Hermitcraft 7: LIVE - MEGA END BUST!

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the likelihood of this working i don't know if i've set anything up correctly whatsoever iskow's just gone live i can see iskall's live but i'm not oh oh oh oh look at me i'm actually a professional right i'm assuming everything's working it looks super loud oh i just thought wait give me a second oh yeah no it's oh drop frames oh it's dropping it's dropping and i'm back and i should now not be dropping frames i was trying to stream right at 80 megabytes per second you know that's that's quite a high quality stream um but yeah no that's that's not gonna look good right everything should now be smooth and everything should be good i'm like the worst streamer on the history of man you know i really am um but yeah we're gonna be doing some end busting today we're gonna be absolutely shredding and busting there we go that looks smooth it's all looking good it's all looking good it's all looking good all right so i'm gonna be end busting with iscal we're gonna be chilling out we're going to just be i'll be honest i i don't even know why we're really end of busting because if i have a look in here where actually are all my shulker boxes i think all my shulker boxes are over in the villager area but i have like hundreds of shulker boxes that i haven't used but and at iskal is doing his like leaf thing he's doing his leaf whatever it's called the leaf games the bush games i can't remember what they're called the hedge games yeah he's doing his hedge games and he needs a ton of shelter boxes so yeah we're gonna get them from there okay all right well i'll wait for iscar i believe iskaw has gone live thank you ever so much for joining me today it's very nice to be here it's nice to be chilling out i guess i should probably get myself like sort of prepared and i'm also very wary that i can't show parts of my base because i've been doing a lot of work on my base recently and it's looking super ridiculously cool oh gosh this whole area is so dangerous these days but yeah i've been doing a ton of work on my base and it's looking super ridiculously cool but i can't actually show it in the in this live stream because obviously that'll be a bit of a spoiler for the episode that's coming out tomorrow but i've been taking your suggestions into account i've been reading through your comments and things you guys have been coming up with some really smart stuff like there's some there's some wicked mean ideas down in the comment section that i've taken on board and it has created like the perfect centerpiece for my base i'm super super happy anyway how you all been you're good you're good you're good it's good to see everyone here there's already a bunch of people watching which is interesting none of my things like my overlays or anything like that are working but that is just that's typical fashion you know this is this is a mumbo jumbo live stream they're never they never actually work properly i really need to like set myself up properly with all of the proper live streaming overlays and things like that but i know i just hit live on on obs you know it's like recording a video but instead of hitting start recording i just hit start streaming and then i've just gone from there so this is this is typical anyway the reason i'm over here is because i need a ton of firework rockets to do this end busting goodness why did i break my crafting bench what's happened over here oh was this from the gold thing i think that's from the gold thing to the person who just said that they're watching during class that's illegal you should be you should be classing you should be doing the class stuff you shouldn't be watching live streams and things watching me funny about with some sugarcane and gunpowder you should be doing science and mathematics i'm assuming you guys when you say you're in class i'm assuming you're in like virtual class i don't really know how that works at the minute i mean i would assume yeah i think schools have gone back in certain areas but honestly i don't know you know what i'm i'm not going to talk about that in today's live stream because the whole world is talking about that stuff and i just want to talk about being daft and getting getting and getting shocker boxes and things you know what i did find interesting though is that i was reading through the comments just recently i asked what should be updated next in minecraft and almost all of the comments like a huge huge number of the comments were saying that there should be an end update it's like guys are you not aware are you not aware of the fact that like when was the end update because that was pretty recent wasn't it that was a fairly recent one right there's okay that is uh do i really have any free shulker boxes i think this mountain it's weird i seem to just end up i seem to keep ending up with just like junk shulker boxes i mean i kind of don't want to get rid of this magma because it does seem like it would be quite useful to have so i guess i'll dump all of this into my storage system i'm just waiting on iskall to be honest with you i'm just busying myself until iskal arrives because you know what this guy's like he has to introduce the live stream he's like a proper streamer iskall is like a proper live streamer whereas i am not anyway here we go i am now speaking into the void i've unmuted myself on discord hello hello you're right yeah hello how's it going is everything working am i being heard and that's a good question mate to be honest with you i don't know speak again just hello yeah you should be okay well okay okay okay we'll see we'll do the whole live stream and you'll just be quiet the entire time which will be fantastic oh wow no one can wow right off the bat no one no one complains everyone's perfectly happy with this live stream now how you been i have been i am good okay i'm good i am i'm a little bit tired not gonna lie all right knackered because quite frank i mean you know this but i have been playing so much minecraft these past what is it now like like six six days i think i've been stopping you've been on the non-stop well yeah you've got a lot of hedges to get i've got a lot of are you gonna join i mean yeah yeah i am planning on it that is i mean it seems like it would be interesting and also i i've thought of a genius idea because the base next to me has loads of hedges on it already so i thought i'd take those and then because that's like an easy place for me to get loads of bushes because they're all just really conveniently placed on this tree that's next to my base so i'll just take all of the the bushes from that tree and then i'll put them into the hedge games and i'll really help you out i reckon do you mean do you mean my tree yeah oh i was gonna say i was gonna say have you gone and got yourself a new neighbor how many people on the server are there that are next door to me with a massive tree i don't i really didn't i freaked out now i was like has someone else moved in what that is so funny dude we should we should we should meet up in the nether all right i realized i hadn't i hadn't really prepared uh neither one yeah i was hoping that you have rockets i've actually just finally enough gone and got a whole ton of rockets so we're we're good there good and uh i was hoping that you had and karai uh i have i have zero of those we may have to do some shopping in there in the barge in the barge okay yeah in the bart i have an announcement by the way oh yeah i have an episode coming out after this stream oh wow wow just promoting your episodes yes no no but in all seriousness what i was gonna say was episode coming out right after this stream yep gonna be amazing okay okay sounds good well i have i have an episode coming out tomorrow everyone in iskals just wait just like i i know your serious girls come out today but just you know don't wait watch it you know you know at least 10 people are gonna follow that advice now and go like well actually man said i shouldn't yeah he is my oracle yeah well um i can't help but notice that my chat is just saying chara over and over again and i think that's something to do with green putting an invite on some of my character yes i'm gonna wear i've i've got an episode coming out tomorrow and i've i've i've spotted said invite and i've also killed the i've gotten rid of the chariot the tower it's now gone i'm sorry what is the chair dead yeah the chairman's gone dude the chariot's gone he's not dead though i put him into a shulker box right and it's called cci it's called a diy chariot so we can give people like a do-it-yourself charity you could just build it from it's genius [Laughter] yeah that's spot-on that's exactly right yeah so we've got one of those so i've got i've got a character zip you got a compressed jarrett and um and yeah i was thinking maybe before we start yeah i have i have got a challenge okay from from reddit oh so reddish joined in on hermit challenges now have they they're well it's not a hermit challenge per se it's like a quick challenge that we can do right here okay um and it's a very very simple thing okay no no no no we have to be close to me actually we have to mark out a little block let's uh let's do something like this oh my goodness we can see better what is the sandstone even i don't know this is what i was wondering this the other day you know because it's not it i'm just gonna i'm just gonna use the sandstone for this okay this is like a weird rorschach chest test like a butterfly this is no i don't know what to call this this is actually a really really simple thing that i've never done but the gist of it you place the noteblock or i place a notebook down oh but that's a bad block underneath we want that ding the thumping base can we can we do that do we need dirt for that uh give me a second oh no i've only got rockets in here i really thought for once i actually i was like inventory emeralds yes do you have an emerald uh i have emeralds i have emeralds no i haven't locked okay that's good that's good enough so the challenge is and or it's not a challenge it's a little mini game it's basically right click it the fastest yeah so i i place this right yeah uh and then we both got a right click and whoever right clicks it first wins a point and then we do best of five but how would i how would we know who did it first because if both no if both of us do it three two one i won three two one i won three two one i won you suck you're terrified okay that's terrible game dude no this is let's go no no no there's 50 000 people watching me so there's 50 000 people watching this right why are you so bad then don't you screw it up no so we have a whole stadium of people watching us do this this is not come on stop it this is fun okay okay three two there's not a notebook no but that's the point i'm placing the block that's my handicap and your handcap is that i'm placing it oh three two one oh no wait did i win okay one yes one zero t one okay ready yeah best of five one two three i won't wow that was painfully delayed that was like we're gonna have to okay three two one oh i think that's a tie what what are you talking about no no you won that okay you won that so you just need one more to win wait people people just people are accusing me of cheating i think the sound of me spamming my mouse is coming through my microphone let me move my hand away a little bit no i did i didn't actually place it there oh what do you mean you didn't replace it you placed it on them three two one [Laughter] what what oh my stop oh all my stuff burns too dude it's not just you yeah you're in you're in you're in diamond armor i can't believe you just did that so here's the thing dude here's the thing yeah i was watching one of your videos the other day yes a great one things you may not know about minecraft and i loved it like it was a good video up until the very end because what i did was that i walked into to hermitcraft yeah and then i i had i had two leaf leaf boxes yeah and i thought okay so i can put a netherite block in them and throw them in lava and i did and guess what they didn't survive no they burnt i can't believe i lost they would survive i've still got my firework rockets i've actually got all my stuff and by the way you don't have your elytra because i don't have my elytra i don't have a bow things are pretty oh no i've i've got i've got your bow but i feel like because you did nice thank you can i please have the bowl what do you mean i've given me my bowl i've lost my sword don't agree don't be a griefer dude but hang on a minute if i've lost i've lost my sword wait did so so does that stuff still burn no no so where's it gone i don't know maybe you didn't have it on you i mean i definitely had it on me have you got it no i don't know i have all my netherride stuff though what so i've oh iskaw this means i can't go in busting with you has it really been destroyed yeah i don't know i don't have it yeah i'm serious i do i have a solution for this okay i don't have oh i do have firework rockets you got lucky there i don't have any rock i don't have my bow oh gosh where are you man i'm about to die oh no okay come here look at this dude here no behind you yeah oh well this seems like it's a problem as well dude because i've i've got he had your sword though i know he did i know he did you better look just quick because i've got two hearts left i'm going to have to go oh you okay are you scared well i've got no food i got no elijah yeah they'll take my life yes i did oh you heard my lie drop no because i'm keeping it because you blew me up wait what was the ball what was your elytra called it's called angel no no i don't actually have that i've got mine's unnamed and i'm i'm assuming those are mine because i never i never i never named my stuff well i don't know about this this feels it feels here prickly stick is yours prickly stick is mine and i guess i just need the bowl now yeah so i i now have no bow so now we have to spend a bunch of time bro you didn't have a bowl to begin with did i not no i'll never ever have a bomb no i do i've been carrying a bow for like the past never ever have i seen you use a bowl i use bows all the time a bow is like that's like my my new favorite thing you took my shulker box dude mate i'm taking everything i feel sad now okay i've i've i've got this but yeah we now need to re-enjoy oh no okay i thought i lost my richard box if you hadn't yeah you didn't you didn't think to ask what stuff i had on me before you did that because oh i did say i had an empty inventory but um i could have picked up instead i asked are you prepared and i saw that you were wearing right yeah so they don't know if you're i don't know i don't know why you don't find this funny i burnt two shulker boxes because you trolled me in a video and i assure you i was not the only one being stupid there was at least three more stupid people out of the million watching that video well you hang on a minute hang on a minute apparently you've stolen my green shulker box as well i saw the green chalkbox before it happened oh no that's got all my inputs in it dude that's full of emerald blocks oh that's a tough one that's an annoying one to lose that's actually now i feel now i feel a little bit bad because i've raced you to place camera vlog here thanks dude that's all that's all i have thanks right well now that we've started the live stream more probably i guess yeah i guess i need i need a bow now so we're gonna have to spend a bunch of time now enchanting up a bow man dude you make this into more than it is let me get you let me see you i i will show you how to get a ball check this out right okay i am going to do this super quickly and stop complaining so much man well i need to we're gonna have a good time today i need my infinity i need all of my like i need i need right that's fantastic come on come with me okay probably where's your nether portal above us it's above us make sure you don't show it make sure you don't show off like all the fancy parts of my face i've also got no food anymore by the way we're gonna need you didn't have any food i asked you do you have any golden carrots so you said no i don't have it no no i mean i i when i say i thought you meant extra for you i had enough for me i was chilling but there's a lot of there's just a lot of you right now a lot of oh i lost this i lost this how did you lose oh and i've fallen i've fallen under the i've fallen down goodness sake we're not even there yet where did you even go dude i don't have any arrows i flew to the shopping district okay this guy will fix your ball for you okay oh yeah how have you been dude i've been good i've been good i was i was feeling real real positive i was well up for this live stream i was like this is great iskall's a good friend he never he is he's a good friend he'll uh still is a good way what do you have i've just realized i think that oh gosh i've picked up your flint and steel how have you encountered it survived did my flinter steel survive yes okay that's the most important nice hold on um can you can you give me my flint and steel that's real mature dude don't even talk about maturity sir people are talking about the chariot again it's like the ch it's like the chat has like amnesia they it's like it's like they'll say something and then five minutes late and i will explain it and then five minutes later is it and then and then i'm like i know it's fine i've already i've already checked the chart and it's like okay okay okay okay five minutes later you know what you're doing right now is that you're creating a meme you're never now you're never going to stop having this issue what do you mean what the chara yeah i suppose yeah it's now going to be it's not going to be a cold green thing oh gosh don't say that well i just saw one go through the chat it's like they they pre-empted it where is infinity i can't see it in oh it's right in front of me dude dude i'm literally looking at it okay okay now follow me okay oop because for some reason some idiot blew me up and now i don't have any levels i can't believe that it was very funny there's a very funny prank that's so long-winded as well because i was generally i was sat there thinking like i was like jesus i hope this game doesn't go on for too long because this is we are there's only so long that i can go making this entertaining wow you already started you don't really go through my portal here no no come here and make sure you're starting all right no we're not going to your port make sure that you don't look at my base yeah i know you can't help it you've got wondering eyes yep i can't believe you'd already started thinking about how boring our segment was that's that's funny hey i'm a professional dude yeah i forgot to fly all right i'm on my way oh my god can you forget to fly i was right in front of you i know i couldn't take off as quite as smoothly as you did people are saying people are saying check the chart again yeah well it's been it's been five minutes it's been less than it it's actually worse than i thought if the doctor was here in the room they'd be like it's worse than i thought it's like chat cannot remember more than 35 seconds they retain information and wait for you because then i can do other things like drink some water i did hear you drink some water obnoxiously right in my ear hole right in the left dude i've got i've got these new bottles that i bought and it has changed my view fly up fly up ah fun [ __ ] it has it has changed my view on water i now drink a lot of water is this like a is this like a an ad placement are you gonna salt welcome to the best gold form on the server um this is how you make a gold farm how very day if you just fly up here on my way dude i'm on my way and let's just hope that no one else is in the nether now this is this is very cool it's um oh this is look at the rain dude yeah i mean mine's probably faster though i reckon you think yeah yeah well probably not probably not it's very loud yeah no i have i have the volume turned down when i'm here i think i think the success of a of a good farm is measured in how much you need to lower the volume i know i would actually say that you're correct man that's a that's a good can i think of a bad farm that requires no account like that you can just stuff a bunch of cows in a in a hole and that makes a ton of noise the chicken farm yep so you might be wrong there actually but this is very cool i must admit and i'm looking around i am quite envious mine is mine's nice mine's a nice little gold farm mine's like a i'm not like an organic gold farm yours is also good i mean i i never said anything you were the one to take swings look okay i am literally a glass house owner who's who has stone bazookas i'm like come on what's being in the most fragile house okay have you sorted my bow yes but this has a lot less enchantments than my one did i'm going to be quite frankly honest iskall but okay it's brilliant it's not it's just fine it's brilliant it's now all we need is arrows yes did you bring any no but i actually do have them at my