(SHE FOUND US) HAUNTED QUEEN MARY SHIP PART 2 - Ghost Hunting In A Haunted Ship | OmarGoshTV

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What is going on Fam. Today I am at the Queen Mary. Not for the first time but for the second time. If you've missed my first video I encourage you to go back and watch it. A lot of you been begging me to come back and here I am, back in Long Beach. I can't believe I'm here again There's my friend Ashley She's in her onesie right now, and there's my friend Yasmine can't wait to bring you on another adventure on the Queen Mary There's a lot you guys haven't seen lets do this Oh it's a worm guys Ew Check it out Earthworm Yasmine: Bet you never seen one of these before? Come here give it a kiss give it a kiss You got lucky pal. There's a lot last time that we didn't get to see on the Queen Mary And that's another reason why I'm doing a second part to this video. At certain times they close this so yeah We weren't allowed access at night So I'm going to show you some of this footage during the day here you go. That was world War 2 and They painted the queen Mary all grey Check that out and like just people on top of people and that's what we're on right now Its amazing. When you walk around the queen mary. I mean even here in the engine room like it's kind of like a library Like you don't wanna talk loud. But I don't know why. That thing got a heme yeah, I think there's like an alien in there It's like one of those avatar things You don't talk about if you don't know what a basin it smells like Come down here where I'm at right now smells like basement. There's so much out here It's creepy down here Don't worry. I'll save you hope you heard that? hear a lot of noises Fireman Right over there where you have crafted that. How was he crushed? The Ocean or someone pushed eminent clothing like he was murdered by that door They I mean yeah, that's pretty heavy-duty that's horrible Whoa, what's up there? Going to a highly restricted area? Well? I honestly don't know Is very weird it was like it's going to go up I can see Hello anybody here gimme kiss this is your favorite part No way Wow Yo, this is awesome You Wanna go for swim? We can make a lot of money. So there's even dollar bills and stuff in there Awesome. It's actually asked us if we had to take a guess of how much money is down in here dang man. I mean think of think of this being like a giant Piggy Bank, I Just say like maybe $5,000 that's my guess. What do you think? maybe more Let me know in the comments. Won't dont you take a wild guess of how much and you know money is down there? Maybe who knows there's probably money. It's underneath the shiny stuff too Ashlee what's on us? These props well this prop stopped working and a bunch of mechanics went down there and workers to try to get in to Spin and Before they could even get started it started spinning on its own, and it chopped up a bunch of people that killed them So they say that this propeller is on it, and this area's on it down here This is another example of stuff that they close after certain hour whoa okay sorry that wasn't me these are the original debts that were used in some of the first class rooms or Cabin class And you could see them there in a picture so you got a lot of history which is why they have this g glass here to protect them because Along with this ship. They're antiques not sure why? the Cabinet door is just randomly open We're going to do something a little bit different in this video. We're all going to split up She's going to be by herself She's going to be by herself. Are you excited about walking around by yourself? the Queen Mary is A Permanently docked boat and they use it as a hotel now this happens to be one of my favorite locations Which is like this super long Hallway, I've never walked all the way this way Okay, I'm going to meet up at 3 a.m. With the girls in front of the most haunted room here on the ship now this whole ship is haunted. There's been over 600 active over 600 Poltergeists reported I'm not sure how many now me there's so many people that have died on this boat means so much sadness Every time I come here I learned something new this ship played such a vital role in our American history, and I mean not just American history But like worldwide history or war two, and it was the fastest ship during that time hitler as well as the emperor of Japan put out a bounty of $250,000 and that's a lot of money at that time To take down this shit like anybody that would make this ship sink We're on it like we're on a part of history right now. This is so cool Okay, that does it all I'm staying here two nights on the Queen Mary I Wasn't here last time no, if you guys see Anything in this video or hear anything? You guys have like really good eyes and ears, so yeah Keep all lookout. This ship is very very haunted what uh? Whoa, I didn't know there was another Hallway, I Don't this goes away. I mean if the ship is so big This is the reason why I had to come back here I mean there is no way that I can give you everything that this ship has to offer I mean even today there's going to be stuff. I still haven't seen here One of these elevators opened up on me last time I was like Over there and opened up randomly, and I look in and it looked empty I didn't think any elevators work guys want to see what's In the elevator there we go Yeah, this is a creepy-looking elevator. Shall we even go in. I hear these are like 80 years old so not the original elevators, but still still pretty old Let's go to The Arctic This is where the pool is We were here last night and we heard people Behind this door and we were told that no one is even allowed back here So we found that Okay Even ask the front desk and they said that The only people that go back here sometimes are the security guards to make sure people aren't sneaking in here And they'll just stay right there because the floor is really really unsafe right now And it's going to take about a year to repair. They don't allow anybody in the pool area And I see if I can hear anything again. Let me know Are you here Jackie? Thank you for telling me you're here. Oh So freaky oh, all right you can go in on Jackie. If you didn't watch my first video Jackie. I explained that She was a girl that was drowned in the pool. I'm about to show you right now and They say that a ghost or a demon Grounder and they tried to drown other people as well. There's a conspiracy theory behind that and why the pool area is closed Not sure maybe it's safety, but maybe it's that maybe a lot of people were drowning in there So this is what the pool looks like pretty neat looking All built to go in there wish I could trust me. I did ask for permission. We're allowing Paranormal groups to do paranormal investigations, and they allow them in their work. They're no longer doing that I? Know these other Gators don't work anymore. Just the ones over there If you guys can see in here oh Wow, I