House Is So Haunted A Psychic Refused To Enter (B0DY Buried In FL00R)

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Sorry. I know this stuff is widely enjoyed but...... what utter fucking bollocks. Total tripe

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mackduck 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
fam welcome to another haunted adventure my name is Omar today I'm at a friend's house it claims that her house is haunted not only haunted but there is a body buried in her basement is there a body buried underneath me right now I can explain a little bit more on that story let's get to the history of this place I'm gonna go knock on her door she is expecting me we're in Los Angeles California came here just to be able to report on this make sure to smash that like button if you haven't already let's do this now I did a video once with my friend Jose an aka whacky which TV and we went together to the Michael Jackson grave we did EVP session I was pretty cool a lot of you subscribed to her make sure to subscribe to her she does have a up and coming YouTube channel and she does a lot of live streams here in her house now she's gonna tell us a little bit more of the stories places been in her family for a really really long time it's still owned by her family a lot of cool history here in this house in fact Ghost Adventures was gonna do an investigation here on this house they came here they went in like like peeped it out they confirmed it is a haunted location but for whatever reason they decided not to film here maybe because it's even more haunted that they suspected I don't know we'll ask her this says protected by the ghosts ghosts is's that haunt this house hi wacky witch how are you good to see you yes all the time actually yeah yeah good to see you I'm so excited to you yeah me too yeah yeah so cute house well I told you the story you say your grandma used to live here right yeah that's my grandparents okay and they had this house for 60 years she died here right no she didn't actually died in the house but she did have ILS and so she was sick here for over a year and it was really sad my son has seen her floating over the bed when we first moved in here like day three what she was telling me this story she said her son had never seen what his grandma would look like and she pulled out a picture what well we the picture was was in the hallway okay and he was only five when we moved in here he was screaming and yelling that night and I came running into his room and he said there was a woman that was floating over the bed and she was like had half white and her eyes were bulging out of her head is what he said and then the next day I thought wait a minute and I showed him this picture I said was this the lady and he said yes mommy that's her that's her okay so it's his great-grandmother and she was probably just coming to check on it which I thought was lovely so yes she's definitely here and at night we hear it's like we hear somebody rattling dishes the cabinet's will be open in the kitchen but she still thinks she's here yeah she does definitely and they used to play cards all the time in the dining room so that is something that we hear to the shuffling of the cords yeah they know that the chairs like they're pulling the chairs out we hear that at night a lot like they're about to play cards so yeah very interesting Jose ian has a ton of stories just last night guess her son's honor yes it was crazy yeah so her son was on the phone and and that she heard his voice and it didn't wake her up it was 2:00 in the morning 2:00 in the morning and what did that boy say it was at 2:00 in the morning and I was asleep and I just heard this whisper and it said you're Stephanie Sagat asleep but he's on the phone and it was like somebody was in my right ear and then I came upstairs and of course I caught him on the phone and he was shuffling around and then the next day today in the car I said to him hey do you know how I knew you were on the phone and he was like no and I said a ghost told me and he said that's crazy because somebody whispered go to sleep to me so we both heard that's the same time yeah at the same time so I've done a lot of things to try to clear the house I know I've gotten a lot of messages and people are like we'll have you done this and you've done that yes I've had a priest in here we've actually had a ghost investigation team in here and flashlights went off and things did happen and then they left me in here like I had to like go make dinner here on it off six years yeah so then I contacted Omar and I was like you know what you've got to come and see this and I sent him a few videos so super glad you're here yeah but I'll meet you know what that was that I don't know it's not like the front door is open yeah no you said some about the basement to Joe same does a lot of noise yes I do and everybody knows the haunted basement and I'm and everyone's like get all more down there because I always freak out and then I cut the livestream off halfway because I'm too scared and I don't have the equipment that you have so well it's already going off it's yeah I've had many people come in here one lady wouldn't even walk through the front door really yeah she told me um that it's it's not a good spirit and that she would not be involved with it well this