industrial district so we can oh wait hang on does it have oh it does have infinity i was going to say really actually there i i probably have arrows in my industrial district too so we can just pop through here close and and we shall go look at this party in the front a business in the front this party in the back in this situation i like how many times you try to party i mean business in the front and business in the bank business everywhere business party in the middle business business on the side oh you're such an idiot sometimes dude who clicks a bed like that what yeah you have to admit i didn't quit though i think i won in conclusion i won the competition it wasn't actually a game it was it was a prank it wasn't actually a competition you should have you should have done that for the entire live stream like but just every single time i went to walk away to do more end busting you call me back over three hours into the live stream you then do that and then just stop streaming could you imagine that the feedback of that uh it would not be it would not be great i mean i personally am going to take a i'm going to take that clip out of context i'm going to send it to keemstar and i'm going to [Laughter] the drama report did you take your arrows i know no i should probably go over there no but they're here this is what i mean this is why you need to be pranked every now and again i'm a slow minecraft player that's it's definitely i'm definitely not fast-paced when you watch me play minecraft i've been watching like speed runs very recently occasionally and i was watching one of wii sports golf i think i actually told you about that i watched a bunch of speed runs of wii sports golf and it was great and then i saw some of the minecraft ones man the speed at which they managed to get through their inventory and things i'm i'm the slowest minecraft player on the planet of earth seriously i i will attest to that though really what is in like yeah you think i'm you you also think i'm the slowest minecraft player on the planet earth yeah ah i thought you were coming to my defense oh dude i run out of food i do have golden oh yeah i need i need food too golden apples did you not prepare food for us dude no no i was on my way to the shopping district oh okay we gotta go to the shopping district yeah i thought they had prepared food for us honestly well what how when because because you messaged me five minutes before we went live saying don't worry about food i have the golden carrots for you i definitely didn't i did not do that i messaged you going uh oh forgot we were streaming sort of give me ten that was that was the spin and that make it 15 because i need to fix use on food no i said make it 15 because i need to sort my minecraft player oh see i read food ah well i've got i've got some food now uh did you have rockets for me uh yes thankfully they were one of the few things that didn't get blown up he's such a cry baby i'm gonna bring this like hundreds of episodes down the line if i don't have something i'm gonna be like well that's one of the few things that didn't get blown up that's blown up that one was that was one of the things that got blown up i got blown up in the big bang the big bang took you took my rockets also in the great hermitcraft explosion of 2020. as if 2020 wasn't bad enough what do you want what did you what were you talking about is this my box this man no no that was my that was my box yeah but you have my books as well it's also purple what's what's going on they're both the same they're both exactly the same i'm so confused no not really all right all right are we ready yes okay you're getting lunch wait you already got one stack here you get two stacks for a diamond oh my goodness he's skimping out let's get two more stacks he's skimping out on us i got two more stacks okay okay now we have golden carrots for another explosion so uh i actually have another thing that i wanted to talk to you about oh good if we can leave this behind now okay okay so i'm ready to move on if you are i well i'll think about it i mean it was quite dramatic when you blew me up in the nether and then i had to intentional game design is that the name of your bed no no that's the name of how you die oh right i thought i thought we had discovered some strange bug are you coming to the nether i'm on my way i told you i'm a slow minecraft player right dude so i read this on reddit right there is a minigame you can play where you got a place you place okay let's just leave that there let's go okay were you are you going to try and catch me out with it again no not yes wait this is the wrong way we are really littering this place what are you doing why is there sound still there thumping beats how why do you have so many note blocks how many times are you planning on playing this game there are many targets my first person the noteblock was one of the few things that didn't get destroyed yeah we've still got those am i one of the am i am i the only person that you got that that you got with that or or are we are you on multiple casualties now no dude you're the only person that i want to oh right yeah yeah fair enough that's fine i am deserving i mean it's fair enough you know with my gold farm being so much better than yours you have to get get something back somehow yes yes i don't have an ender chest by the way i'm sure that's fine what did you say that now i mean dude who goes and busting without getting an ender chest i'm assuming i can just get one while i'm here surely oh i don't have any i don't have any no well oh but i do i do i do i do i do i do i do i do i do have a box nice and it's called the burn sticks the challenge burn sticks is that is it still called the sticks box yeah it looks like it's nice all right we got to pick we got to pick a location and i don't know the end has not been prudent in a long time so we're going to be oh how much durability okay i've got oh yeah these are your i think these might be yours honestly i'm not sure okay definitely well i've i've picked we've landed on one yeah let's go let's go this one i'm making it fine and secure for you you know what i watched the other day i watched the an animation of us when we when we came into the end that time and got blown up and then when well and it was fine and we were like laughing about it and then we went through one of these and then instantly blew up oh yeah yeah then you blew up i don't think i blew up oh yeah no you were fine yeah yeah yeah that was it oh look at this one but this is our this is the original this is this is not a good sign boss that's not his design because that's four months that's four months of people exploring the end that's right fly east where have you flown oh east straight east i see you still you should see me my goal is to not lose my coordinates because you know that always happens to me you know where i lie i'm like i'm like i can't see where i am and then i fly directly straight downwards oh god it's happening it's happening what is that what is minus oh no oh no we shouldn't uh you're flying east is kind of dumb really yeah oh no no but there's oh and we shall fly west that's so stupid right can you stick with me because otherwise i'm gonna you know no i really don't want to lose this near the right gear oh are you gonna cry i worked really hard for it well you mind 10 times as much sometimes as much now what have you been doing get it life loser wow that's rough for a man who's put it as a generous offer for for the hedge headscapes i'm saying that is because i saw i saw a tweet earlier that was just super obnoxious where it was like a guy who's like you know those like instagram videos where it's just people jumping off of waterfalls like just constantly jumping off of waterfalls and it's set to like motivational music and the camera why are there so many of those yeah i know and it's like yeah look what you could be doing with your life you could be jumping off waterfalls like me and it's uh it was basically like that and then the caption was uh stop playing video games like and basically do something with your life and i was like well that doesn't actually like i mean on the list of things that i find fun jumping off waterfalls like looks great on camera i'm sure it really does like in slow motion with like a orange and teal color grading and things like that it looks really fancy but then like in terms of actual enjoyment in life i can think of loads of things that are more fun than jumping off of waterfalls and then i just comment on how you just ninja at every single shout out yeah while i was floating in there you can't see the triggers just just keep talking as if it's not happening yeah they seem to fix that elijah thing by the way what's that you know where you could when you were levitated you could like fl float down oh can you not do that apparently not that sucks anyway waterfalls uh i i'll be honest i haven't actually seen a single one of these instagram things you're not the same parts of instagram that i am i seem like i clearly i'm not i'm not on instagram i don't have instagram what instagram i think we actually had this conversation last time i think no i don't think so no but you know those people i have a name because we always name our characters those people that are because it's the same as the people who are like right in front of me in front of my window right now there is a there is my neighbor a woman and she is doing outdoor gyming she's like exercising outdoors there's nothing wrong with that no no no it's just you know it's a little bit rainy it's not fully rainy so obviously you should be outdoors right yeah but there are a lot of people that you know it's fine doing that but there are a lot of people that preaches that because they do it i have to do it yes no i'm with you there i'm with you there oh i forgot about the stuff and the boot and the things and the in the process so what are the rules again for them i i can't remember i mean to us what what are we unbusting for because i've not really used any of the shulker boxes that we got last time 500 [Laughter] sorry that was really just so smooth so far you are winning so hard dude i've got nothing that is so funny well it's a group effort isn't it we should we oh i might actually not be in a good space here well the shulker boxes are shared regardless yeah but the winner that has the most shulker boxes takes all the extra loot right light just diamonds all of that stuff i think that's how we do it i think so something like that you know what i'm just here for the laughs i'm not i'm not here for any serious competition or anything like that but if i do win okay you'll never hear that's good that you say that because i need i need 560 shark boxes so i was thinking since you don't really care no that that actually genuinely not even joking right now that makes sense like that makes total sense that you would get the shulker boxes and then i get to keep all the diamond stuff i think that sounds fair i also need diamonds [Music] i just spent four diamonds on getting your ball back four diamonds don't even think about complaining about four diamonds with all the stuff that you exploded i lost almost everything in that in that blast i lost almost everything you knocked me back about four episodes in terms of progress right yeah you know your viewers are gonna believe that now they're gonna be like do you guys remember this is gal he's not actually a good guy he he killed he killed mambo and and he lost all his stuff he's lost more he's lost four episodes yeah he's down he's lost he's lost all of his and his life i've lost all my subscribers as well people unsubscribed when they saw that happen they were like oh my god what a noob yeah and that's funny this is how i can't watch this guy anymore he fell for that oh yeah not even my brother falls for that i'm wondering you do realize how much you have watching that yeah i was gonna say you have killed you've killed far more than just me by doing that let me tell ya i watched i watched a documentary last night about genghis khan right and the fact that he killed 40 million people and like 10 of the world's population well congratulations you just did the minecraft equivalent mate that's what you've just done wow many little brothers actually you are actually right there it's actually meant to be a a soft g it's actually youngest youngest khan so you're actually who this is you don't know about genghis khan no and quite frankly we have to describe who this genghis person is i feel like i'm better off you probably wouldn't want to know about him no he was at it was in in mongolia in the 1200s um was just a a terrible terrible ruler killed 10 of the world's population um estimated 40 million people he's a a pretty serious dude did they find photos from it there were no photos there were a few selfies from the time being like oh no jengas is here oh gosh snapchat film no seriously it is interesting though how do they know yeah see this is this is the thing i mean they're very they're very rough estimates i would imagine and there's there's also no pictures of of genghis khan so so nobody knows what he looks like but he so it may in theory without disrespecting any of the relatives of the genghis khan massacre the main theory be one person that wrote the book and he hated he hated his best friend who he was no longer best friends with who was named jengi yep well imagine that yeah because like in the future we might they might discover like you know you know people carve things into trees that are just ridiculous like that might be taken seriously in the future or even oh yeah like spraying loves mambo loves this color like that must have really loved this girl um yeah it could go like that in the 2000s estimated there was once a mustache man that we have found some very ancient videos of this idiot a charming brit imagine did he study hermit challenges there was a there was a ritual known as hermit challenges it seemed to have been performed somewhat at random nobody saw it coming and no one is nobody saw it leaving nobody understands that this day are you proud of me i've actually cleared out this big room have you i thought i cleared out a big room oh well what's there two big rooms how many how many shelves do you have uh i have 42. oh yeah with with the fact that you stole every single one in the first one yeah that's actually pretty bad it's 548 what i swear you actually have like a little duplicator you have a you have like a little inventory maybe you have somebody who works for you who's like counterfeiting shulker shells on the side i do i do i really know you know what you know what the name is of him go on skills with a with an s skills with an s or with a z with an s i i said it so that you wouldn't ask what do you mean with an s and you go skills with an s or a zed but here's the thing skills as in the skills as in you've got mad skills you spell that with a zed whereas if you just if it's just general skills there's no this is just an unexcited person it's not really so not one of those people because the guy working for me it's called mad skills with his head and two a's he's pretty bad at this job dude he spent he spent too long focusing on the name and not enough time actually he's been throwing it he's been drawing his name yeah he's been drawing his name in graffiti like on my walls like mad skills all over the place and you know he's been tagging everything he hasn't really put much time into account of it in my shulker boxes but i still have hope that he's gonna he's gonna come through in the end every time we do an end bust my eyes start hurting it's because i laugh so much that's good try and i don't have any cotton balls you've got no cotton balls mad skills just pinch them as well he's just he's a man of many talents he's a he's a he's a real nice guy this was actually a really good entity though my goodness it was pretty good i enjoyed it i had fun are we done i believe so okay where are we heading we're heading west westwood we are heading west where are you okay are you okay back there are you scared i'm okay i'm all right wait you know did i really forget about that the dragon head yeah oh that's pain i have i forgot to bring any drinks with me into my uh into my store today so i'm gonna be i'm gonna sound like an 80s rock singer by the end of this oh there's an entity and it's got a boot wait are you enjoying a drink are you enjoying a beverage yes yes that i've been watching the speedrunners dude i'm straight in that was that was insane that was so talented that was actually i felt good doing it dude you know that's really improved my mood why i just shot myself on this i mean okay that's impressive okay well i'm glad i'm glad i got your support i don't know where i'm off to it's annoying though you can't do this trick anymore i know i've really missed it i had not realized how much we actually relied on it because it made so much it made it so much easier yeah but i mean it probably was a little bit overpowered it did kind of make the the old shulkers not the most like the fact that we could just kind of sort it out yes and just fly maybe made it a little bit worse yes but yeah did you craft saddles now i'm not sure actually boom what was he gonna say did i no no no i mean i i just found it interesting because the other day i asked people what they would like to see next in terms of like minecraft updates and obviously immediately everyone said the cave update and i wonder about the cave update thing i'd be interested to hear your opinion on this do you think people say the cave update because they want a cave update or because it's really popular to say cave update interesting i think they would say it because it's really popular to say it honestly yeah that's what i wonder because i i am not sure how much of a cave update minecraft really needs would you agree like i mean i don't know what they could do the caving in minecraft is is kind of it's a little bit dull but yeah but still yeah it's still it's still minecraft yeah it's very minecrafty what would they add i mean i guess there's something to be said about abandoned mine shafts maybe being improved a little bit potentially like the dungeons and the strongholds and stuff like that could maybe get like a little bit of an upgrade would you want more structures underground really because i quite like the fact that you've just got caves you know it is it is what it is unless they are unless they are referring to like okay if we get a cave update oh no if we get a game update we we don't have to uh you're struggling to talk now while trying to find out if if we ever if we have a cave update we don't need any our diorite disappears now that would be yeah imagine that the update is nothing other than diorite is just it just goes it's the diamond right there i would honestly i would honestly be sad it would be yeah what you would lose all purpose i'm nothing but a hater you're like you're like you're like batman and the joker like they kind of need one another they don't want to kill one another because it's too fun it's like like the joker is the perfect villain to batman you are you aren't you want iska without dara right so so a little bit of a little bit of a recap of today we have been streaming for about 45 minutes and so far i have been called genghis khan and a man without purpose have you flown off by the way yes yes i heard you i heard you i heard you i was just about to west west oh okay so with this with this talk about people people saying cave update just because of popular opinion yeah what would you want for what would be your dream update i wouldn't mind like another another redstone update obviously i'm always going to be all for that to be honest with you but i i still don't really i like the idea of like a rotator block that would be quite interesting i think that would be like a completely new thing like a piston with an axle yeah so like it can twist i mean obviously movable tile entities like chests and dispen like that's the that's the obvious thing that seems to be possible in a lot of mods and also carpet mod that that mojang just does not seem to add which is interesting to me um so that would be nice getting some some of those sorts of upgrades uh but yeah in terms of like the actual kind of full theme of the update i'm honestly not really sure a lot of people when i asked when i said you now can't say the cave update because i felt like people were just saying it because it was really popular a lot of people said end update which is interesting because we it feels like we just recently got this this update i mean when was that maybe to be honest it was it was pretty bad and it's still pretty bad yeah i mean it's not the best dimension but we got we did get elytra and shogun boxes we're literally doing the things that we got in the end yeah but i think people are more about the aesthetics and like yeah you are here like a mega dragon maybe more bosses stuff like that more bosses could be interesting yeah well i'll tell you i'll tell you i need rockets i'll tell you