didn't get to go here last time Like a theater or borrow So cool Being here. We had to be really quiet That's not a sign. I swear. I heard somebody snoring in here, too That's not an elevator I keep hearing somebody coming and then when I looked on ones there I Just heard something somebody back here It's so long comfortably quiet like wash the library. I'm scary comparing noise I'm a journalist. We're definitely national speakers There is the gym have it soon a spa I Don't think it's even open it. I brought you guys inside there earlier, but this is my room I'll take you in a little bit later. I just wanted to show you from outside I'm in M 0:05 It is haunted one of our guests. That was staying with us said that they woke up and they felt like Demon-possessed for a minute which I thought was very australian guys I just met up with actually and she took this picture by the nursery and she caught this figure right here Like a dark shadow figure, and in here that you could also see a face of a child I see it, too Wow, that's crazy. Hey. I really got something cool for you guys to see hey. Yeah Ashley and her adventures. I've brought her here how many times? She's been to the queen mary a ton of times, but she has never seen what I just showed you guys You ready feed it in slowly Go point No way You know you know, it's funny when I first came in here heard a qunari Know I looked back there is nobody back there No I want to see what's in here That was at Jordan no, Hoax a snobby no Is Alexa my whistling? Don't be scared. Oh Domenica me I May be okey my turkeys Became Masters right now. There's like a ghost populace There's Alex like what wikis Go peepee We're making our way towards the most haunted rooms well People Lightbulb minute I thought this is the do it kate you're grounded Michael I'm Gonna. Take you guys in there. Let me know Well, I don't result in right there. Oh Why'd you touch that? What if it's like haunted? Get over. I'm just kidding. It's probably not like oopadad me Set it Oh, it smells bad all right this one's like like dirty socks What you had that one didn't pass like a little glasses. Just the whole yeah, but that was kind of weird This is where I actually took that picture Where exactly did you take it? What the heck was that fear looking thing is so weird? right now I'm walking on where a ton of people have been thrown from there's those stairs as This ship was moving and fell to their deaths Here on the floor They say the our deck is one of the most haunted to you and once that actually the Last time I brought you here This was closed off and now it's open so I'm going to go ahead and show it to you Why did they have this closed off last time? Although we're repairing the floors This is sony Like we're standing where world war II soldiers were standing like side-by-side Like thousands of people hey Melissa. I want to take you up here in titanic you Look, it would be like a real honor. Oh I don't even see that Bill I Am what you're looking at right there is downtown Long Beach, I have an aquarium there in front of us and some really neat shops too, and during the day you can see Like the actual beaches right over there whoo Yeah, I did not come over here last time Look at that creepy doll down there looks like it's going to bite my ankle This was the original playroom stay open Whether some of those toys are originals I? Was on a live stream, and I took some of you inside here They closed it off see how they close things off They have the titanic in there as well as the normandy and I think the queen Elizabeth is in there Which is the sister ship of the Queen Mary? this is the Queen Mary - Which is still operational to this day? Like yeah, you guys can Go for a ride on it right now if you have to Jasmine's freaking out over here. She said that she heard a door open right here, and there was nobody Really? So I hear all the doors are pretty much locked, too she's freaking out here and was it like you were really expecting to see somebody like See somebody like something out Sorry to tell you we are on a haunted ship. You know English to another deck Well this thing's going off like crazy look at this what I wonder if Princess Diana's in here This is a whole exhibit about princess diana. I have never been in here Did they charge to going here? Marko looks like No idea keep going Yeah, there's a lot of olive activity in there These are the originals still here, whoa this thing's for malls like diggities wow These ghosts are active tonight You to go actually I found a secret location Oh, I have no idea Not true Oh, it's like another exhibit. This is like the Captain's like quarters Yeah, that is the Captain's bedroom - freakin here, then what now Come on a commercial vision I Was told that ten people a month usually end up quitting Because of all the freaky stuff that happens around here. I'm not sure how true that is but Are you guys here on a first adventure? Yeah, there's workers that they won't go in certain rooms because they've seen him sell things in there pretty Creepy, okay Fam Hope you enjoyed that little tour of the queen mary you want to see more? And it's the first video that you watched here make sure to make your way towards the other video I'll check with you in the morning Good morning, everybody had a awesome sleep on the Queen Mary Can't say anything weird happen, but then again. I don't know because I was really really tired There's max right there, and this is our room before I end this video I just want to give you a quick tour of my room that I got my room last time didn't have any windows This has a nice view of the water Which is awesome Look at this we'll See a little wall right there like that kind of keeps the clean mary safe from waves and things like that Me and max shared this ginormous bed here he slept for like 16 hours And then we got this little bedroom here james that slept in here Definitely a lot of room in here whoa Okay, oh, I got to show you the bathroom. This is really neat Definitely looks vintage in here and look at these knobs right here If you want to flush the toilet, you don't have to touch anything, just put your foot right here in What sort of like that of cour it? Definitely was the neat experience being on the queen Mary again. Had a lot of fun with the guys Sneaking around and being in places We're not supposed to be don't forget to let me know if you find anything in this video that I may have missed you know make it sound Something like that some in the background Screenshot it send it to me on Twitter Instagram bye for now, but before you leave, Gimmicky Baby below you call me crazy. You people not gone you payment immediately darling the way oh
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 4,467,738
Rating: 4.8463416 out of 5
Id: uKhPGOteJgo
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Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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