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what the hell is that what is her famine to another adventure my name is Omar I'm joined with CJ faizon and most are G and Sonny D all right Sonny these are limo driver we've never done anything like this before we're going to be going to an abandoned power plant that happens to be really really cool and we're gonna go at nighttime we got special permission to film there I can't talk right because it's so cold out here but yeah we thought hey let's go in a limo in style we're going to leave this big monster truck this thing is like really horrible guys - yeah my first time a limo dude you hold the door for me that's very nice of you man somebody put it in there as a joke before I get into this video I want to share this amazing RPG game called Alliance heroes of the spire picked from over 400 unique heroes that you can combine in over 10,000 ways to cool game modes fight to the death against crazy giant bosses my favorite or paddle against real people and friends online and also answer into massive combats between guilds which is insanely fun I can speak for hours about how fun this game is but you're gonna have to see for yourself download Alliance right now using my links in the description and get a massive free bonus of 50,000 gold at 50 gems instantly this is huge you still here go download it right now back to the video amazing firstly the rider overall it mow limo and sometimes you guys ask me you know hey do you have any behind the scenes to videos you know every once in oh I might do a video like this where maybe I do a little bit more behind the scenes like us getting the limo and stuff like that I just did a livestream inside there and I had like weird stuff happening it was really cool you can check it out on my library's I wanted to tell you guys I was in the main garage and I got it on I think it's still on the library's app I had a garbage can move like right behind me like one one with wheels on it okay when I was in there by myself before you came up the dollar last month last month go here think you just won't pass me over here yeah we have this heater that don't like this roller like a roller car like a round hole or cart and I saw on this video like it was right there and they just moved right across the floor or what the heck I even took the camera like around I like the scenes there like a string attached to it or nothing nothing if we have any paranormal investigators here watching this video go check out Delaware auto exchange you can give CJ a call I'm sure you can google the phone a brackety they'll give you the phone number just google it okay I'm sure he'll set you up with you know a paranormal night where you can come here and do some investigative stuff I'm pretty sure something will happen during your experience this is probably in my opinion one of the most haunted places is commercial to me I mean we go to usually like places like old haunted houses and things like that but this is a building that a lot of people go to every day for feeling oh shut the gate okay Duggan's gonna abandon us or something I'm kind of creeped out did that sock monkeys Here I am - I don't feel comfortable with it be quite honest with you sock monkey my boy let me give you some love bro did you notice the sock monkey like look right next to you is that his tail or is he happy to see you alright is tail guys what do these buttons do here get her calm hello hello hello hello driver oh that actually works oh yeah this is kind of cool I was checking this out earlier see if you want to be back here and make out with your chick dude I just seen the lights flickering right now oh dear you did it again yo yo Sonny what's going on dude what do you mean you lost everything I think I'll just what the hell's going on oh we lost all the lights do there's no power in here the only way you can troll the powers back here okay we're not even near our location why you still hear them all running huh oh yeah I got no thing on my phone smells bad are you dude yeah no I just I don't know I don't know what it smells like hey you want to pop open the hood the gauges and everything was fine we were good what I started do this like has no power what what's up there just leave behind that free right there don't lie I'm not that's right there there was something behind it huh it's not like we could go up there is like such a steep incline [Laughter] do you guys have signals real quick like I don't have anything do you got signal bro oh there's a car coming I got cars coming toward us but there's nobody do nicely it's almost like I see headlights - this thing is like in the middle of the road the other thing it's sunny in the driver seat alright alright we didn't even have to push it much that's why I didn't have to help the brakes work though it sounds like they do you know that would suck hey there's like a bridge up there how come he's not stopping alright there you go it smells like skunk really bad - Oh what is that wood on the bridge I don't know Wood it looks like wood I am cold AF right now look out yeah but we're in the middle of noir there's no houses no no cell phone signal how far are we from that factory really all we need is somebody with a good cell phone signal so we can call triple-a or some it's kind of reminds me of Clinton Road whoa dude that's cool a face oh do what is this place I hear car again there's no Karla I don't know I think that the four ways just turned off that board is a little loose cars drive over this yeah we were about to drive do what if this bridge isn't safe and like something purposely turned off our car because they wanted to get our attention that's actually a really good point actually so by the for Weezer back on I see a couple names over here too it's hard to make out what that says there is something written here me it was just my hair car though I heard somebody come in think there's any Gators in there you know it is really dark out there I'm not sure if this bridge is