what i'll tell you what i would like to see as an update yep i would love to see a cave update you know like i played the caves i mean i'm not saying that like i was just waiting for you to ask me what i would see the thing is i'm not i'm not saying that it wouldn't be good to have a cave update because i do genuinely think that a cave update could actually be quite cool but like when when people people scream cave update and then it's like well what do you want the cave update it's like i don't i don't know just more caves the caves must be changed it's like what do you want changed with the caves what's wrong with them i would like underground biomes honestly i would like biome specific oh that's specific blocks in it so like you could find yes oh yeah like a jungle cave would be cool yeah biome specific caves or like a desert cave would be pretty just just underground biomes and maybe like i don't know i like i think i think like so you know you've got like the standard mob spawner nowadays we don't really make xp farms with those anymore i i reckon it could be cool if you could get like a boss sized one that has like eight spawners and then it's actually difficult to try and stop yes and then you could because i always look at things from like uh could we make cool farms out of it as well perspective and like that could be fun if you could have like boss rooms with like giant mob spawners and stuff like that i'm so glad people are still saying charity in my chat that's my face sorry i'm just drinking some beverages you're so annoying listen to my empty cup that's my empty cup yep my empty goblet i just got a big sub a big big uh what's it called donation from poultryman for both of us oh really saying i didn't expect the hermit challenge nobody expects the hermit challenge our chief weapon is surprised surprise and fear fear and surprise our two weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless efficancy efficiency are three weapons i am very confused i'm just gonna say that was like a that's like a that's like a modern art poem like it's like that doesn't make sense it's not supposed to make sense that's the art yeah dude i why are peop people there are so there are people there's so many people like that where you're like i feel so dumb you know because [Laughter] yeah right what is with that anyway that's so weird it's like oh i see oh rodney i see that you have joined the art show this week oh yes i'm here oh rodney goes yes i'm here to enjoy the finer things in life and then and then the first person goes oh well that's too bad because i bet i do you do not i don't know what i'm saying but you know what i mean you know today we're going to watch lisa take a dump on a chair yeah and it's like oh good yeah and then you go like well i don't i don't particularly enjoy watching lisa take a dump in a chair i'm more of a simpson guy no clearly clearly have no brains clearly quite dumb yes clearly no culture this man this man has no culture no culture watching yellow characters in our comics lisa dumping on the channel that's what we need to take a poop instead oh dear well that's that's the direction i didn't expect things to go but i'm glad that it did [Laughter] but no it's very it's so it's so funny though like it is it is one of those actually yeah well actually this is art i have you know well yeah i i don't see anything i just see i see it's a white is it a tree is it a tree it's like you see you see a you see it you see a picture or a painting that's clearly a tree it's like oh this is so fantastically wonderful i cannot believe what kind of what kind of mindset this person has has captured in this drawing and his art oh my goodness it's like i i'm sorry but is it more than a tree a tree oh is there anything more than a tree yeah i mean trust me like i i i run into that occasionally in in in the film world and it's uh yeah there's a lot of it like there's some there's some films like you know i i spend we've discussed this you know i spent a lot of time on vimeo and i spent a lot of time watching commercials on vimeo because i'm very dull i enjoy watching hobby but yeah well i just you know some commercials are like beautifully well made but vimeo is also a place where you know there's there's a lot of that sort of art and you'll watch like a a two-minute video and you come out of it going like that makes no sense to anyone apart from the person who made the video like only the person who made the video knows what that was meant to mean yeah it's like this is it's some like black and white grainy footage of someone's like toenail for like 10 seconds on the screen and then there's like a black and white out of focus shot of some tree that's been turned sideways and it's set to like [Laughter] speaking about commercials that are not artworks that are just funny because that's also a good thing yeah do you remember i i think it's a german uh commercial but i think it's like a meme now right have you ever seen do you want to learn english commercials no well there is this guy is this the best commercial ever you will get spammed it on twitter afterwards i'm sure or now like it's probably already happening yes it's probably already happening i'm gonna try and recreate it oh gosh okay but it's hard because i can't do a good german accent okay basically is going to be horrendously offensive to anyone who's german who's watching this is this going to be no because actually maybe no i don't know no it's i have to do it now but yeah you can't you can't not i have to do it now god dang it have you left this area by the way no the setting is a young a young soldier or a young worker at the german coast guard getting introduced into into into the uh he's starting his first day yeah i guess commercials was a bit racist in the past wasn't they i mean yeah there was thursday his first day and he sits down and you know how it looks at those stations like the coast guard where you have your microphone yep and and you sit there and watch a raider go yup and then all of a sudden as he's sitting there there is a there is a mayday all right may day my day it's brits obviously yeah my day my day we think we're sinking we're sinking and he very calmly answers hello this is the german coast guard yep what are you thinking about i mean that is like the cheesiest joke in the world that is like i think it's so hilarious but i guess it is a bit i mean it's a bit racist it's a tiny bit i mean not really i mean i don't know i don't know whether the rules that like there's certain accents that obviously you can't put on and you can't take the mick out of them then there's some that you can i don't know if the german accent is one that you are that you can take the mick out of i guess i guess like for example you doing a northern english accent is not offensive no i don't know well that was irish no it wasn't i can't do more than and now when you've said it no that wasn't irish oh irish is more like this you you close your lips and you you i very quickly just end the sentence hello hello good have you left by the way yes you're the worst what i thought that you saw me no leave no i was i joke's on you because i got four more shulker shells mate jokes on you what are you what are you up to now maybe 55. what that's terrible i got two stacks what how do you always get twice as many as me it doesn't actually make any sense how you always seem to get twice as many as me fire mad skills mad skills stop graffiti in my room you're fired get yourself a rupert you've got rupert again oh yeah i forgot about rupert the thing is he's under your desk the thing is rupert rupert was a great friend but we had a bit of a fallout right i found another entity by the way oh nice oh same yeah probably the same one being honest we we had we had a bit of a fallout me and rupert oh yeah he in the morning you know his one of the things that he did for me was make my tea yeah yep coffee i don't know why i said tea that's weird not a tea drinker so he was doing that right and what did he do and then one day he didn't he didn't and then so you fired him no that would be rude fire people what did you do oh you hadn't you just had a falling out we are falling out yes okay and then he hasn't done anything since i have learned in life that it's better to if you're unsatisfied with something it's better to say nothing and then complaining about it to your friends when you're embossed oh yeah yeah yeah he thinks he's doing great he's like well there was that one time that i didn't quite do the tea and we had a bit of a spat about it but now i think it's fine and then you're still this was four years ago wasn't it this was four years ago but yeah all three years ago three years ago i i'm not gonna four years ago everything was fine four years ago everything was great and then yeah it was back in 2017. rupert it was it was march of 2017 we forgot to do the tea that that one time and you still haven't yet quite healed i haven't spoken with him since then yeah but he still gets his paycheck so that's good well you know what you know what i can kind of i can unbelievable you see that walk in sidestep that was pretty smooth that was very very smooth but yeah you know what i kind of feel a bit like rupa at the minute because you know i'm sure in in fact no i feel like he had a fallout because in 2023 you know in three years time i'm still going to be stewing about the fact that you blew me up at the start of this live stream i'm going to be thinking it's like this cow is he's great like he's all right i do like it but there was that one time on june the 21st of 2020 so he played a little sneaky trick on me it made me change me actions he did you may see this [Music] it's like the most common thing i guess so i mean i don't really notice english accents i guess because i i got one yeah but you've got a very like subtle a very what like a very settled one settled one oh subtle thanks for just hey [Laughter] yeah that was a group effort that was a group effort it was a group oh you didn't you didn't get it no i got it i got it i'm up to 12. did i not no no you would have had you would have had an uneven amount because it was just one but i've got yeah but i had nine this is the thing i had nine you took one of mine earlier so you've been sneaking in i've got an evil i've got an even amount so that's weird so we both have even amounts now yeah that's a strange got 12 and i got 64. all right are we going west again this this end city was a big disappointment it was i thought there would be more it didn't just let us down it let itself down can i just have a big a big a big thank you i know i should mute and say this but a big thank you because mumbo jumbo i have just reached 2 900 subscribers that's pretty good going that's very good going in fact congratulations i'm a mega mega happy with wait did you watch these speed videos to know what block to break on the boat no no i just i learned that because i'm of superior intellect [Laughter] that is so funny this end city is gigantic by the way this is a also another thing yes the end hasn't been proven so have we just been mega lucky yeah this is what i was thinking have we somehow single cities yeah we've gone in a direction that hasn't actually been been before which is weird considering we've we've gone like every single direction and not found anything for days there has been some slightly dull end city and busting uh live streams we've done in the past i thought the funniest thing was that first one we did this season yep if if you watch that back like how hilarious isn't it that and also unfair i am placing all the blocks yeah and you're just walking oh yeah i'd forgotten about that yeah me just walking along by the side of you being like well what did we do in the end with that one because i like we are what happened though we went and bought the light class that was it that was it i was gonna say i know there was something that we we didn't end up going all the way just on bridges i just couldn't remember what we'd actually done to solve it yeah that's so funny embarrassing to be honest i had no idea from the beginning yeah that would have been that would have been wise that's so funny oh i am out of ender pearls are you i actually have a whole box of them if you if you'd like some extras oh no no i have a box i just can't be bothered to open it to be honest i don't know how you can be so good at minecraft while also being like mildly lazy what well you know like you're like you're like mildly lazy like not the first thing good at minecraft oh you are i would consider you to be a good minecraft like when i watch your videos i'm like how why is his so much more fluid than mine like mine i'm looking all over the place like i'm falling off of things i'm not moving very fast i'm like fumbling through my inventory and then i watch your videos and it's like it's like you have macros for everything i'll give you the i'll give you the gist of it yes editing oh do you just kind of oh my goodness i there's actually i i have a little bit of a trick or a little bit of a secret i suppose go on i can get this is not a good thing though really i can get so annoyed with myself like if i start a clip and i'm like mega excited about something and then and then it's too late in the day like it turns night just as i do it i will i will redo it dude i will cut it out and redo it and then and then the new one isn't as good so then i end up using the original one but i would be annoyed at myself i'll be like that's so how could i let myself how could i let it be night but it's night i i i i'm in any kind of gate any kind of day guy i might i just record all the time i will record in the middle it's not raining though oh yeah rains that's a problem that's a problem because youtube youtube compression and minecraft rain it's like oh have fun with that it's just going to be a big old combo just a soup a soup of pixels i had us on the topic of that sort of thing this is maybe very uninteresting i had a bit of a stressful day yesterday because i was uh i was i had sent off a a video to a client that i had made filming-wise and they sent over like the delivery requirements that had to be in prores which is an apple thing and windows computers don't support it but it is an industry standard so i can't exactly turn around and say i can't do that so i had to like go and dig up a 10 year old apple mac and try and install all of this new fanciness what don earth happened there did the same thing he did the same thing you're supposed to not play it on your own green i was gonna say how did he do that anyway yeah i and then and then oh it was just i had to install all the editing programs i had to load everything up onto it it took me hours and hours and hours and i got very very upset and i got very stressed out because i was like it's just gonna be so embarrassing i'm gonna have to say to this person i i can't export your video properly sorry but thankfully i solved it might be the dullest story i've ever told on this on on a live stream actually i'm sorry to everyone who had to listen to that i'm sitting here thinking of how can i turn this okay i'm actually i'm like thinking i'm sitting here thinking um oh this is this is this is getting gonna be boring i wonder how long this is going to go on for far too long i guess we're even now yeah no reason because i did that with the game it's very interesting but at least the game had a climax mine just went well and then i sent it off and it was all right like he was like cool cheers and i was like that's great yeah no it's nice i didn't really mention how much effort i put into doing it i was just like i was gonna say did you did you tell the story to the client please no because he would be he wouldn't be the one person who cares yeah but he'd also be like all right well you've got it there haven't you so you're kind of sorted yeah i think that's the entire audience yeah thinking the exact same yeah yeah everyone's thinking the same thing everyone is thinking the same thing at least i'm glad okay at least i owned up to the fact that it was adult story at least i didn't let everyone sit sit through that i mean not at least acknowledge that that might be the dullest story i think i've ever told in my entire life i actually went red as i was telling it because i was like this is getting done i mean at least yeah at least you didn't think that the earth was flat like some idiots no don't start this again it's starting again i i just think i just think we should have it once a stream once a stream agreed to that i mean it should be yeah that's kind of like it's like the national science board we're doing like the we're doing the earth's duty by by letting the world know that it's yeah letting the population of earth know that it is in fact we are on a sphere but i did people don't believe in science yep i mean yeah it is definitely a problem i can't i can't get into it again just because you've talked about it so much and yeah now let's let's not talk about it okay anymore i mean honestly it's quite offensive i actually watched a documentary about it the other day oh no how can we not talk about it now no no no it's all good it was it was just it was talking about why people think it did you know that it's it's actually a very recent thing that people started thinking that the world was flat so they knew were they bored yeah they it's it's a it's basically oh you know what i i we won't get into it no but it's it's like a really recent thing so it's been it's been it's been proven that the earth was round for like thousands of years now and then and then it's only in the past couple hundred years where basically some scientists came along and these these scientists okay i'm i'm with them on a mental level okay because this is basically what they said they said that modern science uses techniques that are far too complicated that can't be seen with the naked eye so we're going to do simple science right that's what they said you are this is you're really undermining my little point here you are one of those scientists right now so you're one of the scientists who went like this one science it modern science right nobody understands it so we're going to do our own science everybody understands so then they started doing their own science and making up their own experiments which don't quite work because they don't take into account all of the complicated things right and then they proved that the earth was flat through doing some some some measurements and things using their experiments that don't quite work and were these people scientists scientists but i'm doing like the inverted comments signs also they they work they work for dhl jesus no i just i just mean no they they probably had other they probably had other jobs they probably weren't no they don't seem like they were scientists by the definition of a scientist kind of thing are we done here are we still going okay you're still gone is this big room being cleared yep but yeah so you know that was the uh that's the gist of that was the punch of that one oh dude right okay you looking very magical out there right and i'm i i did say i just hovered up next to you hello but yeah i did say i didn't want to talk about it because i knew it was a dull story i didn't want to get onto the flat earth stuff because there's not really much to talk about the earth isn't flat so there's not much that we can why did you have why did you have to say right why did you have to say i watched the documentary the other day because obviously the truly single one yeah but truth prevails yeah every single one is going to want to hear what kind of documentary you want okay well all it was was that you know what i don't have to re-explain it all right because clearly it was done enough the first time okay i just wanted to explain how flat earth came about again even though we kind of got this sorted we've had this sorted since like the ancient greek times you know we've had it worked out we had it pinned up that was not something that people thought was going to come back and yet here we are in 2020 people thinking the earth is flat and it's because of scientists thinking that other scientists were doing complicated science they didn't like the complicated science that was going on and by scientists you mean people that worked for dhl i don't think there was dhl in the 1800s but no but the modern ones also i do like dhl me too it's a great company yeah yeah so i i mean you know what and also dhlp ups on the other hand right there no no i'm just i'm just kidding but they also dhl probably has more understanding of of the the circularness or sphericalness of the earth because they have to travel around it all the time to deliver stuff travel around it yeah i have one question for flat earthers before we move on i have flown west by the way good good great i'm glad you've done that and left me you haven't left yet no like two thousand blocks dude are you joking me no what dude your flag is flat i don't even know what that means [Music] i found another entity oh good i'll wait for