(Ghosts) Haunted Titanic Museum Alone | OmarGoshTV

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we have to say really cold [Music] what itself am I am here inside the Titanic exhibit always been fascinated with the Titanic love the Titanic movie with Leonardo DiCaprio if you watch some of my Queen Mary videos I have mentioned the Titanic before there are a couple of other exhibits I wanted to check this one out and people have reported this being haunted it is an opponent location there's real artifacts here that were on board the Titanic now when entering here into the exhibit they give you this card here and this has some information on a passenger a real-life passenger that was on board the Titanic and this is kind of like our it's like it's us we're gonna relive their moments on the Titanic I mean that's what I'm kind of thinking in my head his name is mr. Benjamin Guggenheim and he's 46 years old from New York New York accompanied by his mistress Leo Leo team-up I'm probably not seeing this right the fal a victor Giglio and shelf for renamed her know who traveled in second class and he's in first class and cabin B 84 and he's a millionaire who made his fortunes in mining and smelting so we're gonna hold onto this and at the end of this exhibit I guess there's something that we can do you have to scan this QR code but anyways I brought my spare box this is gonna be fun I've always wanted to do a haunted video inside of the Titanic and this is as close as we are gonna get to the Titanic and to the ghosts that are attached to the painting and of course it's artifacts will Caray for this picture [Music] [Music] there's nobody around I'm gonna be kind of quiet just to kind of have some respect if you do hear anything please let me know they're in the conference if you see anything might run into a post somebody that was attached to one of these things here about Titanic here's some pictures is the very entrance of the exhibit and these are people that were aboard the Titanic now one thing that I probably should have known about the Titanic it was only on its first trip you know it's not like it went on a few trips it was the maiden voyage that didn't make it it was only a few days later let's check this out really cool [Music] or what is this there's some coal it's like we're on the Titanic look at this this is what it would look like no I'm not sure if you know this there is a Titanic to being constructed as we speak I think it's gonna be done by next year the year after not 100% on that but I want to be on that ship I may not be able to be on the the very first like the maiden voyage but I am gonna be on the Titanic - and it's gonna be an exact replica of the Titanic pretty cool now there was all kinds of people on board the Titanic doors middle class it was very high class rich people there was even people that you know could barely afford a ticket that I'm not sure if that was I think it was let you know right now there was a there was a third class so there was third class I don't know what you would call it third class I would just say there were probably people that wanted an affordable ticket ah me look is this stuff that was on the Titanic are you electric light bulb double doorknob and lock from service room no way - so cool I don't know why but it's really cold right here hold I mean like I could feel something right here [Music] order free cuisine I'm not sure what that was maybe there's somebody cleaning in here I'm not supposed to be here whatever so when they gave me them in place [Music] anybody wanna spar today dude I wasn't expecting to see all this cool stuff dirt all of this stuff came detected from the Titanic that is not a giant mug by the way only the first class were fitted with running water so yeah I guess you would have something like that if you were in third class I mean it sure doesn't be peeing in a bottle would you do Kok I'm there around the corner is something really cool is the iconic staircase and it was replicated exactly from the blueprints of the Titanic not from what I was told they in the movie made the Titanic ship bigger because people were smaller back then but you know like in today's age like people were actually yeah people are taller so for example a lemon average high it was for 11 men like average height was about five seven so I would be considered a taller man about 9 5 10 above average and average height now there we have a hospital that was in the smoking rooms and if you didn't know our currency back in the day given the United States was a lot bigger but look at those bills like they're probably like twice the size and I just did confirm everything in these glass cases did come from the Titanic and we got some plates here pretty cool stuff from third-class I've got some Forks - and spoons how cool is that now this is an exact replica of what a first-class cabin would look like and I mean I don't know like here at the Luxor the hotel room is probably a little bit bigger but this is really nice for back then Chi reminds me of the Queen Mary a little bit very nice furniture I'm not sure if the furniture is from the Titanic I seriously doubt it but this is for sure the stuff that would probably be in the bathrooms because remember first-class was the only one that had running water yo this is cool look at these they even put these mirrors here just to kind of replicate like a like a hallway it's amazing here's a safety floatation device vest what if that actually works all right this is where it starts to get dark April 14th oh no way yo check this out freaking iceberg right here a real iceberg wait is it now see someone's hand right there oh my gosh that's cold more artifacts so I don't have a whole lot of time in here but do want to quickly do a spirit box I didn't really mention to them that I was gonna do spirit box so I kind of do this really quick I don't think anybody's ever done spirit box session here on the Titanic or the Titanic exhibit are there any spirits here that want to communicate with us [Music] I didn't bring my speakers [Music] so here's one of the biggest artifacts I see here from the Titanic that right there was used to like keep the ropes from getting like tangled up and stuff but check this out this is what the Titanic would look like underwater and I'm sure there's still a bunch of goodies down there I mean obviously there's been a ton of prospectors and I don't know if that's what you call them I don't even know how like I mean I'm sure they sent submarines down there but I mean our people actually scuba diving down to the Titanic to take things out one day they're gonna bring this that would be so cool imagine that if one day they can bring the Titanic out of the water that would be amazing but this is what it would look like today I take that back about the biggest part of fact in here this is this has got to