haunted or whatnot we are gonna walk over it if you see or hear anything please let me know here in the comments shoot me a message on Instagram or Twitter Dhar some things are in here what is this yo this is freaky here's some dogs like barking are those coyotes it's so quiet out here damn this sucks me I was really looking forward to going to this factory I work over the bridge now nothing happened but I mean we were in a pretty heavy limousine it was it gonna crash or something there's a very narrow bridge - just a second ago we were complaining about how warm we were in that limo and just like that we are freezing cold up I don't even feel like I'm dressed warm enough I do have a nice jacket on but yeah I do have thermals on underneath here - but I'm freezing cold here I'm gonna touch your ear for a second what what you heard something I heard something out there I heard something over here and then something across the way over there dude how come we've been out here so long we haven't seen a single freaking car go through this bridge here for 45 minutes at least you want to go back in the limo and get warm all right thought I heard a car coming again dude I heard a COFF I've heard coughs like that before - it was like a single call Oh what is that hello that you Sonny what the hell is going on do what Sonny doing over there don't go do that okay do is probably just Sonny he's probably working on the corner something you heard I heard somebody shot and there's a car coming I hear it coming you do there's a big-ass animal or something over there we're gonna go in the limo it was warm in there I'm thinking that was just sunny doing something you know my hands are so cold you know what I hate like my ears or what what yo where the hell's sunny like where's my boy he's probably back here where the hell is he where'd he go sunny yeah it's really weird just get in the car bro lock the doors damn freezing hot freezing - yo that's price for you I got down there far enough where I got a bar of reception the GPS says that's where you went to get so far it's right here we're on cry baby bridge or somewhere around cry baby bridge what don't tell me that's real are you joking what's cry baby but then you never heard cry baby right now I've never heard I've never heard ivory bridge let's listen that's cry baby bridge is like a AAB I don't know what the story is but all urban legend and an urban legend type thing like we're legit near cry baby bridge that's what it says Wow alright if that's true then what the urban legend is you take baby powder and put it on the back of your car but we don't have baby powder no if you go to the bridge which I'm assuming we were just on which is that was me warden yeah cry howls in the water dude that makes sense now no yeah actually make sure you crying and I heard a bunch of things even when I have my camera off yeah because we I got on camera a man crying you know what I want to know what are the odds of us being out here for like a couple hours and not one single car has passed that's like thank you that's true and I've even heard cars coming not one Co car like I've been rolling already for a couple of minutes and not one car there's there's nobody at least 45 minutes was there any houses up ahead it's pitch black there's nothing there's nothing the road though sunny did call triple-a and he I didn't know that he did but so he did get out that's why we couldn't find him a little earlier we were kind of freaking out is because he went to go walking and that's actually really smart I don't know you know why I didn't think of that I think it's good I'm just so cold another car well it's not going to matter anyways if there is a car you mean that's triple-a how come I don't see it though dude there was a truck like I for sure thought it was coming towards us and it just there's there's nothing there now leave it yes or even sunny there's somebody guys we're gonna go explore this cry baby bridge no lie all of our cameras were off just a second ago and I heard a baby cough like a like oh I don't know you heard it too I don't know that sounds like an airplane dad is an airplane we're gonna explore the bridge we heard do you heard that dude I don't know that sounded like somebody talking behind you no you heard that too I thought you know I thought CJ was talking right now and I'm like wait a minute CJ it was like a woman's voice sunny scared now what do you think about this do you think you've had experiences of events too like what's your thought sunny I vote you go first I feel like something I feel like something was stopping us from going on this bridge I like almost as if maybe it was gonna fall in the water or something like maybe it was a good thing I mean that makes perfect sense of the car breaks down right beside a freaking haunted prison [Music] dude that's coming from the bridge what the hell is that what the hell was that dude that's not like a baby what if there's a baby down here hello time down here Jonathan Lyte I don't if they are there down here hello dude that's not like a little kid or something no way it was down there hello oh dude oh just took off running in the water not in the water but like in the woods which way like straight ahead right here bro dude that looks like powder Thanks how are you that's a day I'm like medicine bottle yeah it's another car coming Deena sequin triple a it better be is there anything in there I can't open it spray frozen shut any to this program it's so called in Finnish oh yeah dive huh like what the hell was that sound like that's what I'm freaking out about there's a damn kid and do we found it we're not doing that no no I have to do it Oh think about how many babies ask me just goes on I may be joking around but they're legit though legit like off-camera like what what was that sound were you guys messing around did you make that that was a problem CJ first got to the bridge at the beginning of the night we heard a man screaming like a dam like sobbing yeah sobbing man