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[Music] it's real doesn't matter [ __ ] is real my god is so big you think that's what people say when they see me it's bigger in person I don't feel creepy it well yeah but we married he's also a non-believer so if I moved out here you know it's real I hope the captain that's you I hope you have a great time Ryland I feel like the old lady Titanic oh you are the old lady is it home panic ooh there's ballet yeah hi we're boarding bring the cheese's pull there's a boat right there look and she ever seen a boat before yeah okay yes isn't this exciting do you like this boat she oh yes Rock him who if I turned around and you weren't there you we're ghosts when death occurs watch us she's been here so did we get one of these for first-class stateroom they're watching if there is a unemploy that's attracted on the ship I'm gonna lose my mind my god oh my god it's a panic I'm gonna cry oh my god we wouldn't do the same my whole family died the dreams I am so scared we are not yeah I'm actually scared I don't think they understand like I know you're laughing but it's [ __ ] up Garrett right there's the entrance they have merch why is there an official right there they're working here oh my god this is ten times scarier than the Stanley Hotel to me oh my god oh my god I what do you think I can't tell you [ __ ] are you serious what is this is the gifts have your 20 Tina woman in a brown dress with a bow tied to her waist another chair when she stands up and walks towards the door she turns to wait what room is that is it the suite so that's a room yeah there's a woman in your room what about the other one oh I'm so self-conscious oh yeah I'm gonna wear all my clothes yeah so that's how you look at your events here have you ever seen any ghosts I was just actually go something with Mike over but before they left oh wait what was he what did you feel are you pulling out evidence so this is lovely a the lobby where the rooms are you guys want to go to levels up and you'll have a bar there as well and to get to the isolation room which is where people would get isolated either sick that they died there you need to go from there it's literally like where like if you were sake or there was something wrong with you you you were 40 came there and there is a list of everybody that passed away on the ship there's a fireman that actually got crushed by the the water break door inside the number 13 wait can we go in the isolation room anyone can so I went the first time and nothing happened and yesterday I'm taking my new coworker and there was a very eerie sound the pitch yeah what is that oh yeah you can't know and I went today there was nothing around you okay we'll be back thank you thank you this is a level pot actually so where's an elevator probably good make sure she can tell us oh yeah way to go - yeah why is this why is this available for me - literally oh my god yeah Oh this is ten times worse understand the hotel oh my god wait I want to I want to taste history it's so sick anyone else hungry yes I'm very hungry okay okay we're going to their room called the Duke of Edinburgh so we had a contact you saying that set us up in what one of the scariest rooms here my god you do this you oh my god that's just so scary do that you just don't listen just listen to that vent you know it looks like a death chamber I feel more scared like my body just feels a little like overwhelmed that doors okay I'm home oh my god which is 200 what's going on you I we here presented the suit wait what is this is this through oh wait you thought the maid's quarters that's my little nightmare wait come look at this come here what is that what is that this is my dream environment you know I'm not trying to sleep here I love it this is the biggest place I've ever been in that's depressing no I don't even want to go in there that's insane you know what I have for you my night-vision camera Oh turn the lights off trouble focusing that's what happens but you wait that's scary I hate this room what is this I don't know okay it's focus I'm gonna like my back to this urn though we still have a room to see on the more haunted deck what's this I'm taking you to come looking here it's so great look at this thing oh I'm gonna live on the Queen Mary me too this is whoa what do you got there turn the light off I swear the bottle washer is so weird I didn't do that no I really didn't do that no they say there's smells from like the past and stuff who knows there's another room what is this why is there so many rooms how much is there it's not working they probably glued it shucks it's the next one oh wait that's a nice view someone's sleeping there you can't sorry that just I would it be that easy to open wait wait wait wait that room feels really [ __ ] up maybe that's what I'm not okay I'll go in there choose anyone else you're not me oh my god that's a [ __ ] or that's a [ __ ] orb that's not dust at all no that's crazy oh my god wait wait wait I'm scared that's creepy that how thin the walls are we can literally hear their conversation if somebody was in that room oh my god what was it you know there's a weird noise it's like it's almost like a it was like a school scream oh we're gonna die tonight okay can we get the [ __ ] out of this room but it feels really weird I dare you go ahead I mean I'm not gonna take off your little gay back oh my god say hi to the Cohens oh my kids don't okay so right now we have this room we also have another room which is on level B which is said to be like the most haunted level so we have access to two rooms we could set up and whatever we also have a contact here who's gonna take us to some really creepy ass places so we have to go meet him we also have to eat because we're hungry Hey good question okay now I can do this no no Andrew oh my god all right how do you feel right now I've never been any sort of like haunted locations in my life so this is these no hands Matt to take a picture you do what so do you feel anything weird yep for sure all I hope tonight you see your first coat guts love the cold oh that's terrifying there's a gym huh what is that oh just scale I don't want to get on that [ __ ] beautiful buggery that's not good yeah this is crazy for sure oh oh an ironing board glory hole wait can I look in it and also put my why do you want to lick everything somebody's promoting their Twitter don't give them that promo okay I'm not saying it is getting harder to breathe right that's attendance well I said my nose started running like I'm literally stuck tough but that could be because we're underneath a boat like but my chest is like closing and my nose is like boys is like wait for Sammy on the other side oh my god it's like an unlock Jarius cruise I wouldn't know mommy - ah my god my heart has never felt this side wait where's the night vision this sucks the other room it is like prison no we are not saying there were ghosts up here oh my gosh that's so funny look at you or the way the dogs slowing back this is sad who would stay here why would