be it right here and this is aka the big piece and this was I think discovered in 1994 but this is exactly where it came from this piece right here came off of the Titanic how cool is that look at all those rivets - they say there was like three million rivets that put the Titanic together and if you're wondering how that was taken from you know the bottom of the Titanic they have like a little little video on display here yeah 1994 right there if you want to read that that's what it looked like and I would imagine they did have to preserve it a little bit so unfortunately we do have a little bit of music here but I'm gonna try to do another spirit box communication now I'm not gonna be able to really react too much to the sounds being heard but you're gonna hear them before me and of course I'll be able to hear them in and post-editing so this is exactly where I want to be able to show wasn't any music though so alright are there any spirits tied to the big piece here this is the biggest part of the Titanic I'm gonna hear what you have to say those [Music] hello [Music] watch these birds here all right you want to talk to us what do you have to say I'm really sorry about what happened to you did you drown I'm sure there was people that died on that sorry this is a blue pencil B I'm sure there was people that died it just trying to kind of survive maybe they died before you even drowning by it being attacked by somebody they wanted something that they had you know maybe it could be a flotation device we want to talk to the spirits here gone you know one thing that I would love to do is have a ship go up above you know the bug in the waters of where the Titan is there anything you want to tell us [Music] there any other spirits that want to say anything to us a little bit more silent in here that's a lot here who's here baba okay who's Bob did you die on the Titanic yes yes a lot of names coming through here okay I've never heard this thing throw out that many names [Applause] [Music] check this out this is from William Henry and I mean you could kind of see yeah men were not very big back to him you know those are some small shoes maybe like a size size six or a size seven I mean I got a worse ice size ten shoe which I mean that had to been massive back then and there is also a pocketknife London bus tickets and look look at this shirt now this is one thing I do find interesting here that the wreck of the Titanic it's it's a mile wide long like all the debris is and pretty cool stuff I was talking to one of the workers and they said it in one of the hallways that we were in right now she has experience she has experienced some stuff and one of the things was she heard whistling and she went and talked to some of the workers and there was nobody there and this is when they were like close enough they kind of walked through and they covered all the exhibits like all this stuff gets covered up actually I think there's something back here that are getting covered up and I guess they do that in case like you know water comes down you know so not to ruin anything but yeah this stuff is very protective which is really nice and one thing that I didn't know of two-member I was talking about like possibly bringing up the Titanic one day day I guess they can't do that the Titanic is that bad a shape that if they try to excavate it or bring it up to the surface it would just fall apart because of you know all the bacteria in the water all the salt in fact you know this this was preserved and I did did confirm that this was preserved if not this would have probably fell apart too nice look these are belongings of people very important people Edgar Samuel Andrew second-class passenger belongings of Marion Marianne mean well for in 1848 here's the last bit of the exhibit and it shows each of the classes and how many lives were saved and lost and you can see here the crew while the crew loss six hundred and seventy nine people saved two hundred and thirteen select it was more people that were lost and saved except for in first class first class there was a lot more people saved than died alright one last thing is what we get to do we get to learn a little bit on mr. Benjamin Guggenheim let's see if he survived all right right there okay oh here we go the Guggenheim family mourned the loss of the fifth of seven brothers okay he did not make it he was a victim dressed in formal wear and entrusted a message to his wife to steward h-his wait a minute he was cheating on his wife shame on you mister if anything should have happened to me tell my wife in New York that I have done my best and doing my duty Guggenheim's body if recovered was never identified so he sank to the bottom I guess may you rest in peace I mean I'm glad you made your peace with your wife and because on this card it does say that he had a mistress I'm sure his wife wasn't cool with that I mean I would hope [Music] our big shout out to the Titanic exhibit through especially the forgot her name she was protecting all this stuff but I did get this really cool picture that I'm probably gonna use for my thumbnail I don't know they're gonna send me a digital copy I don't know if you can see that it's me in the Grand Ballroom yes you're not supposed to take pictures in there probably because you know they got cameras set up and they don't want other guests to be interrupted but this was definitely a neat experience let me know if you did see or hear anything I would love to come back here maybe with all the lights off I'm gonna try to get permission to do something like that I think that would be cool but yeah big shout to them for letting me go in their film if you are in Las Vegas I would definitely hit up the Luxor you know the Titanic and right next door where they have the dead bodies where I showed and you know do my my haunted luxor video pretty cool place if you missed that video i'ma leave a link they say this place itself is haunted there was a woman that threw herself all the way from up there and landed I think she went not here it was yeah I was over there it was a buffet at the time in 1994 a pretty sad story it makes you rest there peace that's gonna do it for this adventure fam so much for watching and make sure to smash that like button if you haven't already and be sure to check out the first video that I put out here you guys wanted me to come here glad I did it was definitely a fun experience always wanted to come visit the Titanic this is the closest that I'll ever into the Titanic in real life further than beyond the replica one anyways gotta go for now hopefully [Music] you
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 1,656,308
Rating: 4.9097776 out of 5
Id: IgH5myzVCKA
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Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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