is her grandmother's old bedroom and she doesn't even go in here so have you ever slept in that room no no turn ya know I have no need to do that but it would be interesting to go near the picture right it's still lit up yeah I love old photographs me too no it was on their wedding day so that that's your grandfather yeah he dieded 104 and when he was 100 used to still get on this roof he loved at this home and people who watch my videos know that they know the whole story of that and how the piece of wood is still in that saw downstairs like he loved to go down there and build stuff and this whole way to study this home was it really so you love this home he's probably definitely area it's in the middle of Los Angeles you know here you hold it I want to know with it yeah so we're going to go down into the basement yeah well you said all of his stuff is still there like if he never left right yeah everything there and we never touch it we're very respectful of it this is gonna be so cool watch out now what usually happens down here so this is interesting because we host like a little trapdoor that's I know it we don't know where this came from to be honest with you nobody knows where that came from it wasn't there when we moved in when we had the house remodeled one of the construction workers like I was buying paint for him and he told me that somebody shoved him down here and he refused to come in here and then his partner also said he's not going in there at all so they just shut everything in here they would throw stuff in here is they really scared to go in here so I was just here last night uh-huh trying to do a video and my hope goes right up to my ready to use the app that Omar uses so I just use goats writer but it said get out that was so get out yeah and then I've come down here before it's still lit up pretty good there let me just give you an idea see what's the story like you said that you hired a psychic to come down here and she said that there's a body buried in the basement so I hired when I first moved in here and all that stuff was happening I hired a psychic lady first she didn't want to come to the front door she said there's something evil in this house then I finally got her to come through the front door and she came with somebody else she called this other lady to show up with her and we came down here and and before we came through the door she said to me stop there is a body buried down there what do here baby no I just heard somebody walking yeah I think I heard a baby - yeah here I tried to breathe and come down here by myself and there was a child she'd you see any spirits or Kevin you're the creepy thing so we open up the door look at this yeah that's what I was found I was looking at that too it's all dirt it looks like a coffin oh wow sorry of all the stuff I mean they just chucked everything here yeah it looks like coffin like it's a mound like a body would be under it so most of this basement is all concrete floor you can see it here but there is legit dirt right there if you were to bury a body in a basement it would have to be somewhere where there's earth did they confirm where that body was buried you need to get you need to get you and your son safe uh-huh she said it's demonic don't was six years ago - so we're here tomorrow yeah is this the box and nails you said that fell over you actually have that on video right and everybody was on livestream with me and the box of nails fell and then people so it was on the box it was like it was on the live streaming yeah these it just fell and this is all your grandpa's stuff yes from how long ago look how meticulous he was yeah he loved it down here I can see where she gets her meticulousness for years have you ever done a spirit box down here yes okay and you told me to get out oh that that's when you okay yeah that's all box I was too scared to do that but I did use the ghost radar oh that's what it was and for me that's work honestly yeah but so she has a shed this is the scariest part this is one of the guys would never revenge her into this is where we hear like knocking and we heard someone laughing down here one night and then when we first moved in here this flooded out the entire place you'll see there's a box here that's all what I'm talking it was you're like up to here so somebody had to turn that on and when the guy came down here to fix it he said um we don't know what happened none of the pipes broke somebody had to turn the faucet on and no one turned it on No so about I don't know a few months after we had it all fixed and all you know whatever take it out it turned on again by itself and turned it off so then I called the police and I thought there were squatters in here I've called the police several times because it's been so scary right now there were people down here look it's still on orange yeah or yellow definitely there's definitely something down here my last video this was open and this is my grandmother's clothes oh wow these are all the rows in here - Christine we don't we don't really get rid of Church anything and then this is this shot and they use have been open that's my real daughter stuff okay like all his stuff down here yeah so there's attachments like they're totally yeah totally yeah we hear them down here all the time we've heard this all the Psalter no learn to saunter