Lizzie Borden House - Ghost Hunting At A Haunted House - Episode 1

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dude it's going off like crazy there's something evil in this house this is boarded [Music] on August 4th 1892 Lizzy's father and stepmother were both murdered in cold blood by the hands of someone using an axe Lizzie Borden was the prime suspect but was later found innocent in a court of law they say the Lizzie Borden house is haunted by the same evil that was there on August 4th so this day these murders remain unsolved join us tonight while we investigate the house where these crimes took place to seek out answers in the Lizzie Borden house [Music] [Music] this is Andrew and Abby trove aka the master bedroom this is where James and I are gonna be spending the night tonight it's almost like two rooms I wanted to show you around while I have the opportunity throughout the whole house because in a little bit they're gonna be closing this door and we won't be able to go in there because this is a bed and breakfast all right now they're doing like a tour so they're gonna be going through our room we're gonna do an investigation though in this room also down in the look you know the main part for Andrew was murdered I'm gonna show you here in a second where Abby the stepmother of Lizzie Borden was murdered there's even some crazy pictures let's go now this room to our right was the room of Lizzie Borden and scare me there's so pictures of Lizzy I'll scare me it's pretty creepy in here what up James son Moore's bedroom right here I wanted to show you these pictures here right there is Abby Borden pictures of you know her body your dead body and you can see that that dresser which I am told is not this actual dresser they did a great job to redo what it looks like I mean it's spot on I almost thought it was the original one but I'm I'm hearing that it's not I mean like right where we're standing this is where the body of Abby Borden was found this is where she was attacked with the ax or hatchet 19 times that's pretty gruesome if you see here in the reflection of the mirror you can actually see the camera on a tripod this is almost Emma was Lizzie's older sister in fact when Emma was just 12 years old Lizzie was 2 she had you know she was 10 years older Emma promised her mom on her deathbed that she would look after Lizzie for the rest of her life and almost so Lizzie growing up always look to Emma as a mother figure I'm thinking that's why Abbey which was the stepmother of Lizzie and Emma thinking that's why they were never close maybe there's more to the story why Abby wasn't close to Lizzie and vice versa what are you doing what are you doing how's it going what's your name phantom you in sere [Music] now a short walk away from the Lizzie Borden house just a couple blocks up is the church that Lizzie Borden not only attended but she worked here teaching children about the Lord name of this church while the former name of it was the central Congregational Church of Rock Street now this is Rock Street right here it's a so one way street now you may be wondering like okay like it's not a church anymore like what wow this is pretty interesting this is actually a restaurant and the name of the restaurant is called the Abbey grill now I'm not sure if that has anything to do with Abby Borden pretty sure it does now if you know who Aerosmith is you know Stephen Tyler is the lead singer well they actually filmed a music video here did you know that yeah man not sure when it became the abbey grill but it was you know and this is an old piece of history in it it looks beautiful James and I are trying to kill some time because there's people getting ready to go to sleep and stuff so we wanted to wait a little bit later plus I want to make this an official 3 a.m. challenge we're gonna go and investigate the rest of the house I'm gonna show you where Andrew Borden was murdered in the living room we're gonna investigate the basement investigate the whole third floor this is gonna be awesome so let's get right into it dude it's going off like crazy really then he MF neither like I I actually I think never goes off it never goes out I've taken that thing in one of the most haunted places and I didn't even go off that man and return it on it starts going crazy you might hear us whispering lot up here and just turn the air off back in the days you know Andrew Borden you know he lived a very simple life guy had money but he was very fruit I mean how they took a bath was pretty primitive but look out of shape or you can't put your booty on there on that thing they didn't have bathrooms in this house well in the middle of the night I know that there was a couple of flushable toilets in the basement but during the middle of the night like they would have to go to the bathroom in something like this if they were to take a bath they would have to warm up the water that would take a lot of time that's how there was no showering so I could imagine it taking baths wasn't a daily occurrence so you know in the summertime when it gets pretty hot they're probably pretty smelly maybe not - I don't know this is how they would be that's more than likely what it looked like you know that's really not a lot of water I mean now think about so they would fill that up with some warm water and it would kind of train into that so well guessing they used to just be the right here in their bedroom this place is actually decorated very very close to what it could have looked like yeah that's what she said they tried to get me as close as it was yeah so I mean in the 1800's this is what the Borden home Oh bro look it's going off like crazy dude that EMF meter's going off like crazy this place is so active what the heck look at that now I'm not sure if that's a picture of a be pretty sure but here is a picture of her I guess it was her niece and her name was Abby as well I don't know why but I feel something in this bathroom it's not lighting up though we were talking to the owners of the Borden home and they told us did you know because they run a bed-and-breakfast here they get to hear a lot of stories there's cameras all throughout the house they've captured stuff on camera of course there's no cameras up here you know where I mean a murder the first murder happened and there's no camera in there in this whole house this whole entire house is haunted but check this out there was some people that stayed here and they got so freaked out in the middle of the night that they just left what happened was there was a lot of things happening I'm not sure if it was in this room or not the wife had said man if