you i won't i will just kill this one shulker because he was looking up oh no hit teleport away i'll just wait for you people are saying earth is charity and i think i agree earth is charity that that's actually yeah let's let's conclude with earth earth but no i have one more question about the dna no no no no oh oh please no please what is it no i'm not gonna i'm not gonna i'm not gonna ask my question now ah ruined it you have ruined it this count is flat everyone's saying this gal is flat dude how do you feel good flat fans you are 2d two-dimensional oh so whereabouts are you then i've just flown straight west straight away can't miss me don't miss me um minus fourteen thousand on the old x oh you found what could show you i can't see it right i'm gonna go for a mad shot here that was pretty pretty close not great i missed every single one you did i really did yeah i stood still also no you did not move you didn't know i've got no one else to blame it myself all right to be honest what are these new shocker heads i've never seen them before i don't actually have one no i just got another one like yellow yeah well i mean to be fair there are shelter heads they're just not yeah that makes more sense actually yeah it does whoa whoa whoa just actually me i just found a bunch of diamonds have you not found any diamonds for the for the no but it's all right because i don't actually have to worry about that much because you're getting all the sugar shells aren't you and i'm getting all of the the diamonds no no did we not agree dude we did not agree to that wait so we didn't agree to that but what am i doing then no well we're doing the normal challenge thing you get half i get half and then i can buy the rest of you if you're selling them if i'm selling them yeah my goodness but the winner still takes the uh the goodies oh my goodness oh so you're offering to buy my shulker boxes off me yes i see all four stacks not four stacks four yes this is getting so frustrating i haven't had ender pearls on my bar for a long time and i keep keep going to use them no i just keep getting childcare well i tell you what okay i've got another dull story for you i haven't used a ender pearl in a long long time right yesterday i had some on me and i thought you know what okay it's been it's been it's been years all right i'm gonna do it i'm gonna use an enderpearl i got a little bit teary-eyed at the thought of doing it you know it felt like a big moment for me and the pearl gets stuck in a wall and almost died and i was like well that's [Laughter] i'm taking time off again yeah i love independence i've never used them now that i've got now i've got the uh the old elytra yeah yeah i just i just use i just use that i just rock it around but but when you when you do a redstone contraption and specifically you with the way you design your redstone contraptions they are sometimes not always but sometimes they're very hard to build in survival oh oh i see so you're just gonna come in here right by the way have you seen my shulker box because apparently i left it behind but it's got all the stuff that i used for is it in here oh good well i might have lost all the stuff that i've gathered what did it blow up in the bedroom yeah i would have had it if you hadn't blown me up that time i definitely have less i've left it behind somewhere did you know that there is a i can't believe that you've actually done that have you actually lost all the stuff that you've collected i mean not lost it it's just in one of the rooms it's lost well it's temporarily not here all right i'm gonna i'm gonna do this did you know that there is a uh talk like a pirate day officially is there there is i think it's like 19th of september really yes well that's like but then then again there are there seems to be days for everything it's like today is nationals where on soccer today is national put toenails on other people's beds day today is picking a day you know like there's all these days why are you just doing the the one thing you can think of on the spot when you have to think of days is pick your nose and eat it thing so finally i am accepted i can do this in public [Laughter] not even bear grylls does that dude i wonder how many calories there are in it how many calories do you reckon there are in a in a prime bogey like a like a a really good one i just shivered this is not this is not a discussion i'd like to i'm going to google it after we finish so i can because you know i'm i'm currently on a bit of a diet you know i'm using myfitnesspal i want to make sure that i count every calorie 10 grams of boogie 11 grams of carbs 14 grams of protein getting them gains that would be funny well i've totally lost my juggle box by the way this is problem stations i uh how does it look what color is it it's it is it's square yep yep and i wasn't expecting to be around to be honest so it's square and it's powerful mainly okay brilliant retrace your step but i don't know where i've stepped everything kind of looks the same doesn't it how do you even manage to do that did i leave it in the other ender chest in the other in the other one in the other end city that would be a problem how far away was that though because that seems like it was much 2000 blocks away i know which room it was in it's in the room that has the chest and the ender chest right yes there are many many other rooms like that okay did you break the under chest in it unless it's no but i did take everything out of the chest so the under chest is still in that room uh should be yes how do i do this this is great i don't know i don't know how i did it well you probably placed it down and then you left oh yeah that just sounded like something that i would do actually yeah yeah not everything is a signs all right we'll have to fly back then i mean it's not in the other apparently is is it in this one did you pick it up i think you've no you've taken my own you've taken my shoulder box haven't you no i haven't and you're trying to play it down i i'm not okay i know that i know this would be this would be a thing i i understand why i would get accused for this yeah it might be something that would be funny and that i would do yes but i haven't i haven't actually taken it i feel like i keep going in the same one okay so there's this one and then there's this other room that looks exactly the same oh it was here it was here so the end of chest is gone you might have come by and actually picked up the under chest where yeah that's i do that so all the gold is gone i did not pick up the gold people are asking also i don't know what to say to green because my concrete white maker was fixed so i don't know what he's managed to do to my concrete break maker uh is it broken well it does seem to be i'm not sure i really don't know where this i'm so confused it's in the lowest room apparently is there a low room are you listening to your chat yeah because they're just gonna tell you oh oh they hadn't they are they actually helped the chat helped goodness gracious me wait a minute hang on can we take can we do a trumpet solo together ready yes [Music] the first day that chat has ever helped this is why i live stream on youtube instead of twitch you know oh but all i'm saying is is that my chat were the ones that found it that's all i'm saying your chat did nada where have you gone by the way oh uh i have flown west i thought you just completely stopped talking to me i did a second i spoke with my chat oh what were you saying are you having a secret conversation with your with your your loyal band of twitch followers yes twitch lovers [Music] that doesn't happen on twitch sorry that that does not happen on twitch actually i what did you just throw out um the chalky box that i found with emeralds in it i'm gonna i'm gonna bring that up next time next time i'm doing any any form of village training so you have to do some military if you don't have any emeralds left by the way yeah well oh i was actually going to talk to you about that all right you know what i need what emeralds i need lots and lots of emeralds dig and yeah and question because you are doing it with iron aren't you yeah see i'm practicing saying iron i play minecraft and one could argue that i have reasons to say iron more than the average average person right right yeah i'm still on top of this chest because it takes some time for you to break it from underneath um but for some reason i have yeah i have i have an issue with saying iron correctly so maybe we can have a little bit of a practice well here's the problem so you've got you've got the iron side weird all right i think i can say iron okay my problem is ingot because i say ingot and apparently it's inga but that doesn't make any sense to me it's ingot english i think oh gold ingot i say ingot or ingot i say it very much like ingot ingot it doesn't actually sound like english now that i'm saying it ingot no no nobody it like that but you're not saying it naturally no i'm really not i don't even know what i sound like i sound like something from lord of the rings i am english welcome back bamboo baggins oh no not that again that is a that is no i i honestly i wanted to keep your sugarcane suit i think it's fan it really does suit me doesn't it it does look good someone said it looks very similar to my architect suit from the last season are you sure did you use what taylor did you use i'm trying to think what that looked like that was like a green suit it was a green suit wasn't it yeah it doesn't it doesn't actually look far off yeah no they they are right there what what taylor did you use uh that's no no don't just get no no that's not an ender chest for you to take too oh i mean i can take you taking my shulker shells that's fine but you just straight up staining my energy from in front of me i mean that's a little bit far mate i don't have to call you out sorry dude normally i stay quiet on these sorts of things all right well west west of this west let's go do you mean normally you stay quiet you've cried half of the stream because you're going to play a bed [Music] what i don't know what kind of sun was that i don't know but somebody's probably gonna remix it into something like remixing happening there is a lot of remixing you got that is an enormous entity yes should we i have an idea yes what if why don't we try and come up with the least remixable sound because coming up with remixable sounds you could just go like shock and shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder box box box box and then like it's like that makes life easy for the person who's who's remixing but what if you can make a sound that is so bad that it can't be remixed like there's no way it's like it's impossible this is a good idea okay [Music] [Laughter] no that that was perfect i would remix like if i was a remixer right i would be i'd be remixing as that happened that as soon as that came out that's basically a song already mate you've completely failed that challenge yeah did you that's the sort of music i listen to what kind of music what kind of music okay fine i think i think speaking about remixes i just have to say while it's in my brain head one of the funniest things yeah was that sound test we did and i had my guitar out oh my goodness yeah we need you still need to work on your album dude and so few people must have seen that in comparison to i mean a lot of people saw it but yeah the end of the video i should i i'm going to start oh did you have it in the interview video i think i did i think it was right there i just had it on twitter i thought it would just happen oh it was on twitter wasn't it oh yeah because i've asked people in livestream i'd be like have you seen this and they're like no no twitter what is twitter what is twitter yeah it is funny isn't it because they're the number of people yeah the number of people who follow you on twitter like like any any minecraft youtubers really is so much lower than on on youtube i mean i post some hilarious jokes on twitter all day long you know and they get seen by about four people yeah i i posted just just like the other day i posted mumbo jumbos gold form is better than mine like that was a real funny joke and that's why you've got no followers dude it got two likes and five dislikes there's no dislikes on twitter but fine well there was on that one there was twitter gave gave an option for a dislike button on that one tweet that's actually an interesting concept that i've never thought about twitter is one of the few a few platforms that has disliked or know this is not true youtube is one of the only ones where people can dislike stuff instagram's only likes facebook i think is only likes you can't dislike why does youtube have dislikes yeah it does seem like it's a good way for people not to feel good about the stuff they make yeah it's like because you actually like i i haven't i would very rarely dislike something on youtube like very good you have just like something have you yeah i mean because i was about to start i would have never done how did i feel how did it feel great it felt amazing all the power it's like did you write first afterwards afterwards because that's the that's the worst that's the ultimate you get them on every video nowadays what the fast like oh they've existed for years no no no no first to dislike uh yeah yeah yeah think about how sad that is the person can't even be quick enough to be at the video to write first so he has to wait and be number 611 which is when the first dislike comes in yeah i mean only to find out that there was someone before him there was actually a real hater that went this is bad i mean how many people do you reckon are subscribed to you that really don't like you and will like they're subscribed to you so they can click on their your videos and just dislike them because they've got their because because here's the thing like when i upload a video within the first 10 minutes there's like a couple hundred dislikes no matter what happens or maybe like 50. you know so and that's within the first 10 minutes now there's no way that the people who are clicking on that they're not just searching they're not going like and if if they are just searching mumbo jumbo that's even weirder because they must do that a lot throughout the day but or that or they have your schedule like yeah they've got it they've got a plan he was meant to it's nine o'clock mumbo jumbo has posted let me just do my daily deeds there's one job for the day he's just got to do this it's it's the art guy it is it is that's what it is they watch your video and they're like this is new everyone this mumbo jumbo hello everyone this is mumbo and welcome back to another episode on the hermitcraft server they're like well clearly not not clearly not culture no culture again again one day i'll make a video for them and there will just be some obscure peace and there and then they'll be like then you'll get the real dislikes yeah then i'll get the purpose yeah well it's funny isn't it how that how that goes down and yeah there might be a decent number of people who are subscribed purely to just dislike you know i think i i hate to think that there is but i think we all want to know what video you disliked i mean i genuinely i couldn't tell you and i've but let me try and think let me try and think of a video that i've disliked uh well there was your latest video there was there oh how did that actually happen i'm floating up i must have gone i must have got hit by literally that was like his dying breath he was like yeah shoot it up at him yeah is that honestly like i'm i'm i'm not trying to be rude but yeah by the way people that say that i'm not trying to be rude but they're always rude aren't they yep not trying to be rude you have a little um there you go it finally got to you that thing was flying around i thought you were referring to to not being rude once yep not being rude but i think you are kind of bad green's blown up my concrete thing i think oh i can hear the stress in your voice just thinking about that i'm fine to be fair that's just a that's just the second one he blows up nice nice nice nice not that bad right how am i going to say well you you were saying that i was bad at it and i don't think there was more point to it than i'm just started no to be rude are we flying away by the way yes so you have to be not to be rude no you're not going east we're going west yeah no i was i flew the wrong way oh yeah someone in chat is saying to be fair that's enough to be fair yeah to be fair you say that all the time yeah i do this building looks good i mean to be fair he's built it with diorite but it looks good yeah yeah it's a little bit it does come out a little bit backhanded doesn't it backhand did you play tennis ever i did actually i used to be quite good at tennis my mum really loves tennis and really wanted me to be like a tennis player because apparently it's like a big deal that i'm left-handed apparently tennis players generally are good because they're left-handed and i'm pretty tall as well and um yeah and she was like super into me being a tennis player and then i was just like mum i just want to go to the skate park to be honest with you and she was crushed and she hasn't spoken to me since oh ruben situation i'm joking i just wanted to see how you'd react you're saying oh it's a situation you invade you invoke your made-up butler it's the funniest reaction to me potentially saying that my mum disowned me because i didn't play tennis that was your genuine genuine responses oh no it's a rupee situation i'm familiar with this heard about it believed it been there yes yes go on then go on dead yeah that's so funny um but yes i i did used to play tennis but that's that's uh i don't think that has anything to do with a backhanded comment though i wouldn't have thought oh there's backhand antennas well of course yeah yeah no you are right i used to play tennis as well did you yep that's cool it is quite fun no i didn't like it yeah it's all right it's like i'd rather like never play it yeah put it this way if i never had to play tennis again not fast really not fast really like you couldn't care less what is grian on about he's having a discussion with himself yeah it's definitely broken the pistons get butt powered after a short time so something definitely changed in 116 the flux capacitor stopped working and the quasi connectivity was interrupted resulting in a false positive this is one of those things i definitely cannot troubleshoot a redstone contraption while i'm not looking at a redstone contraption so i'm just going to leave him to it uh apparently it's left yeah i know i know the thing is i i'm fairly certain it is working i think the only thing that could have changed is the way that redstone now powers blocks so but nothing should have broken i think maybe the clock got a little bit out of sync i don't know but all i'm saying is that i used it [Laughter] all i'm saying is i used it i used it uh i think yesterday and it did seem to be working i'm not sure though i don't i honestly don't understand what's happened dude i got something for you go on i say as a as a as a token of my sorryness yeah oh wow now i owe you nothing yep yep did you try no okay i thought they tried to steal that when i was standing there jump hitting a shulker a shulker yeah i was jump hitting a shulker the other day yes i've got i've got so few firework rockets left i need to remember to replenish my supplies no i've got them in the box but i just i keep thinking i keep flying off and then being like oh yeah i don't actually have that many rockets i was going to say because you've also brought some for me i hope because i am very quickly running out how are you well how much do you wanna pay for them uh i thought we were brothers [Laughter] invoices recently i thought we were bamboos i thought we were friends i can't believe you've just done that i'd put i have killed most of these people i have killed most of this you came in and killed one goodness gracious no did you get i think i got it i don't know how i got it you must have i just don't that was me speaking about green by the way i have a funny i have made a funny um i have one yes all right i have made a funny remark okay remark a remote i made a i mean yes i made a funny remark about grien yep mr green flies no seriously though with a serious accent this is my serious accent jesus that is uses uses he uses rockets to fly downwards really is that your point did you know about this well yeah i know he he deploys every single rocket under the sun to move four blocks he does should we tell him though that you can't go faster than falling it's actually modern science but surely you can no i can't wait so does he use rockets to go downwards you said that you knew this no i literally just asked you i said he uses did you know this uh obviously he uses full rockets just to move four blocks yeah yes i'm not arguing i'm not arguing the point right i feel like i feel like i've lost you mambo i mean i'll be honest we've already lost the chat because the chat has gone back to