and now it was like a sobbing man slash girl I don't know who's Donna like a baby that's not like a baby do not like it geez what is that no limo just start it up did it start up don't you lie like started it dude it sounded like it turned on I think it was just trying to call us over here it wasn't running I heard it running I heard it run into but it's not running you guys heard you're running - yeah but why why isn't it running if I could sir guys where is the damn tow truck in inventory nobody not here yet this has been over 40 thumb cold let's want to stay in the car I have an idea what do you say we actually do the real challenge we put the flower on the bumpers we camp out inside we'll see what happens I'm down I mean we gotta have a video for you guys we were supposed to film so I'm completely different Rock Paper Scissors shoot like I cheated Rock Paper Scissors cheater I never lose so CJ lost this whole bet thing right here mo kind of cuz he's like begging them to tell us what is up with the whole baby powder thing so like what what exactly do you do with the baby powder I'll tell you what I'll have to do it oh come on I kind of want to know I ave no word I owned up to that one bet that I lost with you and therefore I had to pay you five grand I said yeah I guess the damn woods by myself clear urban legend is this is that you're supposed to buy baby powder on the back of the car on like the trunk and a bumper and I don't know what supposed to happen after that so wait you put it on the trunk or the bumper something like that like I've seen videos works back here wait well those are you guys when we push the card yeah how weird it there was actually like baby powder like by the bridge yeah we're like destroying this limo do a lot of kids come here I have no idea yeah I just learned about it like just a couple of times what's all the buffer though that's that's what I've heard is like the kicker of it all so apparently the legends is if you put powder all over the vehicle and then some prints are supposed to appear on the car like this is most are these print right here okay for the record we should all put like yeah let's all put it let's all put a press it onto different airs on mine come on Sonny Sonny we need that Prince boy there we go oh wait how long does it take getting the cars pretty cold that was really strange I just know I recorded I thought I was a recording but no it turned off like all by itself it's really serene my battery didn't even die or anything yeah as soon as I tossed this baby powder like my camera turned off and I didn't even turn it off by yep do FRU yes Sonny thank you get out dude there was something that shook this little all right that didn't take long I bet you there's there's nothing nothing okay are there any print there's a lot France down there are you serious you felt like you felt to fill they move him throw the whole limo shook it shook sideways no I thought that was you moving I wasn't even moving and see no needed with CJ I think it was because we're sitting sideways we felt like I was not gonna fall off the damn couch but I felt like I was it's weird very I'm going back to the bridge okay when all on boats are going back to that very job getting the Omo is screaming bloody hell up here right now what's the matter you're not messing with me are you we're coming straight for me and I was building it and I filmed the sound of it and but there was nothing coming towards me you serious I kid you not it was the scariest thing ever yo oh my god oh my god hello and then it sound like somebody ran into the swamp like I know people can't run on water but that's what it sounded like and you guys will not believe what I just discovered what baby print right here look at that baby print dude that's weird alright these guys are crazy I mean I know they're from up north I'm going back to the limo hang out with Sonny I guess mo sounded like somebody ran up behind him he turned around and then whoever it was bro there's something over there moving I swear I even saw it moving everything that one there yeah that little island where that trees oh right there yeah guys I turn on my night vision for you so you can see this they're like - dude I even got in our camera something moving and making a noise over there let me know if you guys seen anything my answer so cool that gloves on but almost felt like it was colder with my gloves on starving it's moving do is the car on no oh we are moving on we're moving I don't see anything it's not started stop it was right when I opened what that's why you're there what's the matter why do you we just move do you think it was that like right now it sounded like the car was running was the car running Sonny was a car neutral party all right you got it in park now though right I don't want to get out and like get run over or something there's nothing back here [Music] there's Ricky's head prick [Music] on the bridge do look at this [Music] for years we look at the baby but really quick do what play man [Music] are you guys messing around you guys do this I'm the baby's foot hear that listen look we all have to I swear on my life I did not do that Shh I just heard a whistle behind us I swear do you think that we were being pushed like that's what's freaking me out right now we were right now but this guy's God he's like I I'm going back in yo there is something in the middle of the bridge it's like a bottle maybe a baby bottle dude we were being pushed through the bridge we were being you know if if he didn't if he didn't hit the brakes we were going towards the bridge dude that's the freaking baby no way that's not the baby powder I can't be that's a baby bottle dude that's the baby powder just repeat the same one another one had scratches on it yeah dude it's it's like they were trying to mess with us we found it over here by the bricks I'm gonna put it back that's what I wanna do all right sorry that we disturbed your baby powder and your bridge should we see like a prayer or something