one more thing happens again in the middle of the night like we're leaving and ended up leaving going and staying at a another hotel down the street and it came back in the morning I guess for their breakfast but they were saying that the door handle was like started moving like I heard somebody walking up the stairs it's really quiet in here this is the third floor we're gonna go up there and explore it's kind of nice about the third floor as that no one rented any other rooms up here so we're pretty free to explore the entire third floor sometimes people have it for me children playing out here this house originally was set up as a two family house and the original owner would rent out their first floor to people I guess to help pay the mortgage and he ended up selling it to mr. Borden and he converted the house back into one family home so the room that we're in right now which is the master bedroom that originally was a kitchen but there's like a want to see like a playroom up here oh this is it up here [Music] oh cool look it's like the little black cat I saw outside earlier at this spot August 6 1995 found two dead pigeons oh these are some of the other rooms either not rented out oh cool look wow this is the toy room alright so this is the front of the house right there and right underneath us more than likely used a room that Abby was murdered pretty sure oh look it's one of those on see I'm not 100% sure if that's a beating pot or of the potty potty but here I wanted to show you something kind of cool this is the very front of the house and what's in here well I don't open that but okay if you see that building right there to the right that is the that's actually a courthouse and that's where Aaron her named his court sessions you know I don't know if you remember the the NFL tight end it I guess was responsible for a murder like that's where the court hearings were I mean at least pretty sure the very first one but yeah there was another house directly across the street here to a couple other houses too and they're no longer there anymore I've always wanted to like buying live in a house that look like that that's really cool awesome got blurry here pretty sure this is the coke that's what they called it the Fall River tragedy this is awesome and it's it really is like a museum I hope James ain't in here trying to scare me or something from here missing regimes I'm gonna make my way towards the basement I think that's where James is right now but in a little bit we're gonna actually do something pretty cool we're gonna film ourselves sleeping and I don't know if that's gonna be in this same video more than likely I'm gonna do a second part you know it's gonna be kind of like a little a little Lizzie Borden series if you will because we still have to even visit the cemetery and I want to do some EVPs Sarah would have gone there tonight but they closed it off it's I mean that's how popular this cemetery is and there's a lot of Borden's buried there at the cemetery but we're gonna go visit Andrew and Abbey's cemetery plots our graves and that's probably gonna be along with the video of us sleeping James did a video of him sleeping here and I think Lou they actually slept in the room or Abby Borden was murdered I hope we can get something similar tonight if not it's okay we still got the cemetery to go to sorry let's go to the beach me [Music] oh gosh so creepy in here what this is the room that mr. Andrew Borden was murdered in fact it was right in this area right here right where that coach's kids not burying sorry Oh what is that noise I went ahead and turned on the light and here you can see they have cameras all over the house I'm sure they have a lot of footage of things happening throughout the house we're gonna go in the basement here in a second I think James is down there or I think I might have heard him go outside because I heard see I don't think the noises I was here I know was James because we're not on this side of the house I don't know could have been somebody going to the bathroom in the middle of night this is where mr. Andrew Borden was murdered with a similar hatchet how they determined it was a hatchet was because of you know all the injuries and not only that they ended up finding the hatchet but it didn't have a handle on it and that's what the yeah suspected murder weapon was here's a picture and I'm sorry it's a little graphic that is the picture of Andrew Borden after he was murdered and you could see that looks just like the couch I mean it's exactly the same way I heard when they found him part of his eyeball was cut in half his nose was completely disconnected from his face I mean it was it was horrific blood everywhere they have a replica skull of hair I'm gonna share with you the history it was pretty bad but I guess this was kind of a surprise the prosecution after they buried the bodies and this was top secret they ended up removing the heads and later on they brought it into court while court was like almost a year later but it supposedly caused like the chaos in the courtroom Lizzie Borden ended up passing out there was women screaming in court they were not expecting to show the heads of Abby and Andrew Borden pretty crazy could see the airflow Ouija board air and some dowsing rods and some ghost hunting equipment there's a DMF meter and i think yeah here's another Ouija board there's the the skulls right there that's the skull of mr. Andrew Borden and Abby Borden right there and they brought that into the court hearing and here's replica skulls and a replica hatchet of you know what they found you can see that ten blows to the area and she received 18 blows I thought it was 19 Wow that's insane that noise I heard something here so in the morning they do a really nice breakfast that's what James said only Paul is all right chill heavy really yes I didn't we're not gonna do and you have minions in your phone I'm sorry yeah I have my phone off [Music] basements I leave this door oh thank you man for being the 1800s they used to have I mean these are like pretty tall ceilings now this is what the toilets more or less would look like that they had down here when the Borden's lived in this house they did not have electricity by the way they didn't even have gas lighting they had kerosene which was kind of old-school for that time I mean they had the money I mean they lived very humble just just to kind of show you pretty sure that's why Lizzie and Emma were mainly Lizzie I heard she was she was not very happy I mean especially seeing our relatives living the life and then you know they're they're living like really poor James gonna