talking about the chariot oh yes so and now i can't get my mind off the chariot ah you know the chair the chair is compressed into shelter yeah the chariot is dead chat the chariot is dead in fact can we just kill him can we just say no we should do we should grab the shulker box dot zip and just throw it in love just burned burn the chat you you did this this is all your fault then chad's just going to go f charit yeah everyone spam f jarrett in iskall's chat not in my chat no no no it's so much more fun having a chat that's not mine [Laughter] amazing this live streaming stuff hey what a what a great old time what a grand old time i just lost a thousand viewers diddy's great yeah so you've got negative 500 viewers now wow that is 500 views isn't actually that bad that was that that's rude of me so you've got minus 999 viewers and your mum's still watching that's nice of her you should have done that immediately dude you just you've already messed up this know no no take it back it's all right no takes his backseat i'll take it back no but we were talking about the song right oh yeah yeah the remix okay so we need we need to think of an unremixable song i i've now done one sound i want you to do the next sound [Music] i've got a headache a real bad one you sound exactly like my like my smoothie mixer i was channeling the blender that's what i was doing and i was like what is what's the most on my head i feel very dizzy right now on a different planet goodness gracious you're right there mate you're right i'm right you're right i seem to be all right yeah i'm all right i'm all right i'm right i've noticed something with english people by the way yeah it's it's a very common thing isn't it in england or in britain yeah in the uk in the uk in the united kingdom england go union jack yep in england yeah it's a very common thing to go you're right yeah but then and that's fine that's cool right that's a greeting phrase yeah yeah and then but then the reply is yeah yeah i'm right you're right yep so in my head because i'm a foreign swedish person yep because it's a greeting phase and we don't have greeting phases and i kind of like the idea of having greeting faces but sweden don't have greedy faces that's interesting i feel like i feel like i feel like when someone said so so the first guy goes so tom yeah guy number one actually guy he goes you're right yeah and and john replies yeah i'm all right you're right yeah like in my head it it shouldn't stop there and it's actually quite annoying so john needs or tom then needs to go back yeah i'm all right you're right which means that they get nothing done let's try it let's try it let's try it but see this is okay hello mate you're right yeah you're right you not too bad you're right no no because no no no no now you're being rude oh yeah obviously here's the thing is it here's how it goes right you come up to me and do it you're right yeah not too bad you yeah you're right no no no hang on hang on how have we got ourselves oh wait i don't know who has to start this so that it ends with me because i can't work it out all right so oh you're right mate you're right mate wait what no wait why haven't you just done that now you're meant to be responding to me all right okay all right all right oh you're right mate yeah right you're right yeah not too bad not too bad but see now see now i got one less reply now now my mood wasn't as interesting to you as yours were to mine but what do you mean it doesn't i'm we're not counting the number of times that someone has interacted in the conversation well we should keep his people keeping tally so i thought you know john was really nice you know he said that i had nice hair he had great eyebrows and everything like he was talking he was talking really nice things about me saying that i was a great guy but i tell you what i said 37 things during our conversation he said 38 right and that's just plain rude that he left without a spirit all right yeah i always i always knew that john was not a good guy i always knew it you know i always said it didn't i no you didn't always say you didn't always say it yeah he said he said that's not a good guy he's a great guy but it's not good he's not he's not good no he's always just the one day we brought him do you remember we brought him over to the pub yeah right yep i bought him a pint yeah and what does he come back with a cider thinking it was all posh paying more money for the cider i knew it from that day mate it wasn't it wasn't good i don't even like cider and what did i do well i am i'm a gentleman you're a gentleman yeah you are a gentleman i'd have to drink the cider tonight so i didn't yeah and i'm not saying you know i'm not i know you're not a fan who is who is the side effect john is a scientific yeah but actually come to think come to come to think about it i think he did it maliciously you know i think he knew i was from the cider fan i don't think he just wanted to show off because think how many conversations like this are currently happening in england like exactly like that did i just hit you with that arrow yeah that's amazing but think how many conversations exactly mirroring that are happening in england right now okay fine well two still do you think it's more than two thousand impressive that it's two well there's 55 million people who live in the in the uk right now so i would say genuine estimate 36 million conversations i think it's so funny to watch my chat this is like wtf what is going on i love the idea of somebody joining who doesn't know who we are yeah yeah yeah just oh dear what is this oh man you know no i don't know what what would be the equivalent in the u.s should we even attempt this no no no because i would be like get off my lawn [Laughter] what did you just tell us a little more no no i mean that's the most threatening thing someone aggressively law knowing near you would be i would be scared can you imagine that someone someone says like get off my lawn and then fires up their lawnmower and just stares at you you see this this is the thing this is this is the annoying john that's there it's not actually in america so he goes right what are you going to do what are you going to do you're going to you're going to lower your grass he has to make some form of snide statement wouldn't you rather have a slider mate that's exactly right that is how confrontations in the uk go down is as soon as someone does anything mildly threatening you have to go well what are you gonna do mate yeah what are you gonna do mate oh so silly dude i'm at 2973 subscribers i made 3 000 today wow that's that's i mean i mean 20 27 more people have to subscribe that is actually genuinely really really impressive i'm impressed by that it's strange because youtube doesn't have like that i mean they've got the member system but it hasn't been taken up quite as strongly as the subscriber system has on on twitch it's interesting it seems to be like a different a slightly different would be right to say like cult not culture because that's not that's not quite right but it kind of is like youtube in term on twitch is much more like you're happy people tend to be a lot more happy to support streamers and things like that like financially through subscriptions and donations and things whereas i think on youtube i think there's much more of like a mentality of things being free would i be right inside on that does that seem i mean proof is in the pudding from when i said that to now i got it three you guys oh my goodness sorry i've just always always said you know what we say on twitch we say poggers is that what that is oh my goodness this is a big incident pogba's pogba's excitement yeah i think at least oh lord i haven't actually double checked my my facts here so you go down to 1 000 subscribers it's like he's not a streamer he doesn't know twitch i just i just lost them all that quickly no but seriously thank you ever so much it's all right dude people no problem they're not you stop trying to take credit that's one thing that's one thing that you're not getting what credit i don't think i i i wouldn't be surprised if you have never visited twitch.tv you don't feel like i have a hundred thousand followers on twitch pro oh wow okay that's just unfair i used to do i used to stream on mondays i remember you streamed on yeah on twitter yep on twitter i was doing it over can i can i just can i just ask dude yeah this this end city yeah you know how okay this is kind of a serious question though yeah i know we've been joking around a lot but this is actually a minecraft related question go on sorry dude that was oh that was i almost died dude yeah i'm really sorry you float you flew don't try you went really serious then don't try i almost died too that's twice now [Laughter] let's not forget all right that we started off this livestream with you blowing me up i've still got and what happened afterwards what do you mean what happened afterwards i died i lost all my stuff you cried i lost all my stuff and all my tickets you lost you lost your bill and i gave you i lost all my stuff my base is gone yeah my face is gone you understand i've got no shoes anymore in here most people didn't see that part of the livestream i don't know there were plenty of people waiting and you know what you know what oh do you have another uneven number now of charles cachel's definitely got a fine seven i've got a fine seven i've got a fine 63 mate do you actually you know yeah i'm gonna put one of them up here in the chest you can choose to take it or leave it i think i'll leave it because it's only you that needs no choker boxes no i don't actually care that much but you're gonna get the shulker boxes it wouldn't be fair otherwise and i'll have to pay you for it and imagine what you can ask of me when you know that i'm in need it's very true you better think ahead mate you've got to be a businessman i'm not a businessman i have a serious question that i wanted to ask a serious minecraft question go on no but it's kind of lost his mom ask it ask it ask the question it's gal pop the question not gonna pop the question pop it nope you've left my chat with baited breath they're all wondering they're all sat there think think of your subscribers this girl think of the 3 000 people who who currently subscribe to you on twitch who are now waiting for your question are now expecting it yeah think of them yeah they'll have to wait no i was about to call people i'm not even gonna say what i was about to say yeah i heard what [Music] and you know what why is the counter gone down now really it's two nine nine eight now i'm not responsible i i think you are dude i'm not no you can't i've lost a thousand viewers again what why am i so bad my goodness dude you're an overdraft even my mother left me that's actually a true story though it's a bit heavy in my heart but when i was younger yeah um now it's serious time though oh gosh when i was younger yep yeah when i was younger that that's rude dude oh gosh you're actually being serious that's so annoying [Music] when i was younger right um i so did you know by the way you're left-handed you're a left-hander oh my goodness yep yep when i was younger yeah i was being i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die let's go log off no i don't want to that's that's not good where are you gonna die fly away dude oh i couldn't i was levitating in the room oh no i've been hit again i'm not levitating high enough to get out of the rain i killed him oh my goodness i deployed a golden that was some good iscalman action yeah i'd employed a golden apple but yeah continue about about your mum i don't want to know i've lost the mood stop starting things and then stopping why'd you you just interrupted me i had a really serious matter and and all you can think about is this end event you're too newbies to kill i will which is so funny they said let this girl speak [Laughter] sorry and i love the fact that i i interrupted you to say that thank you yeah right go on with your serious story please right right so you know how you're left-handed yep uh by the way before i say this story i i don't want anyone to get like upset or anything i'm fine okay okay but but i feel like you should say that so that people don't start feeling bad and stuff okay okay it's really serious it's a bit bit hard to say okay but um you know how you were left-handed when you when you when you grew up you're still left-handed yes uh well i they thought that i was left-handed when i was younger right and because of that and my my size at the time yep my mother thought that oh you have to start playing tennis right okay and i was like i tried it but i was like i don't really want to be playing tennis i i'd much rather be in the skate park you can't just take my story dude you can't just everyone was everyone made it all serious though dude i was i was like this as you started it i was like this does sound remarkably similar to what i said all right and that's that's what i was thinking but i was like you know what i've interrupted his story enough i needed to let him finish and then he goes and does this i have i have i have another thing i have a story to tell you so is it going to be done like the others goodbye crew welt no no i was joking you scared me i would have got so much flame for that goodbye croonworld then quit quit out and never do a hermitcraft episode again i'll tell you what like i've been called a child murderer for for hacking grumbles oh god yeah yeah yeah i remember you said about that and i'm a horrible person for for for killing your child or grievous child geez geez geez so so can you imagine what that would have done if that would have been a problem yeah that would have been a problem have you gone west by the way nope uh should we yeah let's do it but um so i i've got a story here you have a story sorry sorry i didn't want to interrupt you so i was uh oh there's a ship there sorry nice that was but i was i was i was you know this was fairly recently yeah i know you're flexing the fact that you've got a drink and that's fine unbelievable that you've just done that unbelievable that you've just done that during my story and you just almost killed me with your sword yeah i was watching i was watching uh i was watching speed runs oh for goodness sake stop using my stuff against me all right so so you know yes sorry so and i was watching this live wait wait sorry sorry this is the funniest message someone in chat just went let mambo speak for goodness sake i'm gonna i'm gonna honestly i'm gonna fall off my chair i'm i'm realizing how annoying i am this is what this is it hurts when there's truth to it you've done all the stuff that i've done exactly so anyway okay because this is quite sad so i was watching this live stream right okay and there was this thing that i really wait a minute if you don't watch live streams you're gonna talk about our live stream no nope okay i'm not all right so i was watching this live stream right and there was this thing that i noticed i had noticed that in a recent episode of something else that i was watching someone had put something on top of a chariot and i really wanted the streamer to know about it so even though the streamer had addressed it multiple times i wrote it multiple times and kept doing it for the entire live stream do you mean to tell me do you mean to tell me that you stole the idea of the chariot from the streamer no no no no no no i mean to say that there was something that somebody put on top of the chariot of the live stream that i was watching and the streamer addressed it and i still kept mentioning it and then you took the idea of the charity in your own world no i don't get it basically i'm just talking about how everyone in my chat is still talking about how there's something on the chart even though i've mentioned that there's something on the chat i wasn't actually i was talking about our own live stream i don't actually watch that many live streams really i listened to audio books and i do actually i watch the occasional live stream it's a funny one i always seem to miss them i like i this is my live stream experience you ready i joined the live stream and they go cool that was a fun stream see you later this seems to happen all the time yes i agree it's like it's the most killer thing what kind of live streams would you tune into sims 4 so i watch why sims because you play that game don't you no i play cine i play cine tracer okay it's a very serious cinematography game it's a very serious cinematography game all about the importance of good lighting all right and it's not even really a game it's actually a pre-visualization tool i have you know why did you say that it was a game if it's not a game why did you game you called it a game you called it sims you belittled my my serious work what sims is like one of the most sold video games i actually love the sims sim's actually got me into gaming but yeah anyway uh in oh what's that no no good hey give it back to me i've given it back dude i didn't even realize these were in end cities there's a hole in there there's a sugar box full of vender pearls here oh and color what what was that that was me throwing it off the edge man that that's a good remake sound oh no i can see it now what what what that does sound pretty good that sounds i mean that's like that's like 2000 and 2010 dubstep but um anyway yeah so i uh what was i what was i about to say oh yeah live streams i watch i'll watch like a variety of things like occasionally you know i'll watch some some gaming stuff a little bit minecraft action it really does depend but i watch i will occasionally watch some filming ones you know all dull stuff nothing i it when i'm watching a live stream it's when i'm like really chilling out doing something like sam going out mining then i'll watch a live stream and have it on the background and then it doesn't really it doesn't really matter what it is so you could literally be anything you would watch anyone do anything live stream almost it has to be something that i understand but yeah like it can't be something that i have no concept of but like for example i used to watch seth bling like sims no not no certainly not his super mario speedruns and stuff i used to watch those quite a bit it's just it's like good stuff to have on in the background that is is like it's enough to kind of pull my attention away a tiny bit but also allow me to do other bits as well that's like the that's like the perfect live stream for me i don't want to live would you would you call live streamers like background people no no no but like if if someone was watching this in the background i would assume that most people watching this right now are maybe watching it i'd say 50 are watching it whilst maybe doing something else i'll tell you who's not i'll tell you who's not watching it while doing something else who all the people typing chairs in your chat yeah that's their job [Laughter] mother today i got a new job oh what is it son what is it i am typing chatter to c-h-a-r-r-o-t in mumbo-jumbo's chat because i have to let him know that he should look above the chariot well look whenever we see the tower popping up chat can i ask you to do one thing when you see charlotte popping up in the chat okay mention to people in the chat just do hashtag character is dead that's easy and do it is chat doing this don't do it in iskall's chat i have nothing to do with carrots if this is success you i don't even understand no you built the cherry yeah okay fine but you were the one that requested the original character no i requested a parrot well you gotta share it dude sorry no shirts but i have no responsibility in this okay well we're going to try and run it on your chat okay so we'll try and run it on yours and then if it sucks if it's successful i'm going to switch off my second monitor now just unplug it from the wall because i don't even want i don't even want to know yeah yeah are we moving on yeah let's do it how long are we doing this for by the way i don't know it feels like you were a little bit slow at the start with oh game that you had to play what so we've only been in the end for one hour and 40 minutes oh really i don't know if i'm doing well or not i think you're doing well should we should tally it should we tally it up see i mean is it fun to tania up now no just see who's in the lead so we know who's the best minecrafter and stuff we all know that that doesn't answer the question i would actually argue what would you say makes like a really good minecrafter honestly hand on my heart i know i'm a big troll at times yep uh just hold that thought for a second yeah i just need to get up i'm not listening at the moment if you hear me because i have a fridge right next to me in my studio and i have another bottle of cold water in it and this is me doing their lid that's oh that's actually freezing cold that's abs that is obnoxious anyway oh i forgot another thing hold on one second oh my goodness um what are you doing so yeah what were we what were we saying well we were just saying what makes a good