my question, where's the Ouija board dude, oh it's right there it really comes with a Ouija boom. Oh it's a chest from FORTNITE! I'll look at that crystal Yo that ain't no like Milton Bradley Ouija board either that's like a little There you won't play The crystal ball oh there's tarot cards No, I don't know so you're supposed to they're like cards of fortune, I don't know a lot about them my friend Patti There's a paranormal investigator Uses them sometimes I I hear that you can conjure things up with them though Oh, yeah, a lot of religious people are very against them. Just like what we do boards We're in this haunted room might as well you Always say to my view So just a little bit ago, these guys are gonna play on the leach board I told them not to But they were like doing a test run and I'm gonna play that clip for you right now Are there any spirits in this room right now? Yes or no? Are you moving? No, I'm telling you Bro, don't are you serious? You're not moving that what is cool, you know, I know you're moving in Are you actually throwing like we're gonna I sure believe you get little bit like my fingers are hovering over it me too Okay, so that test run you seen was done with no cameras They didn't even know that I recorded it and it was legit moving on its own that would I hate? Let's see if this thing is really gonna move on its own Robert Jr Bro don't disrespect Robert jr(ma boii) Yo that he's chillin. Look. He's watching over us. He's gonna bill Mahr Okay, he's gonna protect this he's good Are there any spirits in this room that we can contact right now? Yes or no? Please don't do that. I swear please don't do that. My fingers are lightly on Look it's like pulling my fingers guys. I'm not pulling. All right, you're not much good. I'm not pulling it. Okay Are you a girl or a guy? What what they're doing Dude are you moving in are somewhere belong? Okay, so we know are you a girl? Oh Boy what is going on I haven't messed with this thing in the long time for there's many reasons why Okay, your parents seem at a beginners probably they don't like when I mess with it, um, are you a good or a bad spirit These who are you guys gonna mess with I swear It's a good scary. No, that's a good thing. What do you mean? It's a good thing looked on its own be What? What they're doing I don't know I'm really not moving this think there's so crazy, what is it doing Wait, what did it do? Yeah, we did a skate. I said are you oh, it's a good spirit. I was like they said no. No, so it's oh Okay, what's your name B-boy you guys aren't touching I swear bro. I'm touching it, but I'm not moving it RG Vegas was really good. I'm lightly pleasing my fingers. Oh, I Don't know what's is maybe? It was a girl, right? I think I think I eat so ve Yeah, the elo oh, Tennessee Bella it's gonna say I knew it Dude I got goose bumps right now I can see why Omar did not do this No. Well, I'm scared. Okay, uh Bella did you die in this room? Oh My god, I'm getting the most goosebumps right now What did I say? Okay quick. Um, are we in danger right now Oh, What is that it comes in closet Oh, I'm sorry I'm Flappin if you take your fingers, oh, I don't know. Sue did you guys hear that? Yes, there was something in there What one was that you who made that noise in the closet? Oh my god, bro. What the hell? It was so powerful roll Um, are we making you mad? Do more it's turning side away. Oh How do we do what do we do Oh me so what you asked I said I Wanna back to yet. Yeah. Oh it went back to yes. Yeah, that means we're making her mad so I don't know what to do Do you want us to stop playing? Why um, why do you want us to stop playing Then this is so freaky then You loop that stop that was like I did that but I didn't do that. What do you mean? I did not do like that I did not mean to do that. So you spaz that no, I didn't do that What did that spell Oh winter good vibe didn't do that. Oh Look at the frickin door look at the door. Oh The doors open that door was freakin closed What do you think you did with Arnie? Oh, no, that door was not opened bro. Trust me I looked over there and it was closed a little bit ago Remember when we heard that noise earlier? - woody, are you going towards this? I don't know. I don't want to play I want to do anything Oh come here What did we cause it before I thought the door was I thought it was okay Just tell me right now Hello, yes, yes it is No No, we're we're being too loud oh No, that's not that's not us. No, we don't have children. I mean maybe Okay, all right, bye Bart said there was a kid jumping up here. If it was asking us if we were jumping up here Well jump down a couch one that only you know, that was that was way too quick Yeah, there's no way there's no way dude. Are you guys gonna keep playing with that? No, no, no I'm done playing with the weave is no life for us It's you you said I do it I didn't do it dude That noise look our doors opened. There's whooping a door that had to Go open the door This whole time like there were nobody - don't leave me in here. There's no frickin way that there was no good. Oh, Dude, I can't being so boring all of a sudden No I'm not staying in the whole night, bro. There's nobody out there It's Kids They legit told me that there was a noise complaint they heard like kids jumping on You know, I don't know when this tell about others people attended. I'm Probably community This is a real popular room, so people come by and visit all time I mean you think that's what it was made is people like spectators like making millions I think What happened to my