show us some cool James over there was crazy right here look in there tell me if you see anything Oh what the hell we just keep it move it is way too late ever seen anybody it's done - what was that noise I sound like somebody was up here what's in here - there's a feast no there's a freaking fees what the hell that almost looks like a man like with a beard did you just say something [Music] but I don't know if I want to be down here straight up we're still in the basement we've been spending a little time down here we wanted to go upstairs but I mean the noise has stopped it sounds like somebody was walking up there was a strangest thing ever but anyways I wanted to give you a little history on mr. Andrew Borden the guy was a grinder I mean any which way he could make money he would make it Andrew Borden's father was a fish peddler and when his father ended up dying if you don't order fish peddlers you know you had like a like a fish market very hard workers the Borden's in general here in Massachusetts very wealthy family now Andrew Borden's you know that these Borden's were a little bit more humble they were I'm not gonna say there were harder workers because all of the Borden's were known for being very very hard workers and they're still Borden's today here in this area of Massachusetts well anyways when Andrew Borden's father passed away he did try out doing the fish peddling thing and the fish market stuff didn't work out he got into carpentry Leave It or Not he started building coffins for a living and I mean from that it went to real estate investing and then it became a president of a bank he was not a very liked man I mean being that he was frugal and he had money and he had all of these investments people did wonder if he was murdered by one of those business deals that happen to go bad I lost James again we're gonna go up there I don't get creeped out very easily but I have a really horrible feeling illness oh gosh I felt like a draught of winter I know leave me alone I know you're here there's something evil in this house [Music] James and I gonna start going into the Attic now I'm not sure how long this videos gonna people more than likely we're gonna be doing a second part to this video when it recorded myself for several hours sleeping into the night I think James going to do the same thing and then we're gonna explore the cemetery as well let's do some EVPs epicenter where the portents are buried what rocking chair was moving oh yeah remember that with the dolls they move like literally rock back and forth really a five seconds bro did you turn the lights off a beer when I left here the lights were on you're right though yeah all the lights were on in here like every single light okay are they on a timer yeah so what makes this story really unique is that women back in the day I mean it was unheard of for a woman to commit such an act so I mean I'm not sure if maybe people felt sorry for her I mean I heard like a little maid coffee or something anyways um if you didn't know this really really soon I mean probably around the time I released this video there's a movie coming out about Lizzie Borden and I watched some of the previews of this movie and if you didn't know like the girl from Twilight it's called Lizzie be sure to check it out but in that movie I mean there's all kinds of things that could have happened I mean people say that Lizzie's dad Andrew like was abusing her sexually you know and James was telling me right now that they were doing some EVPs and something that came really clear up and their EVPs was the word rape and I don't know we're gonna try to ask right now maybe asked that question some say that that's the reason why Lizzie had snapped you know I mean she wasn't married she was in her 30s does she ever get married I don't think so they actually stayed single she loved animals though but there was even some talks of her hurting animals as a young girl so she had some problems she was very awkward in personality from what I hear wasn't somebody that you would introduce to your parents you know she didn't have a whole lot of friends I mean I don't know seems like she lived a pretty sad life sounds like somebody to me that was probably abused either mentally physically or both so let's ask oh this temperature thing's freaking out right now [Music] last time I was here you told me some of that raped here Lizzie got raped whoa did you really murder your dad and stepmom what about Hema are you here with us Emily did you have anything to do with it why weren't you here that that day she like mysteriously right [Applause] [Applause] in that mr. Bourne Angelo is that you'll injure that's not like it is answer do you want to tell us anything you know Lizzy was innocent or found innocent a court of law she always she was people like felt like she's still murder them you know I mean like what if Lizzy was innocent is Lizzie really innocent who moved the rocking chair you know what I mean like spear boxes but you won't seem to use them a whole lot I mean I've gotten clear EVPs come through right to my camera I'm pretty sure I you can console today I'm gonna go ahead and start concluding this video I'm sure it's pretty long already make sure to check out my friend James the fan link will be down below to two of his videos one of his videos that he did here before I came to investigate and of course his video that he is doing with me today go follow his channel he's gonna have four videos total here I'm gonna only have two but yeah we're gonna start going to sleep here in a little bit it's getting really cleaned we don't have a whole lot of time to sleep by the way checkouts at 10:00 in the morning so we're gonna go ahead and and sleep as much as we can and I'm gonna show you this cemetery as well so I hope you enjoyed this video make sure to kiss that like button I swear in the door throwing why I'm gonna go ahead and start get out of here [Music]
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 1,223,489
Rating: 4.9393859 out of 5
Keywords: omargoshtv, exploring, ghost hunting, ghost hunting at the lizzie borden house, investigating the lizzie borden house, lizzie borden docu series, docuseries, docu series 2018, docu series history, lizzie movie, lizzi movie, movie trailer, educational videos on history, eductional video on lizzie borden, massachusetts history, sam and colby exploring, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed haunted, lizzie borden movie 2018, overnight challenge at lizzie borden house, part 1
Id: n5kFzANR-CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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