nan and we come down yours not on yeah it's crazy oh look at this fun boy from the 1960s okay I don't think that's that old let me see when does it expire no they're trying to trap us okay God scare me cured me man Nick she has a chest a pink bucket holding it open so try to figure out how old this is that's by 2002 means the old here don't want to communicate with us right now you can make the meter go off I brought my spear bucks oh sweet let's do it you know where I want to go we're gonna go where that dirt mound is yeah we're gonna do a spear box right over here find out whose bodies buried down here did they say it was a child can I see here Oh what the team this is really soft yeah come feel it yeah it's like oh gosh like a zombie child yeah I just live here this whole time maybe that body was trying to get your attention this full time maybe that's what all the hauntings are connected to you know some somebodies untold story yeah you know now the app that I am using there's a link in the description you can use this app to I would be a little careful using it because I used it in my haunted house and I forgot to mention this to you and maybe I'll ask your permission it is rather risky because if there's something here that it is negative it could make it worse it could give it fuel that's what happened in my house in Virginia did a spare box and I feel like I made things worse there finally got a lower just wanna thank you so much for first of all allowing us to to make a cool video and and be here God be here with Jose and God first of all we we don't want to bring any attention to any negative anything evil here we just want to speak to whatever is here whether it's whether it's positive and if there is something negative here wanna bring light to it and have it we've chosen alone and leave leave her child alone to God we just asked you how to please protect us protect Jose and/or family from anything evil here guys there is something here God let it make communication with us whether if it's it's evil or positive if it is evil though I ask you to please remove it from this phone jesus name amen amen so who is down here with us that's not like a kid are you a child Oh Adam does there a body buried underneath me right now what's your story don't know Trump did I say Trump again yes dead body dead body did I say that yes it's a dead body are you unhappy that we live here why are you trying to get their attention we I know every time I want to speak to the spirit that's in the basement no that's great look this fight with is there any kind of draft or wind it's like floating I know if the camera is picking it up it was like a spider web just floatin in this era ghosts controlling the wider web booth it just said dirty clothes is there somebody buried right underneath for Omar City who killed you we want to know what happens hello is there a child's body underneath a year I know look the dog is over there like Miss America no no okay is there a body buried down here maybe underneath all this would she are you smelling for the body how long has the body been down here thirty years thirty years old thirty years old so there's a body here for 30 years who put that body down here what's your name Doug I heard Doug again that's like a third time is your name Doug Doug are you here why are you no I want to hear Doug's story dick that's that's your dog your dog with upside what happened you does mistake did you it was a mistake okay so it was a mistake dad did dad kill Doug [Applause] did they ever make this house to someone like no this actually I'm just trying to see the timetable of 30 years you won't hide it hide why don't we need to hide why do you want us to hide is there something evil that's coming yes Corrine I just sleep in here alright fam so Joe's an aka wacky which TV she does livestreams a lot down here in the basement if you want to follow her check out her channel links will be in the description so before um I came in here like you know on video I did come in here and say hide her I mean I went back to go get my camera but we came down here in the basement is off camera and while we were all down here and I didn't even mention this her because I was the last one I was like behind her I heard footsteps up there and have you ever like while you're down here oh yeah like this so much the camera left the light string going because I'm too scared to be down here and they hear all kinds of stuff yeah and oh and the night I'd left to go get tacos i beeped my car horn so they knew that I left and everyone I didn't want to go back home because everyone's like someone's in your house call the police someone's walking upstairs we were not home yeah I'm not skeptical I mean it's it is active I mean based on what I've seen to it especially with those nails like being tossed in the spirit box let me know here in the comments what you guys thought you heard cuz you know I'm gonna put some subtitles on some of the spirit box what came through but you know of course there's some stuff that I can't make out I'm not exactly sure what it's saying but yeah let me know it was really weird seeing that spiderweb just kind of would like go towards me and it's it's gone now I mean wait this area here yeah it was it wait that's that's a hair what yeah it's a hair look at that are you serious yeah that's