dog dude look at my doll It's like tipped over. Okay, why I'm bringing it. I already told you There wasn't we do that dolls protecting us. Yeah Yeah, man, he's he's like my looming. No, no wandering out between please put the Ouija board away Yeah Is this strong? Hey, I got an idea. Why don't you look at the tarot cards? I don't know Something's telling me to pick the very first card in there. Yeah, why? Every time you guys mentioned something dude, stop my camera gets blurry I don't know anything about tarot cards or something. Something told me to pick the very first card facing down Oh What is that see the devil no no no Put it back in - what does that mean? What does that mean, dude? What does that mean? There's meaning behind those cards. I don't think it's a good thing. I don't know Can you google it or something? Oh, there's a there's a booklet deserving would like definition. Yo, I'm not sleeping in this room I'm not sleeping in I can't I've never been this scared in my life I swear to God done so many crazy dudes. It says ravage violence Vehemence extraordinary of efforts force fatality that was just predestined but is not for this reason evil reversed evil fatality weakness pettiness and blindness Dude I want to like pray right now, I know I kind of like I'm not gonna record anything for now This is why your house is haunted, bro I know I should have ever liked that if there's one thing I can take back is every messing with the Ouija board. Okay? Yeah, yeah before like I can't I can't look at it. I feel like sick to my stomach I feel much more safer If I left you don't understand, dude Like I kind of don't want I ought to see like I don't mind staying on the ship But I kind of like don't want to spend the night in this room. Peace. If you're gonna still spend the night you I Don't want to sleep in this room, but I don't know I'm gonna film myself sleeping in this room. That's what I'm Gonna do that too. I'm gonna do that too. I called dibs on the bed. I got the couch I know It's like you guys are probably like Oh like we're with you like you're good No, you don't understand how I feel. Like I feel like I'm gonna get attacked in my sleep or something like dude You know what? I almost feel like that film that we could ask the Ouija board. I'm not He said there was a label pressure that like moon did hand to God always weird Weirdest thing ever. Yo, would you I'm down like to ask the Ouija board If we were to stay in this room will we get attacked? Me off about maybe dolls, baby No, I don't want to play. I don't wanna play no I have oh, yeah, I did when I was a kid in a free. Yeah. Yeah But yeah guys is it like thank you for inviting me. I appreciate it. I start my dentist appointment to go to My fam the time has come We are Extremely tired do got my IR camera right now. James has got one, too Only thing I'm worried about is James after rug put it away Took the Ouija board back out and he wants to sleep right next to it. It'd be fine Ya know James has got the couch. I got the bed and we are gonna film ourselves Sleeping now. I'm pretty tired on privacy of about 12 hours or so So hey, I'll see you in 12 hours What is up fam, hope you're having a good morning, how about a good-morning kiss? Probably one of the craziest things I've ever done before is stay the night and this haunted room I Can't say anything weird happen like while I was sleeping All I can say is uh, I had some pretty creepy dreams last night like I had it dreamed it I lost my dad and That's crazy because when rug pulled that one card that it was talking about like fatality and stuff like that like I Don't know it like broke my heart like my dad was like dying right in front of me and I just I Want to call my dad right now and make sure he's okay, honestly, if you're gonna stay in room be 340 Make sure they have the air-conditioning running beforehand It was really hot in this room. We had the windows open That helped a little bit the a/c But that's not why you come you don't come here to get cozy and to get comfortable you come here because it is haunted a F James Leija even here James oh Well you're at I Know where James is probably Taken a humpty dumpty right now anyways Hope you enjoyed Today's video were actually gonna be spending the night again But we're not gonna be concentrating on room B 340 anymore We're gonna be just doing another explore around the ship I did invite Brian but he was was pretty spooked out about this room in the first place and Yeah, I I don't I don't think he's gonna come back but he did say that he wanted to go to the clown motel with Me, so if you want to see him go to the clown motel I know a lot of you that just watched my recent video at the clown motel in Tonopah Nevada really haunted hotel a pretty cool place too and He wants to go. It's a long drive from here I'm gonna go ahead and start letting you go if you enjoyed the video Make sure to hit that like button if you've never seen my videos before hit that subscribe button and turn that little Bell Notification on and make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram and you can follow me on snapchat if you want to it's at the Omar gosh links will be in the Description to not only my friends videos here But my other Queen Mary videos have to go for now. But before you leave your keys
Channel: OmarGoshTV
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Id: Ntl75P-77eI
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Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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