anybody know what this is literal prison I got another orb right on you boy what Oh when when there my ass oh my god by my ass huh you know ghosts like me I know I okay here's the weird thing you guys like I don't think you guys are really feeling I feel like you're feeling this I'm freaking out I'm feeling really uncomfortable I'm getting orbs around me I feel like the ghosts are only [ __ ] with me and you guys are just like lol you know I'm like having fun but I told you my nose started like getting stuffy out of nowhere and I'm not sick this ghost is on Andrews ass as well look you have a little ghosty on your ass injured oh I'll invite a ghost to come around me right now if you'd like to [Music] that's nice that's a Judah picture you know what the hawk was having that like that's not like a woman's what was thought was that everything everybody here that this Georgia's opens and closes I'm hauntingly hungry that is okay whoa oh yeah sorry I've been goof in this video with this area scary backdoor literally closed on its way know this area like I was literally just wanting to eat now it's just stood here and it's filled scary as hell dude is this dude waiting for us did you know no one tapped on it are you sure yes really cuz it I literally like I was like say something say something say something and then I heard right next to my head well with that are you okay I heard the tap are they say you didn't do the Tonto I promise you sherry or did you get the Wohlers no because of the rags do I have no more somebody is there picture to take pictures yeah wait go inside wait go inside and take a picture okay I hate this but okay it was like a fingernail like a long-legged right next to my head if you trusted me ask it to say something but don't joke be serious I thought you were joking dude Yuta no oh my god no you can watch the footage backers you know like that like the exact sound of oh my god immediately by my ear oh my god I do you swear to god no I promise you that was that like cuz you know I'm I came out like okay that that was crazy like I completely dropped this hey can you do round Gus don't like me though do it try it if it does it to you I'm actually oh oh my god this is crazy I don't know if I've ever actually like witnessed something that crazy that was so weird are you serious you're not lying there's three people now that had the exact same experience when I was standing in there it came from right here like yeah that area that was and it was like the exact sound like a fingernail like a bone like this is like a weird prison room or something and what it's like this is where they brought like people who are or no this is like a war room like the poor room well it would make sense that the people we do not hear that it was like a hey No close the doors no I thought that was insane I thought I'd look at the right side of my head it was a fingernail job but he was coming from induce all the way I came out I came out this sort of like all right ha ha closed and it's the same door that you guys keep hearing tap wait a minute but if you literally had the doors open and said close and they weren't closing see you're how are you doing on your first honkin adventure this is actually very wait go inside wait it's not closing my heart's already being really bad do you want to go inside no I'll go with you right now we'll go with you no it's not gonna happen for me if I go in so I'm gonna be like I mean remember what happens for you then like that's it game over we're [ __ ] like this is [ __ ] happening get in that closet all right you have to you have to seriously you can't joke you have to say say something ask it that say something ask it say say something and then just wait and say I heard it did you hear it I heard it from here right what happened it's not aggressive but there's definitely a slight like something's going on I heard it from out here did you hear and I heard it did you hear it do it again both of them say it ask it one more time but the thing is like I'm not freaked I feel like something's here but I'm not like I don't think it's like trying to kill me take the camera yeah I used to be really really really scared of stuff like this when I was a kid and I have not ventured into this always did three times on good luck so I say say something say something say something say something oh my god no yeah I mean that's like wait it was bright you know it was weird because it was happening right after I said it and then it kept on going and I was like oh it's probably just something but then when I stopped saying anything it stopped so okay anything else there wasn't the greater the shitty thing but I've never seen a picture do that do what is wrong ones face a different way my god well I look like [ __ ] demon baby I'm him we zoom out all the way you you was scratching on the wall hand - hey that's crazy wave I want to see wait why are there three hands you - whoa wait pretty scroll out zoom at once zoom out where you have two feet right there was this one thing and maybe people who know cameras would be like well that's what this was and it we didn't know this right here cuz so my dad so my dad said that like spirits take the form of like blue light and like digital stuff the entire image is blurred then you have these weird artifacts so like that right there's not looks like a little star so the entire image is blurred and then it was on the door that closed that's crazy just incredibly dispel that one's actually literally in the closet hey I'm so happy right now because now you guys are scared it was either like I was the only one earlier no I know why you then do this place is [ __ ] up no one's not the door to all of this by itself that was just the door fairy surely leave something like oh as I leave it with the pan open yes maybe put it on the shelf because she was tapping at the top all right let's go elevators wait it says right here ghost sighting my friend and I were walking the ship and we got into the elevator as we got on the stairs we heard a deafening scream or leave it that's a weird it's almost like she was like a squeak scream there because for the last time that's crazy look yeah I thought that same way to leave this buddy see a little mustache from the eyes and lose weight you see that face that looks like a little mustache with like two hollow eyes yeah dude it's like Shady's that's the that looks like an actual face look in the I told you it's only gonna get worse right we're gonna see minion set our alarm for 3:00 a.m. there's a man supposed to kill his wife and kids in that way that's good so right here above us was also the more what the hell is that what's going on dude get something follow us what good ask a few questions while your because this is recording [Music] yeah
Channel: shane
Views: 28,217,741
Rating: 4.9648027 out of 5
Keywords: shanedawsontv, shane, dawson, vlogs, iphone, similar, to, jenna, marbles, smash, nigahiga, comedy
Id: ehby1npFCnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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