minecraft player but then you have to go and flex honestly go on go you're getting my heart wait can i predict something you're gonna get up now you're gonna you're gonna start a sentence and then go actually there's one more thing and then you're gonna get up no that was your plan wasn't it no no no but that would have been funny no that would have just been rude though but actually yeah no i'm just getting interesting what makes a good what makes a good wine crafter i honestly handle my heart think that you are an extremely good minecrafter i'm tearing up i'm tearing up you you should it's a big it's a big it's a big compliment from someone who outfilts your gold farms you just couldn't do it could you couldn't just you can just leave you couldn't just leave a little nice compliment to sit could you you had to then follow it up with some way it is true though when i think of good minecraft players i actually do think of you and that you know you've said this before i i can't i kind of want to i kind of want to know why you i don't know just when i watch you play minecraft i'm just like well that's someone who who clearly knows what they're doing whereas i you see me fumbling around i'm all over the show it's a i'm not a smooth player you know i i can i can actually give you the trick for that and i think actually i have given you the trick for that for the smoothness oh is it like view bombing off view bobbing off and sensitivity way down like i i'm showing my options now i'm playing with i don't even know where to set sensitive oh i mean i'm dying at the same time very smooth indeed you're talking about how good of a minecraft player you are yeah it's being pulled out and just starting uh controls where do mouse settings i'm playing with 38 miles 38 oh my goodness and that's high like i i've recently bumped it up a little bit all right i might have to i'll give that a go and then i'll be a professional well at least we look professional that's the idea is that oh so is that why your videos look so smooth buttery loveliness what buttery love this loveliness yeah i mean just buttery smooth like smooth as butter oh look at that chums chums killing shulker boxes together yep i'm just having a good day right let's have a look controls mouse settings my sensitivity is all the way up 70 bloody oh you have lowered it then oh my goodness how do you play like this it feels like isn't it isn't it smooth though no it feels like my it feels like i i'm gonna get an arm workout from the amount of mouse movement that i have to do yeah yeah it's the only workout i ever get this is this is this is ridiculous i'm going to play with it because it seems it does look smooth yeah this is probably much better for the viewer now that i know i think about it but how do you how big is your mouse map must be the size of a pool table it is quite large yes i only use like i use the corner of my mouse mat that's it oh but you've never played uh shooter games no because i'm a big fan of shooters yeah see this is the thing so i i move my mouse like in like small little increments you know like i kind of do like a i do like a lift and drag you know oh yeah lift and drag is never good that's that's what i know someone who does that with it ren with no no no dude even wren doesn't lift and drag yeah i might need things up am i the only lifting dragon no i said i knew someone all right my grandmother she does honestly yeah she does so so you're saying i shouldn't lift and drag no no no there's something very very common in in first person shooter community called drag aim but you don't lift the mouse well it's that you should never move your elbow and you should just dry you should just drag your wrist wherever you need to that's too difficult mouth should always be in the mouse mat but how how can i not move my elbow though i have to move back there well you're sitting weirdly i think i am oh my goodness do you have elbow issues sometimes no i mean i don't know i've got i've clearly got issues i didn't realize i had this is a problem what are you calling my grandmother an issue she is actually a brilliant woman i mean could somebody oh you've really people you've you've really got me uh i'm lifting the dragon now i'm super self-conscious of it [Laughter] just makes you aim a bit worse that's all just fine but how am i meant to not do that do i move my whole arm around what no you move your wrist my wrist do you need me to make a video okay i'm not a video maker so what i need is you flying over here and i need you to make a documentary about how how to move my how to move the mouse on the mouse maps oh my goodness honestly but i would love it i would love it in a louis vuitton style i would and i figured there was only one way to find out i must immerse myself in i'm [Music] yeah that was a promise promising one that wasn't actually that good the entire chat goes he presses shift with his thumb i mean recently i made a joke that i also type with my thumbs that's not the case i i do type with my i don't type with my thumbs but i do definitely press shift with my thumb do you know what's really funny so i saw the funniest replies to my tweet because i tweeted out the picture of me pressing shift with my thumb and i saw someone reply saying saying like basically taking the mick that i press shift with my thumb and then about three hours later they replied saying i just played minecraft and realized i pressed it with my thumb it's like they've had like a horrific realization because i didn't even think about it until until i said it and i was like yeah i pressure from my thumb and then everyone was like what do you mean and then i looked at how i press shift and i'm like oh that is weird isn't it it is really weird i don't know anyone except you who presses shift with their thumb so strange i can't i don't even i couldn't even reach honestly you know what's really funny is that so i obviously i make videos in creative mode quite a bit when i obviously have to press space and shift quite often so you can place things on things in midair without even thinking about it i price i press shift with my pinky finger so like the muscle it's there oh it is there i can't understand that there is there is a correct way of doing it but then as soon as i don't breathe as soon as i don't know how to express space then it's just straight back to the thumb it's very weird but then again you are a weird person aren't you yes yes well here's the thing i'm not like i wouldn't consider myself like a natural born gamer i think i'm i'm i'm i'm just i don't do very well at it go west go west really with that that fast yeah wow i think i think and you keep saying this i'm not a gamer etc but you do realize that your job is literally playing video oh no so here's the thing i i definitely am a gamer i enjoy gaming but like i'm not someone who i would say is like i'm not it doesn't come naturally to me i don't think you mean like the games that you enjoy are not like like you enjoy obviously minecraft and sims and like and those are like creative games like i don't i don't i first person shooters and stuff like that i used to play them all the time i used to play call of duty and i used to play that with on console though so that was controller like i didn't i i definitely don't do first person oh oh you said it not me i can't wait those 3 000 subscribers enjoy them while you've got them because you know those console gamers 3 000 what 3105 that's actually wicked dude i think i'm actually close to my record i think the record if i remember right was right around here thousand 3100 hundred that's that's over there that's really cool dude i'm i'm proud of you dude and i know that sounds sarcastic but i'm so proud of you too thanks man i appreciate you i look over a chat to just see if there's any reaction yeah and i read the following i'm billy wow burn you just flew into my end island i was looking at my other screen if you had dialed in no no no no no no dude actually i just remembered the most comical death ever happened happened on a live stream yeah and it was really sad it was last season of hermitcraft i had so many things on me there's a clip of this there's a command in my chat that people can type to see this death okay okay it happened in the end i was building the sahara poster the first one you know i got one with the bars yes yes yes i do yeah and then someone says it's cal you have to have rockets on your bar and i'm like who do you think i am you think i'm that bad that if i fall off i can't i can't get rockets on my bar quick enough to fly out do you think i'm that noobish do you think i'm brand new and then i jump off on purpose yeah i another and then i fiddle with it and i miss click and i don't get the rockets on the bar and then i die at least everything [Laughter] that's depressing oh that was so mega depressive that is the worst can you hear kubo against town in the background can you hear him no oh man let me listen now he's stopping off i don't know what he's doing he might want to come into this room he sometimes he'll he gets he gets like he needs to just make sure that i'm still in the room somehow i hear the barking yeah that's kubo it's not oh he's adorable i'd like my hat to clarify that that's cooper yeah oh no oh no that was that's just shouting cider oh my goodness my chat is completely spammed with exclamation mark death for people trying to find this clip and the thing is the thing is the clip comes up but there's so much spam that it doesn't it's not working enough yeah you'll have to try it when i'm offline chat for those of you who want to see it it's really fun when he's offline all right i might have to bring yeah do you do that now all right and we will take the elytra boom where are you dude what are you doing hello did you guys hear that mambo went to his dog hello you're right what is he expecting kubo to say you're right back he's up by the microphone he's up by the microphone what are you doing hey buddy you're doing cubester hey do you know what's really funny is that he he is not a big fan of raspberry noises so if you make a raspberry noise near him will he will like oh i see a rasp a raspberry noise wait do you know what is what in the world is a raspberry noise wait wait wait before you before you say what it is are you back yeah i'm back i'm back i need to try and please need to try and figure it out no no no yeah so if i was to tell you to do a raspberry right oh my goodness he's going again if i was to tell you to do a raspberry right what what noise would that be see this is a real tricky one because okay maybe i start in the other end so if i would make a blueberry noise yeah just to set the set the set the standard somewhere yep i would assume does blueberries even have a noise probably not dude no i wouldn't say but i assume that okay so if i do a blueberry milkshake a blueberry milkshake right it goes in the blender wait hang on hang on you've actually just done a raspberry pretty much oh hello yeah so that's a raspberry but that would no i thought that was a blueberry one no it didn't well yeah you got you kind of got it wrong but i thought i'd let you know that you've actually nailed it first time so a raspberry if you were to blow a raspberry at someone is to kind of go like that i'll do those well i mean that's yeah but like this is when you're a real try to not complicate things here yeah no it's because it sounds like a fault doesn't it no but yeah i mean it yeah it's meant to sound like a fart but here's the thing it's a uh i guess it's for kids because like fart is kind of semi rude yeah you don't want to say you don't want kids fart yeah you don't want kids knowing the word fart so instead it's like are you blowing raspberries are you blowing around oh i see is this is this is it is this old gandan talking yeah it's really very nasty yeah are you blowing raspberries little henry yeah that's it and yeah he would be called henry yeah yeah yeah yeah that's exactly it you've nailed it you know exactly what's going on so yeah that's funny but i figured it out you got it how a berry would sound when you squish it in a mixer that's so funny oh that's funny right at least koopas calm down now i'm glad that i didn't because i i was considering blowing a raspberry at him but then he does go legitimately all over the place he goes crazy i don't know what it is he doesn't like it he does he doesn't like fart sounds either no i mean who does which is funny because he's the biggest culprit for the smelliest farts in the house by a long way well that's what vicky led you to believe i was gonna say yeah that was quick that's pretty good very true well okay uh so i have to address the the kubo in the in the room right yeah yeah what what were you expecting kubo to say when you went kubo you're right were you right were you expecting him to go right that would be honestly i don't know what i'd do if he actually did reply but that's i don't know i speak to i speak to you as if he's just my mate like oh you're right mate hello yeah and he he just kind of looks at me probably just like what are you saying do you have treats what's what's the deal here oh yeah yeah yeah what are all these noises you're making food yeah but you know i chat to him as if he's he's just my bud i mean i do the same to uh to venus and hercules yeah yeah your dogs are very very cool i think i've heard your i think i've heard is it venus which one's the husky or are they both huskies yeah venus is the husky yeah yeah cause i think i have venus in the background at one point just howling i seem to remember yep yep yep that's what she does she walks around [Music] the funniest thing which is also sad to say that it's the funniest thing is when i if i would ever take hercules for a walk yeah on his own yeah which happens sometimes like he needs to go out an extra extra little walk yep venus will sit by the door and have a she will sing all of a sudden in minor oh really so you know about major in my minor tones so she will go instead of going she goes [Music] that's beautiful that's absolutely weird no that's very sweet really weird kubo kubo doesn't howl except occasionally in his sleep and it honestly it's the scariest thing because suddenly you're because obviously if you're used to hearing howls then it's not that scary to hear like hear a howl but in the middle of the height you suddenly hear yeah like that you're like people you're like that was such a good impression of one dude you're like oh no not another fart nick honestly yeah i don't know what i'd do i'd need to set up like sound traps or something like that so i could capture the sound of a fart like that if it was have you headed off by the way nope oh i was waiting for you okay i'm all done didn't want to be rude all right i'm all done all right well i'm not all done i need to pack this in i got so many okay so where are you at at the moment i'm interested to hear how you're doing okay gonna be honest uh i have four that that's not a good start by the way if you ever so how are you doing i gotta be honest it's like okay so if you if you're having a if you're having a good time are you not being honest all right first off let's go for the important metric here how many how many electrics do you have because we all know that's what counts four six five five oh no i have five ah i still win yes but then i have four stacks of boxes or shells four stacks okay all right well you're gonna tell me you know you're gonna tell me yours you sh you should by now know how many i have if you have four stacks eight stacks well a little bit more but yeah whereabouts okay cool no it doesn't make any sense to me either maybe maybe your computer is better just better no no i think it's your computer what mouse do you use those comes down to the box yeah it's down to the mouse i reckon i use a razer deathadder elite you're very welcome racer i'll send the i'll send the check afterwards i've just thought dude dude i've just thought what hurts are your monitors 240. there we go mine are only 60 hertz right so you're how can you live how can you live and play dude every day okay no it doesn't matter dude clearly so here's the thing here's the thing here is the thing you've only got twice as many shells as me yet you have four times the amount of hurts as me right so you're getting four times the amount of information as me right and and then there's you only getting two hundred do you already get twice as many as me that's hilarious i'm just gonna my chat is just going 60 in 2020 seriously i'm in 4k i'm in 4k and you know what these are pro art monitors so you best believe when i'm color grading on these things it's color accurate it's been monitored by a little machine thing and the the people who made those monitors they were like you know what how how do we sell this 1999 hardware it's in 4k resolution let's call it let's call it pro no no it's called pro art it's actually designed by harold the dude no he's got me again oh my goodness it's like it's 60 hertz this guy wouldn't understand obviously obviously if we would browse if we would broadcast that in 240 hertz it would be way too fast yeah if you're important if you're important enough the frames will wait for you yes well dude i mean to be honest until i got my i think i remember talking to you about this i had to take a few days off of making videos because i had hdmi cables you need hdmi 2 cables to run 4k at 60 hertz and so i was i was playing 4k at 30 hertz and it made me really ill the amount of motion sickness i got was rough dude if i sit down at a monitor with 60 hertz i feel it immediately yeah it's really if you yeah yeah if you would if you would sit down with a 240 or 144 hertz monitor you wouldn't be able to go back yeah but dude here's the thing if i sit down at a 1080p monitor i feel like i'm going to be sick i feel like my eyes are out of focus not joking when i watch back my videos i've rendered in 1080p i find them difficult to watch you just said that every single video that you've ever made is difficult to watch i mean you're going to agree yeah well i've got something really interesting to tell you yesterday i was watching back one of my videos and it was that was like 20 minutes until it went out so i was like oh i need to watch you back to make sure it's okay i fell asleep while watching it it released and i was like that might not be a good sign but it's because i was just so tired i woke up at like five in the morning to get everything done but it just made me laugh i was like i don't know if that's a good sign that this video has come out and i've fallen asleep while watching it but you know speaking about that i i find it sometimes embarrassing with the misses you do when you make your videos you never have any misses ever what do you mean i haven't i have a miss okay i have a video coming out in 19 minutes i just want to say that yeah um tonight's episode comes out in 19 minutes from now regardless of your time zone it's 19 minutes from now all right okay and just just nobody watch nobody watch guys and and watch and there is actually a cut error in it and i saw it and i was like and then i uploaded it i mean i i have i i occasionally make mistakes but no to be fair i do seem to be quite good at not having mistakes that seems to be one thing that i can seem to do but like i'll get the occasional one sometimes on my on when i do my black screen things because i normally just record those over like an escaped on like a paused minecraft screen that tends to be how i do it so if you ever see a clip that's like four seconds long with a paused minecraft screen with me talking talking over it oh i see see this is funny actually i was wondering about that the other day because whenever i do a voiceover yeah i used to use audacity yeah but then i found out that audacity sounds different yeah in post than than minecraft or than play club does for me yeah so i i decided i was like i'm just gonna record a minecraft clip then i'm just gonna move the audio file yeah which is a pro tip by the way you don't actually have to move the video file if you've done it that way yep um and and yeah that's how i do it and then i was thinking i wonder how mumble does it does he start up no i i do you do it yeah i do it all in obs to the point where even like like let me try and think there has been serious like film or any video that you see that has been done by me it could be on like the filming channel or anything like that the audio is being played is being recorded over a paused version of that minecraft so funny so even like serious filming channel videos your movie your movie about the porsche is like yeah yeah to be honest this car is one of the most beautiful cars the sister comes driving down and you're just sitting there in minecraft yeah i'm playing yeah there's a pause version of minecraft over here so there we go oh and city finally okay i'm gonna try a new pro pro move to get the elytra oh god that was fast oh look at you that's what i did guess what i did you went in through the side your maniac wait did you go in through that gap i need to