not you I say we do this I say we all just like apologize to whatever the Frick just half but we didn't do anything wrong we were literally just driving through here but you know what's crazy is like it sounds like every once in a while like a car is coming it's like a fan of car I've heard multiple of them since we've been and I was walking on the bridge and it was like something running towards me I don't understand like while we're not freaking out about us we were we were going down right now exactly like it was taking us towards the bridge honey that's what we're not figured out I thought it was actually Teddy first I thought it was too but it didn't select the car started but why did we break down at this point dude explain that riddle seriously I just want to go back in the car I'm getting caught Omar you go I'm gonna try to go up the hill and maybe see like when triple A's coming I got getting I'm getting like spooked out bro why are you even over there man there's been way too much fun all tonight you don't freak out yeah I still want to go to that factory I do too but I just we need help dude where'd he go you think he went back to call triple-a yeah I bet she went back here all right I'll hope so same way if they're just walking up the hill are you sure yeah that's him it's gotta be here oh yeah check the spark plugs so I guess the triple-a isn't gonna be coming for another couple of hours they got a little behind I said that we're gonna be coming about they were supposed to be here honestly like about an hour hour or so ago they're not gonna be out here for another two hours do you have any cell phone signal there's somebody else we can call it as in triple-a yeah not really I mean this is a monster you know that coil pack looks like it's been tampered with right now go I'm hoping oh shut off let me show you guys so this is a coil pack right here back key stick to your first book that was kind of off right here it was tampered with alright let's get going yeah my hands around freaking cold thank God I'm actually I'm really excited we have a mechanic with us dude that doesn't sound good now I'm sitting this straight to our mechanic yeah that wasn't doing that before finally a car actually comes when our car starts what the hell what are the chances of that are you kidding me he just went around he didn't even ask us if we needed help or anything that bridge for a new the car starts in a car shows up out of nowhere look that car just went over the bridge and it was fine I think we're okay I think we should go over the bridge yeah yeah hey can we turn the heat on yeah let's start a heat oh ho son you really go over the bridge are you gonna back up so we're not gonna go over the bridge let's go over it let's see what happens yeah you know maybe because we apologize for being here dude I've seen a car that car that was right in front of us right now it went over the bridge and it didn't have any problems we're gonna go over the bridge right now the lights just turned off back here oh they just turn back on dude dude the door lock - oh the air dude this thing's got major electrical problems the air just turned off - all right there's something you gotta take this thing to the shop right away all right fam it seems like we're fine now we've been rolling for about 20 minutes or so we decided not to go to that abandoned Factory that we had planned for later I think we've had enough we're gonna go back to CJ's dealership and drop this off we actually called triple-a right now when we got enough signal again there's no way I hope it's not gonna are you good up there everything fine up there sunny cars still dry oh there goes our CJ brought up a very interesting point right now when he was doing his outro right now we didn't even pay any mind to this sock monkey now if you missed the video that we uploaded at CJ's dealership this sock monkey was in several shots that we didn't even notice it was like moving around on its own and even the employees at CJ's dealership I don't know that they're kind of freaked out with the sock monkey we were thinking that they put it in here as a joke or a prank for us cuz I freaked out during my livestream earlier when I seen it in here but we kind of forgot about it yeah let me know do you think it was the cry baby bridge that was haunted was it the limo that was haunted was it that damn sock monkey I mean what what the hell caused all the things that we've seen there was probably things that we didn't even notice we heard crying we heard noises coming from the woods mo actually has this on video too there was footsteps behind him and women was in front of you okay it was in front of him and something jumped in the water maybe it was like a big animal or something but what would jump in that freezing cold water the water's going all over the electronics deep I don't know dude that's kind of weird I'm gonna go ahead and let you go links to my homies will be in the description be sure to check them out they made really cool videos here too at least I did something here we had something else planned for the night so hope you enjoyed the video if you didn't already make sure to leave a like some of you guys are so stingy with that like button it's free and it shows your appreciation man I love you so much thank you for the ones that do like these videos and for all the ones that receive notifications on here follow me on Twitter and Instagram and snapchat I love you so much before you leave peace
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 4,479,944
Rating: 4.8860226 out of 5
Keywords: omargoshtv, CRY BABY BRIDGE AT 3AM, LIMO BROKE DOWN, CAR BREAKS DOWN ON HAUNTED BRIDGE, MY LIMO BROKE DOWN ON CRY BABY BRIDGE, HAUNTED CRY BABY BRIDGE AT 3AM, Omar gosh, dumpster diving, Omar gosh tv, one man hide and seek, omargosh, drive thru pranks, 3 am challenge, haunted, haunted house, queen Mary ship, ghost, pranks, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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