not even a spider blond something like a blond hair or a great here Oh God can't get off me yeah it's like an old hair ouch just hit my head on that right there got some photo albums you know what this interesting these are all the old letters when my grandfather was in the military look at all these old letters that he would send to grandmother's yes all this is all of them this whole thing we wanted to add something Jo Zane was telling me about this earlier this radio well sometime sometimes go off on its own and like I was like you know trying to turn it on so if there's no power even like what would make this radio go off with with absolutely no power connected to it and I've seen this happen before I actually caught something like that on camera one time I mean it was a little bit newer radio this is an old radio probably from like the nineteen sixties or seventies and did you do that no I didn't come near that I didn't see that it sounded like a like almost like a like a drum or something like one of like a cymbal sort of sound like it like a drum cymbal if you're down here with us make this radio ville off is that you breathing like that yeah okay titles almost sound like static from Radio yeah are you sure you didn't mess with that like seafood Thomas you I promise on my grandmother I didn't touch it so the radio is plugged in but there's no electricity over here cuz look it's not turning on at all Michael why would it just turn on randomly it has it actually turned on in one of my videos and I left it on all me oh I left the playing all night it's like a ten-hour video and this turned on yeah oh my gosh do you need to shower later I've seen those before and it's totally fun down here via syringe ozians kitchen slash dining area and she said that this light won't randomly turn better get like brighter yeah really bright and then it'll go off and the other night this I put this little light lamp in here because that one's too brave it was I thought we just want the little one and Jamie and I were sitting in here or in the other room and it turned on by itself oh wow look at this old radio I love that yeah you know it's like there's a lot of things you know but they're attached to still I believe and the reason why the dining room is so active the dining room is crazy especially when we go to sleep at night when it's totally still will hear the keys jingling over on this little thing over here these dolls I mean for my mother oh gosh dolls she inherited those and we don't know how like poof she bought them from but from the time I was a little girl I was never allowed to take those out and play with them ever ever ever everybody knew it like my I have three brothers and they were all like don't take all the dolls I don't know why they came to me when she died she did you play with them now yeah I do videos of them we just did for a box of them alright but anyway maybe that's why it's um it's all on dude what was the the verdict on the spirit box an adult yeah we did a lot it was like 30 minutes ago all their names Abbi Jennifer somebody else I don't remember that we should yeah is that what you sent me you sent me a video one time yeah when I'm trying to tell you how legit I sent you a video and these little things like this was all shut and I came in here I was so scared it was like midnight and it came in here for me something lots of water and these were moving I remember that we're going to see time the windows were closed the windows were closing the blinds are shut and it was really fast and you were like is there an air vent and I showed you around here that there was no air vent so I wish I had the video do that and you know anyway how does that radio ever turn on yeah the night all the time don't actually put that on camera - we left the house and it came on what do you is that I want to show that it's a life it's a life will love janae and I ain't posted it yeah sometimes I'll just leave the house and leave the camera running because when it's really quiet then we catch a bunch of stuff so sometimes I do that like a wind chime that's what I heard are in the basement maybe that's what it was all right family lots of activity in this house if you want to see me come back and spend a little bit more time here I think nothing you need to do come here real real late I might even bring James with me yeah and see what he thinks okay Chelsea make sure to subscribe lucky which TV quite a few live streams down here where she's captured evidence on a live stream it was it tampered with videos 100% real evidence go check it out I'll leave her channel link down below I'm gonna go ahead and let you go and thanks so much for watching it before the evil gimmicky [Music]
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 2,627,494
Rating: 4.9006147 out of 5
Keywords: house is so haunted, House Is So Haunted, Psychic Refused To Enter, ghost adventures refused, haunted house, haunted witch house, overnight in haunted house, scary videos to watch at night, scary videos to watch with friends, scary videos to watch alone, scary videos to watch on lockdown, omargoshtv, ghost videos, best scary videos, scary, haunted, spirit box, spirit box session, ghosts, Body Buried In Floor
Id: lPn2A2FZ2W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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