high five you there because i was wicked look not holding that sword nice that was that's sweet dude that's seriously cool that was i didn't even know they had openings there that's so cool i saw it on the last one i was like cannons reverse cannons i'm [Laughter] what's really funny is i was like i don't really know what to say after that and then really you were thinking let me just sat in silence like where i was smiling i'm still having a good time i'm sure both of us but you you in sweden me and england both at the same time sad smiling staring at our computers neither of us saying anything to one another and and and some thousand people watching thinking uh awkward silence are they gonna say anything anytime soon or no i mean do we do we overdo it as streamers maybe i i think about i don't think we do when we have our streams because it's more like a podcast isn't it yeah yeah we're just chatting i mean i must admit i watch i do occasionally watch live streams and i know you probably watch a lot more live streams than me people do there's a certain i think it's because we're youtubers coming over well not so much yeah because you yeah no no no i think you're right than that because i am definitely a youtuber before i'm a streamer yeah okay okay because i didn't want to say that and then you'd be like no i got that so okay i caught you quickly there okay so not insulting me so so we are yeah i think i think there's much less acceptance of dead space when it comes to making youtube videos and i guess we just carry that over to making streams yeah it's simple if you watch a pro if you watch a pro streamer they're like they can be silent for like 10 minutes yeah yeah and the viewers are like oh this is so funny look at him yeah that that's what that's what's really interesting to me whereas like if i'm quiet for like like five seconds i'll see people in the chat being like why does he keep stopping talking it's like i'm with that accent yeah with her accent why does he keep stopping talking i demand talking i demand speech now sir yeah it literally feels mother i went to watch a stream today he was quiet for four seconds at one point mother goes unacceptable banish him banish him from the platform punish him but yeah it's amazing isn't it it's like and the thing is it's like you know a lot of the people who are in the chat probably haven't tried live streaming before it it's weird it's like a weirdly tiring thing you know live streaming for more than three hours suddenly you start to kind of hit like a wall and also there's a there's like a limited number of things that you can talk about especially if you're on your own it becomes it's a lot live streamers that are pro live streamers like not me and not me and mumbo like pro promises i have great i have great respect for them they are very talented yeah live stream actual the real ones people know people that know what they're doing not the ones who start off their live streams like i did this time uh with my bit rate at 80 000 kilobits per second and i was getting in in the three minute in the two minutes that it was up i got two and a half thousand drop frames oh i was like i was like this looks a bit laggy on youtube actually great resolution zero compression but uh what bit rate are you actually streaming in there 15 000. is that still quite high that's very high wait i am i am currently broadcasting at the maximum that twitch will allow which is 6 000. really oh how interesting that's a that's a bit of an opportunity to pass that right yeah i'm surprised nobody speaks about it because i genuinely just live streamed in 80 000 kilobits per second that's crazy though because videos are videos are limited to 26 thousand yeah exactly the way you said that 30 30. they're limited to 30 i told you i'm not gonna get into all the boring camera stuff that i was about to i i almost flipped over to it i felt that immediately it was just about to change i was like don't talk about the bit rates don't start talking about the bit rates don't get him started we already talked about prores this is not you know you know what i you know what i find funny and and i don't know why i thought about this now but i didn't and so i'm going to talk about it i find it funny or there are like i think old people are for the most part very cool yep i agree but i also think that's something that you have to say if you start off by saying let's talk about old people like you have to say and before i actually i'm not being rude but and so i wanted to know that i think all people are really cool right okay to be honest though not all people are cool some of them are really dull and boring and have stinky breath old people some of them all old people no so you think that all old people are really dull and boring and have stinky breath no i think old people are really cool and and and just to just to ensure you i'm gonna do what everyone does when they speak about old people like uh my my granddad is like my best friend dude he's so cool i can sit there and listen yeah he's he's not uh i haven't spoken to him in 10 years it's just what people say i actually that's what people say though my granddad was the coolest my granddad was great he was he he was he was cool so i would say he was cool i remember i used to try and explain to him you know i would come to him with bmxing questions or not questions i would i would go go to him with bmxing magazines and he would look through them and not understand why i wanted to bmx we would have to have a conversation about why it's good fun every single time i used to go around there he'd be like why would you want to just go down a rail on a bike like what what would you what is there to gain from that and i'd have to explain to him why that would be fun why not be an entertaining thing to do but you know and well my granddad wasn't like that he was like i don't think i've ever speak oh you've gone west yeah oh i see a pale blue dot what i was gonna get at though was there is there is this idea in my head that when you're an old person yep you will sit in a rocking chair next to your partner and you will go i really enjoy yeah you won't say much with you because you've been talking to each other for 50 years that's true be like i can see that yeah it's like what is there to talk about we've discussed everything i quite like the new oldest on the tv show margaret yeah yeah now i can see that i like the idea of like it's like you start a conversation and then margaret just goes i john do not remember we spoke about this in 1989 we've already heard yesterday move on yeah yeah find something else to talk about forgive me margaret would you like a cider that is true or john wait it was john the original the the cider dude have we still oh we've kept him around nice yes [Laughter] like this is a rehearsed stream we've planned all of this out meticulously over the past few months we've got scripts yeah playing our scripts and by the way in regard of the script who is benny and when does i don't know yeah i i think i think we scrapped him have we have you gone have you gone west by the way yes see i knew that because the script says that you would go west before me and then i would ask him but yes exactly and then the script says that i would be saying this you know but you're not supposed to say that unless that's also what the script says so wait so does the script now oh we must have different scripts so my script has my script has that i mentioned that we're reading from a script whereas does yours keep it secret did you have you died is that above the script that wasn't in my script no it was drink drink water oh drink water drink water loudly was that the bit that's in brackets you know where it's like a stage direct direction yeah exactly no but seriously though could you imagine having a scripted and like a script advisor it's like where's john we're gonna bring in a new scene and there's like executive behind us all right all right then it's like all right and what's happening that quite good nap mate why is john got so old all of a sudden i don't know and then and then the executive producer is like oh no iskall's brought up he's gone off script he's brought up that racist german commercial somebody stop him stop it this is the german coast guard what are you thinking about and then he just killed blast through the door he's like he's dived out of his plane he's actually like a trained navy seal well do you want to know something really funny about about uh about people waving from airplanes because it actually ties in weirdly nicely so when the mumbo stuff was going on okay genuinely got in contact with you know those airplanes that you can get that they they fly banners behind them okay yes i genuinely got in contact with multiple companies that would fly banners so i could get a plane that flew mumbo from there over parts of england what what did they contact you no i contacted them i was going to pay for it as part of the mumbo from her campaign and then just post it on twitter or do something like that and i got in contact with all these people and none of them got back to me due to covert 19. unfortunately there all the small airports are closed it's quite upsetting my goodness i was so excited and then also i contacted uh like billboards as well because i thought just people driving past a billboard that says my mom would be like wait once i was gonna put them in really obscure locations but once again well this time actually it was just budget because a billboard i found out isn't insanely expensive to do for like 10 days but there's a minimum spend of like two and a half thousand pounds and i was like this is a joke this is a joke that's not that funny but it's not two and a half thousand pounds funny so um it would have been like yeah it's just it was just a tiny bit too expensive well no a lot too expensive to be honest with you but um i don't know maybe next time if i do like uh i guess if we if we had got like a sponsor on board then we could have gone all out and it just got like just covered england in mumbo from their banners but you know it's a shame it's a shame that because the aeroplane one was surprisingly less expensive than a billboard but uh yeah it's just a shame that we can do it due to all the corona stuff there's an nct yay so so those these people are you gonna try the the window yep sick [Laughter] wait did you go get him did you go through oh what yeah well i'm going to do something really pro oh wait i might die though i might die i might die this is this is right stay there stay there for a second this is gonna be really what makes a man no ready gonna do the pass-through yeah i saw it i saw it i gotta try it i gotta try it hold on that's a poke moment wait hang on let me get over there let me go over there i'm so surprised i didn't die i missed i missed so here's the thing in my in the process of me celebrating that i did it all right you fell i put my arms up in the air and didn't realize i was falling out the sky are you coming oh no i didn't even go through the first one smoothly hold on i think i think the trick is to come slide why can't i do this i was supposed to be the pro here i know p the chat is going absolutely mad yeah that was that was sick dude from my perspective oh so corrales went to sleep as you hit that wall and i was like oh you thought that i died i was like this has gone from being funny to being a real problem you have to be so painful i mean i almost died this would be the stupidest way somebody dies oh man oh that's something we gotta do one day dude what do you know the movie there's a movie it's a pg-18 so i guess it's not pg yeah it's a big with seth macfarlane a million ways to die in the west i've heard of it i haven't actually seen it it's one of those movies i rewatched it the other day right and the first time i saw it i thought it was really bad right but the second time i saw it which by the way shame on me for thinking a movie is bad and then going back to what yeah that's yeah that seems that's like the disliker yeah it's like you'll subscribe to things that you don't like yes yeah but the second time i watched it it was actually really funny and it kept me laughing yeah i don't know why it's it's weird oh that was it uh sorry [Laughter] i hadn't realized that was the end of your story so i was like yeah and then you were like i don't know why it's just funny isn't it oh oh i see that's how i risk what is this rainbow chat stuff by the way that's going on in my chat rainbow chat i don't know it seems like something to do with pride is the pride month maybe yeah you might be able to rainbow the chat potentially potentially potentially potentially but the thing is so that seems really broken if you write a command in the chat and then it comes out publicly is that meant to happen what do you mean was in like so so you know you can write commands in the chat yes it seems strange that they would be publicly published i wonder if the chats may be moving too fast or maybe i've got commands disabled potentially i don't know oh do you have those golden carrots yes i have golden carrots could i have some please could i bother you for a carrot please jesh go go on then where are you i seem to be floating somewhere up here we're almost there we've always been going for three hours dude yeah it's it's gone really quick very quick it's weird oh there's a mega room in here okay that's what's happening oh i see so you you you're not gonna bring me those golden carrots you're just gonna yeah no i got i got you i got you there you're gonna float up to me he's a golden character oh yes hello oh yeah oh can we trade i'm sorry thank you i'm thinking oh you just got hit you just got hit this is good this is good now start chucking them down okay well that's good it wasn't as graceful as it could have been i blame i blame you wait so you wait so you've given me five golden carrots that's quite generous you asked for one no i asked for golden carrots in general no you you said could i ever care a place with a funny accent that i was like obviously all right and you could have a carrot and five i have some more i have some more for you what's happened i thought i just thought i could sweep in look how many endermen there are on top of that roof cruising and perusing this is me lost carrots don't even care isn't it good though wait oh okay they're 64. isn't it good though that we got those extra carrots and can you imagine mate oh yeah yes isn't it good also that i got you a new bowl today called the well the bust bomb the basketball oh we're gonna keep talking about those girls are we gonna bring it back up we're gonna bring it back around to the start of the live stream i suppose because there will be people that didn't see what you did what me yeah me okay who clicked the bed i clicked the bed but you forced me to you did it you forced me into it did i say click the bed no you just placed the bed in front of my my clicking hand and you knew i was going to be clicking there that was that was such a good that was a good one you did actually get me pretty good and the what the most annoying thing is i had zero idea that it was coming like absolutely zero it's uh it was quite painful i'm gonna be talking to my therapist about it oh dear you're bringing diedrick into this imagine that conversation with mother it's like how was your childhood well it was all good it was all good until june the 21st who's dietrich deidre it's your therapist okay that is a very therapisty name yes this is good okay this is a good start okay let's do it so mumbo jumbo you've come to i like the idea that my therapist calls me one by trump he does yeah okay yeah he's a big fan that would be the worst word of all that you could hear from a therapist it's like oh hello you big fat i don't know about you i'm a big fan oh no what issues do we have then by the way i really loved your latest episode oh yeah in the middle of well like i have something really bothering by the way can i just say real quick we'll get on with it um really like your last episode great work what was the big issue by the way before we start all right make sure you check on top of the chart i don't know if you've checked on top of the chart that's actually one thing that i don't understand dude there are so many people that say i'm your biggest fan or big fan here yeah yeah yeah and then they will then they will completely ruin what they said with the next sentence which is have you checked what's top on the chair if they were your biggest yeah they would know that you've addressed it from minute one yeah yeah yeah think about that yeah think about that think about that but anyway yeah continue this this session because lord knows i need it um as your biggest fan i have noticed i have noticed that you are bothered lately is something weighing your mind well well wow right are we ready to fly west yeah that's far west i want to say saved you there i think that thing's gone things things got too real all right i genuinely know i've never had a therapist that's i i don't know what i'd say to them i've had a pretty i've had a pretty i had a therapist once did you yeah and they're actually they're very very very useful i can imagine no i'm not talking down on them at all no no no no it's very good to be able to talk with them like i had because i had obviously i had a few issues in my childhood but i have one big thing and we went see a therapist about it it was a time when my mother wanted me to play tennis and i was like you're the worst that's so annoying you fully had me hooked wide and sinker you had me like i was like i was like oh god okay okay okay i got a sound in my chair i was like all right i'm preparing to get myself like i'm gonna be the therapist let's do this we're gonna talk this through this cow we can all have a mature conversation and then you go like that you just yeah absolutely unbelievable did i you know what's really bad is that there's a chance that my mum will be listening to this live stream and the fact that you keep ringing up and making it sound like she was full mumbo jumbo's mother i'm sorry that he has disowned you for not playing tennis maybe you shouldn't have been so harsh on him but he should have let him go to the skatepark she didn't jump his mother she did she didn't she said you didn't because this is this is when he's trying to fix it with laughter but he's just weighing him down i'm crying to tears that's very funny anyway um should we head back what's gonna no portal i mean how are you feeling are you feeling good about the number of shulker boxes we got well i needed 560 we definitely don't have that so wait you were planning on doing it all dude just so you know all right hedge games is your thing all right why have you brought me into it why do i have to get 560. no you don't have to it's just like that's what mates do they do well how many do we have we were i thought we were brothers i thought i thought it's very true how what is your account then oh that's painful right should i just chuck all of them into your thing oh no because you need to no first we need to we need to see who won well how many is 560 560 would be uh 10 stacks 10 stacks okay yeah we're probably not far off is this all you have yes three stacks and six so when you said an hour ago that you had four stacks i don't know where the extra ones have gone why have you kept this mama what is this iron leggings iron leggings i like them they suit me well i need 17 and a half stacks chad is saying and i have 10 and a half all right well that that we can wrap it up we got 14 so so how many more stacks would we need three four see i'm gonna add them up now because i mean there's no point in having a competition with you anymore you're just too bad i am very bad i don't know why you even i don't even yeah yeah there's no need for the competition side of things is that like the idea that we would keep them separate just in case i somehow managed to pull it back at the end that's so ridiculous we just realized how ridiculous we need three more stacks should we just finish the job yeah let's do it i will i will buy these off of you okay okay okay that's my no no it's your ender chest all right you've left your ender poles dude can you bring them please what oh jeffrey who's jeffrey oh no who who's your roofer sorry no i don't i don't ask rupert please bring and the pearls jeffrey make coffee make coffee in the morning and still he doesn't do it oh you're holding on to those grudges again terrible terrible butler i've always wanted a butler though i know we've spoken about this yeah i watched i was how does one go about this is what i was wondering because and chap may be able to help us out here how does one go about getting a butler so genuinely here's the thing oh gosh that was not good here's the thing so recently i was just this was purely out of curiosity because i was in like a bit of a i just kept eating fast food and i was like i reckon okay i would eat so much better if if you had a butler no if i had a personal chef and i was like well how how does one acquire a personal chef so then i looked into it hey it's so much money so it's obviously a lot of money to hire someone else is this is this [ __ ] is she gonna live in your house this personal chef or he honestly i didn't look into it that far but there but um but also like there's entire websites that are dedicated to like personal chefs for hire i was very surprised yeah like you can and also more than that it wasn't just chefs on there there was like it was like chefs butlers uh maids uh tennis coaches you know like all that sort of stuff the people who have needed that when you were a kid your mother would have been happy [Laughter] yeah definitely 100 so so so i i could have heard all these things you know i wonder if there's like someone who could make my videos for me isn't it really that would be that would be wow that's the top of laziness it would be big laziness i'm actually not recording this yep speaking about cultures it's a really weird profession isn't it i mean could you imagine let's just for a second yep imagine me being a coach it would be of i would be a culture of minecraft so i would go mambo jambo you are bad at salty collecting yeah yes or this this shulker box is purple right i mean that's not really coaching me that's just teaching me basic english i think okay but i think i got it all wrong i'd be like dude i'm not i don't need help with the colors man let me get more but what am i supposed to do then i'm supposed to tell you about the surrounding like no you meant to tell me how so you'd be like okay so here's the thing firstly i see that you press shift with your thumb you absolute [ __ ] stop doing that that would be the first thing you'd say so you feel very nice though is it because it's your choice like you want to so you have made a choice to press shift with your thumb i honestly don't know if i have actually made a choice to do that i think that has just happened naturally if i see you hire me to be a coach yep and then i come in and i'm rude to you i don't know if you'd be rude but it's a bit like a personal trainer they kind of like shout at you be like come on you can do it and then i'm like i'm stood there like sweating with my pinky on my shift finger like no i don't know if i can do it anymore you know yeah but then you've that's not a coach that's just someone being mean you can get those everywhere and for free well look look at youtube there are so many dislikers this is why there's not many minecraft coaches i'm going to be quite frankly honest i don't know it's really i thought there are gaming coaches though aren't there like esports get uh esports yeah i used to do that wait what so you used to be a coach no but you used to have i know you were quite good at earthquake back in the day oh earthquake yes but i was a player we didn't have a coach so did you just use to get good by just playing uh well it was a lot actually and this was before youtube and twitch and everything it was considered very weird back in 1999 to spend your evening watching other people play the game yeah now that i think because it was weird back in when i started youtube like 2012 you'd say i make youtube videos and everyone always says the same thing why would someone want to watch someone play a game while playing while watching football like every evening you know yeah we are watching football while this this idiot is watching someone play a video game whoa absolute [ __ ] and then what i really like about about i so i i obviously don't mind competitive sports and people who are fans of competitive sports is cool it's cool that you're passionate about something for sure what i've never understood though is how you could put your entire mood on someone else like if your team loses it ruins your weekend that oh yeah that seems like a stressful way like imagine imagine oh bro don't speak with me me team lost what do you mean i'm just i'm just asking if would you like anything i don't want a drink if i want a drink i'm going to get a drink myself my team lost you hear me you understand i'm sad right now in a bit of a pain here oh yeah of course sorry sorry bob i find that i just find that interesting by the way my elites are almost out what's even more interesting if so is is all the people all the people who are mega passionate about like a really bad team yeah so all they do ever is lose yes it ruins their day like every single i mean every every other day what did i watch on netflix recently i think it was sunderland until i die and it's a it's an it's a netflix documentary about a team called sunderland in england and they like and it's it's a really really good documentary it's super interesting but they had like two of them they got relegated from maybe the premier league or maybe the championship so they got relegated so they went down the league and then they went down the league again like they went down twice which is a rough one and it's like a documentary about this and then also one of their players which they now all absolutely hate signed a contract that basically the contract when he signed it when they were in the premier league paid him like 40 000 pounds a week or something and the contract stated if you go down the league that contract doesn't change so so in the sunderland documentary like the fans are like he should just leave he should just give up his contract like he shouldn't he shouldn't be play he should just like because obviously the the team now can't support this player who's oh it's just it's interesting and yeah the fans like hate this guy and very upset about sunderland they went through about four managers a bunch of different owners it was pretty pretty brutal i don't know how we got onto that and your silence is telling was that another dolphin no no really not i'm just sitting here thinking that i kind of agree with the fans he should leave i mean but then again but then again he shouldn't because he signed the contract i mean he just wants to complete his duties don't he yeah he's actually been very noble he's like no i wanna yeah actually i'm a loyal man you know i mean loyal to the 40 grand you mean yeah exactly but like but do you agree with me is a i i can't imagine putting my mood in the hands of someone else like quite so heavily i agree with you and i think it sounds completely logical the only problem is is that i you support hockey don't you you're like i support a hockey team and my hockey team got relegated and it really makes me angry and sad so you are so that so that's interesting because i i'm i'm really not like i'm i because i'm is it this way in sweden with hockey because in england like if you meet someone for the first time one of the first questions is like is like how you doing how you doing like blah blah blah blah what team do you support then and it's like i don't really support him you know sound density finally and then yeah and then they'll just look at you as if you're like some kind of alien would you mean i've met people on the i met people on the plane and and the discussion has gone like hello you're right yeah you're right you're right yeah you're right you're right yeah i'm right what's your name then um uh it's kal oh yeah i'm rick hi so you're an arsenal fan like uh no i'm not really no not really we get the blood you get get off my seat then yeah my goodness the lag dude yeah i was about to say this is could be rough this could be rough i may be dead i may honestly he's he's mini gunning he's mini gunning his shots this chalker dude i don't even know where you are where what are your chords right now i am minus 58 000. we have gone so far we have gone so far dude this got to be the last time city yeah it has to be it's got to be the finish the server is dying we have overloaded the hard drive yeah that's true yeah i don't know how big the end like they're like right hermitcraft world two gigabytes end world 43 000 gigabytes it's overtaken all of google [Laughter] yep too far 43 000 gigabytes isn't actually that many that's only 43 terabytes but still no but any anyway i yeah it's it is weird now that i think about it it's like but then again it's people's passion isn't it yeah i just find it difficult to be that passionate about something that i can't control that would that seems so stressful but then i guess if they're stressed all the time though yeah but i guess it also works the opposite way you can have the best weekend of your life without actually doing something it's it's that saying of what is the biggest dream in the in the world what is the most common dream people have to be able to be in a position where you have to do nothing and then people go all right so you need a million dollars to get to that but actually to do nothing you need nothing basically just exist yeah you don't need a million dollars today to do that it gets weird you can start getting really like existential and like what what even is money what is the meaning of money what is it to have money well i just live in a cabin i watch so many like of those survival vid like survival things and i i watch i'm subscribed to like so many tiny house things and van life people and things like that because i'm like i wonder one day i might just drive off in the van and live in it you know because that's where my brain goes and that's a van dude and then i look to buying like woodland in the uk and just building a small cabin on it and living in that you know it's all i don't think it would be very fun without minecraft and internet though to be honest this is absolutely this is the problem there's i think it would be nice for like it's a very romantic day yeah it's a romantic thought but then when you need you're like oh i would i could really use some crisps tonight yeah yeah like well actually you have to grow the potatoes you get there the crisps for a year out yeah you're a year away from christmas well also it's i'm i'm i'm the absolute king of like romantic thoughts in terms of like so i the other day i was watching a bunch of videos online and i was watching a bunch of people saying you know there's when it comes to doing workouts and things you don't actually need crazy gym equipment because the gyms are closed right now you don't need crazy gym equipment all you really need is like a hammer like a mace because it's a long it's a it's a heavy object on the end of a pole so it's hard to to do anything with it and i was like yeah that's perfect so i got myself a sledgehammer on amazon i was like this is great we've got this great idea of how i'm gonna work out with it and then i wake up in the morning i start doing my hammer workout and it just really hurts and it's really hard and it's like wait wait wait wait wait this is the funniest thing so so there is there is something very very very funny in what you just said so i know what videos you're talking about these home fixers and do it yourself no no no no wait wait what you need the gym for yeah yeah you know and and those people who think that there is there's there's absolutely no reason why there are companies making profits selling gym equipment yeah because you could just use a sledgehammer yeah but the funny thing is that you then go oh yeah this is so funny hang on you don't no no no no no no you don't get to speak you then go and you order this from amazon yes but you could have ordered a dumbbell no i well firstly dumbbell have you ever seen how expensive dumbbells are seriously doing they are they are very good they know how to charge money yeah they are obscene like a pair of 30 kilo dumbbells is like it's like 400 pounds it's great it's absolutely mad money but so a sledgehammer 22 pounds on amazon i was like that's that's good the problem isn't actually that it didn't do anything okay the problem is it's actually just really hard like it's to swing a pickaxe like swing a pickaxe super minecrafty right now no to swing so i do i do i i i have stuck with it i've got 10 exercises that i do i've got like barbarian squats i've got gravediggers i've got 360s i have all these different things that i do with my hammer right but the problem is is that watching the videos you're like that just seems like fun that seems like it'll be great like i can't see any reason why i wouldn't want to do that in reality i see what you're doing you blasted in so fast there yeah in reality it's not fun it's grim everything hurts i've got blisters on my hands now like it's it's worked out all the weird muscles that i've never really worked out before because i'm trying to balance a weight on the end of a long pole which is not something that you do at the gym like i'm i'm basically written off from doing this and that's not as fun as i thought it was going to be so the problem is it worked too well it's actually too good so are you saying you now understand why dumbbells are a certain price i can't believe you just so annoying but yeah i mean yes yes i can well here's the other thing so the same thing essentially happened with my ultra marathon you know because i ran a marathon the other day well trey okay i used the term run very loosely because it was it was over the course of it was a 42.2 kilometer trail so a marathon length and it had 3 000 feet of elevation gains at six thousand feet of elevation change and i ran slash hiked it because i definitely was not running up the hills so and i ran this right once again i had watched a bunch of videos on youtube of people doing trail running i was like this seems like it'll be fun everyone's smiling while they're doing it right casey neistat yeah exactly like it's like it's like this is it like you know you're out in nature cool that sounds good you're seeing these beautiful places sunglasses you've got sunglasses on you've got water in your backpack you've got water in your backpack with a two you've got a backpack yes yeah yeah it's coming from a tube in your backpack right you've got all that stuff everything's great okay 30 kilometers into this marathon i literally wanted to die i thought i thought i genuinely thought this went through my head a car drove past me as i was like gradually going along and i was like if the car hit me i would be able to stop doing this marathon and it wouldn't be embarrassing that's oh wow think about pushing yourself i was like this is so awful this is the worst thing i've ever done in my entire life and yeah so you know don't the moral of the story is don't watch videos on youtube by people who make it sound like everything is great because some things aren't great even if they are like i still feel great about my marathon after i've done it but during it i thought i was actually i thought this could be the worst feeling i've ever felt ever you know go west go west look for look for an exit yeah are we going for an exit oh no i took a screenshot of one i took a screenshot of one that's right that was eight no no no it wasn't it wasn't yeah yeah i'm a smart man right i've taken loads of screenshots but it's been a while give me a second i just got to say this one thing though with this you said you're into house watching stuff one thing that has kept coming up in my feed on youtube is of this man building a house he digs out the house like by hand wow in like clay and he's huge on youtube i'm not supposed to subscribe to the channel um because he hasn't told me to subscribe and click the bell that's the only reason oh you following me by the way yes okay i'm out of rockets yeah well the thing is right here so are you gonna make it i'm gonna make well well yeah i think i think i'm good fully that was incredibly close that is rough dude all right should we go through we did it i can't believe we actually managed to do it without dying i'm not even afraid of dying anymore i'm wearing a hat today yeah yeah that's a good point i thought there was something different about you [Laughter] oh my goodness oh are you talking about primitive technology by the way with that like the dude is digging the house out by by hand because these videos are so satisfying ah sorry it's very satisfying mega satisfaction i've gone through to my base yeah right now come over there where should we meet up should we meet up at the shopping district because you can't fly over to my base because you can't look at my base oh i just bought the whole thing i'm joking that would hurt my throat i'll try and remix that sound i'm gonna remix that sound can you do the game number for the relaxers no no my voice is broken again my voice is totally broken have you ever heard rem do the dying horse sound i think i've heard about this but i've never heard him do it best thing ever so broke in here dude yeah i know what a mess we need to get a mess we need to we'll message zuma void stat yes be like zoom up fix the nether sound right then that was actually a weirdly spot-on impression that was so funny that's so funny oh my goodness people are saying the chariot again where are the people where are the people who are talking about like chara is dead chara dead no they did they they disappeared they're gone it wasn't as much one yeah that's less right we got we gotta tally this up so i'm interested well you can put the shulker shells you got in here it is so close dude you wouldn't know how many more i got i got one half stack more you know what's funny is that i was gonna guess eleven oh it's just the first number that came up to my head 11. so so how many so this is so this is i mean i only got like four i got four stacks basically so you only have to buy four stacks off me i guess oh except we split them don't we oh yeah well no no no well we didn't we're not playing it with that okay we split them okay so i'm paying for me being so good at that thanks you're paying for your own wow sugar shells that's hilarious all right let's put this hold on why am i so bad at this here that there that that okay so that's that's the horde looks good so how much do you want for that then for the shuttle shell shells that i got for you um 10 diamond blocks maybe stop you're being quite threatening no uh i would say i would say i would say to be honest with you you can have the mate to be honest how about this how about this one stack of emerald blocks for the emerald blocks that you made me lose let me just check the price oh yeah wait where can you buy emeralds from i haven't even seen that oh okay yes we could let's do that wait hang on hang on how many diamonds is emerald box how much are you gonna pay for them 18 diamonds can you just give me the 18 diamonds i'll be happy with the 18 diamonds dude no i was gonna give you 32 but i gotta wait cheaper okay okay no to be honest half of them are yours i feel i would feel bad charging you for your own shoulder shells that does that does seem a little bit rough but you did blow me up at the start of this stream so no yeah you blew us up everybody saw it you clicked the bell me up here stack of emerald blocks 13 diamonds wow absolutely well it's just that you you know what they say dude you know what they say i don't know what they say what do they say they say iskall man [Laughter] all right well that was a pleasure that was fun i'm glad that we did that yeah that was cool yes yes all right thank you for that dude yeah that was good that was good are we going to sign off separately is that what we're going to do or are we going to say goodbye at the same time separately all right oh we can say goodbye at same time actually i want you to say goodbye to my now 3162 subscribers and thank them for being for being here okay appreciate you thank you to iskal's subscribers from for also um thank you to iskals subscribers to for for subscribing for thanking thank you to iskal's subscribers for subscribing to me also and this is really boring i should have done this on my own anyway it's really nice for you to be here for uh for him wow because normally thank you thank you to iskall's mum for for making three thousand how many was it three thousand one hundred i'm sorry i'm sorry to mambo's mom for the tennis thank you to iska's mum for making three thousand one hundred and sixty twitch accounts and subscribing to him so many times and using up here retirement all right okay well anyway that was uh that was a great answer alright so thanks see you later all right see you later bye bye bye bye he hung up on me he hung up on me right cheers for joining the stream today it was a lot of fun a lot of fun got a lot of stuff and uh yeah i'll see you in the next live stream hermitcraft episode tomorrow it's gonna be fun bye i don't know how to sign these things off i don't even know how to stop streaming to be honest with you i think it's
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,636,814
Rating: 4.9134359 out of 5
Keywords: Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Hermitcraft 7, Minecraft survival, Minecraft, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo minecraft, Hermitcraft 7: LIVE, Concrete Making Marathon, mumbo mega base
Id: TB2gvwUF1lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 39sec (12039 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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